Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1859, p. 3

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usarriati te Glg. rior tise Luvre. niage are ratiser ,iu tlsenameeof wel documentm, ussstie circle hy, otf ber irest bus. merle*. mon t lad under- m a 59 god de. Englaisti iad Obaies, andV So gtodaJ'. *mbon im uip Enropa. ,and wis àS, 17'lb.- ýspalcise o ti isero. Balhwmv 4 - s &A&, ue i4nper i lot ébi>' efl5s Moment te shnoW>ii. fiitbful telsC ht. ho ~b en hlis wlilicon- -Luoi, 2rnL-Tise Bailt mail 0f Névember 8 béa- rylvetL A battIs isat bem-lbt betwen l.Yquizza andti tie a. ew-.Bùnoo, Ayr& Tise latter ýwes ton '~~ and 1 è lnfl light towards the towus. Urqnlxza insunsarcilng on Bunos Arrivai br' thse remeis, > BROCK SJRE -- q1HE alubociberliii received, and la, now in -daly, receipt of .1. Frcah A4rrivai8 of GROCERIES of every kin'd, i4cludiug;- 'F EAS. - ~ ~ ~ J L VW J L~ NéI TaTTfs -et ton on thse 30tlho!Nv« bear Ry son Twankey, And -otherWie. tba Port lot night about 10 a. m. rfa Twankev 000Gla Tise Pari.eorreapossdec ortthse àMoring 1000 al u riMe Whiskey , À s>.:Âbatter>' commnonSe.Jgoni upw e, uimé goatHoflur ;Boi e, ocomjmand tuseoutracce of tise Bin if conpleted. Souhongo, e A cQrrcpondeut ofthtie àMoring Peu ogu na.-da rae n »sY& Auatrla atill holdo ont againut tise p .tof c ée an tera propoued by France, andi aupporý.j At 15 per cent réduction on M g~ ao b>' gaMfor going into congru,X sfao A lOUer (rom Parmsin s~thse)filan: Ga. 155heretoforechargo<j. Tobacco for Smoking aad Utte 'ttetistat iOet proisabi>' thse aaeesu Cewn billes of Centra i Ualy auJ b. invokoti, it adda tà"athte people are lond in demanding S Y R IJP S. Pickes in varwry. tIse "fera o! nr a llGaribaldi, YURTHEB BY THE NOVA MCOTIAN. Golden and other Sympa at spices, k Portiaut, Duec. I15, sIrAnd everiy artol. in the GroceryLle j Au Cetral Ital>' wiii b. under one Ad. mlnittoao- i Wfl Ciams1âilose A letter from Bomne Confirma thse ruor mg tisat Cardinal Antonelli wilil repregent thea AN IMMEXNSE STOCK 0F CitOCKERY, Pope st tise Congre... Tise clis!i journal o! Bous mya tbiatertain Jossraî,exagger. C A L i A N D E X A M IN E? aMe tihe reforma whics are te coule Jte operatiosi.- THOS. H. MeMILLAN. TePropagandaissum receiveti reporta parm ic BekSrOf resu Cochsin Chinast prameutions. and Wt'tby, Nor. 24, 1859 Ç O. 45V 1il-tresament of! usiaoaricm have taken ________ -place. tunity tu obtairs the lower portizon of ise sldofSagalien, for tise PrussuauCi>Own. A suadriti deapeteis of tise 2fltism,,uya; VI jyeaterdamore tisan 400P Moora attacksd, 1 AR I S, we15vowx . for thse-titird time, tise redoubt before l5or- AssWdedy alla, sud were rcpulaed.Tiseir defoat wua An explanation current reports tisat it la complote. atated thât tise Frenchisaquadron lima neitiser Tise Spanish troopsabaowed great brave. -bombarded Tangiara nor