Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Sep 1859, p. 3

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oai fr t orrI tu f9i "d1 Iwo 0& odm rm P.. s o me be' m 'AeI r,' id amsaI, top w bweeg tvl eli. Po"d "esi, alter Wh"eIslîvspuseil, dflteed vea ébuld Opu en upm " dg srep rs i bln e itb e d 4 gt Po faJ gi red M<nus tise fo,a, u t0!er.tasymptouss evident tisat thelr 0 P4sta irem - propéroi edrie0d thse. a~- du l4tise,'are iser, tissu 5«a L.u 0,Y sWýtise tustotaï »«Msrs IPI l t#m ls batterWe tra> an ~d the w e aieolUe " o. effl&Our vu«es béihsgall ll pro ?«Orn Md te atin vume pssue Ttt-alemaes-Met, -"blbogs sa te.54 gelast. TIeir Ore, bolshInvel, uamp mm«e, iras "cZ a w 'sme, lm bdi ertai no Clune empslu e, isan tomm epetef slg*swonvsa cc ~17UU4.(~ tis. f otenlsd ss bn ald uered by tho deubtel onr obtalnlng a aperd,' vieto &4 tb ie sw at ttoucd ahr,çi hi b es-n, bueuln igin nMoust te foW Wked )Ïr' oloed b,' a prfet but eM !s1itosduo, ogi»anî.sd nOcit f7i4liflmeioustienbatterfr,Whicismo .4 4"iiOur Mnuby tm m tbe s.,lnt 2e-,ues ont of tise boAtatis.yalîlas estllumldusnlîedaro~(manin tisvalnsodeetist tse, ha to xv te Dm wsoe) sud 4«Wh Wfoird tsreui 111» lsaso&visiteth#e hipas tbnew lin a <eve IWOginmastise,' powai la Wefeetng lise retregt oes-un)iore lr WMUeePoat p op, th Is l dvting, 4.Cishneby lEglsng bIne lgista, vol 4.51*140 edl.cov tis exact position euleu r#li sd tisonouglly ezlssu luand so to ioLb n deis e.binai Us-euou n wvlng et tise val ened g#. na tees vie net lMpnovd. s.4seM Ma is'eIl %" isaa id heu issased teplee by r4un -a« is'etahmliuvert net eueugb remaintr te tdbe of ties urrlvlns tien, %fer 'Vere drovnad ln attemptigte <etet *Wille usais,' ba4 temisin ton more tbi ,Am'boun up te tiseln necks Iu vater befor 'ise,' emisd <et a place li tie boatS;ano es-eustihon tlselndangersere miel pat, a thbe Ore trontise fort% eoutlntsed se bos- IW aI .evsislbottsa<fuii of vounded ver .*katncd divsmped unIes pulling off td 11Tise bele lWa nulvesal hreugiout tSi osqua.fron tisat Ruropeasn anned the bat "'terfe. s el sas Chine..,MIl nsra 'costus, vth lose!,' roppe4 bain, sud vîti ,Iu.lan featunes, ver, dlitinctly visible in ti4ebattere, sud lie viole of Lie !cntifil ,eets veres-MientI,'of gErrpest desigms- iln&. P-oe of Lies,. vie advanced ucan to 'tise vall es-eu g g -o fltu tLedeclatre liai 'lie> loard mrs aling for o- more pevder" 'la fusin aund thisnrningftfis reported tisatire dead bodies êatou t of t he ris. ar, dreaaed Iu Chinenteloths. but bas-lug l'oonttfl,'lirpe faces Ail visebave s-t,nessed Lthe op"aio; ansélM Inlutiinpralses et thse gmini>st *£fcers, vho have ail donet tseir duiîy hec bernes. Il bois. udoubtedlly bme a mont 'assfetusat seur bt, hateven boetelne ecmeaudeuy fthùti;se mn did ali aS imertal men couid do, The point oelectcd for lanidng eertaill,'appoans te bas-e been lil eboseui, but ,'et, as ie