Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1859, p. 4

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NSWV M 4I%~.1UT. oea #puiwu.a - .13gB, M.utr.uio, Torons.. Wbkby, Msr.bS,& y~'ç,. S~ÂT1~ONflT. RIOGIND *XATUKO71~I WSOLWSALK UP IUML ~AIP STÂTI O NERS, BOOKSELLEHS iZP ?AP~R~1YKALIEI, BROOK 8TR~XT, Abuam, o DDOCKVT~B7, WJagi W HI TIBY, O W. E 0ý I»~WTsl »SulFm"asro, o, cm ozdmdom by M o bln Badr,Stabe, ka Ef», an I h elI h rm o ld *4t aa. tigtigo. lnel u.iti. Ta eu el asdailmnflea ýJ viiiLs 5'Offesa wlii ha sectlved in vins1 ouibandaàlarge MdmWeil = Botajgeaî1uMd beforï FinRIDaY <210St Octg fhe Eatabllnset ofIth#a. unsdasapsed, -pr»oxsio. For fur" s.lilorsuUos mialis tise>are .eillsg et npreos.dly - (if loy letes, PMapald) <o Loy Pai.. ELPBEN'R BIRLI ACC0UiNTB0MON& e:lpns, JsuruAhs Gs..mood P Day, Oisb, andi Bil Boabc, rlt frtePlekwius 2< n& ,18. 7U. nesi declinaareiy insBod (. eariy paenp<lo nd bot n-are, ae .&llsdPstrMi o i ris.ninnea, 'eblBos é lus-s a. eTHEASIGIEis O0, O. TON4 r» terlals. $latu <,Penis, ise grsgA, rale "1ai-terrais utise St"ampi. uim anti rtticn, 8tP0KrflVhby. WRITING PAPRRS-pot Nté14 ApplIcatIon to b. mtao ter, Copying Fcolsc. ap snk Poat, "Pott orJ.,L GR1Nrn and BulIaitiing papea, #ai ag.. nti Mris2,N6. WlUj colcrs. WluItbyMth2 c » Wib WRAPPING PAPRE, hbome msfo. O ,T taireti Manifla, Brown, Com)mercia, ie. T plietM ast ve>rapplog lpnmll.- ~W d nm suga sIrVEs' ant mcllass. igCo«.andi sielîîig nt premat, edNVe.BlOPsim , in Bull Coon.iiE euaped b>' 0. A en a n , tailNore, sd1a6ou gelti.,alnaMdathe Corner cfDandasad By» froNir FOR t 1. 5.liElgixo8 CMON AID LIIEN streets, Whltby. JIAN OUS-Jn Chanceryquen S ,pre. 9B' sllt rnm iikiuud. PomwW n bia hd onor iftes.t Deneb andi Counn ne"a, Cowity a*n4 of pr Veasl lxeisag tta'l an 91 BU SurrogatecCourts, laisolvent C06Kjpf DVi. toreofthe aitnaIgni. for pstlarhmappi>', If bv Jeterp §iona Court, Coronrs', Maglatra£e, Nota..Wb1Je TAI. palS t riait, Clerks or the Pne, ciits ocfCot. if<iMy5 5<eB tics'fown.ç, VilIageeandTownbi r Deet - Whtby, Au& »13h, 1809. ; 1u Motgg;a, andi ail (ovnrm y@ugt. t FOR701 aL 'ORTOLT conve>'snce o t: "t& T B SOO-inG Baiks by the dozcn, Luntiratior tison AND reu. on0yIlE". 2<AT DWELLixo G HOIYEITUA&TE santi, at Toronto pric.a Av ian g ceiC=n ofau. &mr INKS, FLUID , IN KSTA ND» , O' A pi f o y ete ot aS twThe quarterDllrPee, WstCALEBUIan FQ Consalaalng 12 aheauýÀswta br laviufam. ned b> AnllIOa, 56 Puper,12 abeets Note, 12 ïel T ho Le.-yen o vraoisorabletennsorls àetomi O SLEC«E tes. Envelopes', 12 aelf4asiîng NOM epro=anlsa2 PllnLECIEP IMpc#. 