Tfetnan. A somali uilno 1l 'amOrtg 4l1ýo r>' dsriug tise engagemenît. fort on tisa coait o! Morogco isaviug fireti oîstro wilbisoos uld t thse Court flonoo' Tise Expeiitionary- Corps -d'armee la et a Fronclisateamer, dis latter replies!, andi in t, tise solo0<WirtryIoon es.iley& ilo, mtie crosulng ths traita. huving disma"ntled the fortifications, nfter. lînriio tîetrsg noéfor tise vent îq. Tise Frencis reginsenta have dussmbarisetiwarda rejoinedth ie aqussdrou ut Algeairna. re"45"lito( aîsu n d ssî1otîcrîecéouimsu, ssss dmoi tiser nsta, ~oin b iensi tsn ut Ceuta. - i stated tisat tise Commander fisat in. br'osîIglst 1î>eftprc tise cosrt.Ybte si h Tise wisoie Spaniis -force destineti for forînedth ie Mooniis (loveruent tisat tîsis Il. J. MACDIINELI, 'leark or thisasce. operatiouibiere xJa 48,000 mou. avanst doca not change in an>' respec.t tise Clrtk Of tige l'amnc le , ralseà.1relations betweeu tise two couuitries. Wisitl#y INg Mo, ,59 Tise effective force of tise Prumaua army reparia, 3.-Lopeneone Nationle lbas Issu bea agan reuisei. 'eileti a grat waruing &rom tise Mnitr lancery Notice to Oredit<>rs. bubes aiaae.d oedd. ut ti~ of tisa Interior, on. account o!fisaving pub.- N~ 1A C T . t sis e a gent c s a f eau i oprert ouligadau. article ontisge temsporul power of IN H.a.a.Y plae s utfor tise re ie rtofîKngtise Popes whichs, tiswnrniug atates, ia con- ILEUBEN ('Ri N5>ALL aniS TiIRSSE CRAN- oprssaitabdufringtheeisa wner. aeKig idered an outrage on a forcigu îpower simd J.AiLL, iii, Wif'o, gisislitij. oPrega drd ingth ie etweu Pisa tise Cisurcis of wisici tise Pope îs; boîd. ASI Iu rgrtutedifficulty btenPu- Tise Paria correapou&dnt Of tise Tirera RoBER-Zr MOOeN tis u2tNàxen 3100X, i5 0ia and tise Becctor of Item>,., it la stuteilastoai§ tl oeucetit s tisat tise diplomatie represestativecaf ome em aatierate la il mornemueint hyet URSUAWI to',' ige ts,,rujd nhAef% Lad loft Borlin, sndise Prusglan repreacu. mde top tmmnid to taise part iu Cosgrcéo.. 4 ieDcenuiiî,ucss. tative Lad left Caaal ; but tîm s er oenaPrnce Moktigee (î roo Oilîîsititervfîr lprCistessor confesion o! tise rupture. It la stateti thst - In a recent interview with1 no~ tisege diht r. fut wehJa tCu its5uyof lit* (loera Ilmunteitirot hi reigntio ~tcrnicis, i. jemid Conut Waiewaki asuaireioyo,çesittai, a. aoîs.eJl, (wîo delasrtéil tissi liti minier oT ar un edd heaa a aat.Cen.tise Prince tisat tise influence of tise Zurich 011 or isisttiii t tiot siejtessn.18f-4» sre Horis iuaaxêced e uceei sis. diplomacy' wilI continue to ha axercimeti in o" irc5"at'tiedulsls is 'rmso 50 cet. AVRBIUAO aisiertd ha a reeniting offilcer for Rome snd Napic lebacu ast abliaheti at a village near Viessuas. A wsole battalion Wlathou enlilteti for tise-Pope anti lad gene ta tise Papal dominioscu.