Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jul 1859, p. 2

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a.M utpea ~~sm.A , ue 85,lx4 *oometf*or.abomsogeed env usu*e~L "~ î~'nn.eated àgresl uns"ealà(a Fasâd. Loi ni "ZAns~ ,, Eiomeunssusta,"but 1at I" l& e!wuI MAtthe'fovu Hall, srcy Mondsyeacnug,aMtthfire er...ptlactusu an a pir.' WdeisUn 1éýéei e y sr ulg , it th e T o u a h al, G Y W s e ou m us s on t i ed es , J " , eaoewwoo l1ksifr 4%b5#~~l5in inord ii h.brescli Orauge 1Lodge, No 130 saaolTsdyluaDEe.teO 5~WrilttenC.aaisuoa Sons efTreaasWlaitbyDviléatf,N.îmaifeuilotaclartre, sis &Meus, "Bai"M l», éËno WàatSeio9hspde, - mg for a"vaeon stitution" or au rEpla cpCsrea, st. 0Jebea, Kleg Street, d4,tla tollowng pietuire Of Congres by au «t e Boc, . s. sd "eoegpsa (Str' ericaa wite, villserve <o sow ho, 190tV. 7. PENTLAND. iriteionsitutions od a ie it frou tleB oesud Claarcl, ltoies tatSt". t Thse mou el , a. M4ii, saut! ol.ut, T.t <arfel a #tâte oftblue«i$4jt eaI 0 ruep«tonil Clual,.Ornero*e ;, ad mPes à*", .Bre o MMt!fin" or hWba Mary Striât». Il uelok, s.An., "an ;tup a. l plLa he fees -BEY, i. Tl BYRNE. Ts pcel htl rsao!l u Wsalsyin Netlodiat Chaire,, onerofC'-ntre fi sud Mary atreta, I3o 'doW", A. î.id Cougesio, uslssions le one chat salag m P l M , i . mg, WILLOUGlEy . la ethéStrll4 orftla viole cn T I-.lMe erlaaChuel, scissoe-u.lefrteedsîsy vida an imcesuutrwag at t t , 2 0 l ek V. P l . I O N O . i g f a I le d og u l n e ato d ai ers te 9 Ceuaty Faire.scmbly. Yeaguage chat îould buepe. - ~~~et! froua olylahelovegtrp ofeitle f5suaîou Qnartnly galr a-coetieualflaesrd ponlifs foot. scoudrcel vingt We.duoty lu iesait! lie are e ong lae<requeut ephete appliet! by meiubérs t. e«ci other; end s MW & dYcrt[eWMMt$( t1115Day. vichia Llmugs tire vida niupere re bi -petitiou, a feticuff fighat iu laeidle Mdsud Robbry-barls Cse.OP"n sPMcebefr. the Sp«es'achair lasd Ontario Turf Club-W, IL lliggaus. brought in su a relie. Out of doorthela, Bouquet $Slooa-,J. IL. lara-ah. Occc i6DOnebettffr. Caneare brokeaiover i Voca ant InarumnuîaIConcrt. acis otier'.laeadas, brlcklaats are îisrowe, sud pistole are neunfroquendy reaort<o. Tlacae are lthdyUime occaspaions cf th@ members. IfvWCcoald follov tism into iId~n umr w vd la giti atM> L o" hcir eigbtly baunts, sceee-util more d gi ""Ivedoetees ' <aotd, u sfgmaing vonidet! o r Vi.i.The riotm WluIby, Frlday, JIy 8, 1859, and tla filfiaoff la'roariug debeueb vonit! Sbu lae mois reniaI, aud (rom that tbrough Au n Egiobaau'a vuew et t" isewîp er'neat of niabritlet! iceeee, eding linla th sudLord Vaimssrtem. gaabling house.or tla brotici. Their a courses cf lite vouit! tisgrâce lise occupant# After uant!ay eulogiumo on tiche mSt of Our pcaatentisry, vile <boa. cf Our Nev Derby