Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1859, p. 1

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~T. I ....,4i001 lime).- O 10~ .90$a hlaiuassspr- j 800* AND JOB pitNlavTmwbàk"ru m ofth «Or«idlauprepmre tzste AmJOB, MaNIN -4 very dfflptiami las osuper e tjsud wdiopotoieh t <k. ivs ouuarslg Amaliens iýâons. Bille,am alnu"ier dmsrip tiens à ntltîngflrulsbed; îtis au'lacer o bug re. W. H HIGOINS alnma4ek OffieeWblthy, C.~V. EMRIL OFICEN MoCKAVETN NEiON(X. E OL, S 0U 77. WOYFCE, AT TuE COUT theourtRoge JON .HAXON, LM O TUEROFCON BOM ATD C Lu0 a TEoPLCx OICe-t t'iaCour H oue . ah.Buluey ff,.,Brock 'treet. 4w W. AITON, Jr,, TLUR~~OFFicE AT Tifs COURT He.JeJ. AcDONELL, S O1OU 0 &auxLEIop0FTUE CoUSTT Coi fl.. attihe Court Rouse.. JOHN saIIE, COUXTY IENGINEER. OFICE AT TUE£ Court lIoum.. OLtRKFIIISTJIVu4jîuxwCUuT. OFFICE uat tii. Court lpquoa. JOHX GONDOM, TNSECorw cforWEIGIITS & NEASUREB "X thr the. Coant, of Ontarlo., B ru.à O'MM -InAruWsa'New. Brick m0IFloo-.10 -CtAME9ON & NKACDONEglLt ]BARRISTEES & ATT01O IESAT'LAW, solicitrs to tisa Cointy Couneili <>talo.- taro" Atth. Court Hoàpbs.-outh, Wlug. Jt ity . . A1 N~O~OTABY PUBLIC, *oe.fe. N. <I.W94 HA. , DEIEEAND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ~~Oj~oeit. ti». E.gtry 0"5., Brook OTEI'EN SEARNLE. JIF 13%Lun ANl> mRINE INliEsANCE latIr the County of Ontario, llIoe- SCOTT'I MOTEL, D Eutof W. uegs store.l-iv -,Je 'W. OALDWElL] l ERWN, PIQNVEANCEO mmiS8IONERFOR ~JeJgAmaavits, Aeeuunt, ltD Zl b. M bul.eetroutto e.lll A'W HN BILLaINGrÂOIN Y" a.Albert. A TTENEYAT LW, OLICITO1L IN VTY MSTRAE, MMTETE EAllm- a4loe. s0"Seuunier ii Chuusry fOr W r ke, lity 4 hie <fsISa e .OUEN, N. D, 'UROZON Iro .wn DUYSICIANi SURGEON,, AWOUcnnER ". A.. 11..A" neidu>-Gsntrliolel Whiîh>'. Partiulsir Attention &!v ohrOule71 M4 B.-ÂAvieeto the pooraver>' NAT INDSit lfou$pWàiITBT, WV. OAg d UT 123W~ 100 ttring InoÃŽiFàuoutoM Pu proret#C lâtmlve a 10w lmore opI1u At 51.1 or hi*, reudnS.. Ar J. C. 1[ANCOCK, UW-BOOT AND SUOË MAKER,.aI ciWlsitby.ýWurkinudo th ordur of oILWMut-usi, sud b)Y .xp.rlnoed wok-1 m". AI.. repauriug do" -vith u.u$uu.ma dupetolî. IW ALKEE & Pa'rl!ERSN POpEIE tors,, ooruor of Youuig and tifflttreto. PNEu SALOX. a * LATE QV TUE dYÃ"UI<U $treet, Wtwt, Torowip.C ÇLERJCOF TIuE IFTII DuIOzoCOURT, %J mpaiIng¶otigeTownabip Brook.Ad dr AElIN Hs TSE LIJDIA, 0. W y.JEw lmpm)T. OMe t (4orria' la IW4 Byron Stroeh Wiiltby. P#.- ffr l1mgu Deuydoue anmi ail kindâ «oJob- 0 liur a rfui>' eof euti.r tefl ERAILOA» HBOTErL, saur ruair. MER,. - , IITD A. PEINg.ende,'uvés BWbi; 0,i OARW0OD, W.BANK$,. PUOPREroR. HURO n OUSE, ]ELLIMOTT PEWLE, 1'Ei RIzwla- Goot Awemodatîon. Il MCÂJT TÂLOI.1, o4, .KNGST oiea t0,10 XAEtTIN's (Lt.Wuluh'*) MOTEL. 'rt'IISUBSCRI]3EE UAVING TAICN'IE J.. Omoe otei-fooeMK. Cook*, l ai.te of- forath Uibeteaaomsno4diftu ~tth publie. 