co,îld noS goS put es-eu tise firxiIsarrie, it seernas tt àhftor ai i sas <'o! a*sany thsLiax asse- esible ; and, maa Le texpodieucy of the -attaeh bélngnsade et ail, I wold onu ai -.vwbat 'sould tise,'biavesali! hIEnglandi, irisaS vuld the venid bave mid, bad ire deelw hie attacie vien.m a sa airv kuev, ire bad onl uI'aally Chines, te aeuteod VUS 3Tume. 1 amn confident, irill prove tisaI ,Ewosrepa,.ere our pricipal opponents, -aid liaS le bave aucceedem inluour stempt we sisoulibave hâd saImAres ivelmes, If met ton- limes, tise foreire bad. ---..m- & 'u -Z -uu _fl j 41 eO -- - Iwi! b. found At the, Eook4torea ii.Mon, IL *HIGG1KS, &14r O OrngeHall Grenwotl, treal, Toronito, Quettée, Kingston, oua, , lVlîitbv, ept ud 1ir 8 P 'le, Iainos, 1o1111, ke suad eathL. e , JfficO EN 4D or the. P bSihe , LNijelolaa stre4 -Thse Whltbr Plahrmouîe Society', MmuteKr so f Se.Anu SOPENIi r asaixteil by oter Amateurs of digtinguuuls. re, i sIEEAt $te ed ability, baie kindly promlai ticir ai., Prce lpapr coverper vou....î, (1AIM ONUTT. C 3PÀT sixtance on the occasion. orf«rthee set,f$,25, CJAJI.i fWfl Tr, 1, orTepoedo bt elrue Prim .n hit-l(calf per volRue, $8,50, xj iste,1; 1 Cu.tEuua h 5 pto lemelevoted te the cobpitou of ST,." of othe set, $10,50.,snie ie.irno tGEORGE'S CHIURCH. NLOEL Admf£ufoa kkt,1s 10>!; am4illiler IIE ,Corpan>, fonsed f..r Lthe iortagon of Tiee, (Io inelu.de feu,) One Dollar, CÀANsuA DIUMORvoOrniez wun of letd'c", ,uneflv TIkes aub.outiud I fr~Montretil, Sept. 2#3'1859. Ms4nle Le. rgrw, 10 f'rt ie public Tcd abcobieAtMLerw,* D884 in. oSti 1 ie wum';,gu. kn. r'uj.of vre. e *tore' Dulfirs',Creek ;Me.rsw. W ar-- >'WJi(t4lJuro .1 l c ici Jl&. t ~i,iy, iz q en, sud W AlcCulough'a iove, N" < fraçti ië-,who ltnve mmseiing for yar. Se- Broughiamu; Mr, Robent Doddi' store, Bal-.gide pr(ofit.. *,iJ id.- urust" vIJIibu Ai Ta strictly e4hered tifti6 T"UsY ra* viii sai. 9LhCos., sd a Msse. famltn k-' rna tillile Ie kï. ris amdlit k Ro.~sWhisy, pii ~ t ',BUY ILAGAWI"KNE , rfHF.rnIf~tbe3ook,,cîîng T i e L>o we*& 1o»iible Figure, YOUu%, , N W; w 4 î lrî»îigl and tePublie of Cjanada iageneial, U, tvi iritoi$ '4i, »tbft x ustelwith tige GU 'Yroe'ry hu,.ire- a> re sPuttuli mdtà tf àen. ledilyPti ateLno n e~ reuiuir il S lxI ,iven, goird*,r e h pbii. 14j ler nwH. ul niet. i tîtcnamrWliT, OU-4iou riSii>i IZ ni0la f lir. mîirnr th. ,saieknw L*vuo f Tees.oid tlere AJIVY *htbyp P~X.(isneaL, a soo as u enoîîag. nmoé le sarlw dwitls tite.. eLeerltjg aujI Appl toBu li Y X GUNP(,,) »n mn iiuvgurutiliX art cIei. W, invite a trial go test widtly, z2 i %t,10,5, ,tl . -ing numbftofc4ubsebe~5cti b. obtoalnc»d. .'îs aêtt*, V. it, prices wl s;#ak for tiwmr Tise rereut appearaneof s third aud ~14>0k as titer W..&.NI'ED u~~mchlimprovc<1 tiltitys of L'ilicluig I>L' ow on gIFv lurd~et WANMI ~~ ~~CÀIrÂDÀ, by Mr,. (lAs7e,Àu, bas givr nrixesio v H* ce To purehma pid Mileb Cow. to s viah, czpressed tW V1fr LVYLL, bySAae-kpver uo.