Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Oct 1859, p. 3

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M 5aln, ben, ckppreln, I oféo 5lfO a s cam t i , fluioi fùiot::ý Mr i . à aMC). kto . vr', o et th eau aIndèpeudon4 poopý,1 t e~~ SAN OSLIOK. eOka 0? IUrww olzgn in the opheof frý o itjêJ , divert attontica: fore aborb.. LuX ewlogity,,aad ail oe. BrOr&41rW ioýu Dd Uý mareniedto> Cntrm141 - ~TheBrut and dot obvions remarir, ei îMidb sug ets tif -be lu, it t le Si. îIo: .contet ofwvilhiaore titauofltaiâ. Aslu Tii. Ovrimnd ail of h'thet uit. er isoneered everybody vwho 7. ahea4 , - nl a ,yr out of Italyp, nust .4 Jef él erun Sentor Broderck and sc e a tIOtfthe eu. Eveybody AMWhe uel ba er,,tven eý 1ý a am t.athe Austrau achance ôÃ"eu, a , 1FJUstaes ont ok pacenef Bnu u- t itfi,.^Dow a truggk betwm>e16, . zw- ,amss~> <ii Im mrnl~ O tie lth ut ifan and the- Emperor1 of thse Frenèb. grsilick feil saIthe Bftire, Jt#l ayfg b« ieItlesntyu. iii. 4t, t pieri~d~rouh lie lngi. H. ingnd iay know thoir major, but have LtIle t tilti bef.put aine o1elock on tise sie trensth 0( vuii o support tIbm i lasrg ofth. lôth ,vhen ho d41.4 Tihe cnmmunitygl îlth Bpro o t.Ten? ýwqproouudly sgitated b tisememcoyT tlaLehl.ustnIl atr Ilate .POllticél'M eloseJby theie entse eu ts sola election on lise th ultinse, 1eati Oinblacla looki, ltalaltpojels uk Boderick h ri4 elance toe , t. , a 0tr ý 'iady arlnadar tita, ~hlI exreuag hel' 5*dlcs.to intl,eand chaIres cf te laidfroMn cage Mt*letbelr private ýguetsla e privat.wy 4ia h r elpi o vqmi or in tisemanne unie DULmong geontlemn.giying f t i' pr«? r l.pepamisd A 4ho1 >Wu lookod for aSter ite election, for b sedé,sîi<t o figesi' woh- in4lb.sepstt.attii7 wreggtfighlst, ila pon moin lu, ;thé !Co5menuenttOf therefore, exclted no, aonhshaeutthougi otudnagfo ioemminlt the m reuitv anticipgtcui vitit intense j- in. 5evrtin oa afor tins. dayc te~et. ut futscad f eduelbeleen vithLie clouda gatiter,' tbé sky. lOorc gr"ýmeiai ,d'Gwfn, It tarncd ont thatItbe the gusts tsrestent mnd ee~ iabtku aVal' wTs.t. b.o be fthee u Brercou a comnugstorm.? Are tisey alive tb ,fte :cit.f'~ime e .ri, Prostratiug effcet of a bad plece Wf neya Zu lihe Jrald, about twqn ni-onthi dace, ah. cnmiug lun atma exiticai tinte? ,Are tggey «clytâtocm otevoodrc wil encaied in moraîanmor, or are titey Tenny'enaine figured, vueas led in fulli, ng beagont s oine t? nw eo mai lb haieqentcoresonducebeaee - How ntany a noble defene. buas een un. AnBndlc d Perle7, anti Keven, vas also doue ýby a ,mcnent'sIreoltin givenf3lL. -Broderfc nIttOCaii mn alti tcle ha. pt f t eIf l tis eit the brcia4tait table cf ah. Xt cnaiont ii" lteobtceb ù h of te ItOr&«o4lýligita of a lut feather vifch breaks the Ho0tel, in Sa Frmuci.ot said that Tenry iosoes back 1 Whou splendid pro agv (vbodelverd espech a tu Detoc~Ueway, wi a thoue ia abandOo(el wh.n a- Ba ,tsteCon entio, a&tu foe c~ L~countryila givea up, t là ott corne one cet tret o heVI a niîhm If . montent tedon. a it&L. Are tii. Italians 01 ceWe hi desrlatheVigIanc Cotieo fortifimi £ensh tlite, ftal celur.., tinse mi viien tiseyhid hlm (Terry> prisouer, vould suddenupee"sof mi aed rig Bi ie, hugy hm. Mealun uaid tiat vlien. those * Wlý1ug attitudes u ~èt~ui inbMhattrouble Terry receivcd bis active ty, ydsne,'lk-araru'fecW aId, and i. (Terry I'conduct, wus àpoor de locha and gecsturai?7 If >tise7 fare net, h ratura for thse services rendeied' hlm vhon thcy will tn't stand mach chance aitàlm lie wanled fiiends. Poney cisllengedl coulcat vith tlie Trench ýEnperor. If b Brodiiel, and mas Isknnwn,. h. declingd 1 teitier ee c el ay"siils fight, ou thie gqunl tisat Porerlywvs an iu- bu teint beaut ever von, liberty. Alsundred lm< fcr¶r. Bon lite, Bodcrck nnouccdobstacles are sure to rIse up4erq day visonh frnc h . au btn the e. l d tint "I.t popethink a grest demi of obstacles, and v chalene bfoe tlseeletio, bt ttat ae . no iconfidence Sla thois. ova Pover ol la. vas over lu vas, rosdy, foray of 1hi. facingetlofm. eae9le.Tise Frenich Emperor prnbably conut a vi r Oarld~y ~it~ra~g,1h.Dai ui., m4.gond deal upon 1h. difut ofltIaiasl .rik vs vlhe onby i'.Cahta lo1bitving to kecp np a ileady effort of will. Or,1 bitan as theise ed OfTer4y, viso delfvered It i. S. plienflgialahcofousui a challenge t. mortelcomba t. lasat hhou qeu fcii theavnge w i . orse ui once acceptec and itle understood àhe . maan kuc hi. owanamm tse 'mla ne â1tions agreed on wve, hst nperton ex, an aneuy, nt ishavc Liedlaavtes ?.ý B< eept te piuipala, eodà and sarg ans a mtrante 1 h ds daead ver L 1ev f h.lim n urla eon of se mitiande, the liabiiity 10 mual di&w. ,WM b knw o thetim, orplaé ofthétrust~, and .xposed t. panies. Re b b I duel. lroderlcla'and! TOMry hnedietcly wov ito fdposyo issdpfr wi loft tise elLy, a (set hicll sbon becemo tble tubl u iploaiacy o;iiulme i i l *Jd.ly know mnd! censed th. greetat, en lndepeisdeac.e geluet hig.àintnl la. f elteusent. Expentlon vuson itol a o tiwvalovileA"tris wa u ntise Bnd Li t I 1htom à@itelopie ofonvorsstlon vu concemu. Anstrin'C treO#4now îtashe.Ioa cluded, Con lag tie eontamisîýed igt is: aet ithat toclîntulate Itaen lndepen'ence agaînsa MoO .gqrrapopdece va open'! vi1t e iev lm.That I. hi. giwaa ventage ground l ai o01,eOOingthe ddliulty- Tise rePOrt i. thit tise gante, and! viici ho buasckfllfully voir, a. Bsedauick vwu neady to give îelecioon by O*l Re coul'! damage Anatrisa vithont &e 1 stsighIt, 14aitisoheuish.ued th. lagage chanuce of retallation, holie mvbi. immunf.l .omtplalned cf on lise spur of thtebe:onun4~ ty, and! profite'! by It. The Berdilin l i aod,là th# hem of persnal dobse "'bug.ar mekea Avtisl coatel, nowîisâfor1 wir ve o te feelinagof hi.iseit. ' Iociteennt have hrn vacelons Ilu Judy, Jhie ",ltlat tbs. pology on ýexpienationavas vils any nulr of Central Italy vbfch fint s Rot ishfactory, an'! ameeting vuw ged Bardinian. The, French Emperor bhait ai .nli ,takse place et five o'cloïk on the tise.a'!veutage. lat 1h. contait tijBlh uroning of ah. lZtis ult.p th.. veapons 10 thore have been occasions visen enthuslim b. %x.siooi1' 8 At th. 3ppMhited!lime