Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1859, p. 2

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un Ual émeue J@ves ~ iproes luepro" vsels~ye< - i fluaI G? M thst fa Dot udt, la au4netaly, Oncv t m iW 10 M gw nope *0.1l'ebsrese onda«o iieirthe grain '0. luvro 00Jlp 'Tmp, 11.Cloerwvei.athle gousse int.u& &msdy laméscaa4a.mutesfctuly lu.114teundjys) lP0VdLby eisy» w'110asub La"érequit.7 limlug or malisg f i11100 0,oiMd lement lfeuaelaiy Applidw M ~a& eloto a cemn ., t s b e * tt e r t i s s v . ' At leait fIýéqtyfire-pr. onst~ u 11 14. Dîiîng *<et Ma&Mésmd maris .0,00c P N A"detu iseir valus, by maaiug Ibm pro- United1 Pk duTe m, Mdby luprovlug flus bab.tkoe *a, Ga O flue negbboubooda 15,To ia"m ror îsae vet I604 à fo 49s0#u tiràv mm io neMsd Isistsvy. dl IL Obuliovplouginlg'oeae a tion. uumpo 17. By atabilug sud siseddiàg stok dur- lugtis.viuter, a mviùg 0<of ue*-fof0 N" tb. food ué Insy bew t; *t ila, ose-» pt é fourtb Jlm food viii auswerthsu ion entIse aint emmma stock la0expoad t. tIse inclemcencies of inu pap,-. =Alu wesIber. o~nee 18. A bushel of plaut«er tamr, soynaÂuciioieé- brOsdmaatOvevere10, vil add «.bud ' u red per Cent. t. itopouc. gh 84fsgt lo- POriMialslication ofaaies t.nà tl ï b to keep upsi*0 inhegrants of the aoil by suap' >Pr Plying moit, If sot ail 0of be organc aub. 'tui .w., sances. nd jp, 20. Tluorougk preparsWo of lané 1. *alisOltOIY IMceusY a t la e suefil d ~ W l*xariatmt uo<ro m> 2L Abondant no0 oeno bgrovn for Nw~4 5 k51nof y.ar4, nis.care la takea t. proiée sunemoiraient for tii. substance eOé oftheb.lamé la fthe lané prodncts O~ura,..l 22" Topue0 vmenéuv la inefr pro"u- ' fives.ss, fIos nueeury t. iarrov tiies «07 "scon asuantapply top dreui& Oae sué roi! tbeiu. Gru- 23, MlstAff <'ays are beseited by fin igei. sMd wiater plougbiagg, but aboulé-.ravetb plougbad whm i.. aL I'îsCbplouglilugs ~ ÃŽlua farron b. matsray deepesd lime D t mari or salmesaboulé b. applisé. 24. - OU09g"ktobksould In moderstely ,, .*a vlflu grain sud vaterpd sud iv smv griserou suspples oflong, provenéer, it heing easemstslto keep femin air condim ,oi lion, la order tisathfo(uastionof musce, boues, *-&,fmsY ho ecorsed sud CM. liaouuly carriew n -25. MlIc 0v» lu viatar, aboulé b. kept partie, indel ÛS dry, uosotly virrusbt vonl ventia. é d ted quartera, <cd sud vstered lbree imes &W s m Av day, altad Ivo or ftee flues s vee4,bave usake su imsse dlem bedab. vurrieé éiil, aiud, la SU, ptveacoa lion-to twuir long prendoe, aboulé re el,. eacin succuleuttLoumuuriug Asu agit, - Slves atbtgsrt 24. FUll, emplement or tools sud impie, Tie. ae met of basdry are intimstely comse,.