Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Nov 1859, p. 2

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60, or thersbrnito, bavlsg tbrougbot ~b irboleof ber remarkabls lits mulutMUd ainumbrokon check upc. thon panlou wbieh orowd the streets' of evoj lage town wlth tii. 'nfortnnâte ai ber sex. Her 'gréât endeavour wau on aIl occasions, te, kusp op thé iianly cb.raçtur .absd as tamed to th. meve vorklnig ouie of the lnmaSlaboriaoccumpationslu, vblcb m1at la engaged, aend the aïeUl as baId attainead hnt trerveala an aMount of peievering energy wlhrnd er vortjy bf, a botter fate than that of a iretbsd suiciýde. It is curions 10 knovwbalit liast Introdue- id hbe r to assume ÃŽh. garb an4 -omcpatgon ofa Mani, and vbatpowerful agencFlt Ivas that eiabied bertb remain fatbful, b ,thoe lino of dat> o'Wslidthugs-marked ont <1r berseIf- There are instances innuniýerableI vbere she inguence. of love,, or a romaîiç disposition, bas clotbed the' forra o!,v mai in maie attire, 1aid estainsti er amid the perils of the battles IbId1 in. Uts dangers of the deep, or in, wild adventure in foreigi laids; but ve kn Owof no, o"'; case inh btor>' or tradition vhere a& wotn bas wonderfuily repreased er oQI .Mfeeling end natîral dispoaitio'n, z.nocosnpleteli à& anrned 'the habits o a mai, "asud. liseuago auccesaful la evading tbo, pM7ig cnrioeyý o! the world. "ar" t ehalde played ber part ao oyen>' lythat lais- *itb greateat difficnlty wvo bave bein, able -to glea the following facto, whieb, m ag' as the>' are, Shrow aomeIighs on bertpas istory - .it 5h. wa.îho dàglteretda bricklayer lu a villagein.the neighbonbood cf Doncas. taer- Before, she conl el 1balance ber ownlittle -body as vas mad~ e1nl" at!in the bouse ;; and- ere mai>' Years bad pasa over hot headasheva broight ita acquain. lance vith.aonie of th. roughest and tongli. est vork im .tboae bard.vrongbt day. Ltile Harriet. Stoke's lunes b.d not been laid in pleasant places. 8h. *a sos ground dovi b>' the iran haand of hoffie that, wbsi ahe was about eigbt Ycats aid, as put on a tattered. suit o! boy's clotbing andi valked !orth, imb the "lwidc, wide world." Ari.I etat the village of Whitby, ah. looked about for varIe. 8h at nat runiaa> from hor fatherla bouse becase. ah. did not ikes work aid prcferred t eset the bread of idleneaa. The bard trealment ai parents ignorant o! tbsir responsibiiity b.d driven bertfront tb. protection o! a home andi rom ail th. associations which sbould enchain the young mimd to, home. That she vas net afraid cf bard work vas eppar. ent vhen ah. offereti ber services to #- brickaetter in Whitby. Thongh soinewbat nndersized, as appeared a broadiet, active, useful lad, aid vas apeedil>' aet te work. Her first efforts ta piee wuvattendat! vith anccess, and abe soon vas taken as an ap. prenticc. Frara this point wu must drap the ferai. nune appellative, and apeak o! "lHarry Stokes" as a boy wbo bus worked bis way ta dignis>' af a jaurncyman bricksetter. For scmething like twenty ycars rom Ibis point« we las. the connecting links vbicb join' tbis Yorkshire exparience te. bis Manches- tçr lifa.