Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Oct 1859, p. 4

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rk12e * MayAThffn*Î MiliaussI Fane>' tatiory ;rui.ld for Douane sund Cent«s. p wEqI.'AL ItA ND BROOK ST1LEET, WN-ITBYO 0. Wb an sd il wio-soda i Iialîhve fine willlfini1 en hand a largo andti .l usaarbodStock nt tii. Fotablb ,mst-o( te lis urwlgssd, isl* they ar» allsg et unprec4entodly ACCOUIV'r lOOKM. , Loigera, jsturnalis, Day, Combis, nd 10111 Books, riiled for tho noir ducilult rs îy DBnîkIo4okif symiltmdeoriptloss mside go rdî'r, rulel £0 g an tstiorn, pageti end lossîsd ln a upe r innor, $cholhoukis, Writiln t a- $e lutes Venelloe, Boullng Vox, o , k.. IVIaIrlNUl' 'ES PeeNote, let ter. Cippyi::g Yoolscl) aî,lim:kJs, Poi an u hllwrltlug. iper', *Iii izesan*id clora, - SWItAplINl< JAlYiFt, home nmuutu. turei Musnrlllst, BIicwi, s;oeo, El*- pissait, sad - orq wrsspî'ing lsuîier-all LYL>P$ aid, lMlie, ltiff, Color- &d e i at i ssd vissvUuusequaliieoa, frotte À," 2 ovns 1lu, Sus'rojçato ,-Coî,rtse, <na4ovlrit ('s',irt. Dlvi. oiteCoaurt, OCuroussre', 1.iiinîaNota, --rie'. Clqrka the Ii.lce.Cierkos of Coun- U.aTownos, Vlae as!'uwîh eed ie'l, Miotegssg , tsnd ail imxrelatinsg 10 tise aoiyau ctisol rsI tate. allEftiFpp, lhsslliffos'anti <onatsîbles' Ingau4 b ytheo40mbezus, udr&ed, or thoîs' oasud,t tïoroto Prima ga"Tièèe queuter llrPcet Coutallisg' 12 sLesIborsesiI*ter Piolper, 12 slisseta id ' 2s.faaugb tterîr 24e,1 el.slgNOte -Esîve. lo *Fiee ,sliorsPe,'and i loler oui. ,.hiocf lilotisg ue'r, ausi<r l o t- iii Of 1 il k -ail for a (jaitrier Dollar, ' TU 'PIINTgliIS Ail kindis of psuîrr O-P4r,#s-Nrwx, Job and etuireti-oipît ut ns iket pricec, 1 1 A 'otilI <friler Iltedncton in &a ikndo > of j'rlt)is gfor Csslî Tbo,$EM.IVEEKlT CIRNIC nt $250 àa Yssr, SaM'the WEEKI.Y CIIRONICLE, tise dshspost newîativer le; C4ada, at One Dollar a Yeur. in adrars e. Printerî, auil dtatlonera Withy, Jutly 4, 180U I4W s1AfOÂY B ES-to oeil siattetio tisebir large Osec.09 Ne N tatiougary, mlsloh fiseldes siI kl.du or' P1ain *bd poey *'rtifig Paperopoe, eraot'se W rspptog V«Os.e aPper, d&o. Alan, Lair Sa. tISr iof yesy deserlptoloo îoeidh sPId bïdi,Ltise, otaeA. algqaoatag ou ds, elcseao ste Warrante, d'e. is leisCommue PI, ry sué Couniy Court .mC.rt Maset I per udet iraWa lis akoeNot«r li.fft "W tieetooi ".4rtwn#, ns là ebespli oet tise Daili' p paiesbo ons f odle, « tt. 1. --AOU Ooldo nitrer and pWt.a. plates pst tu ptbea Sh>o tyim, ilbio .g , n )o nWis bfceIs.TéeIs Osas iar itton Ion glvan ste regulousof<4,111-q Pli. dud'Psd examie@.OWIauftbiairorle befro egotliigyou teeth litatrktdcinyhwero. iC. Lp ZswxLsero zca, os L~ v. Peuswg »Posr. Brwk* WàWr*'ag or Goemwood.. F" Il.t rai.lio ud utU4T 1'I. In<nd i t a lu c nire M ,the Vit- Aaga «Ofregitwoo, ln$dieTownobipof vlekor' JO-WIlie llou ooajtt 4 ouins'toit -Md thorg 10 agi exoelon pamp on tkemn.