Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jul 1859, p. 3

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f- Or" 0n;; ê an suees rol eItal>.re t4 jud blod, but Lor aMarasem n b.d po#qposa 'Sbi amaumet of l pegaim Tb. ParisBoumnwu va. annelpresa& s 12. im M4 *baitbOiede12. 9e. ~th à ysovlde â. uq~We~dess44 Pue., D" ofI;" 0'-f 4 Tue Zauj Pule emý a" s'pei cfsstsacia~~set Jsse t i vlth~~~b fi uprr fPucmd flngr#>, -~~~~~~~.001 1b onsï fa iescoésu1.c OptaMo# "'yie Alle i!b* lu~ae tonou". al rua. . proidins o od à CAg B0*«0 deeu ut dri j publiWhesspncl in ib Bsas'c-besývy sMd&coued &Sseele Auerlsarmi, Aoll;bJàgoalasa 1 Mor-lpsysd dsliued2o fMf, At 0en00. - Tàuv.-=nciupgd sMd ansrkdluEA JiA, BACcp.b*vy sud decliuad Sdj b« ai u bdntbe llflsnne s on Co XoJIY AIK Prst Lcrdor tb@ ,Tmmq-nvbmtser Bell Ce.repole iat $Ste StaksPslm¶ten. usre stld&Wsd uaaiiged i luie. alWk uco.,B.Opau; Barbag. report pdraie r t I'Ser but Som crt G .C Lve. not quotabily br I Ohiora 6 a 100, oei ert#-ee0N~ A telogras rin o:Vlauu' -offie tw *b Wrar.4d .b Imi- » syo tilt OuarMlConait olak lsd mdi. ertq-4rC od taMa commnaildorfie 2amd cotpifd Aroe . Finrt L«dor of£ bn dirally..TbaDuka S osts f Ge"a"al OYSlI4 sd tun~feoSoea os fie Aîbaulan otý, ué AlieMb«W aI P«"" à$orai.Caueii-.Tari (Ir laug# qnUtleS et gcld Moiatbere, ville,. Tb#.lutaccomtnts(rom aiNpoleoafi sbaud. Plvy Ses-Dalr f Argy le. quarter. ny b. vus eumoeang bis forcée. uarpmo&"igai Ovearlmiug force, sud lt vus bellfti eva uof let Poor lev Huàsa-Xmll Pub tfiat a deelaiva baffle voald u.<ogbt o 0o, u la ouinamofa&-,wak. Plut Cml.ondWesM~ The fllevlug bulletins buve bees,-; curvelL Tii. Auesrusr.. rstulig fr ' Sr-oab usuedLodCsmpbil Oglio, sud fia allisé ns, conne s uod CWiefIgsI..Of gâi"u Tb#hadan iucorp sd'rna. Vl8lhldW l0<t Anooafur Pesaro abu ,dir.Cte PilSiiti seib on àfia17& I. t0Ovsrd fe lovr Pot, s ineOIId ts. fl Lord Deby lla b. Lod" ooql, troope rom inte proviuces 0< Veules, Tt fra ÎPmneed *0me reegmsion of bis Cabknet, sud tI At pressât uctalu'vbaslmer Aa m I"Wm W b a eui y da<andcddtie.fi b.*aifrly avcaited -b> tie Anetbuiâais. gepoliciof£trd4 ma1ibuy. Barf. Molaaia Md Brasclla am (m, .Granvilla e - rVaé M su ezplation of fie' Tb@ uneronsu Mlcpitiee of the Polc ofte MW Goveinnentfor a <uture Bonu. »b"é proionced<otie national dy nei.Soue. djourued tilt fia 21st.flI Thi le arny paae.é f ies. onns l- imC IMO r-, PI, m saieuad tis UJtb, Ms« ug tovarde tb. river Oglio. rcelghatX be ii. Cal ý aia dmvea -TIi.it5éUe d j4 i. C «& furtiier djouruazotto the 21s4 vbbh w1w M Tb.@aduaurs.r of tbe Kuig oSardinls iétedt, '11 bý mrant Z.aliuzeo, The liolal documnts relave to fie ro Garibaldi vu At Crescl on the 12dm. Postal cotract vifitbefia Glway linsaua D'!Urbau'a corps. qaaltel Cocougila on fia 13tb, md ispiareed s.b. uérinc tù.Tb@. service vil! net commence fil! joue. "Tii. difforant cm" sa smtook dasr ,Uloted psitions uumoletedby fedu «ay, déTb ii dls o ft, Geu.d'Uiaaa" euetulnd as *bt At Cutanaoowl*tliOsk boUVs buds, vhiclilthougb