- About 25 Yeats ago ho vas brougbt promuncntly under the notice of the public b>' the conseqnence o! an eéccn- trio excursion vhich ho badtaleen int the domaius of matrimon>'. Harry Stokes, vanting a counpaiion in lifé, exeenteti a matrimonial ontretemps. Tru. b bis rai as a man-f!or he b.d reacheti th 'age vien thc average of briclesettera are fathers as weil ms jourucymen-hoeucat about, and ilxcd bis ehoice on a plnmp littls vidow, wbo kcpt-a beer-bause in Cipid's li.>', off Peanigate, Manchester- Ho b.d been acenstomsd tb taice bis pot of beor, andi imoko bis short pipa indeï Betsy's roc!, andi bat! t least baken a dea cideti feue>' ta leta> berseif. 11aovas a good-looking Young mai, vas Harry Stokes thr although undersized and innocent cof yiùioktc-ro, uaface as smootb as -a voman: b. va satouti>' huit, bat a capacions deptb of cheat, and a pair of hipa vbieb, gavrean, unusual profit te bis teilor. Bets>', then New »aitey, vas ccidmrbly psus 1k hos te ello gmini> bau' atvwonl bu* t lotormst atruss Os bitw y 14, Wa aJne bje.t of pecaulatfc on 1 I uiiîaada dksrosSsilence as ta bis six1 îbe w' ont biais tbat flue vomàa heb m.d hova o»iaantlytb. obja.t-of-iari1. tion kavbick',helbe , pron"om>sub. jeed . * 1, - "i 1 HAM and IF&aauyto*aàbsswlaoâse jý Corporation iSseetý,, 8afot viiers th".> lived for tvo yearf, vi. bmtey', tIflo prilvaIs ba iâto -Wbs ess. A Ib hmoetbsy remaiui< eloven ysars durlng à part of whih tim'IMY beld a second ber bouse lu Camp swefrf Deàuaatee, vbieb thle ca1e, "MPungrimae isd 'vas sipsrintsneéil y Mrs. Stokes, son To tis aid lçepê iii foç six years, vbsî the>' çuAn* rut! ~ ~ t Ibi untr aNo., 11 BRiehcai. stres% llstveen St.Stepfl n tresS wd BronglilsopÀat! aferd, vb.re the>', stil hed't a . 4 M uhn. ahdvçstogl b ýeiË là lm th1uý - e v14pej'*ngs' igetbe-tbs 'staple of ther conversations Th> .rlivi in,,Bidbutoati tijtl b btpfo b th ragedyi>', vbicb bus ré. person. Han>' Stokes pott atr> ai ita !poyert> la béliedt tahave induceti biti'n, PCommit suiide. ,onit ri. day evening lb. discsed vent tatbs:,Spai pbibosPendietn, aid after taing four glasses o!ale iebloft for lbe porpose * f praceeding;as b. statedi, to Tbros Neat. 'Iuthe morniinga bat vas founti on -the bop of lbe výterin the sinicf o!f te *river firefl, a Môtis.beel, andi on.-oXami- nation fthe body o! a i,'nu sfound stand., M9. Ppàii'tin thes vten. At the, inquest betre, Mn.'-Corone-Et *tbat of HarryStoke. ell.ïenovn mas. ter brickse-ttero!fMord;> ,-and îitvu -probabliy.are beent buniedi1h ils.clothes as *it vas,:aid the secretof- thé poor eira- geous, b.rt.variing EHasit tokes, ir'ud tins haveben burieti vit b 'ldnoS o ns ofthe Jury besu acqunainteivî portion cof ber bistory. -H. mentioneti' bis- suspiciontbatSIbe edaeas", vas a vomaný ranti noisamati, aid Wrc vmen Wbo vero sent b>' the Corôner tô salve the. myster>', returned titterng into the court, viîb the information that, trie enongb, the baod>' in the man'a Clotoa tesva I so! a perfect veman, aid ne Mai. 8h. vas ver>' (nil. breasteti, but 1h.shape of!fhez vomanl>' -make vas distorteti bye broad strap vbich buekle irond ber bodyunder 1h.arma. There 15 somethiig o1greideir ater ail fi thécharacter of tithât ra;nge von.