- - Tise Preue,# a Pionca journal, in raer. lug te tise rumor o! diaarmamcnt prqposet b>' France ays -,tise Britis Cabinet citisor inoulti or coulti psy attention. l3efore tise Italian inar France propoma ed t isarm ha- cause it wu thon suppomati nacassary thut aise sonît appear to lie pacifie, anti Ausitia quarelaome, sud tiase mregame la . noir * bclug playeti vifS Englanti. TieDanias Govarnmcsst isWtmasticpro. posaIs te tise feuiral diet for tise appoint- s ment of a Mixeti Commission, te propose modificationa on tise Constitution cf Hol- stein. Prnuaia i disatisfieti iitis tisepro- psaul, sud asu k massconidereti unlikel>' tisat Denmark moulti ase"tie teseviewsa of Prussaa Itinsu mid tise iniole question of tise 'oerman Ducisiml l e ubtittedt tes approacising Congrama. Tise India aud China Mailm of Caleuttu, of<22ssd Oct., antiHong Kong of iStis, reaciseti Bglant. Tise principal festine. of newsawoareantielpateti b>'Telgrapis. Tisereporletideutis of NanaSaiilwua1uot belleved, aeordiag 40 thse LaMtaccisuho wuaa ivng recruits ou tise (rentier. Tise cSorendence of tise 7Ti»se.ays ho isat aibout smxt tioumud timaiaea iogLisialf armest, anti more tissu bal! tarveti, aud the NepnlMe tboops vmers, ltlamwiag lais. voir. Thse China ovoad-trade »Portsaya It la certaintiat thesebCissasao <tir repudIate this. rtifietitreat>' sato refusa point black te allwIlt to cose lo tomfo eDatal &ls Britias trouê>je ' . ureet."Thse Unitedi St&W > iister la at Japmss, but-it i. notaet al likely ütiùs u besisof <ith Mil sUait aaytising beyossd s rapiti proteBt or reson- a*rss.. Admira! Uepé isatireeovore f rom ia inonsd. Elzp-Ofotes -te tise unie dStétesabemaau increMe of neari six sÉliln, pouati over luit >ear'B. TIse Geveruseut of, Kama iat basa ee diamiuastite pfleetise Eiaausanist i smerteiMi t Ïe Govoruor- loueraiOe Sibra4,wvisoinu proeut wltlî tirelle miipa O!m d , datilsk i 4vat«e of tse Oppor" Central lnasy, ln rayer 0f thesepoutaxscoua reCal! by thse population of thse ;rand Dukes.. LONDON MONIEY 3ARKET, Console on tise 29th clossd- buoyantly ut quotationa; deusund for money continued toi a fisir extent, and thse general rate was 2&. Canada Permanent Building nocfty. Tis a udansigneti buabeau appointei Surcyor for tisa aboya Society', and takes Ieave te annouisce tlsut Le is prepare t t neceire applicationm for lbans, misich is ii bc matie on improvati (arma, anti otisor propert>' cf approveti value, ou tise libers! termsa impoacti b>'tise Company,' sVils liunds'i îroretîsir det*sibefuru glietise ssuseiesgusej Mater list (rSlns' I ftIg.e isu itis salssy c(iitîir*, fis lsiogodetislSutisa 'sa- rr ros,.Ortirlis defanuit tisertof tiley wSf io tiouptupi;ly ezolaud dt1ia iessafit of ti.e sak lrit " rAnd 10 of tis,'e'lock lit tie oremsuonn (utnes- itsY, tise 24111 su>' tiituîury' nazi 5fit n). «;# cim 1oii teeussî~4sd tu îrocoed upfis tise us ss, si ettimsnasiiowet, tisenamne wili lmlieian sii sjiidisated apen at m>' saits clisailnsm st 52 sit i lik, necu, of Tnusay, t>-is 17tims >' of ïebnstin'nesit. listteS tige lTtit iIu5>of'%iovesuben, 1859, <sTck. ctsgguslî & A..JIEL 4îttssui 1 Ex tin oif tise Wisitby Cogssst- Mc i ll be lSc d (1). ,,) il,. uOH. AE tise suzutuilst.. frotita s u.1 uai P.is n i , ss.to Ip. ln. Inanrace Agent, &C., 'icsTheusiatge utf se10publle1 ia souit respect- Wisiby. ulIyrequstci . M .