-s r., e bae , Apply At Ib is Ofie. seferai of hi-4 friendis ald commiercial con. NI MeII. ÏNJw i- I 0 nMitions, isithe WouliuunderMltse t'Ob gs§'b"wa l1b,... Ehaw. lutm,. vuis...- DIcw liai a&osrterpait, ln EtmiolIoI wtI.M aareo lx" weti'Cnu q sua iiy of goe Tub or Roil Butter wrk- the beat Cauadiamî llsSery extant Store,asud&'erdi'#îg iloulle Léi*t, O t fJ l il fo Îisth igîest price.will lie -witb Auch t:nosificetiom As would nsake p ujonds.eoan p rîtd iL a ICce ta he Lb CftirtY 0et in PeoPie, wvr ï, " arpar-t T. IL MeMILLAN, wliether of Britihor Fm, eb onisn /c f uAma nrcmtr ii CS.Tfitéi>.. s Jock Street. cldingl>, nespouding te the desîn, this.du iti>'sfn ia âie aisitittly, would 'do veli Whitby, 24tUsSept. 1859. .58 *xpreuwsed, Mn. Loine bai emgaged th.e ifaë t"ctime ii imm rade tts --- a"ffl o Mr, N1urwCoffées, fa aniarticle adultr"to oi, ncb o! Lb, Glanegw rcluaeeoocai Society, a lhtfuîoztet, ntlt .ts".', li re geui,ç#a a- U~~U ~~ ~ aiseo!a tie VCatia iat tittc, Monînel; tmi. 'flic, Coilauy, Iiruotej f frigpr attor-Oe Il Meonsad Tbings uinericsé". eut unadultraîted artile, or'qiicst a trial o!timeir,11 "HWl tnc Sketches o!f fitlaliçm i, 101ieiuli. rutz UVe Q u cSs aX - 9 E g b d e j o t info ni ail p m*1 t x¶a d. tietal ; L re s t uw w w lg u ran; t a t e ld or i it" yed F in ueceesmirAnnalr Siem te ruaItW' illaud," sudhe num-ber, 151 u1<In..t. necentr for ayim to nfia imaiîe. l ialld ssyte aS d, Li 'erwirni Is agntlemau oe'twî iuun-s ( roi a Mrket$qt ,,itc aid pkib---t- Ie reqaires. moue,' ut prmseatand tbas féehbu s <lesiterany cxpence...-m translaterr nsunicmitc titis newil w yuuur friandi.. ta WoI frittfo those that grisétuebted Lu compiler, sud editor o!fiviat > ,propee' Teruato, ISept, 22, 1415 . &--y imbu, snd froiu the leuLhe 1 bohabldthittoe emtitle IlTua Nei- w 4wp rnîCompIE. gilv'n saeh, lie nov hope.tt ail v111 attend to exirmsU Oth si: thi.., slnofurtiier notice viliho <frets. Andt~8V {aee FCAAA"fosLs OIE If au, partis hava Lu psy cos#ethey viii bave founidation o! the Colon,' luI the yean undter ,fir cerdjt Llsimm..lvoo ta bleuse, su thei dwal sare long 1840, 1 teib. baued on Lb, tfrd sudlave eTE Lie iigiie aitw du , ut ediioà f j ll»701 2 D 0».D,4 0[ P rtn b- p urder the usme sud W=. LAING, Mn. a*sxmr,v' Furiermore, »Ion style et Douova, Walkey & Co., for Ltse N B Afr !..155. e Ocebo ,~, se.b4ving madoe pplicatiois te Lhe latter puro!o carryiug on t he Cnniage busi- #&Il claistsrewaiiin uulpatl illn:7bv.exp eeWgoboiglsanction tg thse propomed irIo 00lati0slu a1i iLsbranche%, on tse prenils e plisced la nMy Somctliahatoicol= tin.lappy eoa ta l pca pabatiou heretoWoe occupied by Ira B. ICarpemter, lat .L. bai been obtiued; se that tie £nasittion o Brock Street, (nearly opposite thme neir O whtbrt p, 8.