Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Nov 1859, p. 3

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'i4. .L~ »WI r; jjfr alais.<~~ommneemnîof lthe Batlnopi &Miount to nirrpr4»ààl LION POivUD -i" Tam P10. a ofA s f t b B ud'm ald b yr th** jing.Thssl@.t leu ofrn 2 e 8~p ada .ath , a. 14 i N ovember. g tn uv l â., Ssarbcro, iipumiia b ues m blekl'. itM.wol 0 A epil tntlo iib kepaOr ch Thé yOcbbplst 155 t6 IWLL N UIN4W dONCE i M afORE HE oj0 ub&Mrber roquestf pplAc 81109 donIb W ho bis a#v'stock 01 superor mce...Thli iiude tilicvlaig, aev patlerna: - MTE PRINCE ALBER?,t ~all antI ezansut MRON DUËE Del. B'I.? rt witr ~ NSECCVULY anomnes te tthe la. hbftmn.o<Whtbe and sw'roundlng f,uut7,UI*9t tlwybafe epimed s, zà«6ur?. ibop n«EUruk Imit b.otlt. the lentaiIo Botl" vii.,.il ,ord0fsentetieto tbernvil»bdmn.wM Nfotioe..'Cb.np Light. THE subao*.vasm md4Bfarm entrd tioal 011 iatone dàfla, tweno' heflta i Mb GICORGE YULE, Jr. 1 1 rdktphî Lt-ri. TDEALERSIN -STOCK ir0Of W WHITB Yy,G.W. A p4 e l P u10*1 étt à#Teva c sud la, Evlm<No> mc, tii. om réenmat cf thb.p w*aï,ti ralta bav* fi ex 0 ad, dt4sp -y tb tp-l t 'na iy Ob, t. en >ii. , icidva sud £àth#s.ne 0111i f RRA Jig,*M )1oxsîruçsq.'TMerebant.ii, &ivastoaaÀ, Eu1 RAN., Mrhn a Whtby.-J-, R.pu"~ t Bovmaivile.-.D, -lImier, arleFaiký. f Newcatie-Bsaul Wlmt Eq, r Bank of orto -2 -Lfnând A , ri skipToTMartad vniipsotMas n iRamaý, ba ince the year -1850bien gev. OMrne- b> Ward., fcised acorin l lb.e la* tbhnIn forci',:Absd viereai t Io nov, deexpail desîrabl, ( ié is nàid '>Ward&, and;to lildsanuai atggregte ineei ng for tise Eicetion cifflve'Counclilorï, là tise place et 'WàrclElections. And viereasspei. tIen'Iiao ben Premented b the Municipal C0ousacl ci ti s mid U'nlld Townsmips, algned bys maorla> cf- th, qallffd Ele. torm ofiield lUithed Towýnsbip, calllng on tii. Coqncillcf sald!Mufllcilyit, te psu sav l-,ai con'f6riWvwltb tiioeStatut., 22 Viclorla, cap. 8a s. &1,40 abollsb snid Wsrdoi, wblch sald section lamse foliowa, e".An 1 4tc sisetd tise Act, resipectligt *0i 'Mupilîpl Ibatîtutloni Of Uppoer CAIs>' is. ý 1-Sectin tvc bundrd sud îlztyf fcur, of sald reclred Act, fis b.vby vepeal. id, mpil tise.fclowli asubotltuted tiierefor. ln cmSe 'i»Jorlity'àitise uallfled Elseelèr cf à Tovaiip .la lnite laît ruvlsudams "tantibli; do >, ? « tii cd by'hbemnai,l' dti( o f the Tèw%4bp,ýit bide the ownbfp ln . J Wsrdo, If aid alremdy », divîde, or te- abelisii, or aller lu manner ap1lIedn'thi. petition, say exlstlng divisicn late Wards, thse Councl sbahl, vîtin@u aiontis tiers. after, pes& a By-iaw te give effect to'tise petitlln, aaid aboli, Jm-ho -ý,By-lavg reelte >the peotition, and aise tise preent section si cf tbis. a45 snd'obîl declare tisaI tise -41- t iv là,psaueiilni cepliance sillitue porq. èr of tse petidlon# and -ht t <o 'By.Iaw #bail take elleel on tiie firot day-cf DOccm. t!!!e rie pu 4lso a mo00 ai,0w.yr In the. Ceun>, or tTnkocf CWnnîex, àli icii. thse Townsisip la sltuted,c r by prlnte4 isan4bills, poiWne a t Meetlwenty publie- plia-mlthe Tovumlsp.