Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1859, p. 3

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-dblsy@eatf wàW4" &14votheda,. of thedrluu ofC.n814 K& ' s 61M MiVisible a feu wianuiby, on TuRsda>, thse 8 iu~. mrtianDuji,4 to x. A= hadyf, ýo4tl Of oiohond MIL Cozwortis, 40 XiS a tia, siemt & ;mm TN...c ÂRBéholdT ...by ie Ref. J8Oie~mois4hl n, ou~ rsan, rJamu eswouo, . miaEa. ALLOWÂY-..DAW0 1, lise6 sane< Oa.ôth 1,94.0neLMr,_ Dvid GakIl Y~AL~~Âtie vel. 'ou ueaday, th s âit maLbo tise8e. * " Jasis. W Ir D, c; . - Esai>',lite cf MBiimond Dli, te Mati4 emdetdahe of Thyms.w&ikes p, e CAftOt--,ODD-4h ,itise 9tiili,, la>'b lia. Ref, Wfllisna Chaud. lMn. Ir Castor te Mise ýmathia.Ami TOUd.both o! thô YÃ"UKG-ARBUCKLE...Ou Cth.e-48i lýOtile .'tise ase, Mn,' John Youisg tb Mis 4llusArwle, bots of thse Towns. obip o?â 1 - wMON-?ODD-Ontise Ttis mat,, b>' thée "rJi1a Mongosn ta J Miss M y ÃŽ4w Tedd, bottao! ibe LYNDithy, on s udiy mort s Ingtishe SOIkI Navee sts , 8o'1och>ý Mar Lou4*ii.or ci, n4s,PÀ aire The i. useraiviiitako âteplaceto-day <Tueeday, 4h. lZmaasL>a) t 2 o.sek rp.M. frouaber 'lats susidenetatise pli..Ofiss termesI~, Thornt.o~a banylng gnuund. WJIITÀY JINNEÏ . cnsuwgcga'. rri., > Ode., fat4, 1Id, Wst l , D 4 s * Ito-SpT4eIo o . a i.. 74 Buatl.y d 0 l'Id, 3 OSsd fd-. 1ye8e Dg a lue s* -UILL 1 EotiiD asttil, 1ofas-unlil, Vi nses o! JUPIYM 0hIWEbt .< ,esgssara sadl METK ud DEMMETJNtTAL BtJLLOD -eTise Tsnds'to jAate Abaik fmm f, ouIcla pelians eust'.se$ eve, sd min-aaee.aa- Téi rsag % rOudh bcis lding. I10 IA to ittapola -istytdan bisTender Ila issassiandsublssstit i%.4 aIL p485t1t5 soiiijiiiisd ulth dûW1a rwvn,of 15e WIppktOasud toengaranlmô m refo#m to>te te us ye £0 aRar item 3Mrs, Yuwm ondJomrs., Ottao ud nTorout,: lTke Tendersmave adsL--51 ltoise 4&c« asid te ti00 .làulu,of uo or moror- V~osbeleions dao ar vJ of gthegoMs seratot U ue per!ofioe tise Mt sud a ore iiidb' ies cn aus eousadstou$sasth ut iilesMy have 40 .fer u Pia teep .ita opsrouti Ces Pslfe abi e a., oes 6< tise Deptviuiutof]lii Wosks, Qngbs, 144t# Mev 18159 5960,& -LOST! ON Tlda ypiiiiIe 5tiesodbçten wozwà » 1e 'lTO L ,letb oosiltssî,,o inOusm u ddta ILWo thed, illslsosneug NO C . SCl4ÈD. lutbNo.id, lmD, Oé 48W Whty wO,4,lny. n 2 fJlsn1seafuaare ov pëfrepet>'or ài *paetros < is 'd> un w wi 'an r ex.ie rmiusuwis nel"e bfPOoted aodigto1w Wblzy 1#v, 5 '201d Voit b 44w. '00NTINUED SUCCE8 Or TiSE t'O Il= etoso tise eauy ussp PLtioas till oasrArtlsta.os,<v unp" Wîtld i. atiseof ay ralotsar Aiey Perme a ea smsbrby ffbsenle lidnO.t "Sakepe-re and Hi. >i*n,sb Zn&-£ Con 'qftlMegkantt4, IUuira. t4d Art Joural, Oe ais iei. 8.