IL on ois b fea a i an pyos ietansing t o L0n1 um govasy .11ue I ir S, by ju so- lp ont.clen b a the< 418".u it Intputes lu/ vax' PI s nw, whe could Ihé bava quittted tde' -MM by bis paenSt.., vould bayea lo& Tw am i 4 M silt thse sppolsod loet, ov" iri51l o in sd 511.' ici t b., polit. oitbelaitb, cormty MWissLirkpWr's ateisby bi# own, sud roat.rlujit <o wb aul vanise ia a"seof ltà ty Suait b.d beau a veek froua B"e 004 édsittinres u ornlagst bis. brnkfa.t4 bis tbouhts vaudered <o Pstty $Fui yeur prdn, dit'd our bacis. IslUdlye 'but..I 1forgot t. Sir* pou " li le.para.!; 1< camsaafta ou ve*taî« Aà bed 1lu nl1t.'sai; biah 'b ebffl B à M" a t th Ue baudof Saov, sd qnltted tiesepartsnent. Wbo .i.t ta . isfeelUn-wbo usI!pait bis fac-uwbeuon mSas. laid bis flnab ad4 luer q«uPattyLurkgps'swstcb, Eu t ieravas à latter 1 Witis desperate. bond hbc moe ta eal&4u«4 seif< aar .sta.betod% Lstbda ohd et tia con. lts; 1twsy Worda s<olliovSr , "Mv ataSi..-! usyos .lpv am tiestop 1Imbavatakau. Toi, "btou- dIM1edeloee y ou pesas(« dor ii. vs udvlsbee Ofyonr <.ev wctues V9ii,1 am nt1 or~ve<bs as iUberyf i maU nya eps y pour hlnd attentions. De. privad of tise beuflt of comunion vid, long - m vatehbasubeau htissue U nesdeu 1uat&atllthé bou$ 1liab Msd tbluk It muet1b.brad dayll5b4 &Mud1Ibeù tise vitehaary 'Fut t<vo.' 1 bava beau told;aà tomsodUusaabeestodbat tis Wa"abvu ùaUexent vsteh Sin ùî n*UlY Of<a beot 1 hveuis su'ot; but Y084 Blrtbave provad bei lttleis vort w iMeêialy 1 on51t t.evirs, l4<f"depeve of I pou niaic-if vaulg pour vgu- wbeliy ualom ; hweve, If pou vllldadag tdesoept % ktfoa sboft mon*bormgo, lm vi i obuaserd <o icar 1%,<o ore Ltsp p our oa ebouowwaft , t. abtliet à lWMte «p <o trgpusped# as anat. mlp',a nlrtù a vat" nulp petby:tbe vaay force of aynaptyreeovar ifs voueql 'Mlitsua 40à slsbully Marte i m u to ber vbo <tls <bat5te bert,<me "«ve7 day eeonsl dum r e lso .ed for tbisitei, sIuk pou«1<#0te 1e4l, ea wlogtepcf ou Vhe bau dam vid tia sd pas faitara. Tb# lot dm""«latl e of M u <o eend sob ts mtoe is, sud <o tcve bis i» MWa tte ëi4,rwpdmla-tbo matterte au a t -utitastlos. W vi bd" MVoea ftarsthe asaapt 01 Kin L"It " t&va t.s oturn « baslat, le wu ibout te o Uve l. ietieulau « ld utise sulbjuet e<eelds1wben aa<aol - pans mm a vbeb.d "t bablabim ss. 17 snov aood s*tthe - dO& MaILai ms spr CODU w ne be Ilfor h.Va * slved t. netcu $4tb' at. lut. bar oui bauds Cald he.eeMia Iaetçqwnr1 eslyralld ""A , 0*1 dyIg SIt dd 'But If pOW,!lLgiva"-your name-. bavin iiti Ou luunae, vue rale1 t. vaik 'vryueft4'up ow4u. ne autey ed the roman.d env1 Mlu Lwksprvaa pale ludaa, aeaedin au as iar vu lntarmupta4by 'à sbeat5 asiffhraak' froustbe 44;-44 ~f <tm# il am à .6%uM, StkW# bvebeau *onble 'No at. s14 Mo'ans' roplla Sovsot, <oeda by tisa.ppaaauucaoftba spinst lu osý 'bmneolaut fslbood ; 6noi st £11; Myp puvc lu aWug $upes yon la <o-j~ 'Tour cousn ,$'mi,'proc»tad he 'Tbat ek boy 1 U 1wscésyoc, bore,XMr. OU-4or tisa sa yi 'Pou ions.lire -1 cmraDnt foi 'ieal-bnt bide bdev 'Rida, Kaalo@' eelldoi" h.oldbaeba- Iti qi.bevldeed at thé propoWs. . - iot1, mNi MssLerispur siA" .po weiula d#qp solamu voie#; é'if not the il '4de idSf«r < Of<nara-eo w#i bWod-Itde, bide1 V- -À"Patty - isu-vbatouomsado for bint sdu lovee;'-movad 1hp Isw, < eu b Ire* 01S...' rose eb"0 sla&ase, ad vît, oomullpseeond rly hWrmad, alusMt ha 0«reou bacisor vu aira- o( I4, tvlted Ia lt in ena$dty ane d udtoned Use cos6 on eutmrlug<isappor; 'y"eia,, iun *,oe"aut oSU viboe; "Po«r bw lSgowloveyosam-dyiug. 