Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Dec 1859, p. 2

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~ara D'î 4wUMS, uis ft0<m aor'1 wMopo say tu blnulfj ma nkI do muais moret n ts oÇ ms IuUSloii cf thse 'alvor. coliect% 61i1 - 'Ina A v.ok lu uhe 1<. f@ tBrotiseAdkMUlh MWtelon buIuî. malndowy far bis sesulrPur' lm suits inteifered vItis su4 mariol bis Ci- *Monda> niônng bad cemoeround agaIlà,. -Be baèyrsabed tvice on the. Sabbt- or ouse te a strange mcong oiegtlcs-sud vitbhi apparent -good effcct, -ndé,once t# a don-a, grogadts la Msyberrae'1Wu tis. latter ý e lie vms favcred with lutile <ei ao f <utter- <n su. Tite begilnning cf tise secular' veii un 1brouglit bacisto tise mimd 0<Mr, Adiltise il curret cf thsbongisiand t tise0cl esnet desir toe gt gain lun business, OnS mbof bath be bail tisugiitishe people tsilove tg vu tise filmsilftsee*-o .v bal regard oui>' te bis ovu btouines d, alt4ocgis b. liai ssci düe Îhe broalu toi upuloaMaxims, tistanl le a 'Ir la' tr,' Pog,9 ye , lns erer>' at cf balng sud M'en tisenu "icght sppermostinlubis miss! vus îlpOU saof gain to bc recslvol lu the trac, section. w 'Wba arteYcUpaylng forocorn to.ay Ilîl aaie a man, a sîrangor te Mi. Adkis.,-> 'Pomty-elgbt cents,' vu the suswer, t 'Is aibtie bigisesi market rateIlA"asie 41 bougi fifiy busiel a'etisai prie.-oun Baturday,' ueplled M. Adkin. i Nov, slnce Saturdsy, thse prie. of cors A hâmI alv&ancefoucr cents, aud Mi. AlkIta bIneit. Btihethougbilho vould jusitry fo lis catoeiv4ýhthecld price.,sud If ho a sois ait ihat, iloire voli bouc mach gainel. li, 'i baie fort>' bashels for su,,' ausverad n *0 mnan,.in 'Very vell, l'IL lake iaitforty.oight. RMYvagon laat tise taveru.' t &Yonuinay>' brihovei atioce. M amslàsucuret leiuete attend tetbd w The cornswvmsbciveedsend példfIr, and 0, lbotis partics, fur thse time, vase satisfied « vih thse transasction, i Tise day bWI uaryuto acloue, and tl Mr, Adlaivms lu tise set cf estimating bis cÀ gans,#vison tho Maus frontvisouihoisal ec pnrclsmsd the corn enterel the store. Loibs r, My frind," ssiI the leate, snd speaking rather absrply, 'yen psaime toc litile for abt cern. 'Niov so V said Mr. Adkin, ln vcll*affc, Ij ted surprise,.e 'Yen vat te psy me thse igisest Markset' rate,' sala thse min.0 56 offrel ycu fortyeigisi conte.' 'Ais! I asised YOD if that vu tb. bighest ' rate, diddt'*1 " l ois yen I bouglut ffîy buehels At ibat rate on Satairdas>'. 