fn a nation isas becu more titan&ematch - SisalM'oral zg lie paries were onuthefild for th. uni-ty oÃ"ta monercis, vion le petni o- In preseceot about Ivo isidred! pectators tic insprationa lamad. a multitude one Za everal police officera. The spot salec- mantenable' e pope tayrt o Ïi4nar the Ba Trnclaco uondthe tisnteb.occasion, 10 ho great, au'!bridge'! aven aiet *41 Sn raniso ç nydid nt hechaium tise clde vas reache'!. Tiere l na aatsetory hto the seconda, eltiser i. cacis m thing as a nationbn tugn la consequence of te nature cf thte groun'! foi' an emengency, au'! keepfng up au ex- or th. prfeoce cf the police nificers, vWho trordinery effort forea lime, tltiiae grand expnesaed.iseurdete-m n to .prevena object fla gene'!. Ashort tinte miut setîl. 1r ahostilmeeting. sl ahu ie.H e puet i ! la. al aeaJwle Tenri reaigad lhtsertue 9 "ofthe Itilane, ýbut grattue ustot6 aah each before le9*im4 (r- Or it r aitaooago ofde* knh.t m WThomas Hayes. n.Bi'oe tie cluito Italien afectionvaogaei MA àu n fADe[r visoe amn e ae4onet k o.l hoo rettore'!lbe e. f 1tfjl h kée ......hi..L .Jbi....I (.ALaLS tnè,....'i.L.. IL....- %--_.. _ S i t he, r the pesa -Cricket matc-h-cm> Ln, b Pari', Wsa, b Wsdeu *S~ly b aoks 'ei,..b Pam Ucntmnd, eGmu,y b Par, It* b b fCatyq sie.lg, b Piko hit vI0CSAa1, bC'Ila y,. bCnm ett, Sno, b Jackon,' Flour 5Q Peus28sSd é2o 9à. Otto la&,; Potitoes, la 8d Q h 9 'ButtUr9 d 0;114.' Egge Od 0 Id ?-f dm Sbeep $ Q$4 50. ùey $140 $1 Elaehem e a fusert anadeTisme ) n.N.W Brou I,, Àfcui iImpie Dont uaufacturer, ho., 'Whltii. Mi 3rovu; fitvill ha namabore! vas form yofe ha 'usof Broya, Peut à;(Co. of lim nliity Pou'!y. Eve atileliacÏ ennerh' la ts shape cf a perung spionsent 1 aufcur' e i lceýoI tinte nal aI prices,- ve bellve, tite >Weut yet offere'! by th. tva'!. Hi foui orsepover Tlsniling Machin., are beu es,and combine durability ofmanufetur ai Cisepamend u'!portability. ThÃŽ giaum oru-craecer cinul'! be ia 1h. possession of r&7 fariner. nHi.Cuitivmori...tvo bod' sud combine',(li(te latter an iuven. n of hi. owvIandau! viçi aenrfor oua tvo houe., ai may te iequied,) give ilvercsatisfacWtion, mu'! oniy reqaire.au spection ho h. iny'appreciated. ,MUr riva'i piongh. have-els'ays taisaisPrie Ilare splendid specfmn of vorkasiip. 0mnufactur e vry varlcty cf Catling myi,-ncnding the universel -cutter, La cii 1h. kuife vorksna la yin'egmst roppen rollen Instea'! oflte rav ide as the ol! description of mauefacture! cut- à. gbus alan an extensive verfcty ni m Cniîivtoaicand Cnrend Potato o mc ni superior construction. Mr. Br'ovn Vvlaitcd 1h. principal exidbitions bl'!d 0year, and! ironie perionel ins' pectlon. ci articles on elsbiLion, hahoeu Mde ge additions md mmprovontntst Is ea extensive stock. BHfimb81#Agent Pattersonsi comibine'! Ileper maNMover is took tise Brot pnize sallie. ProvincIl )W lat Feul. We e'!vlucveqoaet. mu'! sac ipeclmens. MW AVTSXNS Maror of ate Toum 01 Whiiby, 411 whom theie Preuzmay COly emrn ' IIERBAS the COUNCIL of the TOWN of WIIITI5Y have puard a BY-LAWi riodical FRE Nakeii! )WN 