Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 2 Dec 1859, p. 3

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tetycsld ponfor s Çr~z,< ermS ot bdév s, viii of gr~. .W. MArn.Fq., of a go DJED. Moe&Moda vadhag, Nov. 2816., tlaââin mi of gr, IL W. Ane. Eq, POTT&-t Montreal, ou, tii. 1716ln- amU4 ài Jis,"',p 4Pimp, <or ay yusuacmmsecf. v116 b.o treat .Woncd a*murefv.of calisI, Bogia.4, qrd 49 fh -n Essa, on fis 2816 (mat., Puni, aed *bout 21 ynn, haint à"[ssl udss., fisyoe.o 8wsk eld, WJITUT MAEKETO. Whou$at-sl, a d Pulef sa c'sa 84 2..84 a h 80 0asla M4 Potatooo4 la o «b1la91L Buta Od 0 1 d, E O« a7d dez Rasy $le Fowm i $f $c~wt. et yungam21t'vof ab< hi n msaihmusl u1<Ilu -Auy sPaity. 71 Addffia., tWhltby Poil Ofic C!ourvr or Osv.êao, Q"YSatuirda>, tise Ir#Wit: f Tlsrdd4y<of MIfD, 16160, et ýTvelve dlor, unp ii l beiold b>' Public Amtion, st zyQffiaeln tu oeurtliousse, in b Town Wboýtii niglit, eansd lnteral viiaitise uuderaiuenind dsfeudeaev g-irS'pus..los iiuundenmt"m U lnde andS tiuiasensetisereod .zu.d b>' me un- dw'wad by, ivitu f ;U eR aWrif..fofe1W Iacleete me draevis. In Lb. Court of QuWo sDeb. Willim P. goviand andS John Chain. Lot 28, Urok.u Front, la thse 1sf concw- In Lb. Court !Cemmseu Plama. Ill ,,aflvidon,plitfv.Ile Jeiuae, dedasst. ,Ail lsalpercelr tuactof lanilutise Tovuulslp oBroak, lu tise Ceiuf> of Ons- 'talobelsg ot uamber Nineteen, (10) ln hiiTveL euccaso(u e! Li e i ov- *i .Bodk vtwmig eu andmnguler, tbe tu.ts sredumtas an~ad appofesu ll te CoorI ef Qome U' bul. Jan« adLng Sstf vam eMortonea M&hbsguiata rtalupleoeor laiMd, si"W edin tbe Teusslip ot - l4 ont timubr mive, l te Elgsti ilfat put 1m 0 eeo.co.ydh !%ê<iiib<SiigoiUp<5ff fplAA of Lotamuisr.v tbé u is. nthms em dm n d S aibn âN'on&Mnahdn ! itsak as nuApt, ons.sudkg sseoam". mt b. yai to IWWoodward, wbo7wl Uc amW@ dale sals ms IL 8,CLAK. MALT VINE<>ÂR.1 fAT I V1NEGMun, mwbe sd inlrg, Whital$rEe o joui Jnomes%, wwo KGRATOD qâ o., if smp l r.,hEfglsad I.p. ng in IIl ilakfihiy rored by GRAINS , FOR OA'TTLE CLARK & WOODWARD. IN oneof<the publie strumt of the, Town gtWibfa .bort, ias. $go,. BLUBENANELLEU ILOCKET, oentainiug s InIamr, sot in oldvitla &<Ied *WsCh Ky atacu& Tii. h& vili b. lb.Mrel .arded oq long' tii A $PAN 0F IMATCHED B1-0-TSFiSq Wsfb Foie and S8446l, on vbleb tim , wil 16 sivan by bMfwnsgapprolid mdod T. Kouo£",AN SWwaqL. .Oct. 0,'189., 65*-a NO" oetoLosOsgLdn -BTÂTIONEES, IIOeKsELLES, Ans, PAPER DgALEEs, "1&0CM TKEET, #W, eDT 11 ýCEUTMFCATES* , And aIl otber Bleuis appolient tb#u 0:> 26 purom oe* Chpo QUARTEULY FAI»R rriMBEpsbgle &m ramtude fiatbfi.next uà pair, viti-Wb W&léatI be .0 -0 MWlaqgI OBa e!fl QRP~gWOOD SO I tcongou. pt , pr 0 ni eutln hic.. lu.r.itofore Charge La IOÉt 10A~ «li.prime in Sugar.