~ nieS ted viLb fthe ascOf tise lbasdnaa Mru.be M 21- Capital la sot onîy et«Ytobe atruclioffoc agrlcultud l es.,but coa b. properly landed «0v- r<oo Und lu fsrmiug meinlA ay otiseromcpation. HdoeAv'aPQe-Harftl raafaca -t Iotlsupposeé,b, lb. aninitiafcd, fluat lopits! patienta bave tise -sdvsutage of skil!ul trealmuent sud cateful attendame. Tise tantb la, tIsy are foou o!tc aeu'ely tb. abjects npou vhich rav studeufa ry tliai "prsnflce baud." Tb. but iaspitailfor tise aieS are tb.ir ovuihomes., sud b. only mediclu' eby neeose ollovay's diseuse- «sudiug mnedos. Let Lhe veakeucé bru!ses-Jovu, ateanstedy sud lueoles sur.- frm ( romua rer ccmplginfdysppia, asîbsa, Iorrholésor amy o! tise inter. mw uaimaaies vIic pae Ie eprofession, supply f b.uselveu vitia Hoîloeyls Pill's, ané tley coaa speedily vork out tisit own cure, aué sailieus tb.y reanesber tb. dolefal predk-idotss of tise éoctosw MeCs; Bic,' inANMODE"rMALCOLM,. Tise uitboly t re'playiug upua sabls eadteé tbtisate b.tragie eoïnedy w"ci 'ima cf in, Zglamé vIes O'Cosseilî sa 1is feil job"sdtue Whigs, b. foou vilérIs patronage né ligb&itvj4tblrisbvotes, t. keep up tIs cmryof s roel <of tse UYnion I The oslitlon vas, liii.oGe k CoWs, às de!e ofe '<*IL semem sies Thoer. vusno iss..Jflst,1 iaga. A ois" lrluat""me. rovolna y s- dmes acrred rmentirywusnOskaloos Iowa, :A, lady aura néramra abrrtnd for #bWom p isa, gIy abou t o amu8"sine me folibe determlioato Mauve luirseltt. eii, Bis refsed t kWmé 0?eelalmuaatd auAn .e ..An -à 1 1 Mr, l PZIitLÂND s lsrssNaisul. moe satitute, m nd uéry et,ilosde, nLrli p. ns..ru xz1.T. LOWEY, ro'cs, a.0 m.do, A, Ui.ad XXV. J.l HUNT. eteou isaei, mmecllu l- RMEV.EIL TiOI MNTON, !r, à o09"k p. M, evey Sus- MEV. H. LLOYD. $<ertle# sBOOZ Of Salé. us'uz&. D-ays «ppoiated, motJ at thé 01-0, of t'hi, 4ûIim oresrecétve4, and ta ma&é for other Cortiy I«BAl prlised fl . but ber bedog pv as aU have their Bale. notedi iperh«ead, fred of darge I Pied,-4b. B;Semou Ur" M e ta , B b a S cy. idEwetin,-Congreg.tionaz -J. 8. Domldsou k Co. -L.Donsldaou* Co., 99Y. Doefî27, M~. pNOtgICE. rJol etigamre eqeteé te liste settlememaof tlar rol- M, Md fluereb, s'veisons- rouble sudexPense, of a&U subserbere lu ot- et 0< Daeniber sext vl ir lista, sud tueir seouse Tcollection, C-.uu.nesug wi5 the ltiof innay 1860, se paper vil b. orvatdefrea tisis offi4c alesstise subecrptios b. piéla sancew, W. flué iànecesmry f0 adopt th. Ca#bgyejin, sné in nu cmale shhi b. deviae bons isefier. la futurecauhsmoutb. paidf«r0alob Worksud triietAdvertisemsentss ettise imse of otdetlag Lb.eaim, unMie.n e vimth ie pu"tesbave entrent mwoanis or contracta viLh b.office ÀAcouiplimuce vwith se ferm vil! enble us t.exectesl&Hoéesm Lrriulieg sué advertliag, atone-bal! thse rae ettfor cbarge&d - AIlvisa desiretIsit pritiug doueil tise cbeest sudbut mmnner, -il asîl s tise CIronid. OJIc.ané examine our 1fie W. IL HIGGINB. Cuanavuas Dcv Ilog on Bunéy tla yest, Nouéay vus vry genermlly obsered msa holidi ate ueTown 411 tue mater dm*,#"torssné0plaes etbéunes v clues".