46 Çýf LlKWT l DilVWon COI!R OF gmwthubrudut uiaIeme I NYAli. Jre, I'EPEIEt 32RsO àlèo"=7 iti' Mf&Ug dàow W, CUMMBET, x, W, cono, M P ratOOK low. 9 8g, W IWw' uewHÂVE RiEN jTii nt THE BOSSiN BOUSE. a 'hth JOl, 'Pm eOPITR i * bot.! lufor stl 5.Povn ,at au- M ,.tbl. LOWEE To*N /y4'UBEC. X2, M~LR AID Çisiàou o hoMa 0 iisduln taa eruugs et lie boya IXmte.À1 MTIsa h Jt me yen' cnveiontly sîuae1 cepaI buïlneoo plin..,01thity.' ~ ov procurabieesatahle Md dj kble i i nud or.>" attntion paidth t.thefr coimtort sud eoulijoeanti evory ltm idsoton a" jlireetlon tth.-purrouwu I~o"sia, princi pl lce JOILSNNA _qtiNNx. 18 - - ~ -' Iropnletor. T1 i E unti.rslgu.d bavlng takenpsss o. f tise steve veil kuovulbote],, vîî loill h. aouaiucted ou fonuanl>' vit tise stnitent pro pret>' sMd vegurilfor dh. comufunt sud conveni elone PU le bi. bl >.' evry In o n ruSA foty o enter- teinutheînuttho GlobeUyillrud <ft1. I eux ona vus bis , tln ,M pa n<ed sand renovmuted nlu littotiupi er> rfapiesla u uh ainmnen se te Ins aist oiu ti17 M ll C.u ud a ,W, snoatfor.el TUE TEREAPliN. 0F T Il$" ,ELL the beed e i re'nnol<lugl oadi tlà U lu th.eL't style,1Evr 'Pr al dolei he n. '-A ladivan qP t en ý Pamtolol>. m b vbplnoua but the bout branti ire penmîttél <o o b ton - BAILIOAD BOUSg,., 0 9N F XBROOK Ail»DUNDAS St, CWhtb-, (Lut. Wilcoekuon's.) Ti Sub oviborboga tozaunoncet.-lth. inhabtaut. cf whltby, sat he traveilug ommunilgy <fbc j taia n aka aoe lrâtclassouieus, vItîch hloaj 'hm ftted tP flxan"Y. ml eoLvenlems utnr. uer,1ojoleo~u, e. eun b. lad at a mnomomai Moie I Lîquors lrept on th. rmise are ýt THO>IAS ,DOWNIN4. 'ilE, uidOrOigsad tamaslettre to Inforni <hoe' ,L iîliuhltdnln Of Whlthy sise tltpublie, tisut se a itiiw niuu*tttat u 'lofi 01 a n~vi. gitaiit> 'viaih hé.a lspe qlupy lisowl- at e erbM "00 rd oims'ufintirlet niJ»TnèSual>'edll <-o.ih I irOn b>' S I Tas W><JLédto, A"re iq&,rïàN IitLrl - AILT STAGE. -n 1 rnd 'n ard kir 29«3139'»d 13 emaine' Trains. M'1 JAMS uBEARD, :r Ilovesuber Drai, 87 LIME FOs SALE. (IOSTÂTLYON 11AND DURINO TUlE L/ uo InPttg &5ma m.nnr From ul trut ffr Cuub ou>C, £52. 8 por MATIIEW CARL, Port WMt$py .TUSTI.eelvedo&a » .utifWliah.y, igor f guiCah, 'bl*OOD, PERSIonIn *i. WA Y.O4DMTL muâVEt- G0o»AooÃ"to»tL bu t4P~T.&TJON WANTND J ~ eltb.r ph" thie snie d&Ï. The. Stages from Llidâa andi Beuvrton ai0unirist Ugofaoe, vwus.y, -Isa.n .a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ im uȏ,1h. i nalno 11AVN4 nr.taal Sd etive stockaoIE. sud iy b h L lia., wvi h n'ai ail ad 4tupl A ÂNè*Sok,~ - vofiittr ovev.fuweniaotr itl '14"" Bnoolluoveber1 185. 4 lIE Su.onlb T, Si.edt.do »Il kînds or citl No. J. THWVoo lublIng oa14 n1 Jaie oven 20 'Imupotens ud G.uM Dwlrollu -Glesw 1,10, .2 loi CORNR BOOK& CLBONE TE.-VfrToas in Wl mltblyIu,,185ta Q 2810 . nuisiBon éoàâuft tis tè ueinlsouou 0 e bu; ca . beau Itted uplin gna. and conveoulent mna. Ail Liuor kept en 1h.promise aefb mgof Grae bout q y, choisca ce Also, a Liver>' lng. The 1 stable inConnootion w 1hb aboya pion"s.. t ucre Io an ( For terni J. S. GERP.,M.,oprieto Trenton, Ag. "1859. 