Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Aug 1859, p. 2

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tl. upl, pMIX s'hib, b itet baffa wus roasting Md sputlediau nd filing ou buugrynouails vitis##,Agreemsent aroma Wryenet us in nimber, and «Cdi o of u wu reidyAnd eveu uins% .ente tainewitvusa good liery, a ie.v -"W elJ tisuboyo, I donl,4,nùgd<teilin, i," resouded Coltetf croising hi, Itax befee A s1*,sdélaubg'iib> agsastka 14, ,À "As o&go," 11W ogoi lv'aiy wa fuSs in çunig 40 S e ,eipiorog by bouter ad. &sbe Srau iblug lifte. Civilisation bd plaaWt9dqf il Mit urliqueuted melon, 1 started oue fi =Moing in thse lIStt Part ot Otiob6r;, 11 Tisor wn OM ieVUtisme, but :Cpr4. Sin or at flt Som 0( yen do..4e wu aih a" " ee t v in - nlu t" Oa«i3f voâsl erttIevrkD4eu-1 bsý t#e . e els been <.ed for woris4b.u. ton yeaql Wattl MIswuva ying, ve sl.#tedop thse Nami, Tom =4u 1, £ang our trai, teui.alotb, sud eookl0g oiOnsikij s k sqsei Foi tour or fi"e dais w. jourydo, ep 45 ivroostaudy lnv~ieirg belote vo di» ooveýred au>'ver>' promisnjr indicationsoi that mont knowing of animal#, the beser, Tise <agemâio' tMan do..not'exè.cilhels baver llaute . retiou of daim and bouses, éud "eh lifte hmiwork, wben you ial« ibto cooai'&trtm u hai sertetr impiementé -.f bu te -do it with, which are nqqagng uasdr ti ua but the creatur's tait. and "Arrah 1 sa' iait 40?7Tpo me uOWl, tIm, su' iso'i it thse mosi vonderfl thinx tisai be>' hould b. after building bous vuibeir tait.?"*quorledmite., Whoiso b jus given a, fihishing tuirato the &pi t, ad bid eonsoquenily osgish. eclosing remari entire. "An' tisat bates everything la the onldcountry-s-nd trots I am sure, of i J" "'Never mind the old ountry, MUke 1 you'vs doue vith thsai Joug 99," salitTom eloper. 4"h'. tise new oontry ve arc on Dow.,, "An' faitS à JO; and 1 knoôvjhatwell,"1 rUifflid ike, vithout yez ift,'iaking a "WIboya, if yen've dou6 e iyI blarne>," interposed Coltor, "?lt re47i But 1 do' vant to Se interruptod every ivwo minte, beesmsjetunplesiant. WetJ, as r lrwsyfag, t *r four or flivoday. ve camine usiglit oaoupucna.cve tint proad eM from a bond in ithe river. On examina. tienoutrproved l'o. bce but,, aa" saut ircau «9mpiM uglolfln"to tiMiami, bat daamoÏd enly a &owr Oda abový eïil hnaturali>' effecied iw Confluence vaististe main car- rent, go no te Jrive it At a -distance ils.ap. pearauce of a co-c,' Né3 wauted no botter indlestions, se vo lus Srew dowu-or. trapui, eut sa #toat mUp- lIug for a tant polo, and went te work, For two or tbree days vo were ver>' buy tmate- fui PreParat"n by which vo nmigbi, suc asfulty invade tihe terrto)ry ot r'*uzzy ueighbours. -one moruing is'b o o. vero "CAdding along' the shore on a temporar>' raft vs 5W contructcd, ve voreo