Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Nov 1859, p. 3

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Nevamcber, Itt ub,1. iest- Fait, O 0 itto-srinik4& 9. toia~s8 terd 0 ld. $14 0 t V ton. goe$0 et CIRCTJL TION, Op T~iEP 'OIROICLE tkif<,roe- -a l'zo. r' The. CIRCULATION r the. Ciecw w, IIATI Thali that of aaiy'ôther Local he i.Province,-amd- FAR BXCERDS The. circulation of al the oiier, papers inthei Couaty of; -Ontario uulited. r IEEKLY -CRROMICLE ONLX' - 0'~-~IVP LY, $2,~O lication oft blàs NoUea, brt bé9oeU!o.4 Dated ( the fldzy oult ct.D. 19M Whitby, NOv. ý2, 1859.0, 44- PULI iA PRY g. egio A for be; *e&if h jPabyti.u Church SabbEh Sc1SOI lVhltby, on ln hu MWnWHalL -Byrona Street addroïs tieti. g,-hprmip îWabe tieutwnd by muoi. from te.ý Wnî'ia ?BIL1IÂRMON1C SUVt1fY., iTa Win &3.#wwe<l ai I 6 4pof g TIC~KET526ceMWtauck-,to bebëd 0 any o e h.Ssbbath Sb.4 ouih r, et i w ob. JoTe f NMueJ. BiMIP4J. J. Otb, IL. "awll, Gbsgik r old liîon k sReut, IW. oul, aMd G,-A. Dauntu. ter; . CK!RNACK, WhItby,,Nov .'21859 ecTetaTy, CAION, haildue ab=t the o tt,, rFS>.ary lut, fjwýfer $65, miade, by tw eindereIgnd lu faÎi Wlîltby, Oc".-, 1859. 66 10, hieby 'glymthabo't4;l p atthe.bîp iately 04W 14-lngbetW'omWillliamOix. U4by aid RUt Oeybotb 1qà(<h. Township oeSt Se, ln" sb.Couus e ou.n tario. under Ltb. frm of wiligin Oxtoby. waa Liis dey dlnelved 6by àtwWal ouset.Alil -debti du#"oPSe gm« ship are to b. Id eo Wili azto Datest Seott, (bis U(b de9roWct., '60, WLIA(OXTOBY, 'FOR S E A", ASPAN0 Of THD- OSS -M udtEtlleMutdlansas Wtbpà Pee i Shat Woumb:ime viii ho g(r.a by fnrisblug appod euderse note&. Whitb%, e.5 T. ILmuIA 1 1 0ç5ue opposite thé ýenarldo Iot#l4" '*bere aU eidmersetrusted tt dffl mIl b. d0u.mltb neatumen i aJ eps(;ê 1ý, Whltby,-Oct otb, 185. 50,- -cea 00 aud 14mw ut 'rae iwf cu OB ubeeriberbas i naasuemeuta 5v cet. p glbi, sd buet Coal it enS T4<grpk ier. tA bemàd.ethe erv j*eoivioi~oé d&yl# Races, 5the Coureby 10, oIý'cl p.m. 8.t des(ottuot ufutjok et.' te ptart. CHABLES LOATES, A 13Y*LAW TOLIA tbeal e m YaJ.la£5 Tu tisoin "Unlted. 4Townip .hle t àMta sd- Ranq_4 1 aolqiDi the year 1850 beau ge«. .ruedbyWardsfoyna d ertla lawftbuànuforçe,, Andmhe . tlsuo 4qtud.4keilbl. te sbelihhad Wards, ïtw we han uni u,, ..t4rwibpetlêg lh Elctiono01 aitCeunolin l eh.place ot Wafd Electbnu. Xlimheress a pea. #m bjis beuiprme.ted to, be, Ue àai Cooncil 0f the saidlulited ToWnlpe iigedbya4majgo( t b. uaIlOsdElep. eeaos id tkeTovuaëi - li n a By.lâw lu- coun( lty *Feh h. taute. 