Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Sep 1859, p. 3

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.4: - - il deftqS T1é.a~h~ L W. ,we;,M Nb Whg At Umm, ose"ool *m4v issvaut guon Ç 'Te perch a a.. XII& Mlob.Ctr pa.iaeovd 44VUI17Applst seO&M dma U rua upo suddeuîy Miboli Up..C, signal i>OP4 eisad, s ien& il t f peedy vletey. gl teuehed Uthons, perfect liue or.e i sud rTc= A vila ma.sheyla,. ne Il as> aCovemingOr@ as , but it eeoDeurs r- sud the sud on14cà n udW OOetiUM- ont et 1e000 n vio mchod lie irst et Use p dItcieo, Bearpljr» mile te hep tub' vlau evrlm 'tise>' Idi>' id mm e iiy et tas ]f Officers, succeode l e Uird ditei.- iy ~msde a geod attesii but lie lsddea-lMd Uabsolnorshastuctilu se tiat remalned lti g forvsnl, lire. 'd t.!>' élo deadsMd fi» À Vertica!l irfe ofm noat Wàgiae v. ng ddmpeaout of<hev e>'esml mou m dnsfseelrs rni morose ribÏeÏ ÃŽnà (smn e . a I arm depreeatiud.giyasirsl4s a~ dnk-aSbeas aidcabb.ge i thsé dsv mg roses. HoateMndlg but tin. Thse Mlsoamn.sd <efo, " uapisriéÉ nder tbis sngels vladow. Tis vgetbl.masylt 'aat br case 'IOteMtOcu.gasd bte'cmber." ry~gamaaJ ub>', laeis vtis Mmo folqurtes> mcdhnqamaeesoftpigsua 9e,, Tie seium ndmsapdova lisedis eImbevclo bamud e aa>maslsngi"pa- rient"04M.-kb« War arasdendrvlnsaga lie dom ae#U qesioas eJsiset.elee roaoiebly cr.'bsug.t a'E~. bï seirl>' Mstygs baitisl filai1bhut aàta u n nd <mm lu ib«,,- 19,lyqbpq vies .traanta agbted ýou 4& lae" Plse e, à am zeu la told b>' thse &U AuoeiO4whIckllstmais Ueeztrome gusllailllt>' etouri nejbew ose thé ë bInes, as vlue a, " giekelsuatowards MI enewhbas àhsndie tohlbitm»tas pmoewdMasfolléoes- .'qhere le Mr. Gracle>' Berikabo>' i lm u uS omoto America te bavesa<kW 01, ve.ka' ootog. Befors ho came ho au- mÛUaedsd Ieappromeh to-a uumbei efthle mwvepaper- es. dm onductorsbust«n. ite oommeulcate tise csiclshobid douens est the houer to smoresete iel -T» eHMUaW, tise nfleePOUIOn Upirtt tipAiMes, tie OUp er, are led te sup. Olpose, vesoueaeg lJi. ppera wblclsMr. ' B'«ekoley-tise HonoraUe, b. lt understood -favored viti tlaese diplomati commuai eatiom& *4W4 , .Behele>' cmm, SMdbis ànftdal4q tise Afnia as nnud. Tiers asies o.havo beon a vldespread 4«Weto s & ealik of ilumd*etcb rlnd eof rs fiest Canada ouJey4fr a <aVýda.i, tisa fa<tang diacutlou of mig almka for tise sprting Engllsh 'noble' suas.'Thse ah f i t gI oolln plaldlg, vhlte afas uisos࣠UoralaaeV itis a illver thlstle lnuit4 cresto quit« asenastien inl Bromdwy. 