Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Dec 1859, p. 2

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saure, r1-. - f >222.p, l T =e exrp sfias tihe prhcpr'6ftb» flsarpi.ffl csleb mt.r)tbsloo'k. if. "up 'leswh vitisin 100 MI ni ç dabàod id ocusýoa r depeuds impon Sa e "~rypr ý,4sndn.'X "pUÇO 0 idtbf. sr"sfslai tumIsibg visicittu ~ £50 a aluh usowdepoiw d lthe"Im4ud Mroves, iteclok f. powder.proof, and of the Edltor c el. 4 pdis iuy iso aded Uuvougk the-jéyholé gm wIIhahéitbo; 441 BImho4 Y ,0ïï t4 grd Otoff ti theiaburglar la t<fred of hW fruit- Place à( Agstîniis, > iandpP01tt' &efr lms worlrg or lhas tit tts pobs %îTb~e eot it>,of£50 fra«î P,1l he brus1 te vi ew bis -experlmenuto 1more, vi susSe on Thursday,, Décsuber1-6,-tiOv.m "aufVs, or s.hoo, TjlUsoruca À$tre4 AÀisarpoon,. is isritiet iobî sm"leutise W isnfntpreiimnarfr.s hah bu setleti, whaf. lkithuusself. The, more hi pulls tise andIfpossOil 'hesctuitiuD"'asit ot lias tii deps'r gos tise bas-peau. sotakes s shobagredupos. Tisehoinca ishah Asitee.maing machinshl. buis' pates. bc n la he'BLg batween tise isiuis of twelvé tede ,w vhhI vsos-.d by *s sanm-em ' ' andi ose, or tiseman, absent #sl foxfoiÏ litaal exprimsental trili t -fre eg ithi .batdie Moicy. Tise.expenao*(the %eh. aoeft blo fo-and iien sa blo» orici pm a tasso,»ts, l pusaie of tbril ter vas ipie eity d$ereÈi W âêls scsa. agrieet eut osunto sttach OurDaum- Med that for every toW of cmaiput iasiê gh T11O3MS8AYEII& <unae fItVIIl maie s ton of tee# T4"0. aticls os sptover bore for, Fron Mi Exsnlnr-fsle-s-report we tiseBescao' prvaaniigtr, gatiser some ides of tise valus of patenta, but astise dateuf oftitu of llfghiiug %as A usm vihoIsam madé aaigmt lmpreVeuestbeos chaugeti by-,sy4rafront Jus. ta Feb. in atrav-eutter, tok a model of hi* macifu mary, Heenan, vr- natssi.ly objeeto te the Ilirougi tise Western ttes, ant &i r a tour',aiteration of tise tato orinally fixod, as ho ef eigisî monsts. retmraed wus forty tbou.! contenta, auîd'ery reaaonably, tisat la would anti dollars.Tbcm are erdizary cases,ý net nllae" LÏi ies ùL! Jn. ime t- becamne ,wbile sucb- inventions as, tie telegrapis, tise isismet to fise sutîdests claar of c liteate, piaeiug machine, sud iudia-rsbbur patents sud iepecially' aftàr à- nsevere vjss'tcr's vo; are w'ortbmillion#s aes. - go e-a tise ÏAtlantie, lnu ddiiàti ' tutise Examiner lits'â reporit does-fibs snov isutm>-iig qof bis ,-wark;of îrsining prepoaa. *leOWMInallvesntions.- Amosg il e 'dontin, fpr tiiq isiprtaut contesn lmb c eectrIcal vhaiin sparan, byv aics im rdiugiy. asidres.set, tIàraugh bis agemi i whaie id llterally "shocked tu deaiI," ibis cit, s iter Iôthe isElditos- or BeWo' Anoîher la an electro.magnêtîe alarme Life i,& London, deliuing bi fiis san d visàicis rings bousesud displays sigsals i sting bsob tottise tite, îroposed esse eoflOre amgtibeýrgi-. Asother!