8TÂTIONER8, BOKSTREET, XI - m aneOf ~ R ,~ J V JIJu n~trk1wd.~- - wbfd th. an m e m ng a uupte,,d sd1y ppJ AyWALOdé o n uid T* W 1 i d v u ,oznag w 'Ta W in. DayOaah aUbliomtookaJON ruhd forH 'o y, pu ,,tpagOI i d b d l a spa aulaTM a 'g eo eArs lumlL4 A NAL B nSi MTO E T' MW F ra s u -bulinip ' fO tnl h aP e el 'B r"hI î g bthuea F r e r e f, » > o M WM m n a a t b a ,. a y e o e s u * ,ý 1 ýý ý -ilý- Il ý 7hE t a À r . , p î s~ âfd c ~ l u WP1 7 f u r n a ax, i..aaafl ençy; M ld Books f tOU0ilmtaLI ki , t uan e à Baak udoinA& om tridt lip s fstor ~x' x.~ DOa W Je i ue J4 ouaMES FOR SALE a"e - ThabU"Nort MdoSouth SU 844 s, -n,,LOSTEBL - là . fPoeaumisVaiof"Loà ,4- bLIIImm.I.ioIWJIJIbY TmeaAsoth@,auWd fa= d 10@mapart, aa ia ,ImsenoiSbUil xcelengdbllr, a d 1 WR PpIÇ P PE#cCgIT L TO K, Mr Motion IA Sox 0 Lt.9 luOluSr_@marnby av, Md mum rimatoélr inturTwnno W o taU isil, Brwn C n.rfa, l. 100aS OBIW bsArâUioà s ut.aar oliteoiz ot 01119. Fi tha 7 YA UCrA BLokBoW en siin.AU w4bus GEyEEL A10,TroxCin , Jas BVELE e BnYEL OPES...4 , aBine , ouo. Loi uk MdrwrWff JySpoea H91ooosor, meçolb v ri EiW . Clarr Kau soaMM d Aa Ue lutllla, £ b er*>fM M N W b.% t Brown, cortC VAEWNbel Taosroand Gr Hud flolWra " t'mL Wniyji. u t uda "l u op ,,c A~ visa' Clnk of taVis, ofCh k. o' Co Mor£à 4g&il SU a ail f ros quà j tIesý A0101, Ame IMa 9urae m aatby, ' A ILP IEG M)T W 10u WstyfraIndu î0d6 Ro., ba __No,_Io,____________________ (OiTeeaao ~se a>'ne o n toino, th.a]GYslm , ]LWT . C"0ftX, ivai v vn a~ aE npO lblMiugriesnh ary is al èLwnmeýrI tiseda O A E ko parsotuss c'm Wd Oy Ma, %theMalof , sudpPencea __Cýni 4 Paper, 12 sh 11t. Note, 12 saif.sahu e- hAdopted, b o vm als a C ua>' MJarnabl o tis dsnov o fYWEtoSUocepte Tonvle = wsi D 3-A 6Ironhal l sud bta "g jao.Of«2unerhr Esveop.,12aef.eahn m lsosa she em nvofn i tisiMd hait a r avligenBri tve, lF'N O I E ii O R $c sgeiar vs B aqurOr aa0<Ssrî ffle mio h om po aU rutA inrva f a y gos.tha botto fn m fPe - A1 G toesJ£" nr a w itb. To wNahi , abM D pnrishaaa tise esive stoctohe 30trveitog a>' ri188.lw 0 Prot SCient TathetE obas o r-a.IaaS arkt O ut "Y. N o netJ~i s tinS WQft,&ZD und SNejeStock, Thlyet jr XU4i¶ b% h l! . À unHARomLEBVAEid & Oo.,bitm e te 1î ilroJg h e eteetaS o arc, -Ffateavorie tsS eungneetieaai able B CÀtBEL IontStvaO, fovscrio>cthee astisaOissrl 1 M Of the £0% infoProviacpublierusbat'tisaMa" hava th tiAs &r 1 ia o eslad l 2otaan suen s 5 rol157 8 oft. ivrsscs Aalfor < tDm C- d. 0 heoo ýLo ulerttis, M o stl utsBadff'A ndisiluai nda ishatl ue tis e a gA i sotal AW lyBaduaatae l naht rnhs ImroM deDot.1ti,0 0.NiO T C toV e ssisip o! 1'lck- andurr or N SAT&uBDAYIIWT isysieiiuetos flernareP =o fes t nla ià r w o 1 a s Brua-e n el roi F e s e s , to u rl ise9 tTDS I at $ o M e 1mn= ta à '5aMidl4c?