At!aiuitratioa, a% corrreepo*il York peaiteetlary et lest bave lae neit fromt Englont!, concmadea thug t"Ne tsre erPetairilgblinaoii i Adeinistri" ols. pmed#ct 0 muay MMn le MONetha uas cMeid of Lieaucuubera cf o et lilacral iw in<luhlacorrectasnse cftla CouçrV .luh thia disgnacdfasbpicture ne i term ni ued.witla souud, knoviet!ge, 00 dintiacton -corpert, ma bemaIle oA 1 I mn wn isoe cqnaîiituce vida tic ireaike lasila"r blscbgmardism, corruption w vasi, vbow eses. for tihe progmea, sIl sud rsscality. IL la net <the diacescicai r the Wh~iacxi ionfr th. anallotation of tic tic publie businesstt gires0risc te thm ese vorltisg elimsb are lonag lce. reeoguled acenm, but it l la constaut qearreiliasg, CIO set!estesuet. Peasia eda~atin buiubrguelg, caca ud ani yiug t"are fousi lu tise nnke of il" erby Concis crriesiOn for paivate and politteal purpors ment, lis sblat aUPPcrterereligiosafret, es, ZrerY naem labu s blusttiriug sat! ahg 4Mtsbolt!es"*df"'de maequs'l a gsscu!dr.lsitting partiesu aI home te mse- haolitica sut! religion its 'nsost etut vagi, or sde,d las "a iewofr Mmnsiv adseeat#. An ti sambae egot la ex- at!vsmceonat 19bis psrticulsr politiciaiclquse - sbnge?1 Tioasaierab l acsalIe'Wiiga' to edrance, sud eoms ambitions s.ima d'n vlsO Lare MuWe frurMy 26 y«sud f S ! the iasPreaidency t e up for bis ofi liSe ruae&M"<Broua" &kuYic cfmetapor) party. Widaeonm. la motilepaoer ,um ( e09$ edon t hé l te llom o df t e I tte j b at, Wvida e a u , ia ney 'th s otiers , ig fn vs repeat, bhaWCveivegaud 7 Lrd fler ofr 0cpoamre ; viile net s foi sa-e ouly vel uitOl - nger te>deepots, la bull7 of lahe beyiug flair eus vile instincts, las tbis c Vecsli tbturmer te lha srong I This le îaiy tla poweeolatecousntry Ioveakenc ti bi he ep .. lgitut vord vould probably the rcvsnue qusudercai by uahiaetic <'n Iave Prervedtiss libertiesof Pelantbfis goreramematàt!i*aacd, sud tisé People pista. lier ls las, wvina uro cllneil tla cff«, Of dered. l'beProidnt umoy do hie dmty, bu Àmtiaby làb thoreodoua cf Lemb4r4Y but, uasoia at.s ho se b y congree, ho May veult!bar# beenscLlevet!. Thiseh isicîlso wthi Kine bu A power to h.,1 secomaaget!insurrection lu Hunary asdd set; As 'v bave ai-cdynt , ccu, ilsthesWial *Iswher by t" promiseof England's>sup. la.t session, lsow. impossible if là te getln5il port, sut!Ithen li tiacirdircet neet!d eÉted Congres. te de suything effective, 'Tho re Ti> tisa, lcsvniaig tbe %oe ationabities quet for Power lai thse aue or' Our Ceas. <ai t. lae luereset!barbarity "of unanitigate trtraiAaaarc a 'rsguyadifliemltie ovas duPotisea. And boersil, ye disciple crf f-a rfaetanal tshast nlygra t-i., __ldt p r , The U & . T i e  m t i u r e , a , e ~ j f~ i l î l l i ru t i a Ji to mmtwbov subgaih -M.l~d'epar, go. hi slulas 70t; tl5t the ef thse officisa aathé