uddenty sarprised i* thse middle of our labours b>'y th@ appeurance Of s war pari>' of Indiano. Tbey vore u1boni ivont>' in numb)er, and I learaod înbsequeatty tisat tic7 hadjuai imade san ttacte upon one of the plonoeor sttle' mante, whieb, proving oo atron4 for îhem, tise> vers driven backth ii ioaidcrabJe 10o&Ua.nder tii.,. eremutsncs it could not b. cxpccWtetey woutd elerisi s&Dy WciY smia$bigrfeeUuos towayda uets portons as ctaialcd relationsbip te the~ pale face. "se sooner vere we noticed by thc-m uismu oua of their number, whe aeemed to, b. a sort of celief ismon, ttsem, aidv-anccd trous the. main bod>', tilt ho was wiubf s about îwesisy rodà; or ui, visen iq p«ue-d for ubn instant, asnd thnison ln ato maw<o 009000naifor u v(Pcoenon shorp. We lin' no weupoiia about us, ececptin,, unr hout' 109 Salvei, visile the ludianio, on the con-, trary, vrreAUtarase'!wîtts mu', a ndno doolit Weouttiille'! in tise use or theas, I tarneiteta ianiker asdudsked vint vas te be doue, .'Il e. l,' ai h','La_ l to.s w»o04s omi vft pace cmiolyguariW b osr townyompors. About nom oofo(urtis &ay tise>' I,itdh ie centv re à& ama @Wtdeuiu hOvs i of t jibe kir uatd oit BtI. 94 trot in advance of tii. ain body, W à . h4 n vrfed * haaboti sia usii eortbsl .cmspsaUtsud tise Wssdwu v lbd ;J «On 'IdadviacoîqgSa 0»& t te JaI blelparmh of iii &M96 «1a Oei4rubp ,.ml 1 ", r I Z "t, îft u~L Io~W1U kI 'W 'daoted taonejlofiotb. t, uibsi, , sud- no oU ,e r4ab jJ le "f~t 1sfjh r; 4raigi~tg~ M Zs. fil 65a~"' ~q -oungs1aWu S >mde~<5~shl'for tso vhispered ver> fml 10ef41i*te ins 'bhave ikevise addoddeupSlr :Tise doti, t eavy pain-et onr'bri,'Ytho barp,ex eultiagteipreo>'rtbéusog vlS e Ileioiwristo, atipmeteil tisrongb îe flas 15 m a' edieff leep saae etillthie asolse aud'coisuon'",utbaoiie a sud tise fev ftli treakof ligist struggliuig gin tirougi the chisiansd apertures ot 'Our J- Prison, eonviiîced as tint anetier day bWa at longti dsvncd. Foiscouple of--hoars longernvecea$<aS84te ai 1 -liid tanelisteuis , te 'thélcrs ca toteture waa snrlt*suud t nec oi>wasoui-nsltude dit rbed sd théeea ideôutod 4 'e lé~l'in ber #hri-ýellehJ AssitbEssm,dfl-,1sMW *=Ifsitbits f l.1er't 4gletli ieu s "lAbout olghi o'lotlt, as near am1 Conhd Igosem6I6'mtise'situationetismutseT- dias cama la a bod!y to tise wigwam, and striking the tlseags rom us>' rls#t@ led me fots. moiuker vas MS behin'!, tisong I1 clt certain, poer <.11evthâi s turas r vouti cÃ"oenexfi foir9tisèè s- vien once lie>' have scenitedl bipâd, arç Flike se ma>' amisiset veves, reattede- voar everyting beftie tiens. in a Mo-, meut k uyeyotoin atise scean.,b> t 1 contd not avoiti fuit>' ndntsanding thair * ntenÉtions.là fttist of tic vigwaum, .iich ieehu un asos-t of apmi-cireaJsn OWW mng, skirtiug tie forent in tWerwisr,'W's vide, QI=c rng u ieoaieofvie véeo ieapét ujsseveW*'c4- e' o, glass sud fagota,. Freintise cntre e <ispilo~ rOsU *,nt Oklig,eeulqdrss.