4 Fraies. btllon Peau ant i oldcr, 1vTTTG0 EOIATN O o2, u"e8eCncsinQWat one ihcet of Blotiag Papas., a nt, iaoBot. Tiso, 2, In.e ol'aaaao) adjoiraisg tis bra le cf Ink--all fiop a <se-,aa,. Towsip Qrof rooslsunig <Ofia Wlby App àut. <la. in E. bC. To.n TO PR INTERS-. àOE D IG fBOUSE, CmriaIgploac, .Waajares, Eeq., lIv Ail kîntis of PottnTo G PMnu-Nm. WldaSmo iKitebesa, e Slttlcoan ti MWpsrkvr « te .,HM Job andi colcre&j...A<t.j ~ ad ache<o tisastore r%5&,mail fnnnsblil V R ofiS and eh. n1e licilsos ru Irs 1arlete - cia.. ram BuI fldIng&. ficéae.ri, ltir Jul> 5,las. squ nsi asl llaowmaatl, z nMt ~<~tihe WslàaIo,;2 Atiifurtiier Pêeinoal cii 1ud. aefhlyneapnann 2 a à801TMROUsEs TO LET. Of Prinasng fos. Oafix.Brook b" tino mntte1m lo <mgn, UICEEEIA EVIIL lC g ludatloueFor luabitssate l s nf ltan ta. 5 e.ati Taanengof ortrot»u-. <st Tise 89EwI.WEE1Ly 1<088 Mlt wa IITCHEjL,& d" o, mecstgo4>V1981118vrooasafd a t lion Roda eraionns.TIse> 2.0A Yur- HINOEStSre oî, or ta hie subscrJbes. on t£lart asituateS lu tiseh@mesSpleaeng pa r ti <b 5~Tlae WEEKaY OHEOXClE e- >1>icFHADEN, 'oa !Wib.JAME6 WALLACL chss bws#paprusncanada Mt (O*Vrceuusai<e, Brook. sept. 1i,18j&» 6. f a Wbltb>, Oet* la, iSl, Dollrs Yan, ir» advanc&aHu. u ofrBh HIGN X AYERROFMEE, Vosluable Prmfor Oslo, B UM t&fOe .Pr2t d etai<j<,'a "Hstlm Oi coft otosrtisofu AMre0o Whitby# 1mai>' 40, 155 - T01 <Iao,4, lu théa be SSi esausof QLL tJVL ««lmm 14a.u.<.» ithl b ai0 trtcou4#« mmaafrtiy iniga og îiifu INEW STÂTIONÂRY()À,0,Areso w voier>pleaut pnrtf<b.viuvo tij- H5hOVd7TONtnated m oseanropnWsenurth a iurei tho e <a Th* jorm in t# #Mre a M ,idth#PIse les quigenlunss HIOGINS j#bonERJI PPEg, wsuduy. Lsd Agent, LWZ,%i4'a FamlîOmd ldenca t nsed *otwo »Ie"tah erla ', CL Ax 1ion,- 16 DyUt<o ft«ket rowdgu iorosto,à ccsslsfsg f 'eue, ait, P p.rke AI..,Jam lIs A qa ut t agoi<E A P SS otg APPL*IVmdiet pAr ItBo Een T ata*La ImeB ., Seulf Dskis, J. "Aases, Kost gooi Oage., A. . ttes S. Goduosar ta efiy ai oS, ni hau m aa 07« r d tis. su.. - i 5 fl' l A PT L T ArS AB OV E , ...i u .i. l -j- ia à- i» z om # -UELIOTT SPROWLI DtvaaloaCourt 1*5 t Ait u? ' Co mi amnS #uegl.trmt s'Uaie" oait iu ton sabue icn dTiblM îst,.-100 atas atOf ' O<Lot Nole. dTkju r oxWuI Purt pat oit fea5 a e drm a "" e sai gv.sfrh AUHTJ 1G STATEYrrPM7~ (lu> momie.<no feTmno!WhIt,'. Fo li. ot 5& Oentou, rat i Lot- ol EBROOK OOTTAg No.18 111 elaeaoua eàMalosa, abot mw" *.0au mm an1 l feMod 915 1 m ris Llr>daay. W 5d e tO M - latbW o R, -Mui aber, uaaeoti ot# or. telaa. sm of<Bs..eIiStr.e IâIIdttamTownst1mmoftàot2.wjum, "mli aam lva _ mt .i. >'pPld84W,.IM. ?re:niWj 0114 MI Apuvv"Wbf by, .s, 5,11-5-,..dgnfat mo- ýyr lbavlb.ud .a. ail a311ef*pordpm eau haeioe kTeeMb Tow f l i ; ý .Prf 1 iwli .g 0m.,w'lb0 in, tevdy rpeTa teln st thefi OMM'1q E aaJ -~ O tlWl Bdii g D0tiu it r ,e Yy kàm m oi , o. ev eu ty elxlns N ortis sud 5.u,,. ý h BEAVERTO N.. - Ms. ltlermm of no eo* o ue corsty Cut MILL PEIVILE*E A JID TOW N 10E#wothernleie t. ! , * w.ss- A m î, v su.e.t.