0F"WI-IITBY;. >WHEREAS Uthecounoil 0of th Maid, 1 o Whitby bavo, under ah.athorfty of BY-lw, appontd Inosday, 2nd Nov. neit, liffTIM TOWN, tS uoo nodiralvoaen d th st. th e said Fir E a EIo T o 1 be OPNED M& lfLJ aat t pii NUÀROURESor, AuL KINI>S, =Je pubJig oNmiiSadWllb q ~ KIW wen 1rutg P~f44c*U e a ~tiug. T o o tn d uti & v t s ~ c f m a st~ 0r4. e b e o d - 2 t s c e u g o f o u r B h b a p O , theêvOctrion Ut...Ticket., 26 -Ceteah s Tos 9aade, 2 0 S a . e . r e Z f r L a d i n . At adIdaîeFl ae g P08TP0NEÃŽ m ii c 'I Wl it. , .an er, g oud teni«m, orupon application :4y Toronto, sept. 15, 1859. 52-td AGIU LTRL WRS (A feewrod uth oheBajmlkof Montai) Manufacurer sud Deaiiî in al kinde of I5arket an'!:BSielgisa, Tvo-hnrs (OUI Bcbut es O r an'Pn o msoditivetoi Buer'!and! Turnip D rill, Ra'!Bcim p ee&~ TkaigJtachinas Rpaired on S8U Everyitingin tise bove lina attende'! mvitis Punctuaily an'!'Cboapneçsa. Agen SforPattmrnsm'g combine'! Roaperean'! Mn, or." if Witby Qetober 12, 1859. Y OUNY AND TOWNSIJp èPLOuGRlNG 1ATdfZ- tT XAnnuel Pioughing 3Match orfth, couny Vcultural Sncicay ni Sontl f lOtitarmo, vill be lteld on 107 Iao. 29, Sr'! cm oi arir, c TUESDAY 25t1 DAY O0. OCT. 1850 Wban ah. foiiovlng preifunts vii 6 evarded! lut' chAisfletPlonugilnga' plocg voti $20; 2n'!$S; Si"! $6;Lais $4; 11h $8. 2n'! cnss-Boy# underi lByega 01 ego-Beot Plouglloq$9; la'! $8; Si'!$5; .hMlite fâme tinteen' Place thse lloving Premîint, wili beavwarfea by 1h. AgricufJ turti $ocliy oltishe Tor/noip of Wbitbyr, LitI ciÂs-Be.t Plnughing $5; 2nd 04; Si"! $3; Lîha $2; Stii $P.2aîd CLA5- Boys iitid(i' 18 yeîrs et go-Dosa Pionglb. 10$5Sn $4; Ord $8 ; 4th $2; ôLh $1. Irte Ploughîig t.o Cmence st Q9o'cleck JQHx BUER, Whitby, October 14, 18519,6 BZER!DE~RI lie p i P n t p rehasIng a note ' m a & by SaMuel Lon navrof Chares Bruce, , D L S i é d ât .d - o n o r about lut septembe, at three monthif, au said 1jteb4 ee. ua psI~~ymena RODEJgT OMPBELL woaL C o a d o npa ah reS c d ri e, Lampe at aahitauildjg1nTetsn ail casi as. lavse to bm hel .Ibý'oo1 othe Ist lh, lovest livla;primoiforCi tinde cd "'al THE .RREWAL, DY tXa ZW OODý, 1 OXnPEiNIGMT GeoonaLinonDrm i, n the Oouny of 0ntarËoo RE A'Y M*;ADEÈCL OTHING lu~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~« Me a n B p at, V .a n s ti o i fv iq niiajy made n ion lth . Prsmenl gW'GmsIi~ais-Cloahluu pem p o eider onthIe lateal Shylo, t Pashlo.m Afresh stock Of Grcerle1 just Beceiyred. eau bor purdmAaef.wmerd a$ great incluoemt 'fl b. gjvfvenJ IPOTRSQ WINES, BRANDIES, e JtP.EA.Ufmm RFINISH W! NES, J. iIOWARD IMARS11 & OO.'SMADEIRA WINES. JULES ROBIN k Ç0,18 CGNAC iBRAND[ES. BRANDENBÃŽRG hPEE ODAXWIN",. OFFLEY, ýCRAMP k CO.'S PORT WINES. CRAMP, BUTERt & CO.'S SHER1RY WINE's. WK .YOiUNER à C0.'S EDENBIURtGSTRONG AN» PALE ItflIA LES. H as ve n o v reM ov o'!, i airer RO U TUEg PLA CES O r o m ovr, th ie s S p rin g S up p li e.9,îan'!o f fer for "ale, on very a'!vathagee.us terme: - BRANDIEM artll',[ipcsey', ,Robil'î, PInot Catiliou's, o G;IiS-Bnlland andl Enilis, f-bostbrenals, inwon'! an'! bottle. RU