&CBE, pniîsciçasI. TO 8UBS ORIBERS. %Wilitby, Dc, 1, ltâ. Tu0 The tarais>,foir tisa SasiiWekly rili IIfEUndenssinoSbssa 10listintataoiSa. tua 82nd0oin dvanca, or 83 60 ut T Frietsdx tais1 tisa I'uie -l i legacrailit the end0 u ofU tse yoar. rTiso Weekiy Iflisa foàtise i, OF Chtronicle sii! ba publishied in future prte gtrwimit isiasis,. spon ou SÂTUI&DÂTs., ut $1 a year, strictly M ititi ir sin iercitss pusctssaliy utteuded te ln~ adeance ; $2 wl ba ehargedti PiiioColut Lolotusp-4ticsslisny ris- wlîeii paûle othcrwiac. que$"ct. ARTHUR IfAWES. ýWHITBY BIABJBT$o. (loe"v nd c orrected for theitéis lîrulesby IL. L 'rry, zLq.) Whnt-$1Ii, $1 V0. Dit 4tor$6.95Q$ FOur p$8 Q $4 50 Potea, 5, aSM Bante.1'5.0 20ace Foyu5c. 0 Sc. 1 pi Pod$ t$00 us. B00 $$0'155OC$& l'o.rcregtcesu kinludy Penîsutea (aorge Kaempt Tismssa Krenant,r.< 1slaai (0. IH. iLnion, Jeosqusnsm. iJus>, Noveuiberli, ISeU». 4"M a Sbs anieln :w{ynè ed t tn.m sua>' ho requiled, andi on tenus, te suit par,, BItiIe osquml te ilpor" tslniSai. CLARK .& WOODWARD. Witb', rNov. IStIs, 180. NOTICE. on W. IL EBwisin,, hvisei, psy »mli m inisonu sU aoausutsutn W. IL xIGINS Wlsitbyt Dec. MAY4I isFEE s nu aaaeeuaw5, , 4. ThY« gs,', of .*1, 559. Ilaaeuseoulsda so i Drtigt, Pa04,£ca. ta rok&eaop0-posite tise amBrickBle orPfLSettise evise4 BlAows May bc Obtaineti nt tie Town C1 rkOffie from 10 oc Mk .u., so 1i oclock P.m. asci d>'. THOMAS RUSTON, T Y4vmriS Miegais, ntfproeet,mand tortweîî.a A mnti t eiin o heTitp of isnm ou.aesro o, a, erclsasst. do litre- iys nuoties dont I iutend tu prmsentsA peition to bnsetBsrîiisn, Fus I udga "hum econniy Courtetffise Conti t>'or l Utats'., prasyloir f0 l ezists tuoiig noytluist. ;;kt@fansd ffeet. atm tuli ruecteà finis aiproie,., Uponînuit- -is. assid,,lmtuun risamen 4 sueii lswfsiiAd fftm opmbeta;oandÇOrPssinussso(v sisd t Sut tise fimue iniere tise noatter of te MM peu,~T ti,, s sili Si card la tu "e advesl5iussl lu tise vassus Gazette pisAln t5.e IWhiîby ('ireuicle newofflrpen, 551iimtis st loa u r te a dte A.witu.iuis, sin on, tiSatisird day lof De- esnbes, lilstise year of Oor r lrd, eue tivonsand sig. h154 disutit iii5 il 11AMsurds 5s',1>MsGN boik4Ito onfr tlie l'etifiuer. CIRCU[LATIlON or TH CIpuONC Wahf1~jand I ~AI AW~i5UU~ikSSLEIU-S, (JI'IT-ER &C. W ansubatured aan so ast the Lowaemuue»«Mi«,Pia. ALL WORK WARBANTED. LLT1Uj,dZ asJ P11ODUQ. T4KE.Y L Z(MARK4ut1.ET PlI' t7 Il. POUD'S long exp«e#eneef ShirWty. yeara in tise