-,, Tii. sforesid poitUolu fas ollovm:, "TO(ibeMq,61e4l i 0nèif ~f nt ad Tonhiso Ursad Rasain oup. Tise Paitton cf the lidfn" d Este payera Of toisld Tevnablp, "Humbly omv.b,- - - '40TiaIt Io hunexpedet l th Opinion cf J'our postalorte conitn# tlwie xln g diviion ti isd Tornaiipm late od, l4tismaInddIvIsion deprlveç them cifofur-§(h§ f tbe!hieif sllleg., aM eotera e ilS MUaIispalitr. - TisItt eren- dmu four. A f hi leCouniil cf', aaîdMUn- nii Irry espousibie tto ksaIbs. cf ath# Iea tiierolasd tiII ist if snons. patilb.e esonons>as 1h Inereaseth@i nuaiber cf Tevaip bOiera, As., &4., As. Your patiglonersibierdfore earestly, bush reopeetfnly requie uar municipal Coun. cli aforsaid, tu pan a By.iav abolilhing, sald Waads and vitb lise Jetepossile deis>. An.i ycnr,p.îitonrm, u as nduty bousid, wviii eepray. Septemsier 15,1 9 "MICHAEL MCDONAGE. "iJOHN TISDALI~ - 'MARTIN KELLy, "W. C. McMULLEN, -69WARD GITTINS, "JOHN HARRINGTOzÇ cf iseUnled Ad Otisera Be 1h hbereferse 4Wb 6Municipal Coancil o h WTovumis et mr and Rama; a1 nd le la hereby enactedby the autbrty-cf the mare, fliccaapliaaçe wf ii lise per c'l.of 'h sore.4d p.etîîniaI fronsand alter -tise fistday c« Duesesi aiezt, after oaisnt-mis-frm thse date cf aie Oiral Publication of Ibis By-lav, lai sonse nsvspaper publlsbed laitlb.Coùnty Moeh. tai, or b> rlnted isWdbiiis, posWed1luah' 1 .t Ient, 'pubii p lacesla ti'ild Toiab ledseaalWardu isuRli bobl. D. G.,IIEWEIT, Kmr sud Rama, 11h Octobu,"1559. 41 To ýLE'r. ý.4 "pbNl'a Store. T Nie '8 ELiN,,gu M eaWaoL . VINE, B~NDIES,/& AUeF ' R- .8AMADEIRA WNES. RDENBURG4.RE8E9 ORDEAUX I isPORT WINU,. ftve yýË'zR &L LR411.J.WM XDENBURG STRONG AND PALIXDIA ALeI nov PLAMESoo onamli lfr sprlugssupplie#, aaid 0 GINS-»Hcllind and Engllsb, ofseât brani, li ved aid bottîs.' RUMDo-yIiood Loudon Dock jatnales and Demaia. ALU-asm llapp'aan uge'/livc and btîe É0lE18i3 g' ilbr'aadn nneuliwood ad, oi. WlKJitôl£M M B naid MM5(, e i.lejfavo6Urd qWilu.p, -POTWJNES-Offiu> 4,06.8, sandetnabs,auud ctiie,'fiîMtrlti aks. SHRRESQrm,~Z o.sDom@cq',pemarin'as, Us CHAM4GNS-Mcl &Cisndoas, d Nmm a, said!vrIdtons hebrandi, CLAREtTS-Of vaions sgem, la vood and bottie. UJLD TO L E~(OB?1 oolditte at-ab l ivi ng pfe o etOash, croit appfov.d orediFL es [ne'i -' BUGUNDd, RCKS, MOSELLE, LIQVUUM, &0A.,& prise4Liota and amples nia> be ad on appiicalion. Mfontres!, lôtb Jane, 1859, .C AM t - - £1 f »* ~ 00. 25 e ~ -u~- - BMt noot b w -eosfted ndmom hthl o (XRR1AGE M.AKNG,, Ond thse premimeberetofore 1K Aied By r .RANCY, ayStreet, botvccn Byron anr ock streetm, whereho la prered, s bertcoWe.toeeute'ai orders Inutaed 3ARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGIIS, CIJYfERSe &C., VauuIbsateiired asud bld, aI tii. Leo e.arcnueratlug Prises. 4t,àï,ALL WOBI WARRANTED. 14(kRand Éé.Ã"UCB! TAR'EN INXC~HAN0.R, et .IARHRT FR1022. b.v2' og spise cf tblrty years lin1the Cprl ~lmaiufsowlegof lthe tal cs p anada 0u giveai hat eîporlsnce lIn every brne of tise buiness vhicb rdI bave bes ab0te arrive at, and for beauty cf dsgaoegance cffni, oblty nd slidI> . vokunsaiip, bis vork calsaiot b.eceld WbIb, AIguIlS ~, WÇal ad 0« ofpselmeas. Wàsj dUeoeu.