OrosatTrunk lin.1 ctr"5t#'5 f i ls, sfc",T eral saaple>'cce vusBrethren t. on thae point tîrll, visisfmrtlsrC55flll tihe "defeatta! teial cf tla ietoo Allov tic abone <o fermnt, îitiomt bvigbi -d&.; sud bsvisag witla unblahlas bypoerisy l Agsy wkmolliustusrs aregclag orf la inse,,.!las lusplc las Parlisact, tise on.; You uses! ne trouble yourself about chaule diusa. -usciplea ho adrecatt!in Viena, hé lajars--th.y viii h. uapplicd-grais, la tie et rei'str n abtotiste cbjcct et national eay ,quifl,. of pe u nKts s.ryiaig1 aei,m saIt! publie iaaigasaioaa.MTis bluan.ment foS th.e fef a CdAo« UmPeo»ie" icreIe &,ring mgasîstr s tesuceM dLordMs" la King &k igW' ef the GOZ . Ceuionambem 'awabuvy ITn sar040t. bslateabilitiec la public hatsno plei" cenbu Seitsrd preoa of ir Chales -Wooallit rsg" la oit! c uimaaetssia sarkof 0RBthe uk ~iguuavlt'>l ,1c.rt Lrd fausy pui7 isbîem l e "FcasOpI..asa Lienr pout str10et.1 Prrosis ticpali News, aune14. rnlac. Tise Oit 84ipComspas! have, lakea odratae ftise W"sils blidqreto fhrov in ordler ctsla le .er, tau&r bareoblder uceemay ieétise pirogres fit ha. baeen me aisi the interai Ithsag in. les" ah. was eetitied lo be reicaeaadaMen» t6- fligbw' cf -Loedou. fTis eitslip for"-reokl ie'tieg off vidh Wriug broed- "d shs".et t- seaoota va ter hat nigit erre for s 1*vistbm idock, sud le dally uerroeeded by ber f otila 'eoufne!!bos hea.say eiuloyed la felehlsag crions ,rieltoas baclaverdsaud-'forwards .betveea berset! lise shore. F 1a*aWbise at W4t usfly Janded on tla ýloft deck, oic mon ucatbat buybaudshavre recedy becaet vork in "swduing cider ont of bhse s, suàerrieg oust tisa innemble Ïeis wbicha vers ueccesary tomake tla Ireat Baster s perfect sLip. Thse dek, 'hicis on our preious riait prsseated but a ado uaccesaioe of Luge iron girderu over 'hicis thejaeople utuaibled t! «ycroa'stol niw completely plmtuWe fromneut! te set!, td a glane alng ifsç immeone expanse ;ivesuthiebest aed flt "oteslaenor- wsaize cf the sLip. The différsit ahay. ;bhts are alil alecin tieir PLcU», seud give k ook cf finish, visere ail wvie borin. OUÃŽpleteia.u sd couioi. l.m àL ave been ut up, "ud two fuanuelle, wiih ogo (r to '"âraalW' the deckad the f uapletedbsiwark aliaoud tùcessylahe unse cf dizainceuand lnsecrlîy vvi is wic h cupi. uetformely <o approscla tie me e. ftic sLip. One@emu now look oves la' 0 le, judg.eoftheaet bsgbt of lahe ielo ut of lae wàterr-maksee oaepsrue la be ceen ber sud auytising élau thistllo«ae upoa w TIseaud thi encjoy tla prospect> tg rtie ,couhntry, bofla Km&" sd lez, moi t ad 'in tic brigateat grea of smmner. os bc lover docks haire beu pWl nd fidl rst progrcas bas becu ma&e in psatWc, 1 g ions off mb tlatin permanent compati. 