>22, M, 0w82fofluis labours uow pnoposed (with is . MinItelBuilding,) v -estionsud Addition%,as aforeid) bc, MI ODOIOVAN, t ceines tise ouli,4seiodud4reprocton <if SAMUEL WALKEY, Ti F N FO SA I. tise French version or the vonk. C.I8Y. DONOVAN. the FARM OR ~It in propesoil that the 'oe.scluosWlby u ue 2 1 5 . 4 BME omth-balf ot lot No, 20, imroki iront, J-maaouTr on Caxve » l" lforsW inee r 10 th. township o! Whlîbi, eoutslnîng bnçsos. voluun, uindem ,Zrâfgvg sudTO ALL. THE NDI Ig bol100 acres, wlU bc sold la two eu ots, ssîspneanu;$or styl n t of e's.,i AnCto art, TonostoW"]&t noou Z the t us ity. Bmch velumle vil <i- A» DHALl OF TUE W,Aud y Otio b.1 r 9t h, 1859 Plon se front 400 te 5De pages. Pn'c$t4,5- atule a o O c obe * U . or $8.50 frte whlfl.!I I . j E x ~ vodbpit e contrat 'nte~aîÈ~sltreti i Tiosle out ?oneaiiu-abalf mles frontseanly histor,'fteVlny r o u i ty6aglnud tSiirae <cd! c ti.Coon',ar nv e opcctfluy calild ons te .-fuimimihblifrrj usscje bvnsispnddbsies ~~~ a n s n â c o n d itio n i n am o b b ae d s y tJu e a , n p b u i e -r l T HJ . l E u w f e s o l b zt e n ! oruo plication te kuown btîto"4 Mt astaimo ,or otiisr Yerç on vr m*isablo tenuss is plendidou TREE&HW IS are materias as my'bave lyiug 1, prmo;l SoletosTootous, n.The lo 4110 Mi scbnay. b. îïVILAGE rOVMOOXÂNT Abat sured tua pllackno0wlemrent v Twshpoilok oisigO brouto, sepit, U, 659. b. madè nle 01tuevr iec~ ae bgb enll fBckcnitu f TO LET. STORE, àDWELnLIIG OEM hO1 l ,I-I. bpedltiattisePublii~ sayb ItîreKiee aPitn-room andPMÀior Wl ~ E ei Ieoru»"'~p uble4 te buout thie wvept'"rJtom su vllua reetm- sl u'lel La.!b.ioiplt~sd attaed te the orefa veu i"nxQâb T su sse iptil< ocDceandW oreliofl s. T bbulidnp areg 41113 c u l d b ,' g. AtL e u t *,B O kt d m ai4 m e u lk u fl p ic O oi n fo u r' asedo tie ororoDus4~aaâ~yOF' -bs criin Lst e w l lieon., I atso fh s .'eneauai Ctsomclrf(>vrirr, Sop$crnibr 29ts, 180, Qatioorgod Wheat are dallyinrvlog laTown, end uelling a ligb. Wht.-Pull, Do, aM. 20 IO7 2. 0@Os, Pou 2* 8d 0 2% 9d, Rye S 0 Sa Pd. Oats labOd@0liq Od. la ad 0dIolOd. NW d 07d VdoL- a!siUO100$16 f ton, TO'LET à CLEARÈD PARKXo( loi ACRES, uf tale .FramnIleuse, commo- usmedtell, Thi ent to b. pald Off.,.will b. e ed lu wrftf ngor a»d bdefs.RIDÀY Use 21at October,i prozhsso Yor furtisor lulorusaUon apply <lby loetr, Post pald) Lo EBEWR IJIRREIL,- Grenwood P.lO Pei rnç,21tb Sept., 1859, 8741u.w -Thse idvertlstbav- math l na feu veb TOI d«e bss-nj u u*; upl-sAos ro le b. illi suda 4 (Ottq uuc~é,l -- nTown . , Oa,, als Wblty, ept.25, TowCe, 1859 St , d FAY CASORHp FOR ' 'i"" . ~ F"$2e ---- oeiPuosg g. r ; T H O M A 8 , « > < ,la n d l i t e r r , ' b d l ; b e s w e - t W e j a ' e r v o u s a; I 1 0. ff~. ,o absipti u , ho$Jvo oi U n l&O Qu be re .' ertse T am ustem oT ise Na« htIv e 'sO i * 1«lt e b.p ~lu a % ir U r 5 e e m$ aas ve~ ' ts ei lue trbelison 42il,. ,, neh eit or R map s jitf o ' b i. 1 4 A e 4 o l 0 