- I 5 a "42 ROBIÉR'i' CAMPBELL Begs te Intirnate tisaI 11e baste b.aid bla Fali.&.WinteIer Ptatongs Wisb vili bh fond to c-oist cf tb. nevest and most <asionable styleslai Fik rseseingMantles, -'Long.felled Shawls fom$,L rbenc MediYoed'Drue, Schunille ScAwfs, Shawli, Blkkets,, Fa*trys, Carpeti, Bufalo Robe , &c., Broadelotb., Beaver, Docakins, Tweeds, Chevoita, Vsating, RXIAD-YýMýAI1E' CLOTHING19 A largestockbelusg Ma& np mn iseprciss-OeS u vrrssbpea - ' dependcd e n oksnbpenI Mfeaia sud Boys, Top and Body. Coate. Pante and Veut: las everTr- style sud quaiity.- Geatlemen'm Clotling Kade lup to Order on the. test Stylé. A FRESHN MO O GRDOCEIRIBS JIJST RECEIYED!' Iueiedsg Parcliss ewill do#oU eHt al before-parcbaiag elsesrs, n gre at induceiaent. wili be gives orCul XYB.-The. Higkeot Jrke wiflbe foà Fi f 4, U Jz xifalrat a Oow. TOMareMn FOR11A Tante i otNé. 2w, brokei uIrcnt' t for pyîig. oine eeowd? b~5TOG5 of Wbltby, ccutainlctg h. s d.pr tsao 01=0 fte b e »I tww lot*',eo k fr f .tc1 r assl Ce., ntle arToot, ascso lm its romiecsyislà'bb.t Obi 1 Audi,,gl.naéaif nvispetlè.liwllae.sât lourd s --~ ~~~UI wuuInuýresplyJtmifJl - p in l4MnaadbMi7cbc te~ m9oÀwcrtâ no Eg2'e ere s fil t basine. 1dnb M~Ld onbof No. Onibi I usI. aar eV n D"n 1$ .tt o Iyoi/&eupî~ No4 1, . w10 &i 33, are n -, rfc k toslçet&*.te Iproi mipa sn e to#la sode as th:ie lovas issf ro lngmg; buisi nrespfi e i ie nmrly. Io t &Of dîelnecs aartoeayanypfthlai 11on In cf hbofobethe. lnduc.m.t. te fonnd vîtî t o ie epcuitra' b I tim ba li. reIUnambsc firtdmsn bil dingsbéM«el âiecàdt*ia renvei no ner ah aisynthme tii ha e ppoeas' ore'l Iistti. 1nfoi;icft;wr i e Wf' blc lovîfai lai C n di c d ua_ tsel e f bt viii do wlt Cattedond os? saleastie Néatic"e nt c lie bave npportu Mon gagef four equal annuai instalmentà6 vitis tton lhea&Mounot remalnlntun. pald ai tise tinse of eacbe payaseaila s" aie t* wtmnceaon the ground at tise LENTÉEH 0194,-on~ thd 2n4'*dq vzf eiwmWer, nerf, et 12 W"cocknéon, Titi. indlmput4bic, an extractof vbicis fron tise Regimlr> lhoshwns the lime of sale---0~viib iiia Wlaftsb jecribe bilait e, te100e n N o 2 8 D M E S T E T o f m l . a d m n f t 1 r O n e anin e tur by leelf. Thes e nem",r Cafnadianpublie. Mir. NAUI4Xlins bidIong. a e t 3e0auon torocting f ine ~ mCIoe- hi fter'; platee bas modae over *2o,ouo voral,, ail cf viis bave given the greate ut6io tie o tise pirehsisers. Theffllwitil testlnsonlais baie been receiv- dtostepicipal Bm tsud Sue m anufffl tores lu tiis li> t Ne taks pleâïure lu bearing tetlmoiiy to thse aun:plct vorkiun 'îft h e ios anuufjstur- ed =~ Xr. EJ. N20gb, llvlind cnt ths n for is. lutwaomonisals.Tisey art cf $juger'# BROWN 4k CM'ILDS. W. bav.e dE S . alef ing XMin lai car yPaoroifor ths e ttrye snos, and have noe ilatiou lu sayiliig fibt tais.> are lai ev.ryrea~it ohitcb usapproved Aite 1 lu Xg ln"-Ofwhists ve Juive beverai la Po1IILD$, SCUOmit, hAMIS 1 bave bm s goa ne 0$mv- D ese. a'0etiaebeglno o f Jdno@lut, ac thiite epubli, u e~a~ Montreil, Jtsly ,18 I v ba, s.engagedla is e manaîufactturecf 0oct and 0is1e0 for a umbmer of yearm, duirlng susajf*attrod by;gr. E.J; îmjl isthest maited fur'nsmmutstutinu 1prpose. Tit7 do cose and dueas kqai y veil, and 1 tae greal plesmtare luoa rudfuî tisnth tte s public. lIERRE DUElLIiNE, Bcci aud 801-06Manuf»ior, 12831Nore Damie Sinit.