Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Aug 1859, p. 4

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"imt. . at italy wal b.#ladbted fo« f0 the Ernperor Nlon, Who busek4own bei' to conc.Ufste the lnterestsofltd lib the daties of Traeh da4tise PMUe.ab. VOMrInLith.e of rope tib n.IL is inmocp su ft*y wi l Dot m ss t by overooldug it '"l*aly un4eadm , w, uen convinW dof 14 thas.#ho Io -roally fret, I<.is. do.. m undrsud It so mach th. vom f or ber 1 "iLes b"rpod well upon itIf Lb. powenrui bandavineh for àa momuexso- En-4If.b, teIrm#14, &M 91«1#11 It(oudedtober osboum b. wtbdmwni gel"be ileb nov fild "t ah#Lb Jtmr r b. une op«"ch là'hi b. Enissw Fill ,y litti. for Jtuly by tearing op M004nor.partwal IsurectOns, lm Mm*li d Ifl 1,WIIICI eichind ý ymptbf.strou te bemparty la Eoop , th or tb. opinion tisa t o woudprnntAutrialrous off, more 4o- ern Of dIcvriying ADstria of onominating oire, taly, and tenwoil&d h- id hg Lombard7 vltbout tb.re.front aria Le Mesin,"1 the b#liuioe Of pev.r in Bu.-ae Iêhout lsnmediaLeilyproroklng sue. tb. apprcbmusîouss , cuit f0 make tb. meu m uldnd hollere ul>II; iJ!ubooope is Lres.to taS Lb.e ste or Shin I f. ver 50 be otbn. wf iisu b.y bar#e he u souo eL nch*ractors-,-by sb.fr «dis 0 O P fl5p WO )MO - b.ad rd <ie, imthy, sud tisair recusaf attell of, usdl .f0 bis da4 , L eo mdb. Lse I arOuled iTraneotb.re frnpaus.llity Of! makfg <ma o, o blee ré§# sL tsud de#?<,s>rrnvabytuaS Lthe Amerfrm Coloies eosdd er eo c4 Itely. iBat - wrt mm ejiartsd rom Englsssd. It a*vo i#s pou Pb. possible maitas #»nIidsd 9 4 dle arnof diecntenWe i ~ ~ pgu sueosse. ~ pltcu. ood euogb lié£1u opL. reestabllsbe or&lr, â0ef.peiede of a speech, bt, vbhieh no plawia oporfty, pcrissp. Lb.future, ii, 'I&oI4 0 ofthe ~o<Part,cowa tteOWpt daultes.,bustishe r. e r M d te bu vitihi om. epesibll wbi.ve4 by the P"v«- Ofonq- ty TiseràO vua irba * isulgiteL b. coisliditd 1by Lbt er - concsomWould am litu AmewS ofanSis. auil; lait,&U 1 Lb. vod vis là b.rolo tb. $mie "repameco, t~eue m et fmuptlemes»stme a ise 'snsd mwo. ver s Wià lm initier £m tise Lie; lod sMd-rusu Mti on,. man raii e, vn anuesd ce> - MW out menue..;Prms a mDpL dind fight$ yeurs f &swrsdsaJ Iring ; tb.e ngli.b (Jovern-awkvardllookinggmntIomna iPlait cloties' tloudty for Àwstria. j- Wàlkod op te Lise dsavlngroom of &L vftb tise excption orple .James'inuthe auld4ofthL. elem e0of rattiote hi Lb. duisie, te. Lb.eLMon sM Larb, sudva itmrod a » ofArnerica," Thoatgentlemnvu Frnk, 4Amstrla. tosolute «4- ore .linii b. ans y haded rie Moansd Au- o!L.Ilupeula eniriace