Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jul 1859, p. 2

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a - - ..Q..t o % m ffljysqs ~'UVML VLT.OYGJIy. mu fi nobea«u s, othWo i4 bd ruot ooQeàdoy Feirat*... th ae sedykes ~'tw <g~ ~ v «efD Jgrocmit. SW WO " 03~LY0312DOMdE ATAI h l ftbp uve inv.4bfl,!*., lViibyo gSUurdsy, Ju1191809, The n«O byYozlç pw#wj bd. . < o glgg *;VlmEbyth**.vwM tbeAllfe,aod b. AaeLorutIan Jo wh OwL. f«oarvei 0 ln vi oitfOo.. Tbe Ilrtl ni; nto ,e~aq ..edhs ironit4ta ve ete abofuly reJfv o<,p Madf l lu as4 t. onume wom000 S J4iLf LIPtlSé.P0D Arter undry euloglusantisev*ot4 D~Ierb~y MmaooniI,, seov'lpoMda hrt ooooodWao thugbot*,, t , w Adlinitraimbu oêmd gmany Mon of liberaL Vie,,0-0n9»correct.,,.ftbe -4v*effm uddupo 4e.lif ,Whoo f«UýrLfrh 0e90%,la fil. A 'p L ""' worisgcl4 ae ve U gbeau re.opi.d(OTOezoIi. wilet a ÎeV are 0611 'md ~ ', .d.U~ ~obeying Lel o iek.IIe gs.t.ý, 1. -ebi 1:Qn lit' epi le bi =kgvf gn wsy Use povT e01th@ .oM*Y ,Ytk*MX4ea.ee ths e ris. peooed is1Iw%'£1 dse iketIs blet frrerregoce--I Owýû dom it. lodotde<edev, md é4îwoçfldj Md "'etisovkjo, po')iltg ând .reiglomis . smo«e&l" bumnef '4dheronis. aid hbewe l o_ *jnt' ie arablincaabl-'W-bu' Who he 'lfor norli 26 yeavepasd S «VO1ISr. Snadyue, O . M la is llkevawri(rmnhiM ty.of mphr>) lut sououfl$ie.. (oudted on tlob 11<blood of thse Bute 1visaI t>iiree LedepSiu ffový ers. >0TU4 hsa ie *glned Lord Pu, ltunes*ove Mloi, the orinser W o c., thee bu!7or L.tin doi DTeu S P.vau diulee wenk, Lb.eLsukler tote b. atronià 10 >ifin7 I4Iw ie,007 . Ise whoe lglitest Word vouldsi robabli the luat MOMi»,e In"f.t evqMai, - hasvpjreerve4 t6 librtl,e 0«Posmnd, liii dof-blnf«-M by a Im daeim, A àtrisi by'wbicls tis. <vltoso! Lomad " ,a ~ < woili haroe hon aise'eTtii e h vi.im»ody mqa elmmis cto do OMetIslg, onlvse noùwreeljomla Humgaèy a-s' t 'WUI me lasproWamten gorets iAsewlse*ubythe prýo sse of1.s< , pel - Pr 44Vmelin- bair diret,aeed deeerte natif e t" Boyfee .1 Wo tbe'issoeaed hbasýrIy or! nnmlsetptd , - fitpo#ssns. Aod hem lei4j, .dieep. o oireJly'4, 1889. T14 i thSs Ue noble Lord is at 0aT4 ~ ~ Sut'â,wb 98r Iroopi o t* t I at tise patMMeeof Oraogeem 1 1Ë@64;rpite43vitioh bliod'dtieeOn 'baie liL t is'li sntsrodec el etChpa treteodqnvîv n a! uwuauhoi*'104ldm eio" telu lt> w #rith thLie of0<OUIT Ov raceand boy s#ubmlWS o te eJ*'<bî o, is o ln th Ue epum èofise1Joug &à. Y«a, Lhal4 ll nget: of e laie UntbuqumelW w 'Itis a. «MtMWelm Ue.