Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jun 1859, p. 1

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JOUR( HAN PNggxf GWStaiAu. OVYICE or 0CS TÏ <¶LUK OY TUE ?2Â02OFFICE-A *JOHN Y. IIAJI9 1LAUX OF TIllE COUUTT COURT, AND ortbSogot.Court. dE.. At tIrI N.f1etv~ e, Brokitrmt. T w, PAXTON# Jr.b UASIUEElL OFFICE A~t VIà OUIT H&M ANCDONBLL1 SOLICITUI h CLEXR OF TUE C(>UNTY c ôCour l lgm . ConU. bt t e C o rt I ou sà W. M. T19MATk1909 18 T ERTJIAND OPUNTY CEUWN "SBISTP h àêTTOBEYOAT LAWr- sdlti)rî on 0haho.ryt Wb&by.CW-- 410& lusoIJ o # b i.. Wr lmioA., Wltby;',W. l Billnp 0bol Siri, IWIEIS$TEIIS h WT0ZeNETS AT JLAW, Éfotrs to tie 0motr 0omu.I OCo.- sir- mu Mt 4-4"tb W4.g AESE, At!OIJY 4vrw * c, lIa'«8oàr àStore, 0"k Sf«WhIbtby. »AJdLITIU-A4ui ti U tcj Seroas, Whisb*, 0, >W, t S II4ITOU OTAIt-rjjý e 1971, MEZAMD M INE INSURANCE *ulor ts0Cony 0#uto.O1 e BLlfýeoo aé estore,B11ek1wreas IWk CALDWflLBE13OWNmo W!vzvàwctm, oouxlrtba$ ond DFOR oçl "9 otyPubudied as!(a.,Ag"" ,(Airy l ' iid l fir SHalliiy O tel 1<i L à pans *!QNET AILÂwt, $OLETO2IN oEd Md amli r fch $fo JOHN XeNdàî AMU, a li o< 4TT oENEYha. Ece- QOLILL h xANILON, lj tu0 Wt he iila la b.vid howl i 'il &Whl "laktie lasW and rig It oie... ilbire " yà ofiil e f a"ia Iohad&U Uwer, ajhi viéê a .Iall I e wnb u e I stild appi ôél 4< lr Thorutou,, a.the ausg td e lawubassdiai slévaq v%àUoiire <rou aenâ6lm*ai me <om mrne<enfai ad ppaIig povaet * "~gOin, imum molb.u wu Of amohla îtYOD fur, iiosyoun e viti BIlE toim iksersoseýd, n4, vidal ber covimuis,.cp sageeou li o t elméb.r coure.,-tlese anion vont louiug on tlie blîovo -tbson lmos W"thiasdt ddiatenlug VM7 nomanttg Part amenderid pbano ifWits cav lis vtl, grv. Ail fi l e rS !MIof! tt pogios, botie so ga souhlt 84t4o aopll, - 9b» lasaclng1ber bmed lvillaail -tb. enesof onaie f a «epting f eveny mom oeton 0hÃ"roeld;,aqd Captai Tbon % aata aeoogla b.e sdeivosed 10 as- image fTs b. ntit piuy Md foniid" for b«, dmity;. . For tt'dafa#dia ngla et Iola aoi.m moon1ised, ioc mmet.inlg 10 l- atm t& l Ar"#, rq"srgailtdiafondi. e4 thoeev.le guide telb. isavid rasse. dsug eus' paa.age? â nsriai,> s'y va, 4M nail ludertakea tSkl 9-li6 #w eY" b avee odtusspokassof!; lias the 4ub op.alr1erm ewbat AUWbterd 4muevils iisor' < stio, Volf Aida.; bavîvaba rat <rlscaUsoS e' paék O.If qilrpwtâisaIIl ow lé aébasélite y6h~ in, bt aur.esisbrhoy -ye0 reai Wb tO silooc- ou<eaoempuy 1aa Icouaouse eW W àagot i>' hasbt iglal bsulautiWits4 yon wili1 le1ë0 ; plase lséWIIlésssaiabe4 1, vill bmumtmf*lae, e Wlldg 11k. 1h. roiliii.ofA"iIda1,Coin.,b. chaos- us e b awli aabbnpi lonu be-glntogs.ov le"i daiue.I go. uisaet glorlouely bllimi é»hi me of eeus.Wbtgay YOD, Desmii W01 thesir hal6tolae esa bàu mia abm, -a f I "Iih hare been W sDowa keIlig1sllan lo " , lài tisIr'th"asla spalpe.si of a elapior' ais>'otb.r, bl carimtho Lord Mayor ortLondoola eatIU Tb@ ait e ndof t itquU ut' ipmagseasstid 1w j dla'Ma Albad $Wen IYsmruddyb-Ud ýad wfna irils 1-mat to lb. suirkiag modd of Clmr Thoatn i ïa4 vhea t4mma vamoa. 