Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Dec 1859, p. 1

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odimOé, whtby;O. W, _ _ _ _ _ Ib Jb outHn*VeN, 'Ch EIC0g, Teje UNIOURT AND 0h a.g.ti Qfw ,IirokMrt. . . W..A4TOi4rp., 4 tiIlI Se.> -0,KACDONV"LP 0SÃ"LICITUM,4 à(.tlJÇIii' TILS ÇOUMNTY Ofice t thq Court 11010' .L. IIDNS JOHng GORDON, lX(4PUORRof ýWIÇ0UUT8 5 MEUEZS for41h..ow t ntif.'b-' W. ff, iuxÂLttni, LT RIES EtANI)COuJiTT CTýùlxW k _ Piho--In Muai . r I 9 ogells a$rqte(!Oo ' Cuei(poi .A>,Mf.* 91_90 qIiu 1vorJ4 S. Deshdçot Wltoe,PëîqeéjSUt Whliby T> CMDTE.'1.LW, OFICE-IEOC .LPtReqIMWUS AND , C,W EYN. <. fA trUt, Wht * io, 4 ~ ~ ~ W G. . DAIV L , A&>~ ' iÃ"'~W W 77~*S tfOND' 4.ons. f - w. aow, ~aemuu, Af b 54 A T. kt~'xÀ'I ~Tx,~~ 1~0TON 4IANdWIJ'r AO20 M fl4àI &mwuuIMa 8.' .' Wbahal, Twovmr Mou% foi. amIe tont<lone 1 t EIA MTL àd i Dr 9: '~Ilyeum, Jus% mat,11 M.~ Sapr JOel NET4LF e tue',lai*tbY. 'aw r VARMV'It,' pJU>PIltïp0ltl. m;TEKS [lia ô e1rW Iuen¶s iOcoualn JJW~ by. 44 THOXA DK.YE lez - w WOD5IYTII ~.&2[ôNA ~ri244#4,For the-., T F, Ù124d- =hâM. Ahdf 4,Wiitb~,Su*s,,w7,' ~ îâ,0 'I ES U~~sJ~ P~ihi'.luizî 44n on r ho* 7W~1V AIWUV u¶~lzoua t..,, aloi'.ip uoi u-pai te~UbAau hormpbapahd 17Aw 4 Jaàpf4tri k t hO tVii I oeuu orves~ .am xngo*sa~oéuwv. p39pp~pc4u~~ap><C9u$iuu~nt,, ,4 4.485 or 04sws Al the Ab, -of th raiuvp  like, 4ifrjii'qé _ iuooievay ei veI "e ava>' atnon pild tZe thaieffitan eanvuoeud~.vaé 1s, maoud dire tiln 18piq m J h*i ont. N4, c1iN j rL~e!Ilêr* , EEOK, 1 nnerugned vif 4k tfhe bv"W dr,1 ki.U ot pté nnrgadfrCh eouli>tii u eonve ThabW4m prpitrnrg lm<ooit*Imb HEPfiOPII Dl?'I'ISocWTLL «li ol M.JIC u«tAS , ngroaor4ço, rnjat~soac hruiuus llte! q hollststle Eor' but rbl ria'..n é~tdrnia pu. psuoy intel1h4iiee but < . u upis. 0me 1 riflOiU4 Whltby, asd the trav.lilu ,esnntobt h ot!, liis muie. Lqun. ]y n reamaira WhIty, Mrql>111 , "1857. SAJ tem lte yo lb.m, eûýl -teQÏn ýà piI.. bêîsd.libraiy dit lt42Ai «Ordenby inilL1Uneuus Pffn>ldxas.M 44,w 45 LAT 4 ~l L444 lLE'T ~w4Om<rF5A.puas.ï 7e cr 4 444tr.", ir,' % lO~EI, J 1451%. D. mua v. r. 441 4 4, 4VEOOMAXTON, P. O. Tovus>I~ s~f Brook. 'fq un ryGoodne;(Jo.erha9 Creelwiy, Wjity Ply1148Pu. 284.t o9ui44in aa rat-olasBosehm. in FrtC aTab Stallu C~Ai~ is, Ho l ~>vproise. ATLASlI ,Nt OIKS gw'FrntSaret Tret.. OI'êARLE8 VAL E S&Go t9 b!irmm 1h.pubiloie ChtChi' lve va A>oUO&Uattaslling"e Oxtensile promises on 5*t, fimordi >eOpupw ied a lb.Otaic e7,utauuual",Piaoestyle forsurr>- bsih*buub.. «oiarnumoreus Fit- 'lridhi'uiit Poorm, plain audOnmua Catr" y uuAWndwCap., Uils and! ,Koea"G'tos vn moqîhaCsuseu, i Sugsif whlhOeyofér t bi .Trait ue otheron éd. vonw»ou tenn»..W» CeaunI rider. pïe.