Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1859, p. 2

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Iffl ffliy rmnwW5a Mr 009 amt el '0itrltaithher, sovregu, barvimsa vttél.constitution of Id# linsdom bI bmklag the, Original bonUact ot eve MUgS ïd peopi.f, iaving violated lthe te sell 1f *0, etici domo bbu abdl.*d th govenMoat m thai liii a u th le" basa.!@eiesUW EepseM, tadv ManudiM nov utaa.thbaput wvmob.Wu layure 40111 ut aliu, e ldai«"ls, Wjb vi; lh-rite sapoint of-oui, s49"i ortun Thi.. SovereiaPOW.r liu #bMtened &bon them f tii. er,' lUlai wbleh tie>' meut vitii n mate; lbe. 'hv o lu deutroy, but tii.>'hais ever>thing te cmt ItUac l They aelae.srupc u lb. san ie oion asve vn l,,lo ti* la eo i Stwart lingl bd s dwrai t3sel'e &elM itoth bàmta.,aud ad -Sonoe 10ke y**$# e vlthe~Mose' io rqardu slw wIsweltaq e.ttaEi ghlt gpeople, Tiiesu fi an exacttu&e&, parahnlel m*9betanhu wci h$ i *O int whiellhmightwaollindm e .Depotleqno b, wii e .ontil grest occasion &&&me ad te à ompee, a "8 >an adan Wami. unique sucees. Notilng oould b#_ on deliber ansd lms.govrered b>' ezeltean lien tlw Proeeeing b, wbleEngland foi ever changed tiidynaty 0"(ber msovrega Wenu thé populace dasired te precIitâm eet, anM4claanoured fthii ueual touaummnti of <the. rovolation, Ihe>'mil reproeadmast.rnl, ud t.aaita sMWodasvigorons mI,,aif the. King laid sU boe et Whitoal, No snob wus Admit. te cteer mati bu, no popular violence vsU ullov.d to influenc the amia of the. D.pw ilfisor teoverber thaeauplsofttiheui t14949g1 e00,.'the vork vas dons, flot by a Voilent demaggue 11k. Lord Lovalam, but sbrawd sgacloumen, like Maynard sMd SOMnM.,. YOUanay' gos Up a capital etret row' lu an hour, but uotilng requina mmedeliberate couaa sie ianthe. loyius th. foun"al» aof a durable mrvoluîion. go fer svae en judge, th#. Tuseans ap pearte lb. tollowlng the. spiritio e ro. "ednt viieiOur huston,' offmn. Wa inar of no violent debatsaud no extravagant danonatsations. etol uid lethene no a,'ai bOniof An,'"h uucotbrea& as that falseli reported b,' th. Auitrf ans as Farina, and vhicli Ã"ecsioned nse mous a momentary diuctugm unt te the trieduor le' but te viiole Populace appoatrebo ici, viicon. Uenoe and la ai1 securit,' epon te Empe for Of tihe French, andi upon the. modenation Mud Brmuinsof ti.r Bepreaetativu. B, ronnMoi.l mas uthi e snbly ltaiNa Poleoq iEML hb.decld Mtiiesahall b. u mmad Intarrvlou, an t ai tii. viis of the country, legali,' .xprasd, oshah b Usant.ud e The. Govenet ofEnglaud kas hoeen appeali te b>' aeana of a Tu#ma Delegate, ati bas -turaill,' prosnisuodl that &Uai lad linIflec al! ho iu lavor of non interfene.witii Italion aelC'govermesst,- Tii. Sardilla Coansiouor wu allowod te depart viuhout au,' dioqui.tiug imnifea. latiots. Tho. Aumbl,' liasplaed thehui of tthe French Empenor lu tIse beautifu hmall in viiuciitbey moet.But, vitii al thi,, te attitude of tihe Tuas la firmnsd un, eoiupnomi.ing upoa tise principal point viioltise,'have met te de, -The, have fonnaIt,' docided that dynuty of Lorraine eauuot ho recall. or received te reigu- &gain oier Toscmy, sud they, have raolvedl thnt déit la tih. fan» wilI (of Tuuan,' to