# Tiesa tderslgased lasse id ila contlituil une, fo h tieui 0 o s use the Mcie ~auosCsd by X8J. 1ïIansd eydn h*adtate lu r«commnd1 'ti or goe r se. Clothles,106 Nogre Du»e $aree, Mntrms!, I bave uW ea!gJ. ï 19 Sevng Mýlachinas for the pust eve unishui m oo ain -VctM , and 1f ltd t co be Y s t a d $ho J. LINTCN.' 418 es t. Paul street, Moisral. Nor aeSt; MosifreL.JaIFn6~S9 tion fr ho utis aitise muln, darttk Wiach tintle 1havé thorblr tested thicr 'wrking -?umli. desandtur floM ieast aie> are ai Mi. xnaglrepreunni.d cj DAVID, ELLETIE. Thso Subeoeler Iavio &edtsoSWing a w:lsaaa0ajluaie ow thce b>8t. Mei- tïn-itho sqqitais su> vs baveIthaaed np dn y gemmâi nre là,e m o ttk>ie1889.,e IL E ON Dei I,-bmmllnvil Is77 lt e 5 0r itend rlKPtiMo à Ir UEXO Iis ciaed hem. publIc 'th 151h d-ION. ~flUB 4~ITION VAILTBLE FgIÈHLD PRO, M-TIES T IWNTO,' ON TtTZhI>Âfl&ti, NOV. 185»9" XDlR AND BY VIRTUE Olf oyer of Us ý,. eontuaied ln 6 e.rtNort. 1north, flIJ4.IAAUAEIWU, .eglgp AID MAra or lainaIS ÀAaleA, omd everi other P. M i rends are BEqpmCTflLLT li. viled to attenaL Ticet fo Dure.'?~ Cnt», cash. 1 'To lie . rOnslm à er cé edifrer. gC 8 o lmflitrni. WiiiLby, SepL .2% 1859. 54 EEEI~ e PEU i Ow~Wuis4I se. o b. Iad on ie dg t ule, ud for tiie ba. a *c , 1 1f ' f M i~so Ai tihe Sale., Mao HlToronlostreet Toato. TercaileOct. 2, 165, -2m.4lv AT ONE DOLLARA GALLON THE CLEANEST LIORT M8 Burnig luid, -ONZ DOLLAR A GALLN. ~*4-~ JAMES 11. GERRIE'S DRUG STORE, WMITBY. W hitby, O tber-2 , 8 9. lm &w A op epiT lu âe of the. Townibip of s.dce*a«ed, .i erb uentd to Pro. duc. pcb.,clawâ on o> eothe 2lwday or Novabp,î,zt, to U,,McPbadm ocf the. Viligef Vrocann,. and any-lpetin or pe~ ni ow ngtie ate f, e @W d laI. Jo eb TifOin, are hersbeiquWfe tesm"l -ot i! are vgi X, U Mae moeaaon, rib ii ao,.mtlondt e. - ~-,-tI. COLT, BTE4YED. C AME ffI tt. enclosure of the un-. dmpdlait week,--& Colt about 8 YT dwhite stripe, un bis: fâce, hind on payaient of erPenses.ALN Whitby, Ã"é.8 loo'.Lie.5 Ir .: - BOWN'5 14GRCUL4TýURALi WORKB, BROCK STRtEET, WHITBY-, Msuacttrev sud Dier ilÀalldndm of Mafrkcl anid Nbllebligbs1 Tw.o-rme Culti valorp. Pieu gbu cf yvarIonsauake>nd style ScrllesCrn an d Potatoe Cultîvatos Seedu nilpDrliluloadScrspes &c. l7araaitng lfachine# Bepaired om short Evea.ythlng lI the aboyahie aio ttended to vits Punetusîti> sad bempneas. . Agent for Pattsrsoa.obined.llcaper end Mcw. Whitby OctoerIl.,12,1859.,5 TO TEE AGEICULTtTST. P&-WtIarly adapWted eFait Jlsed. fOim at,- cr Iuelviuabléin l, M1t'pîr'd Lure, Guano, Bôtias. Nitraî ti Soda, ' _nîrG- 'l Ceaper tisa. Parai Tard 1sa' - r -:ADor uADItE Ai'PLOAToy. iiaSSpertoï; 1Viciatwre. te fivi cwt. l'u tain mielscf hre ci. ench. IL 1W. WOOUDWAX»D-, PDudas Street Whltby, uq. £i hiby i1889. - ans for**da ;4htawndr.Jgnedbvor -'Tooin Lins. Wiltby. 5 FOt A JL MA Lad 2b owy , ngi, THE 'MAPEIST. LIGET 15 1.

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