- ~Yor termu., ike4 upplyroW. A,. lkogloi if .u,iwg;or ?t . 1 JOHN becUL14OU(hl 2o4m, MW c;?atI, an'4O I GRE'-AT "CHANCE" --TO- TO IIOTEL KEEPERS. Io rembe<i.e oit ua1rn, oifire ifor "nils good wlll v< the, HURON 1{OUSE Meoo the ewbo1e oftheb foiledtheuou.T i Vlif. aaI nl tigw. undi lis% bIîti ell olofits: careof«,Tii. 1,iilipe. * iîswfril t 0410 ln e x-luo IL693A1>ARTMENTS., Agît! l lit su tilsilii l l udn ,Jptd for.butistusa 'rIe istsillqla NO. , lîarty < auouno.a- ,ildyard auil ,.heas, tii, liat lu h a îy A l'. %.oe sts~,i5 utu liin isear ii' top«.o i,1,lie oet ule' i,,Imuwatsfeg.Mo cer ti ¶ire IX si -gru'isuirnisces tu ais autive tus ta sit On th# Premlae. Wliuv.'Aniro> , 109, - ie.44 A Tsra'e, fuaradîi poifeus! 4'tw ulilsicorasisSis titu Wh lslgths.ti e tluctlfor fsrtfiltilois A itr.s s-ess.liii lm*saaugare Ils i*iilois, Tissi islig bi t Cloem14uildaeuse sdo :siliii'iui:, - usrlos-iter ssîil. tlîsuth tisa on'as seu poke, 'u*as ueter lu>' (ar Us dufi, t w le u ui; ýA csrrier lsaidhYl>, unister ta ist tigese t. «ssiler, inai fr,' a-let 70 pIems, thora I la oing hieo, luler, -W0~SY- i ls' ud 1eîtle.%ie MO',sBR.Ilot Ns bisou Xlakêr, J3IOOKTN9C. W. tise, 0 rs ha l'l or thoots «" Sto ttise an- tyî4ltow. Xnsucht tise beat înstMal ani heAt worlt- itnnetlIp findue aj.on tite MAt Oa. J!l it t'ridnslpe îsttd titiitttomser. *[Ib. rasdily At. teiîde , 51141 turiii.lted WilJs gOXnd ns otisp wirk as isi, lriakili,, JUlY4, leu, W ,teuuu'lmlgned, bair. entored lntn W 'Psssnmrlslj, uniler tise noarnsd stylo 00 Donavan, Walkesy & Co, for thse pnisoso of(osrryi on thse Cirriage bisi' nexA ln *1lisNlîrarlehcs< on thse promies Isretot oreo osspiu.' by Ira 1B. carpeser. on Brook Sîrece4 (neerly opposite tb. new market'Building.) M,.(OPDO1<OVAN, SÂUEIJ .,WALKEY, Whua, c,.FI ) h>ONOv À 1, &Ijtgt 22, 1559, 48 NE WS1 NEWS 11 REBADING ROX CHRIONICLE BUILDINGS, (DrDek £84) Tr.reov es'sonsx sStperansutm, psy- .4515. nutly.tln ahni . 0t y, &Ti. IJLVUIPUIIO mm DOM ton «Y '-' dtui.vd by r muai aent., Ml dolA ginamt, tise lot* O 'vlb. mould b>' T. )d Usadaitl asnta ooll bc od Wb>' b1.' yul b.T. VWDDAtTGH. 'P, MIDDAUGIL M. MCPHÂADEN? Jmm OP0F MAIL AM twexig, Will bu wlli'n¶t. attend prm dlire- ful îaybu. uoï oitlî wlsk g.otro.oteîlt. <)utort, U;t T: EXTENqSIVE fBSTOC - 0V MANTLES. CLOES &STA PLES-8 Comrisngthe vcry lates lCif LWTEE BLNICtOVEL' IÉ 8 »f t»-pzmAw' W- AT CITY FICEI. .0U OrsollBulJng, Brook st, Whitbr QueutocArer for tte Truiuusetw of Dsoao with theo <tleuuiý Depmrtmeta.. HA3 OPBNED AN OFFIJCE 1%< QUY. bc.cfor tho Transaction of tihe huai- ne"s ofPartien reidihsg hiUpper Canada or eluowlwro, with sssy of thse U(loern nt Dopartoeents. Persouna dealroîssof eeoarlng Patents (or Landx, or