1éau, i temsof ùdteit s toe vthe 70085 Aguiehum avoglépoit out Pouad osé ' Dipla.m ùekm of no odiosny "'AMid vtado you ,tJaIu Dponny M.. LauajbU.a roc aMgo1ang Io do Wietimth bis bas of nd tbnu OUhave ti4ad p so, lit M*ngig tbulr baSt fcr à dasrka. üou,ý &a.came uaron a mait dock b, round aud la.vy. "Sand 1 ud sé eIl y=e OtdooW golé dms-from soi?1Thatb*taaon 111. tmratfr Biddy I 1h. blaméda dy ,lbat the captan veut 10 chrlaten hI*yoasngste1 Bis er.,briglal aeusl Aisé lb. gols!, Bri4.f4ý râ ais sr «M i i loti. Melabiuisa atisg for you mmise l*s "Oum isIal11d-Ah v ,ho exclolma4lift.1 fig h-ebru talln, MW'Isfiig , kMai48li ,àdlO«4 ,'tbar' e .v.y gmddÉalidoahm.' ..i;ai lbbJdift I wa# tssre, <o; lM c.pWno as,t«4aathbom;blminp onut b. bis lat lad This axbààgàs f" i & là iiéô on "W*U, Donaiic4ldyo semo b. ai«dki. ting a gootl <nUor tlb. *to.,I*a Chili ha in port lu lb. courua of a fav day., sud theon 1 muppoUea a#Uoin e thegmt d6- "Ysas!dne h.364bu sbvaed Saa' a heures!bousâl viglatetosfiit las- I "Glmy houa>', lutes'mpl olnald "Tb.re, do yo e hanth.e plpa.nV' coatinsse Drlgt;,, hIs hislbsbh.fleo 4 to but offth. bog d sansyh.ole i Limserickr, wvlth Iis bag <mli. Dut'yosll fi onogh 0of"s! luouis! Irelous!Don. ald, not Ioc iainib(mluéla isé W tua lt. bopgsit brase. Is If'lbiso nald i acUjtboaI i'n Uos, ial og, aidibsl40a lb.og vhs hosald yoodov1 wu àqw"ntye, osAl ood, #es" ftisera;às.MiWBudet on thé vide vostb idaou 'ourîvo baud id euh otits.,ye n mv, ka&de MLaog. 41,#A <blu br014 DU isbéir4ý) cpachg ma le^ brlugbaekaà<rlue(rom dia Top "'Yoo drc iagooni000m, Donal dautr lu beb&lofyoarlttle Indeial,lgive, yen dbi pSté. lu cza.ge for dia bog. Ail bisa glitarala at gels!,Donal"lacon- lieud Wo nl.liIsandsef tise opeasua! outb-, o!ad igaln aniltisesauna tia tome- hasg lia bas, tint cMtaiwadDdmaiIi bard luetoa4 sudavble lb. Pair a! iJ' LisgalIs oi plalg obtl bieesluge on the ÇOPMaln'm boit lis siba d M ont o tbéfir 48g0amdi.Je*Ibaust. their gl-Si Thae ebip ba boreber giient#»* ov th ne r .te o i a ' .i d ie» i ,*t * aobd Isocadaofe lu ndls Zuali. n mýb of' the Tharon'oý vbleh vete Oacpl.d Jn Social IneCofmu.eid fond offatIon; las1 clea lait bin sdelta b auilma!froma bayà8~ istaa spiglaly 0 éfzSaai the tem s t he asYoutàWal( <assud t.. gg.ther4y onglt the.opchof th. ImamÃŽ MOhlaÀtbr lrllftp; roystrngU Pelé yeo mams s sy meck &danit Iam grovsag colé ., Arliso, aWMesssbar 'ovy.tlatadarce@of our Do eislpvaeav.,reYour sid&, foralm giasg no,.Thé daat&avainlaon su temple ; Iaie bean vo4wprfor ,'asî Amssg romgh"windu vtmebut I i,; aiv*j ayho Idamd mto lalald ma; lbu nov I muaI ta1r t1 4 usd usnt vyage t10estonntyo lalois." Àmh«,e e s p#. van -stint, id lu longueoiomt 1, Midi. Tb haadaflithoi su, modm'eeils! en"té s!dtbemselvee bu sM& th. e &ala iii muso Brrov. oa't a'be r ian 1h. a,aiyou dis! poo Cidélabr. MY motb ls1O iîBot lu l0 sTh.loag man blpalfreCollýAt a iw .diossglat of mpping, big dwclaawa!pnse thea Ioher olhi dalang écIslldi lve lng buIrÀo- hdud.