de la s 4 $ 10 _ _ H . J. G I B E S reciona evid uee e 0tis#z a el o s ose s , i 4 f« ~ e ~ b u -il h r e b« Wethe TnMeonses-aimaswt poamerest6 0ehamant osricîs degau.nat0d and y t*ustlies-eande,'1 of rsz Ibein *iss&$oo4ferin t ecan. Isi,' '-naciedewondM:tisee men mise bueleais l1" ut, Patet e îPublie 02m ,in-eu eut. ugtmaa pdln W ;;Y dtie sompiomu ie q , jjle.hest , hniap etieca-cts Om t c e in t l m m . d ie l a t tte O I I . i s L I e n e i t h a n e un c h r s s t eme a f ilv o a s ' u1i' e t ï e u5 I Quel, of. nven ion. 11tà is v a el . o m m rc.out î'e.n tissu 012 e st ar flU'ne W e e n. u est ar t of le i'a iin , sleose, i mI s s in e m w t risa t e M ond l e A"G ra d M u icl Fn U lï & I r obkb u drno bo ît IMI. ie~ w ~ a es d.lec. Po-nebe ni,~r Ia u Ao CO L CTOt! Às, syeois o laluoP-voboutlt LL S.fubssu glaius !Lt . ,l L. vmmî oL' B e e l v c a u m s t n e r - m t _ 3 J e î n o i e s a - t s C u . M E u n e e Is e Sa d e uJ Ot ~4 c p - - ' B Fto, s c M tn th lation sud u b bliii v l le r u i e d e . o ie' S y e o 9 uLm ts o e .i u < D UF.FIN's CUEEK, ua Vire. VeIuuse lu c1 epliaucolb çk. ub Aut em ot1 5,l is tmeoeeln !I AS o'leel, p,. Roal 8e.,rsi e! abow Iout c ~ J M SR , The l riet 1«~CtSi* en I nfxjmg PI' 1P5 oaci,, o ilabtosdd $5. l'erse o! - 'emisus zour S i Octouer, mile I t. i 511 Pies-iusce-~ ab Pt UPoasasemmub.#hasteor s*ei 4I onIxmmg, com±ilrulng luelecu Pahr CIi c O WlmitbY, 60Pt.22,1,59., 2.tsM IiaM DRE REJ T a men, CosnMty u31»bL d>'ay fcntettoeroui Jeichy vIl bu oldeti uo t Ia Conuf t ; ' et WbLSs,-C, on Xondaytb8let FeryCfOober sheuif's Offe, -f-V 1vm Wlitby, Sept. 1o,5lm, &294td ATenmpcrece PWcNie vilS b. bel. la tIse Ite Gneve Suof the son,§ I4e! on Thur!dt,,October th, 18N. pains te niaie-Ibis Ple-xiîeoeftb.he ne Iseld u the L. Cnty.Thees es OSHAWA BRAS$ BAND WUI b. lu sttendu lueand enliven the audne vith A=ofUoZ erchoïcet nisie. Several Popular Bpeaker, ail ddmese the Asambl-. COMTEZ 0F MANAGEMENT Dosama sept 2,859, MÂESmUL 0ntario Tuf Club, COLT STAKEe PlIE OeIAuIO TUI 'CL hbae ue Ia saike. for tdire.s ud four yeur.ld Colts, 'and onedfln U pr - - ds- aSSIdA date b.n nnfor At t»yai Métu;rln ocaier yer tbe Wbitby Course, To fll»«lsi;;;m sun four euttcsé, of!-U «eCh (lorblL,) whih th.éClub vii mdd le0, MSlk iia, int Club veligbts. Fisrtoie ade isl w1Sb li geretaryno or befon, thislth o! etm er n.xg. intreso to couSain f.mtet sud toes.u se. poiigret et herse sud ususe f'evnen Tise tim» o eerlesi'W treLisbove ,Lake m becu ezteuded to tIhe SMo! October. WbItfjiý W. IL TIO i Ni" , .4 NYOTE Losr. LLL parties are horel,' eutioued a- pinot pnncis a note mace;b, U ne ton lufavor e! Cha£"esBniic MTe D OLLARS, datedon or ý.mt aSSepmben, a thre s tiss,à# ýdNtbubeau loiS assdpaymeet0 ROBERT OÂMPIELL rOI and ampua t re*«d ucs lfb, 'My,, 1859. Wl w Wp LItt1GEMAK1NG, IN. AttIT BANB, pbousisnbetom oeuie yM.N. on uMr, SrecS, botec