-Lost Cruabed sud xiriaoov~io.' Tobaed !fgsî Smoking paud Chowin~ - Pickles la varlety. W5u ve atcl atbGoorWUD - i NOTICM 13 M e#.Z- W ILL 9lU IEIVED i> a 00e 0 ane ui uoi or YIIDAY, tihe lOtis lJCEN audertake tise IUTN <U.YIT MitNTÂWau9 j D2î8',ALTMI.TÀL BUILL M1, Tenders to atte a balk anus, for viie tue eotmtonl .ilin . Plsy ail thesa s- turwal si otrwds et, Abid Fat lua ucera.- fui foisen.tio, lthse worki, puacislury âd ep- ilim« mec4d wit tbeenti e Aseido visat sy.ttm hie TeNder labagad;d, su saait s full spucdaantio cm up ldiràu detsikd< droawlg, of Ito applIaionsud te gaaraustae£ lepffreet affllccy fur ti s ur ll e g luto operatioi J'iang of *flieaeal sinisige me>' b sî ou reirerecs te tua s fice, or (o the. Arclitbet, M.era VVLIasau Stswx , s a uTrolito, or t.> M.'aro. BaiM ad "Lj**a, of ttsswn. Tis rNr re -o" Mtoe.ddreoid Uti ise "Se- su" r. *maot'h otls.ga«nroo of twoor more évo- opm4sble parso emav o.re vwli<g to heaume euifyfr 1e due perOr«mgff sc e isei tr-t su it um iwsdery oftii. systeuo, sud aeto bue S)movnauidby oiscl, curtofite-o sud r ursendaiu eparties use>' have t fr via respec ý t (ni oràatiu. W«orke Qs*., 1Mi NOV. ut». MWi i i "4 70&. Uv New TalloringEtbiln t RE~~1ULLYennosce o fthe lu. oaiufr>', fiat tise>bav# epeuedsa Talle's hp pa rik ere 0 opeietisa "Otao Medouévise, i uestuie.e auJ iSCts WbItby, Oct, Ob15 0 uset fr ayisg is assa ia îem u patiosa or# boi t t~ t$ t5Z luse ho require s ousa nt pro iiu, Mud <rOui lhe , ls~lbu lltserto d0blix, 04 o fsrthec otiee vihoiib.gron' AMi if auy partie lave te psy cafise'vi sv lthirussdvae te biose, astie le. = se;; o ais.,due.o1- prln Win. LAINGF N .After ti e ltis ofOetek.r »21, a11 aisrseslgunpsjaiay b.o expecsd to bepw lacediii ai>'dletos iaodafceolleaden Whltby, SeOM , 1959 W.Lx " Jn soen Ji )ïare ben revd in a ra&' Amy ,rnon eu beeo~sea mMisrby eabsalblug 03.60. Wisieis wIl ill e ll ite 1t-Tht 8&utifol BIa Afatf 61Shakam carnd Sb 1*>W "& 2ge-4 -oaî>y of go ekfa4 JZura. ma À4 f Jourial, mu gear. Gall*e,58 ~ AJwagalmw -go rn addit Ion $0 o i, .eh wOi bondr..d ralqah» wcnis of Art art viaén (tho uwbse,4mrate, turgmw iick, by tise freAiusflnnadi wrto4a Atitk. Shakegpe sd-bi ll.ds Ie ofa aa er ntogwfve uqualhd Ragt".