fisri 6"po4t.ot. KiugdomnoCItaly uaislr tiie "1constitutienal sceptre of Kinig Victor id Emauai." §«cIlithé psition. Meanwhilo Ceuntral Itat,' la drawing togother an army whieb, althovoh tee weak te stend amy acriou coer- don, a great .againary acan&ll. Floeonce wooId aoil ,io14 as ROuie iolded, aud the Zuperor hua pnomiud suit tua 0l551ter or lister' shahb. nupuawd, Upon tint Poverfel sud myteriou Soyereigas tbe. yeu of il the world are nov flxad, Ria bh4. est acta are Interrogsted for soma. Indice-. lieof M$hieIntention, TIsa ecourage# aasd reasuresth .Tisacn Dapuies, and ti ISlai vaiant vltii jo>'; but bu receivcs kindi,' sud gracoul>'tg. ,'ouig Ârebduskne ofTu&- esa>', sud lItaly W-Ianuged ixto dispair. Hle lalooW adte viien ail mou were ina auspense vbiian *tin#lm oueraI Intandimto re«npor Floreuce, sMd t"aioth eould neyfr look vitiiout coutempt upon Turing thât vu oau W49i magine great dipleaaisls r.suiring a litlitime to rub theïr eyei heore sin>' sOmmilt hhealva t a rocsutation or their sa ient bhouer. Pesmiapue tiseEaperor or lit French ana' supect lb. Permanence of liai urong feeling (or aslgasnshon,sat Isa,'eba o tuet hb, a litie dolaby. Wille h.mildl>' adviiua lte r.slea of o the OMW sdùm nsb,' tii monta ofthlsse- .maditadi gesîtMAntiile b. gent!,' r#peu.1 -l aspossible libai Uaespopaalam farv asa> f4t aSSa-Ti.a ororr formes aèd 1 nqm : idi ludviag troia lte offleq11>a set Mud *#Wbtua vry qysimi"te lI ofhh. aponis.-icis",' iaula K lsÉirw,'vb k'au-u lita u '0seprw. 'o4, Oro@Upécn Ii, b,'ltb. apoq Ofetwi."#ffO~ru lueunew'ti er, o ,' nvam of à&iaAasý Irisa invason ; 8Tetmi vaneut =yatli oepemaprofevould n e lte liuem m ui,' yvonhtfi te!a epugnune Ito b eif, analIf, usiteTus PuIs> au tav .tt~af v iur ïmenera le0 fromi 1cma ntissuvleveof viQella go0 fur1i,' l, sud iftlàaupou he carda liaihe sie.of JeraW-iéw.lap frouathe ballot, boz viien ltai 'lbe' Enassnuel vas e. pocted, Il voiaid bt,ýlardth; blae un b TreuilhsoEaléer *Yr; lntépoalns a lit!.f dois, forlibe dale tnelhareuîi C1oma i iwi ,' owave it id lahigidi mprobabl that My,' orce viiibe u id n Tuisu,' sud ModemUaaiteùsolveu aponible for tinir future, constitatlou, (JlRted <ô*)f beChrenlo I eo, .Yale, Tels- gr.îpl) ')Perato, Wiiitby.) Nv ewr03,4sepI.2. Tb@ steausilp Brmasss. s "Ytoda'for Souitmpten n ad Breme, aksug 120 pas P1riasuze, sep, l&d; Thi eai usInera, numbeing 2,000 strossg -turnet0inoi upreceuien so-da,'ou ab at rke, conteadusag for tic payait or shah vages acordiag te ivelgiit inteat et amssrement. à osriavza àatrmsrp. B3AsIrsxue z, p.3, PbJipep od"etutaà taiPoolsville, Md,, bui ben amrd. moa ctasgo,oteOpen, ing andiembezling letton rom iii mail. ne vau exaniued bte- de, or. Commua. sioner anan asui eM in $b,000te suiar. WàsiworfosSet.38 The Detpartuaaofîe! ln tate la oclahly iluferned the inrulliolib,' lie Oovc ru mont of Nicaragua of the Lsmar.Zeilwdl treaéy-lh. obnaxioua Clameobjecteti te b,' lie U, Si Oovcrumeu havlug beau pie vioml,'expouagei. asuier or ZuIrtie a., mrmsr., BoivoN, sept. 3, Au Euglishusn namet Ectard 19. Hum, pire,', vie llegetite b. a del'aaîten te parties in Englanti te thi aonut or £Of,- 000, ast vi ba bu eem