Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1859, p. 4

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STA-TI O NERS, BROOK STREETI WHITBVO, W sudailwoeu i ti on bonds udw:'&ret~ the Rstbuia mtn to! (tb. @ uuin wbie bey ane W siig t unpredmsi ACCOUT10018 LedgeiiJornulu, tlsy, cash, and Dli I Zoks, nidfor tin Mer"décimai, cm. eny; Disnk Books of every description ma ode u odeir @dtIJo ; anpttern,p sd dbonnd lu s sape r ov tnner Mioi BDoks Wnt¶j- WRITING PAPECRS-PU4t Note, Jet. fr, CotpFooloeap, Bank POtPot sud CBUÉ WnItilg paper, al uiWes and -WRAPPIIG PAPERS, bome-snfoe- tured Manillo, Brown, Commercial, Mie phant, snd Gro>' wrsppiug PAPer-ail aises snd weighia. ENVELOPE-ILd, Blue, Buff, Colo«. 0rm~ ail aises, sund varions qalalti, irmlo. 2 tO No. 16, ILANK FORMS-In Cbanoery,Qneeu's Bench* s ad Conimon Pieu, County mai surrogato courts, Insoivent, Coürt1 Dlvi. Sie oni't, -ýcoronrsm a gistrales, Nota- ries', Cierks of the. Psce, lerks of Coud. MesîTowna, Villages sud Townships' Deetis, Mortgagcs, sud ail forma relsting lu thse couveyauce o i R ati.. SHERIFF9', Bailifih ansd (Iostsbl.s BISIII b y the dozon, Iîundred, or thon. usnd, st Toronto price. INKS, FL1JIs, INKSTANDS, &a .gW'The quatter Dollar Paciet, Contaiuing 12 shoets fine rnied Lettar Paper, 12 shoota Note 12 alf-s.stiig Lot. ter Ruvelopes, 12 slÎ.6aing Note Env.. lopes,GôFraièr bulon Penusud Ilder, iio shoot of Bwotlug Paper, sud one Bot. de. cf Ink-all for a Quart"r Dollar. TO PRINTERS.- àdlikinds o! PitteTsaoPtrva-Nevs, Job snd eoiored-soid at market pricea, fror Cam,. À stili further Reduction iu ail kînds of Priuing for Cash. The. 8EMI-WEEKLY CIIRONICLE £8 $2.50 a YeSr. IV-The WEEKIY CHRONLICILE, the. obeaput- newopaper in Canada, st On. Dollar a Yàr, i decute. Printersanasd Stati4mas. Wbitby, JuRy 4, 1809. STATIONERY. THOMAS MAOLEAR, H Smtrcccivod direct <rons Britlis Manu- lfac'turetrs a largo assowtmcut of STATIONARY qGOODS! WRITING 1'APERS: lu bledlin, DcMY, large sud gandsi Poot Fpolio, licter sud Note Paîsor, rniod sund plain, FOOLJSCAPS: Ail velgiia; binsd ercailid; yliv sud Qiue vi, ruled Kivi plains ]ENVE LOPES: ]B. aud C. laid, Y. and B. wovea snd buff. STIEEL -PENS Gilot's1 Mtcloansd 1Lowel's. Stapissu s and Iodd's 'iVrliiug isks, Welso asooi isAt@#, Fooket Bble», Testasents, Churcîs Services a61i prayers, vitis a gono r ko! lscelau.on or P 2O if àM r -8S Wrappiug Papers : dli 06406, qultkits and WclKta, o! C"40is mnuact, t sko,' ps'soos. TWINJES: Of Britisîls and ieimorsosu n anutcn T narbrroturu s sinicere tiisnks to AIis cuators aud patrons; andi lu solluitlsg sb eonttiswIuse o ie bral otrouie with vlub.ha. boen favored, alto. opon nm busi- cas ou tise peassaformerlY occupi.d b>' Mr. J.IL Garrio;-vosîld se>'thbis isStore Io .np. pite vltb tIlargeat isud nMost OMuî,iete S TOCK 0F PURE DILUGO, Cfo ecry description. yet offsred fur mala lu th@. Towu o! WhIitby, -iuiesîs, patent Modilam, lorfuusery, Imuhu pinot., 011, Dye SIUa, ccf""dtc. I'hyolelsssAsd Fainil i>' Prciptions csreftsll pirerd. brio and Csatge MKdicinos e<m1i klsits.ceuratly eompound.d acordl,. e'tie a tlmproeuent. làu iamso. WhbI>, Aprit 14,1888. 