has'lng Clafise ofsy oter kind épinot thse aGov.rsati or rt-qurn ai hsi(sreatIM n tnbleat tisaCrown Lands or otlser Publie Ofleoa, ua have tiseir businssu.difllgrosty .ttm&«e4 £ by a Rosi. dnt Agent, witbt th ise enee and in, c01.lsee fa jourue>' £0Quobe Patenta of Invention "taliout. Ail propsid eosmsnioatioria, atlresao to Bas M88, Foo Office, Quobe, yul re lie Im-Wuuois attention, Quebso, 99L .200,. il J.GIBBS, "lO LET A CLEAUZD FAniX etloi ACRE$, w ITII :uliuble Fria##e111M, omm landis Iiîedistely. 'fics retit £0 bu poid ln advance, (lITera yull b. recolivod ln wsItlssg or snd belore b'IUDAIr tse 21ut Octoero proxlmo, Fur tartiser InforatiUon appi>' J(f b>' lette, post pold) £0 LEBYIBIEKELL, (irceaîsood P 0. Pickering, 2tb sept.. 1850, S4osw Noticeý toLoyal Orange Lodg... PAPER DEALERS, 13B0CK STREET, WEKTRT, llave on band CERTIF TCATES, And aIl othir Blanks apportuinint to thse Loyal Orange I.odge#, rlich tie>' are prepared to soit f> 25 pue cent Oh.aper tban »Y., odsur Establlsbset In the pro- vince, Gvtus a. «Il or aend usi ordmra IIE UMMDERwili l itb> Thursdsy tge Lth hMa, Mae Building known a lits LIVREY STABLES, aloo a lot of' Lumber andtw ir largoeCar- rigos iritis stable (orniture te. - iu, - Os5eyearssredi't wil ho givon b>' ftrniuhhig approved endoriod notes with lntereet Whutby, Oe t 7log,59 J. fI, ALLAN. t-i7.ir1 TUiE INTERNAI IONAL IIOTEL, Sm ARICBT SQV.Auvm, ?Oi<O%0, JOHN IKXEN$, PMopalxtoRl kNK$ ;~;w ie ou8114 :Cloerluus insiotisesa, IN BTUIt1<lNOSIEI TAJ8 %eIw 0e,044110, sm rgot t i insud tsebýIe gen.r 'iy, lm"g £ea 101 yti e ..asun% d .ooUUsluriisg isa daya-lb mlîohve itisigt o iiorllatronizeu Form.e as.OrSluy §i1seritl5prasausaasieqîauhlm nt bis formier stand, <ho gnir iernot Fom. W,ltl,, Tetiruar>' l2141 Mlu tls çCt, ,bega(o sa,'tiat leu aalumsd I'uty Ceant# fo-i~ra s toita cf yeses.iti tIs osoioî ss-r Stem sud PlaisI)41MI1Ifor Sale, astis. - Hsi the rial alokfIi5 I T'Afflex EU UY <(),5Ti>XE, OFVY. i4atu&tedon tise uaisd#e itisbe*St o ir Vrhea. y111 asdsrnîsr11&4>'x th«eis tieauil'isaOtet ronce Ilalitot, bets'oen Kiasgsud Froi ttorlula VitWlleSi' treets, wure blie mli aima,',bc. reaty £0 rupietl o » ylGRÂNG' ueo bis eSt rienda sud th# publie spuerai. , LI GANG,.R, ltlso j l >usst Wbuelsie.partoiftisa@ or i. lMILLEs, it i il b ounds cnventent Mtld sUtYf esper wib>r, Moroh t , WistSu-'.7 (Ordtubile ln pura.TIs, apons conted. i ' E. -~ ~ Jn neuly luitin; up eud <urniais. ors1 sué ii. s:sd duela et present oc-eslboansu retInd or w â: oroigus idb'(s .Bnltr vant& mlitbu. orecr ossitmil ipon Mbu Streees, Wbitb>.ml apieimil ii boesinren Wbac!on or ster t<W b@*IAR iii 1» supr,0lnW ina, pstt£ - B.BUS.are nnsor tise S anprnoté.uscM oliîgisi rTAE, ~iU>, 4sg.281f 1St - oeérsIn th* lrp lard aMw ta tige North hi wffb tu ubestsebi y, onli iee T o B lm .