- is*eetry O»es, tue Bock sàd fla Pest, Ofioe ve abeove, kspt ope daulgtise day,- bu littie orsa# busines va musee !*bnén a iec bia.&boutldéiié s dfmelus "tuetvo. ývorstséý; tisaIpuy>aassti.pae0 tbp alâce o It 10a£Uai idstff about t i'rartu . Iprotection" aiOé te b. iavolved lu le nov, TariLTise luolemaLter liesin ast-: 1 beiL Tisa <bage le li.T arifVAS 00-' c (Mrsd Ivs ail kaov i& vWu,) l i e te. W sataibie creit oftie coury, auto sach du provision forfis.earrylog on tu. Goveramseat. We seorad repDciahln sué ve determined lias flue vweelo of Go.t .vsmes soulé so« wuaefo a d.sêloc, and seoonalM e« r rinsce adopt.d tb. vise courseofsu iurfeson cetan& articles a lue hOTarlff viicisbeiag indirect1 and po.aibly but tempom, bu nut borne à Issvily ouay oue, As t. tIse dprOtec. t .tive '"Prin ip e' sam ow by ie 2y m to c exàinsthsu bt nov Tarif tY is fa ima, Il vas Dot simeé st4nor vas it idopted; lîbogb ve are i'tbserof opinion fiait iu syoaag comamity, vits Adverse 4sim, u Capital lu eacouuter on cveq asu&C6 dendal protec tio AUl ndrtikigs vbeteE ve ponos tlue-anv.nsiteisl, and eau bring0 On-noble, viterpover t. besmigiat not be se very <n liticý nor gse-fat stray k (rmb lise ineCourse. ESU"ad olloved t4 tisa pati muquetombly, antil ber s" 01 snd « Ép ta),laer luc a lupop l« iou; sué but laibliy te <ccd sudsindnced lier to k"l dovu fluelaééerbyvw bjesidgal. od ber prundpre-esin.nc. An mter aâ14 fba e l<tstrain lu BglaudfAre sot ailllos sot ailionsaenalY raissd b, Custous and ExcIseDoes sot Irbsis vIr key in C0114 Mt but la 6épet gallon, fe Caj-e "ie.Yeur 019) asuélu'London, one pouné?1 At scmo ri: frid eeoeuot belp but imite 9 But, aiys flueTiwse m rewvri. enue, lu otéer fosuain A our public credil ke.,b". And nms~s ad e Norédovevaut e Iymesto tach v USiaov to do $o. As to the peccétlha oWISred t.ont rpublic mme; sud t lero s PlWciylu 'jjubs," vo bave on lyto "Yist" b luey are Open t. tcuspfation like otiser Mot. gr ais; bubilst admftug se usuels, ve Wm must b.pemsitt .a4 ,tW sa ueomper. Di osD vits Emglisb jobbery, borougb-moSger- tl og, elstioae rvemltyl andtobbp-iq',M (Cozani«ttee t.vit,) lu ,heugîsud inirect tv purposes&ailpatie n more d or à lsm ectýy engage, vsesi"l' st,coui c ut au bady. Stucia a conteat iiovaver bel roulé b. nul oaly iavidiuas but suicidai. Dr It i enougis <itbout deslring to up-Iolé Lb a extrem aeor f vo asongst ouraele) Of 4 fienough vesaay, to point fo tise long Et mls Of "WalpOle" t. reusember ithe doinga det y( "émelville/' a.nMdto Iloutilm Daséseof p*a 'Rudson," tlue great ilîvay Kiug, lu thie ai tees Of Our iccusrs 1 la Conclusion, veob uld sggest s frieuélycautiou oh Mo TYMecuoldvwelope tomu"in tb. ono, abi If" enfruA. t bis political Jcvesy sud Mr bat voulé b., espeeislly lu teconmeatslm seli alented and isential journal t. bevir. lbu v b.8 attuaciescedift . tb. duanud dis- n atI "Catoona, ilseofreqnuty sketcI sa ortb in tIe coionn of the GlObe. TIey1 Ie geueraly as fautatie, lu bape, am tiey u te iaise lu eolosing. As ve have obuer. m> d; veéouotutend to be perfet; but v<> rdo stonfly mduitae v ube just coc ltti. 