sarclscd for thlrougiont Canad andtheti Statua daring tic laîtt une menties, vas arrastcd luintiu oit,'lu hasvng. Tii. arreI vismato on the. charge of atultms,-Hainpin.y lîving brtougit te tuas coutry 's vsmu nDot lis îf'c sud viti vhomlhe ham baen living; but itila probable Shah lie subjoctor ebis nlagcddetnlcaetiou yl ho iuvcstigu*ed as soon as lie tetiuieny cmn liobtainet .hOsIVtL or tI«9 OvNSLAi> DMAIL., S4. Lovîs', Sept,.2. Tise Ovctnsud %ailiths &u Fruuciaco dantes o! tise l2tI uIt., blarniveti. AIO'fzg 51C1i.t1545Yir iior.r W. P. WllkiuaDinstrictAttorney' o! Sut, ter ùount,', andi a andida for then Leglla toe vas ituot ou 1,tie 4th ef Augat b,' Jut><e Ma, ofutYuha Co,i site tangiter Willktonaâladoduced. I.ATVMAT ROuasvsuvostà-À lroYT TtU VITIIO 5ATEOI VIctoria dates nre te Augua t bI. Ties fiant! o! San Juan, hotveea Vars. couve?% s Tland andi the main aut, claimet by the L. S.,(lovernutent mas a part o! Wanhington Tennihon,, id been--eped b,' 630United Statea troopa b,' enter o! Gem. Hase,'. GovororDouglas lad aunetiàa proteut, clirnug tii. Talant! for lie Briis Ciewai, and at l aie spatchot! some armed vas. sels and omje Saîaper. anti Minera tiera. Theictedo Statei. vesses Masachusetts, Jeltsen Davýi, Shriok, anti Active, eut tihe Britéi vessais Tribune, gateitt andi Plumpen, *'re'elîber aneisreti off the la. land! or jia ita Imatiato viciait,. It la nnofibwill,'stateti eh Victoria that the master volt ho cempromisetib,' tb. joint occpanu,' saC lIlsaiunt t un Brt- lith antiAunicen Goverments coeaid W- ast!isti et-tic exiatiug uoi t*W ffalIn. Con.Sarney wvieexpecteti84 at anj#ma on lin btS Anguit. mFrs iver mliag-newu la0euoug. ing. $75,000 in goli iii icsaciad 'Victo. ie vithina afortnight. Tvu Miasorila rus"IlosrAsnue Fa.1"-rWillJam. Anderson. ef the Exchange News Ruent reeet ise Celow. ing talegraphlo mesage-ou Saturda,' eve- ils& ; saTàa.iaý, Spt 2 159 A oa iti t î aa eneu ovu MOrse. Sloc Falla yeatenda,' ei*nM'ýin ups tbo uXtoNaV Isian iti n 6t Y4 lov tor a cop,'of titis orkl sien (<o u-e andsmýL.14, epr"mstoeEls L5v .A&DUMrut iJUS,4MUiZOp Dhvbkm nCourt, oousv,, etlp PIvIIou uurtPlckn , !. " ,19 Dlvsisatbl wg boù*er. ss:* ln At tha Town Hali,evr odynuiga ni eoesa. wa11 Otrssst, niftt rst;ThnasdýY buter.(ail tUglnaclu ioirusîe oiga., . 10u.o1usdyl Lorae4,No, 81 , seeeud Trl u vy mmnts, at Spro*li Hs ote, l'ort Wlsbv. ioteTionporneW ibDvsoIo8 Bos loit, Wednsdrlvuings. vefoi 1 soplCliainel, St, Jolis',, ID$ street, 41~so, . .,ssd 9,01410k, P. au. (AlLer. uudajsn.2 88. a.P ntLÂNP., Frai Weo5ehi Cran i, ehuca'lulue .srelu lyoAnti la. uvvesilo'lek and Ma," &O.tx, 10 30, oelek, sa. ni., ,ud * o'eiemitp.HUn vUutd ruyt.rlsnhUnrt a, NieuMleu- stitat., 8 801101 ck, p.>», C.ualy Faita. Gmawoo,, 4urtedy loi# - l'lrot Wu4n.isaY lu ~puhv 1BW4r. .rflhg'ajoozl ocf &k4e »ffep Acre ai muwd.Days appoL'te, and t.wnama&e mr1114h. f M/< pope?. ..uMmocrdera recefued, and arrangement.ma& ,for otiier Cogty L' Aucto,,Bllea prlim i hébout style ai<rhe auedpico.. O 9>Par"( proeurtng Chair bib ai Mis. uf, itXhav$i <keir'&dea noted m dem 6 cpri Yérhea, a f eet hage kt aU 94o e iu. o f ie dWmek4#an2d &emi- Weddy # hron1ele Auotion saut to Corne OZ W. 9. LAPULL,'5, at Thompsons old Tanna,4 Piekerng, on B"ept.lti-4. C, sterling, Anction..,'. J. Dovis, Lot No. 9, 7th Conamsion Pikerlng, September ltii-Jameu Gouid, Msuctoneur. Moooz SAS, at Odiara, on Sept, Sth.