'Bs a yomng lIoeklg map,~ "sldou.; ExcellonS sport, balaie buullng, 1 b.leve ai' ebsequieuly ebue.d a taller, vhosoatmewvusvited; everywber oui Meud vas thse ebjecteftte meolabod> nu SetmtiempnlàadY or tve bvsa lomded dowv i card', visici trdosme duireus orbe ateN o , b.d tIhm *Moupen hlm. 1Fr"lifies tIsla"solit e ltv hmekwo@ds, oar viakrvwusquite lntoxcato h>' ls m« oue, etisaIfront iavlng aper. f~ ou mr etoeverytissg Tauba., 1k.a jb&mIS *«c-rAmy nho vas breugit la à ., doynte maû.lese d abia" ckiow. 1.digment dutaSoirbIne skies are aimet as .plommtu à Glagov tM& , md Jroadwsy abo lqm.veIy sPrinces Sfrqo Fer Once 81t4s01sM. sglleb 'bwomeal,- Md a adSet Stch Tweed. AMd liii1lesacil eot~lgamilion 01 peePIe r, EIMrifo @85.i PmeIud@20 9 Oalà bd a 10 M dom klui d4 4 9 t'Mo ongle % 4 -tho 4 n ut fcduV u ti- A Brook Ddese Tst or cobuBd WIj uyntp... Sn4oM. la~tehabout 10ay'fo bost. iftuu7 vl ba Pule bciaai2 et" asOUz. oblas o.esa (W, adniaWm, aIn, Nil. afteOb 5heba tbrmx WIItbySept. 211859. 8W et W,., î;etou liis, oronS. , oo, o Thsm @@P laaoftIonsdahlfmlsto nçyog15 nala ada DIRECT PROU WYEV HQU(~IB & gO, WSul respecttis> nvite attention te tiieiî - MW sud EBXTENSIVE STOCK -O0?- DRESS GOS MANTLEef 5gâÂWL5g RiBEONSrotTO, CL0TIS &AND STÂPLES, Comprising the veiy Istesi' NOVELTIES ef the BUBON, lateJy purcba.edb> onee flie Bdm vie BBoiTSa &Co"IleualMARKETS# They confidently solicit au, sud luspectiou,-a. ludas intavIIbeol Mied bols a. teoboles sd Prc im h canne b.» nra.asdif exCellodb>'su>' ]Wl «Mezeeedby w$Nez nwiase Otiava, Is$. 21,1809. R, ' j AU I ' '1 I ~Us I hy~Ie<u 0,5ý .pr .n bnaer ip t e o r o d s < u e u f z 18 TIaNarrties nt«, so be.pro- Mtdt b mb ia-eé( ïrsat Mai .te vnaebio>R el n ve = vt. ÃŽ# tbauelveste ifs propasition aaouMW i ~.bastion,sud vont forvard tirougi an 'ffcowu n s dem, Tî 'itbneloglat towf vîi un tbefatb ,1desorpdmw idet Snw. nov mach sdepuevte sd» npidi> m* thry51~ lvredsd M d' Ilnutesd fW 1 to t srlead=ddldur lvdbapiai or foecleiuly murdoed tihe mon'vise tsýougisto beutow Itou tbsom Ordiner> «s, r ron tise Intellut seblar to tisq i ntsagbt peasnt, ilI peruaevwitlsluterost sa ocunt o eton viso trod the aolilon vicis vanov suev,-'wviswro thse lords « f ieftorcit sud the river, novsMins'g tise veesels ef commerce,- sud viHlelaru vies MonMo«tien liaS tise>'lire andeep lu eurity il se maelf.ssrno potvwhlcb ba to bieeu often êaenced vilS tthe blood, shed f lu wrtare or masmqre, Tisepublicaton o<sovolnluoussverk wiidepeud entlroly upon tis uppert vo. Celéd ron tb pulic Tise firît volumne bus been tranelaodb>'- eueetftthe boiS ,tanlatera lu tIse Proince- sud wvlll b. pot te presss swn s a sulioent number oft subsioWs le' ebteaed te defra>' tis ceaI of trattslslisud ' blflglui Tb@e von vel!