22 Vfw&Ca, necSm1, tombollsbud WIards, wlch icl Oni oje 58 f0ltOW *A ~Aa Mo-t$aïud Lb. AGt,r*pectlug th. Municipta nsitutena or Upper Cana. d&. 1-.Saçton Swobsliutdisty-. four, ef id rected Acýl, ib byctul.l p _04qr elelg uýolj lu case a mjonyi p(Slie 4quail 4.1wr dtaTomuajhîpla theb,.luat t~odau tuenStoidb petWld, ~nItlgsg id byUepptheeh eiUo l Tewnsthlp. t. dlvii. é T4ivxÏhIpAnto iiboi;lor alterl in, thp.lfedl o tie ceuncjIa, mlthln eou th eth"r :ferpma Bay-avýte lv affect itOthe ib. pe-ttiensd aisW the peset Ï ton et Lhlsa. im au ahdaclar. (bat (ib.ey- lav lu ---.d lu conipilauce mlhtb Lbupny. et "d0f 'W th eiln i bat thb. By.Isw bur uext sitaroeemon(b freit," edtof the #rit Spubllcâim nlsu.new'epaper lu nh onty, qrUIloo Inu(l.,lwhlch chê1eo*usblp 'ta ultttd, 'tr bt ýttd Teaforaealdpetion il a loma: I"éto bm uuitIIPl ecù ui oft e unit. .41 Tovnohlps et Marsa sd suùa, uCouu. "TePoitenof ti lderslgned 1Eate. payera ofthlW"Towuibip, opinion et your petitléuçns, <o continue' tuelsîlô-gdivisiçu etftheaaid '1!onsips Intu '#d 4i #; otr#u, â0o 1 tem et . eur-tifba !her p'l0'egA a 1retenu eftChia Munlclpality' That [f en- due four.fttho! tAieCounleâ ofaid Mu- ulclulyIjrra.penslble tCe mfeo-tbu ef thé kiccthor«.ruelmd $Oat it li lneom', r patible wth ml( yi -, iuy4 a. leWmr.atAie number pi. mshlOcra4. k. . Tour petit , ým i thre1ire ernestly., but reîpeatuiy iraque.t yourunicIpal Coun- sa4 Wirdi. psaE.amaolhu auJ- ndwiu b e leasepoasibi r#à, > layn4j Iour pefLoeei ;as lu dutW 9bourud, will aen rpnay. epeMbCHAE15,1859.GI "EWÀRD OITTIN&l "s tdd, "JOhN IIA e màn0TO sud ais 'etiherlt: Flgh ibut (ha lat loesS Seut iap lace la h. sald1 NEWS$ EW~II Townbp, tb nidW sl beal&Wl YoIad1859.o*ôi «"sb,41 I Tua. r lubie qui lIsv,'e Baie lu for for 1 ra1i11iý JL O tME - lai'a, 80. ,w&r t. 4. IboetlLe :~waK lFI-OMUtYXWIRISH15, bPtbte liu vieaqùti.ii PolIT WJNES-O2lê k Ca':, 8andemau'end odw âÏ«iviuriwaka r oàïiPAGNUe8ot k ch.ud ne ndMnuadàlaotebrde BURGL'NDIU R OCKS, IOBELLE, LiQI1EU, q, -' Pi.Lite and asuplea may bba deu apÎpllcation. Me*e1 hJune, 1859st,2 BB08t o uotobl# numerOus ii" dase ud otairthat lie i$ MW -Srïlblg Oeib (b.pnifa.. be.toeocéupled b Mn. ýou Mary SItrect, b unwenEvon AM rc 5ree ibrh is -prpared,; sa her.teonete xeç"Ute al ordosJsiruted go bus mme 0"Kaantà0t" d $ol stI St .etvmbetu re, LUXVBR and,1'90Dl701?TÂRR.VI 1< XOJLIG.