<i wh.f . t 0P À M MTEOTO =ZXffia z; Dit; 4eoii ldiàit tolbeborfï iwnejnNU nar ufl ia h t b a . u r es Uy ro d ned th e pli . wb k- jL tk > 1 O u r'ewe n * h.r.~; ~ <«i, bArWJ4or.werb gsnyd, iwow gso 1 ai4< Ofoi.aa W blfb>,. ,,j~ irq orlyel'ratieuj emale~ ugh. APITÀL.TwoIr1Lxojg STG. oa e tsa oboabeen «wo*EU b -f f o 5 q n jll. N.B-be6Pzue lnT obundud fttTouajà paS, daaaing wlaicbtins«e lie baspuup a great Lt o .i , in 511,imc htý 1er T hes r la sa iisua.n tew 9e 0 ofwr<au pmttIeits - Miwtd he O 1-4,9sdl é,, in Uod,îCo , r f 0 V A L V B L Z V I R ENT Y f o r S A L E .9 B o U d np , l n nFa ' i r eý ý PBId f.etkm on the aenvorsl tra.,M$rls prto, fts tsnsof IuWer '$andi , , ~ * . . , V U . , i t i a . o n s - s e o r o r e s o u t b s .w a t l a u t p o s i b > e in s l f te' T » d , t k n d utoert i n p a e i of= *Ydbequafter onstsrsert, ha lae samê usr. e r p., keUiz» Y business. aaeateslelseiurere. " lise bgu«sieoadisson o! tse Towetiti, he -on Aboy y mem ~ Mesl Of ro$teein jii ,aLtCh IL, o o d h J'aver orfon re,e file maw j r«leu TPl s cf is1Uern $0t. slsove iots Are is a s Dvs A n t, ï v ".C l a d <in v d m o tli o lieiaI> m Lýor art t I ta, i».. e i OW teb > esltnated bOY sailsllnelmn20 aeso..b gep<acsr yo. ledit c»Yqink ,maè ienSm ltendgesPs u r. ~ ~ sh u Y, 0,,535mli X",ec oÇ ul eritri '" " < laBdon , 9' Smo Liauiaus sud SU Uni. sfore. rium tOmo Seun MisUH Z4ybwdeWY of the Wi ~Ael.srd..d vil b. glvn, Ire. froe ai te*pla.. sangle -- - - KEP -- tYX d io, ao .A.....YERliPose lis<, WiotWe Zt n idio'nft foUred .&W ese oe-iq0t#u.1« xlaro acl a nd 12,3Whlt YM. rmnox-e d 41w4, o menad="- SeD' e reewmlo»x m"s p v go a nsle, iemcuu4le, lark, andgrou mati Por X R eapet1abl anBrok ti auo<l te Pr psaaa< QI t rs W4Dufordel-ve«yatîa ni ansll'p Tono pe. m ,Dv» towrP»rm WoodeuFuis. ' . lesorel " ssne, oiewustce eCrti a$a>sgain. dLuer fo Masleaa, nad*Bad. atfKlag or T eis t e oaatJsfu a e si tua illeW1TU Fux, 70»Z 1'. î' a&. rae«l W k eraag, TroaaWorthsal plae. 4t To Torner faDnd tl e da t ndeofon lbs ter s u ise MA G& J.1. ft so a r aaomss <ie (. M JJsveudarl' s 0 9. I E ipp n k sIN 0 F sI D . clni 'ordâi werivoenr t'tfou, .m.,ntl DtTn ii. Md Ngthjg',oy fi or- a«f ?op» I e, lu the'rwMais v W n lto frJp.t l al o t l saA, o&, IR B dOM Rna, - A en.1 lu M I ue< kuou . is r oe esPrtà" dm loar dèr As bn 'aa, Epi s tcemae a î yj e so , tet a s a er e Cla o a ,' btl #uty.lty LDSael., h iersntiMM mnvill Eevwdmarlard ig= od i'i SisriJ < o lda Eq . anti otsandgeta TIO DT M AUflIe aPetendlS.eI"tybife l-Jaid,'" au drt & esetaleà Mdaswu e lg E SGiL tei Cet f heaék o 1 15<9 D, U ln f orGatsurineacs en. ltihcni&.e n :; dc ic r an se io" Inag .emm ,co-A%0o c ZiIaait i le4 l teitslt o uoeoaalile.