4 mus, Ticganud asicou islanlu sry for- w' ail state, anti wemld be a noble quert.in ut4,ni 'Der ise 's drsvlngroornua mcly mnsion ou shoere, <bau thae cabias Selaip, Vere -k nDot or tIse ho immense on ua.elot wilea nup tte acentrc, sud ut waenieaatly Iut4rupt tise longitudiau On euihstie elegaut ca"no are beii. ad up,&adthe sue May ,.sMM of t sur "lImaaa of whicls, lare are, ve là ve,e sxin tla ship. Ones of tseea«bit, becia 'âfidlL iaorder that the visitc yjaadge of visithse rat are l iuteodt aud a vesy pitasmat no" tio gires c sta voyage secasa la Atlsatic viii b, ach s noble tsilp a the. Gat %utorm is coaaaeted departunent leu hatis esîle, nSlly c a Se, taiiag b.d roolu, ael roorn, snd s dresuing rouai, aillof tiacu y sud well veutilated, sund poesesiug à ea greater flametr cf eonveuiences thia Id bc touud lu a similar suite on shor. 1 thssr cabine are alto la un xceding riward stâtee tAt! uin immense aums 01 mn are kpt lacautly at worlý a im very pruspect of la a-laip beins l fur lassr triu t he. appoated dth ci vit. islere le a <rce circatisfon Dow frough tIhe ahi9, tWare beiug ceggant amac viLl carvcdoak bsllauudeeload. Lute rusom sa elunsuMd"M,ainsd ladtdeas for thse scientili or inveterwte. niou , wbo caut bolIev. tbm t tley " idosas"tla ship n"tilthe.y Lave x. .d the glossay mysterlcei0(tlgo rut en- roorn. Scr. <lace.who, have resd bewk" will bu forcubi, remined cf tla of EbliesudMWthoe vis o bv at will fr 14t fl oarouu boom a 1arst iyldavlb.etamek vith tla spoilaisof tla steel worf, sud think tinaewhm SU thi#vrut memsof'zm- m chaI bu la motion plogblug up cea with i is e treaagtlh asd -car 'th t £tom "g f a f tu l m. I*etUisflatsbemygoon îeuly o lpèduud t"suJutit, ientile but dariug sebeam.upoavieu l bouomst,>mc&,if sab IeR erg M itni or- c-n I.g 'd, r- sa! nvise lmi isetietrary se fi' ample sud Lthe adrie of th,,Ftei fonderî isOdéWé.1 ae.ntiséÏ sionofa etvl ialt r-n tbces.1Itiserefore te. it My dut7 ti mind ydùtat inyulanifsstitmoscon to tla as of theCenntry, vonit!lbu pecmliay pernitedIou -thla saccSs0 Ors. 1 ebeot remalut!yen,,cha gi uca a y re ouétan cloïed, most 'a y 1 i manisea, ay 1h. izja îpgiu ls nt bdestof tem b roa usedssa se oIrean, &a," l Ja la~ ~ ~ fW pli eisoatcïanf«rasstlj Snorions, Wu1 ay, tlat goume.a goce lay utisoatsous lajaryacisig! brigng ; rm, aqaiba,.tieoraew &e&, &c., t. or"esebrafona. Who 6 tiassot remeesiter soune dreadfmal évil ssulting from c, hie weve fls an sUlma praétie;$uii-ly th.ai,vsmuet lnalai1 cetyan sudimsnity tiie asseipracit entfrely e"mé.It -'le pialul te vit, to Mdt!ans!dar"Incidents la conne, viitht saI ot berise bs bigsbt joyoas. Tiser. le ne neet! cf Ire-aria tise occasion eo ur' Auaiicuries. lelaatln of fie dtlaotJuIy lu Boste, 1857, caaacd, <iroushisre.rm, this i "thdaoffomaaofthoir anost respecte! zes, the daagrcas cimnding f se« audt is em seof ba ud" r