-D. H. Merlu, Bailiff Mu. Dowi, extensive Mae of well-bred1 ud (mm stooc, prodauce, bc. At GleMtiu FMyon 11h October. New Advcrtismetigs Day. Fox ROUIonndLoa-D, G. Forbes, n.watrd,-D. G0,VePbe. Stoey Staer-D, 0, Forbes. asmimatlon q. Seioot Teachors la the. County Ontaro-EIL ,Thomon. Serifa ale et IAadI-NluosiG. Bey- WJiILby, Tucdy, SIepmbr 0,18M9. Tho terme for the $omi-Weekly dIlI b. $2 50 in cdane, ot' $3 60 at the end of the year. The. Weekly (Jhronii",ewill bq pablýishod in future On SATLYÂI&, ai t,$1 à year, atricay In adoanmce; $2 yulliec hargeti when psysble Otherwise.ý The. Witby Nallway. Weasareaa.ard that tiis projet if nt length Maout te o e alized, uo0CaW mscon- atrucing tii. lins to Port Perry. That the. Grand Tmaalc Coanpaay will sabscrlbe tii. reqauto amonnl of stock, or will sapply tii. roling stock neesary, to the. extent of UOeOOO. Tbis vill b. w.leCOMn neya bthe tii. " aof tte IlvaS, Al lite ,filanoretprogreussut soci a tvancemnt, vhosopinions an. Dot ibind tc q. ia vhic eiiire v, mil glt hailtic iceomplihment ort tits 'ucbt!eir. ei undertaking. W. oui,' hope ou iInter. mallu'acornet, sud tisi t ewsvii Det ",tee gom oti e btraie." Oar iagine ex. hO«itavMreporbn f,"»leldiaedb Inrtnos uli ve havemore nlishi. la. terasie. sd hte <nl> cotiasei.Our iaumnuot b. cmu" tole eaepm btacts, die, taar enta am vitU ifvry oa coosml formir, Blgolev$, ob$plued a ra Tu f.iiatter ed j IPdnatilog Und-Liw or tue voua>gu,'.Jlýav 10 rmenenaç the se«ès Mds4 lb. slldavfotbo:liglOf thre Ofnrio;i î0î ,ùoa o" dtal o b. giron tol sdEIvas anae ttoiasiimeMbe bal theuitedh rcvau-cfrItn enla -for aimieieeumî'hvil, in omngt sd eturng troua n,'Mme- lug ofthe Council abould zut b., qusabeti vitli eots, on lb. pound liai ln sa"0 C -p Win id aitlihai. uofthé .psaslag of -b.saiB.Lv i o~vrtho Pm sà B,'.Lsvfor "eh a purpseae/m on m"ofutJ. YKsa of Cennefo Joel hig.îv ni the Cour. Ou lith 6e t Aug«4 t hcasevas ar- gusti bdm esý CiiiefJus tiRbiaon ,M M. . mnsro, t l.%rsoet Camseron k Madonel, s qpearàa as onel frtlis Corporalloz toevcause; wbeu, on me' tion of Mr I- Has, b. oilov i gjuxtign mg mu qàwi w's ,i uit,' Tenu, Zrd Victoria. Upon reit. lui the ral i iai l dast dxg the Prsima Tern, caligU4 pon lb. Cogpton ofthli Conut>'of Ontario tsev ae cns v on s mué o! by.li o.69,sed ans'20 1859, esalitieti a bylav lu renaserate lia 80«0 suantiDepait,'Eeeeu <or tening hie Conoil, s e eacthâliaieuhsmember sital be- entietite uceivo lte san, ten cents for asciimXi. noeamll,'travelleti, lu comissg te, sud retuiuiug <omsu,' meein ofth icConneS, sab.udnot, W quainà ii ms on lie grondt lai tie sali corpor. dioadstthtb.ime oftte.pmiug o!fiab sld'bylav no power to -pm aeah,'lw6o unci a purpos endti uicaffidavit sud ai. misaien of amiu ee reet, atilupon hàr. lng connue fortinesit! oeiel #ov, anti tise sid Cqrper4tio ofetlb. Ceui,' ot Oa-. tarie, It la orderoi l iii. salt rai l' . andt le amin u orehmatieshalute vith