Àv i B a RRTPIR D. FOED'8 long experlme. t thirty yeans la, t(h. prInçlcal Manpfte ofs t b. Statuansdd Canada hbu givàt a s atexeren. u m ner of(h. buliu vbleh fWr a h hei*mable te awlvwaât, and (o, beutyedin, uelegpoMdgoUbls.7dmubilty and .idî&Ïi et Workmaubip,, hisworkciunetbe.e.ll; ROBERI' CAMXPBL Eeg. to luthmatbat bothua If baudbhi. Wblch viii b. fnd te oualatofthee newes'l u mut fasldMble styles l rWhny t, 21 e041 ;j,.Q3 £q*èc ONEDOLÂ. OÂLLON. nfiwtir.d ,byblineit.. Mahin.art ïurpmany of chki nud ever d4teb Cmnadlanpobllc. -lmr.NGL baabalingex.; ÎhCe str u no8lmîimis ebIfaUS oUt lu5l'411,01 wbielz liao i» vCeu Si,.gcsi.e*t sat Wubeu r.e .d ticita p iae o u5 kauo-r,: ÈO a CHILDâ.ý Meuntr.aLfSrdjid M189 W.~ ~ ~~~~t baeu.2 J *eehlad. =11mge rM "$Io whb e baVe O ril -CBIîLDS, wsoLES AMND. In bau' bei uln eUiDgJunageslut It n cving f1ull- lacatlun, "dlcoii raopàe- "a so o tb ptbliu _p~a4 'Auche ufacturo p Sil »csas, Mandées;, onîr-felled ,ShawIs from $4. î 11513.11 Fr h eioes, Sluni1 ecf, mfmt>b Robe and Flouunced Dresses, &c., Laodies' urs< an4.Pur,apmjl4 Pta»n B roadclotsBeav9 orukinoï-TwoedN -ChvItVia, À larg e soc blg ade up o Icq oe,-b it aumnknn bl i b. Wfthe put ueede U .1 ' u aute 'octe up to rdoe th Ltn f«Sthe. P"lSte GROORIESJIJST RGIE!~ laendig Prcbsor mii dweHt l tcmibd piithâuiun elseiiwec, a. gret juli 9 iuduSàeou.miIb. giyen fQýrOau. f otft DM X B.--Ti ges Price wa7l be .paid/or .zFUSa in A î ie w Iuekrat and voit»"fu osa sude pa»,bu jmuarIo >byr Mnr,. J Nbthéb.but umigeaur> r . Thqdo auy al ud 1; "a lui teoumudlng tthn o <h. PIZEBE- DU FUIM 1'.. Mamiafaturur, M., Notre kW bave badinu ouUua prap :byýJÇ md ais4imydusiot m 1i'in MJAM& kCe.a, XJ.i Ug jMathie. woi:rt(i u in *, l ýiUA MTCN."ar, joli "àtaL 2. !UN., 54 COLT STATE» (lAME iio the enclesàre c f , usi- dermniud lait 'week, "a-.Colt àkout a yem eld,vhltesùtipe on bis fic; ind Town -len Whltby, Oct. s89,':6 ', W. ]BU"VJ5 AGICULTURAL WOEKO, B~O! S E t , WR1TiY> Muutacturev and Dealer l i Ule4inds ef AGRICULTURAL IàPLEMNiTs MianieSasud Bob Slegb, TW"obe.Culti vators.,Plougbu o! vaileou aeond.îtyJ. Scbruýqrus, Cmon d PotitveCultiviminro See&d Nde l~Drills, SReatiScrpt.&c. No~tice. Everytbiug lu tbqabove line attended te wit Pââtuallty atid- Cheapneas. Agent for Paiemno'aornblned edpaabd >Jow- or. Wbitby Oçtober 12,1859,..08 TO TEE. MIULTUI$T. ArtI11cià1 Malu ec 1FPculiarty 'adaptcd Io'Fa1Vfflea. Çontunlujg ift1a .oeariieild md yet aahblc <ovin. wbatévai' 14 vusal"in c lu*f~d cur,Guano, hope... Ni<trfttswiSou, !itto- Phbpbstea, &C., &C, ,. Priesu 85perton. Freintht.. te ive cvt. P'ut up iu abrulao of thte. .wt. euah. ,r' t'obeli tt- f f e iJanuarv nait, in eoiniulianarawitlî the I~ ~~SL PPN*N - ~ PÀ %IV rnnIT ubia b«,to nfosiAUlipaitiasi r Ind k^ 1L&,artirl t)7

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