mountiug s. 4,000mmsvUt 4 place.of csnouý ver. repusedby fs t stise Tb@. oalulAutrlam ogr na ys fth"fie orgsuzst f« or ii.Tyrolaee lz- uiAtoryprorseiugç svarl cmpuu bd 'bm ogdeed o osud oUie Th@. iouttzpmussver&U11ocupl Vi.n inslûeeey tia tib# .am oomusude by tie AroWduaeCisiulsve boglss o 4ýia .atry. Tb#. ilaioe, * am".e, uudr -Arcde Mb.rfý vu Tdubet À A155h Anersuo d'af me csIu.rylevey lao ie . mlused" t i i . U 1 U . t o m b r , i i i b u t m . d u i u u h l f stuu Ofrtie Mm ~redMc& thresieulg fie Ser Ttolvue éaor A selesu vsBuaas Tb@ Geverment bue reutas .dispens vitb fie conitio n reqnig coiamlcs flou vîtb Nov Yow a raNmmmoud lit l slz days. Tii. vorfion tire GraiilaSer-vasu pmdi, progreeln& Md fera la ne, dobt -eba# viiib.clluibed bdt fe «do Sp -Tbe Tmno iatice " idyea. 'lqb Etalisb (fbnde vebois la u . e d&y but vllao msy ii" dcjime."' At incrsseOf<suxity belaigobanivbla vut regard tf0 ti, loua,'0 contnenta opinonmoduieprobibla extensiof 0< ie VOICI là fe rmp sgu c se f" s s'are flue vu uo "ciashelutidwscouuar4 9afav uotaevuebel«Ii prcet Tii. Wetlud.m1 samrba sl VIUl moran hall a millinMatrlig, u Iueludingoue te Mulco. s~o areueing 40,00 qX oYn mleutea ho. ivitiaro ip Pioj *b. Pree ueepoAt,, v'au«sla te Ofiat feGraafdaj p"S Ioteo bu pmpçui ovtiat,0eu me l, 40w 000 Pruealuue u loto00 Ans OpUndbýay ait l vil prlseu, Sevi! iake4maula te ll ao.c he It7ci us. My#is "ÉMis... m ATbé aematyse an gras« 10 ýpoli. ~ucn.ince s.tia Esliel Nulasêr mut Tiarel ar. asme n nmi tatLm, PisYls il!Iss(«sm dellsu a n0ce »dm lingMM uao =Wflu %. w pqbelsso a Apropo*0.lia f imparoCI Naolaoo crai etdslu, u la5.. Under 00s. aircumetscas tbr lagtt in soe ccretury-x Mrve CivrLOrd or the AdmMaty-kr, Wblt. breid. Vice ViWINaer* ofi c the ru,~ ltSîiei s ,ud Oc~t r e soILi"'e IlsA' of,' s;Ximof *M <Ayesbury Mu.roflaBoc Hené Thea D0ay ~W; Sh tahsi. uCainetfi ut yut comple.Msd cmplaIeorfithe nuer1Minu& M lr,. nuler oebson bu Mn »Mvd <rou pout te pees, 5e 'muke rois fer tbe cléd dm of<pollaemen. TOTAL vases or sNMsnzr IAOO TIM gfttmlnzv YOsAtJA.a 80. lise, vbicb buit tiiport on fie Zrd mt., fr C#AIvsy wra I Bt.oh . puI, vant u"omawurTrepusy B.y, in a <egon Thursdy mrnlng, sad suk lu the oren- 4,g Ail tie pus.cgaawsd cMaw#r asved bi prepmsletu (rom&. Jeoba'#. VemI &W sud go a tota vrech.Tii. Cap- tain sud mv b.isvead smulrbly. Two etesi topgsh"sdgnrom St.&John'o, but it wu Loué tbat tie vessI ,sud ago vrold b.. ktota tl wwk The Arago leftirork on Tburasy vit&a abogt. 20 , 1eng r s s e u (nIghI. Ob. lu aboU 8050tous reglsta, buli of ron,, su1il compsrtmeut., #bu ier a astrcsure 17000M.stb. vas as-0 ployed l u i rspotse»iM a arlg tie kalyprelausedby fie Oavy Cempsuyt ad àms.r$ t IkOd. ffr 146,000.Tie 4 s y . M ii â " s v tW fl. p ro m pt isssla-i &P hdlaiirmSt j@lam N1. ,staIao dmof-adt'Io .ustboep.*yOnboyes , ts4W uný htbeuaoti4gt Goma vieskssa"i llCpamYr vsau Chlals. a wlOf ia Bu- villaemqpIng 14 atm e 1*90 Moon veel.Ilim uteé lu pdla i.