principal Mabuiactriegs of tise. Staeaant Cnad bsagivn isa epetaicoIn everybramnh of tie Iu@lnesaWblc fw bave-been able to arilve at andi for beauty o! deaign, elgan'ce or elhlisduliîty," and aolidsWjof- woknmnasiphis work, cannot b.exueileti. SO OY NWALIE£Y %CO, CARRIAGE IBJTLDERIS AND -MANUFACTUARJý F -BUGGIE sCT1y LI~&& BROKTR7EET, ImITB . TII! ubselbens uavate informn fhecpusblic tisS tise>'bave ofepentbuasesa ln IEpenlsi to-n -- "'spicti by Mn. Ila B. Carpnter, uitutat in.Brck Street Seuths FAat oth nnk, vs . Iy aepp th ie Markcet building', isare tiçy are prapa- rad o soi i l iîsofaor t m intîIs aI, itis even>'article su tiseir line of busnesa, sh ;zri . are pratical anti cempetnt; wonkmn of long-ezperence, anti su tse>' devot. tise entire d< their own labos te tipi business, tise> eaut produce article. 0(bfbter w' rkmsssahip, of greater dmsabiity, anti more clegantly listiaisat, andi - - - s- ~ , .a.JUltg9eA5 N (Teerslxheréby 'give t iat b>'aonîlrten lu t othrsi. ln iieanlum0r da'fte tie 4tSinslwtat, 1$ mncs o ahor ou proved Credit, pie... a din.'ctesi tlisa a dnssw4Ssek. equisi to tise dut".. -> - alSbis uisîWuui s~SlSrutI.or» os.Corité oe f i - eérer>- iSeilifSis asdsit fs aISsrticles *ot Irons sce taken in exebange. AU! inerswayrnte& t1npp, r. PBras', Ys-lluw Mstai or Zinc, ausa, DONO'V U', W LKET <Yo.factureii orsusmç ,i autily usaiS ani Co. csi>' 55, dbuBhet wtSinfige uiatid .fiiv lietuua, amUi.. ut C issfitnjisaithii- iîss SIpei itid 6v tiseirs (on b tise pessosor per- »Pussfrom wlsom tise>' fisllihave pureissad tise sulsie), upop tiuimportain loo n"d. Tise t)rder lu (IouiiRl utber direct& tIsaS tise - sip Iluilder a pying for tise iSrwbssek sisal - tnsis tIs e9 or et Custau iss i ff l- catfion ôcRise Cordage, assiS othen anUaciex npou wii s Laims mues> drainhacis, aheisyg tisa quaustlsuassMdvalise., b>' vg M d ssSwîîisouh- i - slatrise atisl tie siiisutt ofilttief; jialil, assd isiso tise sisîne ottiesSsS- or ~in5ithfie billig ansd igg n- f wils tIsu5e Lisüortheassniewn. nsautiosdi ere usied ssd ss'isssatise mad silp or isipa cicared Ion a toreigu l'ont; tise saïdA pec- Deatiusgs te liesnupsorled Si>thse osath 4f tis - 1Sf' BuiliSr to 2 eelaratsepr tdim ts epsirtisent, attlrmnir tist-trulb n'tihe cee nsu etancis smpeectintu t W' ttsciseil uudisr ttSi tusis eh lssatioss. Tise Collcer lsavissg sstsfttd lsimss,fe iga Itie amossutf o! Snwiuke laisei ii correct, massue t4i the 1lm'îuniersî, wiaauiosi, alletr gue. exsiuiaatien, tise GlJ~iector W;11 lie atioaz'lte pytea atcîsititedj. Thesdnswisack isereilsoeftprc uootsti»giIts 1tu ap. pi>'te sisael suîu-4ii udy tUeiiflc0e à a-iele, sita mmc ftiade isto tissa t'roisusoeiughsqs sinanîl>' ttise *3evLsuist!' ut Atir 184t, cs f ele (4y il uistuli li e e e 21 2Visc . . e' r p ~~~~grsssîiits. dvi-i, ussjii it iio, o. qtuit - U - îiale srsk i. ersUsa0 ss.u»P Ude.ssse itîu t'iri wisd affect. R. 8. X J<):lf E'rrk, O N Yniduy cv-?inïp on tise rend bets'qe IViiitby aud Oshawra, a Lady'i Dae iraui l1o sustnr,15 sttiset ndes' will b rtwatrckd b y lenssung st ntf tise £'hrunicle Oj/iar, or ut the e.Ar.