-i vir; t nt :41 vaW Minvisble ý Musthe eeois dy aBe llaitl epfirtOfCMm ThorntoÏ.hloiuim digla Io k lg#for fboUi1é« b r .ril lobe nol ami us*ww tllnitld1di lp. Aniali Tionilo châg 10 hiechilst msà lisr 3 idhm t. lb. pt; aid, fdr4èi resicée vila on iom, ho follovcd Ihi mie 0<1.o"a r ovar,id Iaditta vas bie'oiaais dt a.no ulle n arfiecalh. i auathélscasdtroaseplr d interplie expuof blS ath mg w*ail uasmpa bluclra esryasi thon, lb. Cwtàra oïvi aga»ia'hnf envasé; bu4 laiut atofa lluid, eonfilg v, iisïd tas. uo l«i. qoeeuly éaglster, laldastise placeof coi> ,»We bais!.hedi. a muI naWdIo*w lai lise r y üb Scouae ie hiuas su laid losg been IIIilbse on .pdel, ud ottlaaIln&"sdh la os lb aseern ingal vh. de bels ismolug draga te lb. parelaaip, sud bmt6aé lsebsasltg brov. Daa day sossle.Mdcpopl iit WIiald cmtoa let0h.dm:ap, stlbuttiss es,.s lid" Caplan Thoistoisjsasaw.d.The briresu mios lubMIes!gand 1h. vin Mid imndtrboltï ocre eé Wviemg ona Donld Mctmgllaa bads!scesdeé .4 mirablu n b'b laas!va n setheanas thbelm 'ofth Cirndn;but dii. aed to have seim l.ps'eminonhW !crinsg ber %l't, vha b>' «becnii " lite, on, tisaosamvae" adlaiqoirs aI tise cospêoe e m fbep 6mnlset cf la osé ipoug suXr laei ben u lakaufp *th l5.e> Who vemeirftia oi thse loue.,aMd exmeied blaé but wm aiisBeI51Wseexüu out los l taestbe aip d4Iel tia iorla, a. nutmél.lué~t1 ., pléessée va. fal dg m *ttapl lf IIWés Wi ed~ lest#mu éï'mz occo pI é - .the7 WeTa 00000 m» lheb ea T UaI ii s4 1h48 bd* "Iluhvos of àha hé#psi d, lif t ddtie, hbs L waoîip6.~i. i *0ea- therebals, h.troi br aut vofIr, whenJ soEli 0wle he .banm6 01 the. p China Bésao. <UtiL4h. &oceu dmUi ea. Ipéria, 4 pire engaged ln id Uasdlgidifed conflilt irbW. , vllh au Obstinat. OIs mudstfan,,viWhoOP, s a aMade h1 y posas a pon"ulsIitaîda' t.o aperior pew ngw m pow 4 swbe wus90 PreffumPlsaOmSeoe mrtta sy tw*.hI* *bâ l1 l lÉyiasBa jaryl, '# is ýeà1f, ru and sgamaalo"e b 'pruba '.mi'e éi the , bpg0om utdi tu iisn tioilatapoia ltbo. w, , , a, ii Tha'. ree. Plalis of, U .Agi% Word godé oqopaa hi slmoal Clouad gainalot Or omam0rC0, and, «41 teom of thse1 * lhaves&popiatin whiohgst cwteilledtoe sM t tar-scen hoetillty, aideDven of iahorror. À great appmase ub l 1bu 0.Eminra wislois vécouldnoS 1aeava-"Unvisit- eveqthose m-vhlo si! imse we avadepens!upon 1t' férODvo th. ti nwhi * arg1 Ifinal nneotario ofour, a rtl itsio'1.ans! grest daa",. >r bacouseawe ha !long sougb. tte'Badiln IÃŽ4 Buci Are, lghtl Smariet for ourIlnduolry, bha sxpellad Of of, thei su Wbv (romui itsprincipal P04, and hWdalmoitalut aaasong us,, W-0e leus uap, blockaded f hoaasingle anbie 'civ roma his paceéapon ils boTdoTo. Our sact.oorics vhlch vili slaovr vcro.