Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jun 1859, p. 3

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-A.y, uMggM,' unernselves, vilI ne d& *à44 j for llberàilty usuredl> loi t!m ~ rabunstlstcfyour eemoiittee. 1 Waé~il laitucd, tut semo senuils Oumwm-st#Mnmisdbys (&Wvin W PoulbýX.tlsigeoider sud geetilu dlsplayed on al idos, Étoge"h.i v hst battnions> clrcuatti frosly an Who vneesteret! for tbe ciotanri .""fth 0<te hnuerous vIitr se ais* fla0dEuglaut! no sport la boIt! fa miUu" lesteeni, sMay induce. tinsse t# ubate tinoir ucruples. I an spi PlaMdto esiibled te -etats tlnatno, lag'occurred furrheÉlscyof sjut!gem Estin s tbnder-storai of Élis fiait dsj eled aa yeur Grand .Stand, 'or ca. tba5 of, bheJutigos, lnvoiving yonnr1 :,WoeMsg slf lu tise csui oild Pei *rrdsd su cppcrtunuity foi s 'i4ùmllY. This remiuds me, r. I coui of an anedote telti cf Dr. Jolinsein, vsll e$emplitEs -tins common sonne vie ailUc4rn, atters. ÀALady,no runstheix anse consulteti thes neat -Lszicog raphe te tiso degroe etturpUtue t leatta $-Qth Élus (e erliona orbbing u rch ý---"Mam replet!Johusèn, it AUi dep On tiihefglst et the bby. I romnt ."n> seboul fsilocrDavy Garrick, (who alvays a little tllJocr) robni .g s & O)ioba l rs ibirnpunp, lbut thse very 1t~~ cliinbcd up an apjîle Inca, (ton]I alvays a heavy boy,) the iuougi bruke iql, aud it wvu cahot leta .Tudgut"' 4C mnding this Anecdote te tise tuorsiden Of tÉboue chc thirakuo Chritian afe, .40 Wlj !usnel heartil> vig iece$ thes Oniule Club, ot vhielu yoii have i Ù4 Ébq Iuideali-secretary. 1 remain Sir, yeanr's Ina! Dovii, ox Two Svctâ 1- da f the An&lo S&M BEBAT lIATTLE BIETWPLe N T!I FRENcYH AND At.7STRIIÀNs, 2A0Aumrl&Uanud 12,010 MÎllet! set!Weunded I Prom liiiuvz at VTgvomuruai vus siiliits, Qrraunc, Jane 18, isteauiip Auglu saxon <tom Livean1 SIhpamustiPatiner point is 6Monniing,a &nir Oajatein elitairiet!. A gneat battle'o t!ocurret! iear Milo TisfroeisDghaim a, derisire Victur>'. 20,000 Arîstriudan tlnd12,000 Frenoli Wld ud onadt. MDils' vacuitodytil ieAustrinisi Parliament net. Tii Quuen deliven speecli. Motion ut vant ut ceuFlulcuc Mliistry peouding lu Cummous. " TIse Austnian Mcount@ abato Ébat ti <Cainlst wvuunulecitleti,lÉ cas likel>' te1 rsuieved uest, day ; sud tIsaStih Austiiai ha t ti 'es he lsfigist. A vuns, net Youg, havi»5 licrd tismanof tEffiio Csrtng, in I LouIs, lu reoverng $100,000 freinhI ..lsrdtermolned te prmeet!agaluat,,. mil of iner owu.Sino aceordingly censulteti S:iyrlu lcbmend, sanlmitflng, ùa îrinols o vîienc o f Isaattacinsent, the if l1Ovlng, bWet4wotethat aconpauniet! -boqanet eof oyers :~t Der- , Isi lm blii Élieboy s bnekett cf floncr, e. I Me1k. ian>'love fon n . Thaenie osia 111M n. wep <ark.1Tic dog feuilumencu Suores ac. Rois mrad anti pentepal -xy lur fer an shalluoevor telle."1 A*,Obieetiltor onlru. "1Wiat caulh moe aptlvsting Éban te sies a lieautifi v mis, y about four luce, hli, edcve - <sýet eu luche. lu dianeWe, andt iirty-ton fwInl srcmcreuce,-' pasing aleng Il «I asmidivins vorship cosusences 1V' i i'lisr, lu the geed aiddayio f