10 bol1 Novi1emprebasmd you, lI tise mWas, ith a sarsutic cus'l cf bis hip i vu recomaedd te yon as a preacier, mi l oue vio vonlil d rly vus sme, I à ukal s plain question, sud YOD purpoulel mislcd me in ycur aulver, to, the ouI ihâi jeu ,uight eMny cornA es lm atise mnaist value. Yen bave nov chealed me out of noari>' ivo doulars. Mnebgoodmy kt do yen.' AMdaaying tisisbe turnedadlsM tb. aiop, Mr. Alitins vu, cf courue, ne lttt disturbo-The charge of disonesty <lnuV doalagai fraiarousedbis in&dinaton; but se b. grov cmýalmrsd tlscubt ovar 1 tise affair, is Conscience began tastrouble ' Mim. As 6Chrsistian mn, sma espeily a Clitia's miaister, ho ceasi ttinci ree bis dmsligwvth strict gospel riqulrmcsts. ' TiseMot ore b0çllcted tieMner.closéiy lie ~bougibt bis, coasdsst tiste standmrd o Christmasprincipiasibo lam vsub saos-" l vîtis bulsi. The Sisalt osuv, a a detemlato go to tbe MMionthe oust1 morulgansd pybim the balaeedtebïli1 «sthe aketipdieeO0( ssoOrn, »11t, vbuahoscsgit bisa, b. vu#not tobu1 fnd, baving gotte buciste bis home atm Ma"is(rom.lise Village, on the aziday b. senifor a bill, viici bal beu stamljga gool viile.BNs cerk brongisibaci& iiiimpertinent ad altogibei suactm<tcnasver. 'DII1 Mr,. ies sa"Y tbail b. a011s14, bis oye. Ofisln dignatly. 'ias exact Words,,' repi e lelrk. 'Very vel.Ll'il noedt bi hlmain,' Se Mmr. A011,ego'". vevltasmmo1sa "Il -a"oaUc" " a am5 tDidwa OeMse am- - ibm muuîtunatisstim4utwof'z>% y scsr mfiS <rlsbis clen to h ispoisons!CI*- reZ-4rm tise "i ise anuniae0~ hbspraetleaobsermmcitsno l mi. lire, e maybaijdgedfialsl; ui s <se 'L is blenllng lise ivo sepmnte 'ý'1 raitm or6<clsrgyuinand lappnufonni Oiiûe@ f &I. julgies, suddtut frois tishefasulnesof'thise crofficel, w.i eunot apprisethe roier. Meiigbt OMM ew poiftlou 6luy enaul-cme 40 iobs mind ln v ahpebaa b. vuw, a lt suomlng,»suda-ccle- future., > arbu'centefnly badj, Ur.' Éu"ti 'I'ttlmopay forîi.' '»d1w a y tità&4 s Uri tis., yoïab hll1y -woulds"want iy goodsvl"osrpq g for tbenL' I neyer bad tise minlin, 1 ton you Il Argment la tise eumMa M'iÀ" fOual obhonselsu. The udeof tbe veons f'butter val um dWuinutly isuwibsr $y mi anuM hvo t ise'muto ye« rightvbhen boisad vo douk mstoits' ds#tmnSehb. vola Dotieus, the article ro u , s Soitlasbi% h, vi avupl sset protoat. 'ls IL. lut cent Yos'l even get cf n> monay Il siil M. Bmltb/ s sue b errthesmouutof th bil'"L n4ud' rs vroged ont of ftiaimcuc.'. m' -arue tmaani, rdon'î vaut y'u es lu flu xpeetcd o laieue bvm sëta! nu$nbin W.IZ ý , u sb sallegatioss'tbat lld J oesy go Ltb. ï 'sfd eîe o1s o4 111l tcwa.dý i». otiser, -,Mdl uiither belug, aa very ccmpc.<4 stat0i cf mimd. EXsel isdy'lsm tsa "k sbncnght soumo- lui scr lisu& b. @mind of Mr. Adkin,,-< mdeusb,day brouglat hlm jute unplcaan Ï0M s on<actith smoneinluthse town of Maybrry.-To'iWoid tbese' alshct nipossble, particularly <orA, mia 0< Mr. Sutndyniâbt Ctane, slvaysabusy nigis 'or tise storohoper. Ih vu tec olock, bd eustomrm e.sth onnglbn ttie lad hbaded i. ÀMu aàanote. Tise oIte statedy brieS7, tisaitisath e r waq ou mach indssposed tisi b. 'ould moi be1I1 Wpreaci on tis e aiday, sud convoyed Ibe requeut tisai 'Brotiser Ada' voul -11 te polpit for ils inthse mornlng'y Brother Aliaalmoit gromnel lin spirit St ths nuvelcèWMde sud not.tobednlod ln. ltaion W perforaiibsterial ldu"eson tise hbbab.