80-6mW 2- For- the lJounty of Onro SUR 0F MIIAELiCEzNsFECON, a.ACIi nd CoMMi$siuzqi Efor Watch al1jug Ailmn t a q.». anai c. P. Tsvsinîlp utIlnot. r.vi lepanumor ATLS lONIWOIK$, u<s nw m; garFront stresS, Toronto,. 1 oIeig ud 511 - iVWatlmos, I CHARLES VAIPE & Md ., l flEG ta infonju ûthé Publie Ïtît tis> avèe aWhîItby, Ie conutructedthm, ie xteolvopraniois on ProntSt o tl<bmel e4 edau thoOntarlo p~ mg On <ho bueineas o miii, _,or_,arrJ IroniFoindknp& 9Smith's w Ino uits brancohes. Inylvite lnspidctlo f their numnerous Pot. < hç nepsir of anuscf rusentji on onces, llolslinvjrp êOîufn'x;1 ) 'ton>'il £RBCHiTECTùRÀzL 1OR. la 0fnce Iro foverydouripton; Coolng, Panhor aâ BoX Bt> otv.U BtOvem;'Grdtim, Cran Mbote CauidTonnSugantnt. unnuf Ictleut-Psn cuntlugp,usi FO #11ofIport puyut rhlielî offe ores'toa<b. fridot Sud otîtolgrs on a- Ail oir vatagflsonternis. ý W*<iountry ordinsputto-leCA at Ibis c ully"attate<. gSohio4,vi Torouto, Ootober 0, 1857. 40-tf- NO0W aH 'IN uee s ()ET TOUR "LigME89 sAT 'A.- Clirk'. l zPeli alr P you delline à correct; anîd -llfe-IkaAml~ro. pop ap4or limtiar ]RAS op] 'rnfoalIn a% î, n,mseipulîor I . lu o .A, C. cou do 15 is i tsheas,,t style, e o W'ILIUNON'S JBLOIÇ or claavherc Blrook trai liWtby. Departmnfliu H. W. WOODWABIp, Lm&d, or lu noMMSSîioN KmRCIIT, JNSU13ANCE oainst tii, JanalGoerai Agent. , ssica-lteIy tecu- infovbnatlon4 Vedli>' Jamoieadgsou, Wiltby, (1, W. or other Ps ideug im»dotTradaTuo ; .<j ~buie diti %Z xaagr rai . .41l0.Toon lent Agent, ~. ti. tnasno, Eq. Mr 4quea. Btuk, convenise. roonto W(4nbe Jtsq., Milton MINîs, o. Ptent.O f Ir ont.; -, on, 1, MoGi 1, Prasildxt ank <of 111-. Alpea ald, Moutrai MssaMaltland, TyIce&A llpe-i futchuîsonTononto; Me.sru. Anderson ,yonsvaui 0Box 9886, Ck. osiaa; Misar,W, Pri" ol,Que- mee isd AUCTIOir BUSINESS Qa ,Sp A TTENDED teoa s ual, b>' j. c, storlin. M. Aillorleos elatlng <o Auetlon »mlu h7 tua ndenslged, hot o bIeft asthel<eClsni#orle- ce, WMitbyI. Mnr.H uMynoe rgluly au honludtoppettMY:daysofs. . TBOMÀSMOODT , ~-~r'r ~ 1I2 tii guans aflar 1< rai&trom one P art01tect Ã"bEFS are propured b, jutaF ' unt traud, . correct oImua.'t tse NIo,1la nold for$.pabile icnt.. Wlt tiss simple -notice bretotbe publle,'velylngon tbo -JAS. IL GEERIE,, Solo Agent Wliiltoy. ep.14, lm5. - v & si-y id ]Lot for sale lu thse Village let Ireloune andi quarter acre ad, situamo lintthe coune oftisa vil- envood, lun<tie Townsip of Pieleen ions. toitainâ 4 upautineàtu, ndl xcietpuon ts rmss Tihe pnopriaton, Uxhnîdge po ES JOIN'STON,' and~oe - aker, ntaI flIcvo t.o nnonn e t.lie on. partnoisu ond' ffus la i ie large additions te bis Stock, of. Ioesi anti .Yoellary4 ',cingn v, oki e, lvoueh, an ty lei rof- alubklatis, wiih lie In ey"led f at exos'edlngily lorw pries-, ep. :TSEII> RAINER mannino 0, Pian o, Mlodeonn,. ai 31ndof opica InAttpimentu, re amurt«uvd o to £1 orkm- qO$4 to .Afwrnanatn clodoon, anti other Mmsial Intru- fiaturceto i ortior. Aist takasi n trde. îby mil direted il. (0. Whitby, of 'wn bons. reor otsf moGrmiar ney for the. Ti'auucto . m trAtisthe <loverument »epartment». 