lilitwe ottai,baving "toutou a jorney ln a du ,;gerous t ant, ait! b.hat! t"aievr>'pre Moation AgaînAtatamtu attftclo, antilim *fi 'léIa!pistols ah tiehue tto of /in lais'Le Ptutcv,.A prîvate lettei i lis.besu recoi'vet frein os, anueuncluî tIsU:on saturtiy aîlt aIl ths Anitrisu veas gselnu ort vers sq4ust.ercd. Such a #top vlhitbo die netlce seens 'extraortiinary JaugUndt!andd rance on the dectamatiouof 'val agamdnàt amsis gave the voiialfqett' susn>' six ako'fer Lhslr depatuis - Fixlrss imiate Hoer Sstns-At t1w lite terni of thé Cîreit Court cf Lsv nas. ceun fiupEticard Lnu fond vas ladlctd for selllug a lieep skiai- Le suengre Vithon penualon, sud ilursu tDue iuut!rsddollan sud csosit a On ecountry ssssfted to bc a vioter> i, sen dUsîm " O Jpan bâa4côiQciîw 1an th eso ns.sd argument oves tthe ?spissentatives Of SaUeutetwO'tbMÙinisieé i l od£rt li h-the British nation inutht part f the globne He ýttbja ne"(bu , 1uta 8 s eThosgrsat'plains of lratertnis wovri folloved b b. eaP'plaus. Of ail ftron *50alme4t closed agahint Our senmmro., and! applains. là;' teins d.afred, aud not1léW the vast population wbîch tilsdthose plains aven tÉbe - Wlnsp.rs of siwy sud d iliflri' ntertaines4 towards usa Ioingof profound tienu lîleh are a trIbuts inoyer faliiiî th tihs hostiliîy, sud ss'ou of' horror. À gret grsat deeds. "- nougit .Uiniprelhob va could notlouesvg nvisi t. 8ucel, ligbtly sketcbsd, the. ser mm ar l e bocaîîu se edspsnd uponlffr one of the i th. man wlin 1h.. just conne1 f, r ts noeesarés efeour- artificial. 111., andi auieuts, W. o t doubt h. will nu < « bmscue v huad loug songt te tEnd lla s acoiearom bis ceuutrynu'av"le, market for Our industry, bad sxpo]Ied as crllch'wrlJ show Ébat the> are netigut fromn thsprincipal port, anddhiaamosts&but eftlnelrlutarest'.nInLthegootiservice li eoially us np,bl4ockadod lu bo> singlo laaud vo accouiplIahed. ila bas cone bsck ais open. poUSSssd upen Ité berders. Our factorels4*fortinnate mnement, for It laa tarne V bOt. ers destnoyed sud env comerciaell rsl.thes countrylisingîr>l ato t y. car. tious vere lntenpttd W.e coult n et mon of tried ability, for service. atu psizod show oursoeirs. nywbsrs upon h. cout biard. baoud thse distance comnnsddb u odnVsé rmA arl îrSp uris; aud our fellov.cltlzsno wvesmurr.' 4 ceresPondon kef Une >finfng Jour k"rare ed 1ke wild bsasta i(they venuredCe lard wbo signa hituit W. Râadle Ceh. E., lu pursul t of tins inst peatcoful objecte '0f k dosribsd by the odltot ef thesjournî ildecommercial Étraec. A prico vas set npou an old oeirsspondent, vnltes féona- Ini wmich ourlisada; sud the. couryards round crhicb Victoria, under the date of the loVitiM isv Of vers ranged the horrible cages at Canton,, te glvo the following ýst%rtllng, nova; »toy, ochooti - vit!: the groains - EnropeAns.sys Ébat 1tvotesuusfta ncéa ,ef hbis crrOf wn, s Partial anti inell'ectîîral bombardient«âa iedhm là.1852, suýdagin lun1VO8, ta lulh Ached stîmîîlatsd hatnedvthoutorestingawlnols. hlimthatin sJuuruey (rom Moinut-Âle, brsomas couviction of Ouîr povrer, andthue der te somas very