-A >igra &«= n misIn t t id gallerla, 548 Brssdua1i, les.Yor. la addition le vlsicls, seversi huudred valaable Workx of Ait are flzun le ubseribero a Po inluius eônupsiing eorcePoinasuo, Scp- turf* t.ttli t hé b' ira £mt d=sean ~ 'Voro'gIu Arlls.t. -' The 4ispr A'rvu, li's vruissn- Oha1ftppoaand his Friande, f. of a elitanacter te gIse iqualfiniiasitilaoe lois. 14a woik of eqaml valise wso oer beslore tlce ithi ireseis of tb. -popi. 'a suesa lm'ce Tise egsaviag I ofa vos>' lsrcr.île, elg prluted 'on, 5eavy pite piopes,»8 ,' bit firrth lis15 cof eltisr tise lb,vis>,sarir, XC enu b.asent te auy peste! th. coutry, by Mali, flfugJabOuIlEP'kdta à udv of i s e a v *o k , d el v r W b refi'. i charge, suld tise .MrtJ*Oousriyfody , for lkis snI of Tiaeaday tIsep14of Januarj, 1Iw0 tcw vici tins. tie ci.vii close sud tti Preolisuis.b. ,tvon te ssmealbor Nu persou i.rtotricted tu a sîrîgle subacnes tion. Tiios riîttiig $11M8 are enlitied lu s9 Fermons. wlolsiisg lu ovinania »wM iapply'for s Minsr of ternna A Tiie besntl'illy lllasmae Art Journal, giv- îsi (DUl perdlian, uili bd sMulon vee ipto!1 cent*, la samps or o Addrebo C. L. -DERBY, 4suarj, ÛCY. - DM uit MO WEtoduy, Neuir ork, gWSubaorlptiors- aise recived b>' TIIO rEALdaDOei's Drusg SWve,) Wor bitby I fx TSLAV. m eVEI tQh, lbth lut., a aoiaOvetng the ?9Iiwnr dBdrip- u' agmpecroui m y pr'embwewltmsàl,44ween w 04 $40,Iuel.4abut 21,ylor0o! âge, ô blsei4bisé bnUatobisé eloth eap with simii. sîrp aer'e. tihe rosîi u scàny penta, lotai koepoai sidthse publ g reéhavis>' eau- îlonfid agang tihe per.p u swng tib d- Whltby, Nv'17, 13a». Iot O£i=0 MATCHED H<)ORSESq9 M7Ew BU'GGI, Wlftbt Pol, Mdns hftuon wbitme vl b. gft en bY, furuleblug spa- 4 nd«' . note&. WsTby CI T. H MaMLLAN 1, 1859.IS-s sbmrsPaOo Px&, éÎyéÏng etbe esêteof mdaî oNonM. iet y to Medn!t4mise tihe am im ts M. mePsduaorso or isfbre tise abo i tisud at, >MJRY TIFFIN, -~ ~~ Ria!Kds ides!1 2Tnderd*111 psy thse 6libet BErIIDES deilvred £M bWis Taonl ktpcousesstiYon baud for sale, ver>' lm CIRCULATION 0Op Ta£ T@ ro ie Munlclpa iauel otlo "Tise ]dtýiUon of, thse lasdrsiud fS H1fmblypbehow . "Ti t a hm Wpdlàt f» oano !your, 1Ctioaier46S n tCil tiseu 0' four-ordoiseoftwsrz vile geo vor o" ! L iduepality. Ta;il dmai fouaftiss o! tiecouncll o! iad1 nicl~i tnnirepnable t. founfifthu ise ereo«çl id tisat It la ina patîbi, uith econo u 's lneneasa.e nymber oflévaghp0î. .