'NED AN @FFICE IN QUE w the Transaction of thenBus!- les euiding la tYpper Canadaa ,e with any of thoe(*overnimunt- leirouff of securing Patents for aving Claimo of any cher kinti Gov.rnent, or requrng an îtible nt the Ovown Land ibie Offices, may tbare thoir llgently attendei to by a Rosi- 4 ithout th, exponu. andi lu- cf~~~t a oro Quebe 'vnintakon ont. id cosumumnloations, atidroeoti "Pont 05mk,Qaebea, will re- list, attention, IL iJ. GIBBS 4, 1 50, 7.1l INTENDIXG TO MARE id on te h.L.glsatire Assm ste or Locul-iit, situer for ivera fo commorciel or otho PrOO4t for 'logulatint swrveys mov O for "Dlg suythins tend- bîweby otUadtathey ore h.é m2<4. S d d4 ue giveTWO ONTB' notice àfli. li nS sti Io'O&& spl ib o 'per uu who, ore woli g . b om 4ouiyU,4tpo performance0ftlii, con niara 51, omtlu.d oli auo li ,ytm uoCoîf~anI. hy e,h utla uilie of tbê--Departmn o f PbLÇ Nov ,TM1orm g Establishment1 ýonutvy, that: Iho> haveopaneti a Talleqr.h*hop -on - Brook StresS, ppoite thp "Outlo otaI," viiere ail ordoeru t~sted te thom *Iii b. donc vith Whitby, <oct. 2oth, 18»;.. 0, rlart»s ighp Not".e MEUn-deegueil. giva rio" that <bey bave tliuday oiteretintu t. sM Broyer. sund altst.ro, sud wv1 i cntinue se curyo tisebugnieneattse Whoth>'Broyer>'. ChAs. CLA A gravis nkfltbi ilagon gave irh111#u opiion, rbutel igbut 'stoneoo4u.îucthtedo & carpn aod:ho~t~ssE' vco1 spoke, 'Twas betti by fgrto dero nti 15 w tli On1k 'A cuisrwb lg by, wlu.r thou bot), thon> to. itThtYeu po..horo I.notlnig liiiw The abor,bon flor <the an ot.cn penr.talion the ~ul niz. tor ]lQOW4tsi m les ntthle Coun- Nonbuttuebou uiateiolanti bont work-' uognOl p'mgde np'oun th-ltpremiuou. -kIi»sold nionhi nI Jcw uutocrnwifl berootlilyut- tondeti,'ant i frnlihed wlth bgod-andi eheup work a iuiai llrockî 9 , _g 1: la, M. té h t.Infovm ail paies nient for paylnî iutlisn;e, 1voul l nu ta 1t0 requlreu mono>' At proucut, sudtisatlie'lussi te look for l tto, <lia tst arca indethteo bi, andl from O -tiseȔilm ylinomuabitiiorto gis-on snob, lie nov hopç* <liaS al v;Ii attend to te tibl, as no farther notice v iii o ir,.Anti il an>' parilou bave te puy cont ttay wliI hiave thasuoivo te blauo, n. t«We lnuarû Ae lo nluce due, 1W. LAING N B 1. Aftar thea 15th of October uext, aIl dlaimsl remîilg< unpald nia>' b. epetod t. bie piooedliu mn>' oiletosIbauds forcollectiez. W. l Wlîitby, Sepst 22, 1850 sôw-52n J 011 IMO>QKJiXfront 1'raaoot OTO -nfor eti nt bis pôttery la Proeeott, nt oedugly low pnicos > 1400DY N.B. Meroaut sud ea Sowl n tt their sdvituge t. ispeM.ione' took,at the agent lu Wblitbjandl examina hii lust of Webî iy, Nv 7 S t. 6,--4 LICESEAUCTONZEI FOR T14B, OOUNTY OF ON?.ARIO. FARMJfEffS SALFA lu the Couutnyvl u ternis§ i-lee , a M ousal o»on.1 issi o th le euonRowli b.cdsps of t. tise boat u.ivatuWç a. sutaithe AÀoIon Boonssi aven>'. 