<aro~Seiia sii~Î e 4' A > Sd ?pie CiS sfcy otg <m P, MdbVIlonAl«..1 1 l A M, oMo.n. no ma onthl<byuda é ianch 21559EsyI i0 Tylet tra. sr>'e , ou arse, foi &E Am es of luagle, snd &n&-nên 4tr«o i ania, luth Z Storesud tin the 'Ëou M. .a. , LT anijacc 0,arf tra viatelng pst 1§be ST TowOKE, LW.WY& 0 MiCluari ro -k P& 0] O iiC,, edl I Ramycwsàr er4CI4 t, a in, sd itap.la the deloisE Dise. - ooua.- 9uaotiserpMtr10vl11.1 con.nt 7tA-,M n o " i l m i O t fhe y. 'i o ogi te hte s i e s ouW n u w . 5 i ii t h eu 5 n i (ng ta ig m a in p-eç. ù W ic t in lJ- oue, n thsf1- m ent Up0216 10usent. liPo s , a LUgaMol i a anio ut(L siP LU 7daaS Ofhhalf E ese JA , oIa.. il),usi a.rt. aa<s lb. egtouernt b> Veber,, 1). tlaiet2,e0e Wblbyulf, 55 . p28 b jvm àhannff icl t . ar vl fn»sClaîtt 117> round theet untier raguadseicusftoa« aw CWt»-ont wili 1 OgbilUd*pfsl-4» JMio St lne h raiti on aoafurBrant i n>'b eris . pmueboos l4i iwiaî t- -,th feraof 0ft'War vtbya oos<sl, ehs00 napio 18405Adof oyntiiu imtpu£lc..paay. - babdoofl uw orna.t itie sdftaà iva, ,it- alîn etet lim e - A g en d f > ' w as .b p a eg a s p , Anti o u as ur " Pm e r U t I W hlfe d tsy tu ld j t ( h i s <Uman e a- o r m l . Q e v r a a, o n < a tai g ra r oi <o i e s d C W a o m &M d U bi ge a, d u o fo e u l I'c sts g e v 4 L er. p V e rO U l u o ,»l u thI e a ias < ,j 7 Mare l a ,7 o Purla sl I kO li ie 00tt)s lnC P TA L - £, 1, 0 . 0 0 o lhaon 5elvwr . l ',, SfbU l <lace te s i <hrft ,aroAlltanaiesas lImanev la c nd-t os. l 1" 9 WIlIliauL ae b ,u oêtm.r asti e$ammllleonveaBuissons, v.... e.ra.u., - p o p eiuet..5 g <, t or n W ea la jfo lo g 4, l r w ith suel b.t-< ahtilq ot ge ande Ja at  U a M , 5 B.n,ý soaasp, hacachatsudfor 'soAktrs luofe CouuS> Curt. Audplytrge. Tuatftparus&Am eek Idy MU or ron h fias 1> Ct v si i a Mb g eK O . I a i e a s t v l b or usa" , s1î~ ' a t O FaCb Iou L - W<5a. "3s0am s FaP.ll t o M . - nient. lient MosdtoIa, a. uutaya fron th os.a.t o jides& fs i lra.og5ewim 1,4 For patfPrmlsaohnge1rete lme oeal«M asn *usae paneinaissMW &reFnth Ond&To&pvl y 01 u a ff t 1 - - b. " rO t l lotteti 17 8 1 3 7 O t < a O ti e ria& L n g W -IA a l, 1 5 .s e 1 5 v . f "thac o . o na i e h , - .b fl WhtBslai tisai 6 aiu and<f ..U~l -CAtleudetio<o A.elock AI IL on mDi6aae., TO LET, Pnascs Aaaasa.-JitmvrimA nd derèesD. Medi- aI fdvlsai m _f 9 _9-Smth GlE freanddv, K g-oFFAT k , Q Iti IJt ua mi oiy l ý nte^ui te,(osiedseile Rb; o eE .r AgJMM Pltg e sssu fko r n ada. JCOEFVBAsTDuaJ" neIlouActai ,G i rtbTar 1 27 W. M é &andIe ZD8 nt .5 UitQIsld t . thta ëb, 1J5f5 psld m Uwgtrefenanea t.1tlselesrd lu ý tb«eêrpvostt]Wnto igy o ALNX~NDN~ 8TW~4~T, M. W WOOWAR - 7pW ;_î"àà b Is.aasu .heeta ouBuuldins ad.telr landj Tuurdhhing Agen4, liron W»tau«t, wbity~~FeS PHoeIX IIUNACE CNTAN, W~laIBOUII1 Cniawresnt ,fy dtflt On4 g (>iOn ;;l -il 1 -la And

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