Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jun 1859, p. 2

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sud 1 beliere 1I barant. '1 wmü>t0'to 4L uaderotsd why 1 bavals 1* It Io Oiag, C to pollcy,&m;rnpoI4 ysud aothing short, -.-l euî or. Whèu Ii wu et your a1 n~ b,Lbetaeullt wassVi.oas aeldbrofn do"ar.. ~K laers,*umo "s té dis$'Aie hsé st r WoëuiI'9 broken me de,,ý, but Isaîpeer, otisik hs S P04 1y tPOýl&wo mr:y ezmple#, sadyou walr 'orI biorne sa r rlchsfarmu tdiyortdeofrIi Saamy, sud dl is is ueem~-I Wt die, 1 iraitalwaa>'u creful, un flue flrutplace, t el My a>waa>'wif lxthe vouen ;took dare to usaderuuand their claarac'tcni, tlaeir senti. Inentd, thoir- partieular vaniticms ad ho!>. bieu; keepin; suy' owi idea, in ta. back ground, tilt 1 coutli oincide witii f birs. 1 aiways tooniaroa'eneyer to.spsalc diaroipeet fuil the icsix. 1Ilaever, in fthe preucaice or' n woman, cai4ied a woaumin a é woman', nr 'fuie.4 I ldbut one aame-In die-for 4il the femiaine-gcaidsr. 11mw diai you do viien t),.> difl'ered snd sslad yaur opinion. I wonld ag'roe with oe, anti at the.mains lime winic at tlie ottier glyiy, as mach as te gaiy, its iaIl hubu;, vhaa I'ns aaying.' If a vomanu suijl>,I'd pnisu ber intellect. If abs dida't know anytiing, lra praise hon virtue. Iu this way 1 Isldn>m aiamed ns> inr;forii la vary se!dam that yeu linda aom3an vii lauji>', immoral, sud os fool infe, thé bargaiu. luntact, if la bard vork to ind asybody Who bhaisn't s ne sgo.d- point, or Whie lsut susceptible te flatter>' in some va>' or other; sud saiman muat ha fin si#, Who) If determinea! to make his fit- a sr> acceptauble czAntsiebt! tsos nietimina!Jn, ieart, ternior face et the amOrmon ho wishes t esisan sd' Uijninz te atàiaiee it, malte the. Puson tri.iidy. Maust I bu luberal or siajy 7 Oh, ho lbera-be liberai b>' Il meanu, said the. dyin ani iti a s gaatly #mle, tuant li,-iai otimnt.Wiieavr à gin. *ro eai oa dou4re, "aitIt te thée skies. Alvays pralegSetreu-people. Clsp your bonmad for philla .irOphy sud thOn Put theni inuyeur pockhe ansd keep thons there. suppose a beizar shoaiid ak iam os oi or I ans cahot! on te subocnubs te sorne Charitable ebJect. If, ny au m esn bhgp, ssy certslnly nMY pon veauai, qenMmntuonrnMY'pôSet ~ld sud thon quiétl'oil l iyown ockt.-»W l'on yul final ney>, of cearme, but yen xatugayvwidi sa81814 suds uA- inlu Jour t.ye, if yen doaasarM oDo Unp, II "Yrsll ashandtosgay 1 uafortuatl 1sv' pLa, àcdot. 04 Sq mon&, mnai,~ toi. àt: thie(TOMIa ni9çuja .I 1 W#hU But grief suai is dkerltchbok.d h - UUterence, sMd mo401 «i tiag, If lmAs.swayî bVsi =y pobey,, ramu. du diagns mraý, teo d offoaacete Say~ trne-or sny oee lse--uigiit or vrog..