-A EALAMN orbosue, AMasb ,n .-otie it, 'In 'a eSort, 1 dotre4 at 1taS%%s5n pi>' (à( by têt- 4 My nououzsîTuATE ww114Ir s.send..., ua~a.ais eiojUso, a!I d ea!pŽa u Lstoly purchated 1,,'outsof t hodrusmIsho bu aii'tted tise BII1S& (3ontlscntal- MA.IRKETS, Theconfidently Solicit an anti inspection, am induccmcrats uilbu ot- fored botS as ( eo te Au isi ace mîsicîs cauinot bc s.srpsacd, if ecatotéd b>' an> - soutaislnstise trssde. FUMTIER.,ARRIVALS Dsiily esejscetosl 1»' isx Steaiisor. Ogsbass, Sept. 22, l859, 364r.Zm1 cip, JUST OPEN C.ANTON T., COM PAN Y'S Niew Store, 11, lbiu'c-at,. IEssot, iseur tiest. Lswrtees il1, Ttrolsiic. tgn forinassfoîr tIs isc srt oric ite oit u>' 'eso, direct Irons tite piseif grounihi, i"w ttr tas flicpliîîe oumis ut lit" Ilsisl tat SlisaiCrop ssre e00s'a. sslà lit ('undia; utiai ;irics(u rft (>$pli sutlys ilaai ii foire5155 <0 itise a cti'si<ç,,tssi-stIl>'istsurea- -Short jsscfitois assît sîl1LSî rtiiu'ui.," sSII fié strial),' iulieietl Io lu>'th(, is1u.Téga i -ii 0Il p.rvtialîBIUyY ill;S:AN'Z le' EW TZA£ 0t the Lýoa-ssa Xt li-., Tise Csnipuuy Itâve laii asrefuto e elect, tisrstsrls tiseir .1,lAsto lit hdis, sfinas fihcs oplei.sil stis, 0191Y>' a.eitiî l.JÂjnlopn andi tIUsill A urkcistisoi, 5notittit t' Whsos5r, -lare- meniter tits delsii'»isgatvsu t r 6, soldth iere toynwh susla uimiw tOi ue îseti assit lnvguritisie Woe invite àsu lat itou I osr#aaattcsia, fsloeiriegota li »apeaisfor iltesu 1scieoloLoiti tisetat' ffon Sale, Pive Ilindred liests B"P l#, , , "';. 3m. o f .repo euijr 1",... ' 4)Wd pr 1..Ili, it, (ouS sr l... Sc 5uueaJ~1 erl,,...55i'us, I$î id'îMPr lb.,,..M10,s 5'etia.tiii.. 2<i<. I n-tiu pa th .v. g"Forty poussé pace*e, und opa sassOf'A, isentt esiiiasg( frite, tlu aur 0peauj d40 MAsc ki'uyas.. l'i"vainity, Wiro5li'0 nel ta Cluh 5, 1tlsr witilî tieir rivlusiao. W $,ula f"loW tarraioi#s.4 Ys $,gtlsXtsith 04JI9 #rtoî ti pe lise Coussî. lextotsoalris f k i~.pr Ë s io .T U I.IK Y C s ip V u dy , ai 2â e ta . e n d citise ennmî,or, 11 u iito frosts Uarket nuers, ausiplais. com 1 ili to £5your russ4o. utudngurbia. iwl dà e to lsdu wual WI!ITBY, OCT. iz, lot. PRE1P TH V VBY Applicnt wilb. -admitted, sud 1O FEE will-be re. sw *- JJceived' at the Door. A cmeetpegiwl b natnd rlrit..drtPleiynow-iefgerti. u" Ifs m. l o$48 a"tO t~f suc, explain, the useý of ýail articles en exhibition.-2.1pT t s.I s sons inerested i jy kind of exhibitiônï W"ill;"vie-ase take notic s'qslie ilh ,ttg u enIs ese that theydo ntalludetothe iAgriculturala utir ethis WT04 d PuÂtA52%bi «WinE9,Z.n method of annoncing to the-iJsi~,Bre llbjis, leesBsbto» s~ i ýlkilon, »QÏPI Chppe ut)ý; Cilll»s»1 ow! yffli iir PTElies, e isssutipffsil d worta. SalildtIte,sa, isot oi Wtsi>'w u eS ot tsssdesib0 FAIR LA IS 0F WIITB seîd'; Jiiap1suu A0Sof VIIOIJDJNG