=uathree Volupm, Royal foe,t a&bout 760paesetchin l *Long PFier Tipe. -SubderLpionLst$ vil! b. u od at tise DoketorinluMon. res,Toeto, ýQaebec, Elaen Ott40avs, Hanilton, London, "e, indise .Offlcesm et tise Publisr, lInU&L Nielselas Street; Motreal'0811ist aS StAnssStreet, Que' beoa 1PMrIlupiper covrs petvolumse, $2,75, eor Us et,$825U or 1fe 8e0e4,$10,50.. PubZieher CANAàDA DIiKEMORnM , Nontreal, Sept. 26, 1869. 58a-4I NEW IISTORY 0F CANAD.' are respecttully' Iuforod tist It lland ed to pblisis. hg » flou, a N., Ma' r05T or CANADA (ten dou isat of Mr. P. X oà!&aU 1 1ASptea uecus lnu nmberef n udmmcaunbeobta ti Tiserecent apposasce of a Usrd sud s mach Improved eodition oet L'miJsTeNDu fi CANA.DA, by Mr. GAUità, ha. givon vise il teeé vs expreisod to Mr. Levru., b> ti sovraîIfilends sud Commercisli Con. nections, tiat be would undertake to pb. llsba scoterpart, inEngisi, oiteb*,e *evký-Jtbe-best CautdlaaHIîtoIr' cItÃŽnt 01 -vils sncb modîfiellous as vould Maoeec it scceptable te tise entîrety' ef our peeehg wisethereof Britis or Franch oriezu csi cerdlugly respeudlng te tise desîre linsb expresg W r, lovin bau .ngag.d tleb' aervlces tofMr. Amsauv BtL,, Boember te efthle GIasfov Arcbaeloglcal Social>, M a&s of<the Ganadian Institute, Montras!;: ant fIl et" Mn d Thinga lu muerica"; ilHistoi al kctba et of ndalls, Bn- Iis 'sud Continental ": IlLiiv. ë e ti Illustriouis"; "Nov Aunais0ofOId scoeth 1=ansd otiservorka -sa gentlensmnoe pet lite «7 periene-s tnaslator compiler, -au iter oet hoaISeproposes te o ntitle IlTin Nzv AND AND Coups-, avaraVaHE veisr ePCANADA," rom tise foundatlou O et tisCoon> tIlt tiseye lm,01 to be bacdon the thlrd sud laS. - Me. GARNmg. CÀs.wÂe 1ý ot t utL hsvng mede- appl1icatioe tise latter fer iis sanction te tise presd vorti, fa bappy"tes$ i , Pr lapprobation bas bfloonebaned; se Sisaltise trnslation ot bli laboura now wpred (Vlsh modifi- cationsansd additfona, ad sforesald,) b.- cornes tise ouI>' autlsorised reproduction et tise Tr eh veoofet tie, vorti. foe ISIsIropoed sthaï tho-àVoxnuzmrs 4aI gru r VCxADAesail torm threror O sêw.2m1 'onese. - mi,is J'seK - tua Ztof tsrilm, Win M Lolrssd nrvblé Jm art det lt i s onoesulo40 tTOf R in otheogNo, , Wmwof g»lo J UsursNgé, 7j 8 ng1 00-acrs. , 0. %t SlaeillZ C O. xr - Fer C.e0.. 4i sb>,d.i,1. --W9s.tcl A TniOroeP icO F-NIevit! I»held la tbe IILLÂGE OF 88RÂWI lhudyi otobex Otho UN5. - isd la UC#Imoy.e OSHAWA BRASS B3AND IiUbin'tsudaneefivec t lie da cOID(ITT, 0 MNAGEÉMENT. W, V. Br0vnCI.baisa; B.C.lfed Ieeetaryl; Davld -DA.VID BIDOPI htoawa, Sept. 22,1k.9. - a2'4~ TOB FA vig e FIR 859; 1I lm Use Wbitby Qeunseon Vedesdy, Tll ida sa d FMyl Octoben If li, DOthsoil21à4 1809. RETURN TICKETS vil! b. sosnd b>' th. Oi'nd TruckElelvy Cmpn', saval. able dunlng lis.e Bce.ve1 at a sineloVase irons Menties! on lhe uit, sud from loti don ou thse veslsud aifntermediste uts. PIRST DAY. Pro'hscéColt Staik, forS sud 4 yer Id Celt, te clos. vîts notices lhon fou atInes ef $25 eucb, ai StisOctooer, amile calao, the Club te add $100. Forfl $10 nubsiptien $5. Opeu te ail Province- rTed Celta,.