- csleavy dmude an ap-po*lileat t a t e aa i,1neto day. -ïo«,wa mamoted togess.v of«badn fi PtOPesadt. blmOv P bella rrcd bost. for*800. Tii. captan ga mmbna$5 vita ibtg set fin bozi da-sutd premmd lced On. Snpedntcnenv cftb. Gonflera 1 Tii seon meeotingtok plac lut rae4, vbe n otiar vltuese*vuesecuey ldm dn ur tie b.d ofu e tate.rem sad niin th. plus. ue uguin<aldlsused rp, cuq>ts nWad's ezpreesg dMe o a.es. ii b is lty to accompisiias pmtsd hasadonsmaundertukI u e alaai muuuer, sd gpvo tbe ulul, tàm, id plam. Tihe Cuptain tien gvb1m$20 "U Viildi h.Wu s. pwScre £<ky pouud e p"&drý sud It vew ru ttbfe md over fie Su iieti, beu .blown op tber dock lut ev.nng, Tii. o&lem ÎS viutiymla anticiW « paS. aubis igeruseIoscompîis tIse InWeralunder. ikng, pouncd apen bi n o gSturdy lbe The. magacine vhc"zb.b.dhapro. Mdte, mse vu foud, va a-Mtold,&aH urgedsoMd rady for nue, sud tii...10ne miat but fiat fQe wrent«Wu£ddte cm, t it tedibolesdee~d, til*ab. vuiv 9" of edelug It. Tii.chage of peir wl It If 'id, vould have eompletey tomD ibou in piecae CookoW udb.ena dive, lu fie river ut ovelaud, Iu thae mploy ofsà mona sed lo, sud uquesiely pouesse timil Ilw eisfl u barduiioos.eray o .A coopirult bu bomnour lot @ver tore.A 2EOLAVID fi, Au.- Uiiii&£lu AiEsA noj POO dos mil oaj dat tie Nol corL AU. I Tb# Momfte rvood so ols e ae&omuasey .floussd paiscu rid gâlltaiyoe$caà, tay. 1 n palbaierm.e frahvitte mr vte tie a epe6àiw stoue, sud if v»-,e aewwead é« bsmprobsble tbfe aMy novwasled t% tWAsumy 0( *0 Zust vii ho màuuset à@ Amy 0(th#~se W. lImr vith imuob plogura fit a r. runmas bave been coupletedin r4gr4 te à visit o1fiaheUited Eîavau Clcka Club of<Eaglond to tua eoantry. They aras.o arivabau. In Saptembar naît, sud tied§nt ms*ob viii b. tilt beiveco fi serovan oEalsud snd twauty-two 0( fie United Stotes snd Canidutthe, m"tcbt b. ployed on fiw nav greundiof- th. st, Georgie Club sdjoining fié "Yscht Club Homse né duElyaasmPraid& rte pres. mmc o<flteoegr'estp*layara vIii produc. grat ecft Inu lai ccet ciraie thruouahat, tie pmoutiy, sd' viii pr«oa o(immanu I n ag a t6vr lts 'iprurseofocma"n"loug 1 u.' iaaryuob.t a n sd bowier oq»aaIa by 6 isu srpusedby nue; azaient I.Iderais; G'Oudy, 0 ottna.w, a1 - - sué g«lýt and " .bat; Lineri, aid sàea rate bat -( spenier, trm cum. bridg a, W epjyA a dpintso, j llyvbItdeof<suueeses ma muu n - 2p I g tÈ i e 1i I g b e t rm é , a d - o n 4s g oye: oeJaIL 01S rt -RA. ~A.I~IR4IALEz W'OI'STREET, y (4,~hagtâRqW7 BIR( lim iee Mud Eoys'(4, Veeta uMd IPuuOouun, cf aveaqudiity n.uP o,.prmis.. 1'esUaOmas'Clltklsg ,masdiup i. rder ou 58. istustym la i'%aafr,«g ào orezh~oko roresjs eevd Id for the *Beks of È, ried te IC higIoels suk PM4 -, 'ot and Bo rt'gpeaniair« sMd WRAPPJNG PM'po1hmemsfs Wared M40111Il4, BrMn, dmaciî l pwat, sud G'yvapn aas- EN-VE LOP E- L.d, 1310, B ci olo, 01 k , I air s n d v ari ons q u ift le # BLANI TORIls-1elunsorue' In c b snd Oom ino u P lam , orn ty am O Ir g « # 'C o ur ts , lo s el ve ut C o r » v lau Clark.of( b.ePeso, Clarks O cMn lorgçs sund ail (onrmveatnsto tif owafym ami lalta& tskbfLbedoseu/handT.d. or tbou. INU, FLUIDS, NKSTÀNDS, &. th-oaiurter Dvois« Pska, 'outalnfng,12 .baets'en# riled Latte ýspori ishbmNom te. 12 5'i 4SI¶Lst or Euaoe. 