Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Oct 1859, p. 3

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10 tic fai oï orf rok on visci tb» City fa", t tisthe tee ssvom làsgooddent ofgleigpIsi4 ver toetote, Put op us th . Me b *W'. i.ma Citieo b.u <lsev oeorieapon4 I ioppooo,vtth thse prIe. pad theeqnumqte, vboem 411 W.sternmen, Tt Vintt.vallil the viceonoerm "do.. ucave lu somi fie alvte b."collectivne WMO 4osi eVolvi« focmen" quma flfei fgis. Oui lmsglue tie fenuoSene t Ticebumortel JSsepi Gul lini«saA"U04 pos U "nurw l laisàniouly ebati pumia - tyli, adlefotlovedoUr by thsat f01W d baliter Âmos Wrigbt, Keqoire, Whinlu n Elues Pao te Tbomue Short of oolltu" ni.mory ad motion. Tihe e«MIo goitj bard for fthe poorcuns, bts a g@ fkildIu1 up visilsisot by any miasi.dappii vie tise otisrloe (RimsI) doltveai ilo onli$bten.4 opinions, "lot bis parn b.#ba noyer s&W no uiIn nnuniaýsapliio fl soi it dmis.Tt a. oma <rom Igno, amesand oumtitleu vues mawt b. .1 od o equart«e ia Upper Cuaada.Re 'valit.,,oppose uuuudes, D'Arq lie alu lQQ10 04 bis #bfr uainob a» te a% il hosilegoing te 410ta at Smor tthine but Georgo la bwy franig parcels sas ml e , ' lTlm iser.l gto b.uoine<M, Th# sautcolmi uyâlé Isuea.te ha. W"jr U, Fkbeunam b .t'a lgo: lng ou, If ot hie;vltl &mnl'ifor film,&A If noomu b.u apirlS eun"htorebmsb e funesl 0(sone..goan"ea b.VOiiL rinq bis#lgr#e <le b.r oppu fias,' Mon I'loe.look& 10 Mr. Drovu vilo latoo mn 'çl atiirbiti lnsbil.slraulmwp,, #9 . g hi u î vïi ,sud 1l1wopou "kuov(9 ln vielle b leader spproves of file:uettlments deliverei by bi#suspportero, but-tise leader buas aô #Weg fotio, sud Monsieur iol'e formai>ý Catithetic oeuuetion. À nev" éNo porery " ery la evident1y tWb. 'coànneïio4 &Wd Mnieur Gould ti 14 hVe haW bi l stroioLlons.'1 lae challensges ,Olti Joe te deny l1, but Otti bislaImp"csàeble. The oLilît Jo. ioovevirsnswens, a nido't cane a horie.ohestoot f«i tic opininsofr40h. msen; ho geesthe bullaninial gain Nantie,' and if is leader dous'î iay- dtoo le iu't agois o 'ollov hlm no longer. ,Tic#lo bisaibroke, andthti leadet'binwoiilI d#mb, D'AM y ef.on bis a#dtte, mltic vray' li tallas of Orange treebeay ssd trickery, of bue dlisouerty sud <natie bigotisy ons tle prt of' tise upposed rioesant iomberÏi lvery eilfng. Be il "svlWly 'disgpst mm oeef t biosiolocuiu oflie<, balte <o fisc desti sgailnat tbe nce polloy. O. a. clown pitohes luaniMi te tmaIs, Poley, Connor, TomFeriu'o' sud Wan ~~~~ Nonu al oo, l - , polley e _vlsh 6e is tgeilossb *le1i9. tst atrm of hisseadJ etlcs of order comn- polo bîi tà,e histed wviltithse Speakeer sU- tempts th roïd bima reprimanà-d md (bo meats froM the botligaeutsgoder pain of arrest, a .promise, on wvofeticor, <bat <bey vouf breaktast o pistole or isowis kivitie But the gau genenfetiby tbe bémted onbutnt freatinuute orst out tise wdlo eftbe frsltedfe, anid iowtiniii =o aslem t. oaery of alarras isibl tsloea op &auJ el&nltfrosgh ftieioà~ n la veo tnilgalted maianne r , i linjsmin fileste squeze throhba vtudev, baing -balpeto rm b.bi Wd tise ulo aBaby, vhie«eusfor bism 'hsc1 hila <1W test ruish ont 67 every avàsltble opting, hiter skelter4 evreroîng