Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Oct 1859, p. 4

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STREET, v, o. w. ousnrl, fr 60 s*ak of niiod t1 ae stIii1 ture Oopng ooimcp, -Bank Pott, PatI '1 IAPMING PÀPERS, hem. afu tuv.4 Xinillu, Erovri, Cussuela,71El.. pbaot, snd Grey wrspplng papors-sUý O. &0 .1ail su.,asdvrailons, quaifles., Pm; eo. 2>o î e N.0 BLAX K oIIM-Tiiserue' leuch sud Cotumon PIoom4n, ont; aul Surrogate Coprîs, Insoreul Court) Dri. sion Court,,Coroners, Magsrito, Kola ries Cleika(cfthe.Peac lerka 0c(oun. tthsos ,Vlaedow.p ei, X«otgsca, sud ilii trins r*!sbfnttb C.u4eyam 01 et rsi eate. m àLoo- SJJERifVS', BaililIS. and Contabi.s' »blaki bythe. dozen, hunur., or thou- uuid, aI erolutu> prie.. INK$, LUTIDS, INKSTANDS, k&0 MIT16quarter Dollar Paeee Coutainiug 12 slieete fine ruled Lotter 1se' 12 %boots Note 12 golf-#lino Let. ne Enelopos, 12 XOIÏ.elug Noe. ure. Jopes, O rasr luillon Peus and Iid.,, eue abot of Piotting Piper, andonue IMo. tu 0( luk-all -foi a Qua,.Ler DOllar TO' PRINTERS. Ail kindo Or PuiwrsaO PAPEU-Novi, Job and colored-oold at morket prie.., f- WITIT of Priu&lng for Ceuh, T4 .SEMI.WBEKLY eCiIRNICLB at $2,0 à Yeoar, W"mtbe WERKLY CIIROICLE, tii. *beedpoot si.wpaper lInda, et On# Do0aW à Yesr, finadanes. IIGIKs & MAYZRIHOVIFOR, fbty uly 4, lbSU I.SJonos on# eUMrge.. »etlsk&009 DZT'JiLxm lilsslnue rf t tiut0heoltisen .L Wlalftby and lolly, or ti er; yluri '0"rou "1 e tenlu Ola lu ,1 rmieaos.- nov ta er. t10-uallit h e aumaroas *~~~~~~~~~ja trçd îîti îIletlie ls. fillyi, îllt- ted ui.,rrîiauuuetha ~tlepérniueî,$ps4l1 or bils Irofiielon, lJO tii. Tuwu cfWliey. Teeti -unted ou Gold llatins a, pMi < Motoel, . Teh OuedVit W'OGOLD AND STANIEL POIL, .. sud bive d dwt" 1 u.. ro:dn tut oi eetryfeei otrwcetlythéuls prmggss A pruee t ftwes fia lilits poo# wnbo V'l&t fi.gristu tsa i» mus s OFFICE s ttae nId Doutal Stand, tirer .Ig. UglwliPr ad. $toro, 16M55i5iLp.lis.l'n', Iiq, Mayor ut MslbN.~<îiol 1b$ isniff Dr0. Gaun.q,*ioe' Ueelrith, 1855. Baukrupt Btook of Hardwaree Wfwklan <d Jkil, .chaapes thon urer bedeore ffbod lau thi. marite 0191M AN» mvIr 00DB cf llUrars wisruu, cpruces ot n r1 14 Melàrruit pwielg s hLr Oîswil ui l (o thefr lîletrust 1tupairals koin tie subsobr it fMil4TroliS gi. roronto, dor vWest or NewolàglgiIone, (lisse Mao loe.) O*2. fi. ROLLANDi omialm &Osu Ms. nd 14.Zrckr. Toroue.A'ga.tItah, 180.41 A Tevun trod neige,sud 't' Whilhvas te metîod for9 Àg*osktgisluis.eî$ave nohlsmig but 0toui eût à iut5ênt.msd, bis A mrrlorWetg b>', via.r1 WILLIAMM ojsdlo boa'sdOuî its le 10 m theaO* bot< -i'litai 0 rslbdwi$ ton 8i. rau lil ouu 'AT hJ4> ex', VDOI~41~ AID BITAIS STATI0NE1~S1, DOOK.4ELL2ES, AN» PAflE DEALERS, And *Il otber Eian4q