&~ ,esdefuiy requeit 7jov ur, ilC said Wards, sud vIlla lauab ii delay. And Yourpettiom, Msin la boand, viii sver -prs>,, iBepjtember16, 1059, "0ignedj > "JOHN TISDAL% "MARTIN KELLY, "W. 0, MéKULJLEN, 6"EWARD GITTINS. - JOUX lugiUNUToxî And Othe 8.14t sereirore enacte by tise Manuel Council uf Cihe UnitedS Tovisips of mi sud Rama;-,sud it isaisereby euated byi utbozky o1 tise saine, lincompliane. w, tise Pr4Yen Of tise sibressld petition, fi fron andafiter tise fet day of Deeta nez4 110 ORnt nmtis from thse date of i firat publicaton *o! ,tuis Ey'la, in soi nevapipen publisised lu tise Cony of(C tarlo, or hy prluted bandisilis, posted lu beu tvesty public j islutise ai Tovnsis,th.esaiSdae as"beats lalsed, anS b. diaconsed. D. 0. NEWETT, - R u Mana sud Rama., lOtis October, 1859 CoaZ Oa n gauJLop t re4uccd FrI WThe CIRCULATION of the CiRONicLE 18 Than that of any other l 'ocal&I Paper in the Province, and FAR EXCEEDS The circulation* of ail the other papers in the County of Ontario united. WEEKLY, OIIRONICLE ONLY SEMI-WEEKLY, ý$2.50 PER ÂXUJ Tii. Chronl oid tisa Papoe to Advoeùz lz vouse, us w Bf5. JURGUNMU, MHo Jc", mO -4 ,10411 "' 1 __ -5$ etlo'ai !S 154, JneaJU,, é~7 1467. .,~u~vn w, . ¶AGICULJAL I ~ (Af wvodSIeWote Msrket Andtb ni~Cati Ut M i'fOUgha Ofvir'faas mae. sd tyle ËAMJiUACTURUES OF ¶'5ai fCtW preJô bsn lvsBROCI SREET HIT. ' "'zenoscombned aetanjiw bseIbns'-'s'L 0vet.Iflm, the. publicthat tbey lave oeeiusu ,,Whltby Oçtober l, 18 59,. U, temln,' k.'si inyM sa1.Capnw lts uBrock tee~, F~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t 5,Sui atfhlak i'ni 1ps~,h aebUIj wbe etbey arepreps.TOT E GIUTRs. ,i4lol id e petcnt voriemen et lqugexFpemince, and'as ihey -ure k'devot. tise entire of théefr owu labor teoti' iuineuOb,-qa p' -Osutq, ofjte FOR 'O EL q« àwloutalun--* m a tr4ted uud et soluible Th~a hoas 1ho y@ve b bicthe'labor oot odi, -'fOre.. -wlatver 1. -Iqlek , roitYard coli sud ezaidne, tph%&?k, Ail ldudso( lumbo, Sind <mm prodoce taisn *nezCbusgoe. Ml)okw Je Cbeàpet4 tia Fanu Tard jmauir. ove 58pvto.Tan bcetiewt Jfe uo be r al of B, W,WOODWAJO3, Dumî Whret ,psi- C aa 911 4ra Cih, Lat iber tise mit .on- 41 THE ob«KWhu madh arangments 1ilve centf puvrIplon, end best Coul ô011 LAmps st a almilar raction. Terme in &U ecas Csh GEORGE~ YULE, Jr, Dl rTe.grupk Stort THE CHEAFES LIGUT 15 AT $1 12j OTS. A GALLON, -44-- THE CLEANE8 LIGET 19 Burning Fluid OJNE DOLLAR A GALLON AT fThOMM B138 to auuounce t. bis ns extuensieabusssoinstiabisovcnyn CAIIAGE M.AKJNG, IN ALL ITS B;RANCE,; - On tise pnesnlses heretofone occupied by Ifn. N. Rit, ou Mary Stre-et, betveen Byron and Brocie Streets, vhers Le in pnopared, as lieretofone, t. execute ait os'der.s intrust.dl CÂRIÂGSBUGGIE1IS, SIGHS, CUTTERS,U&., W'Nauih4 Bd sld 1 e th.Loweet remuemig Pélees. ALL WORK WARRÂNTED. LUM)BeR and PRODZTCR TAII"X X £QMGZ tJI4RXET PBUE& Dl VORD'S long experience, of thirty yeamlu the e ud'1cipal fnafactmo 01 ofthe States aud Canada baugiven that =peienluevybrne or th. businmnwhich few have beeu a"ite aMYO at, andorbay of design, elepune of finish, durabulipy, and solidity of vorkmahshlp, bis work Cugenot be eicelled.