«eWe ielvrlimit.dowvuvard. Tie pur pose for vicieh hwas iuteudcd veut'! have boqus nb-iauo n.aougb te a perselbaaxperièec ct than myseif in tishe ltWe sad o. ostrsoiles of gavage lire te. wuvs 100 vi- deuil>'tise intention ofthUe fiendâ te torture as b>' ci-c-yproceis of creit>' kiovu te ttlep,Ol ut get lime, as vo coul'! no longer endure thoir tormeuts, wisen ts>'hoy-(utit itoubtletw, for waat ef botter susement, wludnp bIro aiilo'bJbiu us ut the stalte. IlArter bcing remev5d fropm tc isea'm, vioops of exultation, teý the place of tos-- tare. On reaCiing Lb. grosin' foui- of the gavages, hide-ousi>' painted' came tui from the ranssis, assit s.iziug nie b> lise body' bore te tise top of tise pyreibere usé>- ut lengt s scc!ede'!lafirml>' lauiag M-d tto ietake. Reud i n0â'been for 4tisA stron4 consfidencec vilci 1liait previou*ly>' place'! on tbR!fls~ norgu r ji younjç quaw;I T l: stidié bécaWt thisA moment utterlyi>' isnt hope. I kn.v'>atj vicu tise Inium, mis race, bad once gieun Lilair word, tiseybiat i riel>' beeau kuwa te. brienait l; but lM vhat suannr us>'duli-er,. suce vas tô be efYi.ted 1 diii net sud coaldA not coijoeeture. To s i-en iitIenter- mwinet methon ticefaintemi gtimiriagot iope jasitithon, vouid'be afirasiniç soMoe- thing visich wvascentaint>'ver>' foeogu to asy feuloîîgs. vere f9prfimu,4 10force mb asMy quhei4s; fJos thune sharp oplit rs of pii.ti-wood1 wiich gsi-o exei cutisttiung teorture te tisa vie- ils,,I-sav tiseway;bsudseie.youasg quav etbowiug ber tismeagi -thse Cr 1 tevards me' Oh t boy b.aaiful-sbe iootsd at that-moment J la my oycs sie seome lite sos-tofetsauget sent dovntrouse a i-ca te rescue frisana armny of lends.' Toà jud.te trous tise innnitise paiisted gavagesi made s-oin tor bei-, sic vasa persen of ne omaIt importaeamong <boas. Whetijeri ou accoaiof ber great beaut>, («Ori Nantîi ma vasbeautifal ia »Pite ut ber -lut"na bloot,) or ia coasequence of hbei irl1L 1 reasoed penlsae &o misgihtise d4agh- rer cfa6 CJslo4) I hait cenainlno ie Os f1 iteterming.Whou abe' reacsedthetsaspoti wiere I confine'!, sie vaved off tise %aa'Sesi vush aMimperictis gestare, sMittisataws- ing ber resoluto gaze ftul pois ise etai. iggisosoilsam ssbbo I,, liék te tien à& foJiowA, aitio ~, tcovree,c ie expreasd et Isesfin the jargons pocWAla te ber iribe. Sfic xPiaîl,1 icsta W ne eit exporieucdl e eaia0 ls0 tie s it s , t hse l aots M M O Stb abaud lp te wibai («he ireabLdessolvbéd ,Pou a lowl.t*b>ses tient tWueà o laied the voréa la vais ' Maasa gleslu iasl i ont>'~ te plitlsfrqp noyer iiasuM tlo b esva iretet e wp, , Tir! siaéè.dl setingHiasikr a lierI'. osvei