evey fhnlun t b.lr wsy, anti lalng list th#e ba«ai oomuoSergeant sf anms, vie, b isnaiool, briaags dovn ticemisse ou, tise #«of lobà OSteridia J1ogant- <o t1s ua unosdis. arrangement of bis eurs j 'butoteavy or ifbe ail get, ot s"03, Md aie sý vbsls end otI u a msfeialar *mt9 baie kttcb.d'atbubk seauesad if re. porta gr# st i 1oth tssrt lstise ruptu tfulisbawoedf Deost &U ail a utkoly Con, appoiafedte lm,. tg bu andi tbatcopiees ofise 4.Aed memorlai b. <Otwrded f. ail neieagpopw o ie tom ý omlwebnd <be SaiI emedat~prpenof ail tie puit epeiu. Thos lb. OJntUu, inucmms e eruptire sNd uleerooss a.., ARppMn"u Oü1lyt <o tmoe fie estrnal lommstioa, bot f. sin uep loto tise vese 0of tZs 7tumi e saouft, tdub.luts epua'l lIe sud ~ ~ ww psfu 1 ir ema. fliroogis lie Lau>ire, lise glanda, md th#. Oint.a,* le, vw elle à d ,mot.r âllyas.teteby on oeaiou don of, tbe A Wd ter <lierY.ump luth. eire UitÀ f i. I tfD% dy 7 t. 11h bogiewbs, viiofet"*offed" lb. mmentf. ynmog p*es#a, eofOsfite OOZxI M m ' intopthr oftemup Iàorne lu poWge. 1$ lasuMimliel sd efeuulwl -:ÀerI ~ÂmeIistgil, evp ifsw e b Inela ýd"to ar* y"otasg man f. wbom obe labygSos.lpptsed in uoh fuls relations, fi lnatiofly pot upon tb.defen aIvÇ, gJ*delloes bould b. imptibed. uater uci cmstaaise, in youg peo. pie evotcom e o kwwo. ch other?1If tic7 are f. b. midi so sell'.oonscous;if every word la f. b. velgbed, ,emyglana., levery imite; If girls are f. Pay ise prude, sdait ot ile sak t ofbypoerisy; '*Y fie bdpploeofs', islte.&i (rîafOw zMd- dimmonefoots, opon inbosi banusf i bangs besvy, ad visebavlng oot'ved tbir ovo b#*ppIaila., fi hba.y yen ver cap- a&b1e of iuy, sp.ud tfilivues lnu undemia- lng tuat of otbes, 0 b<9fr be gonod e vot fprevented fvons belng feue to tisai ovn beitqtifotbltiIfit 4ml s Whest Primclatastip ' 1.09 psld ou Monduy, and oly sMlir téýQY. Btey sa 044a Pas iia 8d f049d Potatoaa, U df 1 M 3, Povsu, 0< u. WILSO-IOAJ-AS BoWd sed, 2m Xoudylb 88thslt.,bytiaBer Cbarteô Sylester, oba Wilaui 1.., o o Plelearlu, te Elniss4 eepd dsngbtet otgif 1I.ur Zig,,'sqITeewustb C. W. W#t 0( Wickovire»1 Chuai.Gahvi.on Wedotidhv 11e 141 - lit idiugs sud REeeUaiaew à iae D aL ê fu~ Tb@ doors vili b.e pm4d at'b&lf"9 mon, s am ectreto emomPI"7 >D?further >1071k4a*r SU FPrograo.ww. Oct ob.t tI, 'tBidI5 lnovseit LIVREY -Sr£BLE$9, - w AL£ nt 1.- 0- M&ge 4nt atla DO Al î- Nw à& Yaahtoable Daaou 4udllil i Ob* tl,1fileNew La TOMux Tempi Na Mr rIF4rilw# T .. J' wa f- clents Cissli, Sf Io;,Ladies'cla, 21 te 4; Javeuili Coahm, 410, .i. M Ladin osd goneunico bhig luatree. dIon, I t 'pUÏiee lyr onusty dat the Macbanlc.' Hall, ou MON1)AY, OcT. 10, Le".n;'Ladie, '$0 per Quarter of- 12 IeaiônhItin as ime, or 25 cents r Leiso. Juveasieu $8 pot Quarter ei Lassions, balfIln lu adls, or 25 cents per Wlsfhi 50, bd"Ss- litU-100 acregsiouth hait et Lot No. 19, '$rd Meimsionot Wbltby, basovu as parL oï !tue ARMSTRONG -ESTATE, 2asM-60actaiSouthWat quarteror Lot No. 28, tb coascsion of Di'liasgfen, about ciglit mite rom lOmmauvîtte. 