~ Tituelcurmigictîlssrve bsai iii Conuifisxe, Proulicg siolmlaw fur tise ;fast tiarc soIitilile. usse iSeMsai Nvmube 12 mîaususGcttsrcui s,>-E. J. Nsscie 'aid ile>' du, 18ô9 litajî sui tmreceîusuemîîtiistiteui llu rty etraise, - Clsiiku' is~ i. BN.AMN ~ <>' ome Insuranee Compa Ju-litee 166' isi-u1l se c, Monstrentl, or NEIWYORK. >7 1 livo i JlE... Niso Se'>,SciinqPlacais C'~sdpi u for tliseJintwu iis-itlis u in yliut suiS Sisue «in,*000 - , I it to e Il lit5utheatise Srpus vd5......... 40 ni fitl îrercltItitiw furir -a ijuuusi aIrsiille,1 J . L IN T C 'K .- 0 . Z17 lit.l'atil isieci, Montressi. PIE ANS)MARINE. Jul 2.F [IF usudcrsSJsu6.5ý, ogeut ttise abs vo Arxi, Ntstnè Dutusso At. 3Muustrcsl uly 2ri, mi. T elscosptilvy, i4 jsrepasrtss5 55v, -sspsi- y .~5 i u I f i l ) I t e r a C i e @ i f li u ti r t s t ir tl i a t l uui s r .4 4 h v i r ( s t h eI ' l -s , P',s r tiii4t tit e to tisa uilmrisg ig li tls en o ?iol ~sitos sai Tr -sîsntlus, lu iVO'-i tlsfsruîmsgbly t lesteS tlicmr workissg 'quaii i SE1-1fEN4 StARLE, tif-, -)i f ecd ssatioiei htS5u-îSssy src sail MnrI>gssi5. Nsulissrelreuetulthlgs.siî t, b-prcýCt mu- Witby Nov. 201 95P5. ?uv4lsî DAVID 1'ELLETIEIt. Information Wanted. TlcSirise rlinvii ud thse Sawig Ma-. F JOIN JisP'I<NS, Wrsho I<S'IKs- elitlg:ti01 M . E'J ' uglùL is ce fl ic lrf r sieli sistiflcd iis tise'ionk dusse by ftin-s nsudîilsl1mse, Eiigiaîsd. ste ce-rtif v tisaI ltis aseuschise»s co qsee taui Ais> iliîilttiuu eommuuicatcd te tli>Oflco at> tic havre issueS uj utiui e ircwt tiss. rspîeeîissn tSrswii vlieb tisasltuliy ncciremi by Moutreul, ~ A. LAAtr5lLSE .sSON, lais >'-rutlier, Charlnes llopisinsi. m.tel,2tTttly 18-W ~ ¼. O 1 Lui014t, Trin tise.,wbo have te lue tiise labor e Ail articles s.old ettise loiresit living Pl caîl anti examine. MIl kintis of lusur anti tannera prodi LE' The CIRCULATION of the Than that ut any oViier local Paper in the Province, and FAR EXCE EDS The cireulation of ail the other papers ini the County of Ontario united. IVEEKLY CIIRONICLE ONLY Cheap SewingMachines. or N.eisity IEn Esl rEl'r itie "[us Ilsi fiN , EWING MAIrISIM ESissagi u i' s e t n r e d b S i r l s i ms se l r I l lTti e . m te l i s gc s s r e mL ljad te fsgiir sidslaaisi:rsg~'5rsss &S.a5Mit nis ut frtheisi id cr noitiened t,,, tise Ctsîgauiagt p6blic. Mr, NAGLY lous ind long exibtrienee inîCouit- Fsurj- A it Susiult, S. 's ý on wiuicig lutter place smi lai iussssern -2t4isiWs11111-uis ,f s mtsicisisuhaeglil isîs usrcssse?