'alo,'as ont adjioesai cnsis, ar a a u nre meraiuold Eurpe. Wevwold v sreovsr remisé tii.journa luquesion,04~ meus for hluir inventive (scultes,(àâ Thue Igllkely tlobec a m ngeluler. aei wruetatOp.<(&Sott, va am lid; et léést115 bO u Tb@ atqi epyrrVuaounLva tby tii. î sssdlng James "Iowa, q, +ýt. the c<Oul<o5 Coouty Conail, -Thoy mald muet Misi bsene bMU.rmuas., Mr, Onaovsa oug .zpnl. thepot .usq in, be Coneil, hlalrgeacqcalfanoe Wo viUu Mmicipul maLtem a, is lu onu diasou lI time Boomt and tii. dafsr.nepId t. bis Thse sas opnions, 0emlnestlq»Uafy b à@ for b. mandu 0oueinsd enabebwuto sretlwpter. <oui.[0 usts 0( bis tvmsisP velL tnn, 1 o<soukili vil! b. effocted = is r, sonthit,' Jlfoe>,,ovulé havris,roi'e ed fi> retre peplea>f fron thue Jaboms-of a prbpuuay lit., gsu poo wlIl ofr hhuseaddr manlclpsl1uwu n urequislti hie fovnabip, Ivltb Lthe visa' of cong Jasé tise dotro t. b. le#iWmrdmu of<thbÇ4untjroCpa The lsstercsto ofUxbrdpe mew 1 atted. ea edt. by> ltepuefEevM. ml ,nd sonet wr if witb hi. tb.y und dovnsgàu.aum, 0i foidrts va Mvý J. 'W. C. Brovu'so poaly, tisnt.£pginot b Mmy . ould hâve uoeuamet. regret.wie DUOO A Iru Inth fis. evesson of Lbis tevaablp 'fi<h mocbmge fa pected tobe made,. M. olus. Brdmban sd Tboaîpsoubav, long r.pre-à@ C«Ma seuted Lthe township faitbfally and vellin uUalted Q the Couaty Counel. Llke Mr.<hlloway Boyd las Of SCOtI, fh.Y POsat4w experieace, snd standing 1 thae Influence, flecooary to commaniid t55- velqua pect Mud attention satheb.COancil Board é. Oth Tisa rocenl -divisluq of tIsig tovnsiinl. tovirds, vilI bc liktely to eflect a complet chnge lu Ita repteuetaliu. lit. Tis Paxton, ve aie lnfovsaeé, lawcrtain t. b. one af the teproseufatires t. tue Couusfy Couucil, isud'etishet 16.D. NcKercberor Mr. James B. <3ampbéll (Who at presopt e@mpormrhly ho 1és tIse cj)sp,) Lth. oUa. or, Any IWO. et tisa gentlemen vould bewvecome t. tue County Cunil, and tbefr eflency venul prove ai gnt boe. et to the. township of Re&&h W. bav nu ýreliable information frein tie lané. lr, Gsable bas provcd hlm- ml!a iouest amd -taitatal represenfatve, s tise Coanty Couseil, sud ve aboulé visa som bisa re.eleceaé. ln thae Tovshipof Wbitby tiseseare a ultitude ot. ntelligent -iepreseutatves, od ex-concilusen 'Who bave siready serv lmuad giren proof of tiseïr ability, (roma -hlcb to sach aelection. Il i. noS likely uit Mr . T. Harrison, atter baviug me- iguedilatin no short a Limte, vii &in lot blusslt. He msy have bis (nuIts, mt tise township pausseses fev asmmio! ;rester abllty or mure intelligence, and ae bellev, mm ore setîy lueline&. Mr, )rydeai sud a.Free) s repeenta- IrO 0e tovaiâbip, veokedtogetbereid. lrsoly lute iitiseo g(osucil, sudlnéed re aay sa n pan, L4bat lu tiseir d be Ceunty Council, se a body, pouecoed ir morevorlI an d expes'leneeé moa- es tissu if bai; haé sinca . C . Camp- ll too verkeé voll inluharnoa is it M. ryden, snd vuasnsuefficient mcsabeof e Counfy CussL-WiLtiste exception fv lF, areveli, vbo may offkr il urc eW Wiitby, $1l tise liaStnanseâ gentlemen ellne-ccmling Lorvard *ain, Tisa rate- yers, bovvr, vil! baire lu!ttehiffieulty mmkiug a wustale seJection trou tise usOdance etcapa"lemon l sin t n idit ch a Min as Dr. Pacte voulé miSe aa oat creditable repesutativafortbetovu. t ip, fi b.houlé b. prevalrd upon te metd 'r, bu aaordon, ee r$tbulébas b >cstcd t. -caine Worvs-l Ny. Gordon w limé long experiene lu municipal mat- mand muévadoubt net voulé prove an ti'veanMdueful member of th.eCômucl IN BA"sv vmvs. Iu tbla tovnship, ve believe tisaI theae me genleasen viii b. c .locteé sué tisailu ami. R&Wcif sud Bmrtlett, botis ver i >rtby gentlemen, vIJIllibusent t. tue Malty covmncil. lunlise , vent o! Ur, "eel eomiug frvié llo lfr lely vilu bisa on otbsv maLter, 'vweP ouaid crtainly vida the Coesnty ClonuI hav*$ Wbenefit of bi smrice Pickering bas a overyecelnt -onncilv slel u bu sIbandeé tho tovnsblp's fanés dil the preseet year. They bave acqalreé 'l itUus Oferece sanlipsl uatters tis at st<,ysr; thisvieablsllaemsftolmptrve & 9"mulsrn g l îi Cosaeýi business lud Pirtum 'Ose echange ooly ve lbmuk il, OUé beju#aInd oqultabe ta i --àe m 191. tbsaI .n ottu tostttla i dents Of fi pz unra-lIb is Coussty ve aboulé ao bave du Auisaat Ju4ége'cf tue cous- ly Court <Ofarlo. Tb buiueuoftise Connfysud Divws<curf4ý mud ISsu que.- fer Sesions, us icaed immeaey, sud notwtistsu iflue sffcianey Md meuilns ness witii vIicb tudut"cavie discIsmn*eà b, Judg. Burnmba% fathi cremiug Multi. plicity, sud flue mxent of cnt Ccsutyr; voulé seens t. dominé lb. gmitance a! a Depnty ld5.. Wbile tb. gremt efficieney uf Jrudge Bomaansd Iseuprigbt decis ions give flue umtustiaction on evet Mie,iseubloldane b.éa.iven t. écat in Lb. publi service. -Tise public servant, as vell as tise min euaged là, private par. suifs, requites"sme Jit.test sud 1recrça. doiro ton ui!ntIse preseut Satance.,) W fthe UmntlabutionsBature. Tisa cosase of inmeDraa Nortlmaibani4 'Md Otiser cunlisof fer leu importance, sud wuil Is clma.pub- lic buiness t. bb. cos intl leir Courts th»n Oufçiu, bave fluit Dety Juéges1 on Friday eveing Ilut â tis Rr, J Hut, Wels luNisistof0< Lis Towu,1 éeives-eé Iamlecfuthe .Hall cf tiibe- ebausice Insitutel bitsésbjees beiag Lb. 