avasresly astilo ueIL tissa lnqu estonable tat1 the acidenbgï;do oci n, on Ftive o igions are attribuale, li' .uns i mtas to tie tsugeres mteril f Plyrotcti Whetier tiere anien a rejoiisandt!pi ammemrtive cea-ssonies ultisemat i work'ls qaestion'veay enily saei anid oitst vil! ere lonsg b. foreeti apon publie attention,c Ter. lsa sue anc way lu uhîcs car commnièaorative Celel tions. re ln, amepmes !lgrscud froni wuich, juâstly,_great effeauce tsa t by nian',persone. 'allade t. fi. prao appily coufluet os/ow e rin- n andl elou mon, f trlkiglmpropertosts, à Of ueiing improper laugsasg. tevarda mm aig s h theae for, bosea,, un o eat crefal, tust egive ne umibrage, au» of effcnce t. tige Wv i alIr l i0 inromn us ;' NO dvha-asctigesmmri, t tiseir nievia tiat us bave teonruma.1 trent aIl Orangcmn'nto eouéat tia##suli n iae coinsinz 7ooi/th, as Leotnm gis vocaton sud s!alieg; tuist tiey M bSain fa-oai aswof offifege langui "Id exiibit Llacseves as tige friesd» ;à e l- u i ais r r s cf a i t m a u- t i m a ec r y t i n conanexion avitit Our ipprosiuiing AUs rersigry vil! b. eoaidmcted uitb tiatri - wt regard te decotusn anthe-is projinlet -tist tiser. b t le sn m gsgue alelea ti, m e cf hi.angvy dlstribcsi of tie fer id bitter ealot ounLie part cf tige bdif puits o Ofil c pwkiesin. 'f h ope » t iys Ty bietarw, vitt saot *aalY fuel Lthe impa scs efttIes. snggtsona; but &ais,, th very Master yuli ac tîhe s oresa tyo I as.irg vigilance <o, endure tuat penceula ri lé;yal daraomcnoa- uiicIsb lasa ys cisa t ters t n iss es* 0of sau r p eo p le u pa le occaion f Our gret jubilffl. Pis. % 7oil <o "auffet tie Word of catîaorm n, aa, yosiet ! ad dBa-<bar,, Arrva .GorA teranot! sietj. St. Juhtu'ae XOJ.;JtiO4 090P.na. The tamship Akele froua Ã"iilvs, on aturday, the Lt, arived et hie pori titis eveaiualg. en route to New York, Thé ii"tsamusalp Ne* York (rom New York for lremea, ariavdet s outhaapto Tlehm ba! ecuno batle ia lino f mili Cdo, though tise armis vre fim t. o c@, Prugsîwuas&bout to moe an arsy tg 'rite attitude f contening arsialesCm imae witiaout chansge. liah#tasin bcdY of tiie Asnarns awue on iJstheat k -oi ch. Minci, 'l'ie JOIuaPOror of Austris bat! reuaoed bill b c et!q u ar e e e to v a l e o . It wue beieréd -Mat th. force of thei Asstriasu on the, Minc uubr 24w8O,o T ii. cti >'. P ren d sa fo ce iid p ess d th e M 6W u ' era, sud r eeoguse I We'Ld b es p u g i a d s e s s e ( tr , T he Pld rncntcm e b at d R aooed tf rdo Kapoleen, preperatory '0 suy Ofkr é, u a sd l s t o a , - b a t ! d e m s n d e d p c a l s u o a a t o susreb 1,00 tr p llrouh isers, te t v m s blaslsie t ht I the bb s o f ib s proposudltIon b, PraesIN weuld f"o b s e p t a b s t < ', u c e, t h b e b y lr o lv l a a g Prassiin 'V' Tii. rportes! trety b@Wv.mA is" ' sud Pruesa'wsadenfie w 1 dos a" P"rle, ms iliIlboum Uw iabels e!scsap4a sa g '-' - - - t - - . . focad g wm'at e't juwf èào-j-" ai - ~1 ~; ;1 r - i E E, i - r 9' I ~ Wssl w.. C6,iIL tduaw Yovk 'E'T +'c -0- ' it,14tiss Country, 1h. longiufo i sasutlug eon. JiZV" om Maliý odo âe frw ol a.n erai',Ict Iin, s wh rssu itstic e. .LCi reursg Untibengd. -fonader of the at.