pperlsln-tp,lt;4 LoalOunw og.sý, wle' w1r rie. «aveus a oell orsund usorders BIOGINO k XMAYERHOfTJL. -orhe iaborlber, bouttheî. ingln 01 o D)ocunber Is, a large1 t Wielî brvnabout tb. bond sud nra, bovqg duo clavaou ot b«lnd bues. ý-Any perobwhi' yl brio# tii."eis otie oubWoihor wJIi be bsnidsonly r.vsrded Piot Wbltbi, Aug., isD. G7-0,S DENTISTRY, OR. 0. O. JEROMEl TNraturningtilianksi te lita naneroas renio A sud the puublic gesaiml; (or thoir lhbersi Jutroiage Sirice lie emuiuod pneie.ln tus revu, wold fjord tikuoccuuiou 10otite ro ail aboievWso 'Ire requlrlueArtîifciai Té.ah, t lisfou bus nov obtuuîuia Lel=&u.for rorklîig tiie vaioalwl rublier, upon whiehfo i li llusnt *Il k" nd %u tylea ni Teetti, mWcA.epo ka.se t«udsmebtfcrlf with -Ilin promu, Dr. 01. C. <lanoisayl gaarasîtu iî.0Lthe inoeadifficuit M»e vllath* i w tssprolou. lu A al al mas,rl.s ssbiv lovo ék T.th vihlaid amus ou la , lu erey rnpw, for oaperlor 10 any 011,cr klsid of verk kuovu in Pse. 'Pila vork le lihl;apprered of uy Al ('f tu ige odlue Jeuats ols MevYork, And pi-lu cilptil etle.tfirouglti)ut lb.#ilitsd State, elcg 10 # li elgnuclis Ilgî Wo f a $sîcu-eorolvu nauitrel aid lala, aller s test nor tirée yearp, deeseul llgier and w«soupretiroblo th"s $04i Or an ' twy r luealie plate, C iJuamitvoulil wli it lI ai ln ni Unlie h# us.eeti;redfiesiaie î'P" vik'ti Iu.rotof«ore ro tite esuderd.l" ie veuld M00s frtiier sta0ethat Wlui u (a enutsitly uaing theiboy ilio, med snierii for noveraI ,mcnilia liant, iariug whlob timaW ue l $Mt gaap a g#rat tiombler of casesaund ll al iuîsuiuc e tIi in of' paîlftlorsa ise Weu uu*lted by lte 6.4,9 hiver and FluUaa uPlat.a put av lns 11,.ta"elstyloe, £7waper Ihan tual,ianid Warrantd, .4il Srgleal 0. mation*Au a.T"$ i routfit dre,,'a Teetîs. Conultatlon>3W. ilUUorkWatnd V"(Il. ansd # esuîu spelsis cf bIs vrt "efrd gaitlug you tImet bnutsd elswiier. krt, i'/diy Sam. 16, 1869. 1y-swvv dured liy u'ubaS"l oc1. - AUidabtàs uginot di. lat@eOro viii b. seaLt j b Iddahb.audItg acuib7 0 Tl MIDDAUOIL TO AL ATRIWORLII, Ttiizsuis. Mrhafor ~dbasi. y.pso re, rnonbhtorme l$i.selondI êÉïf atwulied to tii.Storefa*wntio offim sud Warebous.. Tb*, bulldinss.L *qul munnuti lustdlmet4, vtl ite.t t rate et. l - roent per *!Umm" ,or £58 per muutam rwrî .1 Brookcîeno vnlttea rauuxiendstou, ii, lndaotrloue lablianto.M'A suanet rfam- iutamullo. or <irtWorticalars ap y 10 wuS, MiTCHoELIL, k&c.,M.tutos Pitreet, Turoulo orto th# .ubrubor on tue Vroonsnton, Brook, Sept. 11, 100,. 50v-tf M. MOFILADEN, 2COnveyueer, commluslha Q.B.