d!thé Austrimus $a Germauy tbrotencdan lthinét i a Trench army i knovn, 4a atbfuâl pWct rt Mud peilis attucheS te thse [tlI,. Neyer, ousul, mvoe yr Mot. pressinges su d topeor lntm" die lblibes- ri tb Empero refmpiss over euîles, a". backralles 'lie opnion by bis saporior b tfirwat" dnmsudam Wýcraneof thesupportOf mthsie disomust of Europe, Wîn eftwLvemostissoliedo kýt,é Lb ole Of Central ILaiy, arides Of Amsti0, broagist à Of theSMis to tis u il slielUne.d tiseuulv.e b*ind ir formIdabe <otr. vaSvwu to bo dmus *esss t Leobtain sud seore. b wusthse bject ftefa vr sllvr Itsly from the Âustrw UlsstisL'Dot orne lachsof tise w Paiulasbould bé. sy. uup visatever migbt b. thse ltail o e L. atonal Cou, wj,4 ho t Lisepd ido 0 OA,«AOfhêea be bds. ouïlgIs 15 boolutly toimplyi a wr toe L.kaif'e ithLb PM$ MOUlS fr5 btained- b, a th isbes 1~of Esroesup, ~tmdmn t i to a1te hWe Wsuvrsleu4 stilI supperte nuy ud m&klqg oes 1« ofW" w have sPro Prizo Uit for the $$von* hAir niualEzbbitlimoftboOounty Ontaro, tobe heldat Wfty on Wedn..day, oq mo 210tol,189 BosStallion, diplomasudÏ$8,s2nd 3 00; Srd, 2 00, Bions Mare wiSb FOaS F Oehi, dlp lomssd 2 00,;nd 2 00; or'do100, ý Bosn 2 Yeu. old lkntire Colt2,<0-2; 1ieut 2 ycar oM UIiy 2 <C; 2sdo 00' 1 OC,? )bd' 1 yosr olé! Colt 2 OC; 26d, lient1iycar old P'illy 2 C00 '2ndg r1 BosS Foal Of 1850, 2 C0, 2nd, i CG. nsa and 2 .00 ; 2ndj 2 00, Bout singi le oMs.,diplons Mud2 Go 1 2u4, 2 00, DieSStaIllien, dipieusa Md 3-CG; 1I 2ud, 3 00CopSor 1 QC,1 îB 04 Màre wkbfth os1antFoet,diple- 1 imsmnd 2 00-9122 0 0 Sri, 1 00, _ »Bout 2 yesr old tlaire Colt 2 00; ice 2 yoar 14 F111,'2 00; 2od 2tu 11.4 1 yr oIM OiS2 C00;2n04,12 100, lieti ycaold f.l2 CG. 20a 0, 2 00Fe 2iotl e #0024îOi2 BOsStait CO 2 0,1210084 100, !;ot 2 Yoreld Iêr2 Go; 2ad, Bosa yentllg H#WIfr2 002nde 1 00, ];AmsTat.<uien . uss%,' il0 'nM I O roi Hionm paLtoa bnui ABUV IGyu 'IseI losàm 1 6d,0 ;2 n1 00 Be.L10 yadsWomoIo Ct 2nd, f 0Ã". Bw osS ir WooIoîiBImiM 1 , Do 2nd, 1.-00. Bust\,a pam sWoolua 2040 b& Pm, 3s paineWooJssMiue»., j Io; Be2 pld Caue 60,ej2dO B&K ut of S mume.s, 042 GOf 2nd, 1 00, gag $Md<OGg 00; Swd, 100, IParm JnapInént., Boau Waggon, alplomsaMd 1 00Gj 2sd 1 00. 1~~ rnplougis, oimmas l 00) 2n4,1 00., 1B00 Woedo00,?loagb, diplom and JiesTunip DMli, diplom Ansd 100; l2id,* 1 üCC, BosSu.S oS rwý adplomï îsud 1 GO; 2n4 1l CG00 1 u itt risodilem Md 1GOo; pm nom .Ralce, diplem anmd 13.55 FSnning ý'MIi, djplonjma sud 00 GO ý2n, 1 700 DeeS Tarnip Scr, i C00; 2nd# 50, De#Chuin, 1 00o; 21ïdk5,00. Dma Choc.. Preo.,1 ; 2n, 0d BosS WgashgIug acine0 ,00 G;2:4, B»M PSrar oUer, y F:Io4)6; sd Bost hall doses aniai. Fodço, 75 BoSlssfdormOzen Ld i, 70; Sncl, r M 2iid, uir 1Ib; 00, 0 BosScollectlou or ConfecLl@nay, 1 150;p2nd, 100~ Q- 00". 