- I»bave siwsys endeavored ,te toitososit salanif j to b.eCalmsud eactoui'on 411oe casions, and te savoid d the iibif- -etan sip of etrienm t.. y OU;~~ne li tiis course, >1 have found diat perssver. i ng te aijres vith everybody, seaigly, and te flatter everybody skilfuly, is a onrs gain te uiYivêrual poplarlty. But bhave yoaa noyer batSay dilffclty witii any ones? Net ince I vas tvcaity on lssief dyin4 main graapinZ for breafia. -Ehseb.rne a hittlvator aud wet rny lips. Tii.y aré te parchcd te ipcak plain,. Thor--di.re, bo aiddaad as bis son obcysd hlM tunt. will do, and yenuhall bu enitiated ite iy invariable, itivaluable peiicy. Bie dferso.w fiaI, Sani, doeemtiai, and coutrol' your tempo,,and flatter viien you'get a chance; have a -b w and a &mile sud as shako ef hauda for svcry body -Mark I-1ore vsrye -body, sud thon you vili get aloug. But I aunt bc friendiy 0 vihainu mut Friendiy i HuiMph I Bo friandl7 te noe body a I only seeni go. Vilaiusi 1Lb.y compose t.wo-thirds of -the comeiunity, sudi arc the Meut influeutial. As for the other i third, thongh it ia weii snough te keep ticir geod opinion, :isy ars only subordinat. agealtA In the building up of aànman. Butc dor't ge.tafrentd with 'eam. Oh, coi Som,1 neyer de that. Nover 'kck à dog, umilemi, vou are are tiaut ho hai't any ownest, 1îen kick away, if you Liko i That's rihît, saiid tihe eldest Saui<k, ii - like tiaut. $îlle agafra, Sam, imite ailin. IJy smifing 1 have gained mauy a frfend.1 But bc careful don%'t mile at the wjýOngj time. AÀ imite e isaipowerful wesâponjý butt it aist bc ued with jud4eent f.Do yonv lcnew, Sam, why I wss always mch a ta. vorito with the wumen 7 No, mid Samruel, iooking curioaialy ate bis fatier's - ugly face. What - eau kave f becai thle roasoal? l'Il tcfli you. I confeis, Sams, I am net t handsomt, nornonyer vas, se tiiat wasn'&a the reassu, i Stam nodtled him dociïive iisiicf. r ReaiaiTmmarrou-Oa or Tuesday .slrnW.ded >me rasalut bs,s»y#, afrcet un trssao ite . ustoretfMni., bufldisig. Tlieltheaiat!îtful lc doen or tisebemtdry gpsdum4hard"OrJLae. t'is beuftlertiy, fbats, &hete dieu«. tontif efi*or dirorýIw84mL dolss terti vbheafeyguuilasulhy esrlieteLThi> are la I al probahl y ssau ~'of ho¶heaefss.<dm «lust vlster iti lup.Ki y duipsa Sli, ok»adj' U Il ~ ~ 1 o30ck .nis4 /o!ck, s.. u d to. .aas4i Suadain. Whttby, Frlday,, ,JOU 17o 1859.> be 82 60, liadvaoce, or830.a the ciMd etflths ycar. Trewej?*jy ijhiropte wl uepbiuidin. inay &tv~ie ; ~. will br' 'li arged -4..--te iioi B st t ny rate 0aPduhee; If heipsa àa jo Oof pfMye by prdféhiiig IkULl ' "Ww' "gelu', i, #eet . e oaitroverm rsstsenmu dent fhsy. vr stting mb otroule&bunt niy religion- 1Iv. , 5lv - aer4ul to Y Malt or s>d hnbick eut'oet tiicrap'-. i iue-w&y tê do it, Samytîaftdie v4to do it. It la thstbéa OPPOI om.e s ome kiaid iii on-, tiiq tronge* ad. VOnglu,9 "slthoughbld qi oçarnad dog layonr owuj viewm, vii.u nobody but your biv aside àa prisent ""&mât" xo ho a9rslM4r opposite politinl cassO, Manknd love s libenal minu'audif you, 'tt r o Tberes sgood d àes ttatiMd m iuiugly roeetig upon fa ilysltn insitances etofs rt Tha tiir 4respoad.d'the miek man, hi$ lips as Pâli s.hs oql alg don. wshi, vig l k;ih sliet. Pf inriybdyý Whsu I livedd ýSaïbary-a hoggisubie tiasr, SaZin , Iu vas Mtgr sis.Iwuva general fsvoaiti, ovlg te ipy Manage. nint-an= 1 ààa-'smfuIaày.Ti lng to bnild a Town Mese.Theré ,.r -to part"e, escia haviag a différent site. Tii.7 mont conmittees 'te skniy opinion. As the. partie,* vOn&boueiqaal in un- wliich on. eOf èeni te favor.