-ouaNqeso'sM, COL PEUtOI, * " Lws'oo& a'fitsy, mom emnst do Isiaritieufs ý»yng 'sM 0 iad Bresdstmuffe assy. Provision# are . c 1.' arcnuead.tsi>cpmalurpsfioeleiTrmes Lana-; . n vida ,lafrdy nislos nl suut 4 ýtaie hbâs WpÏ l a OI~ s ru- anadaSt ~ ~ '# he la , 'W575 expereM e i i eforbearsece rie), ET itay- ýcUnt. Bullîci Is'la , Biaik ofEngISa! .o ii S 5t wpdbsg atOhii Oligç nov la interceet£100,M, - ver tise .Jritias miutk i tis repee& -Jn Mam. Dl.Mo for Console cla>sed on the 94th st 920%9a hie receet-adrt! .o thembnsar!s,Loi W >r; o~ traccuaitts!lldea4 '. N epl de chime ai dea territorial la' a The veather -bat! he& favorable frsgadamu a ievro lc é O ~ j~ ry t c095 su larvt poapel u'r* on.a-ha. enteret. Iis ony ecct, hédelare, J z ao is t,0 'rla t -À l w l aap b judged- 75 ~ '« (ie Rs ,é Ti ti1sne 1.) li8,t. flctti !sncese ore (Front il neby W e bhave anf ee m ngllt ie-0fpoedielelo bl u luaulywr kf. be o!flps lsqlbea 'iS etlaeis'l ia.nthyfa.MaIenomhe- cf a rech usmoel ie, s rench ts tiaàis 'so.um act eôatne, net JiaOte st er oferelyl seWM Y tse i a.o fiste Grruet r oles Moso"tite sd, isiifrsesd potp e " »MvO airi , mu ntseei4 onoernedlý iut m" espe"là,ureaaa "' sasO US. eitr f f l W M & t hé YSlet'u miighgedo lslosffr ibs o is , sna"et.er sIssr_ý:* b n evere srs!ean he fia s iu t i c ciec chtinma of tmer. ma i ipis s The sudns a. lalecerua ', a ombe iL Thonàarenm&tu ms o ï li lbiseasterflsat a uuSàte udtnepeevtWh.,oTac, p@_~.a "Enlue oftthe re, tvim the mm min, d.irMi.wf"5t 1 mian uaasatceestgs ---.NpO.bemb prefes tantd l~' in inanto ienT r m m yb m t>ite n e ndthértien ne a " n t o Isasi&o! n Set.essai o! seOfaruly1,maribt!lcon- M trias~ a alvolaeei-.buigt t he Eci su aud lrm a w ov.eeent, orps Id'ai-mac cous tai fteaïsthetaee ofÂnet'ofdubiug . foin dBmt ics . octr eil, laa mi ed siy Mes!teplli c is bt aTeeima"ad mes;ut potnaatnat.danaoE ae. a Llacriil cin . eau olt f is m mg«O o t! for t khe c m - -sot ,t jpo v e n t osas the n p t cf Lo is vio e t i ece trut'scsossae i i esu! din Lis. apoeen'btoiac r .l isa-ovne an tý coqla a r ii hé e't mei a . coetetuesiae fýflm agrsulon e * q etisg eoa tayb Ie pro- jLb O U id tfIse may be ond nis m e r ant. <antas « fl e ù W ,40essosvlhl d ,b lutrmly]given te a .N ge sr bars por « i4eti! an i la et -d O > Co ttutiseyor al, se! . lwong, t irns lc a f4pt. re eperta esut g mP5ten155t1pulas th Ieldranst oeuop. tetm htte-m h nodpin ti elil bo.ea u mate lam lay-Thélvlag l Ans0trisbj ua i , e o e nar. Iasg e nolt su!a n o m tii5 oftihg 1 'O cs, aeot a nIy. Hi l hi# e ts a i i e t i me-X(ada. Wen iii nea reet eig nue isut! t i t v olt b fie.