~thî. Iot, l heG $r Ottittsr lu lis V'orid. Aid t bu n5101bUll àgemeralprasuice. <of;qm -rm birdepiE rebron te "amse on Lb. day. <of Mr Inou te preqerve poen Rmu1 1hulpU-tise MareMoblo Lord Amisuajee ta vel o 1!1e qPWuMff1ed Emlaid sa, Vkema.mple and tise ad (Ce 1" a sa d lxi 00" 1 4 tpo »Cent 10 roepuw MM 1o Féudenof tiseO4à .0 nisee " *mS zamillihuog. -safiILt a"y, "iaih.ouO orbôù1 Yifà ea1ýr $cddWpoffslk 4eopaetot tâe h«« r the. -f1lberéd e el I iy ld&fê to ~0~OI0<Ea8SI&-~TOe.e hloeis uid yu ha qt»imm*ut#4n "à lb.blaw -oftls iO@êOt&t W wl tbê »V i a t a d $ j ~ ~ p e u l a l y t m d U i Lbo o eeon~ luëe of-t1 ýr4oQ pwi wndW o b neof b 9___ 00,2hýioy PMd55VJifi~flICI ,:Tl* '- T0Iar's-taoA!us I5Imea Mrselisdem.vmuaI.ot.d' ofare 0"1on %seemm * O. Nnego).pemd.nbut." W.mti»Por ie gs oa uItfes The en" ohsu.mm4ffl lr.W WleeW. . oérm bu qth vu mdsbso *emoçiTroJf vil! u oe 4 imj.ip maenoo e, eep "g In, heïtlieke "tu bi 4 y ' Tise p Gm hplion yaew tle 10e81Yei Levia t n ui t ie lhe l»e -as &M t ledLe y -eMou d amonet W.re re rom Le belethli. Yraet e, o ia 1 e, eem Ltimi Lise relmflvuMise Rupeso. r Pdnm depedea4os 7aee, âFa, (rioles wu, busse eomemeed for dtilseIbrtion o<jutlà &"ad llhbuaoel fdum 4bg tis 6is M&d. hem as pover nital lise SA"., om "ff me, O<ETJ;midi> W.é unie o (set hmn km ememaêd a Le~~ ~~ pmisditsat eashr sudongr ao *#Mr"?,âU ' aiigislàpouli 'cbis vlrub bts enef4a mdqeead dss. pil%4a- bioulity forlssguaou...' spemas pn M& i ia"no pct vie> bq - à efg edte gar£ àm-a 1 do"" 1 ~ "M~LaiJ~frons Galway, Tise steameblp N. fr!>fr W e onthe2dU& e llsâ4 haisense baeoitm-.Min. el Poeaeavaeopî~moveani arato f lamitm m~hn hne iesiin bode It#é Mevm tiat isefeo# d 6 donibbSTrand r.owpm aao Isa meu AMMhS,O r9upe to yoff«.auea,4pro 8aut#ptable teFs'auue, tbumeby isolviug s T2IWseepo44 Lfrq,ty 1um4vpeé uotari It vs uume lit4 taI isAdtisçeat ud te muelot fi sppr" enq Lise iim 9,"I , loeufreeuom. '4~iv Pk PrIjdif. 4aeeiikkýo b.bee I Lise b a e# w e ll d le è d 'i l. ; i f o o t , hl ~4O i' lt4ledged l df isiremiet alslpeu6'1dugau t1er t~e e~esgltM'LoW' apoïem i8 te !tus bray aaneleoo<fr(itp'Tihe aMe een»mlormydWàIvile"lhouerbc, twmnl ts mprioray,of tise sraeie Ar- troop victoryaid -h aUl4uIy noIe.