-Of tiseological ubjeets, sour ouiy a tisougisi bed entered bis- minI ince Iouday moriig; sud, ertainly thse states Lsrough visicli b.bal pmed vero lutIle alculasel te clevste bis affetons, cimase li ia'pitual Intuitions. Xi waus ielle o'clock belotUr. Mi.Akin wu able te retire tisai nlbt As b. reted be scbig sud veary bes on tise piIýqv, be edesvored to tors bis mimd (rm woridly bhing,, sud fhz leupon thingebeavenly and tomaI. But, bis tisoigsts asOafction WI bois toc long lioving Tlu anoihercisse. ai., The vrMy#effort te eisIts oisvsid cumise ausedisturbmuce ansudoiity. rIsere vou a brief but' fruitifss strnggii, wieu crertaxelnature vindicatel ber claine, sud thse i.y pmeciser found relief iarim perpieziag ibougistesud a troubled consienceS fvssbdlng shumber. lis tbe bslfreming, baif.vkiug state bait eûmes with th iboding cf day, Mr. Ldlu's iboglbt# flcwed &sain la thse old Chsansnel, and wban full consclcnsneu cm ho fonud-iislf bely vith questions 01 profi sud les. Sei<4wacutionand hIumi-, ltin foiloved. l "votebitteribings naiasi biasefo" for tise iuvoluntany dese cration of tise Sabbath. Rlisiug .aiy, b. iook bis Bibi., sudta* tu ho bWd scan e over, hiaaly chose s 'arse 1W tise taxi <roiwluickhobvould pracu. linrriédly mailimperfectly oui lay pimcbee.cnnemdIa subjati.Clamas ~f dicrimi ansd gîup of îbcughi MAd sideriy arraugemant vesont of tise que.e io.Tiat venlbave been toc nnet fur a muster minInder uimilai caroum- Eleven o'clock caetround quickiy, s&W ;isiNy conscions cf su obscure sud conte el mta eof<mind, Ur. Adkin enteItlw house of Uolsud ucenledthse pipi. .À litiI. vii b. st, endeavcing te eclieci bis ilcugia; iben b. &rose and comment cd Sivlng ont tb. bymn. 1$ftng bis cya Men y«&bock, sMW$e fuIsb. rin 1, blo, the.,nias <rom vbom ho pwureth is forty "uisls cf coin. ge'vas lcking i 'blm Suxedly, sud tbere vas ou bis coünts ldS As oPm"sa of 0msrpriseW4,0'co temptb iaI,-briugiug bacis, as tse' gW' prostate didé,1a 1vivld iscollectiou of< la avets < Mudy, lmoti epive Mi A lux)ffl Ir oi I 1i1 8fý% ui, LdW=nel o. 30orTeep yl 'AL w ýY jeuh3u11I' t o u rook tct ..àI -tata>' lu.l.rymo*th mmiYLA, , flT5tM on(0 Mry Otene,1 30 lvla.m, and3 Q!el 1611p Wen; ,l -y evo ' - p :3L~~~~~REI J. i.(*o Twpu.ê t er'e' La E ~ el îuv .S t .,o iIn uco P. fi u. (Allai- »re l ifi asaeisd an,. Mw .tekath eSL' f'&deY. J.T.' vet an WeaMW ofdl4bris~woofOlr unodo(!rl hê 1 w î Uucuoi ralrmnJu io "0hsl' 'Mi w; van chral3oï lo f p. ni., eveiy t- 1 nI.Mue *éUf Pem ock/ &rte oLut-No. 8, in tue . DayaCon iinEeJon MOpes'u.J.64M -"69-oJ. C.reeefve, Aaneen,maI o to Ye luae vls imis donc. rm, s'fr DMs visoîn'ù May coucara te s ldy ;the sketceh, méOeeifh a asti asc*4putafil Ome Polt 511u C5 iesor . s. 1010% Y£141"29 A lutb l ois urt 06 mcse' ouis jste day, beore Chief Justice Robinson aid Ju». tices MeLAts ud urn 'aics u gironon tise appliation df Mr. Stapien Bicisardls for a nes' tralinluthe cas of the Qbeau vs. <a. B. Lions Felîcwes, Maril Csmmas, John saxn os mslman anM George Chryoies', vio, ei the suit cf the Attorney' Gearsi ferUppern 'Canadavwoie cevicteai of conspirse> sud frasileaIt4is limt electilonfer tisa Cousit>' cf, e.