à an 'at'tise sanie tinte - ise ittssiist§ %~ est eîbetrie clockj visiels wàkcs you up, tis you yieid bis o1bjPction4 If tise Csuafouo ng. vhat tinefi l0,anid lighssalutup tbr you ai landibauedtse pu wer, tu, f ix upop ý the timc, of a57 bour you please. figistissg liuslÇii »crae isstise Tisere àfa s "sosmntgalbesor,1' ýqsert of laws of lthe ufl'iiBseietAoca linge esr is-umpef, te bo placet fn-fs-ont ofa in s- locomotive, briuging teseenginoerla ears Wltis s viev Oý41g ietrsesetcd aitiseo aIl tisetrois. aheat, perfeetly distincte sot- tme 0f ths e cemdtep9o4 being matie, ai wilmtandiug tisanoe u1tietri. Owen Swifî'i, iu n 4odn, ', h u Tiere is au invention tisat pick., up pins thoe arranglug ail-tise -naoossary details of front a coufused lisep, turcs tisentround tise igisi, tinte afmd place, &o.$,31n. Heenan vihs their heatis up, andthtise sticks ih lest weék'dfajlateised-bis- agosut, Mr. Frtd. lu papes- lu regular rows. Fauslkuer, te liouton, vils 'fnll povers 'tu Asother goes througis tise isai. processnet ou bis beisaif in il 'mttes-s relatiug te et cignr-nmaldug, taking in leaves sd udfrc. tisa match.' né viiitherfore bu able o l lug ontuiiàWiotcigara. -obeproesit aitheîbbvo e eandtipla lCe, and ORa machine enta cieese antotiser oDuý e WO Sý1eseauteo c of!as stist'actory end 1 #cours tise Inives anti forks, sud' notiser amuicÀble ragmetIain enma&i rockl seo reransd seren or aigisi alwbcîwOneeu tiseio isilisiceros iu wnsiing sud irening. -reaao,-)4.iî làalnioged, *tisai Sayerè s fdcesirousi Tisero is's panl<,r chair patelitte'dt tisai' Ot pismatchis w tID Xéustiw gpael asenot bu tlpped bscic os ivo legs, anti s PebhmerY-b'thâ - l: H, -' cisalingtid by'i Wnitvay chais- tiat cousbh tipîset bsck in any Aaron Joues, andi a matois mate, but Joues Position vithout G og egs si l. - fqfNWldçf Ssym rsI..conSuopasty douirous,, ÀAotiser patott lh for a machine tisa i îiÏid lie ps-vè 'ssecsfnl 'with tise leîcii coanus-pussngersin air- onml ni(sisd taes BOYoyo!* 'n Js' s tmoponusiî e tiser <are. Whou a vas-y fat uma gets lan ~ing hitm (Oayeam)' lu tll& 1rzà,'t-iî fi const# iwo anti chuarges double. before bis îuneoflmoiding ihe ebiasiouilïip1 Tisese are a vas-ftoi>f guns paieâtodtb tsa -wsicis expi'res its June'next--expis'es. ht lent thoisesevoi ; a fiaing'Iiate tisai atjnsta will hoe rentombereti tisai tiso tva glaiùe. kt ows batt, aut a rat trop vIsk-ithrows teom have liefore met as faugisi iioO u' avsy tise rate aud' tison bâits 'itsql# asnt ise Crsoccase*ion, affer a dttasminet con-t stants in tise corner'for auotiser, :tesai of tissce bns-rs, tas-Incs canne on aud1 Tiserasà a n4ibine also by wbice sman put asi end ta hostilities. la ibis' ffght1 prints instestýi wt' shie h iosglst. l t-te Sayerd sufferQdýnmast seves-cly front crsarap't piayod 11e a paaefou-to. Audtpeaking or on ae-aide tisa body, aise ta tiffèe-nt'nesuitt pianos, fit ti l t tisi9,000 are mate migisi have etstieLd, Iluitsir snbs§ciuîumti eve1ryye*intise tted Statea, givls ntou- ecolnuer a àmontis afterwns-ds, Su'Yera Vioyete $900 portoes, sud ciiug over provodt tie vicor n two hours.M *2,00,00.Tise Besicia Boy ii iutpresent, andi, indeet, bas for soue time puti ben, psy- ]ssMS ArawszÉiu ir Hoors.