2fflsalng Note jl pen. ff'ru serbulio nan ud ho Mder, 0 e@ l e ohm B ottlug pop ap, ud eu on t Wof nk -clfor ai gue t*r Da & TO PRINTg, - Ail kiaidu or Piao m Ar?$ .evs au uiru Cul A i* stili urbe Eeaein luail kiai< of Prlntins (W cuh. Tiwi.-EKWEEKLY OHRONCLE at $2.00 A Tas, - e ii e rbWEET CHRONICLE thea ýprintor#aMd Jtaotzr,, "iilt ci, ly4,l = Aov feo u ,tgxd'v fil, co b ug 'lustbaothiagIqu teai onld uufa tii. dà- bdit be >nyortdefnd tvitii osk te aurrier baig 17, vIsertisbobtieee têfi âdml41 huton ploe., fir. Vs otug1M9 P., SO"SAYS rI bdi. du Gu ieom M4 ohm auuleBootaaid lioue but tbe W#bas stillMsd butitr.- Ws I l dt aiueup on the.preuîimee.ai* cii ai m i nde o otoaipW viii bu reudly ut- ided su urnlshd vtli good sud cbnp Broohuiu, Julo4ir S It la 09 tui vo STRI9 ewa' De gazL~efore pia' ~2UH el.wé aq g>wat iaiducemen~ 4P~U W gka,& for 1< $TATIONERY. * STATONA >. GOODS! Zetr sud Nqte fPer, rulasasiplin, el 4itota; blueMsd e W ad; y*"lvMd G. lamid;. sukd B. or@aidbugf Wcisb UV 2 ccc lit IV 8s< Wrapping Papez'.;' An Oa ' Altim il", vel i ,tS, Ludlsu TWINES TJIP, PAXAGON QATtEDLA PA:'Kr OtflilJltrrnsTATIOxmEyisilor icma auamnaafacgaire, cÇ gcod aiiataslsl, sud vail got up I rra£U A T T £Of X. eOron=,szd, Saon b= ea s tetegasltou on tii.bes, omwà4 , i th# Urd r uin a ilc f 0 1 t e -1 m h J s n a a s r lam , wiaby it Io provldod tha no Msuri'ans yUl ire etjnM aissfter, tii. VZEST ay beEPTZMB*Z, d PuleBgitoaii .areyeired y.-. ' . OLTHN-T -- -~ Ccmualuetouer. 'N i~AN15 JJWAWMUVr, Tercait.,, lTtla Je,., WL I 'bl na. u ork saoaaar-tr. MMta d cir, suy ai., m ashort notie.-ebep. ">'ou U t o, <osiigteqa (*LLT O'VAL - - 1'nlaaa. Maloiemua, sMd Otias, SULc instrai. DU~TTO ~ ~ ent liannflsctaared te orale, A largae murtut i 'tS cf th" n- Partpamr ,usi slua" rudc , . cbauUgvcacrogae,,..tb.TgE kZ lat sa oumiaersofthe . rasrnmmr Vitir saPwxrds of 14W iasaatm'al v4p, aluasi OeShillI b.puaaatasstlytteuici t". v*A l~.libet diaéoàaat fer eimsla. Toronto st, neuir out OMMc,Tsuro ito., ToronQ uto jny 4ts, 150 24v @*o - a~rday, tIse Sth daY cf July alor, s By lav vîli fUma srai *,, c,uil, bipN sIs ncrnov r.qirse for ro*ilnryomi-, Agifruura.s orks, bftby, e o te pr=o oeuigthe. ,é,..i .1e- mm ots No. 32 aad 03, ln tihe il T k u ;don 4 <o ,.. rIo i u n alc f a of OU . ofns/ p (YLork, BâlGv lo shresd Strav Csuleré msde N.t.MON. WANTED, A streng tboy tede geas MAILT v INEG&u1 . 28 Yrcai-S., Whltby "M[ALT VINEGAE cun nov las b.d llarge CAU*film osanaflquuusaa t testheA L ucati gius CHAS. O/.R)L par8e a, tl 7 e 1 ise uda.m l.isgn wbuy jan tgr làCi= "JW w il lt4tlier, WhItl, Juu 20,1559.2 Md s=leiule y sited, s tiosmmu Spoeal oe*ug <f L O, Wiathy mae J BEZ Y DE , No Ll, Yom2o - »» - -Pa cran of ti A 4 âneam u nwe rtive mnu CO.. 1 neue Co., < menaC.. $9 ClrIaCo,.O 1~~ 1 m 1 1 ýl 1 1 ---- 1 ai 1 ýl 1 p -1

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