=timos.th e"gb- a stt cctiis Md fftni 110nkk îaliwys 7,1 l<o m T o- vinks, A. >. n Sovuith Verudai Puinsj (rssmnsty gJ,,ainater flgt itkee l-p EA>' . elai tenDorh ot isat s-in « he E K Lfi O H R O NIC bdzogicl.bu s m oeu S aaOc sug00 Baimlf ags d tit oerS c à lm M , u & r cu oufa ç't l i m a ppri * 50 nosn Dollar a Yeav. inradidsed. salies ,rosidstanata ir.LI.S H FEI .~tItomthips iMd thoea hl is ti t g»hn» @PllmtOu r thusddm4dn st Pier 1 hIGGIN ote, M2 ypifs tncLem Qt.1 Ir . pmue iîlneMayj J rin e gisifre mm" il or or s Jl atp8a 24 er h hortâ, LE5~ Ota nts ndï' 0faeydttilo;CoinProrS WL.L Piner 45( Lat0s,., >'thl2 s ud "sectlon%u o.~N TC.p astdvts5ladTras as, aI.xgao.mi u c Ibo >' virtao r sso f aî taIsCvoneu t tsar isarîsilseforawall vitisPrssitTraa1 tisa who tohesphYm e lrd n04iau ~ ~ hsCssdes ,,ussa,, ue u l Pn adB i t 22.Vlc.cav,"se ast r,. coeevabi es teb T1h.lingAgnt,>toER - rade oubamouaadd-N ,M lflo oboIto>01 the "i ad tosesBtok ou# olwagyt us .d.A o! Gton su canabaa roaas.1 Ssaeostr maiCnsi'odesss 010 bu o 18d59pe, ad eAZI trvie ' a, xu 0e Tov. J 1 c s 1. i ieTwsl < cevsg o t ovu- a1.Cuta o mpie s . sloa.aiujb Tl fIk alfraQirf oa. ho .psuluo f c hprag1xâyý;eIs. Cssa lau d 'u AL pvosaldbedosel vaneeandread>yfaaw tgoern £0tia lquar.ter nis soisrdMffice v. isn. Tro ,Otbrn,15. INSPZCTCBoà A'bottonsW.M. Ben.>' LII. ShOFeeiBL sto .iIL1 h.Bn 6 ta3etero4Vn I~ a . S IO I L O JAJ.usM).Srg. Duts, c, " cu Wil,* osl sa Tse Coloniaf vas eatahîi.bed -£h. W lby à Jly , 5, 2-Téowliena>,1à 8 > Es uiatscaf5 hsiissd %11 .s ts Ail k i s inf raltl ta t tis itz en.ff,,,i rC VTNoY NO ICE W OL <Y RD NG dgva. Wat44 lsin 2 Jnk, ie IntBONUmSrer sd EaerI eaar1l bas !ullrcous pi a- s'a2.51m0th.JtSaBut WoolE aotin tat slara~metatoth,,msusntrcac.'-,I i II L - £bd 18N, vrad the SzS M.Dnt.elî, PIKE ii'o.ail818oaMr"sy jaeIhun80, Whtby Jà iCaliaI,51Fr, tisehall' a lalimriabout" ïîSijI sudv tis Doc tbOr n .nW iveti o n tise non- t NJi of At vva rahesftpe yM t m o mB k u ( n ny BokiIîv w ltln n "M ftts MtoTrentin i$Ii . >', E itrau-Mac L& 10u8 C PITAL"1001o0 i NiO Tob R D, &  jr9, 7ùg,> prctcecItwna' eaa uestwraIn n u'eda slo Moy. vtui0«ila or ___tpriins____________oinâ_ n,_O__ 0m -okrlkiuimWu>g'vem erA r )I i n da orNo-to osie"" Bdln or tt à ajase o Is t lot. MIL j Ta r m f o r s a l.c uJ Ne d l o i , w o wS s e o f s u l c o t ie t s a b f t u 2 i t , h o es,. l o Off B -laveaper outtimatopraeulse ulara o! 5h. lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W fr tisatiscses o shatc asaenlosng anuu iaio£sde Tir«»and ieue lot. rtaTvsprshs Dr. Jo5..0 e bcessatgand . surraJustivains o! relnqulshed Po11,.1.. In eiaraTownashipl'ofgait T5'valllugl&gco Biron Sluethes CourtVVntu>',afov*a5 Thepubicaionof herm ufl iaim i K ntu q' vahIý là î 1le de eupisnI& l p tmis nebessIon ! u as, ; 15 RNl" a d Y« yAm 1 he lAGN e rn <is iaby a! oreal, ea jt fBv j tra