-Tiis strong ing tise greatasi attention tu training, Hot mintèti lady has Comae oui ounisoops lua a eaity exes-csiug bis musoulas- powosstai rentariabi> sirong mannes-.. - lise ciosea ti -iguon's -gymnasi, in Cr-osby Bsts-ot,9 long argument'itsa: Do tise peiticeats of seud bis splendid pitysical davlopuegni, so- eur tinte serve as snytifg buisa usk tautivity sud fine spats-ing abilities déigited tise humaslixasém-m-a perversion of banman ail wiso vitnuodIbt tis a is spsrs-iug ex- Perl2em? A Nosas on s; sots loisk&iibition liutiseé Bowery lest weekt, ef wviih 11k.1 silJppîg up fs-gi a haycock. ve gave su secount. Risi appea-agce antio À gis- lu tise dance, bok# 11k. tise Dstch per-formamnce on thtia occasion lucroecth ie ( tisubler that was s- faoSiWt t?>lu MY lu- confidence of' bis snsny friands ln bis sbility1 aso>.Thtis i h so tise revenue ut' acour- ta plstei the lan-el fsrn bis tsanatlanlic àte, as te bo tliko a sf11>' isux-a masqmot- rival, ansd tu iwiau sud veas tise boit ufthie ide viilsoul vit;f viie, ai tise ome time, Champion of -Engianti, He bavoe w 1 Ifs le net aisteasy fit,.lise prodlgionsweigist York for %glsianontheb ltis at, ou et' tise- modes-si î,eîicotsdthtiiefculty of Iras-y to genos-s oxpcctation, i as h auan-k JPftfng f.il lu Ito hé,"tè vais iltcaestos a- ticipate tbtiaihouwomlt b1Avegive s ses-We seeesiiy for cosuressing aJ ioatiing tise-, or sp-sing 'exhibitions in tise prinscipal> vals inisa va>' injuionsI ste 5iati. Uatder duie. ef'tise Union hefo b is dopartune. a rational meihot of dreu sthse viaisouli- ouifer seitiser veigisi nos- prosur-ss-oibiug -Fsis uts o- sgss roe more tissu tho gisdliesici mg ie i- ment It fuie tendu foits. As ID ttse cos. abroud bas talises a4tasig flfght. Tisa Les. voenueofetlise oopet skis-Lo, onulp the '. On C09 Ou~i,-cuklarmsetis ai et adip. e <OfOurvg. ýThe stescam s rie n-ti (ogs -ass Oft3Çf s ibwfl ie bema0iesu tise COL> p soger esis. -'ba"2lfa 'CtbÃ"urg maalsboas, hvaan'e ut à fraction Mie-.tisasisixtea slesl'a- 0 heus- sudsaquartor, vilt a oo fr. on, a s-sf f-est tacla ves- <les,2for an sx lVioa tise mes caeme, sbessd tise boîte si,- ntidpasliugiSe a- (ales -tider. ]ri mau'I tesebat, sud' cahot for-adrin'k t' bs- ty iranti -watus--mext' le. aa py imitie t ta it'nk a ide grMhu,; -iUeit isavaC s ddit drnisa gallono!vts bat i~iseo Mltp ed.. eso for tise mass, coiàpWl.t tie bar tender te stop it by fus-ce,' Tise masiep00i isih?. bboat-'ivas cs-ossig tisai niýistat loft the noxi moro- ing aparontiy isoine the sarso t'a-eb.race ageisusîthe steamboa. HRe willno-tpssbt, put wàl b int'training, searnuunor, and i os-e long, lecture on bis ispocialit>' in 'pisysi. -cal eiu.-susig What frel"easà oues are miade or, Anti fis-st,au te' the diamnted, wbicis timeugh tise king aud ebief of 0 aIl rs' bî tismisset in tar o erts-pure cas-boa.: lis tumonath tise timnate #eff ort iItais thon, tise spiritual evmiution of ceai-île butte-Il>' escet <rom fs stntitm 'tilà lrealisation or 'tie ceai'. iigisesi ,buiug. Tises the s-nb>', Use amsung s-et Oriental rasby, side by site vust the sappisiro -sud11 tisa Orientai topaz-"boib rubies et' diffament colors-visat are tise>'? Crystais o! ani commoiot as-gillauo as-us, tis eoa-tu arhich make,, our poite-'a etay, eus- pipe ciaa>'sd cenuls soofiug alate-suere bitâ ut' alumina. Vet thon. are mnng otss boit geins, Use. idesiatiens of common pottern at>.In evcs- isutdrotigrains, ot' bisse sapphs-e inaty tw re as-e ainua, vusoee graio, qf fs- o , 'nai e tisaiglbtiome bite iïgila tMhn. 1Tise - uts>'a15 colos-et itis cismonlo acit. Tie sttiysi