Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 31 May 1859, p. 3

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id eut. t lmpr..- ro - 1 uWOr 1t OIIISpr*nom- és IJ;W'll l"m fou.- se. ioednp ln theaLe. ff.epht Smion. Thé V. sr# al in hi Ipt ,'th standing commît. muz7ioa-À niotng1 iv of te, dfférat rity, lynb.1 lulst Lis 4 -on, Fidsy *th 574 repr.sentativa *art P1g ded.4 upes sef. 80, 180. f biile alimt Ce40a»ttr, 4j, g elaet bleMuuelà ad Cht aevl.coo mut bu ben dftteiswfo v M . ARRMGTON# D, IL -g. Eeeetvur Oenerlo 0"it TWome, tb Mey, 1159 IS1841 Exsmiatiao<TochsinSmthse Conu. Bais st 1EAB£r, on Tuds.i 7, SMot k - 1~htn~or< Pie 4 @ihlghtviseetisas tbel 0ly et 114 0,k Lrliuutsta f 1 ApplaiTe musC odu..ntle Iglhtqtat HAIL T.ON RORTSN ln b0F e rsbygiren, h&at s kffIph, ke nlrat¶, h. offrest ne ?aboieA"uton, tuthu U0ilof thuCominmim a <or er lne lnishCic(lty aiet ot, on Tuesdy 2Sth day of «imf ziÏzt uus paor zoog. ,59s-eu SoîIiImg.at ro:'uea wOne->titis t. lbep ad dowase n t ath o Sui, li rauialud.r b' rour ymrly ituitalnsente, wltb, 100tuuueCon eueh se lB bumgn due. Moeu ef tih$ 1asd. amil <urte lstornutloai«à l»e obteiuednt tise- Oliof Crown 14ladeTo- LisAgnt isl apt bw Crovaw -.- P. X. VANI<OagUNg'r Tori,to,0 0, Y oteu, 1 'Igodel Jarm bôrcana4atoLot, t N eyeu yena. wl iie dae tht iÏ~ ornefO "r« a>ir- Ma, JOHN DOW , 01). leasn, e wiltby. ,- as Io 1 a Diii- wtt. blé,. *1 1: 8800,45. 1915.55. 117U5. 2585.85. Co, Property.,2io. e Couail.ke 8" .5 B.ak @W d Bi. Ontejh Délber 15,47.9 Wz the tTndeMsgned ýAnditoxti of the Count3rof Ontaio believe the aàbOve to be s;correct abstract of the. Trça.,wrs Accopt. for tb.e yèar188 WMft; May lotb, 1889, The -above Abstract la ýpubliahéd by me'iu pursuance of the Sau.2,~c hp 9 Section 171, saue 2 ve hp 9 CuiCUC IL OrneIc,,. Whitby, >JOyUI 89 .J A D N L le .,IX, uqa i8 It J.Nmtreà* 0*. Peivys BrIck mm>, »rok ftreoe, Wilîtby, tRIIE O8PROtVISIONS#,GLISS &STONE W R ru ,COMMERCIAL 1U[L.DINGSl BRO~ ~TR~TTOWN, O! WHZTBY TIhk "N hmUNNQ11 INEI TI»w T IF tBWFO Am AO GIs~WaeCinODMM r n Tes Services, ton. Ware, &0, WhlChy, Aprtt n,el Y.I ABII 1*' lt20iIi'. Blocli. WlînL 17-4w WHITBY UAt~K& IWO OF I l7ti, lib, for un- tit Orff. Les. l"6.. sYstenof 4#it>anu. Dotle<ethon itiOsgofhal-foyly hn#Wtsie Age-.sy 80. oeu table 20ft Pros pecta. ,Oum t. aserc 50ut. r$23 s iret pronainsaps.slc£21044or $laifS; or euippo 04t io l titw télPcime Il , 0%o q Agent,, WlsLby, Bage -orthe lacs. TEz Bdgea forember'S, uhorlbmr' asnd viutore ra uow rosy, ant can b. obttaned (rotite uadurigned at bis W. H. HIOGINS, Whut sud WooL ). Jat Ter edor- 6,om ucas e mri tbhiiier *TROUAS MOODY, yWbit Ma)Ly, 1839, 1 jw<ra. TO~y onIL OPtAmO OUTUOiday,7th daylunenst. s. 12 o'elok nSo onrauasmre s.