ywyji S tsî Ja.aseUW04tsér flil, lor.t voig£0aet *That thcyarc uow prepared t 10 fitthe best seleeted USerWnc knt sa, $pralti. i oliits -Tit otlosae otheui e0»<oîbierslio gy"CAVr ~< -Notw, are Aesitiuauunule5sIse wyl11usd tIhe leri'onse ateu in î tèred, ted 1Efl11 tiwicrd,"ijotVbia# l'o1'rand ImidM ", ü angli usecouutilaostnMd'gi ~~U.UiUUî surolivorilblet o vi ratr nevery wJui = Ibo a lu$h l;- Sse88Xok ofdithe w on Àarolusi posit or boAx' ~ ~ .t< tise aisn rmu a o ssy sn by Wlhusma ' 'A e/ Yevr bronglit toithe County of Ontario, enubracissg ailtise noirest vtirlim ads <atyleti t# 0## 14r4. A Àsamuslscrurwarl i i!tig 0Ais Mstitriieut for the cure ofgeniw lDeboiltt ecf thse «Mon", tu <oan> Oieeressinr!r itsssae, tWmust lnea saor Nouss isesi, enr owIy Rowt The eutto of Our bhoua.baving b£e iol S k*vld <tts5 teof AM su> tfy or 00 OmnaSud dWeakftesas o. CIs elserWastessIW= roputsstocîs elle*tuliohed for Dlestie (Oouot -e ositrotti ieuss-ueso ouîu l.orse usfos 5dà',tl 2 uostljs, l1, tilsas dtscrtîttion, une dectin i uutesemry tesenutxirate, but merci>' sote (bat pur Stock 14 '0 y itiessblu psron.o<tts t.rissss, 'bss oe ipjintl i)Ik tinumuaily largoe slcisat ts e, otssk !(od l IeMiIL 0 fsss l s. 11 Mstsiat 'r,r cfo1rceasor isedioelts, Sto c k vtlilLco iorxl',8tM ao f thte v ery tm i- Y orktslo f G séw ainrn z a . uM a O U Ïa o c u x «Ili raesoieble Jrstcasand i dsusrif lit a 1 G [O(UE T RÎIES A NI)LIQUORIS dioitscu tuttlotuistl ine. su'its itili r.A os*ut à masire!noismoliiqtju are eonisle.t. Aise.China (fas n atsnWrrAiofuiisiemiS - ss ornbo.a 2euscot s md 51 i'furte tOitriaiOs uxetu*eJIl trerne'ly low fur caih or approyed <redit. f con"ts.sssalealsebauaIlgba t&it% ortion ladaos'ilmeliasss LWrils &POWELL, tsei.rur ins. ,it lasues- e Ïaresi tise oui Brckstee W i Ni . l el r l trta . t a oîasep atIenta U»ul Inus i lrint *ver Ilivesoi for tise Octoisr lOtI, l6.~ 89. - geulital orgsauss, con"uîed bh tiascret hg" of tr ~ . » ~4f 4 ~Watchmakor and Jeweller. aiteptii à*ltgtoigieeie 01tieisisLtrasoo, - gOs'r> 27511t t i na pov liso:atl î. ictur a. tatrial, ___ liis~tittiufa cf WIsltl> anti tiesuey. uilil ha refusi ,'b r stiing t14 - sousrroustldosig coulttry iluiî i se là»- Instruoucusi ls gsod order. gseeetiied Co tise buaiscesIely Plerjicus wià elsing tige ab.oya usselsl Jasirtsst1s& eu ldouit Y, i JiosnsaGol- s'ilS isAserve tfitt lie.iarlc, a-lus tlie lgscc ortpy * irg drascioise scusclypacked andi ,enshDy es irota i a isgliols unoritsn, lit la. ruaa, loi te o llrsn cotitlisut tisti ail aoUkeueirusaîcdtii » Jua<tressDiAi r uouas À a'tfssTiss.,craotEmiiricastand itisserossLl sef riZ ucw uua nd sluairtclSii f lt ofaosL'.ast curcse but neyerlsuc Jewelryi,, wauUiso cloeks, Cerci!. fo luefo-àlog"ge [sean enigssed ln aoi eztanuiu'e lsraciie tie 011E P F R CASR I11 trectuneiti Urftige"sdelicte wai' las, and Ma tise ouslj legûl>' usaified I'isyse'usio nos' usues ls'er t.anussail' csare. eouplaisstse, or fr»:son s. euîs Vson .st priomul owrtmnuta Boaro aeiesan le btreil W l i t b y , F e l s . 