and dr«t lonbt se vogospper vastc o nov e usjosd ise>;,obt wciae slber- qne a foic ,ais'gIlic l'ac1ieaa, assia Bu obge>',w Iny'movted sd i asnte t s usa-is isi oitd'init Lae-asMy inei otouet fs> a oie. ubov Jlase*ts ever ote Busemeviih Ithirs ietsuant eti e b species e c ai v ta I vs uet r g oing J 15=9d I uged, l i4pi ef u>' lucsossig af barer vietihrestcaina me,'Wud àsiqa> six ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o inu; emie m the 1 olanossmssnot oui>' noble u-Zn&taffect, ;ouante b>' nature, but sic vas a veinof unsisuat iiiteletaiput-hn. icd- cuyereit freinthe, flrstt but,[jvas<l t ay~ ua'!, -sppiy vitihber lesi riseruuct is sîtribut(u* pechest* itc r» Caus., Shov sasi ""ue *rovissg lhin.4 diuaIy ésie' sav~ ~ ~~fr hu 1 ustse e ous-s guzing p-, vistise oans i,!tien aie uouitcs-edp te My>'#ide vitti al 'tise -yearaing tendr- n'sss oernseut, and nt îbissiesrina sioun'! aiy'necie, flic nover vcpt---it w ýas Dot eIitnvye' eqm i.su ympa. tIi>; but aie voul'! put ber lips to-mine, and! thea ai!dlié nye'éwiîis auci s pitiful,. endearing look, ane thoug s aie wohl« it.tin taiu, unie plsef s-thon of anti seau ecaso ma h l in er'! u vi>- o'! tjfe. xptttiried te 'iér ihai 'tisemé te vii tbnoe1<e ha 'a isutisu'!of Coin- mssnieating tisir thitts b>' insan,. of es-- tain eharactor& svieh tho>' cattet atphabét. À nev ideaueoued to teurikç.Nansîua, tut spsiagiug. t*eran tat, Wvth s sadien ru>' Uf ltlgnekindting la hes- oye, site' dant- it fs-oas my sMe and! ui t i irçwiwam. lua& fev minutes she ititurno', beursiug s tIsin sut mach seitoit phampt in-faiser haudt, itis tise iguifiunit tile or i"Quitt Tisnsssi," b>' Peter Forcupine.' P"Thiem no V,, *bc ' i hd, ia'tliag- :peia1iug eut tIsé big ý ca1*ton Jbny. i' â à'e ,â dean og pedf, ï vI$Ys ot admautugeofthe ablieviation in uddreing ier,) 'stise as-e te chai-oct. es-s tovhlich h stiWdL' "ise sewenscit van>'mucfis piesacit sud isappyafier <bis, sut insiste'! h shouit iest idousi t eres, vîsiets 1 dg'! hôagi abe dO nt of etcourte atsîlristtind the aseania ver>' clesti'. 1isint, ]eevs aise esugi ometsint ides et, viat the viion mtenl- éd te couve>', aushae vouait boa amis acftty1 &round my necte, undtfoiovet aie ovor lis. foi mie, th isgtt f the printe'! pase vas tilt. manua toe is'shhng trasueler in tiej *sétitin~.lks"savis.ita "isf;wmas dean>' belovoit face ina a oreign lanui. 1 dimeoverce e qetola anux ia s.