îleslroycd and Or ommecsssxrciasl rela- oftairintrstsln rtl" yàmr.I nt.ruaptad. W. ioulé mot. P~- ia il iuaulvaa nywlaoe pon ot bm~a<ounàomom îe beyond thistaotnca commandas! by outta tbusybsn w guis; and Our (cllov.citizens woer er.men of triad abili ad 11k.vils! bansIf lhey -vantsarad o ai ln pm'ulg of the moil paucfsaloljac-tt < A Golden Irù commercial traffo. ÀA mioe Waa sel ýupOn ourhaodsu nd theocourtyards round viaicla A ecorr o.pa vera ranges! lbe horrible cages at Can ton, viso aigna hiissll 0 eolaood villa lb.groans ut Essropcans..dario!ba a Partial and Inafl'cctural bombardsifnns haît an ols! corresponà Slimulsl.d htSiéd w4M dettang a whol..Victoria, aider Il sane o oniction olof Or paves', o&M!i togsireathealoilo,, *chiusseGornnen sill beliov.4isal mayo tb ù fl,ooév 1Utey, coutl affrdtoe10 t, s t aaI m6 illa> bim l n 1862, ausé umlty oSMé 6nlum.ly . Lord, Elgin, vol i t ht n àajot secondedby thé codragc ans!dadutof<'der i. o siâeryw osas ad dial, hgOr"lou àidds! sidA ~,andé glMn g villah Né* 9"aWa undaÉs. 1115 fdli'bd# lna 1ev unontho hôavy lacaa' té 'ebagal hè pr0<on s cpondency of osas. twi@osiee ai ller 1 aaunrylogs$n hiClama 10&asestlps.nî 0( tliudiLl ÀW4 s'vain ottUmp1~i d dOMin the jueud sétous- an iidtad imassof ~lle *uiOss.euaosupon vliéh h.é wa fi 10 *,14 1éf04 slret ela0ssist; byé iplouféj ilddWby vos àcWi4d àl orus,--ptser hé l W bw #fiïùil i . tom sotNilkissg1 coft"eeft mel o .illi. aloafa dopted tb lisedl# gars tisat vi goroinapoliqy vislh alosses.ausahed, esuployes! «lisess lie iketdusd look canltn villà a asling the. fomr se.lot of uu lite lbitmsiéwobly bby aàil tise umdarsnilag litai copsblo s bisIli ac!bm <orsud-la a pool, h.7 sa144N coaa#oidted os.des.lu:lais coneî4s4 d ha isalos!eo# atèr, pr thon, «bile 1h10 evidona. of his pover vis tisasthdiasaine ositt yoet pradlusupcu iaouorto(Pokss, pose-transpor tse fa ed tod tho~w4 e h#rvers. vlaiol Woul ln ist communiimwés*Rfi1 té mysididlu. i epital pliae dopcsit ' 0< liis ulystèrié o Eapre. 1.met 'tor' A ihotils! getlnsd, secon Jiuas4dû thei.zsilitary powervwioisroughs (rouiBls cotais! Wbrodgbl toge Ïbe os.10rais lini, profes'adauls.ulin ha 'eId a4 0'naval Comnder to seret, ans! asthori let loixo tse ltioli'tan tpon -bhé,obisale e4oo«iala ln, L vhicb bares!hi* <êrtlacs.pTogrmThi ie about £S, o, 4 reaslva en eMsy vior>', aid h.e etiroé nd slization of0< diseantmuent oflise Cbisse ulono sto clesalonfdene ln the posi flly 0 « r taisca Slrng. 10 ýiùdus hm la ïgIbg'viigTostar éideoltUi thon -aivbyeho' sived il wlaioh'coulé haocri" s!by o.oose niem, ounlis.141h of el axcing bs 1oA"ti> uzelsudtargimt, both bilaiesp"noo Agaasat lb% bille>' pro daiug #a proeuloas mdrIlas 0, u or pmtfoam id unifia Irid*civu5 bea ehola lb. otb d iak, MieftWns pied fortune. (;,u 0efhbis ïUm ahee ei abora applauêof *llfoavm whSc e denirad-ussMd sotloekug tribt@ elenves' <oiîiag t dgb l1y sketches!, th. services i55il5 rh bas just come bacl o!flbh do not doubt haove re. vans liait thcy ara uot igeorist vIsn !n tisa goqd ases haolam utlË goléemnmébaék' al"sta sent, fos. Ioi. a ima vhen àfi .glryIn vnte! abats- litt mo.sricà st home. the v on hmuasa.