ý 11ev did yen overselutRis diff"cit.y? Cali, a Meetiugofet haparti.., 1 wenld give tiisiry opinion. The mue4g vas cl. lsd, I vent. S1 rkl. sii îmrkl 1 they al cied. Ilaresud ant oi uieting ithe rewiis geaillyfa. & totrai fte character, and 50 ferfii disclaimad nMY righi;,dtrtiuegu'utit4.4 uor'cou. aire pea me, or te deljiýqr ;aay opinion on the subjeet. 1 vas a attive eofShsury fi I said, and! no nisddir., I would n6 ex. preas an>' preference, auy opinion. I hatd4 confiducedatgtiihe itcligenWa f dis'Sea. murtions woaid enabie tiiera te cheo.s .ferb teaselves, sund'witla grsat ùmedesfyXboy.k 0d ant iMtirev, in the midist eofciaeri rom both p'artie. y That vwaw vell doe, flatio, said 8mi, 01 adniein;iy,' sd vas fIant tlie reaso n yen vers elocted te the legilature. 1 - ri Yes, said the. senior Sirk, faintly. ,I aie a hut My noble auimndedl became preverbial. 1 vus conipsreite Cinclunsa. us -and General Wishngteai, - put up for !e"ressnl iyp sud swctsI*Èëyhwtea. Ti Deow I diti, Sain, deoaslIdid, adjro'll nosp«.Olt 1 , , ,!- -1 - God blesito,nsy durnÇaabr. Whaf fia latheimotter f. ate i Cal in thé' %daiter sudfi the r i o ti eîlie, Polie- 7 Ana! vifltia. usaAnieeWdvi, W"iihmsdwi been hie giding OWstartroaga lite, upon àa bis lips, dis Hmu.Sinsin mura zpilrethfi Wl ever the Union, sud a greaf many eali taiiai vid&.6 Thse Esllvsy. We undoe tsa at »OMrI Mneftings ave beau ii.ld lunaif.,ent Soctioné ofthdi rom ýtii. Bord et Directoia have-bren pre, ont, TIaolJ'a tucsts as to the position ad prospects ofuthe Company'.bave hein r>faveural>' niceivedmuid'have bat! a id ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i P-gln~ niil mnqe rlet idnd Swray Wfeaico0dAt dit rusait ta an everwheiîaiug nisionit>'lin ror otftthe ByýLav, but- vould umrge qui eo trieuds o et iasBslwsy touaseaiU tWer 'ergys'nd itlniueio. hi ïi-tuppor,4snd .oye ail, b. enni>'st the. Polis, "oe tise Md Md 4"9 gt, . Qusret odsféiitea' lié dCoUaat Cort. - 4uàn O;ms ulsoxs. Th, Couirt opoud on Tuumdsy thse l4ta. las HeééP'flhd &r àni ua re*idontC. ZN Dison -1s4; Wardvu orthe" ICfr/à1c. peai. p on d bo»l Soe'BéCsUI ~îAtn't if vltiéheai id ti le ei(L~$ .JABobpý bl ira .isi Il" * 'tb..ud-~ SrJ. hu'M 0hfi~U~fi If. -Bali b ., Hi gEýtÂ4< lekfraged., Colorj rop 5*/t P.O. siwil' ba cot, Colonqe. ClsbPures of'$300 , . amile arols li.tr: afitowllîb. h. "Ailendael, Colon red. Sr& T. WeUers l,g lain"Ci> £ad, raiiscd ome .fra 1s. sk 's Brovn Bob." Coleni bie andal al blae." Zn& J"hoLyaide'$6"Led>' Geednn" Bra. N.McOtigor i b. h.;"Jock." 2waMing Purfw f$50. lut. N. BaY m's n."Psunypester." z5ki. -v. a ' BIrd. Nmr. Othe, JohnMsmrin'i g. ni.é"Fnai>' Martia" WINNI!ES A"iDTI-pmsT DAY. P»esPesas er'$200, Tvro IiLt lot. P. C. Casvulla déEmil>'Cadte," diatanea. Brai. Jo. Mitchel'i Aduad, TMme, B 55. Taovrxo Pesas or $150. Two M5LEC 1luua.copeml p t0,W, HEaMtiort."il 2 2 U 1 2nd, ils"aa Black Tom" i1 12 t ar Brai,- Jehn Adai'm "4Fanlc," disnce entny ebjscted te, sud drava off.t Tu.,e 2 41, 2 48, 2 64, 2 47, Puaicoy $50 Garai Hour, MILE Huis. 1-e EOt.t'mOW, -",Willy. Rtl.y" 1 4 B B 2 N.ey's, "Higasua!Mai," 2 1 2 2 3 .