- tual!Yj4ttendes! te. GET YOUUI LIKENISSAT rAlCarS's lot' Prim s titre Gallavy uaieacorect and ifl -0, mbe j~o ~ ,ttrg~ phor Ltiar frana~,'î~'L' In lu ik.t, Brouchor Bin, lor . A 4.. eu do It Iu ch. botrt styla, WUCILN ONs BOC AoTE'- A t'mnana, So c, OW11 wneefi %"durs leasths the (n leonir.u.op MatFemooDmPM 0esua l i J. C. Ster euwnta AiTre utg to Miction slbythe& shah M'a' he'rd ibi .on baus tO Siaiif " in * l ,'àn tic atunds(n i!pat.ofthaeConuyt * 1.47. STEELIBG. - 44~~~n M,~ m ~4 4 ~A MER$8 SALEu l he Ceounr vIli -'Jf are <h oa itbtsdva- Utsg . V ttaA _______________ .EeuusvarSà Pas. Pisoue cfResu. Ilîghooa sd Utvina fuae tssi elai !. adîsorsieres!or lmpna M& nuaibev4Ân4444,4 4444444 Pffl, A muuvr ha otakeu axylquécfln.eti o,, hý Pmd.-fs mcdllne . . 1 j ',<UEE "ehboue.Nu.1 e"il fo I U1ln hm No fr 5eit,4 ii 4l, frth Fii Dirocsrln o mn ti nip'ago.ehb Fgoras Pâeh boulle . . ..ol. forO> pr bUl 1 i'iJiS. Iff44 - - <Jso le (ýtERhiE, WliltbyloSApon 14, 18,59 ALLrnon havnqýclainagazît,g Ilpennentram t frP 411117lot, 185K,2St Whit aid Wo0L T E undmgnéd hJa t rciv«id,pi'- dm dor1 te aeveM, tbhéan btils o(t a1nd ftringIawt UO iey quantlt -M wOOLfor vhlc 111W, Whitby, Ray, 1659, 1 JOHN LIKNS, P RRIEO]. t-h*fins ad -the publioe endrally, Who baveé hitherto uolibi lpatronized lin at lunisfwmaursd, the ~tm#u13dM lnbiCk.bgiaaytht a asIMe rtépâe Mmttet, bot **aan Kint sud Yront St'a, whm ebd wllllways b. roady to me 11% ol& friands sud the publie ganaral- S.lng lu thea bt»ituluipart ot «W ît y it, wil b. tbund & eeuvanient Hot#l i're, ajblcinaannel., ,The expeunaw op and ftQrih. i stTuhoi aaomou& wltb the boài t lb. arket afrdî aalu ",bn uu nd eùéfùl snd atteulli', se.- esot ofevoey.tipd.oet Wines, ORALLEN G~It PART gr'l~ 4444 '4RAND TURKM,4 BtlOOklgiTe 4 Whibfîv. Mone4à,40à,m4 ser 4444 4 4 4 4 4 4 lheà aan excellent. pumup ;on tb. "mlse For hu, plbo P. X*r.uwood, o t,, £loig - JOHN. lMcouTLLOXGI Q»abec -Arener 2<et ,the'vu.sîauo Danauwith tch. Ovemmmàeut fi OeNteD Transaction; te Bus. noac artleu residing in Up pericanada orelet1ere, with aýiuycf ch. a ent againat lb.eGovau'ninen, or veqirlu'gany lfi#lO btafiuable i#tbe Oewun den2 or, Other PuWle Ofice, -May , have ,ibeir bualnpss