eosttebe psiyttb, lisd Corportion. Ou motion, J. V. Hans, cioansel -for 10e1 Blgelovr Bylbe Conrt, (signea) C. CSMAKLL. Dateti, Oh Aug., 1850. Tbus, it vili b. smn, lias Mn. Rigelew bu boe u uees< in quasbiag tboDy-lav;1 altiieugh lu deing su, vae auuol, for thse litie ofu,ameehtineor the county cou gain b,'tun performancehit dees net pot one cent lute Mr. Bigelov's, po"ke; asut une CeunI,' la ubjecteti te ailexpense ur soute huntinetidolIl, viilcbgo la ceis t lb. lav,'ers. Thie memben oft le Couinil paie Byl&a w iticiei.,have gos no power toenat tu o t e icmoue,'oetthe ratea,. ai lu titeir evu pocketsç Mn. Bigeiov mnusesiuelf viii suing isWCetbe legis. tetion o! Our municipal mignnteus, and inl t1e operation gives lic Iavycsa t!ip lIe tb. Cotant,' Treasr,'. Tia Ioailtic edi!- ference. Waator vs,' tie caijumps tun rtepa,'. rs o te pa,'thunp", t 1riigofte Doairé crf00001l Neii Trofteo,d Tii. Board metaietichebohnuStreet School Hous., on Baturda,,the Ird lait. pursuant te atijenument. Present <Joba Shalr, Eeq, Chairutan, Meurs Cordon, Lynti. sud Sprovle. Absent Mes rr enysandiBrown. Minutes rendi anti appoveti Resoised,-On motiel o!fl<r. Lynde, secendet b,' Mr. Gordon, uhaý tin Chairma be lustructet!te cemmanleete viti thti Provincial Insnnance Compaay,tb. aupposeti helders of Séool debentare No. 5, -lu ordar to th. pa,'ment o! the sae, sud te grant an orties on lic Timurei for lic amnu4 hoing 8472, ineluting interaat. Resied,-On motion of Mr.,(Gorden, secondai b,' Mi. Sproiei, liaiparents sendiung eiilirn t te i ieront sciioolu et une Tewn, ahatfl eu .citarget t&r lin menti of Anguilà the praseut quarter, on accouit fVacation turing a gpaater part efthle meuth. Reciud,-On motion o! Mn. Sprovle, seconteti hy Mn..Iqde, Ibaethun Board stand adjourud anti Salurtia,'tic tint of Ocsobmn Fatal EtabinIgAg A innu naineti Micel vas fatal!,' îtabhot! nr Dadkui S ~Uo at. urda,' evening hast. Prom tlieatasvitici ve have beec ahIe te galber it appoars tisai' Korrigan vitihvo olbars nainet! Gibu snd Barry vero on their rosi home rom thfie Cneek van tise'gol jute a alterca- lien opposite XMRihad Dal'àresidencc Bar, madtilovardEHarigisteatriko hlm viseï «t.'lallr rcked Barrd,"i .ThIsI eniddu the,'<or lte moment. But van nar!,doposwmcorerof un 416 ces. Bsr7<lloadp bsvjellas, liletedon Nus o. ia O u voas 416 aba&t" reoeded) s as tuvem ma;w;awa' i s io n i db . ' 6 < 1 n, o v e r , lis es mt. ù 1 aya ltb. Globe, and titis palIr,' Msakoka F os1t b. erlait. Md v à,-tm lenquire ,'oor Bedena? Oh u Py ia bobes, ome Xld Oliver, laIeet titte Ageni le. MW#ttie tlaeL d ti tishlu4evama anl XJkk sst, ithe .ouuy'lu d6ojsre lu dane.o ip lvrs> -H an,' lao; andlv fu ble ola0g lthe era'oi oftsv,'shb. iii avars, esuor pali l 'RM 1994ks, t1lie Globe psb.teIH lu. termin, ies it te Nérkt.E tofOnllia beresbng -" 1 lVWba a pit,' vr have notl ats cacilatitudesud longitude Tl vas aairvoye t io pars ugo, sud hast yeli Goverumnt epeued a rMd lbrougb il, Indeut i udesocrinsl ,' dliii auti eisa rock,, dt ota!,il8i <for eultivaiou Ver,' lir iik a lIl a ct: fi u, lveulti es%, snon anluctble secti ha But! accU lt-Hoe. says tii. Globe, youi are, te imdgwn ltaeh