çeha MciKlroy's, "Ce e>'Ma," 5 6dut ,4- ý E nmMilien'i, "sclçlk»4,'e e I 6 P. C. C"Asve5l% Celenel Bon. »MNES sTniME-ECOMD DAy. lit. PlraacÇsoveV Aladl, 2 2 2nd. W iwns"nat, for vr=8 enta'>. lo, . ay's diBrown Bob,' khraa 2nd, J. Lyndes Godrnsu," $rd, N. MaGrego,'î "Joek" idster Mark'.iJg nf 6ih, John )Lardau'& "Fuxay MsrUi,"1ilU. -lot? Thme Tsv 0 TsoTmq ?~usor $%0, wo MIL£ Huis . Srd. W. Ra is' "ouagNor; lw n iw ýn4l râi the id l Tmie.tSeond ay tii.weýs0her va lighltrui l A1i6c'<nUicpation te the biord« $*tâ# fbM te b< pur iIneligible te i ,rééîîè s Idné it I cj1w rnadescctl.ito'tana.EIu'àné 34~ ~ ~ ~ h fr bs are:i Clulb deauci»git third ora.'. eatry. "'Âidgusw 1ïledon il ptarta suadkips tbe afarfi*d5rïdi wo MOIl Passng by th*eJudgatand, aEÀ,uguit wuso oniy 0a lengi s«-esd. h, alts ieigth,.sd wnn1ngý the but m«@ byjOk, $bne,'TIi. third nfle vas wi Pc;tiàtêd, "a d -àsftorddt heipeptsOtorm slghof.çsofhs i*s~rsc~ eiever w, 'Tessd owndr a w «as ho'hre Icl 901s11ig r, t eo a.. bowing t elé n ta, and, the ridrs dispiyitg excelle h o r s e s n 4 a l . w o oa s a v r l y a . n ec k . s rn nck rce fia.whboiedires miles, À g w ats. w ariai ing .on y ,b y s 'i eti w 1 1 vie, Concure aor ïpeïtaorti vas CXOC ingly Ilrç i O u * o ai. a x king s fa proportion o.e « mc.£4 preil wbo, have attended ,onashecourse, bt% 1l the -PràvInco suâd theé8 s;isusartin' te>, h ar aet he kocueirunoinl nd fias -botfriding thy veor itneeîièd Evrery- one appsred-to be veil piesse. and glsd fiant Dr. Kirwan, who iaad cet go ar1 frôlà théii. "Oky M tli.iiock," ton There wore omsere ntrles for the <amidi two were'wliabdrs*,: Browni Bob'1 sn "SaucyKI".",' '*Fanny Martii" «e 1 entry w s I a p, d e 1 ' a nd the l L dY'l won declared thes viaiper et tbe addi 'Ibis race sflôrded 'oxý'.e1lcnt anusenen Tiie trottn5 >for-tbu $W 0purs a jWS 1'a o n o ne id e ;' Y ô o ug -N rv l tû iz fia.two Milon'es aisccùiztstyla â, nim tsncing Lii. othe hors.«. Weareunabe tsetias ini vogo tu pff tgie fulrfiiweprialr. Tore o rrîipoealsee. 5 M th e hi f C h n r h a n d o th e r m et i d tS , T ue >' b Sv s nO f i a b tha i am of het lIaiCsrchMZw gfor nigi voa9,ild- aId> Iqrgely, sud .exerted tiacmueies'te etab. the bd. abitesud hisa cllaes.mid iaige jemiitres tof iiefroivsicoata7y tii-lea~ng, supiredaad~,Pher ofE~yt tolle Port. If Cialdrsni. . ",- lion upiydac ,n t o prov11'ionif or fu mrue taiatte e vita l i np o rl tien in Secýaanlearning alone maucens. aa>'"Y>thaf nov fke fon tihe reîoaq. pa rnpa) ntration of have coinpleted- ouri d. oud in théa nof xpse, citc'sud ludia, rq hvi awsd 4r uintful perle! tierof e. -exsndrieto Suez, w4 it, "l3rd. ,lTbat it s Of the *ahest import. v*" oigiullY devse in o n e s t e t he » b e if in t e osta i i .. ( a p aala, th a t . th is fl stia u e e Iê gil la e di Lgisltiv provi*io.n fer uprior educa.tiavoslegafl gtehouild h. la harinony vldIt th0 en. coucludeti arragéme; Ok cenitiate the. Cibienuait.y et thi en~ ucsipVory 4th ."T acluflv.app>licq onn8e ad'ý odrstic rid: ýd=ti6 to, he ecowmnto ï alge ve~I&ve ta., , aI di ini for thie aeutieao ftbte #sof et Itiafelassonnad of contiucut&i id fparents aloee vise isa teeducte srlittie ra ieP son s lu- a o n .