- She bas let mementoescf ber industry aid aïeul al aver Mencheser, anti in n> places in salford. 8h. vas ver>' ciever in the. erecÃœnftico!lu ineysaid same cf the bighest iu Manchester bave been vbely or partieli>' indur ber superintendeice; lb. bas built churees' chapelo, aid exten. sive blocks of!.dwelling.bonses, ameîg vbiah are mentionedti he large bouse et thei bask o!fSK., Phiip's churci, selford. 8h. w vas naexpert ifitting stoves and lfire grâes, anti ber aâid in: Ibis braicb o! ber ruis ýbas béeà obtahietsomuto the b best bouses in Maniciester. int h.;tisys of th. Cbartist, riols sbs s ave20., a special Constable, aid vas =àadec'aplai cf ber campai>'. Hbrindustry ManOI eiiet ao lime placet! be6r in ver>' coafortabie circnmstanes, and tbere are perons vbo'are nov esteenueti Ainmgdue faremait men Wu Mancthestsr vho bave been entertined ' et the roarlng sipporà given b>' Harry Stokes. «on. Wusz àAs e Psxei,r-A ietter- viter front Richmond! gives the lfoiovin;g information in regard b on.y, Wise's rapi dit>' o! penmansip: "Gov. Wisel, in the clýircter cf a scribe, surpasse pemhaps, an>' mai living. In poinS of rapidi>' h. cmi oeil>' i.parai. lale in h ort hait!, vhile bis vriting la aI- moat as legible as primls I - bat occasion aome time &gotb cap>' sanie vrithng of bis andi I dit! se page a!tem page as ho, piodu&c et! thea. I stertadVi be vas-about tu'o pages aiea4 'anti, 4baugb1ho betito compose vhle I bat! msvely fa cep', S due caie ofthe tent'paeo WMasa*diu'o in a 1 ne A bage b»reys o afl'th off t tItleprocue a-peenh"Iaraiy4 O!pe ueb th gbS vulti£tchliiol.er tion., wVe battast ta ork again simils. neonsy~ su shagi.ïb. îppotoccain.. ai-l andihobis pu <,wtsiwd ' a quit rouna Si. rOMcai, vilI kaswbievoe bls, b. vwn iip aSIs eü 0tb M4 pmaege il its re, >Pages 1li'" O'ae be ho batiaSustarw s I --z uefud le4h l1à dey, or rie ib.l.lr.ofu t baep.4b bisf uti esal'n f4sdn t lte !ui u,«t!n ini d4s j Tovi 1Mi 2n..~ATnaAal y>'ig of smut W.1 p ,OMe ses A. O Guatad TsmPlà,a Urld..; i ,Woduesdsy "eningo.- Vliltby Fbilharmonie Society, etson*§ Bal, Manda>' .venhu,a Good Teamplarg, BousBlTe.ady vniga Zpo lChur.h, St. -John', ing Street,t 11 éléiock, a, m,,and 8 a'elooek, p. tm. (Altur- cornai rB roilandi Mary 8treetai o"iok Mar Ste.%~t 'elek, m., And O p. rml 11V J; T. BYRtNE. Md3< xà!r SNttess, .10 30 o'.Iackr, ai. , nd United P reatrln Churàb, U M eIti- Btise hnohS 2lekP. min. y un 'gË.V. fi. LOYDTÃ". Couit lenrm. Omavoox> Quarterl>'Tar Mires Wcdne»daw hlu, lcmbcr. Auotion;Bales. W- Mr.rl &ngts Book of sa k.