inpceWibbe localîty ponds Cbl'uae Oovernmnnt shîi belioved tbat Nev South al, theyý found Élis r« mîorhhy could sffurd ho troat un at once dih literaily flaggod villi goltin mlu iss 'b cnaîcît anud contumély. Lord Elgin, vWal hoavy te carry te auy conoIieràbîe t auenil ecodd by thecourg ana conduct f tance, mdoamalWrpiocmsbrouglit4'may nur 4il 'an sodicisandguiing iththon o th agregt eig t fabout yfauit crldonand nioderatiou thr- force plaitn< Ibis, avoirdupoiis; sud near the saine si 1 ais under bi* central, lias ln a fecr monthe an igolateti ruas of golti, couing (roui vith changed the protounti reiupondericy of our te 14 cubi c (set of nichai, chose Weii Con counîrvmnen in china te a senhimonh of wu' describodl as net lesaF thon six te soi stiOn jerbaps tee sanguine couîpiaceacy. Aftor tons. Not liksug ho bave Éhese rosi but fi valu attempt ho obtatho juah sand Cin. te Cie facile gaze or cher ralnlors, tih S<,prat ocaionitpon vhiclî hc o s uin-pîoyid hheunselveshhrcs dnyia ln hhro atructeti te luaist, Ïb> dploinacy uuiidod by Iug tie former lita s ulgiboriug river; s :onarmm,-safter lia itiî bec ret'uset ail thie uudenuinirig the large mass on Ctao aide ceurtes of eclviiizud lnations, lie adoptiti a pool, tiiey sumoeded In rolliuîg the. bih thaï; vlgoroaîs poliecwieail abu remainod.lo to doup crater, presning hat littie Mo *. lic attscketl andI took Canton vlth a5 oOSÉ than the. sema outis> Was noemsary ef lîntn lite litnuossiursbly bélov .ail tIie transport thie.chie oteiho nearct PC ~ ouputatluna Chut lied be» foruîed,-hae voslils> r afis. te roaUres [romtt consuildatotl orltr lu lita conquest, sud lieo-place of nposit, poirine, If the liscove, Fn thon, chule tCuls ovidenco of lis power won slrouid get vwint!, sunirruption of tl yet îîr.sslug upori the Court of IPékin, pos-~ rougi. fromu Sidney aud Iftlbonîrne, tii. eil ropidll> uorthwardt t oeriver vhleh proforred entrînstlng tlis enter vith fi coulniuiicates dii lime tiuc'sterloiîs c8pital secret, anti auttiorized il1m te f"rm a lii cii of tiiis uuyxtuioîis Empire. Mublt for a utsocitiojilit Lotidoti,' itit s capital se ond line luy ail thae uîlitiry power whic!, about £3,500, to offoét here-diseuc'cr couldl bcebrouglit <ogethan'É4) reaixth hlw, sud reiizatiou of tino finti.lbahîil mutl lie proviied hajrî C hoeinaval coumander te cient confidlenîce lutise trutlî cf Ie math: let Iooi e rBii4h tari aputithe obstacle te linduco hum te procedti tu elbeurug vlsici barretl big furtler prognes. Tihe choelie arrived vitli verylilmiteuitueer roi resILh van an eaxy victury, sud thse sutire on hi&e-14tii of Febraary, 1858, lie tour sud îliseucbantienst ut thie Cine. ruions aisth ohbils corresponidants duari, une lîmviri thse pouibiiity of t'urthor resistauco. Strug' lîcen sluot, thse othir carrned off i by féei gliiig wli greater difllcaldeas thonan ify After working for somae Cîne ah theo dij [an. whiirii coul.i bu (ercateti b> open cuees, i nawtîidrs ucs.livc, 'cxcitiîig tihe doubhing zeal, andi arguin-g comnsy cf Mn. Ciare Jackson, Mf . Lc kil, igiist theo exaggerated dreati et