8s4rd-50 acrea SouLth Eut iquarter of Lot Ko. 18, litu coasc"csso erpos, shoot 9 miles (rom Lndiay. ,Tisasbcomentlened Lots are f ollsoi Farmu1, lje tis taeotolletlugond BumdDL 2- Mgnîiiriwpoetui T'§, Witt 5iselt remsonsbli, sud ou <svot- bl. ternis.Apply f. 1. H. PERRY. FO~ ALE~ A fPÂN 0F MATGHED IUR$ES4. .?VouEW iur7GGwie i» b. gtsity snlabng appe<ned endomad :11176,Oiwo, *, amsmudginor, ard. Coold b.e al Melto tv faims This rse9OMM ruuuïs e.i met t p =oemse'w al 'aoweftsi 1TOWN LOTS, MDr u T..Vittsge Lots J ise Ylllsge of Bioklto, opon coas i beh laà and meeroni otler lmptovementi. ôtb. The andîvîded bl(mof r (homei known ,5prosoime, formeety occapleo ts âtee~ or.-ae , by IL Danilels Tis - popety - s -stvtuaed on Milf otreee, -dt oppt- tb ie &p l f 4se" C*n*pbel; andlaotbeol0 ts4ndbetn flZI4L~ OÇ 0KLIN. 7tftit OI5a-A sr*,'Roue" 4k&jplt. of Ihatemt f ~ t Titl.e ofprépirty tsud *il mrtclin mos lnovn on application I te(bcoudsr. lopud,if by kW Swpild.p , ýil01MIXICOWh*bY,fal The Wkitutm ofUtemrab is Setnieuce(1), V) eu Thusiady, Ottth. PapIs lhdèe a admisson iret eqolrad 'te vstt o pelltug, atrepla andi eOeutlî rus etatstlsnetlc. tductioss anti simple it7tieo,elenients otf .ngltsetigranmme fon AIn dthedcfitleua anti out- lii Mfgorpisy.Tho. coursoaf tee u&& tiso i t: dos ho uti requlred foi anîLîiculîtloai laitise University et Toria. Thtiebi etultioniem llv- Orditary EssgllshBrllanchies- *.52 per terni Higiier " . Oreele andi Latin Caim $4 " Insatructionss laitise tha»)ry of maics vith praiceoo Bus P IazwlCno ui.th..$1 il ingFt Uz viii sosaut ts tae sas utieli nn ii sou girn twt. vese lai vocal mnieit. y Mr. Ctlins. Y. Thc asst tnmo eaaniUle willl be et the. Ovansui Schlol lone Frldey Oct. 14Uh, from 0 a. ni, f. 12 an, anIro romin 1p. ni. fo 4 PaM. At vileil tbofe vio porpose attendlng the sctool daîing ise neit (tanm, wilt b. oire o epietLcstvs litrasti from tisa Ueglastlns pieucrb. ed by'tha Couiaillofo p ile Instrucetions. L. No popit vill,,b.-sltowedtefreain li te.is"oot,ui ol e i(sas nfbed *wub books anti reqoîaltés taquied-to e buseti b7 hlm tai the schol. 2.,.A pupiltbm nlgisnaîfensio #Zeep0 ou so* , nI;etslneâ&s oroie r Ctr oatïfyMf.totie bondti str, e b#-issfadiingon h», an d bis riegobt tendUctho scheol for the Uterni, <80 ýTic Lton" -fosaui b. payable lai idvmuoe, sud asoppi lt sll liaie a rigbt f. enle eteutn b.-oolO ln unfltle& l s id4Ms ppftad fue. Whltby j j wiil 88 stasOof $10 Moassopen feuil boÉsub"i a rng ïbe me;etine inné bouta, handicàp. ~IYU4»REOULATIOjNS. 'Threétsoge to watt.a, fiais, ont lm~* thban 2f Atart. Entrsne 18pet ono MIt thi e e prm -zoeptingcolt M.44, boý is mtoed 7 tma. e ae s t*mes f be subjeot (o the Rasand lBegolatkm sof qua,1W i sudl.Ïv itis th eer 1 W"kin tibeeuldt prevloos th, da' rm Entnies coan b.unt by in "linlng Zifean0Ce cofM the ob J, IL P R WR, sqkraouror, Whltby, Sept. 22nd, 18a9, 36 Te prcebuea ood Milth Cov. .4pplys&bu. OlDe Town of Wblfby, Addru, rnA j og Tub. or Boit Bouw, TIL MoMiLLtAN, WhItb, ~ g., 109. Book trut.- IMP, 88 nmant tor'teyfas the sate. lis ol horuî ioy at pr.ou,, ad Mli4Ii. oitas , 0 0it "h eu.oile aerto l f asoIs, tsôw te eti l wilstîud (o ic tdea o further luIel. ii t*wjvo, And le siyprt eblave te p57 eef. tiseyil bhavaý thm ya elo e sme , us tise di.are ln siuc dus. . Y IL Miles' ts1855 0à f Octaver neit, ail claano resnstli stiauspeli Indsy b.