8ovpmsAv. -Diseuseof- ilo<uo i isgbooes n o l» Are tratiwith pe7 âUmaa. a AdIrouu, vIsonb>' l'ont Whltbý Yeru uetb mBo~ Wmruy. Wltltly, Vabmouay LOtis, 1U. K MCPIIÀDEN, Couveyauoer, IaQ.B.kJÂ~. -~ OT I<ANEIAD UCC~5F5~ or ne OiWii1ytea ndl Blssewool ho> of n'ilor Il , - -; (r M41 lap iiiffsbclâ wili b be u- pliai S'- f 1 Postag. tuas~ ~ ~ ~ b -hut.av >s S atdresnet, pom- pull, tcthe -pabllnheru, * LEONARD ScOOTT 9& 4wNo. 4,Goil Street, New VrL TEE ITEINAIION.AL -MOTEZ, JOHNLiKENS, PROPRIETOR. 10 hie frlonîs oud <he public geuertily,, %ho have hithcrto -so0libornîl>'. pntno:!itcd! fiin at bisfioer stà'nd, theEaouteral<tel' iu thie Cls, og bs>"tht-ho bs aï ic tor a terme of year«, <ho consmodione ýpr- miaou kovu au th- INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Sitâàwelon thi Boit 'ilo .1 tho-St Lnvi- rnuce ganket, bctveeu RKing unI 'rnuli7 Stveeto,,-viere hao iilaiways b. r.ady Sos asOhcis old friýnd at ha publie geu'<roi- D& oing lu <ha bust busineanpr . ie 15 iiit l b. ýlond 4 ceuveniant - citai' for <hol public lu gener, Theo oxi)CInme incunreellinevi> fi ttilig np sud furnish. in i the tougc thogboýu8ît le eno rmoUn.. 0 T A B L E . w y l m l v a > t e' i S n p p ie l vaîh tiese ot the market sifords, eovIy 1154 .ach sosson,,aid canefmsl sudiattentive uer- vanta vili Who ven reaqtoi> t -upon 'Ils enstom ons. ý ý ý The BAR viii ho suppli<iaI -witb te choicest sud bout ofevorv kinl of Weincs,. L iq iors unI Cisa r& ofË rIgn a d ) m a tic manifmctures. -' '15 SABESare largo ant i mrydat Re idexr 5he upenmtendsunce ot-ob7illgl oticr. lTntue large yad attched i <o. lta-. pvemiueu will. <se -found-ti to,, bout -jheds -for horzon, vaggons &c. in the cit>'. inlm short, I am 4eterminoil that iothing <h1all-' b. wautiug on mn> part to giv o en ,tire sati- faction te al, aund u4t raton au;ccéap au' any othen hqmtoo'of tise'kinel lu tise <15>'.- .Busé mrket square, P'pitr Toronto, Sept; 21, 1859- 3S4s.w. BROOK STREET, WRITBY, Manufacturer aud Dealervin altklnds of Mfaket sd Bob gleigho, Two-orn Ciitt vators, Ploisgseo! 'varions omadostyle Se r f i r ,C o vn -an ti P otslo e C ultiya tovs Boal aud iirrsip Drill, RosI l3erapou a&c. 27 Mei, aeltinu, Iepaire4 Otm or Overytliug.lu tb. above liie a ttandedti te with PuncluolityouI Clseopneeew.-A g ont for Pattterso consbiued Reipersud IMcv- Whtiiby October 12,A18590,_5 Coai 011 and Lampe. £ql M subseniben ho usat evevd a -Véry tinoû aovtmesco f Coul OitL ampe of Ssnevait patternan4 with tue laient, tin- 'provoil burnoui. prices Froin 8 1 and Upwads;. 111e Ceal -i0118deeovizcilporfectîypîsjro and 0teosu aui>àn' upl"auut snoli, ouI iosôsldat Toron te .riceq. Itegiosa iglit siqusal te gaN, ut lesuthan bai! the coet. Fluld aundo, ýnmý6Oit0iLniualtael dtu P.8.-4tationa,', Scbeol Books, Viotis, PlateaAeriom, anti superlor Violin Stninge,<oul cseP, 4 FOUSALÉ' $ P4N 0F MATCMIED HFOR#SE3S. ftiaeto o à Il Il

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