- The offmee, yuil-be remesabered, vasl committeti vus lb.é view té procure tise ratura of Mri. paihoves sas mouser cf tise Nouse cfAmsmbl>'. Sir J. B. Riobinson, Bas-t., tise Cbic justice, «Oerrlel ail thse points urgel b>' Cousci foi the dufossaasin bfavor or s nev trI, xpresaing bis llief tisat tiselr convictiosn vu jn astindl ight. Il vas plain Sud uudeulable, b. ssiI tisa agrois, oui. nage isad been Žasosnitted upon ltse con- stitution, sud tisat tlw sistute law of ibe' Province ba" beau directly violateal.Tala- ing lIe oconsiIeration the acta of the case, tise Cou rt bal c4jommete, the conclusion 1cr refau.te grant a nov triai. Mr. A"lm Wilson, Q. C., vise appease for lb. Crovnf, tissu sicvetsmi the judge- nment cf the Court b. pronouncel ppu tisE lippu balela iaIf.Fellovres'anî he Umts,. Casseîmsu"appess'ad the otiscn d&' fAnt Chryuier, as notilu Atsauatauee. Mr. Justice Melcan thon uskcd tisa de- fendant if the>'isaâd"-nyilsing to sssy vhs tise sentence cf tise Court ssoasl nol b. proncuncel. À negative iiply il, eac case vas given. mis Loralip ttion sl itlu lwaysaa painful snd upleausanduty te Pmuas -n teao ,upon pasiiescouivictel 0of icas seot sthee iav iso j lbut, h is more purnar"rl unplessasît te do>so in a me liketiseont nov bomeiethe Couit,'vere, Ise defindasisare persns-vish aveocu The ofac <vscryon haiebeuloui gultidqle ocf je veq g A I odacer- 'Ver, inmposrtait statole'law 0cf'lb.eProvince. ltis s gremi lpiviiega vich tisa people 0o ibis cuntry 04anjo>' f tisamussîveselowtig lise mas viseshaîl rapraseni ihan assa tiseir intres the His m ou f' Assmbi>' h' iS avimsuaatibeneahli !privilegebesue kt gives tte .popie a-diréâctointercl n thée Institutions on vIwb tise vailýfar e countiydopeal. To regulotto'hiarcis of thse frumiiand telefothnet.samode of .iOctngsese essceriisiProvisions voie maeasdven aiesm avilted a vent cf- bé"prtiittd 'e fi. îutl Meon levée, Unfortuaa tl isr a ebeeu i varions a t t tedefetbe bject cf tise lau lu Ibi sspct-a usseeli u I àmaéa o iena -Wn'Ictm>in taka sbosldb. eveu, ecaisathse offence s bll nio nîj jjnn o #-,0 -ecoin. fflaeu4 partielri'afatt lyls oniS »Iosen but ale tt e eosst#y at IAip. Yeu dici cf a jyf conspiracy iniaetnrning tu t;'d»ise oue Asuetbiy.a masvWho balnut ubbaioe<d"Obftbefac « oleir raiu oishfsc, tckM s sie a&.