« here a ia i sc. 1Days pplned and'tern, macle aithMe -offe of ti paper. 4ucWn orclers r jied n -«4angements made for other Coienty £.Austien, BUittpriated l bba style at <uriher redueed prices. t b'partiei procuring their bgls ai MAie office wil have théir &1e8 noted .14er thé priper heacl, free eofchrge ,MeiltA issuesof ths eelc4' « Auction sales to Corne OIE Credit Sale of Farra Stock, k;., on Lot No. -Mq ,lot Con. Pickering, the property of Jno. Lips.>' and Wm. Mfatews-J. C. Sterling, Anctioncer. W. -Fullerts sas Of Farm stock, kc., st Brougbamt, on Saturda>' Dec.3, 18M9 John Hyland's sale of Farra Stock, k.,9 on ýLot ýNo. 3, in the 2nd Con. Wbitby, on Monda>' Dec. 6, 1859-J. C. Sterling, Âncti2neer. Nèw Advertlsements thi Day. Malt Vinegar at the Whitby Rrewery. Grain for Catie at the Whitby Brever>'. Informurion Wanted oi Joseph Hopkins, Lot- Biue Enaxnelled Locket. Wocxl and Forets-Andrev Russell. Crockry-T. H. Mcillan. WipesandLiqor-"T. H. MoMillan. W mi uam prInwwnt t marSa, eut veu@s Mu- er rea GMI -Pl trVicff oune dur <a", ci u s 10, fluas dusmaantid iirnual dutyî 7 Are tbsl-ee ss our assises or ueioî <enors Wt>'net rendu snob affeices iitbl ?Wben the jutiges havi gais their circui tg, crdinary cifenders dýmppoav bW afier veary moîtha cf editoriai tvraty an Ibis oinssîrdit>' cateti Canen aid confession,; aid tliatanpense>' iliça in "$la be& !ePranc/ asiintiil muet luk; àbcl, vebave -ot ye tbeha ve are-' nov treatedt! t-t'he mSfaciful and eqal>' a>tboiogicaldetus, .thetvere ever framiet even about Pan or Apollo, in regard t h.eseuctio a avaitage, vhich 11lapretendet!ILover Canada snjayis ver bar goa nW an igri zli g sist er c the Fppçrý1roviic'l--.1 Tbàis 1 not thie fret occaion1 uÙpon vbicb vs baveis bath vcoiutdly, itnd ut' nuine ter ù0rôndàé-.naye, a pa. p, imfoun. deti 9 W. ar~ e, ecti>' cescions that nothinâ coulti be essier thai tg hark in te the Mr'e ofCmm'on cura upon this msubject, andi in so doing, gratif>' a wiserieléÏ ie.I chàoonsandi ve -mustaS aitmalignant seetienalit>', as pernieieus in ils tendenry> anti as fais. in it&amasmpthois, as ai>' tibel that vas ever fremeti againat a peeple. But,ve vili net bey to so vile andti imianal astersf cfa>'business , a lle,Meor4 suai- spicucus> lub. e wmdiud !b>' ai4,th&' that ofta'm o aeei <io'etzn vbos Position ina it. smecures ta hIbmst ant .yigs hop~v7 of the doMmste bato <f"iniyrlcaofdée.el fte larg o o f publie supprtI t ave a WskÀéd;seiniWeek>'nevsppri thé' ibory itadé#In yitteýà -e es s opinons <hatmporridst h1k p vate bu a~ cniteylon ta $ , lýnsslu ceuedtibeyond MY Most saiginse xp*eola. li-aonti mag bap ond n>'dey rs. Iciaitot bittfefüérvi hgband boefa aspirtions tb lb. prautipasition lbs journal' vbicbt1' bave rreti tiUp ybi ttaineti. ité sticeas hde best verdict ina>' fanon. lo'i ie 1f.James WàaieCe3- Thsrs àa scarcel'amau lathe To"ivjt aid bisenvous dispato tare traits cf upan alocsos i ugs plçasurpa peansto bhein: calumüIatn it ak.li Ise ueigbaro. Noman's, cbaater-no are safe