- Whty, ÀUp u16, lm , 4 GRIEENOOD Q'AR 1'TLY PAIR. -f'1HE publie ore. ieminded Cù ha tii ' 2Villageof * ~ ~ On the. Tint W '0'ssq f next month, Sbeing (7t ekay of Decel.r, 18ge. - m ~ J. C. STELLIG ,Township of Scoît, ln thse County of On-, tio, under tise 1rmof Wil1lfim*&Roet Oxtoby. vas Chia day diaalvcd4by.mutua 1 conaeît.- ldebt* dür the'ad etner. ship are to b. pald to WilliamOxtoby Who laste ra£ailtboudebti:agils5t à!<i *Datd at Settthls 2th day of Oct., '50, rÃŽ!LMOXTOBY, OBE T OXTDYT, JAMES JOI~NSTON, vwiii bc, as ereto<Pvelu bis pl&c6 te ani- awrtise vanta uor ail bis visitons; àa.will. hos hcbeneRf i saervices as Auciwncar Dianer on %heTilble 4gt o'- ok Farmene, andS4ail otisers bàvs poÇrf t . d ) o o o , 'a r e c q t o n o e l ntd e i n tise èsanibefore ise air Day.. Thon vii h. thse ime to nali'e iseb64tpries., lu Butchen, troai&l pa 6ro!ti, cotvy iii Nèw TlIorngEstbl 'Mn .ut! ontrMrtIsaZthe.> bave opassed a Tailor's 8sop osdu rPak-5snees« opposite tise "antarilo Motel," wisere ail qomn qsUueted to.tiiem vis Whtbyart, pdet 0 m Ibo 60 lit lantvss .an% reo le>, s'" n *i rappliatOn t ieLexiasiveAsaun- byor Pivàte orLcl-Bi fôisror upasoprofit, fioir egua<agiî,y# on biOupdaniï,on or 4ig syisug ed lu g t o 1affec t hé , nlgiste c1f propcn y of otjsu nul sb thsé%iS OJ ,usd.4h <lu lott tCo, gIy'eT fO NTWS'nOic Of tise application tis Fe Canuada Gatette, Aa aiol ote_ nevper paabieie4,l tie County of Unon -o omteo -affiectS sending copies o! 4h. firalaasd-iast-bof sasci notices o lb#hp F iq tBillOn, gcse ]POBTO NE E FIRM FORSA-- Fauithe, to ar MausnofWjIlsollofl Cnanb, CosAcinr, eTorouto, a in vot,, - aotw 211 Otober leu,"s pvsUXIY UiLakia. The lot 1a about omse nd-a-laaf muiéâ faém Wsitby Station, sd thee are good <ansibud- Tie aticalmAnd ud ssosdltioiseay bbada&lt tise mai, or apon applicaion t. - GREENE,& HAWKIS Soiiclt", Tdronlis. TboIonlu. ept. 15,1859, - 2-td %Vtie ndenigned, ave enteed in Pantunshîp uùr*dt tise nnsueiWand purpose of eurnying on Cise Ctnviage bisai- isenetotore o0upe1, y raB. Cap tn M1 a n k etB u ild i n g )- 1 - LKE,ù 'y ,-- Mons'o, Masy Isa or on o, Sarais Eu. g on i a M n o ; J o h R Ig e a o r r ' s , a n S Ja JofKenik mbrrô*v, Jualsuseos thec C& he 8kdyoOt A. D. 185P9. CAUE FORP, MDUC& T b e ~ u ~ L ~ t -tz -1 - - 1 1-

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