êe tad Wte be pl~.aS luniy t.iptos hatsu$or eoutlui. W.IL Pockt-Rook Loot. Lo the Lb. deraigneil, on the. loth L sntifevlarenear st.pwusnlth'a COTIi.1, M iconu t iILWhltby, A L#ARGEBLACK OETDoK coufalnfng soIntNotes et and, psyatI, to the. sobserihi br ea oum anddaiuo eue 0 IBPringlo fwr £ 0 1*a bli 18,- yearmi aller d«fato~fgetiser vlfb m lZdryother paporotno valuesf. ssolyoe b.ut thuowner. Auy potion haiai found'(ha. sanie viii W. ouitably tOwatdoil by teaIlug (heua il-eros off rehereby uelhfled met f. suroiîïoàt~ bofe Note i ioulàjyý mon. tiouedor % *f o a l,te f.the- onder- er4e beroby uoildnet te sythe sae f AnY one -fflthoaftisw spezlat edrd thé Wga vIite. Iseownwmecas ie sanie - Towms ùà VtIltby, Oct. >3, 5.8 ALLuisrehereby o ednsd jobuins or.- egooling s noe f d bîttýise lui oS Yéb:nry lust iro *00 mua&e 67 tisendmuwnd ii (m o l, ~IRE A DY- 40 1ka'n oaCow i C'«fl be/orspurehasfng duehee-ai peas *iumcent ofJl e gè *r ÇA sir - j W 'INE8, tiliPOBTEBS OPAt INSBRANDIES, &c. JUi t M1iJ k CU.8 AMPG P.A. WI E BRAUPPNMmG k FISERES BORDEAUJX JF FORT WMU. havi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Srn no teeee, ui, uoeni Undorouwv, be oenera. oi ury adnrnagou ternis.- rSe upIi ~do GINS' IoItood ai EnglIi, Mbet 48n,i sr(ïod %sd'btt 91-Voeold Lou4eeiDock aanlc sd Demnri. ALES -Bsa<, ÂJIMhp's snd Toun .e"sg. In' woo1 j botle, aCil 881. thLe a tisefuvoare.'d slitegu CHAMPAGN->Iut ACha1ds a~4nd* Mutausi sud nsrlos torban OLABTS-(narouiigas ts vooiasd boule. SURQUNDIZO, floc", MOSELLELQ. à&; .,lek Pries Lsta msa ptes uy bu bdon pplaton, iw.h~at 15,~ i.-- lamai ~I'3N8Y. OIUPMAN k CG. *~# VUPJVf IUUW, BOOTS ÀM 'Al, erle m& -te 0i A"y iloW ikssdet l 0u posd iul I. A%4.rl l" ysr u t%4V6 "u tu I LI s 26 To Wi TI££, TERNA 1515. XAST MARKET SPANUS, TOI to ils friends an tuie POUt have bitserto %io lisrsflji 5i bhW formet staud, theRZ li City. ba te sam "t h ternio e amti.the oàs Bnus f. anuounmo hl f. bis ren ndcuf.mets <bat hlabu , crrtfiJ'0 1 t4ITS BRANCEU, -~ mis.l On the p-rims steore eeopted by lf,N, ~RAT, od Iaýy StriS, bteu'Byjron 1 and Brook Sitsf, viser. hlpepsred, "as lîetfotte, f.extusedsiua <JÂ RIGES B GGISSLEIG]IS-eCLJIEýRs,&Col, o h w7Kâ* ma aàrd iud 5.oitathçbYLowe.trumealgVcs ALL ORK ARRATE»,forti .1, MBER and PRogP(TT4rZ<J2TBICH3VJai .IURE-ET PMO.lsa fath oi. PQRD'Slong ozperleoce 0efthWry-,y.ats li nt ho, principal >inoistories of (lie T bc 5(5.5 id mustis dabas given thsf pt ie lin evory brne hof the business vbblch ,ithb f.v bave bien abIl oarr4vesat, sd f eaufy et ofdclgPoti elene.etalais, datsblltyo 0Sie sd» olidiey of voetemnsisp, ist w ork canaiot bho Âfr4" TO-1 TKE GKIuiaYUEIT. QUEENticLL1GE' en - The OIiPc fi1&O1MOft4 MdiM e- re'à orofouuuuim o%,wamdlnp tb. CýO"rOeof *(dy, horlt, Yfl-,. rrelgS 1 sode f. i .ÀilA.t ii W%) Miu t, a u i, M 141 o t Sod4 m matr o 8a dm et w101 h S E A T la «P Chsoecs Vi a4Emue ~40reutefothse Mydloelc1 P viceeM Pe feu. imre Ms"-- Put op lsinbreis eft Uweo eemba "Xo be pd b"'l" u. wosw axnïvlt. VU te7A1116- ' TUAT c l F umie , - rng bard Il

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