JlIllgenÏ!y ,s#ande4to byS a m- denit'Agint, witboaiilb. ezpeoa. sud ln- oenT.flln,ueêof a> ro. oQujbec. Patéts of*Inventionta'i~cl Ail prîépmld; énuiuhctiooju, additesad celve inuuuediât. attention. C 4i 4 4 , g .4.4 4il bolJ. '011138 rAO il bn ar . tue, dend w "khldcosu th I Y oter ~But. itoi and oeurte l Tw a ter½ auxb d.lhnd 1< l orWçakt- Aed9, id clrinragbt waribth sliugae o. p1G LTUlm Whu O RD.n<halk lne &Hakirof t, Show.4 44y4a 4444, ' undasl,8sud tuîulahed wit h god udeb4a wcrls a.u........ T hUsikll, u 4 la 8IMPSON kJ MGUS6N, SESPECTFULLY announethe'eln. 4bbliUltioï'Whltbindeaurrodnding ountiy, thethay.bW e oea ,, T#.os S poa ' 1tvat orderii etM1#ed tothezwiff1 bdn.w mâho heand aepatlb. BRITISL I EVI'E w'S. 'y.. You cntinue to publish <u. foilow. ing!eaidng' British Pelriodicals,vi- TUE LOIM0N QUrAETEIsL (Corlseivishivo.) MEE 2FuRxno BESUISWil (Wbig. rom totafBTMSY! REVI- EW (ibr.)O rh ILACicvOu'S auaxn AAr(Tory,.) Thea. ptwio<icalus aby rcPreSîàî'tb1h t!sregrat polihicul parties or Giio4 Dri- tslnh-whig, Tory, ed Radicl-huibt poli- tics formg only one featureo fthircbarsèt, er. - Ai OrgÏns of', he mont pràfound vrîtors on science,' Litornture, UMrslity, and Religion, <bey stind,, a& îIléy avor ,have stoc<l, unrlvallod iii Ch. oý rrlu4 et.t toi., Weng consî de reos1fndispen",bio <ot the ,sebobsr snd <ut robe on[î, h! fô te ctlligient'rcadcror,evr 18Sas ey furnwý éérect a afaeétory te- ofrr et lb.current* literitijre t the doy threugbouttheveorld, lbsn cn ea u.pou.b!y Tereeel1toýf  sÀIO uzE!, romtb. Brts,%bi#uara gtvaadiios vl tise acri$'» nspchastb,.ano lue pîsod>in 1hehièids ofÏuboc;vbc4 abut go Son as the orIgnal taltions. S. Perl'Mn. For, «uY o t the fourRavIe.. so For an ve iafu.Bve. ' 6o For mi' tbrea of the fourBaylJews., .J, GO P'or Bueakvcod'usIMagazine .,_ O Pôor Blaekwc6,ýd'>anâd ono Beviev... "'e00 Por Blackvocd and tvcEeie '.00 G For Blaebqudau"d the-four nmriwo.lOo 'Adiscountcof tent'.five ptr centt fren ordrfn for o4nur cp as f apy 10ne or iuoi'@. qfthea beçI'e oiku. Thw.; Four .oopea fîlekwo4,oro0 1 tcn ilW4. il! wboSnt < onc, addfrme$»; fourïcopieo of the four4 kJ 'îý Blcýý4for OauuadlauMai! sub"trbersvii beuuip. plied freeoof t. S.Posp.44 4 tions à%houls! aiw*as hoaddrassodl,,po.- poid tob uli 'JAMRS JOINsON 4I 8444 44w or Wa*oh and tzk Xa , .7JIWLLE 40-f..&foi 54 j R ,il . U. il - ý 141, - ý > - - -11 -.- ý -il ci A 1 e 1- .11 ýj Il , 1

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