-zteSbM metqe bu ai repectlaeaiittîbvl rotsiners ( seell vebnofa-eson marlouesdh.le rnle! i i Cle'e oaig danta!ranç te areoassedAï ; auu bue gry athe etore s, o n the, w« > m -1iclstWs baei for ti 'o l:lï u ta p a 0 riisl lc e ohr havy e sprOc es o. w M- not fias a wiaqec cwcu-ojI» a er ti ou t'O Nespt ,i ie >-btomc obleetâ ew th eatianî .4h.1ainenice otth ethe tai gu end. peint el u théy prs>panccied. n, y heve i V nuln matg ht nsdrau iv t!oblgationbt rv oal e i au g stic erand e oid r tn t* ou l -e S~ tlse have eli tietibargt! i. s'.c - sataf et! i LouWsNespoene ougian t c 1woustr aat! <o'Y v is on u tic r om trofbu O. , .a, c pis yv ea l.asan <o b 'iest i Ie saa io iv .n e mosrep linhm - n k .a ptehave'athe sai t iontl btaf ls weba v ie ae l e and do~~~~~petgt!sii bcfere; nlatan Fanear am15an- h Rt-. e do ,an ti u if f1#I e t hi s e i se ~ m t l r s i u ol m e l i 1 a k gca d it s t Si ea vent othen . tt ûed, m tsu rt!hi e ut race, andpcit aerestt os Ne r sim t! ma sa x l yveux.eAsgo oto! a. lairti wcrt!n. Aain esas!ar ic- f n i ti ta. basa ldem , p ropor Tio . 6 .a 5 er os Lai . Iluro s, la KingjpuslaM igil Tis a vrect tenLc te ,Ws=it! la g laoty «m" -th, - îsOft smsa'o es, cfaro i ent a mtceela insas ie h t re TI ofPMT' UCM' poei 1 ffrug g 15 :tttlse u laIves gbtcfJ.uh aveoleono mse O tic -ei d hci b a n eu w iatis, aud tiel w tisis ta-n,ota hé n hFýrisa7 lai sti cf ladi es s!geamu wh i t tu Wil saush ccntnspo#rsmq cdiv blsatic on, u tr l e. d&ne, la inegmaJolt Ymticesiett bues thTim %el tueya l aellty chge latrafT iey - edo t chi apcl -n1 pr* e a ree tii a t o i r a g m e t i s l a s c u ' d i E e s p r e r s et. gu g .h> g t h e à t lonon m ri ie,'er isgm ermnas srlmyiifgo oâ, etproceet eu h e t. t bui des- e oase ist wrvs sn. vu latiea s if IL. , atuiucd fl eirbar. tiusU andcslî g t s y ; utces 0 hae diisin-t e 0 ueka. ensLveoo andStiift ncttief- nIb, rue, mmBub% t o hedylixt ore<loféth cmadi t dca went tlo A srm for iitise ouem at oealant!, a emm .fleS-Mi lo'<han 100,000 m odmens en oy&,aq a nd IGeorg i n mme-per o se ntrethi n 7 la l n , and st bui LntW, csased, sud t e id e lttie dre cro"S-asIs, àhoape'n iefsIini e -O laets a m~ ree Oman! u tc edon ue of rt itef ibontl eceayl e ne me eoreu if bohà ngTbis tbioeor re r teleaioe Sudtb'lyLaeliacnsa a ~tt.5i4~ 'r ot h 7eeesutoaa w tr ves a lat brt!y tise!. Iasta- utean. Tic Flogh& g blug' lSe'atu lPonte Jih ow rso n tho laTrehepe vuoe beugis orta Mi a ssae iBo.Urn npo b oIstsr oio- bra a osland, binzappaeuitl aist dis!flMegiaof Immnseiot bu ssuseleupeThe . on f"lOfsu- ',aies +_ oj , 1éieubt si muis eeepurty udivisite on e. tis. th on, of T«"fis Klag f t8s4 4tsheous!frsmet mpor ir o!ticencho lno te tes iIps0 drltsae. ht mri" au eau be apprdt.eJy tl tharitsge*g od t yet Ci(om Col. m dey fo an fesm, snse 11« usqi t . rba miacere e tn, bei'oÇ,jr ds, toàmd a.th« afls feeling existenbetie ua bsms of'r inPel.