18-1>' W. H. BIL ATIN "S. 8;ty c e fimetisen pas are racelvea 50. Ateutut WIsJ Agetielealue lien 8l~siing. usent. wherePesmlumns I. rUieli. wortd. 19 er emnm là dc of the Agenélaorftise asteroitA armtclm rqet favor ofi tbe siveor une. ral f or iesnb dpslt-ani transmi t lutise aaitdr4ft afdi ""cdie stIsh r oe vii b. giron 10 dopostors,%t, s. on eosunte alsect; li luIsrete MO that nsaadvice aeom- rsny snob os rt àl uddrait t(o hmvloi vit 'T 11. I R MING qqD. eR. 0 Toronto, 6ôh Msay, lm,9 Ries - lu Pd JO ga zý 'Ou 11 'S, q .11 h s5 o. e g. i. 4. I g. a s o. Gi c. o g loi 1llw. 0 0 LICENSED AUCTONEER FOR TM COUNTY 0P ONTARIO. t MER'S SALES lu thé Conîr>' i re- ..oive Promnpt attetion, on11resoosabloý terni. -Likovla Gc <todacollaign On coin- ,nlasiou to lii.Auctlo oonir. vil b. dlsporm o! lu th. be*t advantssgo. les aulieAncon Roonia cier>' SsU!rnÀ. Diseu c omm uss linbonéasuda iSpavmns., are treo itit illa r m ucceas. dAresU, viiemib> post , TILUIIAB XML, duction uLoi, Wiitby, fabraory 2sthi, W89. WIMtby 10ouaty Grammar Sohool. T TiE Summner Teo!rt f h aboyviiil coin. J.11n 14M V. on Molids>, Auginst '11, Whitby, Jun. 28rti,1 W lLL1A MAOCAtii. 1089, 'Pif ncu1 WOOIL CAIRDINO. T IlIF, Subserber lsvrespar.t bdo s6ii kinda ol WOUI-CArilsslg, Cioth-Dreositg, &c,, so iti1 olut Edtablishmnn, I'lukorissg Wool Crdingt Udper lb LEVI 1. PIKE Wiibl, ma>' 2"bh, ias FTM111I&BLE BAIE CXI'YIG AND oUitaving Loous Brook Street, Whltb>'.- A trot rate £unglilh i ansdfliair Dro.er, of lonsg ssl.ndli in1he buiinesa, vilii siwsyslo toandlu rtàlum ttenod outs gentleniun.- Shaving i. a procosa u so ihotinion for aeod roo, are moh averse, eut nuder kob tsao's,lsssnd tho Ise' ll d thse oporation boti Protection sit a an sd Dausage - by FAne. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £100,000 0£UldNl efectet on Buildting»ansd tnicer con nie.vsry infmorn i upplod on Appication to the underuiguct. JOHIN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Byron Street, Wiby. A Tovn fart le , suo ad 'lys. helt cossults- tisai, Wioh vas thesuethoti for fortificaton; A grave kUtl mu iaon gave lu,'ia opinion, luit ssothing but sotone oould secur. tise do- minsion,, cS arpontsr ssld, lie, l"i vas eIl spoko, "£wu botter by for ltia'eud kls t osk; A carrier bong by, visier than luolis les, c. Sti: y .,atoupeut, tbere la uotlslng lueo u. 80 SAY$ u WILLIAM, MoBRIEN, Iadités'" sud etlemen'.Fasiionable Boot sud Sie aker, - BROOKLJK, C. W. lTse mù«#, bus for thée latsevon para tàken the OrsI prise fer Booto s u 9 lie coan- tV S5how. Nomuebuttlse bosl mAt ni sd' but wcmt- m~us)p>naie u on li~ oqnssea, ii.olti iliuO.