~ Whltbji, mai 28rd, l180.1-4 -Tise IlOntario Ttmee,"Oshsws Vndl. ester,» sud "-OnîarluOr bseveril," give F iyodL SALt«,o Pl"ee or obersIl a equeu aTsusoa, Pppr ieu - ,.,~~~oi NWJU Gardéw. L. RI ROMh -Wellington Chasb.iro, Jordpn st, Té»» MM vth o of 4py 0 eeh popor, to the 840 rVéry u t Toronto, THE PEERBOIUUGHR eVIE FRIDAY MO0RNING Au ordereaddrussd te ltis 'bhu, wil hi punet»UyAiltt.nded to.. T, & ÀL WHITE, * VPublia"u x7 log tuse4 Uit kwo t fi*Mntul im foi aoltTht obje, dO ofsnc ellextlon le, to poeurf*maI fmapiy of Par, e r f'or dosnu.- idon Wall se u W e fr uhing Chefaou tr.i mid Town, It wili *elo ibnie a pe*o syoem of OIlweriçe to- whlch C, be tewll be applied. Ikswl59eàC.mnsâeary for the gonars e'mmunnty4 sud -.n <Omnn i ysten Au *Son e inom»cleuse iootM rurthtr afo'ntw t Z 1 - 'lof uplylus ut thse Euta.ere Offist:ihasasu ONTARIO RANK, iduim6>uut,t àita rkln% blionks l Ci plac or bel.,ts ie>3> fU< C ,if ordo u=s1B.sd ;D l Y J$e Bl Cseis QTEAYED <rom tise preiieaof <tie Subecr k7 ber ou Wedn".aylihast, £MdXueCw wliîtam»&; oun te féoehoed, a vhisaetrpo hîsîti quarter., Mohe là euP.Mao e bbailncal(- Au>' Informaiston gis-an C ihe nucrhberwil h. JOEN HeINTYRIx, I Whltby. FOR BALE.' JL DWehIllng Boum sud Brçv#fltaiOeslu ad 1rîvng fibds thercei eetei, *àin completa ordi. Thislprocsi tu#Wated hé Viae ofubrdgo $la, lagquantty o1 But ls For frehcrP orÎp o , or to J. W. 'ALDWICLL BUWN, Land Aenàt, 1 Oat<f OMeWr té e nt lime. ud n To Jou Aonzw, aq, Agen o < th e tn e a. sm ay dom tis 44 $bu, 0 TléVJhat$ dui fer. <. L> p. a, 3e le e- v q aop .uaMD lo the T TmSB- " and sn 0fhtjid'a asît'A£i~ IM rlPbléJidY a~ee O GUT. bEurp ertioogpro<ssun wl gc utI wW lruj~~'y t thst Oak#c oftb Diepasntso<pobulwoyko, paper lit h lloylme TEE!'" xRETO CThS : je~e o»dt ko1>fee.t!à v laot.Zivàtions Plum,P.*toess, L.al:sInsi wllbUN DLAR S ildiaso for the rovneW aPrlisuiten sd Li- RATEJ110OP A VE£iTIW I*G i bmyto atertobeO" ,Eliu lipan ud uder elaettn$ end , l dv ton s P las n s ection§, w itt> , " " Iln ,ln ertIu.lo 't e d tf g a n d k e i m â a i o f t h e I i n lU * I n g f o r A , b o v e . g J t i n " , S a n c u . n p r l s . , . ' - t uleDepsruaentu. " il bbcquent tnsonlon.,,, $rd. E iv st lo a~~is, M d d cton , witus T rat.M O n O S m ogmitoof the resdecic(r SFCIAL NOTCES. 1tihe Govirjpor0»8%u4,wlth uai 1e 7Tqulsiw Uafder th# Kditorlal heul, dlrecttssg Ustr- ont-oLIMoe , -1 tg Adv rtlecmcm., 23 oeuee pcvlino, at.F h, raoot sppoiv.e "M.of deslgnu MI>BUIESINAL CÂEDS for tii. parliameptt à%ngo, £m50 iliith UBsrecm .nkm, ýLead Aent." E~ t swsrded »ce ise t1îemiau,mand £100 554h.#omi VeiMrehaae, oUreÂclot "Ceoudi, Ân.