resporii Yale Colege, te secs4 veanie di*tri-it de bilihy protxsaed b> rion crIosperoual scribitd lby îlîo latter, -andti ound i linasel daringwn vasetr antorîbted, butah wlîcsonexpectedly lu s locaity wblchî bore Prufesslurmal Caution casPl1u1a04 ttSnaucx sutrong roeotnliance te that described b, ted irene uriknovu lu i Caue hunes viscu thi# lacorrespondauts, sud te hi* great sui tlu Brtisha2114 îy vas ol)halrî,d the e n-*ge It pi *lau»eitifed one oft he.spots iindiicate( eujo'ys; ianravalling the jeloua Intrigues F b tise i lfouli th ie calerouthioou the of jn'otuuussd aJlies, arud aidil ionI>, wltb an looinlg bluisb> ritgection, cxcept rieur hlm lie eutire anti loyal adliererico, by ths fnank iieuitaain ore, viili lia a brlglil yol usud uiswenvîuîg co-actlou et Baron Oro%, 1ev casÉ.Tise genenal cbsracter vas bi LULord YElin paxitet nurosistt! up tust river oaie, poet'ly uiruliar tô Dailarat, viser viiich vas too ceallouxly bclievcd ho bo cil tiie large masaes cf geltarsav beau 11 be»ct citin perils, sud attaincti a position tîrorto obtalicc.Ilie icft tîne place lu cein of whonce tise capital of chinaa cas vit'faiu han> et lis acqualtntance, cithout oeut St. racii of lhe British i as. Thon ho inueae lludiug te bis discovery. llaviug agaii sen bis Trety-a Tneaty vhich gave fiim ail gone te the diggiîîJa ut he latteresud oc for ho asheti sud sud ail tisÉ ws ticaireti, anti lasÉ Nevembet, lis veut t6 the place of big. la h. decisivu stipulations cf vlîich arc lu diiicovery witîîout auy otlnrattcianttlian fi secaexorthÉe concession, Ét bat â airsoa fi n e dog, sud armet! vith a bovi6 k»ifs, bcsn sccpted asesulfid-ient b>' hbcse allies revolver, sud-siter a tay cf severa isys, vholbat! tlloweilu bis yake, and lail auccedcd (thse ester being low) in getting amde haste tessecurs for thliemelttle uactualsîght fthse greal uîîgget ilu lb idadvantagos, auticipahiug the (alluire ef ester>' bod.Thes sighis cde bhumdizzy. eyth riisrhsAmbasssder's more comploesbut crilinsoma difficilt lie matie lais va, ide anti stttsmaulike enherprim .Lord Elgin, bchveen Évo lgucus tte b bk cf sriverý a 1 hccrover, succeed, i.sng vils consuti. aboutàa tuartiaofet saînledistant, andi thora de mato akili thsefaclitis, vilcinhishelargo saw tise other pools, baviug a yellow cast4 experlenceof Mi. Wade anti Mr, LsY said confainlng hao doaabls n4et, tiirsdue t tis ista c weoi asatill malisabls. aud nvte egaveare nearl I aib'ti r It oioeat! igus ef barteisnug Lord Elgiri discollery; but baving noi rscovsrodsnd SatidresmuetihiinielltasstIduuoly to.the uk nobeti>'kuociug'auything et lÉ bat our <4 sttiiug cith the chuse CUMMusioeueg re, e »ies, . haH preerve oui-secret the regaîstieng incel are herefier tec tille titermne chat t. do, -tÉ bas been hgovoru Our comomerce.Il#etranqnllizedpropesed that 1Ishoul I corne te Englini -tins province ot Quantaug by ebtaiung vitli sufflclato(IÉ broksndap lnte maùl i. frin atheCourt et Pokiluthe reesI ofthe, pie. te boiysun suate for ust te live tGevemner vise bat!I>en s"nt devu to en. o ÉeÉeohe' eflle, sut! thn.ldli commence