&DaO JSSum opCVNAIIAG >OI CBNS iniJinox cou=T AGET, 60. WiI bu illlng bAttend ponulsdne nlyoubuilus -'#lth vhlcla fe may b. EXTENSIVE STOCK DRESS GOS MÂNTIM39, ilsÂL-S, Oomprising the very Iatest NOVELIESof the -BEAON, Lst.lylvuýrchasedb; om te f i m Who bu rlalt.d the BITISI & Continental MAXKETS,' They confidently solicit an 1,Afi I Ç#lL,Î sud Inspection, as isiduceuents vilI b. 01- fered bot au te choie. sud laice.vblcb esunot bc surpassd, If excelled b; any bouge lu the traite. rGREAT'CIIA'NCEFURTI-IElaARUIVALSý TO IIOTEL KEEPERS. te rasule la a su, ale&rs f«r sle hua gond vwili of the HURON HOUSSE SAlso the whole of' the DR. FRED. DIELLENBÀAUGH-, j -URtNjTIIJ A ITryE is îînprec.deubedouncaful Prmetlcu orf over tilrtyyu.uus, bailli about ratlriug froun Aotivepiacdieu lsitdit. reuost ofnuurous friosîd»i s #Il parts et tige oury, lias Consent- ad 10 makete wo snidieul preparatinna, 0 1~ vhickliei. is oetowed tiue c<u'nisd knevJe=90 of bi, long Oeorince, uil lis loft tluum lu the. diil'eroitdrsiglt* fur ne .Te Co» hoievs are ao4lu iaiitcd viti (lie Doter othîne slood lue sala-to Otiieni, it la but usesary to s; tIai ho bas fur yoars proatcrionlfrom 4r40 ho 6,000 persens, fmd aI WAYn with tise grcatt naccean.Casaeon thaat M, .d aller sn.dicu mn, ;lulded nadil; t lstuptiuont, sud pur- glm uia ore dal; <reu i unirejs of mles 1 tu e oureul. 'The >otor, howeover, bhis(A n .uiblo, like othevs, te .ureor.r i lJslne vit rr-r tios, but liasputuapýlîls uelue luavtutir e 00 vilire sumbutI d 2. £Tb* number 1laia liaporirlte e strz<no f $grosall mie entîrlut te OLsud herbe e li. an <orig oufsarlel,$bhobéast propertlea of vbio ar@ extracted b; sa eutire nov clienilsîpros-aw. la sut. lal rger dose in u oivo e jiioI,, lu -saiir-une an altesmive vorklue silrutly on the-Liver sud îÇîduoys, essuulli4lseaureloni a1h merbld tuattar, tl ias brglu ate a.tlou alil tli orgsinthat inay have becom. Iniiatitve, sud tmu; b. i',IW utns tu cuo#re nia iupcnidi and CeWnpktiuU q' <du Ziauep, Iýus rdOis. mu ,ptoi,4vsP*paia(hno tlo e rmuiOl logde A 0 anud aIl olluer .lines vhleb YV$flior l isi à i.;a lorduured or tmpure &BAte of bîooed. 'lala of a eirengthoeul gnau re, sud vîli nover vuen or proitrate l c; Tii. nnuusbor 21lu s FrYBRN EDICINE. AMd muet ieyer b totkasei lt counoction vîti N4, a vl ut ue iqffa'auaa- Alli- nu'ia-,c-k1 , - qflvr. cIr 4!l guq . A.nian Ceutalued dttelu. Tii. Forulie le ail ncarly nov, sud iîa.beon vl talien cureor. TIh, lion*@ lis. boum :ewî fitsed np, sud la lu oz- collent coiidîulou. ife large ansd r Ioouyco- 13L1U lAPARTMENTS,9 Ausi la lu a sitatIon woli udupted fur busînees le tAbfln; la A Nfo. 1, boevinge nmuda- tdon for tveunty horftcu. Tuer. I a sileuitu oltosd Yard asid ,.hed, tlIsebest JOtboeLtsiy 'Alan, a good garde,, eutili:ng hoi;-i thro qîrtemw oi anuri of land, A geed pump sud ple#ty O<S"alttur. Altogote théiapre- Ing to enbor oi t theJuetel buulnuacouli] ob)tusi. Is s area Chance 10 