îîouers, sud Suryeyore twolla.,Us.E »,f F or t ih e P u blie âpa at ue at, £ W 80 i ii tlm a- £ * m A I m W A Iu v r os w ar oed sethe Yt #Ç l ira u l m , a ti 4 100 se thé I O E C R second. w iueuiDo é o nul F u r t h e G o v t r n n u a t i n e , £ 1 0 0 w î î l e - T w i ub a an.D l l r p a A n u a , l warded ce tho hwNsFituslum, 'snd £80 ceth# Adirertloeetat.for th($ ont nwe.î.,e. 06 o - lneqrtioru, ehonid b.u ialled, aoC lster tl;..u i1 Tita plans olutodto ti9m niuthe prop eiy et 20th, April. tihe coileelouaofpublie Work., Ai lesater» prpeid, ltglitored und addr4aý, T h o a b o y a ie V m - ae r e p r o p m o e . i b l t e o o i s t a f e e t h r k o f s I ' o r ' lu* tolan aente: tia oAr oatrot The.Caad6nii with m tlSa i rUIz u erem/ pointait joint%, and ut fsono q;Uon, wliadow W I B ,~ dlreossi ,coriim eaImltr4e. Tishe lsi Pbtee oitsePos beig omndlalistlnly te Ct - lamd or th e iifn~ Tio Conmusle r oue .1'bio W orko, w th s àl due regard to:=p~i e acoaui»odti,y an sd ise açhtby, Ontario Couuly, 29th Itarcis,1bp uo&taeproved arrnoment. fr vntiltio,î andi___________________ hsctng, limts th x busc jeon then Publie 'Thse Coadian'gl iEstato e ,erC.' EdlLicuto Ctise .owig outlay s For FarliAftlsmoat1189 .10,00.INTS FORBARD TIllE, F o r lap r u rïen t d B n L"<m e ".. 0 , 0 < * o v a r d n t ç l o nu s e d -U o c s. i ,' 0 ,0 , Q o u C e a t i r m s W il J * n d ,, Due provision toe matiefor th. supply of TVvo Lt frBae1 Ni z Wster, o»n,- oo & #~st.. 0 Tise Drewiag arie bae a. Mloattachi!d 11v.you Moue>' to 1*azilIsforSmtisept.- tlereto, 1 coospaie4 bta os eei4uvel -go Con- lie trough tu110"11seutis" tailuthusioeand ùdra.eof theccom,etîî<r, Do you wnt te boy Resu Ftale 1 IlzrA ut=ï o u i > ' t é t i c o p e d ' u p un a S e c t o t s o r t i e .d « . l t s a s s z n . "l 1 ' g us au we rla g tphe m otte, Afor ensid. Arc Y on lu a ns t cfM ase>',orlanded or oiî;- -Ail lasomdsilenmtothéllietfr thse buildi- *Arei'Iy1 u AP retelUE "JlUwe Doy tngs, Chair .izoe e tutmber ofFomt o, &., a>'o ti t t.d n EetoFtat. IDous-,: nmgoar t&i lan gettspianà,eabsvat-o '1o ou wisl.tu uy or,>#,, oftho Dtupàrtiuunt. Dthinturco, orý-Baestk 'tocieIAdîcrel. hà J O H N B o s % E, d u becibe ifr t eCh. "L i su es li A Lm e v 4 Cossisulsoneof PubieoWorks, ~y> lr a u Bgeef tosn Dép urissent of Pulit. W orki, - t, #M u lt ie vorld k m.'.' oh yon are, # /ici Toonto, Ms>7188. 180, C ur, woreydu ,uroa, sd ociw i'uM.uutAn Thse "ERoieter" wilt brlusg ttb banAnsd pelirmIof i. aato lu diret eominoniz, ach OSaetier-vt;l notice ail -4Qoinrtsg LOST I 'r ïdelézrdtltýwl it Wt DOX OG lTAEDPOI iC -ý--'Oi heWÏtm*M0Mudg»ct(,pî tep e ;N, J'. t. 18w. I the ftis Inesi 315051 old, lia arOppod. AAx abeeabsur, usd te hIe l~ Y. M. lIt 1- i. Sesesi Vlilsg 191 Wlftb7, Mtyl4*, ( b' p -1 IL--Il 1 1 MI

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