'ity o! Lb. Ruman Raew' Therewva quife s respectable audlience jpresean sd al semeé dvery mach iatetsfedsu<flu subject TIse Mev, gentlMM umcd, theie h i of0<I e hismasfaaiy <rf lue Aé »Y aie era--ier subeut dispczsios uvet .1 tise vWUé-tlUkir cluui tiou lut. flve2 listurae-esii seperafe rom flue otiser o by mumkeé peculiaies, bush pbuica Mid mentl, sud yt &aI" laidtwr osiglalu n Ona eOMsaon paentage us tecoréedin'tise Io ucrptatesof Divine trati. Tise vaniiesIR of c uor, a s von, usa le, M ental sd Pb yi ' mml develOpemunt, egoabrikigly mufes-8 mdlmatise diffatent raes or divbis'ofu lue hausaaafea ily, b eflu & ed t f orlu Iuec'isebclimast. sud Mat exra0 apo ÃŽb ls in dleptoorotiisby. peflwskibefnredto tue fac aino lue bW lw r or, '0< aiàmltue ~oe pust a psue , P'pisyslul, a adg e~ aw "lua<ros viiel fley wr nl a uSas -Tblueliho eonuled tisaIif climat. SI bc.,; 'got îeés $euai a inismm la m tueoer oréese tie animal creaio i> rad DotAunilal7th"I tue r&ene mIte ollod vietheéluhum fssay dis. a 1 tor,'U# ometiou d's i , ytc r v ad 'for tb aeje rb Wiard. ý» E memt Obus. owb.vt, N. -e m W. (ýsd welnf(0* Lt4 - centre rag4, sud rmeur « u eIltisaI t'da rtie "onLbWar ili sin-W 3 b r l s g o g e u a t l j B o a b y on, Tise Setis Wrd, sMd la. buveI uppleA. We sbold ro busurprseél<ztaorénay 'e u s e d t o a c h e b i s a s rv e, a v e a syé P q u r , s D e p u t y l sd i .e t 4y sud Division Corts 0<ofii. uties of-'k Md PeeL Ny. bgeuli »Oa f < t and good st tie bar, sud ie evaery respect iffé o dwscsrÉe fiimportaaîén. 0offmc t. iaob u a u-s HUs famnily bave bon, aid roi le Tovnablpoof Mauisaomsud J . I o 5mr ToitLOU S.' Osgooé.........bo KAJOU" rls oyi Total majmtty lor Lo. ..85 . prl oàepulKeek'r, e.Jse' W-e lhme'reeeà*M Tr tue s'015MeOftlue the rep2o t tseIsapectofEial ifo fou8, from visic irvaglisa tse folloving isformation. - Il Win bu m bereé ie f u a c un d e r visic u t ue C a i i w o se u Msy 1859 <abot <erâtis acidentffu lu p c u sof B mivays took pla ce MiS ep- tomber <'(tseéamoqyeriM. At Lise, fiie o e uingOf the Ac, thiser eo1402 miles cfRailvway in opera- tien butugsout Canadla,;-uéerthe, coatro of eleen diferent Corporations, mu fui- 1. TIse G. W.-audits Brascb,...279 miles. 2.. T I' ii -5. TIe ondou sud P. Stanley... 24" 0- T IsO Eif sud Cu1...o 1 7 11 7, The Cobourgsuad Poetboro'.. 2o8t$ The T.Prescotl sud Ottava ... 4 9. thse M.LaMd C. Ia é) l.£ é 10. TIe Greuilo md Carion.,. 13 11 Il. Tbe St. sadIuusý.12 '6 Toal 1402 miles. o lé st fti e a , t se l a p ra ire s u d S t, Jb',nvformng pert Of flueontreal u ia pI Iss --!Ir» op uc tw,nty tvoyers ugo, l i y 80 la tle yean1857, sub uený t' t h~le pasig of tie Act, 110 milS of sev Rai. vasy wem MPle<te -ndingpeeted unéet ,the ro. W. iu iïl. Ts-a.ndB TIse Fo4Th P-sdUs and B.ai T ..70 lle, 1 sund tang, iltfue lose -of 1857. fute wer 1312 miles safraivay lea', sioAne tse couttol Of tveve dlfeetoprtus Phac, inseeteé md- openédfo t1W iir- aug tisas ye! sr, amly:- TbsO Por HopoL zsud Iavmts -illbook and- Peterboro' Tise G. T.