* oblig, Mt oftthe -iin neJO urna, thfiý ledilofoet isaJournalosm tu Idoe wrÃŽntes from sIndigo, bP 0, le dateof tho lt j4ncb, lodui -as.in ýobiss saewa. 'fi *'1 1 spin in, as-10, 1 intons> im tg Way (romas itunt Mcxii. ob y lnn4dceeble kiaaliîy i c s; *114 fdâe hégbudwbc Oim 8y caides.mil" , tioii rbige "bt k l; cI' ~'vri ; *0séa th# Mm aie spot van>' s <sebld, Maoutisngroaai l Noam disewa; vWh#"sewvegbtsta il àa t fci n six Io maon eliM" la bo , b reisus. e ta1 dfdmé!sf tflars, tb isey b groser &i.dy# I n blsrov. . aow nablgo tule .ide eodéd;lhIdiG lIsýte latter th. fm râd gualg Ihsllitiaitir&#siprt itliy *de nêciý t legolb 016eo thl~e notalPort, la dias tha trameur from tler 1 0 Pearln& If hadI«covey dn se ans! Melbouam, 1 h.>' In is thie tr 'viltise oulvaa 'ls! hies te <ornaa limutit- 01113 ondosswýft4 aaoep*aftào id fect the ru -dCU vaYMIosl ,he à nd S o lishadsuil. îai proce.d 10 lflbourne, I S vila vrty lle! mais -bruarfb, ;,'8.i#eocnd mdantsdais!, oairs soag sr rW dfbvao.orb1 â&=aiAz n Vmr'rlx Or NÀÂMA Aie->Js _-eý ijetra3it MrtidF.of di. 2nd safoliolonmmalcation ,-Drisg ,Nwioi 4e tour dirougaWcotenCaa4ad1 i dont, of id moule a mbu vélôulil li i ad lasca pcnad r bulng lb.e puet aeian Thei a n lu lein !ovuebip of Hovmrd, about fi LIsenAiss M c tmutildy rom Chithoand Ivo rivas! fa mm Mralout 200yrsàpant. Tse7 Thae o dug of an os'diaa size, ab~n 30 cros -and tb.n bo'ed boO 0feet more, lohbis ) as>forana Mfgu rzibé! msp sddaniy fimetdi as't4 opu4lsthab. eddité tt 1 .f dia ï e ~lvia imffocat.s! visiapero, le spoor asdéto ta. boto'. Jio- dacreeos! »"ai u Iovam.& 10 mye 'bissml -ibuiesi" rd t0 witlsdrv Ilciei'or. en &-rnaaueI ed la faeening a noma 10 tb. boc r fbigb-cot ut wrio vws deos!- whsa± vilira*u, 013OfI bel long onouga 10 ranch aboya tb. lu Paris )f tiegrooad, wu.mad and drien in-ed bY nà tbol, sus!i e vellbriered mp. It cigan cu filMa vidi vaer t. ithi abolit 1l 01105Te. Ofthe topth gilé inghnOfi bovavri de, udélb. voter cI.os', i fIont good lur, wdit..e DU4 iluaebortiue, tb. ,ommancsdriang Ibrtigla Iii.viter hit k In s oseacaat ae ofebasl- is e' Me ina hle kOve'a briskek ins-lb. 4 r Ï i sOthési& ofdiheve, a I soee Ilevtoadi. both0*«si&a,ila arlsag i ete' Tué vali Weil U a m, ! u- gM àd saiOue pb.noldsiiiami, a' lhay - litig lerW fLé 14lId 14 laa.ben Biéw a ,d,o sa s tb u omd for htselt<llaS BuA D bred4or craa, At lt ruMth.I ar 4 ehng ctooal.lsope,10h1' 19 luc1i. .et e-botom alg nid, about cmpagble niistaiesof thick batsud thesa o. e yog arooga il lu buffla vila mmclifore .pllcaioai blarov blotches of mmd upvard ind rdofadiglm<fufct. Isav yin lbe deyl ime, but vas toldIt iiw à bf pW lgsied4%satohid Ibatit -' T, g earmlug1 t sd bis ustom-bom For ptm msala hi lut pléaj mi Gedrgi go 115 m the a rlug Pl* "E.». ~N, AOOOUGHEI. as OreokPik.v. I 111W, , sp 0E31.N~fpQaa I Lé" 'MIlS1 5.~ !I%0M~,T0WJ. I

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