fro'6ni emaicecf ià slaiterou tonue. Au gooti qualities lm Otbers- vbichý ought ta give Pleasur-are but provecetives -cf pain" ta ha. TItisi s a, bard ebaracter ta gin. buhi, but is-15ins that Ibos. vbo kievbuibust ill"not de. a yak., came vine me>'; ve wviiibneenone n ob rtfL A&i si upto cf tuis unigbteoua înuckling ta the preju.1yt stitfl nih i nfpc5a - isnch a chaeater-itdi tbrcngh bis toma dice o! e discatentet!anisud nsuociable' munorit>,', nd w'vu tilt àatitp1ah&nlji, aidir self tiplingRegdt i -thful>', that b>' ai>' fera ef 'aui'or, upo» any Spl ' iiâiàutetioci Ibi mim t,eàs m. jeetth tA erjireverse of th. cha rges înde, viii b. discoveredt! be fer neaner '5h. re4f fi-uth, andthte adual pSoison f affaira,' temporte'due Lader," bas put biniseif in bamnesa upon tuis point, ait! basgiven fazdsant! dates aid.igures. To-bis deteis, or te those vhietË ve bave furnish.d in previeus ihsues, wvc n ,iuat refer rentirs. Iu omet *Ue inlU5flJ u-sac, theb.presont-m. ownun tereats are beiit Canada~~~~~~~ ba!ndbubîasjie!pr.servedi b>' inding oiesowl u'îisa. Rat! nerabip vith te.Upper Province; that lier Mn alc di opoerTh ~ud jealous>' audienvy o! better meunetfroni rmotives- of patriotisa or virtue-tit le bas bicopte a enegade te bis part>',i an apostats ttheb.poeipt". vhi'he .p ro. fesae ail bis teoprenicusi>. This 15 the miaenable, conditiou in whick fWallae 15 placet! -threngu bis wretcbsdpM os la actingas h. bas done, I do not kio'w but that Mr. Waliace bu don. as mueb, injir ta bimadif as bé liai'tmptg do me. As aIl enents it- qnýia>tnsbenut as veil for bia ta bave céonfineti iim ft looking afber bis oWu affaira. On àUoc casi6ns-and more espeehali>' laimes like' popuistiun vurn, evuumau.uvrs, butcth" freni isither obstacle titi asesbrik. OSi. ,Whftb teck ber part aùd wlot vithius, nngmudgingly Wllt ,ThUrsday, Novemgber*25, 1859. pati uncpndtulnay, upon liwsepoints, ON_______________________________0%!L...LJL. L .t.. TOIOBCIES 'The Serrine un Ste SeiiWeekly will bel $2, 50 -ini advmnco, or $3 60 e theo othe ycar. Tii. Weekly C/4Mîckde il b. pubbot! infuture on AUEAI aS 1ayasrt4 in adane;$2wMIib bagt wb.n payable oýtbrwiso. NoTCE Parties indebtedti t hi Office for JÃ"b Work anti Advertisiîg, are reqieste t t make an-immediste sstulementlof!beir res- peclie accoitsan d Ibeinb-mans Ibeni seins frsbs triuisant ex inso or lesndo qweiU. hst, iadW oin eouit ,luudetiovan o-boc.paitiin Cornr. esg itit to am <a te&&Pt lui60 ne perviii bfrendeti om thtlo , , 0 acde 'caehilS fipte m 41erM. lbd. fulo wînialsà inither mrau p'epvumry u.iunuîy, ne:0t!piug sites politielatvantagoon tb. grant af ber exesa o!, nimbera., Anti yet nov7 forsoa¶baltbougb h. bu aiol>' bat! 80 (fo s ü5lawe malttain> & ar mmllem sar.' of public nmn.>'than utarsiesuad o!population on aur part me> al boui e" t th. nsxtcensu, (anti iSbau yetabe oeei,) ener>' fera cf insulting expresion 1510o be "a;01ed on tb. desndants Of a brave, chinvalrous aid gallant nation; vho, in Quoi.. aLu I ointre a espreetithat lte>' cmn be unccSsfult> commerc ina Colon>',s tbey bave been triunphiut !Ilu tb.fr mcilit?