is oslsi iceo or Ilitit Iluoee iuntiset grains of attist niuety-eigmt as-o simple pas-e fint-tse saine substace-as hataieSmate dtisetflitt in lie htiiieboxiuset befo!. our pimosphiso rua anti sulpisnr.isaded matoises, sudt viicis grount up sutd >sspared,- maires suoN tise veisicle of Artises colt, 0f Ibis gamoé sies are aisecornslhus, cat's-yeu, rock es-ystsals, hilgyptiaajasper end'o a. lus one isunts-ot grains et opil nismety as-a pus-o sili. os, anti ton vAtor. L W tise ater, thoen, visicit gives lime gem tst poauiar changea- ble àsmt isridesesî colo- vimcîs fa so, beau. iful, anti aiicis senter. tihe opa tise moon- iigiî qsien Wothie ing>' diamouti. Tise t'a-nm, tIi0 JIsziin-notlise >Oriental- topsz, thea occitesstsl cmos-ait, hichis fe tIse samne speoiea uaé tise bet7lt ait ibese- are coznpouuds uof uiliea ati aicasiain. - Ba lise iscryl ast ees-arit sas-o not rioposeul exclu- §i-s-ci> or allicsa stialumina, tise>'couta in stsutlsur atiscahot glucimo, trom, gluqos, dwceti bocause ias alfa asa arc eet tg tise tsbe.-, Tise iyncinlis gemt la commposet et' time. oas-lb nulsoulong discoves-et, callot r.irconiia-irtidseavoe-etina tsaispecies et' byacisatb, stosse Inoant as zircon. - Tisa zir- con s la ount ins Scutansti. To oves-y'loe ltunclretipar~ts ut' ls>acismtb auvent>' as-epure zrcossie. A cisryaolitu fs s portion of pure tilicate uor magnesia. Witisout cas-hato of cappo- tumcs-, vuit h ý o imalachite In Ikmmma as- ut ithe - lur--Bum aMinsos; vi lb out cas-bonuate ut' lime tses-ewouldi ha us Cas-raais-he,tise tas-quels. , fa sotiisg buta- popisate ofat'uimius colos-etbi by coppor; anditise lapais laz-ulif à ont>' a bit o et aSpainsios- irongisout wanti, out- A large pf clore lu tise lest sumbus- of Puqulsr'ta est ie a-tiS b>W44ç Eng- Iaamà anut France'. 'itis-es-y gond. On s liestlantioves-îoksg tihéeis"doli sité tise Bs-itish lion, igoki!!g sharp sutdetersuneti;' 'u tise rion éluestands Louis 'Napole"n,' isaving in bis Saut a tiaiuntive bss-king dog-îs,.y, triha elisé -tirusinglu-isefc of pfirpsuleet ;usligbor-, meauvisila vig-i îs-ausly plying.-tie barkiug appas-aies. Tise pictum isfasi giiaii' rncii o a.fflw rés-y claves-. Il la esle It"itno nra $hop, A vo er>soit',stylisis Milliseil mnts ce the neveu> t osuderves#toélier eus- toMnes- a l a tsoutmi vou aad a dinua- iv. snob o! sbfâoo s"De 1yon thiak ibis, esutici-ise olady, Gir?"- Di-ookis se trisb sud isuudsome tisi til opsn e 16lir shoeppings-atle. ,Twyo cou umne'Cricket; veî-e sa-s- ledatgi')mn Jeersoncouaty- ken! tsci>'. 2 o.> as-o pposeri ta crickot.,naaish. IlTLtiru45nfy.; "4- 25 . ý",Ëhlltsrumle Society, ati son» HilI, bLuiI'Tssatea 4s'ilng O llepl VurcluSt.,.ioin1t', Ring strot, 11GelOLa ml,, asi S o'9loc , .tu. (Alter- Om o*buï' V, f EIiTJ-A'( 4. iii, S»41 el -0k.p. tt. 14W4 1111V.T. LOWuYl (L4n Ywnt"es tuuuhuin, e.inumr ef1yion andi MaySasSs l<Wok,iis.hn.sud OCP.in. el, , J IdIIYIXE otîtute, 2 0,caa-ss - )'spt6 h lurcla,3 -a'clock p. in.,, very $un- kept isereas zoesat. Daàîsappointe.I, and t~ ima z*d at tis 'e fe qf thraà paptir. 