flagad&,p" oflita people, k.,41Or filis, k. aliheappoint meU4,d. "f Olir, ,*ei tb bis sinen, tic Muai Gnitdjectveu "servile lidito- S.ngmp tenu-gm* ijobbàterar oft trt -?Mnr aqa ne oItcj .., e., 4 Pos'give oi'.aivvive, I tasr-4 àoe àw ouvaverjekiugii, vatmrmleiv. Tb o nd tian titis e IUtarn! laeprs aibl, Tfo. osti i mat inr,'kalI to ha fond of Vagionsb. couals, C roua irougl lauti et héarionsqut Theein Mi. Van Iritue1har inp far T tIon geneahlof la asI hav sioti tdu beltairy nii o Bovel"Sa ab tio nsu<ir,etitingiu lus aues anti ito sivmps Aund hero la tihe vexation--FokItnluLiverpool, BeltiasMsd Glasgovteadthe Globe. It lua broit! ainet.-itasbeen immered Inmb a certain circulation b,'oumtennerg,' otlqpee anthe hMn. of élever itri,'Blaclrsmitb.. W 'anSrsuintending anigratlviu as fev lmndred dollars capital la auxions fors fra grant, as propoaed b,' Goveoum.uî. HO res-ani doubs-he naitapplly b. ISavea tise Globe--dram e deluaien, on pe- Mnud% about Olier-b. escbci Orillia-1 andt t t Caifornia, or the blesaed pra.L nici, Or soute OflUicle OSean.oldings i Avwa, «, se', MEditor, v49sucls misera. hIe inu. Thnel dlà Sim, tben. la tocmuch bout. iag andi hnagging eut! eqing ont i"voir' entoust the gonts. Bvru nnderling bfovs bis penn,' trmpet, vilS a 1 In«1neitit'y deafaning Tien la h ardi,'oeeoe!tb.m vho bas netcithin ed 0lbo Couutry (romn destruction, or toit semehoeti' 1. hou' te "aTe lu. It la actully saveti over,' morti # at Iciat. Nov, I do tlxink, MEr. Editon iïf tins, savon, (pray aveiti slsur. type. setter) voeu baeva theceuIr, sIe.for as vile, anti inve 1cm evu. reputatiez for anodeu,' andi cOsuea mons", it venu ho e fer more beneficisltfor Canadien Intereota s anti lnu ,min,'anervos »dgrant ts ps'efer our lihoel siuiRwolesome uIInt-abndat tiutbr--d riois black eantb te ail tb.-4Caird" hossttid-anguai -parcsotiprairies viit t tisir deadl i,'ate mss Tua voidt, b.,'ouldti r,'Orilli, and ven ture eeum'on thse "lmukoka Rend." remin, sir, You n tfaitifull,,9 FÂUGHI-À-BALL".e Nuard"r sd Attemptoal suicideent tÀ litesod INi.t (Iidm ti ork ResuU» OWe!neadai uorniag tise lahabtnat oialiehmod i l vra itartw Ith ie ua- îouemanîtalthe vite Of Robert op bat dieti on the pravioni eveuing unde 'alier uuplieu cieuantansu.iwn' mluuhavlngp!eenladbe b iMll- b,' JWaPh MOGim, bberodthé àac-7-t b't.violent lraoauentuber ibébad, Roet nor a4demandlng an IluSa ffaver1 a min usais or reoute purpoie, ho hsadýti. vu 'a tas seven vounde lun bit ubioab, vbich ibo*s cool pr.sneditahion' a»d desperare ruole.. Thceoas. thabhled hmte at- set!, vuslbatho iagbiaiw Iit As be bang. Thoverbal anti vilflesatatoent niitlng lta rssb actant! expectlang eve.' moment ho dia, basbon eonur»dicted ,b,' erideîce wbils cunnu ot oui' mini!, bu ,aine" .i.tt te hou iwhielîv gai tpreus, l0iunfor ý tanl a sili Aiv e, able t-onverse, altiosgls but faint bepo are ententsined of hie ultimate icoven,. As fi respecta iidu charadtes'oftheiSsoesst, wr, deenitIl ur dut,' te otate " obsie vas stoonfiet b,' aIl vbo kev ber, A& a vonuôo, inuareu sud sober habits, anti of amiable dl#pouel- ldon, belrag a nmober, vwe are lot"neiof lte Eveuigahiesl Metit loaurci. Muer aftet