>'lmatheitpP M Kingdoh. Tb@ injitai3peor I Y&s s sa ifrtion, butcannot -Pommade, antiIf peï. peoplavbotaflua loatoia-lmisstf Wm» mwcva-Asvlllbo obvavnet by'a sacuem is: la u dthg c>. ImuMar.Clark & WoetwdIvartilae, on 'q u,*o ait 0vrWbi~'t i wclu! aatabllsbsti net bW th. iraS persaths lb.e-proprietors c!'ths CScuOmLE bavéan l ,cenipoek t t sne for' b.hén"mut of a printuieodount.D Mr. W . HIONS Xc. Frew " I Feevo 'spur COmspA. (Ftl s ný8or &h ýScObonele&-aou Ma. ý Bîrno d-sm, - -,Hedi Lotrs? Ti eat ha lb. qhiestrion. sw a t e l r n s c f O e n e T e v i e n h v i s e i o Caralne sending hoer Bibleiplace cf ba Thé doç4 o!Linerp o mo e e&mua n ant Iuerprecieletfble ue rst > tQimuBcyî i Broad.Bdn cre' tisiu t&iÇ.1b 'W Bn italIL Z, 1npco40 tS c vmc matrfor tus sdiieatio f ypr sa4 atitlçr-ét 40 £Fur *1~td , Bt17 ta bave same (unThe'tàtls afflondtia: pAMM4Meotoithepufrgf sme littlp ing anti s litpIng t eutlaèiag, net fre. 'quisetithe$bsfifer-".nddrme!ofthe, oldièe viée ýe>aliedita 'requi nn' ofo homespnunball antifroi. vÙ gotip" houe vhe MatigiiS vent-out sboatlng ,the short. baitrats, , - aïoe - vho kdevtsclue$<ing' about co901n4, au lb. mate assures ns; assumeai benFelves j experimenting in makingsanie dinneiý puS of thieni .All- seemeti benja>' the sport, andtihlu e co quer-r"<othe i lbd, to thé iiticýst, ex. epi tbQo vsmids verètroubled, i1ithý busins. Wben tiey-ýreturned oný; béýard tbe caplýin -counptintedl due passengers on their in#c t tpàrueý oni _Tbe créu' anti Vofficers of -th. United! States steamer Sara!zc, wbo - 'ere ci ,abent 100-i aliyemaine -'ith ,. eite ber off; ail o!oni, vm'ý ithéùtexcepion,ý vorQ!kg actinel>' aS b hls lvesa derricks, The ereu'oa!thb.-North Star niumber&a aint 9Q moi, ad -v4ýth be-a si'5iabce 'o! 'the ime n .of due ranca, koipi et verk cà'uinil>', day anti iight for six da's, tu'ie ý iery tvent>'.Çr oir i av' femptiug t6,ift ber off. *,The>' beanet!420 tons cf ceali 10 ligblen She, nesael, ý-after vhcb ten. n ai 9b .tans' remeinung. On hemor uig cf lb. izthday,,the 31. Octeber, 5h.>' et- ts teeedéd. i&i diïng th. steamer backvardti mb Ie vater. The>' th.î ley off tbàt eveniig, vhite the Pas-, s.ngera buatledtbout aud gos Ibeiritrape"I on board again, atinsud, rinjg.-dsparted rfcr lfotnlte,-a4:6 i 'ie ~tîl foral, pi-~a bnwentio enulWells, sa i Uand aevenmiles ifumIer b> , -(Weie in olden times, i a af tiozen vehta lad been, boreti it9,tb. sara, rcIçtop great depti anti aSan -immense cas, b>'5..qaun th.Khng ofFnceforvWAn vbicb th.y ba! eeeveus t 850 miles tantfronài dus unw ledjo, th. coast off Ficrida., S The, 5North ' >Strià dt6olAipinval vithont unden going-an>' repairaver.