ý >l'yb sé mos ooe efAnm ,al ncsetép a bu ts'tofvombl àTiserpepod O tisa Ce"sue$o n"), .aàwpscaalî, 's 1théis ho kig . an.do orsawiI1stWlsf, bisM ý lsefly5; ÇOI'clclangsli rfy tIse imperturbable'ecountdssasce is'7iist'ves type of.dwse oidsBgtaa"yth. Thougs Froiscisý, b.",,'th. ertsu oo ,~ ami Englaul'bm good resi te bevareof 14&,wIstmnstm. Wl.t are 'bis0 stece- 15845rh b. u 'lanttel bak' ePrns tibongs b. esnno$lyohe thon eu1 the Naina meilid "a alidilaste for, hous lDceulrOf tsa0 caB4n Frenchs peopeIae irËIeltrtt'esi- ocrallo e puias cae' sud Indivisable. povffor cusolia4elertp Wyuskmcel- Ait is rgvearvithouiýméîântaresery# icu. gav biccntn Lb "eupd~If"ui is Wmie 1 Atcaiiy'laseoù 2ùd of Dec. 185L~ oue isadeliaaliug opponents OfLouis' lesigna; siezl hum, ald »MWsrevlis inte prison Ir Neoluvested tise cii>' with 120,000 iosTise National Assembl>', vas 'peop ael ai tb. pontof tise baonet. 300oZit meinbsreneImpnlsoael t Thse fev ic publicaus viso lWaiescapelarrest and i- prisoument, arcnuetise'dolivered, peopi te reslsuaasce On the 4iih of 'lecember, barricadas ver. ruls".Tb. ,dgbt, begtu Ondes, va" -suel b>'Naolonte n9 i quartr,di"ôto sfouis! lu arisi asndsa evea te "shoot dovs" ailtame 'ile <cud nl ats thetalUSavon bÏigoàde a'. tackel simtsltanaouly, seven barricades vits icanuon, anal carniel tisi thbe peint 1co tthe 4yonet. The Boule vrveo cecsJp ed by 60,000 iroope. Groupe'of nre ,itizen#, ni o osa d ebliren, voie flrdonoby tise infantiy, Mssbro b>'tise De Morny mnd De Mfaupa. (bis cretgros érdérel lb. Prefehi f tise departsnâuis "t e am- srst on a grand4 çl1aeie te giSle terre." Thmowosedrsvn lt/cral orenfovel.' Acordng te lis.besisantolj- lies, la'tise 55 dearwtuat '1 200O00 ere pete lSefeins tethe panaiaatcmontO, orimpi>' eilIi ToAges11,000 vwOreosnt Somo departinenis va &IMMasosi ahsste, mai 'cmi tevsss more tissu deciasatel.»lru uai equal te Iis"cmtdtt/ -o sis, ince the sisaliér ofilsaininsis. Evemi, is lb. days of ihe anonterlobopioretIsa i0s Amoug tise ittim nontins cf tb.esleicac Iungaosiscontalsual tb. sssef bisagreates dhàtnoiou"'aea swoti sud veaiis T" iese r.crovdefiu$e pIrJsonsig tb. deal or viuter ?rj"ts lre bl.or ccis- ing, vitistielles!d t i wae isa! ifs *-ringlsPrisons Saudi t ie 'buike,4l and lise Estile 1 .bepro s uforitis -,pge. Ts ofr< 4e& spee trsa 'vUo ereel vts spe mpie. mo n vba.eeos uorcealts perjurol "T'ome v dILa-rol lisebd, tise iqqjreta o%/,tbçir iocshily .il bc btttr âenaed!,taheis pscc s"d liassent f « a siul comuatiyýbettârt&anotidby actinag ofa muunicipal Election 1 inetemlof eamcuws Son o'iê16e$eiI. ;mnicsof yeara atrds ,4i'cure Oeedcate. mugimsspnend ml oy .emeuly ile jseKrptua telaioui Munù icipal E l"eçtin WMit6y. "We'allov Oi personalfelingsi to-carry us into estremes for oui favories tise -prtsit o f, iutuai goalvn ,asd respect, oarseci thrw. al then tisaprevaiig qujiet vus regard te ýouriL"à MabpalEecalonsfr 'tie psps jear asagcomes *tisaive arestearning, te -nesaioisrIutic,.su tisatinlufuture vwe vilI copeticn sbecoms us, lun tter mangear te1warcl acsotiss- Tise proeedlngs of tis Couclifortise 5>neelei ,year,7i40 y , v.tuais, villha a,<e excepion, # ronounce te baue been cf a stieactnyiasetro (ai; 'sud vill of'the rstepairsm , *hile issu>'nov anti permauess i I pv.estsbave 'beau naletie1und 6 tis Tovn bave -been cafuhly consrvel, uaq, t)su "i m paoer .mtois suessu icia usonùm,st then saterel afev'rwoof0fûre, visca et isasf-puAfI htii rp cf tb.sapffold v&y~V~p, sud vla~jvsib suugemJOIans roya gave up iegct' Ian ouri iltnEtl .osas e areamI qÇessesien.of'y>npti of 0-tise' osi publice' lsalmtan for Broyit talai g Piate mli olver'tle NitstSae.lnaiýS M astei Toronto, Cbtisam, sud otiser places la western Canadatise ccbored paqinlalio are boli~eetni .si6 f aleyçtiou- aciaracter, eztaesIve orniser symialby. Goemr,~qwws in a very coartous latter- gaveipummIsou te Ibm m'a vif. e' taise avay ban ilI.fael husbmis's renala*, Tieosbïwgî ini ag~t a -,thsIe Fcse Tise fellevluî paper. publiAiedl ars re tise "lTr usà,sjgà of a noi'v paperj Mý. J.l P', 7 sîumbar an8a i c4b evry va>'.ý MinIsir>;butli .1is lto r, . tise uMi .tMrl ciresamignnccs cas professions lia't >0the stad tedlè. iti t! lu béen pr«auel te b. exmcted by v illî sb'ai ei trati meidmai bb'l,-st teubav luvariably scu séa Mntsital1 Abuasli lbATwnor0' fef sieZ ion le thse but Abum n theTownCloîlCs 0111e Ïbave plantàtow Ip bee cor."çMusqm, qW b.1asal "'--Thsesmine ais beand airerisal, anti mnnacssaryaies. Hév aep eraie1i ciàl in prservia tise go ôd tiden of tise Town. A*mtoise heAsimportsatcar4 --of a s out - jot/a.lit/r e Ploeeroftbe Wiiby' 1 ti uos famy cothr'Tc'ni uvo lanourWiihse i liuppi Canada. Wiîbyý batur aribaal section c proemeuta te aseow for the yearývitb lus malter 1>0? ' on ftue pari oft peo«disgs cf lie Coun4il have beau con velcome i as m dàWnc htea hsuer grest deorua4n, sd 'tise LibcWal orii b>' lb. piaest jMAyoý, me. J. HansPerqm msty"bt intelligent suàidigaiiel d anr ihesbs ô,fSI a gaincaltise applsueesOile.qf frieaI sud <os. probend ' outint"1Wtia ait aIelb.rstive boalies, and ccSwt"nng fise I loi mueto nure 'tÏ 'tisW ibjec is lusand ulie tsiiguUgaad vas, peibape, snvoldale. -Ounb.iathe îleweechsfo*0v Wbitby baaue tem b.- s alisflel viltise WýIw, conucil for 1,! sud. veasual1" _pari>' adi l ofr agais. _W.e esony tisa't iiscam .ot OS "l4 st e b. "de.ue"em i s 'Mv; err«y ami CqwptalapuiCa p>iiieu lovebatsalipoatehiseiselosdllncltd 1ChW5* 5b te ousfor ors fe iclsfoi, the May. bitrdlng en oral' sâd M 1sBigèIàv "J>èapsr, Me- ject 1 but vises barmlnalbosa mi 10coma forvard acms re-laclouTo Ia cu'slLITierear24s v d'selea u, lsal.,uellasved isUelOur 4llnwilul4 p tissreenai.. vuhao »fcicw o dUfAo gq4ý - M,À us J'4mm ba.xs beauI A osNajL svqsa&mo hiebee Sl&va,.