9 , 1 8 ,5 9 , 4 I e r o n s l un s u s > 'p a r e c f t i s e W o r l d s n e 1t bvl a u e teaatull15' treatesi b>' forsara' issjra corrt detsi cf tise-Ir caae. uSw ri i ii e sfor liodleiua-, &a,, ulitls î'ill lb. rel uued i milstise >uirsou.t "M Il, Stinqcriier,%beg t lnf« titer cusonieri andthe p blic anepalyc ist aiird accore anrocc s obro ero vation.n Poi atStock is.isos' coisplue, isth uc> are duteuind t si gotg»Il etAy urebaP, FBuai cornr ai3<' b -DR. MLANE'S A LAi«(tltA*SOU"ET TOF MORSE, ROSE, OUT CELEBRATED BAI1, iIouI> & BA1N! BlMON AND Let ii: siuso 'lea(r(sss IIES,,I±lBD NAILS V E M F G TLIRTARCSTEEL LIVER PILLS. BI L MST R rj¶ EE B ALTER & tOIL CHAIN, E e ev aci katn __ in oftheTrslei,sand x A Sais' îiok cfluuu lr ~ g .espcialy th Phsicn-of tihe or EE" MXI"«"counctry, to two cf t the oitpais IsirtasRolsor nal ati Vrnsa r ZV~V tY.55iP5O2lar remiedies nowbetore thse public. f,,îiin 2 tu 14 litei,. TABLE & POOKETCuTLER WC, ret'er to YVsut', L~a5il.i.f a, ls, ' l Cs.tiiA4r itiker fil ofI '.Ca, 'ac' ccbac 4'rcdran ieSIIl sea'as sie eerta sles (f((j D O i emfg n ie us ~ ~.'vir~ Gunso, Pistolo, Shot, Powdu NWe do not recomménd thcn a At linoIttusnre rsra lriccs. t iwa, Wasls, Gainse flug, aAq., C'siMdutilieisal Cure-als *but ismply o $snn Ssl~ia udM1se~urreuNtîSIRLP AND UEAVT HARDWARE TI:VE MIUG 'ANItie)si1rt , PUBLISIIE'D llvPRICES. For caelëfigWom fortii il SI DONALUSON col . - uman systerîî. 't bas also been E DG £ TOOCL68 Cadwell ilock, Biok-st adinistered.witti the ms ai- tïsir vaiirrir WlsittyNOVI 94, 18p, Tfactory resuJta to-various, Anunals _________subject to Wormsfl. CROCKERV! CItOCKEMR Y 'ELVË IL YANKEE NOTION STORE, Forthecure of LivznCompAî&Iwril se~a ~I'IBa~i, W 3ll-BîLlous DeRAX&NciutT$, SicK. FFER &ND AGuýF preparatoty ta or ter takir.g Qui- nie chy alznost ivral iý nmalta a ospeedyand.permattent cure. Asieifics i tr he above nm-- V 1 ffr tetîoned dka ,they are IýJurivaled andiiever known bo failfwh'ep ad- miwniïtred in accordancewtith the, AN!) UFIGINES, directions Which, btise7 iweprepared to oel at Mrntsý.eii Prices BREKFATDINNB1RANI) TEA SERVICES '13L.-~O ES,&. '$5,1 i A ____ peespai4, Wlsiilsir, Apuli lIais, 150. isis. - -~~Xv - MRDUOPQITUE CHABLE JOHN-il t¶LI 0F TlU lthe Court flouse, JouN tihe Eegsatry 4OlZie.E 1 - ~ Wo PA; - TlImu0E. 01 Hl J. ici iS OLtC-ITOItt A CL Atr- l01.50A -LJoat tis ot hIussC GEORGE IL Attcmuey.. O-lec tl X, £geaitutthe Coqui J. . -v. N.B OboN G -A ABRSEt L DMT HPREN Odi" ad]ea thou i~w wosg~ mi~ ~ as? on ba le - -17 1 jý7 1 1

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