it tigEate11ati stoelAge wn; Boint o'Y-. . / as s x chutN t r3u a eS la vlt is «I ,to oua Tisosus.o goBy.aunatt5ur i foi ( _andusle dau mss u iet rae S hbSi tIlsSsv hrtfv au'yi E M OFFICEat ss* oIt antalyB aasdilvsiJothé p. D.iMa- Mars; tiilaud iontiQ . bes( SU lai su i s C o av n l co v s l n ,ot t> o! O t r o Aise Nortl, Isal! o! Lot 4, lu tIs lOtis Cosseas. hOCK lIEiTt WKJTBY Whity~ . Q.enods l'.,Slialff ~.0.; Paer ~ b"" '~ "'b w ii ara lar ot, 8 5 are' 2"cfI(OPPOSITE HAMIIJJO-5Ae»"EandB7à , un OuILrvesayeJsqD i[s e nt~i Dr DEVb oc« l Pal nter, umg ue T@C1IIw"aloleziln, De-aun tuse Dz., tae . arevi l defuman i ET78N Milsincre tankato te ciizen Comany.Incose ja'Yi-P-,O iLiM Plndetisad Countere ' Court t«, R WA tiseandEcaduisea ians then's llii, lu tissCA . ÙI. WItaorevcLo Kovesnien 24tislBsg. UT q iepat.theafurris isis <rsassts Appl y gve ts ai u. jL W 4OW ai se retsg, beaCi.EWstio ln th a ds- Cossîsseclalnluass le il. renov.I <vmi"tseeW&0.,e LIEKALsio sit uccupsllo n t ahae vul.o;Wb U W i t é_ul c_ u f d y w p e , p u bi t ia t B ro o$atre t, W is tb yis> C A M R oir. a ntsl iv s a r«Jth ~ . s a Dankrupt tock ofuKfdwireitltise op pntlt 2u oct!uvfaSonh 0tI. sni lîeetose siavrto, itl du>' 187 asi vel !ruaisdgtalslBosid Iaora1 ha potin irLoon.s2 i la 'lispared t.m un-fi)@TowAorEWI!bthe * Tho Wn o " te Ii s. Tiea u&on.e eah vsci ki anqc Temz «u o G pwn. ibýOP E, ge" a 'vY pitOfwevuie o rW. Xnmi,1'*y, i t Dnilug isatses tis Bthl ach . tsamsitW Ç]i OLDAND» A TT IE>L l ina oleteln.0, osie D vi boear c ioiraasat JydAC Rcek .OTSLI oith fortl ; tfixas IWdlds jjt suWisloco o t owIilto tenn rthe ai oa n>' Tm s e _on nes.a Cia>' b>' g obm i atP I5..Tohsde hssu f.okotPllardvava t nie a îe.s ol, ten W Agovr k cxecnttl In oarlctf#dorman--- PrtWhtb, MES lo. FrtW i n aaablaisnge piuirs e!. he Ã;s blacoeiss, . O MAo share afltasulgnedassd b théInlits Con, o! Beach0 comusenei Appicaiont.u, mtah0e-a psblo untv Ine Wsten ha 0W it ltT dsac 0v 1 ts ubciv t 23 4Mint bis r os1, SOC33 g .si0 &epor t. re« ah. public tasie ou, -cu t na 1 ts t r oWhsitbyrgd,, ww levi e kî e TomW. W.anofsaot Jsdr4 hsssgd beau Uuitg I n t h t e a m n o a l A IN' M o t e e et . F m S d en i l E f o a ' o u o r m o r m o t h -JL emtelece T"7 RemuNSm ANPplon mBconFerai Ai 'o * 'i " i l w r v t - k -SoUr TuE& oR t b le r g is uitiais a d o ps u ody ârate t. &s uUiOF St hsN Ih a vit l, TI t 0 < tL o til olsaînsn-t f 8 0 lis sr o d u b u onc<aatsle U'vsh h aar0 I asrai IaIJgFAi apate haveeue !opitatefashlfa. h bsa nk e n.. 87 0w îage5logendllu o!esryTownsIpton, a Tovo tcAnut h ge1885.Ucef 41@M areut au s edpol , ry200attntin o e oss l puacaon s!LégoEorIi8ED1 0<>'GgWf f hibsk.W. ,ale !Isn tn iStreLit a Isnac o v>'ivatg sera id "' Oa n uA 0< htuAgeiI n .t Rob er t iiJu, nd jnoia.e lacoletATh iONEER FOIStu ihi n raelig Aet, CBOCICEB. 