211d, ul u2 u 00, S00 BSttofor-Mm soo,-2 00; 2n4, 1 00., 0 ~Bed .polm. n of HerueSiooingl 2 00 0, 00, lecwioZdpTool.ko0 box ýf 0M4fi$Ã"2n41 00, ?MOI swDoor, 1 ; 2ndf l'0u, Basf Window Bush, i150; 2ucl, 100, Bust Window M1 i30,; 2nd, ~4Grablo5las Wood Il &0;, 2:4, -lm Work Box, 1802n, 10, -Bos B. ffre i50; end, 1 00, BM. Book.lndine, 1 50; 2#j, »MSTravellng Trunki 0; 204; ioIOb.aLe, ;a4 Pe.s i, tY UmrLetbes', (COW 1 0k) à0, 2aw Bes" pesorrswork, 160 ;2nd, 1304 s'PdMu.ic,1t00"; Inde0O RULE$ AND RECULATIONS: enfer, 0o *vin bw Lai.' D.atm.200nd.. Oàdtesns Bout Lay'. Bonik, 2 00., 204 00tisepori BDet Piecwork Qnlt, i 03'5Pd; But -rtoe l' the 1 Basf~ ~ ~ ~~~~ù CobeWrk onem.,udIf -1 5;ni00,, proo<v Boss SWc CounsoasmO, l'Op; f204, :$is.- BotS Fane,' 1mnlt*I 1 se5; 2n4 0 thLie vsli 00 » 1 00, dee Bsliï-ïmbod-oryonWrtd1; 14,è 1 00, 7th- 134 IcmrooeSv.k i50 24oneta ~OI.4 'lerhl Woo, i 0;lg enti VUt IsBerlin Wool,1 '50G;sndg bhomad oo. bibitten Bin omntatl Needkbowork, i 5' md, 1 0. ' Il tihe n or~ tse t t iselt day<july, ites a pérseua4uembewfr or L. i;If Dot pId titi mter SiatLy ~ rsa99«0 e th# a sTira 01 tis@ 0.M MtM émlsn U tcoi t iPoton wastbO b.» th@jd Lsepro rf h@ ,p«rooswentorI agtb.mq -and lé ecepion cf animal&,amustba1 rwprodinem stnthctared, or n, te»tb ing oftheCuut Sois or perons exiifg thsn 1animale enWeed for-compeuule ë <b. Pr o fjery <pemrMdlni, South Ltding,Cotnt,of, )ntario, #ny' doubto ariseos tbii é ulbIact -No person 'Sn iist8,Moe. iai ry of GraliSel » tor Fruit -In tb.asnefco ttoor wUls Witt. iti" gualis,', tis viii1 éeor'slu lcefsaL ri lte âz. NOV TEJ& Ce WREIIOU>W,, ONTARtIO AGiCUTI(YÉE>SfR :19As'ILTON & R8UR<fý- SA *T~ ~ROBEITS* * s e I sT1 ibcr bog te lf fom thoisefrcatornmw sd tt <,ubs1i uriily, tisat tilïr fI4SSi onptWIc'(r O h y arc , iït fOs got BLIiSTERSTL-EL Varna, 48.1,rn ladian Rbis». anS Qlutta Paehe Croàs,-cut, Circuler'OIud Mill B A. ýç<T EDGE' TOOLS, PRIESS13É NÀILS! TRACE, 9M1q'EUR & CtIIL CHAIN,ý I j' -i Di LE - iT AT TIuE YANKER NOTION STORE, BROOK STRE~T, 4I TABLI & p o IT OU :mgr' Birs' UndOaClor cccw.t4I îk4mw olvàry éoci1pti*n et J,,DONÂLDSOej &e PURE 'AND, M] AND o9li4g1 bG FuSew desnfnatfon, Lth. Otmuggle vIl h ou# iii or Europe, itult suddenly ho- IIS<aci wu.IL. Ood fotb cletavly red by publoo$00W me? ise I ,tion EJI RIÀ S fIIE [CE$ IW Verni Weld 11 - 1 1 L i

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