- floâ. No work of equal velu. rasver isioe Pe"ai vitisurmeaisoîW's.the pie aS*t'MMsa or ue o bofice.Bbw It cm be »ttg PaPl pareth tis onufby isilivlr.a< oisei pocein lu le, fk><1 ýUscha * oidelve.d f*»soi charse, sud is t% ho 'onour, (Wr fw «vadiuào!Tise d',ti se lat of Jasuas7, 155, et dmé'la tbiriloks vii cleo uMdtia Vs'ileum bé -ien t. ussbeeibçm,' 77 -ouo> r.iet4t lg5 uns &e!I".lblw çumluavii£MY pl < the~ viii j-- 42 BROCWrEZ- YITI TubIkubu là baeopeéd 4bu#wcasin Stb laffhIlu u .rJopfsth v Iii ua" vBereth. re cppa petufvorme oflog.pmreuce and sa tbey W'AFFRD TO !SELL TIIEM 0CBEAPER,I »M dss tii.. bebavie (o firethie lab otioýtbeila.. Ml kluao<Iuibe ri3<mr produue taticu in e*ebAnge. Ail vonwarrmnted. WINSBRANDIES, &e, JIULESMNUK à o.,$ eiAlMpAGNES, Pl A. MUMMIitziqlsa8dWINES. J-:HOWART> MARS11 k, C&S MADEIRA WINY4S. JULES, BODIN * CO'S GOGNAC BIRANDIES, BRANDENIIUJW k FUMES BORDEAUYX WIIIES ONTLIY, CRAMP kCO"$, PORT WvJNES.l ORCBÀP UTER & CO '0 SHERRY WIZFE$., WM. Ã"UNGR kCO.'$E1>ENBURG 13TRONG AND PALE INDIA ALES. ave no eeved, nrtfl ucvnsx nul'LACrs oR OWIoirvu (ei Pring Suppliessd o BRANIES-Marfals, llenncsiey',,Robi na, Pint, Castillon% ,o Gins-iollsud and Englssh, of bcotbrssido, Iu wood snd boulie, zUis -line .14 Losdon DocklJaniaicasuda euaras AE-adAlliÈpp' sudTounin uWood sud botle. POitheEB-*dtea If ibberf'a ud unness', lu voodiidbottle. -~~~~~~~a$l WHZISS<TusdIIOf tii, uct favouye4 qualifiai, JPORT WJnES-Od1ey k Cou Sdeimuon,sud oufi avrtesaka CHLAMPAGNES-Moet k Clîsudon'. sud Mm! fand variou aotber bndi CLARW~Ofvarlm99sg8, lu wood sudboul BUROUKDIES, HOM1<, MOSELLE ,LJQU[1URS, &c., k. . P"ie,4146e Md smplc y e ' bad on alictin Mlon"te l, lOiJne, 189.E, CLPA ïreaseudlp ùniSer tise nmansd 'atyle <if Donsso uWaukeyk'Co,,IoW thse psrpeos cuiriryfsigon tis C.riage1mi- uns lu aii s brauduaa, on thae premulses bereof ve ccaiedby ra lB. Carpenter, o e. o Blet, (uealy ýopposit@e be o SAMUEI. WALEY 0. Y. DONOVAN.' Wlaitby, Auguat 22, 1859,. > 4 Ngotl.-.Chnp Liglt. ,Codtai&m LuMPS a!reduced Pneu. TME obw isbu adaiSrrangcuments &dve nts per pilou, sud best Coul il IeA a s iiuiredimo. Terni lu GEx ORGET r Tii undersigned le praparcd te PAY CASOU"O WM ueV»TbtM d«« £bfflb«,,em »'"mMFo"'m aSWM/i,,Q 0ALEBO EAV Wona.>aa ' ' aiS WintMW Ioeswsy 11vus -le aise koTraelvitby'TO 8,115NEL40N a" %EYsOLD$, a&1 uPUBL ICgi - reçist 1.4 W ynOtendb il a b a;sat ,, U"*nS _ b$ee .'urw iio k 00. 25 Depsrtmntal- Notice, INSPEOO EEA/ FIE Cureoxa Dsnaueuexn Quîet, i7th Novenuber, 1859. N (ICEla arby gîvtisaI an ordor la la dlrceted ti a adravbswl. eqsaal to = we dtc foue, bc allowed W sip Balderu o Codafor curer>' dUsrption aad on ail articles. o<ron, Copp BrAs4, Yllov M"tatal oin, Mmss factsi lor surfaturod, seuly do"Misd 'cuaIloyd bIli mlu ibiding sudigg l<sY i wit lsisitise Juste o<ti Po ail aiýpo 