4uotlon orders reeéled, and arrangeenits made for at/mer Cozp1ty w5 Auctlen B LII. priasted lu thse 1se9t- style'at-ftertiser fedmeed prime 0-"Partic mocuInwt# iielr billerit tAi ofic wt ave t/sor 8&du zoted udrteproper/sad, fte <V e/mrge ln ail t& e iques f t/se,, ledalut Wkit caltaiii whntW ord». pooL thotiibt. B#.d utàili<ngItu WIdtby,,Tuesday, Decembor13 185à. NOTICIE. Partie lue tt eioisOffice forfJob Work sud dvcrtising, are 'reIuRctd te m4sanaimmediate Settisunk -of thir -res-ý pective accounts, sud1îbereby BAive theni- ,Thse names ot ail assbsribers in ar- roar on tise Slst of Docomber next, viii, bc itrncic ofY our iists, sud théit Isceaunts haudeti ovor for ceollectior. Comeneing wit stise loi of Janusry 180 epaper viii 'be forvardeti fran; tlsjs o011c unlesatue subscription be paiti in adrauce. W. find it uccelwary te a4opýt thse Oa#is Bpem, sud in no case shaîl k bu. devintoed front hereafter. la-future«4oanmt bc pait for alI Job Work sud trànàient Advertisemeuts ai these time of ordering tise samo, unions in cgase vise tisepartie have current accouints or contracta itis the office. ACOnmpiianc,vithriiseterniswil enablo us te eute ail orders for printisg Aid ativertdiiug, atone-haIt tise rate, Iseretoforo chargeti op a type of a secofid 3ansea I' -AIes f-a casanot M uasi sltk1psre, ot of-. sov'a sas- 1 Ts isfane- rmssesw- oves- vis>' va siscu M, eiatoutly poîsi ont tise oves-bussing pas-izan spinIt e th tisgat Grit os"ga. -Jas -ferrisg themfiure tetise; 1110expeasd inguge'et bat JOUrtsle, sii he ûcl couvition, tiat aveiy Egyp-ý liais-_ta-lamnolveiss-,ada, n>'quncisea say raya ot' lIighi' or equityi, wben ua ty: foigatiey- c fea o are pes-mit.l ted te over-sbaov 'ibe auqucstiosaahle but' p e s-erted aiilli-v o u ' s cô m or'. a 0asrçwea, -obave iScn -olton taitteti a befng, miiara.'l - I tc etIs è cs ofi, oos-tanly lbas bues imposa1vos-y grtwitouso groundts inte«tI fer, se (s-armsn au>'ftes-es ted motives 0av sti td s , _clt 1oacl e;mtiousl>' snt trutisfunii' sar,tiîst tisic uft Iis vos-y Scnth.Wecýkly bas noves - gracot aur trou->,,furos- ieaponti,.iscst-e boa) off ,ssr- faiti' abiity, va bayeve esy gerlygivon tu, tisepreaeuî smiiuis-ry. umost enuire Conivictiaot'ftise - trutis ot'dus- assrtion, "that o lone9 casions, rboreous- the Gos-esnuent, o ares met an iaosi anti 'au istepoudsut toue. Yisetber L i a;upoun tise question lunavu as tisa 'doble-siuffe, (tisu' tise Juiy isuffla iniginit compas-isan, b. cahotd a cettupel siuflie) os-, uî,on tise Mes-ces-ansdiliapaije case-os-tisai et Ms-. Feiloe-os-of tise absurti Neopapos- impost, mv iç.tipciy Iput, eus-intepen- dont vIcas os recoud ; anti an>. o! ous- ativorsries Whob ay>'ciso obchali 'tise 'trouble et' se toiug, mey pas-use Our seutissents b>' refoscuce te unr Oiîes- Tlaey mift tises-e fisît, tisai, as regardts tise irât tar e ustionus,'abat are asested v'as, tisat as tise m 'bu tlisepoisnts as uncentaiu, IL vas te tise 'flMnoidm tie auws are sisouit dircet, eus- attesitioui, iytise s-cogssi- mmcd a onstitutom uti ac o et4is Iomae2 141 self, mot b>' the-revointiona"-a tbombes- tic es-y, i"tistaiuan ustrreetiou vas simoi jlpiftabie.