1 1 X kog , .ald Tq A<tL.wWpr'sud sus aonseat t. dis?1, '1 ohullain, i"iI'ladW cousn Wl! lieu, su h snd odasd dowit b. rsoa; i but bprthl is ie bu:sbu my usesg, ud inAn out boi sna- 'Wbtmmusyen, Wiliam' id Put ty; wviy do psou <rvu a-wishy îol pour1 apt-bat bMhieusogs. ens o? sepulebw lnota. 'Mi m idmPaUp L.rlsapr. 'SOuvrV »d Willamrosed ont ti nase totis e rrrqim<. w 'Isutisa 'W#14 ' ai«W Pâtty LaukaputramS. licg st te vue Et a de' oid >b«e ou,la tbongh ~aNo, p q Wmlm If t b mhà nom"a1t1 dus1lvb-' lIdWb S8ev upn9w.tibia 'Tse.vtesl6tisevaW"krauMS0* Zsp.1d.11, ltk, 0 Xgoetreaignbie, onstua «Whau *bftby dm,. pVlà W, do. xdo.. ,, 'Y 00, £.,ni EWn do, do.,,,..,. Weet d, do.. Vat -do,, d,0 1 fa.te, rmt erdem' e. M*0<,. f do, d .93,. prom e Abr4Jort Par. s # leot. 10e . inoomemr4 UW icWMM Courtp Er.y Mudar v.un,,t" iaTown 114 &ra., til" fra'Ibnrdsyeofull moulu Onffl* 144pNo 10 u.ond Te ln evhs7rno ZICsdwlaB4e jlrezg uae, Lo " o Ot, seeond r! ldun avary moMi tS, . pfOwWs 11.i, Port Wbtbi. OOTemperoeWhliftypfistlon, No. si 111m IibutWeeigay aveulup. Good Toel, gons HalUi, oisdy avango, ÎW ï1OVswKawela, m of pan, 3EV, . T.ITE1. e YO Ofdkbà à to p.nDo« .1OEV, mmWLQJHY Ti .tornifor thse ZemilWeeaJyll die end of thepes'. Ti eWeiy Qk/rmW vMIii pab.d ln futur. mu <ÂnÂv 4 I Wa'fyk hit d4d"w.$2 Wini osa wba .alobrle <itr luultd yoby n~a- 'os sMd oI isp; tien, Ie-bor cat adu WU"l mblbunlug te tisNe, pro. ala lma, .apdtil bisbiding-ontsaa. ý iwihtm.0 dwïs..a - v . - - 0( the uolbya luge yaidnp'ispital. J Tise "ot sucSa.s<l Bn~à ~ No(0onulsb bav beutted ummrafront p anlad . i" luth.fornatimsee re taI Tu usitisar couuuy l Isais imy WattoWns asaIsvith be isesIl" l,oth.IjBA~4 of loe ub. e"tablils Tis cleuatsae. ! Seilu&sud Ir& P land ut4ne Dos ditantperiod, wer ot I disimilisr t bm V"i nom e«it lu' Caaa u B"', "Dow asa Snco. dn"tndnueq»Uyall aud piuelplaviti thosIV" eaisaegovern e <h aoiad lu. 1stuitlOfs o< oeeenutria.Ccu onet fa <o coder iustsnble adtaataga "moutisa Provluca4. tanded thia, bsudneesovat tisa eots, M sud sgauis Wb.rever <b.7 bave foud 9M a favorableopeugtbey Isse plat4 d th sgenc, bersfasuot aa rlct <th Say inhportum - wvb sdon' sa enjoy il tisa advutsga iw"laa%"lg emu coter, l sMd utt tiMa sem he' h. nat iagemn' pmusad lhpowersud sccrity 0<f ' large monw int'5'15 Tisa@lrcuatlg in"Musof0thé Provlueeth tb USa Mabsd k 1e otisereuatsiapoct. ma teth. publie laWteet "stbselat tsistéiodb.estabi#bad np«'a drs ' buis, mbiics a unpb.e »cnrd yasav«ga paid u c pital. itisert o isa m u.of Une, Cmuadau b iais vecommudaed e ~ da sud l bUlà t d Stas; g udn l Utapal.q4lS7~ be mteieeledlube <but -laou ntry il 0MV"tisb ni adsce 'OP Wspece u apusau 0 »Pth. otas vlcl ial Tisisemaldncela u b.aÊ.ifty "d Use !v Cauais huelau Only b. t»nt t tisai lauge