*éêd'mé/s éirlMtuy b>' ca.oettise cluiofs "Pa>' tta ta'-vtb uepamphlet la us' wui-u eek aft eO ul, 1 I c te ~ ~ 4D vi# ;&@~i st4a4'i eause* 1 sndt loestet 01p ~but luas>ite Oet i ibisk -r ,au r 0 1 0v ( tlie ction Jvw h aei useb>' tii a44oW, a b.olue ei 'N -mm remop-1 soinotinimgb"8, I my skfor lbeurs bat I opqlo, np- asaipç spfliç ,4n~Uoiod' pajlluqutê Tise Mysag.ot Ashr ~ theb. sait api*paitleesp keeP i4 i 1 i), # ýrQàgbti;ü.Iy bar lof. is4 ti kn auoetvsriu diappearedjgjMy jvvia iange vwhite loié,v.yee.tNnmavi aoibe lrnosiume bnifb.villotofi itroÈieed attise lette!,o, tlsOuappe's »tory' b.d invested h t ssiusamitee Tise chirorapiiy vas plain mud mi>d- 1 lsefous lseuséutnandi L tsuddeWctel. ua.rldu!g lth. coercr otii ye;' b t iba'm" lus foon Aferrelp#eti suIe is habituailu'- mobitity, Thec Iarauiî eetli» e àaco iovjng articledid.',! ito six parte ;and Il Xuels have becs sait *boutitheingrat, ituile oflhi I'venit 6e tee sud'tebe- îieve'f, l~~ss oie useiess te show ilsat il bhm,"s1-ithi rceuse non pretexi. As longam tise varlssI"e4",dieng ot sesseflts recee thUe 'oey a eliveramc ertassIt mas-Se' iu 'the aiaris'f l4 ns-miles. :tue, "conclusion cfrpeace -tb. uit' delyetffed "Ier cries, frozea their omis, kjtWer hopes ot iiuions; ondeat tse firsi blutir, tsiy detis'erod m oct'AmueS diffored frem-itsly oppresse&i resuming 'biSoleriista,' tie.;positien- of Itail nnia&o b>' ithedeotiot ôf'Fnmce is; sabeen be ttes- appneclated. -Noiitb.ei,'wi'iaiando-ho< taftly understn" w isitit' position , at v ~eu pmuettsE per;r NapolaeU tergeta tl11e 'vIsai bis' persenal offorts have bee orie -liatiàu camea., 1 enatusre pe4h» -M biahbis l e lt stIse 1e haatiwtàou"te mmude ati tsePaver Let a. cnsunerate tisese articies, immense-' ai the Outac4 -Zvçqyvero profounai-ps--' resu orf Eus-up; litteconfidence Inaftie wisior cf li' dilleuliy in eparating tise Causeof naiouality< trous se Causeof Be volaîhen; general leuirs of saiteaagoglcel' outbrieak. Thsc iob irsl~ ~tit'psemt te the sumor>' ofuit ncan w WieS bava bqen encoantereit ait saimounded t btie " vili efthLe Emperor, lei as çefis.hder lsessi once more, tisaitte grandur of these tteaspi May, if nccrsaasy, elasidate tise enonasit>' ef nagratitud. Il 'fagire reasonabia sstiâfuctieu ta IaI>' Wei ovident t thle a Central iotbed agitation, sadtot os-k towarsatic pacifi. cation of Eus-opel, bait te gi-c reusable satisfaction t t l>'it vas lsOcOasaito e tabJisi ben ssavltiouity, endit te o Cpt /te detivor ber frisai Ibreiga danination, !hio chancesof su obsditlssrgglete vuoe orti fi0outmisitry Povegrs OftPurûpe. Thai plan, -mat toobtcais, but lu liselIt asstsesbe peaittselt séttUl>' le- fore tise publie, mmd, se uptaral vaWs it. Naventisiies, -visn It stoi tortls dean>'r sbroad, loir itvaa r"e-e by public opin.j loi, in, EmropeNad joFrance?7 B>' a profeun' andit uîieral explosion1 ofitiseontent sut objections Theç" n h3~Egi à.,,mn M sd Spanisi jaursaliss'tléi now fiudtW t' .Esuperori lin don.uerY 11gbtoi i r ib>' tearnsg up tis oaetese f , isch eisahhse'!it,l vers thon ot-tbe oethIe opinnlai eu1 ,"ud nssciils-ameof dep&hing4usîs-a or-one1 lueS oftgrowusdin