>' lit, regalrd'to tise tiro'lattas- poinsît, va traikty sut teariessi>' expscsned Our- owu cens-iatiu, antýin igoetuu, r coitsitored, us-course ot' action 1ar mos-e fiandilyto a reasousahîe bod y ut' unc, tissu sa tiiciandti mpartis-as tisappros-aùI' thatwviici va -neyes- dit, nos- oves- coui appro ve. If, tiaeofDre, ; va bas'. bes Min- istoriai, hILisbceaise tise Oppositionitu nuialstes-native. Looking, ssorer, aitishe t'euca es a ri su', eues-g>'undtlent of tIse twa parties, rehyiuu auontise ps-sdence sud practicai socqui-emnmte Pf tisýe xiistiug Min- ists-y, rentombeningth ie ovcs-beaniug.couduci ut' tis-oppoasssto, sud tise syutematie Sec- turing, anti ungas-csnahly t'actions spis-it et' ii Whio, for tva i le days ojoyedt tis auPremiaure bip, b>'nu tueosinamehe. bndn tis ceapst su bni asues, iiical a Icoasfess, (nover expectint' perfection in au> tieC me. Ojice sud examine ans- list $ot or mou) tisai tise Rcrm.Cenourvatlve of Prie.. MIOINS dk MAYERHTOFFBR. eetsg ef L. O. L. No. 660. Aitishe regais montisiy mëoting tes abovp' Lotit'.,- boit'atisaOthh'otbeéuhme-, tise folovisng meuburs vos-e olectot office! bgss-ors fer iboemzupgyar. oSseW ponce. -sDeut5sA~sser,-. Huphrey. 2n&. 5' R H. Hobbs. --411s. " T. MOBride. thse WYsvsst p~~~as ini, tives- s lecturebefore tiseMeebanie i'nstituté Of ibslv.tSihjt"ari5 is lto. Mifats-y isa'as-rstipes-lot,lu eus- eyea, ýta tise general ranis sutd(mie of tise Oppo- Oition, (antis oua on tar honorable exdep. tiens) l'As cagies are te cas--iam-csos." But onougis upon -iis point., lu cepelu- sienj,w voagais recrd eus- admiration o! nsts.Long vs»'e obos-Isisastiupisoit h in: heseirul2mmtgriy, as tibogreat paIitiua~of~pr4<lj. ~,oqsit Inter. ineitinthee,-syse.-nNs-viue t bglt of mesing ltse ermine defèeit' on.li sareet s'ece -! ise stitnto. -Thanksf,ü siait oul ebot tiaitis9à nobleýoi'-sioot of thse British uyatem b aiseas-oct Is ns ryotsng country>'; aroethéajnte a sd u ef8) l=4 at, at-oes-y maasrigistesetdps-epiy Ïse=ssrdâ by fleds-ruses apti otled priâ. cîples <rosas caprice and 'tys-auny, , I' thse vertsý cf au ehoqýuet rites-"Tmjfl.i Northi Yorkc. For eC1,hot tue, Ceoastitu- fas n. uo um# vri ikci y 4. sats, "8o"-Your communication ix of Io o Péesifl1 anature for Our comusAt tje saMo tisse vs entertain n<o 4bt oýtbe cousis wonld, b. to a mû. aformai dont. plait tbrough the Mjatant Gonerails, DaI parussent, setting forth the, diogracoful, con- duct of theiworhy Captain, and the dis- orgnizd taâte'of thO C'O mpany.' The Wh4tbv KRallway. 71, tie EMtor Of tke& itby Chroicle. Dzàs Sia.--What bau bocome of your Rslwy--projec? :I--perüu&te colmua of the Cmile<samost overy Duoe does)-witis £ yood dealo! Matmsign, andi lstterly I notice a-complote absene -of ali refe*renete6tthe Railway project.'Arc you going te agie k p sl nO" lu Wbkby lu Our Iocatity , I, am happy to bo able to, assure yoa, tis't tÉeisetrcatmthile csrrying out oftise projectbas sot St ail diminisbed, but ibat on thse contrary , thti preSent moment, the desire te have s'iailway froiu Whitby uorthwsù'd, fa greator titan. cver.