~ ~~~ait ou! gS êlsfme a adi 7ero"EZLAI,'l ' iyo nr tr. UOOW mu 5l bsem n"o1o, 4w- i "ri,a 'easpe ud "trd' i- V"', use PM mmid tise 'aLla0 k W#slwessetibimbaltnIg batW boib Lb pIeéedpov<"9~4aýten..n s oppled iâ u uctugumft, amet ", ver. of FIoadyrif mba&t flitru cento otose Tregoulue 14 r. ' r.bs of titi sme be ldt,0 haisàm e s po'md. I 'mpedvl>aidcr lsétue 4 j uumlon 4ee u l miui" d i soo vmcii fear i '191 lia Cimt mcebaereisLodmi Ma tmdhe m ber et LseTrm.h s bem anpod t ujy1-. nlet moiT 4Mt aim ay bp e4I d ty tie pasvoe ie» l esneko rdoP5l5i#e. 1W" 1> ýd" u In- '<ailno loge Suiis ,d Tope s m s4mmeammu o le elemr more 4.- IPfl ,IWO (a) Is baund, Us ele ;L ioit grocnd visidi(rms3 ofjssye ale> ouifd its pistaoc, AbblseGrmaieo,Eef, Belgado, Ivo, bours tise allie4 .nordwtj wim $ïluff ofX44 f C«m .zLsadsluog tltSe erxe 01 the milnterl"1tis e <po,70 lins olQf0,00 ime,, s ap,f oj.of, Jiselup r d eQ. feLlnetPvl> Mer a19great maIV cosm uotti oteeesisy -The fou ms~i~,i4p'~!. Srdlisa,~ diffeulies 1 eucceded l, reaclning Novara Aastriaua were net mnmch iduort -à f rc e e r t an i su e) k m 2 0 ,lo a rly 11>1, m o r on g . TI s o u t is a e fo re w rit m e uo g ' v., i s s a o o u t a ri lle ry lebt$auJ~q.oéb ' iàSuat a distancé d fotteun Itâlian itulles vore, Ilowevv, eMpcllcd £Cof 9440 ePu»sd liat se(ma tise spot viiluho* vltn.a olof meat diaadvantgou*s-gvound, as vftm M ere scttsully gd tise gr'etest baCties oghtIn eusr country, vas sbou Larued t'y cf'robe. 4LI Oil qto Pànnthé Ue gttopensrl- I hail nov endoaror t. gire yom aàaliptes d'srmee, , spKtd yFan' la of rosi g lie, Tiio &M dde*stissg botbseo pou aLd& ofthLie A utrlAn' m ii- tbu uoWiged te leuve Vigano sail tr pemmlsss durlog Lthe cearme of 4h0 sud fait on their eentreit Abisiat Wow, IL noema lth" onou tis M t y ,tPOnmrbl e f A m asnot, of curbmi , in Tie Miutrian enitre ths weavik mcii Euperorbrdoed eâ sarmy toe ac pm~OJton Le rend yous a fafr, deOeslPtIoiu Of routedcoutusor " .ir wL ing Use In -. umUl tise mot ,is ,>,.- Ue ba s.yfor 1amWbt writlog Wb.t 1, &l iode., Dy tbie tmo Gg> ~., .<.~.r, .,s.~ ~ able tO ptuer <rom dlfforént sources. Be- )as . abdts eu s e ! > v- ' - 9T s s i v rtb em U r hI le e o t s s . e i u t h â t t i e m o m e n t i a d c o p n bi (0ýgrent.t dmotioù 1ever Mt t In Myylit.tth eddsrdeéd cntre of bave ~ ~ ~ 'ro Ireutoebmlioudee atmd a~ nd "ougded T Ma, gup< ottise chargé isriti 4a~ 4iw u ee mige4 bymt --are~ neo amo'-Mueb effeeta00me Iuity vhicii baseleow beau w stae7s~e~l>b'-A, s kna7. I J mmrW ai#e W 'Ptsr yMe govuaujportèîI by Ge#iOtd - 1 é3*4ýt»oe uqbc bc Ydivisim wbkhiseeod in swserv, AppenbI ne vbld ~rimesn' ets~ u nul5 jU~li rasa. (AWa- by tis lu UWS offflom ý,jwloýr,,t

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