à division of'th@ In 'utea v1001Muimen fbua pn ove Iesrl ut tysadeet St Lely onare 341 sites, edaCOSpedyandr,%Ms seâ jitt d&Ior sanseue sel' forLouis Neolbdismbalamag theedit Jofrontety,,&.* wtuy eulre nt has!elBitel a peueug.rheu afI, y o otit of elJ vas es" tftsi mebdonsfUdna rails' t ot wiepon siIs&Thae Pgq eng ik mjcpOt'NO,_ 1 il 1 - Isy thje 4 I, fire brigades, ou 70,000 mma aisud! or., sc# ggdt Bd. 1 ue French li av êrdqs 00. On ch. other ad, nt attfaék eoiiuted 0etthe esof Niel, of euocro la. JmWeuil Omad uuder&.t suad of the gerdiefea sue, WBi7 IMtleu Ihean 120,W0. not io e uppooed t*g mci en ee eualyeegsg.d, »qk prt ini lIa. great opeas. Ig Tbe icino SanddLÇefjg WM7. Cae1h a thee 31ft May tse or oirlred tic saii*, mgr&i until the moment <thein& [y eeOùu-g - efagiedthut the Pby Piîeeu. Tid e 9iâes 'b. begieaaisg diecoutee. 4 rem-nseigue4pd by Va us aWagned in h flacMnitu 1the MIDe vessons ire wbly fbîia. Uak bouId Dot oth oth , M ao suas, be sddny-trans<e,84 ý-ThIc Lug orf Seulii i, up¶eucd dcvupoarthe le Autrasu. Thbbsulio< aled- <hem toeabandon lIa.b mue tua, Ilhe mm rmLPu'5up from cou id th., Serpe _ds 'clN4entcrsd Norias, the .e rà amhe wu langer. On ta 2.4 ýqsarlMwej* g4 uu.~ of ih& Ticzuo1 sud tie r,,B114 on thoe Mea&y kpew UIelOueJ<hr. ST*in., GPposjl.Tarbgo; orene, kM'Mshou, aweiý btbIlo ainacif 'e. 8lb the got'Jue ie ïls idiTi mgfa!emaov 0,1Y ne" gre b5gswl 40aîtDwk. ethÀ ilaSbv myied 8; but 00 do whila wMloa m r.lê ulUrclisondmlld Magets...0 set. PQ& Itis Fun& kfii book 'tberivas, TM Rhepu« ww ouï* MO=nes swIhb iltion, râ rUSL Nor r( - Poeracb4 e4omusd . Sud s su marté romn tela foc " mal aImma FrouathL French Govei n Foreign. compl-e.pro if ready ta M. it seek no tera 7ae, but t! the relatives q dependentoun to proloaagthe Gevernment je war ha& beeta e of ly, and 1 object-is attalu -te d. sh« the. Prince Bee -lind lail inuedistion, 9, te ieIl aller i 'Wedo Dot t* tgo fikaaetl *the just m re throw doabt i Iueçml Goyens t. pug distusi om set- P Vfrt.sbut Co pleioi, and ho«t 4ometimes p" tbey vere desige (Trou the ecwre.i Ihdjast pos Wb" 1 -vuMI lied bus im PUL0s4 AbbistOIG direction or Ps, athlas moraia fg st a distance fr=uathep"Wb tu. p«ss.gbetl 1 dailnDOW' end& both or Ou,ow J N Mamble dai, Wàtw os d. , " lsto p&MWrfros omm, ing itfz ; and m un. slysLiiItel tuhfuduwsWi béo su mondia 3mreLki, aa bviLla ma t. Xb*6o, t -theiýA"s, Atthe 0 AMWM de&

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