- Many of. thon. wbo fornerly foit luke-warmu wben. the sciemewaï agitated, aud aven I§amo of =y veigbbors wio, opposc th ie mnaling of a liailway-now 1tista' amore cool rcflecting judgmnont is -hrought ta bear on: tihe subjet-opeuly doclaro ýthemuelvep in, fi- faiÏor. Iedecd ail that fas iecesssu, te convince any ou of the. dcsirability of Mia Railway (rom Port Wbitby sotkward, lsaa fitir,'catsdid examination of thse fi-cts wbicis you have su lfolntly sàpliot,in itise eo-, lumno' of! fi Ciironlcle.Argumenàt bags taken thse Place of agitation, sud -pcople judgiug with d.fscernmeut, and sccording to rouoýns' trus uflo«d < sa nTOtissg 'tbtereît'oey id i t'go . andowusiptacetio Bisy ttpibui o on uoindeecifccston thisai pooplo ero a net binddjo Pau t:intrcts s M i n d n ow h s e s u g g s ; io n I, h a v e a q;it - to y-oui tii"short tearowlne titat if a sciieme wero now subsnittcd te tthe ratopayors ofJteach,'tiY ismueidebntures- iy-b L2,00-LS,00 te go4 te e il. 2wny, and £4,OO0 to bo applicd eta grdvi rondi pnypoe, k ,s!osstd, be pasqed, by an thse feeling wbich prevailifu' every, part tifj the. Townusip fa suficient te umake positive tise assertion, it s a 1a or'is Mn na metëinadio hoe applieti in tise proportion1 mentione -ouit certainiy pa#sa-if ui unanisnouulye. aitleaM> wit) vory luttle oppo- sition. - - -Wrnptia*g t1at, theo iterçosî viicisyU taise in tise great projo.'t, vii iuduco'yOUio0gi e 'at corner t e thfs, b ui eti Jin -,, and 1t h t i t i r o u g i s y o u r w i c t e y i r u t e s d i n i e n tial papçrl, .yossviii awake tise nutnerous ,resders of tihe Chrouicle to'tse importancée of again eoMing forvard and aidingac0tiveiyt ifi' Promc>tfng tise Wbiiby Ilitwé nter- prise. / - Iami Doar Sir,, - yonar obqrdiont servant, W.sse é esto temrstisat tise rate- payors of Iloais hare nov sensiblê o theiseo- s-es tis> oanunmittet lu s-ofusiug t,à.tý peopie of tiso Tosnet' Wbiîby as-e jusmat mucis aliva -te'-iisejnemealiy'o!- aiailva>' ass-êes- Us e>' eeaad thatv 'bouiR.ac, js s--a teý pe-t, ,»s-itby vii'he fond vbee; ss arys vas-fors-ooi adil tise ac$n(tsnwsfLajae, 9têted gnietime aince. thé Grand uû~ habve agreot te taire cosse fifteeouer tr îy tisennandOsta O<stkli Our lise,-. aud it ilata Â~tf ....Jsk-- - -T isa im em o iaiits fus-m tie se et ise«i- sasy, -tihe Monst efui, andthe tise50t are.' fiosale portion ofth ie eouuumsnity. Tisaipreai hous, suffesing, sud expenso, 0u ller -evius as-e bs-ongist pon lise brotisers. isuni;nda, sonsi andti avcts,j of mesuosialt§tâ, iu cossequeace o! tie eg- leci simd il-is-ctment wvisiols mnos-isiu 'rceive at thse hautsqof tisa hisnbants, bs-e. - literaetera, T isi < he greatest o!fall evi18 wieh me- mou'lista endure, -fs lm6 soww-nuiamceonoa-s' tise site.wailcs ut' tiesetreetsl, vimicli ps-ro~ Vestusonmoriaiatmtfront taiisatii ais-, snd in-conacquence tiscy are kepi cenfluet fs- a close unieaitby simosphere dus ing tise aj tire vinteri. - Tisai sickmmcss,-dcstm, anti (met beajsty, la tise natus-s-or raliser unujatural resuit. Mernos-iaistïatheeer sa>', tisaitthe nuisance cemplanet ofruay' b. ahatet, sed su ihat tise bs-ailers, fatimers, himbantâanast sans of ibe-Tovu of Wiiîby, msy ho bies. etFits ieaîis uives and motisers, eut ras' sund.Saffectiosnate sisters undi Bveei,- 'ý benrs-f-, -Anti memorisiista viii oves- ps-s>. - Signet on boisai! of'tise Ladies. 