-SutSafoluLonéou.31 ie G. W-Bsrnia Drauia -- 51 "6 Total..' .140 Miles, t I(u iug a w elu lose 0( -1858i. 1612 m *ul, p muntrncteé 15*lt tat iue, but in conseaë suce o o!iv 0ttl "en'b.ingse ddforflue u reen-nmly.fle Prestos ud Berlia , > Ili M i esam d tie C obo ur ga d P ete b @ o ', 29 Miles, tisera veto in reilits osly 1613 f ailes lu oper ti o at tise eM d o f1 8 9 = déer C Oevadlfeet oprmiàs ~ I ht la 1wc or y f >amr iit Cnd a nuOIeid,oIrIsyi0<- ;8,f lad8t tes; mýore»Ytuas ýfu irÂlu 08cM statu fNo JrsyDeair ewéf fyla ,o i. ta srll- , orismu. <ilsaes ofbytiévefliagSantes Pcayvan rte" -2678 "' ortTan, Iam , - --C Dhluai, a .~7 4'lui~ uiles ~ .47i ilv uePoicilgig t5fet6 amy à gu pt f ô Bjti u 950 feeS vooen bridges have becu' placcdb, tubes or grirdérs. T ia zis va UPSpuof t5v0iles of empouy vorh is#çiveu Place b LbM ofa ut emneu cIsaratet vitbiulise lut par, Tke accidents from Iso pasing or tise ut inMay 1857to the3Mot Dee,of flue saune year, veto; Ivo poàstigereisjnaawi emnployea, bIMré' aud foaur inusred.,ï Thse lof, lire la 18.58, babeen very seyt., but fluciac"dntéasu-insc moat «part sppesr to Juie arises irou atiihere- wu or iupruýdence ofthfia uffererror, <rosacausl es wriicbtIe companies-la>Mé- no> coutrol. Thse -refumna slevsan aggr gâte of 51 persons killed k2li ijueé drng lise jor fts a spungenr eokl. d- and four 4njreé; 19 employes vr kilIeé sud1I injure d; and 25 ofiiers iled and six Injumté Or the wviole number of perâon s llleé, 14 per cýef t, eepasseugens - -36 er camL- cmployes; and SUper caisL seÃŽulrs.!peu gers non cusployeo. Tbrce-fiftWssof!-tIse catis, aud one4ird of tbc ijurie's Dot tcsnltingludauwe eu"a .by peràsa akig or b.ing on ti 'track, or ettemptiug f0o ro" it'at Isgbwvg vIses n trainvasuppoacisingî: , Oe passeuget vas krilicé for e«eM 13,003,900 i-miles traelled, ndé ee vus citiser injuretl or ,kilIc for crcry 8,275,209 miles tmuvllod. TIse'report contuina souse prnctical sug- gestions u the mont effectuai, way of pro- ventisag a"dentsandmuéinreference b level crossiugs. Aistron fisexpcdiencéy of lia,. ing thse lisses kdrifciently ballasted,, aid tIse assimilatiof <siu.TIse publisising çqf tisos RasIvwa7statistics .Peniodically malt prove of vslueand lutereit lu tise public.' I vrote tc YOU somvst burmiedly Ivo ýday 890 tdking ui s text. lse recenl arti dle of the London 12Vm w' cs js 1y body "aYs -boSs ns if< it -bailbceu e aabeed out piece meal <nom tue Globe or <tons, ita blaftàiacftr he owovaaij,Cd8. (b'acarniaure