MS- Flne nld London D ckc Ja mnlcaan '!D m arara. A L E - B s e ' A l a n p ' s a n d Y o 0 e r s . l n W o o d an ' ! b o t t i e . PORTERS'-Bidge',*~Ilibbert' an'! Guinness', il n o'! min'!bottie. WJIISKIEÃŽ,..SCOTCII an'!1111811, oete moist fevoured 'qualitics., PORT» rlNES--Offley k h Cn.'s, Sandemuans, andi éthcr iavorito marias CHAMPAGNeS..moet h Ohandon'. an'! Mnm'îS, andi varions otiser bran'!s. cafy partand hava t. psy cabcts tlsey wkU' banv jue,18 92NR CAHA à ounil JÏ .50-ct,4 2 oa "' nm oiimhai o eiii 'i býsm 2 I t!îeîna~~~vec1te4 bleuier tedam lr l date ho c lamidefob ad, 1 ereeleti a - ~ W utby 8cp~ 221859 W in . rihe ' tor solon DLpeuufins e crekPy fettne onthhl$ rslned; a 1h. absie ai of J1hNNP&E IN LL TSBRACHS, Dwin rose, acknd Octo be p ltio, 1819. '5 'ir op ta S t. ogr n. cemho hi. nemnousifr1 an'! customors aba h. i. ïïvicriliton w it1 grtoennkarto lne , i il H(IARR1AGE MAKRNPPwP IN ALL IlS BRANCHES, ntTthe eovorkrl nowina'reg , iii'! pubilebeal.ct.1hba' FwT n State ian ad, b irngoal poverin v abanho tebuies hch-eC » 'niý' &e zbf 'es. lvib fcw bae bOé 'abl to arive t, an for eautyoprintoo-i' on gond pap61 'd, inl p and M mauiY- f tnrkm lamp bis Mol'! a ah.o w e st e nue raana, rnse,. iGGINS h MA E1tI-rpz ALLWO. -' RANE»e., WeiLyOct.is,0,18119. Z U Y D R an' PIW LT O B T 4 and i Y e X CHpam n G R, aH-R 7 04IQ E TO. TCELTASTRÂyTj>'S'. D.TR'B ogexoinc i bi'yyer atipInia e- uatne'o ti e ý,g£ States ~~6 an!Cnd asgvnltIexe'nel' vr nnhnilt uies>hc 'M Ise 1 'fH~ut ie av e nu l h«r iv I, a t ( itb a t y i s g , el gnp f fi i h d i mblh , Ior l ne ai a k, l CuVa<,i Artiflo il behosi- lMfi t Uruny i pneGuu',àona.Nltro ohSoaatro- Onari<,onop - <, Ut ake W$$t Is Cepalima. eu YarNanno Md oVsthe ài wsemayofOote htb,5 LS5SI flLe6izn. A~1>0.g a;'-I 'U ,f * lyg im~asri .iv o~v. ~ ,r I~ ~ P l i 1sLJCK 1- «Ohi, tbrea mile buts; open-to aou hoe, auurptin$10, -- for U"îd-âf ëjýsbmto si, hvmlelp, ,9pppho Ai hnrffl thtneyer vnapurte xýàetng $80. ifurd lRu oi$O, mile he.ts, over four mrd 8 eSfqt icssbig t Itiikesp»i Purau o b lO, lnol'!e tee $20~~~~1rm eofml has at tb pu ail Otallions thaor nrpad.booi qvr -Ret.nP, u of$-. ith £aà dp cStakdî4t $10e<lO pen ie <I, boat ,en '!urihblhe meeting, mile hosto, tidicap. pe!, poseentrcc 'I'; hme; kç- aà ild', ncý lesx pureetbàï an pe zngéI'u ,e theClub. MllEntries t. bemalIdin rft- Poit vrith Banka Draft or Rlaitoee'! Lot- ter,"containlng Entruncc er. '-Altidena will, be, -' eqfa' dros'îln Jockey-ty, lu compisuce vitt.h~ iasdisof îbeLiub JAMES ROWVE, YEsg., Pedn J.,I. IERRY41Eýq., Tr*4hMror. T W. H.ae 11JIbrtOIMB'&ctay. -iw sérR .Bu.clbr é to ltte mnt cl' Arflj fnetit lor'puý'Yithe 'saîit. ea'wôduJ4ie a t; e1 -reqû&lx .monay etaire.eat, fJt.tLl io look fur l11; tltatui sFé i -ei btOil 4o theonae t~c o baOu<hîctlet uliil ntcj Ili tc il, gsi fil- Z., >Pt r- W~Augd4 ci [nae a vus loie,- re -~ t. w leu,> u anal. mw, bit- Sof the to Pris. Coumg for' two 3igelow Wli b. rý thougb bat theo 00 or the il eý 1 Lu 1 1 Lu 1

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