~sdsse~ ~s8oer ilb.readil>' a- *endd,'nd 'mnsim.4vlh ço d t la TO LET*'"' 0~~ tre nd dv.illu os ooep. Abym me PIgle$ wsud uw o h ln the T4wnof WIitby, foomsion given om Mie trot ouSptbno i., NOTICES. N O T.1 C E:. A14NG Vroiaftd the ceeUr.,stock et0f Wý A New tock,..éu M.otion lu ail wlio Muy fayvor ns wlthaCalil. 108EPH HIJCKINS & Co. Brooklin, Novonbor lotIs, 18b7. 48 N O T 1 C E». A LL porsons having cdaims anaîst us, wiii presteut their-accounta for pay- ment. L. IH. SCHOPIELD & Go. Jul>' lot, 1858. 28-tf. FUISTRER NOTICE. ALL ersos Idebtd tounelther bv snd sottie the sanie vithout els>, aud gave cote LI. B. CHFEL O. Whitby July l1t4 858, 28-tf CAUTIONAILY NOTICE. P UBLI47" 1<tliee la lecby giron thut ail por. slons fuaasd romovitig -r tskiug Yaiaî »and or gnui-1l troin tise &.isc un tIse lundo of Mir. Wm. Maîntoxl,, Lisic Shore, WVisby,.vhth- ois% dr*t obtiiing îpermisnîsl(uromi the ursdor- ,slgned viii b. prosecutod accordlug te low. JACOB BRAIDEN, Plort Wlitby. Port Whltbl, Yeb. 9,1859. 4-tf Seotllsb Provincial Aes.rasce Cosnpy. Libéral provrim stnder M4 si f Vredit T TIF, Directorgs autltrizo thse paymuut ofthelb J.preminmn whon açplieants agi dmc not oxcocti4W0yesra, sud w on l;o ann asured Ioi ntlm honsa £500 stg. o!lsal!yesriy instainiont. Age-me>'30. Se table 2Icf ProiApess Oums lu b. asaurot £MaOta., or $2455OS. Fini protnumna o>alo£2 l104 4d or $18 05; or u&po JOHN AGNEW, -Agont, Whisliy. British atiaAsu seCompas>, INORPORATED uniter anAu ýt f. Tird SeO o . lsvtnth ProvInial Panlla CAPITAL £1001000. iostte ver>' ltdorsaion 41upplie nip. tnmsuA5l5EKT, won gutre Wbily twoo u sswelisz. -zlsereiualuuoeneoc ""W(lej" # ,IO, RognaovI*"0gla tag nr.'g' or 7' te' ..1I suskgwlalfe~,d 'se 17usf sli. urth oftbo Tovuof Whslt*cad Io*a it ~ 4I~' ~s4~5 ~gsrond «Mh# re(nse tnaii ueetbaurel i 518'Cut >tit -- oitSAJE.o" ib.JawDMbad m Y - ~,I5-stae. - 1 lAa Isouuee- 0« coftaX sx sprt-Is 1 ise Ci o mente, bas au excellnt ocîlar, sud tiaeW le lh.s.DpPo. «4 'u q1. MflA Fror Trnfadcvsll iib. .,=.mic ts Eoei Acatie W A MAEIOFR id&e ii iauefor idbi]Siuua &pe4onz CiironeleOMPceM Of1Y.~ @ FOR SAL.EORTO'LÈT. A ing six Apartutents v4121,iMeaud a b durett of labd, tltuatédlýthéTown oflWhlby bi bro.t ouldaita0srd.or or Bcteoe. C, . >P£LE , R, 8h. Proprietor, uniouVille or Y. KELLER, Wuv. Wbitby, Mardi 29tb, 1859. BEAVERTON. rônSAILE CHfEAF. A MILL PIIIVILEGE AND TOWN LOT contàlons to, thi eavêr« lou urL A~ larue and profitoble Mlilug business u bcdon.e bore. Faiora&bl, tonna sy b. mada vith the Iroprletor by a l'radtical Milier. JV i'AmE ABuSTP.ONGF, NB-Teela a dirat-rate opeuingat'e-o ,.