â e sý éina ti ,ua î i sti ut o lu 5 êg a in by i g e. irrespective of tlasir ro n.,priaiciplqsumn moral uiiaractte ti.oýzciaison e os " e iiiis tesa gr«eae Jî clsses otparent. vo ise vdate educa tlai i jap m iù ïg sosno in cî~~~cnsniaisvir ae usoea viei- là 1- P a te rn a l a r s h i. t o ..â uthr o s d e . v ai » wn o v c r o, sud re igi eus iù to te e t h e af ta saun >jfla ot.bsrn ation , basi e e si that th">'are carsully anald aoreugiiybis iltiitbee, er eoul tagiit ln scularlearnug,,k lagosy iIbl lue.ts On 4 fnendy ris ai, Partial, iM andn- udnpatriotie, sud ':-mdytiie slightestsigo m e nit i dis sev e rest r pt o h tiô n ofDj '.v s y vs e s t e ty ef 18 4 libers! mud ig it nind d insu f e v e yr«-*7 P . tIÇV iS roy -th i e ole ligies peruaion sd part> in the euait. PO'Ot 'Wé hold Mal ."Sdi. T iattilah"ia and aussbm .0!» ide, oxbayanmd efthdie Wesleyan Mediodiat Chari4 , ýand dfiesandarmies, b y t ol uii» sa .c op p e r sq 0,P 0 x a n y o t ir eth u rq u sie r 7io b n u uË 1friends ef- Edncatioi, bave larilysal te teieon. The views c.outributed t esetabliuhand mustainVià,âPsub&a as set likel>' ta Collee s ii vhi prvbaleuisnmadetf.r er meut geDera4 -y ed F a c it > ' e t A r ., l- b u" S o ,- t h r a t v e but o r s l i o n . hundrea ilapi sud utietlpiep.auatery i. B. d4famation,.j prépà4,im, J.8;uèdvrmaeail, MJE sud tpdu ete.4wlar iigohs s- f rIuidrsfanti ~mi*t~dhy~e charte ift âdt4,& vas e aujo mmon of sytu&int 0' pupil, Sna uaiub iss>'iimdrdmetyoutbs efd epttrseliei.defsdauat laisdites.and. eus persuion heeen.educteal anal ffecýt , iaf phon làl prptt On rfewuIsleisd thsnpi4aîits,the Amaounbiy, on a sert insY ortvbom have slredYJieOnOMy dii. vrote [Or#fld'adis boa lfssa frensye j 6& ol-Thot . judy* laïlog vidohv&*sn s in tise Legilti peromjîn scUwicleur~oflas Ayou'sn' uj! Tbt io:beà ni-dabit "7* ,haf~,.jqqjonpo~entre," yousg vemiun*mid- Bk f4 im', ifiy o~f , am; -ITh afi elie lcte Mai Was poWeui,padllrip u s îT Z p s d a f mf eg g r sl nlti0m n db 4 i p 51.iroligouu dtiotieui endibv-bas1.w$ mmsaw to tthe yw'.f wlij h"ïft ton ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ib and1 ôi.siiai~4 neui. du one.e alK thé- I do not st al vonaien etthfiavor wvitl m viaicia the Ceh""nidelareceivedi, feri alway co nesto ad se nie. a d reab loql ing, 0 segbauflfaly printeai, d itia-ma ple asn ; a vaiot>' of m atter, that i o l b. a grave neflection apen die intolligeaacç ad fate of ta. 'Peopls- of W itbylt sudh a paper couhi reniais uuappreciated Bsdi.n, conipliausubar>' ; perhapg,_ soe cyni aliy lclin sai eader mni a yu >, but. co ns plisntary or net, ii traie, vhich la thea ver>' best festirn insa . compliment. -TRooi'Chance, picce et - poýitia v lifenv ave baoretlat. te enlivei*tbs kus bu e iqconsupon&t!ofetMr.'Brwn, adairessed as a forlonu hopé te Adarn Hope, -se.Om qddii oî ags 't i is i t if la d-b hiope-gviug 1hati esa, vem rsefaune resons5fsUet 'd solution Oe thde union. hctvesaUporsund Love r (aqtasW4% voi uansvin te ta. qair'. I"hal fe, Union a.' usolvý Put! ?"No eaw ldnig, Ihat di.erittit Courseti if n. d'oe.miuts>y.,nis iidusaia msnf etsonio-dependame of minai ant sbifet s ,,jîginnt, viacir pire on tibebýe st Otui!. m a %ae hep r ba hdis u tra kspf bisujkti14a close' as i Ïte , u b plo "th;,b dois it wvlll iý*be: 5&vsre dthi d ig lhe 41ý w*l~~Iooran1vn4b lion--a ars ltte forvlaa in the gEpptisu,pr efallev frifling ter mien have' delr& 4 ,~ FuEoinUOns I *1tî suki etts2< A1W the. Peuel adrenenre 0c q': do~ eesoiu.1r in dii. motter vealal to lFposiliieVie r, er arsle7 s"bif te atthe' ubJips4on te sud thesiatirs xcIn Zwopesu, uincs e joa rtance te iii, U' udmr i lahor ofasn>ryoai qulr -raumaY trouaAI lob teeepanalb lis laid, dovna 8lou as_ Red Sea;' vehve absi for' trsniorng F'tbikbni uc, pd nsi budtem iny'thae areS.àa mach e -intrigues audfaufr. inmu uvibo nDi,. pporl Ilie-=ilhiy e tonf Isaprcoaay, îu r put ie vior s the Mlantic. * Ne M'~ontfer suIa êsw. aSo.: th le, otiisr iasao dispooitiqn te 40 voulal b'ip on cvWight or nsbywi' ,aisandCortu onta Aden on the. other, reuuld advaiejO en su OÙ abitiou e es attiuted te :ý" Oii.ua >the Saaâpe. be, dsfendsat Th& "avODe yena>, i go, PU Pill f.n Brea. of -piutiaqr Som vun e ns sud vicheal ustae, menit. o et di. a dat>', is abslute chuncia vas huilt fa * v ieral â d that2 Crestor w go te mi ale s tii's &0 sud te enrmelves tu a dseadfisl lengti, isstaace ef the rad wvhich basexiited days et the apes uuader Pasd'i prsac1 ptriking exemple 0 51h15 e t iume' te spon mtiéh cavilien tie'o e Iichunehli -teýnnai,) fur eigh eeusidertdi.mni 1held tiat lileal tie, their engiat 1 znasner. W. fied 'Ofwonhp, i. e., s vialisthesprayer thea iouild tose ornu p sleep voni 1. It la an bnp: zng Ibis duty to -reaso ththit ie ta tasight te avoid osa W onbhip. -Tiieph f or prrayong atdim - . tth *y ight bc sae principal the condenined, for he dispis>' orfimdevar Of the ProtenaSu tien., bav.placed-h Miay envy hicondi dtbetitia cemmaà -2.N'ois itprej ofnans th du am gelaigg reason, but z 'direct infraction of pose, for anstanco, 1 i. asleep; by Yea probabl>' avakend is otding to othe ÎL-iYsiald do te a. I deenaitnme ths besmdirowa bu open. It hsvrang viio&fring vrom admâ tbdataa§Wh PO& dm am rtarost si "ie snetimes gefti ocmueu, adby 1 atlos ticethdide «'m horrible ate YJphieb,I1am t4 4. Tofleepvitl thse m&= of tue worn baaied qpinthe. CO ms mat uipo vu I 4k I-I lu Samîs. .B. Janu l4ta., Tb llatYÀMunil18 tasanhibkRrowch ipt Leitci bons Liverpool, on Ssturdey fias ffh Inst.,hu arnire!ifsltaL Adviesarsefiarse dsys Iàwter sud lm., portant. -- freai 33rt Pt,,Wàr are on «aCh occesslon repailseaialter a sastuu. aary encuntmn. The king of Sardinia ceanmaneinsl pe. ak1000priaoneradS p ais. Tieitefdapmfchearom j urisi atate ýbat ie Aaiataianç -vOrIn flu ul relrest scrosi the river Ticrao. )y thue Austriana from hia adyaneSal poil. lon but sasceedtI lin e-entering <6oano. rorkMayie@2l, airrât at'soutlsamptoa Thé Persfo troa NovYonk g5 f.>', an- yovd at Liverpool on tii,4th lit

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