attemptissg bisIlIte, anti epociug te dis, loftius mou.,', notes,asudpersîIi proporty tohoeseen tc by ,'.Mri TsIocseiuc»ion gve te otov w>Vbr as -an exblbftionUpo D r a s s o nu s M o u ta ,' n g t l e t ' s bà !s el ,'h kbdid ot ajape <s lu. tise bille. Oa tnereasboys.wnployed.l thx ffceuac uclyag.d )ô year, the hu'ateutioui, otLwwcat aentiof' te rom e -Itihe.a-uilll, oantii MIJ tar at! for Falla: Iviiot saolng polo oran,' otiaer oenspanleîuenî lie vas *bout bal! an heur lu maklngi th r llousjourne,, i lei>ayvli ,In ain.d, vas acoanpliohéd vlth n Ile dlcuiu,' snd danger., He wussonsetimea ust"idofthe rope, andti ia sincoatia ïk' "tuavlini" vkth bliubsinds anti feet, - ahd ï iu oroasiug tho guas-a bligadti bbang bhusis atone, When the' size c LTO, vhle o . as unable ho apan viti lis hassds, M taaison 'MWSte aosssidn. dion thaexîurea poil he cnceunteyed b.. ogues apparentRit palans ara blaiMt and oelloused, and 1h li bard!,' pro àbablet sat hu-vilison enter upm Smcii 4 foui. Thre Lite e! . pranlur. Prlnters, IteIol"4d&cAt an aarlys*te; Tia la tieuwfl MWaa.db,' tie Siox et ouvia iiaing;o hem tcypes, vaut out««' cse, constantouuploy=nenMdanhe unlaIe 19ou10 l e& ci Iisir r lu prolonged I!iscre tnu uthier olisa>of belags vhoucr vilagea an. se tev, vies. or is suon muons, vhoue' viAi anluat0iequato, as prlunm.If a "ty'po" be a min Ot tml, h se lebsaruti oftbicpriviligeà ofténiieîni thein sol,' ahil l imas, boum bhou- of liber an. alout entleas, Md bu. menta etoleisre g e tlai tubeyu»ia4i. speut «te ,reouii bis axbsitnonergias, nid propsre hlm for thi enom! o<blis,teiis. 'oer fellow I-bhe kuovu noizg of acwý bilit,',s las $ut oui <rom ,lb. vw ont a ceuvig ina proon eall.,Trulybeholui 'i itvorwld, but kauont o! k.» ýTa ,ol,oj -toil, b,' uigbt anti b,' ta,' lle btaun Lit premumeolt age en&do inieitence For lt4 advancemu t ociene, moeahl,' ut! virtué, hiiorta ef bà bosit sca ed oneby one, sudvweh W lrebisîle roi, M4 iste te hlm la no oe i0 osdm un tegrave. saetifor au unirou letsgls laie existence b eenarj. o le lienelt o!bsrace. LImes.. vsmra or rus ra.T-z.uai Or a EJiLS. Dv ionisa sassas.. F£4I Md ietialyid mt lie spy. lThe place aelecte liote beut liai eoldbe. foaud for a 4"rep vslk,"Ilsud tiheWglat lie baud aboe otic river ma,' b. 130 <et, the repu iucliuing about 30 ttiovuéIn centre, tbns mslriug the begbu0of the nop# aboyi e.vaher109, eeet, or 60 fort lover liant lJlôssdides. 'Fbah.l s amacilla " menhinbludWÏmete, sud700 <coilong guyed from scii"uiMevit a s uubei of s1nàll-or&..On ou aide of-thtie merl lu as ten t t a large poul,-sd on tise 0er llshatedtolb.eqiter beanmeofa«v mllL It ram nsna diagoiis dirbctien, a sprti,' cno.sd ithel!an Of ater vh"='lunov Pmn eipitas ýed ove i.rock# for " uibnhWi 4I tenue, vitl. Thebe.nt'utflte plac iir bu,.» greati,' mamieti bthelic qiasg «v, of aputl of tie-rock o e e sut u"d of %i. river, The rock hee la comphetjy4ý baue, tiie vater haviug been forcot ito fts present cunse Titis lua uhametuiulat ottiesecrtien,and ougiit tbeeitopted in -T h s ai>' l i s i rsl g O s ia mteniug aspeçt, aib,'one o'olock p. m., &ligl, shirer tel!. Au hour laten t cause ou qmclibesvier, aud it