«ton for the. Establiabniont of&a oundry. J. A. Beavortoxi, jnly28, lm, 9 VALUABLE PEOPEIRTY for 8ALE. and prmesnacoItoly occupled by ilp of Beach togother wvith a quarter acre of Lund sttub;â (tiieto, TIia store la very favo ritbiy situnptu for suy busoiess. Th, Village ci Utiia la lihe,&contre of the Townsipi, aud al the. traire! on tii. Brook rosd pas...througbh. Tonnue wiii b.t inade to suit purchiaars. Ap- modaio t e eto ~~ JAS. B. CAMPBELL, 45 Ashbburn P. O., Rteich. HOU«E and LOT POUS SALE. F ORSIALE IN r£ VILLAGEOF BROOK- Klin, a flionu" sud Lotamcnd to noue ln tihé Cout. The abovn placi lbcut:l'lly situ atod, known as the resideuco of the. lat Win. liod sosn., witiiàa o î el ci water, sui baiad Wood- ose, &Wc, tiiurmo. :For <urtiier particulors apply to JOhIN JIODGSON, Whitby C. W. Whltby, April 7tii. 1e«. 12-tf. FrORSLE A Comfortable anl-elco iutdl the vil mm ofLlvorjioo1, Town@lslp of Pick- *rin, ajolnud iYrncbmua'li iy stu"o artif %i un TnkEllay, 18 miles frouaTé-. Cottae efflaiag Rixel bona, with every couvenience raquiflte; àa ~rge BarI sud Otabi. attoched ; anoyer ilineio! ofwa, tthe iGreonnds are ta.tsfily L"Out4sud planted witi Shade Tre.; alao a l*rgo Grdon wcli stocked with Fruit Ireo.; & vhoieonr two ocreso ofGroaud -and coentu4 b. srpessodi lu the. Townsiiip cf Itikers gçtir lS nveni. ente sud rea4y acosa to tiwi. Eallway, Terni.1 mailoeasy. Yor furtior purtlcnarmaply to the4 subocrubo, Yorkvllisortlu r. WUtliin urdy uron ti,.proiem . eLPosson glive frth- I GEORGE BOSTWIOK. Yorkvilia, May',18ob.s, Parm for Sae. 2 oACE 0F SPLENDID LAND. LOT 2010, lu lOtIs (.ocession o! Tborah, 15 acresuiearod. Ibis Ian ila situsfed wilbin tour utiles o! hieaerteu, on the travel rood to Mars; tise laud la of thse boatut âlit ansd lsuî tl&e centre of agoo ettleman' , aii £ suid a Savufl i onvenlent. dlm o N orim olm oi4, lu thé 10th Conoos- #ion ;? Tisri, cosssltlug o! 96 acre.' 12 o! vhiciiar on rod, aud fronting on the.kos1g oa, er amsrus jeI - pply lu Bucverton, luth <lui>', 1667 FORL SALE IN TUE TOWN Or WHISITU Appiliation lu b. iModeto MMS. ANGELINE WEST, Lot 38, Rt conession Dorlinlnon. CO~MMERCIAL IIOTEL:, (OPPOSIBjxr, 2l/ONAN 1RmrsI.) T'l IEUISIERTARUS LEVE 'TO Inf=sbf e puli hoIaIhila opanad 8h mhv le l4.. e, . --àorli a5*a mot centr#alsituatetilu ti eTouW; r pblie 5 coiumodatiou. -TIster.ar gverailenodid sud *çIl !mrisiid Sitting Boomss pac W DInin&!rooa nd Twiaty li ied fl <fm n l the l1ns.ThereiM a ver>' ruom> sud coAve nient. rvn bdadih Stbli h No0 xenssbenrinieoronteida, Wbitb>eqsluayFrtCaiit'oue! taitlo lu i sm, Wluec Wous muu tue we4tuinOs atutmoiowro wrro massua Loiç6 îoi1uu 0,suni 1,àsudon. h!-f.a Not fthUeoth lt ' Drt o of,ýlt Me. inb WIilsuuMa1B amitosMd1~h obn son, Plaluiti vo. <Join t. Lo*t 12,la lot Cou. lPickertag. Part N EcornerIlet l, lntCon.Pikeýlng la the Coat>' Court. David Clark, plaluîf vs. JobsnLe>'. sd WlliaMIatlk itsdns Lot. in le1.1 onPlkerisg. part R E corner Lâot 18, la las Con. PILekrg Iu thse £burl o! Cosumon Pies. Davidi lrk, pialulit ,.John Biigt, WiIII. am nHortrlck and John h>'., de&ltt. N U Lot 15,,lu $rd Cons. Pickering, Lot 12' lu a lt Con.s PICkerng. PatZEomer Lot 18, lnuitCon, Plokering TlIse court of Qmeeu'sBoniss Froeorlck Porkins, <teor ' Perkins anud Wil- lias Inco1 Pisintif!. vr. V. Wiitiey&ad Joint Leys, ticfendant. Lt12 l lC (ous Plkerismf. Pat R E corner Lot la, lu fat CmuPlekerlng lu lhe Courtoffomson PIes,. William Laing, Join B3orlise Warren, Gsiln Bunis William Mcill sud Davii Spldiug, E;7c"tor !the loti vIl andttinws of James bing, nocofsed plaintif!.s'.. ObsunSe S. Tervllg,r sud Ai'4aism Trwhiger, de. fondant. Iu tic Conta>' burt. Tie Cil>' Bank Plsinnifto vs- Ciannue . Tcervluir nd X.brsium Trwililiger, dfn lu tbe Connty Court. Tih. City' Bank, plaitf v»s. fiisnopy S. Terwllliger sud Abrabm anTewlilgr, defen- lot 6, lujal Cm.Wiby Loti7, lu *F. Wbltb._ . Lot 6, in lot Con. Wiitby, 6 ace.. taeo t19If ith Con. Whibr NkLSUN G. REVNOLDS, par C. otu..m Té if.OfieIosit a iliI b. ol'ld b>' Publie Anodes, at my hu, in tha 6fint lion uthe Towu of Wiitby, fIs rlght, tti.e sud ntereat, vii e s iens oïol*d btue udor sud b>' irtieo! eeni vrtueUhr Foas, ltomediractud, iz s lu ths Court o! Cousuonplaeu. Robot Hlarvey lawdar, plaintif vs, Dsrvlu Part o!, let No 28 ln Ibo u concessio Wiltby ttioist i «atageo thse ssn lot sud w Mi sd three ciian U4 daeVeuti-dalaka In the CeunI> court. Roderick lin, plaltil va. Joseph Randal, z # et, 29,ll$rtCm nzbd C Usb i dg mre. in thse Count Court. lJot i, lot1.eouusoi Tiirah. Lôt ilust do do 5i87 lnlot' do do *par C. NeU. wîitiy, 0,l , Iuo NFOW U ISTE 'IXE. GRT ToïiE LmimX AT X. A. iank' i lt Prism Pister. 'iuy JrFyondeiréa ýcoet sma i-l4. Ambre- Tfas ,or a Letmom Ltia roaah or ilg, for,J.A. C. eu do it 1ini btty andi s$t 0 "otc. *='iLirtjoNi;ïo tù1Kr Busew SAvUat 15br. of (b. ân " 1 to tIse 'j Cfàwfo4 LARE&~s8OO1Oof ndbas, oolati o tNo. 1 Copal, superfov Furiro, Ak BErown Japo, Coich, White, Duiar, dc. 1 .sugYul, ap 00, Osuaphone, dIo. O. Il.NI0>M ~,18. Du"" aStreot, WLitbi. 1M '. I CV?4TATl IONERY meenrs &xmxr , MmE]FOIE SALE 'AT THEIM NE Store, under the "Ciroulele" priuting ihe alkinds et Plain sud Fawy âBtatonery law $taimury, snd lav sud Division Court ha « or--onto Prime. A LAUGE STtCK ot GOwezS audMER- CHANTS, MAXîLLA snd WRAPPIIKG PAPEES. BLANKEBOOK@ risiod for Vollars and Cents. DUIAIâ 8for 1557., ZNViELO1'M ail sizes sud colors. Metalie aud other Momorasaduni BOUES, PAUI-MUQK8PLAYING ClIS SLATEO, PE!«liCiS, jOkTi MONAIEIe, SWEesry article eau b. parebas.oct as éeaIp a it, eubb. d lunIontreal or Toronto. Witb>' Matrch $rd, I1"-W. IrF ALL KiNDS )ëLAWyEE LANKS 0 Division court iakdc c. - TCITY paEIs. ..r MOGINS k MAYERHOYF VER, <iIrnucleBuidins, rock iSt. Wiiitby. LIVERY - STABLES. ATLAS lMON, WORKS,9 car Fro tet«, Teomte. -m OHARLEB VALE & GOaq, ]BE Zo lnforuathe publie that lie>' bave re eonslructcd lic.. extensive premuses on ]Front, Strt 'iforlrly »Mner as tise ntarlo l !gon ho buiMst o iastylo for carry- bion FoMUnding& Bmfthls work lu ailt14brnches. Thsy'nvte nseciono!oMeir unerons Pst.