of asstateiau h-bo SMre )sin c hlen ivgi en h "aj.'t rus points,.elsborated b, thse bamsboorle Ormoto attention And Ët0ceud t. &aekfW reMiinng eçususeUt,~Pç' remark Ibat a-ecrtain A, T1. CuIt voSldar- rive îwis 1tasMsrplsets aicis 0< ftins to seatter t. iisph né, ; I, saIperfient eond-bnd rlmdéi51whuh the -TiÉ*4 bhué' -uil avrorëuicétdprcocpy-.w- ilie Ilrlisili miné. &iSa'pWOdf «fth'#er mnbeciliq ty Laatw tes t trumIl ouYret in Loondou il 'n&&drouy,. b. salé laI tise rery'luatmmuî cmplcyed luejutaa s otu ylboted onlb.lier aizde orf-tse <qia Ãœin, oftossuandgâai%nd wijltl'idjé9- mgo of Ùcaa sd-figssr.tepqRuans pos- hiÃ"âs-..éai«w vlic tishes.- -of cash- bfve ingular caurosity Ie loqulve-fioW b"- prove befue tIsey aceptM statements proi, or on-7lsetmt. day i cemes ont- viis risolesalo elerali ties- mé lCorrptions a ýla Brovu ssaauported vtssig<mbred a the sbapocf cviéernse. >f*f1slk-gseo the- ustankeros ansd monecy. br,4ers un lIsAUPe cekiug llserleftpeepetsbç de- livrecc m-ad sku "svmcla d lyo jet lior- tut articleMUn2Tma 7 ()ne'Of he pofsa t mwasahwritings are sot tike rr Gospel l to né in-te t t. S luim ..ý nslughistSthe 'puas bivre sot beeniabl. prevent ont seurities <rom steaély Pro- 8es in vluwvalu nmd iuýaqug p tlb. repos- relation botvoen ýtise interoa ley iol mué tuepticeo! =one, in tue mrkct, mihuatoO iu tue very woust cf tisa1es. me <set is th"altuerea" 40 many né, spitalists lu direct eonsmnicstion *ith anadaI t s i la tter ail a ..olp . a:K. Tours faiti [T e msaru four m MmY.êâme obigeto Onù vstof- aec. Cr - perceiye tisaitishey coinel - e t e m é ] - meéy pmeIsmed it-'thé vu Do mcéicine Wvia f« tise cmaofIvretuand 1 notvitsatanding tise gSe thm ao diues in thse ; lthe South andé Wcst par -sticn isreqentiy au tuaI dt é e, opetation o -no vise prove pr e wra lion.Tisia mdicine la Xlawm s err Illapre Pr3a. od Pittsbutrgas lu every insitaneis i lii ÀlvsYis beueficial, not a lim et. occurrettlu viaic bees injuriom. ITis i W t d ddistiagusissed py suilucomnmoe viti tise luposeé upon tise public I écu fto the mudical art. nov proved, beyosséa do K'Lnnea Pilla l is e bst posc for thse Liver Comp virparcascts vil!bc for DiMLANEm ELE ~ MIUGE~matufal!cturt-d ilaitages lu comyartson Di Lascs guuucVer, - elebrulcé Livet Pills, ciii *11 itapectabledrustore -'~ FL! 'AÂScioolsaster, as a PL Of1 pupi!. fot u>ogp oniaim totaea Pa igât;aa bolêluintsheuert saglts moue. TIse o admsrelýy vsstcd for' rectl after be saw a mon -tsable. -Cauudsy p tocg-on sitieraide ef tise .lUeuuouse, aud triumph shesal ofexcazac imG Thec conditions of tise ma W.48qiPiuAL.ý Sli to ret r Eamaaseven in uigning I nadbo be alledin ber d n o ftiernUme ilia tIsas bu&L av. p et, vu 1,-&ai Eai 't ha mIt fa lia a' , 1 p i

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