tiuturbauîes, sud tbe effectz<> 110 sur dlacevr>', is vs aresMleof opinion' hi% remeîhranco s u hovlu the sub; Ébat ge1d in doorneýtoteconne down oten stitiolotf an WU ercioVain, '. ntto priësdi'éai onsÉcaes if l vais kuoca WM d. ov us, o n asdnsnyl su., 'aou,tgo1aucuei n« ar not bsen Jeu notable li V îow le s f et, Sidl thob e er u about5 t o c, ni s partl4ular; and, ldeed, ho bu s sns- bak w en àatiam f g as in0e u sdet! iaes àn-bis performance gone very &T wbs te ns-' à a ngSondtst oldbc er yond hWs rom",;i.For Souteaccoumtabls Um fafndng uitàntý' nuvesture tô u hih e vryFecmn boanth v <ou , Md isI'il Ïtsa bouet! 'thspW icrmaiug afev tisys ago e. Is>'are ha~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Ao Éb aer u o ~Éeoti ijuiL nov sxsminlng tei' clottely sud to seofa thne ýMýan a baereti to îave hlnmbut a 'uluytIefs&sepefLiçNao rboyw obligedt! têvitbdrv Écis bore hlisuanc.leo's baf.ci'ofbitleo,,and tins> are per îles- estct n fasteiing a ropo. te .bcdY Of mltting-tOtbetusdesaprofalne' deubti-vIs- th lsti'W4vne vasded, vien itinrmn.thO i o f th5e É.reo$olti NsPol~e ~stand, A Atube, long onoangint reh boy, tésrd' IL là A !ioter>'i7t1ita t eSte Jbs bp 0 tb.reud, v "~î~M ~ ~ denséti. Tiere are prIsôýer% lu Une French and Éa bo.;1sd - . il;,oei a. 4 csntaatal!Position ln sÉi'eta sud ub'ea,Éb~~Z enen7 rretretiatgtquci u a l ia s s n f ll l d w i t b ' v t e r t t i b o u S 1 0 f t h e v ao y . B t l e ' lol u ti le, 4o 0 p,ga d ougtinunin eptatfeni Us populace 'iich -bat ouI 'H ncb Éi tubantise, dter lnor atinéi the entui esielatip(oIst!A as ~~~~~~a an'-s at.Bil otUid.?eth-rate vîctoryiolavon>' mueS thesms ste gtas cm milnced raliug Ébrongli Élis catsr, Éblug as a dsfent, Tii.victor>' >vlibehtIse>'j rMm vltl itsop l na s tant ustatse, ofebuili. have prepared-thir reekets andtierillu. îan- as~,~i l ' estÉs oves e bil isk .b.mlnatlons to celebrate lx somehiug vhich - uc e lnn nearlut!h e d ftise veil, b.d ibiver an empire, cîsar al l iai>, maie 'sud »,, v Ihanssis thini Écice befoeabcsinutsrpcea t 'CiiiiK Ui.I7UE, S 1ii . - Word bstveen France àantiNapeat d s- or >' m nh t ie appear sce f dirt > o p o d a. show -t ie A utra l» n r i s in a _ l gi .n s d bq XNO 1111111id apparent at the top of thn e iltise Trench lufuI ýpariait. lÉ lents rosi 19an st hoester, vlicn dravufreni it, seon _llemaparte ictor>' unhle îlotienemn' ipet mitles, anti becoes cli andut plesmant te te retire iu strict eider, an,, 1caves Élis'r 12 tise tante. Tiroe inr velI exisibiteti nean- bleeti et a French General, te flow viti ;it 1>' tie sme pioenmenra, anti, as tise> vers out ativautage sud citheut reveugo. 10,00) von unnilliug te risk it loin l, i4saineent illet! Frnccluun 'liave reaistat tise attacketi 13a, - Iffl ~000 Aulitnlaum; il in creditabîs ote mes t c r itli, , but thse gai stil i rsm ClrongbuIh ">' Lie muand uit bsfornieti(r ~et tronjî, but lÉ ia net creditabîs te the COM. ffl- aprueo ilr Stn ufcfn -Mondor Who ealiovetithon te bc taken ah in Petr, rCr« t h sraete a a tiluatvanta-go. suciaars thoesecret gay, 'o gent bcang of oval aliapc, Io b>' 18 inclue, augmu etNapeloce i 11.' tuing aubjectsa. 