au Active mn mou sa. Posessosinau;lm, Apuly te ELLIOTT SPRC)WLE, Ou the Promises. WhlthyfAnguat si, lia, 4 Thuray the £Oth mt, iti Building lmovn sas he LLYREY STABLES, ais klo lot of Lumber sud to large Car- ges wltb stable furlture k. by turuislîlng ýapprored odudosd notes vit ntereeL 1ýk itT. ot,,tb ot . sil .ALLA .w Dali; erpeotedb; uext Stemusi' Oshava, Sept, 22, 1859, ZO.v.,2m1 arJU8T OPEN D - raz - CANTON T. COM1PÂNY'S Mev Store 15,llct.Esst, nuar théo15t, 'T'I oinpan, ornied for Ilhe lîprtatlof 0Lur unos uiuteroitod tes., directrein the pimcuof «rowîis, nov offer 10 th. public smie t h et Is oot Rjulesld Crop ol'Tess o or sold li Cauxila; and as pnccuugor Casjh oui;, hua yull h4sure toilalse a or; sgAilI*it fi»1,; iiteres- lof have kph eonsliig for 7cm' Se- 2=Shu'rom t (yr i, .Toitmnto, ài« rdite sud (luit rotuîrnà," will ho otrictly &i -rçil ta I.; thl; Cu'ninny.Teus ylf bu rataîle t rW lelc.i114,".rth a%. imseulilnc ail paralosto, BU Y MlA'4lLAMTMIyImTEAS st tha Lowcua r<s.,lblo 1gure. 'The Coa.ipnuy liai'. beau cirefal to select, through Ihlcr Ageoit llii chitnu, 001110of those i.plerÀid Tos, ouIstyuit to the London and 1 blnMutg, 5 stenamer#, Who ore- musuber te efi c osusilaor of Tait» old therc May uow be %glipulîîldwitli t)î iuiolîeeriig a luvîgoratîne ortilon;.'Wu ivlte atrial <t est our ssotlon*. Tu,.prie.,, vili spak for lium' solves. .book utt ilioga ?Now a 8*1 ,Five Jlauured Ch&*ts1 IV'ÀFFOUD TO 'SE1JLoTrmm cHÂPER,~E Thmn tbou ww bavt ic t he M«b. otberi, A1 icl dd st, theIo*st litfdgprice. WrCub, or on fippioved cedit Pl"~ col and examine, 41l kiudoriuspber wAM<arme prodfie 10kw, fln «chnge, 'Air wkwmo ým;» gioptuijy lt o ne"toc"Iel, umer S etom ansd tba pubie of Toronto mdC" Wet, that, bih,51 desihous ofcultUvatlug as CASU TRADE4 tb. ili on anud after lb. VMOT DAY 0OP OCTOBMI ,gire4' IJSGUT WTEN 'ýPER, CENT. VOU CAMR ON PtTOKAE$OVEÉ 4, Prom 'thé.great mfUc h iai S ûnd e h.hirodption of îbs aber. t 94Iint thei' (%arpet Tepartnwn4mt; %è arto ed 4blier, that iuoetof lbeir eiW»eaiq5are ab,,* avreofteet saMviug offeeUd Y 1h.larg. dwsoýust, and will b. gladtol, e; ia4o damad mb éthuotiier dqpartments. To thoe custon irh: areIn lb. habit oftof paying their accoouutsmoulbly, smg t0 goy otber famille, Who. may wlsb 10 do , tbe lame dismout wil b. ailowed. Tboiz Ar. mo te baud ail ofwbicb baring been purcbaeed lutU eset markeî#, sud mai e4 vhth a omi 1renumeratinir profitr indepetndet of the abovo arramngement, off0' peeulla adrantges 10 prties about 10 prchse. TI. IIILIINERY & DRESSMAKING, DEPÂRTRENT, Are eouducted by artistes cf tase sud abiliity, sud no effordon their part shall.b. vaut ing te ment rthe large shareo f patronage tboy bave ai long, cnjoyed. Tor'onto, feptembor 20e 1859,. 