yo cil- Sree., rlire . l prpaeda eufre, hi exýccste ail 2ordeaiuttedz o'Maaflmereg*04 SSld et thme Làot-est rerting lqPriee,.,. .ALL IWORK RATD- ER aud PRODTOR TAXI?) II (Jfr. '1 et JLII2 RC fd' = eu expenioe oet tbity ,'eans lu tise p 1 n ip mrmfctonis o!f1*0 idCaadula gis-eutist exîerirsc csen>r Mybf:ue Of Lic buiness vile' d i o a,Iet rrv t s d fr u o ,",deai u, C!e ase o!f inishi, durabiliLy, Ist oirsaaip, isV" Crk ae le excclle SPRINGIkIJR T. ATINS '9 lu Db, SHAiomwLDpS, KANTLESd , ONNesTSd, afrIEDONS-Q AD CLOTIIS, CA'S#SIE RIES TWEEDeS oibmmi sLlnenDrise in. the couaty of, Ontario, ADY MADE CLOTIIJNG, W' sud Boys' CSit, Veste un.!1'utl>,oQifi "If 0rýqualif-y uand- lmp on theii. r4sniee ieue' CIiIug made up Seon«de, oni tise Iitest st,'l¶ e!of rhiois.,m rehStock, of GOro0erie,3 just BeCeied ~'Reombe, Perv'sBrick ]Bufldingo. - MORU OP_______ ______I *INESMPBRTNDIES, &' WIES, BA)fNDIES, &e. ý . A. 14tUMws RIIENISII WINES. J. IHOWARD MAILS11& k CO.'ADEIRA W mVjS. JULES ROBIN &kMMCO'BCNAC BADl5 BRA"NE!q3U1 k FRRue.BÀRDEjAUX WINF.S. CRAMP, SUTER k Cas 8 i1EFRJty Wfivim WIL YUNGEIt CO.'S EDZKL'URosrlh£tONG AND PALE INDIA ALES. fer for sale, on veay advanuta su terni.; BRANDTE-Masiel'a Mnnesey'st, Rolin's, Pinu£t, Caotîilon'.ç, &e. GINS- Rolland and Englistfi, ofbest brandd' lu 'wod md bottle. RUM-Finie old London Dock.Jamaica and J)emarara. ALPES-gmls, lop'.s ad Y6unger' inl wood atiti boule, PORTZR8-BVîJlge., hlibbort'fsud ni in 1»wood ud bottle. WIIISKIES-g.O(T(jI. and 1111811 î uot uou.d uliis POTWINBS--ft1ey &k (o*i, ms:dian's, aud other fmtorite marks. BHRIE-CrluSter & Cu. Joeq,*$-Pcruarti,mt » A. BLTRUNDES, IIOCKS, MOSELLE, LIQUEFURSpk.qg . Le Prie LlsS.sud esnplos me,'bce dcunappliction', Meteaits J51e, 1859. 25INY UPÀNkC> T:Tm AORCUTJMIT QUEEN'S-_OLLEGFE Artiflolai lMaurt! u SIXTI! irsSo! îor-Mte IIW De- pw4wy, akeaSo Fau F4wT. lsprtuneit uof the Uuivcr.itv of q'ColgI Tus uSMr& Cà£~éra ixemz Tu£ y MA1KE. FlnsS lVsdnec f MetNe-iemses ('Outsnln i ee tefd sud set noible I~i' uorrumoroaTie-a ous fowLd, <orM. vistes-ensIovaluable silu arm Yairdl h'e, , rcSrcîw Ilui, t.Lse nue A- £asre,ususo BonslLltr. eo la ,;letro- nuslmuîcms,i>y o!fiicmrulee d ou lOspliites~tc., Lie. ' ohN E A T Jtiumgstcra, Spt. lteli c 1t 9 ur& .fi wmm i~&r ly 0& PnluUS er tn. renthys re pt , a ffeIat4 for se sene. l'oiluj latunes e fre ev dtoh TAictde - Il. W. WOODWARD, - Whltb,', Aug. 29f lu, 1559. Dundas Street. DtraySte.r 'I or - r rim Meg,,'sa gm - Iis wn for dls.mmeaof smsouWst 5qire t. endg os, eesiedb, mis lentete j readawr (or $2 6 Il'5 u eti d of the îled te tis o W, la îietwos.desre vasw a"Ppel luno wceusudd 11 ustnseied ta lmasern for saiS 86 bol <tbp C/t4rii. mer, vIlS hW MO yONSUMPIIVE8- '#goy dsPio ?nejfdy, à seVena1"1» su vi&mia see tisas r.ad lan... Comta 1 ýlj tbi j* and, euw 1 1 1-

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