- te lno rutal , Ires F eue., uBaflone Verandb Vauît Do<'rg, Plain sud rantl Cout ITOnUCiumna, WlnduCo Qq bill# 4su ÂZWHTTITÀZ WOB2R Ofeveryde.rlpton; 'Cooklng, Parior aMd Box Stoiras; Gratels,"Cvons Mosti sCanurens, Sugar ztelU.w Plain éaiga sd Forlngs, mli cf whiciîtbey offrto the IT"dend others ons&4 i'sntaeous ternis. ~CeunIr> orties punio. TLoI oCaCerO.157 importer un GeturalDédiera ln 10 iuéwsnrm ,tbe.od o Wblgtb>onuil>'lautn1888. 284A 1. TFb.*Iotb provincialsIna F4AMfskd .»D . 28 od JasipmWy, a Miontual, 9 Great st. Jsules streeS SzcrAxr.-A. Datidwon 1Parker. lrTTEND*ÇG Assurer. arc réspeetfully r*- tus,, wherein t ill b. !oaud t >' erydo- toeeo conistent with r, lu>'0. ed T 6rate»sDi1'renium .eIrgd are lov.vbil. the. Bounsos deci.red vil! .acompsrAo viii- tho Profliss llotted b>'ony ofth tJselr lsding tablo regisiaiouaidopted b>' ti onapay,« tu ourr«odervilue ofriolinqulsbed Polklis. Wusm.-Jolàn dguo Agent; EbSJ un,, M. .Modicasi dviUr. 1>mx"»cs zaxr-MvnAgsev, M. 1P, ieds col O4vlor. 9-4M CHALLENG-E!!! iE suit 0F 0100 WILL BE STAKED X by the. Uuders'igned, on tbe boat, vork dons by -a Woo LnougIs ; sud tltsy are, roa0d to back tii. Woodes Plongbs, baunnu- y tisoîn, witb thi de sw ainu fo o~the bout vork egains:auy oîier mse fscnc utiseCuunty ut onterio. JO.IINSOIt &1:ALLiNq, Town Line. NEWS!'.NEWSU1=L 1rod.oro fLUd e o Magazines, and IsuxiorgScsscw mon --$4- perânnumn, pay'- able quarterl>', in advanue, Laecrandau Mercbanta' Clerits and otiers, who. cu sîn'lriotthons fruni relort- onjb. cisargcd g2 per anumu, payable quar erly in adtluncc tI IsiUb, FYirsun'yPIh, lut9 POIL -SALE. 200,000 FEET 0F LMEE. Lard Scistis~Two loeo lsîsk snd Fence BOOMP &s. -AUtIlle s criuer's miII. fleur UtoîilYville. Chsp -for Cash, op Approeed Credit. - JAMEM BUGG. StoniivilU April 21,1le»,' 14iw POC, IOST S TOLENORSTATE0?OMTUBj 0 eiLéàenee c! fà,Ui Undosed, on onnd the *hi inst«ant orbuçh-bred SCOTeH TERRIERjý, Ssndt-Grey -Color siens4 monts Cid, bavlg ils rira sMd Tai!proue. or gly g uhlfdâinc m was01ii ed to bis recovsy, vilil e libersly -revarda. A. mcPJIEsnONP. M. Wlsltby, Xis>' lut, 1059. coralur, dau,, beg lu n=mJioills and the publie ilaI b.lis reasev.d frmitte Commercia Buildings, Brook strect, Whitby, to tihép Itc aide o! the usine teet-.ene blok Msl~vir . .peasdt.un. s Mdicakal wo ef r Yleor>ët w 1>a4nlng,2'ape Rauing, Glas zgâ And Iîsslucss Misepm " of dilkun-&keptonat"u>on l wk cteuted l mat.!ormanur. m- T STRE To TUEc 1>'. 1EOTOR ETN icleer,iu» Joue» 15. 28-4w AIIAliW1fiUGAE esu nom bc 1511l nlarge Wbitby Brewerr.ý DOM.uçordereL . .KAxEaxe BACI MELSK KOFI É-Lrbs trar o!l w. H. j 14 W. ]E KEUSES. Wli Rd*erSTEE- 4 Whlon WhItby;- G AIKERON B suweaWiti£i a. B. 1 s8OLICIIOE; N'o VIrE]m L ELi"E AIM 4gm tfrhe c -rW. CAUI Ii'ln4Notamy P L .4lbuaines -A. MIKÀ 'A TONYA G. H.» loiï 7 CmserofebaILh aliêtlmCb stand,) 'Te ' Oý OLYLL k 144 stWing, Mina VJLIiAN lTE VWIlG- tTEZ7T

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