~ I gne thisemuarksetftie man aon tise rourlaa seu ai Osilava, sud tisarosur>- cls'lu gentiomen; bbc ami> Ol as cf Pot ant iattie VA J inuh"atisa miome ,Isai started'in Oshaura b>' Rec.Miiaam & C. The lirai a ver>' csedieableasppaarn.- I comas oui strong>' lu Lhq; presmAss pologj f. it &eCs muet taes iapliée tr opposition. Tisa Ce. ai.ý Meisilus's n'ine, ve are ie parties conmuectecti vij jouirnal lu ibis touru Tiai easmèed vusth a e nsini- à ci " sliepemaence," visiel un' not"io ha cossided il!s, a dblm iest tliô êgesses. ibrsoftis eosia. Ths ýi î4 oe te, O n eayof Sttirm uicmatamces conec. ruïi Pu blcation. voîsit ont tolsr 4£t ils poition hât. taSsa bï 'ýtis he* It gale to théiisepTopnelcoif papcr cf Whlitby. eau. ýpolie>', snd confidencea les I eteey ropàl'or raain. tse ulnisisijounmin bal ne ides t*a lIBe Wora ahs Ontario Laualscia droal C7&ams ansd )fiuisulcr lit mcii dcibedl>' snti.s{nis )f cduntry.-sIsnt athe lsssppemapceM ofthe Jour- aove cenoted l ulsea pauh tic.wb i sosld, vas làll, a ac-1 abouea iluthe causa 0of 9L f'é <ouues oui ,strsag> pi on brrs smpology c s.verieessfl itillookedupon Èçcio becaue it I"does nes ItJI ie >e*mlav op-position."i s6oeot srougelu oin gOur Se eetespcrsry, Ant la, mesut b> ' ire aal 9 i OppitiOv ak? ise, active of ý my - -va vossld net birelissg eisor Bd ïôl front of d Tony, ortise I *1 p'~*ai 6< Ieceanbe WP55a71 Nov. aie, As 7yftXWots f Ms. G store, te No. 1' Bnocis streetWhitl Next Pnilay ave (nons Toronto, viii Suje -"rmua lecture vin commet igqr Toronto, more tiSe suffragcs e tise position of Cisie - Tm Ho.1.B electel .Trrasasirrc 'Upper Canadainasp B.Maeaulayi - Clirk bas nedlmbi isig Mouday tbe lot tion of Myor Of'1 - rwis the city of lions ai Queret ns--ad alurge nus dia" GI6erils M'iv rie" nffcEcr.- The ai Tulsaago. P reportel lisaisaco Posa" Juarez to ai Mexico, sud the b. esiterel, sud IU %Cisuelsprepert>' to Appas To NeExoellener ha& bomnjleasa&to pitenui viz . h barai been plam Elvatti E. Gaies' quir.M. ILD., an (asan id carre Plour$ @4 Oazs 35 a 38e. a $1à,$18' Park $4* ta M. Nd $p3 7 a$4 II5tOOja, SO Butter 15. o 2 Butter 15.0 FovlPd2e. s 1 Tosksys1Qe.a (saae.5c a 4Qî Bati $1 " -f Gorl Wood $2 WHmTLEY- S son, i. Akmand SyMON8.-IM » inlfsit, tise vis Agent, Point Li 281his t., the. vs 'as..1... M, i-A s4fîWdeibolhOt m.tou«rs su coîa WhlqeyToeay, I)eoebr 4 l18m' Wor'k sud AdrertWig#, are roquesMtet mbshe nimmedi atemto t f tI ee, iS Tis nain"scf ail subsenibm i b. Mcsu off oui lista, Md tisr scemout baudcdover for collactc 'omm.n- ç withtie lot ofJsuurYY 1860, ino peper will b. o rWwedromil 0", ae m e Oubcrpton b. pal1 lu itdvmuc. . *0liaIit aeeamy, te opt b~ dvisel rombrea(ter. lu utureca.sh Mtb.fpaid for ailJob Work'aud t prnsin Ave iWtemsatiser meetispsie. 1mff ouen meecunrt or conta witb tise dmce

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