1er inî diannoéthe cbetteni being mut!, about Tu'ie>'anrc er> unreasnablc, no doubt, te ore thne conualatence cf thici botter',andt!Io' gas intinîge lu Éinr yporsitlcal Jisappeint. te mise Élreugl it lÉ lubbli c ith sucli forcerasat; but lIse>' anosaustenîcti lu thos. mLt s4 te thrOcr blotties cf mut!. upward anti former tisys MLsc uo Éluresararyve> cmouteant! et a distao fuîfour fgct. I #Svqaici sudt! t tîer hsenircatiy giltisti, .u it oly is he a Cuime, bat wvuo 1tolit iasd tholr prut Eniporon lasilprbe cist< hoi coulti bu igilteti vith a maath, sud Ébat it liatvisait lied bcnbcofuoeasoaltibe asçaiu. *y nt m ,ilvie Tifre reu>', hoveyor, lu neosuuilient ,ie Cag io.Àuge for tse ptArtJY gruosque pertinsci. ilcris, ina;....utliin ~t>' Witt' vhaichth le Frsnchî refte ceî *f tîe gnandt!Sight I trnase. l'WCvisitet! tise efforts fCeToil omaih eli r>' it about mitniglut. WVe sav tie ligist tne fite*tîsis battieet o rito-bollo tethue di. " n' imte boun vo rçaciaed tIse Iauss,ati verc meusiens ofils predecssor. Diflerent con. i Wr infoiedthat tbe gasa lig Jiteti of itself uitions now governthie ccismta ci sf lor b>'muliusanknowu tote h mily.Tht-re camiaigu il, ItAl>' TIho Trench bave not- m re tire opetuiugn ln the top cf teino c cliyt ýhion Clint tîicY have au>' uufllcienî TI id -ubaitute for tisat terrible Seus-Lieuttauauî -I.Cin hu Jagt otc aizeaet a aiout ofArtier>' viose genias brouaglst sunu. r. tFroni et ilageut sco ns vet ls e out kuovusor a dicussed syaitea n ocf aies tlu lnan tase fout lasgna viea ors - eea,)cear upon the routine Mnuvres cf the oIt!A [n ntias riistas hap t saviamgs. Prom Goncrals of tie hast century, Tisene Ys of thie otlucr apertureis Che. dames Wcria ller, ern>'roasn te believo Ébat Luis car dli Ct S'but ciuelly bright, aud ai over tise surfacee rogum te Étue oIt! precodonis ot piCchoed bat, i f uth t l' ul are cnrks,thrugincJicla issu~Cloutisud long siCgos, and! that hotu France a daume rtmmbing buarning 4ulphun.",Alout anti Aastria muâl sîîbnit te constant b. 'yseven miles front Clisîbani tien. la an«tler drains eofunen anti mono>', anti musut look r- l u nth aiemnera h bv on vltb patience or Imtientlcewitie thae dl ug u to snierosnorse iseabee oat tl; feughl. eut inIiâolet ansd )j dcucribeti, citJiexiibita ncanl>' the gmne scleumlllc strIfo. ' Tl oe idrenoensaIna, ut!lu hi, altisongin Élis vit' This la net ehat Parla expectet!. 'W. Itern lianti above CIthe' is lver,' bird, tins suspect lÉ la net chat Pa i c111long on. 1- vtOr la as uft as nain ester, sat! la dravia dure. Napolcen TI.insu hallialcungeti s 'a te quite a distance luanSunier b>' tle noigin. conaparlson visieli penbsaps ne manIlIving bonne, for vashinig punjuoes.The gas iu coul succcasfaly suustaim, atin osti tisas velu nos ucen on tirseaeveral ceimaa i mke a short, sisarp, declairs -Campaigu, a tinte or ezpct te innr murmura ln ils camp thn aut! te read ef dlaaffcctioan lu is capital, Tl 'Narusos A I uoaB§-À corneapon. Te hum, oves Élu visiron fMentîbeClio 'a dent of anu.Auricaa