01of visic irtces (lacudlag the. L<orJags dutc Oa"»Wisss shah have bren pald W tsci (or b&' tise personsor par- sanie), opo= tlirlsperwsion lutkp câpada. Tii,Ode ads utwsail artiser djirects tisaItisah cslloeo<fic Cordage sud otlier Artielca apais whl Is Le lalascidr lraibeek, caeJu b. Mnd fise O ltoul f utime pals, di ase ise Umaae of teie-, obi ipsl tii.building su.i=',g ! vvsi2at of uia .1is. artices'. 1, u4uc<Firouaed and viensatise said jeipor ahij. eirid lors ferelgis Por't; du SU aIt a ',i fl tiotbus upperted -41_ tise 0oais tie usip Bale te oclreen çacd b 14 'amnSt a sog tt th tise aniounî o! <mirabacit cla i# sCorrect, aWIslcrtly tboe P..i4oefon sdrssiiti lame te (ho De parpituet wlaercuon.,i -X "115h 111 patTOIis or 1115éWIU4rn m'wery iwjSh mn .e.)If i twIt lu amaji quantition as inul b. equîid don ternist..> .lt pur- i3otwI dé eul o the IiiÇoted ilri ide O*LARI<& WOODWARD, Wbltby, Novirg, 1$y2. >>- LOST! 011 Y I&ay.vning, on, (le road botvccn, Wbîtbyand O.ba aLady's - Uielnderwll b. 'rew ar ded -b>' levito,4,it ut tlio Ohrùnle- (IIe4, or st h 1k-v. ,Ile Noobr12,1859, 407 rQjlmANDae 4IroKeuler lFo - ritoy, wilbc o fd<or aclobY fui lAic À 1irtioln lia.> Clroîn iîuber Omlce, e in fixv Ot.- tawai, un tise BIXTIL dey 1) EMBÉ1L et fi s,.5 Oi Elser letawtsirs.t. Tise dcserijtlon sud po*iltion cf tl iot e;tlas, cafn bi ceu ii itlsecrovu TsibcOfliut, (tt'wsa. Tis'orts ut their eatlited area, ryr . lm, toýi>. adjugea te tise psan>r bidliîs'r*.lie isigae4îBosuâs over sumaiv icri, o ut 'ùras.tiseBos.asa rtesassrî' cepali iminedilely nt tihe fie, ntin-.to 1" ue îatsln'un osaîls-<rom tise day t ,rate, ralu tlsrepeatihelBotis ta be esu bjeçt to tise arnerai TiSashr ltegulsstosno lia inforce, or wileh nias>'eroaftcr ho lu f uc, AGRCULT-UA WORKa îROOK STREET, WMITY, (À foewoufh ofthe BankOl fMoigîrcuL) Mauufscturer audDoalcr in al hindai of AGRICTYLTURAL IML'LEMIPNTS LIOn? rAIDiEATwcui Xanisef sud Bob- SI814, Two-horao Culti vafori, Ploagbiof varions niaise and style- Sehfimlr, Cora sud Potatoe Caltivators O ed u Trnp rilla, 4wd&rdpc&C, Evayflinglufiesboe lnoatfended ta "hfl Pan"fity and (llaapus-Aient for Pafferou' o bined lleaper and >iow- Whltby Ocober 120,1859,5 TO TEE AGEICULTUEIST. PerinyadapWto. ta ZI HUrai. Cl iislussgiiiaseou-tstrsted and '.v os blo VéJ onu. vteor le vuluablin ifi Y~su saird Euasre, Guano, IBoues, Nitrate ct i".4, lijro- -Pupl ,ia o tlireU ' F ctie . a nt, - ,*uythian-l set PARTIES NTDNDIN -Th MAwo for "ale, ver>' ý -b t7pals m» MoMBdR2 -l~7 k~'~dTJf0MA 29,~ »Wvood, NXv. 14, 1 1 1

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