Lombard>' vISet ther-i by aipsttiog tbuissiene'ofpeer in 'Eu., nepe, ait vitisout inasedimicl> pnovoldasg aul instsete Swseaepe t Jitue, lIL ltb uwtscapetem ons on genonran sd publie;, in Europe th@e ireato veau bw*idijgssisé bWi<beuî spealiag ortis aistrusi inspire'! un,- sei r-s>pasy, eut their rments . t temptsiuuty arouaed lu Franc, he wus uei-rtietes la"t '- ideep i cympatu>'0 fer 1,h. causeof Itai>'. Ulni bonmî mou on a toi-el viussar'chancos. Bpagnance j vas foItto rister-etbisctordei, sueis t>', publie -prsperit>', po-rhis:<tat-o- lu éM s aioa ttenipi Mdoubtosbut lie re- natin t "tels.oncthdsedby ihe er- ha Europe ýthe sthesp 0uc, saim objections vue eviaceilvitis" je ontusytimveinuses; Prums Ï4 ehtla'lsllk oven- ment apeke crniuôudly frAsn 9p Isuspat4i- utueinela, % plaine'!. - * - At bo iaéeés pS Oatf Yesu9b o d- Jeryýiig qs"isif 'al ,Uee4fZsuplsrs,~1ip * ~W5Ufl5t5î "f~,ia~Op'J OlssIuais,8l7;J~ Il o'oloek, a.n,,isud 3 e nJite1Soud4,~s~:0 .,~ C3urluoa Jurel., orner of Byron an& mari lock -an . d 6-P, M, O o'éioekfaira,- *pve PitAAre I.bv rnîî(ce ,M.blo' flmt, ZPair -ltiü,ek,*4.a,1- 1 * - =ju ed v.JLTOE'<i1 '10 tiai stiona tatbliahedÀxutWr taise inf thn~d .%y> Isimpwt', ifsb, er. the i on tehe pi 'Pi'ifr~ stgniid&s miustiea, sofEalt~ ~~replies, fletlcV ai be~ Re.form :d atb je posesio oftheHuodsosl ga hresvdi'.nUhrd; oem acpt e- iH uOn, 1b Ise? T isai t ie - region ait m4yî<euleg-ad tist foui Pas- en" discovreit tbrougb ,1 ,wl .- 4 à»-spmiobte ltes boli >sw tWr< iroppd- Ws grew~i- upbsruisis up.l colonie r*f5eratcmAbsout tï e e estaiblsed. ?_ mé~1apdton,'- 'so t- Zise bloed etof Isuc. Itossg1,it b.aeichee let as î mpemiit; l t ,sgbi, -Mteluy te lu1 otbôé-bwu*.sfa vs't ý b kife fJ Yihe~rî1AtheoÏ ed proesigbrtedof te St frlLtiaf tsbSet sino rtequatrewicsvudbep daniis eiee v wiiijlsa tliatrjo asnd-pr Lu~orgqled ia,, auCo, deain.tiait'e's>' eansu iee » propeoti6,peror etu tria b not 1w tiei taiafor le- ât' m" F preaSlssitis4e, MÏ ai"tan, rb Peas aloera, Aaeno; siineeidk ot ere mern cifl influten ue tyi 1 CM t e foyi1esses ,, F 1 cn. ý., B- sud Ancna, aitibat sorio , mai Yn- tisa teine7 âwba nioh etvr d Volts onic tesit WàdI inljgdvsii ofeslya douel>' fand te Rm;oste Ilp §, eoBasproo r t asnt don tt thatbvlssd for o lai' bi ia toavteBmen dean>' to theIF uestion eý iimevsTa h ifruiovudbv 'tieBiinrIstarbauhsce i otaiIay n mie. hdil voulit ae been sute smary 0 lertnpeas 0- encour, ae; a v prntes torder sdl.aote ifs-thé inci.sof eýévosudaowaitatio f# t <or tisa tuture,é the 1 the spming otm es pot 'thI peaee pocre,ý lt fore icoia 1s sie tussigoifi- asadesucispgrt;ui 55*45. es-fd«rMM r? berL Te Empndrtlvi or a tmst f roein« ly expautb thvme' s.o bui- "Wt itz m r asrie iisaui tisa dtis Eiap«îero a ut WM ota thep