- Aitiougbg:, e ekbeLbsen tiatud hétihé acidte, c.pnnps autiotber pamaua-ai boliri-vrs comp tei t rov o-0~ s bogibeada a minute more tban the quanti. t>' vbileami.;..afterlidunig ber pas. sengemist Pier No. 4, Ncrtb riyr, yes. bad,, b as tlkeaaroun ti4 tjBa- laie Dock,fot ofPik 14 p'ta ',e.x- Tiluai, e t ths Sbutà, Izowic B 1 ma, ;-indY1ý AUi laquiet t Cbanle"t itauy- fore e stes azii> a The. haut stealï-y"uili,."a monts, aaeinting Su. '-a" leY, ail 0< vbom vire lira- ue Of Bi% mshe die. a es »rqut n su r, 19, 1569. Ths Troope pais through Washlagteu. (Speeil Despstcto th de Nev York Tnbupt.> W"Sauiroer, Sande>', Non.- %Ã". - yestirde>' by al dure. bundint! irmeà', mmi bat crossedt! he Obia River, and vers mer. chintlug ugkllVirgliW&ta ýCbàýketon,%r the ourpos. cfrecuing Brovi, be làmtedis tel>' ordered ae.Iarge body>'Of traopa' ta Cbarestovu. -Fbur'bud-passet Irogli bere eanly' Ibis inonning by nsilroed, andl a unirei aid. fift>' more,. vitb tvo pieceî o! erWilery, d a. large qqçneity o!ammuni- lion reac'bcf eir. è afteýnnon, but faileti bé get transportatiai. 'Tii.> goforai lu the niaruiuý. Mr. IlgerA. Pryor la pri- ýan"net h of ilà uupaii' tende>'-unanimoiuly eo9firuned the sentence. cf death - i'tlaus.o rv ia fate la thus seale.' Total Wieck of the Slcamhp lndian- Three Lunes Last. POanwnA Ma., Nov. 23, Tbe ateanisbip Indien is a ttali raek., Su'ient asboreat 5 i.ý "'- .on: 21zt, ý ary Joseph, (Puyoborugb, Nova Sttia. -buensi fcr,a ààvin 'bue rocnroa&S ,premptl>' as possible, Net an>' cf bsn neya bayý-ml toihant!. Allen A.- 111.Editor of TA. XasA.t- ejlle lieues, ye8tenday kiicd 'o.G. -Pain- dexter, ALq f h6Union ap.d meri-, R an eP, uy,4 >groviing -out of an LOOK m OUT OUCoMxRxrnxnCOIX-We ~ndr~tadôn1efei20 ceul piece, theew Cinadi=ci; are lacireultion. I ttisvicinity'. Tii.> bave a duli-appear. àe, and mqyjuqeasii>'detected b> ex- BIRTH8. MITCH[Efl,&.4n néeâal St No -J Mountain Terrate. , nori, the 28th instant lira. John Mitebeil of a son.'- lfcKAY-lu.nOinton on Sonda>' mon. hugsthe 131h iustant, the vif Mn lob MKay liashie Saloon f a dangliter. --- -CRIASE-Im St. Catheriueeron tbe 14th. insaai t le iie of ir. ha.. Chuas o! a CREALN"..4uli on thli 115 hnst ant r. Mattbee Crau~i cd-6 go. To.abolilkthe ama, ba s in oet!e by War Iav tben in foi andteta hadaau the Eectioanf, of Ward Eiec tion bar, beenl Coune ci Ch,< 'sigret! by tma ton of Said Ut the CcuMcllo a Byijauin Co 22 Victoria, 'Ca Werds, u'bich ".An Acefoa tie Municipal1 da. 1--Sectioi four, o! seid<e ed, andth de fohli In cuea mýor, of aTow'nship nient rail, de, b * .tib>'them,qr Township, te . -Ward>, if not -abotish or aite -petition, Anyej the Council sa after, pasa B: petitian. aid ei t bc- e tireu ni 'of this act, ane lais paFsed in ar oftdie peui'ti -- shall take eflect * ber next.saftçu-£ the first punbca tb. Count>'. <r-i tb. Township J, hântibiha, posté plee inthe Te "Ta ch. Mm ed Tou'nsbipoa. cil ss.mbied; 11The Peftie payeîs8ofthe si "Huwbly ab. --opinion of yoia th.e eisting di iutoWIardm, I liai of four4li votera ofrtlis M tiers !urliftha. the x«.bn er, jamou C. B. te i,. A Mu n 1 uý

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