ieatllooked as if tie "at woold aveto% bi ospoeti.Ifeleareti up b.sndtiulÏy hiovever, anti began te iov qulte a atrong brecs., enaing tieespra,'te diu -op - au aboya tic Tope. lTae crovti co meuset tegatier; andi uzaben >er seuesblet inlutic bcd-o e! lb.rver, botk- siiove sud behow -the Talle; iunb.,' latter tb. number vas net muel h ott ile liionut!Tlisem Ilu $q" FiitÉ e r. fillotsd m vasinumbes occupw te o01 ue ; aver,' valabl. upot wv a keu up, inhdug: mreopindovs sud olier pondu. dentutouiliuuTicgalhiau i lnaene anz orbabi,' reseiet ,000 The. 7m, nw ov aborntuibrihissblysud tise lnd cuiueti umevwhat 1stilàl-vas a IWtite brus>'fo riopc.vshlng. i c' o vti vepain r, tohtie appestauce te ucrobai; maavhiie i viadrose084o bunubnodg,4auste4 tisbe uba cam to tise spot,,sud vitirchair on ]des bansd hlauelaggpolo la i san&m% bred <rouatise nrtl I&.o! thse river, sMd pro' *dJujuedltue chair en tise repusud st&wu- upusm l te viot imong, stmog> ail lit limse. Haieb.ho olly.look bis luich, se- uasinig for sbonu uamintes, tIhcndrop plng ltee har Jute lriver, ho beekp hie polo sMd *&it& bakvrduslftg lise remalnlns engh of ther" o te copposit siO da, ouig, ene '&yin$gdo nlshbock sud holing lise pole ubuve bis beati sopplug on!,'à afev acoua&b lm w. snenced bis uturu' trdpla, sdprocediug npldy for, a shortdiostanelmve uon end of-bis pola tte abrinir ofte Fa&14 snd Cateig tluother end t le eropeinpo- itorsa a tb antimte Oy u ié an over tlic bFalIs. hprovet! but me; tome pour *a" svititer là M. or *'au >tledog li e plaeM At "r MlU, us4 lapolngdovn Ovîrutearl,' smepphs i lmon *mSitc id frotaui y 7155m go, hoieal adit- of about 90 fetHvaofos ,whm î" up. Aubumdti eiI$erebchovW"foUD udtdhe hi!. OdY wumeawteâavs,'by lieéoami &- Tiecsbast eut o iaiiàpet. 0eo, a2ev.iehsasud lsavlsug djuste >leé dà«Mseitathelb rick ofte e1tie'25 <sety, t tùiug a *u tfaiHiq Ïgbeeuucendai t iiii àjj Wta. meut daugerou <s ilsattempte. t wh vsunqucstiou d"dakiovemeni; butiobe emcdte ccii, ahhm, sud played »"vrs "veA, b e~tt-o.vn sagaeontl orthec *itrc Bei.ssiug ibi polo r i c a g s n f o r l ie o p p o ite b a nlI s u t-a*eaiig.of ta being idichîto clu fflR'ýr"b esch04 tcrr#jlrma,&Muid id Luoelatsim a te j="tom Ma. Àfl'Delà" liareel,' se lei4>PueiJar m Blondin, baiutisei av4ý,0Iarantiy about 24 yem of a. s-tablonde oosphexlon 1lit 4Ç$»M lnly bit, sud iise toc bat tu inn tan dé& tic lia bus . sans a, Une lb.. I miii I loti l'O -be#ulrn w,' une, ta -,witb Ivo b attaéiied tc sbwwed to ý aeended ai1 «ch colorj feets. TIX for short!,' fonktbor ei to thiepole, nm nstood 4 slsooklc Ms 1 the. otiier lij the middle i sbnalderma #perie iêb vbether lie W1wbeteb ijftiéa~d. Utes tome& and Blondin Be vasd eoalnme, vi m es, apurpi ver, and a c vore & Fez, 'the C«nad Wlaudtion were a nuMlJ lii. pole, a» Thb. sigbtm ntluzug c#oi foemt la lte ligua ie latter alt 101 foemed in du tam more on ber noslr u ~of people cm sin, viii!.t Blotendi on Thnraday, sud in retnru derodu!asd ai Peu.,'2 S Jgye s. Buttér 7d Skia là Ã" Lanibekia OAa li Bay' $12 the vife of J. ou tb Me ÀT.OWEL 01 ni hi ru Ir,ýýà 17i.-- e, dm im is j îs at

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