- TrottNg PS of $00, open toTrot. ýend ud oame lWiss take $25 aach. Wil. basto, hbea -lauS, go as tise>' pJesse. sweepstake of $5 ae, toe iistise ljub vilI add a carri4ge Wbip vertS $10. ubuinptleu $2 00, cetes&Ylboriéê eva- ln tie C o f=t' e sOtare t isdae bat nover vn amatch or pums.exccod. SECOND DAY, ONV5Rp«m oef$2#0; iuude stakeof$20 sais, tisree tuile heala, epen te aIl1ihomec, 5Uu Cu ot 15,' ou mile daub, or nnraied1heres uI>. Bubucrptlon 150. Trottine Pfirée et $0, inside saats.$10 chb, tvo asi esats. Open teai hrse baS nover va a purs. ezcaediug $W0. THIRD DAY. Hurdi. Raceof $100, mlle Sesta,,ever un haries 8 "olô6 lches sigis; opes te Il heonus that, nover von &asteeple cliss r isurdlo race. ubso m tlu$b. Jnnk<Wper' Purse ef #100, lusldeostdSi ,2Ã"sc", mile heatsabW ln 5;eopen te Il StaliIns tbat stood fersud booeod ever 6muret liss scaon. Beom l'ure ef $- vItS a sveep- Là# of$10 eacb,eopen toa&U herses beston snlng tbe meting, mile bab, handicap. 04, Pot @Mtem. Tis neretomake afiM&dnotIom " 2 tosdtart us1ceWtentsison 1 thé aboya purs,ecetnet i woopetk,sMdsleron=p. 'olusb. am ellowed 7Il b.. Tie abor race te > àwd und.raud dvil àOee 'r fore W& ocln tie velagpS vlj= t ris davya tau' EnùW scubeseut by, là b.W nklnD t moselm mâtiLH Sieo1. i m'8i WNa. lOU MUioml lui-& k am in a ! i t Wt l'ld tf on" se_ dt*v lf«»dw (aIJOEPK IO" iqi. 1;,t a ,rir à olfo oeAC Why Ce rMN,--@U nmoDrat-obop i JIIrrL adwUiut presot08 9 ~ auabv , A.Banlster qS n.one b ion or afinesb lo ur&uloya$, If by lJoUer pro. whitbye &0&AU4 Iwo 5. 4 TO TM 4ýEI0UTUEiST. Avfti6lial Mauurm! PJmal,/adqt$d 10 Pali %ea. IN uin *mW InSum iZUlTonNAUr. inso la Whibo, B.eM , Itr eetSo 4to- Wl~lsby, Aug. LOti, 1089. 40.tf Ai Of YllmbbW, ooUhsm ae Th e1r u aZ ve Mm ,by pmovng proporty sud~D aylu harge. D. G, . 1 a"F"ORBES. Augst, 1809 a7 a Ontadro Turf Club. COLT STAKE. T HF, OITAIO TURF CUB hvt opeasd oeh O t Cor...&W To11!-od vth o, thma four .ntrle, of M oeh <$10 Ibitt,) to whlch tb.Club vlli a&M$100 II. Roses Turf lub w@Wbhto4 Eut"laste U ma"ev bherstm, mor belo tlsh e apo s - be as Itrls eon"alaforteilsud tgeno- clos pedIgree .1h«» .sud mno er Tb@ t1m («for outreafer tbabove stake bau boon .xto.dedt. à#lb. ofeOcteer W. IL RM1GNS, NOTE -LOST. ALL orti me mby tlouoda. Wo TWEN'fYDOLLARS, dati Ob oS àaout lot Septmber, aSit bre iwiààs- n Mid Xote bb.e»n mglàét o stoppe&.