paper ayll, 1h bap.t a "fortune.e, ni a>'tend lbp. ulci; pencil reeentiy ut Havre, 1aSm conacign.an: rdeuibrace i, oeralu etf Division, but tonsy ifbmd, hat pakag, o theFrech ýVOnetYet umade up their rivet! fonisians foerg tosngr i r moîds te admire hlin lua tender nurse o agries o, t aiigsferal hniuticieroa sa sptbetie Coerai.,lHc bas aold it Ennerr. efte Ibis tisamon et nîllitan>' c ect, ' Tue~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~n hotr brei rtnesii i u i moust fulflithe conditionsioet1hé i'!j rcargo, directeti that one Umesaut jesu cmat.6 nuttaoî aeza niTii. te lite Majegat>, asuithÉisrL'maiutlr bc . on- art; lu moist bout Éle Austrjnfi ither M fiscatedt te eStatte lswls ling expli, on Lie Piedmoutesee ui thLe Ticine, if- oit tisai ne indilviduel fchali import at one hg con Catch tileul thons, or lunltuc plains Clnme rs tIssu oins housantl. Thoe ni. of Lombard>', if thbcy sinoanît retins beforo perer, learning lins Romnan eircnunstanee, hlm. He muet enter bMilan,, lie nst Lako deceeod thes imusediate promotion of the Manua, sud hl us t next draw the ÉscÉI c a n t o u s' t h o r t a i g l e r r a u i n f É o fe t É o s e f o r t i tl sd i n e s , e r o ic u ctu; n m y vil I j Out0m Offer t a hgherbranh of ten bitit. lxlnutasy. If i. aecou ai 1 ronOlerv"ice miont lau lun tokenur plilai thi. vi i lisa grcat seltiior; but la higin commcutiaticn tise Cross ef liehe gI. vithout an>' political necmnit>' ho bas un.-, ou et1 Boe r osrsar nve_ cntngdeta- a hotak.udbe-nstseom- isM NDoor olId1at >'îG-s*V.am--- tval HaraI$elsia ere "Ah, o"d!il,' ~~1' 1.0p 5 à OZ - e, 0 1144 ze.1 9 T LL psu.on ae crbyeloto-ofsgana a. irtnloftn Bs jnub 0< ltel, W11d 41 uit,11, iarr, 18,50, for $11 $7, n'îide by the î d'r l M lu toyor of bMcarx tirpwit«r sd Brothier, nid j irylIlnmedite1y allier date, as tiie saine JABEZ LYNDP. W litbly, Jue 20, 1859. 25-si» MIE PETEItBOROIJGJI R V 15 PVl7.iI!uxp Vaini R 1 D AY MORNING, At Ono Dllanr per nun, payable lu adviguc. flîIoE e'ew as a em'reutin tis-ce an lua-ge cot« aîvetising inedinta n utige CutiNew&-âmtlû lstrict. Al 'rdrma d<regiuid bu theuPbllier,p, c 0punet4usly atten'led te. T. R 1h. IIITZ, lnbi*Iaher,. hoe Peterborouli E minér rHURSDA Y MORNIN0, TWVO bOLLMl5 PsR ARUiIM. lIci EXAMINE1 lfwesi.l5farpêcircuîlation ut ny Palier psblllted lu oS4ertioro, aDit roture the. test sdvertlalug umedium in tlue,. nite<l Colî,itu's. [s M$ CARK, 1'e<rg to annouiîe o 0he iii. l-iuabitîto ut litl, unt viligity, tlonl 'lias» operud né iva ste Siîuoo for the tiaition lildren, lis Mrue.k ltret,Whitly, Nxon 1 leap fl(ouse oceuîied , y Mr. Cuilenri, Union.- t e lî M r1 1 1 iopen o u the l ut ' « A lri l.- 'ins per quarter ïsa tels0 d. Vhtly, Marck $1, 1581. bu-..1-4ai -w Vev, ise ba ughn rd IN lruposlug înotu'e 4, fille "esen iimftlf to buac4 oieeta-14 ~ tae uaay litirio, tinisfil btucaut son 1a > a r i s u t a b o c u r s c f b l i n , a s b d l a fl o t a eu i t- H47à Conustabe, 0 0. 