8 acr llt o ! Lo I 6 a in ce MU 50IM iss aeaouMalieor- TY 0F3' ONWARanO ITh.DtIWo sudd<nom, ah. tb"om Mapp rkst, oa Cunnor. fem o rt.savd issenebus ndvso acssfro ud JieDu uet£ (Mrygsaio n iise ucnluifu is O fJN sto attiseuatoya gtavaicfQ sois forE tt" od e taiotO a n ar-ds oncl ttielOv anayss, Çi£yMa0s i e l nCur S t o BeT hmmrs;ltiltcuananaaof cthiserais> îî tAad nIo lnO N AGN»on TIassctsngbt m e ! oo Nld een o rth 01 i> t1ME R% SAOYOlutES WIstis->',pLq tyMM % t (g sion, N 0 Beyo Ironsj *à dD& a u 0 eorlgt uli T MR, 1185. termW AN orUeve th O oclm 4,M A T laEGRtFanc. Qnras, e!adana. _mm ,__ ___ ___ ___ ___ 41fntn sih'tsIva elpk >Issstrunseua. te, b" 10,Iwie ae !Méd adzomin outegcom OPOSTEsueu m »to!î l t e ua ortis î NOebettn'fr 2 t . e!ni 8ma, lnc MW ansSUehse Msialn.rs.. Tsi Bguatonyu h svltlrssonet msaen. is Acto Musa uoio flaga etWhty Uapo u tsaSuti Fs -d theV publié !tt tsa esssdanssbc aleio"tie eÀL VNEGIS.eano OhaIs t h , olot . 2 lu otfi;e NIst estu ofU7 ovef AULoto a 1hn .>'to k f law. ., t t i. iop atout, ui Lsta zrhrasravytaiaD vtipeit Spcv 111M , W h itu"y lnrthe NOs'iilpoWts>'o ttr. m .E.u- WbI Saldtisa9 e ase tnati ugl bloc O Torcao, lWsIlles.. in-w Dlsasp o! ogs e,, CH S. C AR4. al IR WallU f rli- aago, &c, &c Seisotboler vlilgee b dna e n onDW om 4 T8rern421 At .c",'l eac, , b>theo Plistf;ork -FOISSYS C A L E G E j D UO MIJINIIN . uTlfzO N os,= htal o l adI'm n dc& Oý ae el uA s 'r I l o M u M Y K E S , Wg , & gg g ý is th >', J n u g2 o 8 5 . a n dE U X I l le ,D Bo h a . u upeta s. e sAin WILLIAMOBRI N, - _ 0 1 -W, ÃŽ W &;d ou- a na e u otiense u ablonabla Boot S 8 0 10WL ESAE yniueiantrssaîc~tsnt . Woltb>', labw5sy 2S ts, I» . Zflflhlllg <IOrdFor 5. IParO .'Lr o'un5 saisvI $hwUtr r tf à t ,auis isabout ' ,tWm It Pyf C; Mdtin »&*Inoafteas rrovor stasarvis. p3 O0 u e .0. W . bDghnda; Sa iSntâm l O f tl andpetrc a r i noli ivall  n a~~T u EE RSn u m aw M MIZÉý Àt 0 TAsz n o zoE gY t a r a r d t . a i t h ei s a o o t a n h o e iw , r " ha i à s s a n c e 0 < î h . l e a i a I nlm ' T h b v , g o h# b e en l m t k n or do n r y vltbùha * & 0 P u. s Sap , >5 T RI~N O I E gis *maIPrizs 1er Boots as hfea et tisa Coan- facturer n 1h. evtisant"tau>'nt p mass J. h. hersavuds> bt KSgOf t$y show, .nox zw=o Knoubut th. baaut eili SU a s t wok- lnpnIm h m uMaaafmSO K O PT E 0 17 5 j.Dre«atr uthisorn.th$ s p>ment O w <Uieprn4 Iýw vorli s.in-at N W IS TE IN. - 1 eebëa m60i>sPr ad W en SU SamvMuadRTiAO _____ _ad__ _____ ___ - lez.z B T  I O Z R JTA . O U R ' s La S R Eo P l A T A gu p G a g o " S mei t l o fO f mo * U à l - e B CS U & M F ,D r U ALL UNDI LAWTES LAM ESTF Y" da.Ira's atýet SU l-1k Ambr.. 260pW«tlaljsala ioplaif..mu- i M B e~ : . 4 0m ote Y.Ol dmt mad i elo i o s ;N N a r N Iw o n M W i SUL) ü 4 4 0 . -A- ,*0-,4, c4tgosl CAM IEW i CSOdIeCaTOý CA4B co AiLSE