'p S e I 37v41in s T E E L T1'IEF stbterlbrs 0infri er c atoer sdtii. pbIl lMill;, tathelr ~FalStek lenovcorplate, viiet he are det.rMined 10 fsatahgroitly h LIt01 55Otrl%1MMORS3E ,ROS~E, ClUT BAu, IIU01)& BANU 1118N lema Ilîn Toroisto Pilofur Cusuils. 1>RESSEl) NAILS 09 C'AsT, T R A.iCAM BLISTER STEELTRCE A4 large Stock or ST5TW5W~dE Indien. Rabbcr sud Gutta Percha flusAi FUI tNIbIRINesÎo< ami Ir Es 0or arrUY cîro froni 2 tu 14 Incu. lisit's, Csubl',joncs,'anitCtler maltons et Crs-et Irenor auîd III At Iaantic' rcs 6lmmodis, Datoe'anîd Kllnarla prosuliu EDGE TOOLS,' tif tII.A'T V IYr TABLE & POOKET CUTLERY igoW nd noullci'Colobristed malter Guis,'Pistols, Shot Powder conntorfolig tli idk'»e utor vendug tb. wnWli1fî1 tàwry of Professor Roaovav,80Mudts Itar a -York, and b mil rnec#. rglto tun', Deulorwi lu Med CIu tfrongiottii.lUnit $stteo asud th#. ivil- ize'Wor1-nb0 ,iatmfconi4S63conts-and # lu eicy digordor Arc a 10 euesbox. 07 Wtthmku =ad jewoer. sueeed o eth#. bulesiItely earrudou by Mi'. Thouisa.&Zl i!n sà r t ci,.. Zuglieli vorkuinm . ho l0 cimd&,nt thist aIl work (cDtrite4 wtus igre, A now ond Wel amsrted ,t"oclo Jewelry, Watehes, Cloks, '&, CHEAP FOR CASI-11 .a priome, soucis lowar thon ouuoly liagod. Shool, ]Books!e Caps, 1'usks, Wins, ainme Buoi, "e, &e., sud ovor; dosc-lptiou fn rsi-m1îoî lnnL SE ANI) IZEAVY IIAUDWARE r U1BLtM11RIt RnwLS Mole tbo Adrees, J. 8, DONtLUSOltk& CO. Whlîluy, Mev. 24,, lobs, CR oeKERVY! CROCEY - ýz l fuliil730sý lit ila repli ie, 'Tafs4 qe C s, ctud aU flc,t« r cisas' roul----------------*-- I L ri.. soda, i rom urjie, lemts nijd etounse tiedo'-sor iu.-Tuiese usoedlolies vîli efootct C151 iREITRA RL OE,--------OM; (J" P it--r5, 41M4, ii eno tori reuu ou.para et ah. boad; tu REINE1NA ML uT.9MMp8iediupr om r. vIl spos, Ok, lie ruer te rolas. pet lb..',. Dfàots. ul O' Yiu porte. cs i lavill on; ~-M~ toDimborhu>provut etifueleî, lune 215 MAI2? SKThlt, OBOIO, lctolC SoboulsuîProriotrseo.îng7 titan sAusglu£uguAa , pcpvi ; su Deu, Ti.n ueFr, psIpsiao, u p ion. là uehthlsxg i lice Mo ver 27 yua5. IRETURMING SINCERE TRANKS ydotEAn, nt va.fot srpr Teprrsnsbad, a orret llktnc$w Of thlia 3loirondsu»d lb.public genraliy; et C"i % uncopo Ie0451Tin i 1>ojIleu',itilt fermer oror ais tacir sud dodn« .0.111 ViEN , tFre. olr<udtàtii Coi,lae, " u, , y 9lueir vo beg« s ls émly p .. fi-IgiaaiuxeuhaIn i!'pî ou gisîa uaîiona~e itaie wsu la f o imeust. W i u utm ticDg ar a te Ufmrni sof 4 té 25, relte l test. Tii thou, r f&.i alo f e ur lurcim.st&ahei-ve. Ti ml5koOuU udniaa C~ W~ Sle Aget wi In s itat bp on haEsIaideho lm 1 e vlIarast lu ontraticlounesîred goYou& .81~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~fr anAu hatvr-OW: ~Sf sebse4fiedpatitbL-p0b1:111 