çt Ssîisîustiolu '. T tse unrisssog .tetli nu;îSl. Isuri('bs-,C eir- cd fIonse fispne5ss.J itot sund ime sisoitgisfae- tssnem Ili titis citv - c"use-te wouning (Pftise Mssigtssmtsuuucur e S d M n. E . J . xt tg e , l si g l bil cle e IlIs u se Pasutser,uniS eqisal 10 sin' uofotîr cjsi!itu BROfWN & CIIILDS. Wc luue U.eiS E. J. Niigte's Sewisiing >lstchinem SomnFcry for tisa jtst tisree uscutha, aniS tita lehoitsaatiou la saytng tisat tige> are iu CIIILI>S48c'zLoFq & AMES. It i iicig it 6tïf"is tsi l, 1 '25ii,69 vg tsusisnsies sinceptblt ic, sug<fJuueIit ltJCria ttUsstslacioi asdI u. E.'ts 2:ues ,)Jl'2, 185e T. O'BJiIENq. I ave heen angiaged l ustise msiaatuteut AlMesns nissdtreU rowntise mubsoiber Boots aniS Sulces fora gtluîier oflteans, iSirig i -10hokept fSl, gtuldrssssug onier feýr twelva ircdi sé tu * s lian e , useS ss l oie aitsutc i-nuui sai de ltie> arn os dasumaged y>' a aS lrnurts taSs c i U;' le,,bu e,,tsia-te isass b e sîtun e*igis. anunuss'ssatnred bv 1fr. E. J.oragie tise test E. J. NAGLZL SEMII'V',TEKLy 2.50 dapte ton sassuisirhgr paiioo ,Tise>'do N. B.-lilenisi Slntiles i msd cediOUM' Ocarse aniS Aisewke io n usii' l, aud I takes. tanfi>' oni isassul gra.ot plosunre li reanisuelldîis>'tien ft se - scuyoerAS'Ly&G BIR 8 PER ÂYVU 3L pbula. yIIIEM rFLENE MufesL ' T. 7160 5 s -4 m Th hrnol n h Ppr o Coai 0R1and Lampa. The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F Cloil iti.s~H uhacriber bas just-roeed a very F O Ri S A L E, Advertise in.m fine aaaortment of CoalOîl La4mpa of P N0 Rides 1 Rides 1 Rides J1Ircved btîrsr. Prime - rom $1 and ' û-F T~ uderigietimii ps tie biisot H. Cul 11 . MAITCIIED 110-RSES, RE ndragnd il py te'l*bet C O f dedMeapefetl pre AniS eot silî'erMufeX aisa,«sa B rieJ in Câdeliretiap . ann4 0 joand freo fro Sany uplnt Ameil, sud W ~ #G5 oeo i Oreessinooti. Ankintis of. equal te gg, â*ut i than neuBt'tV4.ou1.INoefth Elui an comon 11 1nip alteedtu.of Whitby, LEATH %E R FuiademniîLap a r d > t, isthPoloend Shafto, onmisteistime willBLuTE bu.Ce-ai t auhoura nlobeco. -ntoinap ksetsnbtly on bondi for ami, er>' e7«7 kwYU , -. b* 1 1b> 1%,ssiisig9aprovetiendorasti D.McURRJ ~ SSttin.>. Sioo lzka -notio. Containga] fo C9 P" onr-- SbolBokýViolina, T. H. a cMILL&K.lh FlusAeqron , ni uperior, ViolowiIIlie liberall Groeimooti, Nor , 15. 61stringàfoml ctr.-'4 Vitby, . 5 80 5atgie g A 1L. th ieCrovn Tiuber ClSin, the ulcy ot U- ta, on thse SI XTI miss>'o! TICEMBEli ucît. B, 85 Iver Pesarwss Ti. aaei tlo mid posiion 4oflic lle.î is oibc-àsee itslistCrttwà t 'fl.nber ffle,., l tuwa, ýTbIse Brtim sut tîseir asitiated stress, li-i"r ici,., e e djmsged, tous. - unnylie liÏ~1st B3ous over Alsi u> le4riir e und resit. Thie Boun ssaad first se,>au. relit lo tepal iniediitely ut tise male. Liesaa,s*vu Su lu ait otherpet tiseBertsa tàoI l sifjoét ts, tie O ee rdzTmub rle us iu ov lslre o r w oll i t us. ' e e f e b u f r e a7 E. t AL. 'q otossu> C 69Nv a 8 8 OP -THE 1 1 le

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