- Whitby, Sept. 15, len Coal OU and Lisp. ai redmoeJPrieu. to unpCM pIonesudbHt ea Lao'ns pesmlr din. erme= il AMPso ash; " i 51 GEORGE TULE, Jr. QUEEN'S COT lLGE. hPirtWdmayNooier Fer Iftrmairep!rdlng b. Cour"se et tdi, Yeea,-&,, refarene la mi&de te ~AnuasAit- nouctsnemn, aOb M 'w"vh miuy bu lad on applltaiun te JOH STEWART -suowta o th medlesl1aea Molo£gstnSept, 144h, 1»». v.* 9. 1Un 'it*day o O 3Iuet b. pklenCot for Oin"eI Ivigé% sfo o r.Ieon sppreved credi. Paa fpouel ionàxbne i oktrs CA&KRIAGE- MAK1Q ni "ALLITu BRANCHESr, sd' kro @4et, wbn.bl roae sbeeooot z te il od ftll tb bis au& LZUHVBEI and 11.20D TCE TJZN I X ExCH4XOE, tf L4IBT PRIUrE& D. OIUS lng zprf ueset bIry enslu ho rlcipa lManulactm"Oreof,tbs Sate Mud Cana&a bau glen tbat usperlené. lin.1er>'branti of the,,business wbich few bave hu ai.to.f vo ia4sn4(or b.uty of dus,el1 oeetflfnisb, durabi1ftyt Wltby, Augut id, 1859. 42î88 pcjo B ~ ? U T ' A I N U X E T E J L O f " U B S N W O O , C O X M M M G T m I BIROA&D CLOTH89 CÂSSIMERES, TWEEDS Gaaoeon, 140 MI ln Ëla he outy 1Of -Ontari. R-EADY MADE CLOTIIING, In meus',sua B0ý# CsS e ta uMd Pantdions, of every qualy nma&eup ou tho pretnlae. gaUouoima' Clo*bIg md. upto order ou the Iatest t* fyuetaiou._m A freàbi Stook off <roceries just Beceived, ÀCUdfr fdha< d«toAee as grea £nd*wemnt WU ibe given for WINES, BRANDIES, &o. 1..1AhEI 0.1- A A -O MýpýâUMMk CO.'S ZCHAMAGNES. JPA.MUMS RHENISH WINE J. HOWARD MAESH à; 00.'S MADEIRA WTNES. JULES ROBIN& 410.19 COGNAC BRANDIES. BRANDENBtTBG à; RERES BORDEAUX WINF.S. OPTLEY, ORAMP b&O00'1 PORT WINES. RAPBUTE£Rà; 00.'S SHERRY WINES. IviL YUNGER & 00.'S EDENBtBG STRONG ANDPALE INDIA AL1ES, &CI, . "0k&, && Rave nov re o, pmrnemmosTas nâcsa or ouewmu, thrir tpring Supplite, end et efrodere, on ver>' advantagemu terni;- BkAJDI$-Kn.lrsHen.sey', Ebin's, Pinot Catilou's k GTNS-Helkus nd dEnglidief out brzn do, lwwood and botule. RUMS-Yl i ondondc Dock Jamaiesansd Demaara. ALES-Bssi, flsoensd YounprWs, lu vod sud botule, POrTEEs-Bridg7u, ibbeWt# esd Guinness, iu woodanud bottlel.' WHISLIE&B-.SCOTC U d IRISH, of the most favoured-jualities. PORT WINES--Oley & Co.'o, Ssudeman's, and other favorite mark. $HEURRIESCrnuter & cgà aDiccq1,Pemartin',&c. OHAMPÂGES-Mootk Cbandn'~d Mumm#s, aud varions othor braudii. W"Eummb.r, Perv's Brick Bulins BURGTONDIES, ROCKS, MUSELLE, LIQUEURS, &ILe.,k, e PrIe. LsaMsd s"MplesUs>'bu haWon application. Menteal lUh Jns,1859., 4ER IIPA O 25 JUST PENE - OONfiTIG m PART oîr Troncs sud EwsglebPoyer. Veshos, Plumasý, Bonn"t»»Pbontt,' vit O b.dGONI gelarey offe.Msd Hosier>, O tw e as la, - &alD bd y* adi, WWtoKMd aioves aitPlaide, Blescbed SOeetiugs Table Linonsi GeiWite ShIrts,, padanrCefos, CwoaaaTwe, Hmid T« "the,,k £açiisc'nsUpr MI am wm Tom. L-W.k ý W. 1 th" . erd lp 1M.vlasrm 1 ý :;l »W Z.- miftt 'Whkby, gay, 19». U- 1 -

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