i'm7.ral. lui ssettianova tieyzoileus i viii beredl eot- TILI1(MA WhIGur JY;ihIl l gesaaL hoexpu 'Vift -W <u kna ous hll - hieThoroa. etthe __ __ _ __ is. .epMu peeutIh-fosoi Ag 'tmLuet.titestd test fver hido i WSt lA, jw "' oit savn mr»tukon WDtbl, opi- Ut190.KF4$ale es gaFot, 4NDenTKig,ïadIront P cri; lubaadve oe.bere»IL e>'s4o SEWl NEWS ot11-lba"W.bit, 014uar, atis.nad th spb1opnai BED-ROOM dlàETS, &ec!4 &o.,iiiko. 141 nd o#t ork' Toont et' Gzoegqwe AT TRE YANKEE NOTION STORE, BR150K STREET, wx~xwr~r PURE ernies AMI MEIIINES, AND AT J., IL, GERRIE'S, SLOW 0IF 1TEl cure of gSffiaI Wooksqs, orany disneofo! 0* geuilsi organs, oausoed y 1i c fixe e i abite .1 & ..m s Son, lu corder b atioçlythe mous siteptW a* a. 10the mrfetit a héou iuAîrument, ?ledÉù twmselvcs tbat lu guy ivâtance viiert sufypvensatinfactory aLoi' s al iain th.ifnQ101 VIII b. refliuded b; returuing Il,. hiutnznuent lu git order. Forsons wls stngthe aboire Usofu Instrument wlllobsrvelia tu pre., vin thesceomsssur- li direction securel; pàeked and smentlly z- pote on dollars. DZWABE0 KP5TOLZl twl3evsrgof Empilc sud itînorszt solf Ati lo rofesorsecmuempt cures but .v. ou Pr' Aumo kSom bave for alongs.oreeof y&Ui' boeug.gepdlu ain exteuoivae sccl u the tIeoui; legili; quajillod by*ieiazswb nov idrortise la tlii. Candilani***sto oure «0"si complaInted, or- fmoanwlio ennilurom Uameuditk e ohtalurd. <'orrect des lo!thelt caog, viti - a relilurire fur IMcditiarlsr ,&C,, ixtoli lJbu rtturned with Oic uino*nS 4udcrpatok, iud eeCure (roui curiation. Midres. Dr, Anioo & son. cor er oalussu DR. M'ÙNE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. 1,,7Ebeg baete calthe atn teofheTrade, and mort cpecWIay the. PhSiciuns of' the Country, te tweo îhc nMost pou- bar remedies n Ow befomethe, public. WC refer tb 'Verm ifuge and Liver Pills. WC do Dot recOMemmnd them as uîxiversab Cur-is but'a'mply for what tci naime purports, viz.: FrTHIE YERmir FG >e expelling Wormns rom hle ,hinnan systenu. Tt as also baen administered witr. the most satis- factory réïulu te various Animais, Ïàbjeet'te Wbrms, 1THE LIVER rILL$, Fer the'CUreof LîVEaCOMPLAINTS, ail BîLb 'ous 'D1IANGEMENTS, SICK HEAU-CHZ,&c. n cases of FEVER AND AGUE,- preparater tr after takitig Qi- mne, teamait 'znvarial4 .malte à speedy and permanent cure., ini Mistered in accordarice with tde directions. 1Their-uviprecédented popularity hua induced:the-prop4eter,, i - W,,Wiil5 A. ftI1T y,-cL fN G JOUX TW. il.AT À .Ei1 TiU l iL. Ag l7roIku., 1c Cu B . JPA Neui . G.icu Stit v ll 'I. C *$tut Voua lItissu' J.W. l.IP bi1 o r :eon iIl * A NEY Ar i LieCurifyeicO.r ou site tit 4 *d'urr Toi A.v .m Red 11i0TEU-AT- shah1, -i p 7!' S - .~ -

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