mi. té 0' dtiW fthe bOouuty atpwe ntlahet1, ougtteso 4 ti«4 pouce uça1ec 1 t of "I ic ld4 frces~e. if apouceot usday bexeit ro ui l e, sud ifio, vr Qu confe »dereConto'bU e~- Z odu adsise imora treomnt- Wu . prvevi i teoulieo oiu su fed ptc rteri1 6s vlcisousatls uY Stysmu-414h , , a ofthse .IWu - a ien resolvet, te boIdthlb.Anqo~ Exibiion aiWhutby,on Weduedy ,tus Zisi t B B~~~ts eeur coususiteeuappoiueltela, ts-. à@ k6or e sov~,dNirtef- qEX4 llou »0udwi INdevesected for the vsdbss 0usuiino U f. Sies, secossdd byG Bobsen, àiw,-vm s nmnenT> e sotved lismi tia iaiks of is. Society' bc-,tentoreil, 10 Mr- TboaI ?ÂtLstr,'ert kiBck R He In, oreuijo, for bis e>lbelsuurp tion ef fi. ieIlsrso<huq& o p sbsoe Tht Qui zeadçs TeronWVsîj~ TIÉ*sdayacs Tise Brui ~>' ti uaIamnA~ -*in1 b.eg vsilen b>' Mr lviio te vi homies it im 'fulltoving id il fur <boue poi bic.kbouse, plis auaa a - undensianTbu ibe Victoria]1 meuise-i va ti'otra a -an>' oioe i ini 'be telii-yer t &'w îjined t] aiupai au, e »s>'go, su i ils eiWm. Ibete. # tilngste oi. yen uatthue iW Omnibus, an i "int amaseo 4 *jer lies, dux ta5e anubhiag Flemme te .5tui cola cs .'s5itihil 1 llAa'*l by À Jlu tu tin * 'hmben anm Csa,,e e in ,Ãœ offer a prem'mas alaies ibe CE iýosbeedum MesePir nexi hmeasconse ad t etutheibei mpoThe f e v veir g Bel" si indim imas, aIl Pa"sr -Welad no inte tiseAfelings ocfa *i>'t eeuureiI - e eregwdsedass4 ma sd SperS -- sk and #etje Sve owovpressai, ste quest Tus IauffI »Mm sPsaer.- -sms-The Eià -gi(Catiili pV5o!5oIà#i1" fo JeEiuiMds"M uear dh~oi stw :;;;ee at ors! flse yéasr. Thése ec hron4ide iIbo publi.ed l fîcrs ail' IATUIWAýys, tI$ Thébia.Xi.'EIl. . 1M_. - , oIl - tain -promineuice befor tsd aidéW lic vieil vltsdtslIîo hv lLý,Fký lç of ethee 'sseseas mi~tui.est te tioso gsp j. t e s v i e e s4 g u l s h t i e q O r y . B u" i. , wip, vieoeujoy a inopel>'c e Jis tIsigaqj~sppqimg>qqelps.Thia misa, Who h" 4airick of -tsingisMt miter- hbsliseoam i t %kIfékas a. fer hi@ beut ?s crcl inubots cases up0bdovée tibrobbedbsta'-mblatue . ceouunt e' ii te&elsskisg ith tise The hon. gonileaiu (eaessla o roe fvhom tlb. wmie rut hbe va mimraseta avou I.ben vtishim t', le'!tis i.Tb# e àtlailegb Ieyau4 . reading-tjie Xiiki v"iok antdas tiwtwbbsr utpiletfseug er rive 45e locallYi>' eocte o toisi., tipoinlte i lau, i orinpoe ngofl tuer coitents aidistpiius"&mspaly u* 4 ter, e ede -tri z'ekJ*4m aouaeLi stalse,th lie tate exm < <tit, Our Canada, as-rOe esgubget la pWrY -c-juahsleiï Our mi tes-s romain sapinel>' iudllTeraa, akus vautage of tie oppirtanity vieispes iseif, fo n egr ei ienflt ountis boisait of its interests.' Sir EdmuisiEHýa -ife'dmolu*tel, udmsbiug a Uusffr 1ot$b08g>'ý jbrIeulits Ce a» ' 1 thélââ 1 -

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