captal. OSiud smuitbaulro b. periaitte dwris*m la Canada, I oas 0<plin tieyvlPrmve m a lajus,'<o fis countr, Tb@ sacUl tytiaMWlto tise pabî&Ioset aise prOitablY.Itvilims, lstlvarlblybe lui vi bwt$4 ist blsla -b~, i lu oder te fS »"e tbiait nauMid mb à oatu e i DulgPa"là e(c slnganap ad pics. Oume, MusisalS ntad1<ii " tcntt mt <iser, »"SSIte sud Iwoumuabto 4gffrd 'f isa maie requlrad Sp tisar es<omars, lim iï4 tisa publie. Tise@aure one ERu1s&Ir vouY 0"igr vr oie Mud 2Mile b ,Iava i *pdei rage. nitted t. csagae srate of disco nutlupro,.Sw xistiuo lip Caiada. .poniçu to ISe se"Valuie of muwneymaay ernfly b. found te be th MarWc von!d balva Obtaad flities <o MWlcdby's rW arof a u ism othey vem e lnwed. andappalree pmoperiy Tisdle Org fa 4,4b«r rtafdisomm Auoutlay f altion îonld Ma,!0,4 A&dcimtnoy tom iluth. cOofrs a <few dInca tiauausof &< eonadtiude. Worsatogetisrwida i, uaaded Sp tishe v eadap -CswtonmasO!ufsc, b.d tisa affect. Of tb&4 biis ud <bey vuldtbço bava. boem bracbor trade-'to au usibld to spra isi t aMcuausdat M. . Msoe neamun l lee~ ftise cMMIn. TisaezexmiuaeOfitl .14< woold -bav sce m amretquia a largesect«ion or tisa Pw9sue ofsnpport, sud vould bavi, beau aterizqdb7,exteavpq sette able t stoid tisaMer-praseur, specl"M igo .Pm&vad hée sual isaadmS Uth largar ùad&, ' aronut capital <rou i djsmetofUsd»rta 0< luterasdt he -Tise e«P"":ekl t;e aetb o f ragnatiugtis rney sud curwalld lu 1957 imne audit of tisa o nd , dtsa1 Mmmitp 18U, and¶qae eonay ri e MM ve 09<. akn afa, mc drugvabla rnrea.. sThs lielat prssue l beg emplled -0<ou adafieans sud <bat 0o k tbe ama of dwscoi Mmtauunsuailly 00, Tise atw4 1W,* lv leviwie rope d rbtir À nsod era ,e s d tu apora y 1i s ti sa t e n i u a09 stefdscoutea neer1,14uyein T o Wbe ûé0gista, V ')You trada, sud miontdd ead b. ie PldfE.Odns meu of »rinsg parti..<ositMmesmrea dnmgwhielaarge ip., uMerlIcs uoD Mr <o. Obt th.wey Usabt Se atM t.d b bey do raquire. Thé PwOfa & dM"nd.MIIMuttaajdà Ùai. n~ nga ibcr r a dsounS0t vonDMlm e ueo vl"fin.'efrlg melclslçp'nse tb inko la, lo becslg in<opnin bat Mdnttin, in luglving vaaning te -tise <ion Ma iteviata the dnj pproeea cfteo4 o(di"1uty, tissslid.prevslls, but 1 b.ll e g-. tusly r Straatis ô0(lssslna, dou te aba t"# oina bIais W boud S tft" dVlth vary lpo.- adoption of unenieajc ut mosslto., tisa soI vaoy Md pradet Tii Mm»ea Of regnlsig tise cnrrency uis or~ L~a ai cradt of thé onnboup uà npely, ne. mare USe 'ea$sa au"y &nsgs eouusarclalriaa, sasud tis ' LMp fà awep icsiy o eeplugth. rate O(disconnt iustitutiouOnld, hav, k ai uuntnsiy lo lava1 bu ever beamuf &' '>.sur ýnL ptevlou <o a parlo0cer cIal 'Monsta49 Msd v Dca 0<5137înt onWaie<bto re =lu M e t<ou o<. i4me e mm *Mysa.eS' ilme è érlUP lujurab i P un"à sosan e. bë;t t» 'todo ne mae, lt vwu pra. à u>p us" svo pnte xpuFi i atien ig,prim or 0 t S nd. dsk l stinmnlatiug cverp bey ans country. Union of 1 usqMd a spirit o! 4à ld tse comunity, beasrate sItuer. tise fi< e M barv.t lipI . - Of 1958 stli imore con t OIÀ ýiSAf-Ailum Of t 4dil mUr rime& lu Wbt O<statbure i r FL f -~ k p;. >: 4', > 71 1 bc k-b'. For! Ù"ng bi the ; QIÎ 4ed to impt 1, ý ne 1q 1-