31ARY BELLE A Alady music teacio ne u',.ot'tise le- maie seisoola ai' Richsmond, *Ù latel>' dis- inisset tut- sypethisiug vitti jobn rs bs- Silotel taihe ycuug ladies to aliauaI Brsown, "s. il K s-erou," anti adtetitiibe- vas elltgsged in a unoitoniens cause, anti- vas a goot anti brave man, wviseon. ofct vwas.net e-ht, Uke, anuthtie tact iig bs-oiuglitotetise Plcipal's attention, ise 'vsimmedinteiy tiRmmssed, niléft for tise - veniug. A PurlAas-Aom ieite no- tables Presensi ai tise hâte au mas ti4 Lynohbmr, Va., calledtot expres the opiniomn o!tise people oft tiat section in rs- lat¶'o ¶olhe Harpetsires-ny raid, vas tis mWIsa on tise occasion vose ebfas-actérit. A in-tr lsnotitils- tiese peecis, gays it vas& "lexts-emeiy souihseru" anti repreacufs tules pas-son ns sayismg "ho vonlt -ra-te4 ntis tise SouithisnhuPssiemonjium, tlsa vils Abolit.lo»iats lu Se.asom" lihe pasnpalio remnati.d'it lu c e lnderl giviug hobisuj.- iy innts-utions noi to bus-y iin'fa Yanis coffin ;- but if, in seo!ee-gntise>' sIlsouit be torcoti 10 do sa, htisaitise>' men- lente boUsth pes , 0 Ãœ6at tho' ie couitossaIbut aitise'*other. desctne as of a bigh stàndiug in tisai cii>', s-ecoutly bat -.5ayemmmg mas_ introduccet>-- hlm b>' a <ient, iq wisorns, ieobecame , se mucis inta-etedttaibe engageti bim-as a book lçeepcr. The eoi-k became cxceetd-- ingiterestet iss lis ompioyor's iife, samd tlseý iýntfsmialoy irpeet ito an clope- meunt, vimici tise guilu>' pair aciiet on tise 201h mi.: ,,Tise ustouisised mos-chant bat boen2sunabIe at tise' Iài accolats te obtain an>' trace of tihe fugitives. "Helve you machs dis in ,'osr isags ?" sait a porson ta a fismenmnan, Who vas s- lus-uiug isoMe.- tye's, sgot 'eci," vas, Ibu s-aIses- al ppe-y s-cpi>'. <.To 'le;p RUsT DUer ~oY STzL-Caver tise, steelwitiseet ou, vofl rubiset o. lu Ït'y-oigisî bousstub with i ful>'poeosot - us0iiet lime, tutil thse rstaisappceans. _ In fiji Hens-y cuhsut>', Ibtvu, rocest>', s verdict 'for ,*31000 damages wax rseceivod'bl Misa Sopisia fisose, againsi s Mr. Va 'Wiukio, visose vif. bat put iu circulation anrits Inrsousreports aaniMin D04' Aceosdlg *o tis eMades e< ra tise Irasm"nu-iMau W tk t bg i tie atisôtp is -.Stfbrfteoitisa b * ladies, if your huai deaf wen yo arse là hiftie palm-oil iposa <i iHan anti vomen, nu botase tbemsehvea to a -p!ilg lms BIRI 2Ttb nltimo,*Isovwife g las-, of a son. S DUCKETT-Iu fG 3,s-tinjt., Mm-s.odge- ter-. FOOTP.-KEUL- Squar-e, Etisbsgs, Nlov., b>' ttêe-R. C, A.-L. R.. Fote, West cisin, ta Alison Keir, Major Geneèal Ctmnla of Nevton and I Histiu DIE MA CAL -hja inst, in the34 year c -my Macaulay, EAq., Rl son of tise hat Hon. C Macamiay, fos-merly L. vince, sud Iattdnly o! Engisutd. ALLE.-Ou tise lond, Dublin, Is-eland, Slaie of liige.(futisesof of Tor-onto Goal) ageti VASS.-Iu Monts-e M1iss Jeassa Meuzies 1 SMfITH.-In Smniths net, tise 1ev. T. Smit Pestes- ut'Smiths'$ palis GRiEY.-Iu Woodat Joisn tiasge Grey', M. - HARRISON.-h1 ist., William Muas-e, s Haisonsi. um :fPALDING-In SI OIt 1t NOV.r-Wii, fesser cf Logie, Ishets> la tise unifed Collego s BIDDElL-Iu Bis- -~tise 2tis ultime, Mary, S. P. Bittes-, Esq-, fur agerof theo Grandi ITO SUBSO bc 82 50 iu ads'a thea end of tise ye% ,/1troniicl will bc On SATUEDÂT., iSit in adcaimee; ¶ wbeua emyable o or <Eevibed andl ores-ted Tise avas-age aof(a love, tisaslutireport- idat, ai$1.32, aati isfe $1.20'oi$1.25. Sps-ing visant No. $1.04 Get og vigs r 1 1

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