'del Parm of Canalda to Lot. VIE pnof $ur.et idfn," lu the Towîîaiilp rf Wiiitby Cornfty f ontarl,-iilelsP or be the sFnuit day oflun, oraet1 s o ui. notti to ýW lu s row n acrti 'nstfilr o Far fi a u tIie te met "M ai su eig in tii. lrighuAt se f r i s à o i , t l t o t o o r n t 1 i î t t c a s r . I i Utsd uits #fille rou; the. Tuwi et'W l ie ~ Br tUèer.la ant *aI lu,,,a bMaket for' tver; of Piodue, asoiid te nus la Canada li. 'i Tar n uiuprl290 ses, eli.srd,sund iy (ree (rois tuualpe, asBrIck Houanud ,e out.'balJîInys. 1-. JAMES 1XG, cc P1ering, May 2a, 1859, Rau 'Âway. SADOX<e'ttboy l,yveâritod, imidd Ic roirer4.a,îd voit, canibine uvcrc*ta pî.J in:îrt andl itolli,'c'nt, 'Anyu? mniu bcIIhtlink'nly reeeîvc'd hly li il (ther Auy persn berbu)ruîîg or keûi> ig bita i ter thi, uotie wiIlld,o soiini;t thp S D ret-N%whmnd, P, 0., Newiuerket. WM. FAJ)ON, 20Lot 4, tICon. W liteliirl.- Royal Inmuance Company. OFPIC-îî 2TORONTO X(H Cfi CAFITAL-TWvO MILLIONS 8STG.- Tua Pmiru @1US8-Two liaudred' Thonsaîd W1ouds Sterlitng. Býre r Fndir onhand tomeet allcli, rn, eet IFndrd7iindPnd,5tlng shott period rik* t',keu n n ebmiz o on&e "t morttioàtli, Life lixircî,co on very avîtgm~tertitA for theue fiire'l, wicIi Doni iminq iti iil!iipiii LONG LEAP!--C]HLLMiTGRI Long Loap.Iu, uIligt bew os riix ]cep, asut oui' mait t Fn (>îdu, Tite :ap tO bP UdO m n el. o grcnsid on the Wk4iv B <cam C>nroo. lie uftriihie saine but ChallJengeo i 1 to ait cotliuri lue)t $bc J'arictiars iit ti, orne, wliere $10 depüoit liao bcee lons. and Lot for Siale i. the Village of (.recriwood, A Ne.,olct FraiipIloîioe andiqîît~ oî 'ut Oîîî11l, gsitagoluln 0xo eeruthe, Vil- jwr otrcciubÇiithe lTuwrî,i*liliPcher 'sng. Theciî', 114u c,, 4 t, sio 4 te, tio, ticre 1A a)c,, 'i%î"llcnt jer;qs i II$ilo l'or terni», "" , cpplr t', W. A. îtîU;, 1' LCrceilwu,,d <or 1<' 24>-8om. Tie pr'epr ur, xrde l'. of) ]Pianos, Keolodoons, &c, J OIEPiI IRAINEIR uauîil,- 4o,urr uf Pianos, iloioldati,. "I ad dtinerul worltiran fer- file rd'tair (4ail kiîîdgé or Miaieucl loîctririeutîv. 10 nowprprt t', r4it-ive, eei exectitf.' e011ior- by hfitwil le unriit-edgifcilual workuir' iy otiusrinrt.' lu $O tcrdi ug to qill- Piaijox. Meldeons, asudiher M,î,picaI Instru- sisue ntructured tb order, Paut papîot tai iutiCrue. AUl order» l'y indl dirceciP. (), Wiitby, ot- [et t hhi* <owîîluî' rer ofut1ut Gracuxr Sel<#ol, i J L ii i 7 ct;.i tiei u 2to Notice arday, ti,, Ut ,odoavof ut'.ly us'xt, a lIy laoy wili, oe jitagéedilfor tJt iti rlw<m of t io ppiogtp ani 'ieuo o î,ini îîh of tt seruialwce te gt» Nox,. Uoisi'127, itiii the tf feioftii w»- Ii, jus lIA iiut n rwiriire for rosti PÏurpoiss, JEIEMJAJi FROSTl 7il~ws/d'p Os NOTI CE. lE Compsiiy ori'irîîî of .11<0. MOCAB LCo., lely eigi'ugc as l'r.-prietor, sut lpur %vostipiài, lit .îrtoaiii dlseolved. '»Y 'lied] -osle o ini igt n uta ll"mer of At. oniey eÀptttitl,,,d t mertji frui,,ttho laie proprio-. or'l b .ilin lisniier (lroeiiwitexl, L'Xu4,tCd.oi 'The l'lrt Dar of lune, 1839,, I th iiii 'aid *fldin,îer (4recmwood or 'Ii Igtot arcdtueurl 'e, i llly utlithi'lad Io etiio ait clii, ltiuri f uii aiîiggt tine sdd '&nni ay îosud - ~- 1-'.

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