Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 May 1859, p. 2

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wby Fmn bis ma&.-DMen'wtvaLsy.7 foolug yOUaud me "7 Bl# sthe Osptuln lor"Pow d 4w, 1 seeted, to lesve bie trepesud follov the cAptaIn, , Whtvws'sledelgt wbeh bu surViied Ch. magnîhiuoe eof lb e. ssepmeeeup car, lnto whifrh h uehere4' lii. Imagination badl evsv ln t. wildest &bUfght.~ouréd muythlugheU so gorposaLne wu. sroused £vom4the contesplacion or b. splondor srou.d hlm by Lbe brfrk of te lion hors.. "Thaete b. râ qaslilng vbeulbïyé P03hn n4h thém lu 1h. vLh s plteb forh go niakohlm p daong," sald4u1ffl loqh. lu; ludlvltlud-jiL bbihîd hla. "1ôk'b.,'., «msm.r" Mid Jt.",."J1 'lovy you Ibluli Vmsà dsrmlf00; wybs 1 Ms, but lhoe.s omîtbIg'Il uov, and ens oifenbise ollpètyoumuUir', of 700 don't k4epILht. Idon'ta»Y nuais -," Jas ftsIbio mnLtbeyJouai! Shs.lve uEg #tlu4.ru.., utissuf $115 snula bh.,lus tsditsp fir. dOwn luolow,. 1 lObï, Lord I1JuinswbatvIl W. of a>.- 1 fotauie ss si bout gsLln'on the outlandlah huu>; At ot," :. *"Knp quie ls ',; iollerlnwo't d 08174l ovEl£1 7u ku#w mny preyss; nov'., your ime to sa>'It for both of as'" *1 lsbas the lutter hors r' nid the uatoudad ccnductor, comn; up As.the train once smore emtrged mlnt b. lIbt, 46Tisat'.just wbat I'd 1k. to, kno," uald Jeuis von ho ssw.tliatL ias and hila. self Words Clllire, 6WoeeJusipssai hrougli Eton,& tun- nel," replf cd Our -politè captain. ILIW tir are you goin;' "Wall$ rmon ws'li itopaM psîk«urag "$show your ticket.sIM 700 pleuse" &"CorLslnly, Lise yen sot #Ome viClu you?1 Ls oi h.font look Att 'oi" LiA. drew aplece of Whltr.paper freIn ber reticulu, And wlih s smlls bandd lt te Our friend Whoe read ' l 110pleuuré qofgour wn>afY iû rèe làWhat'u thia r' .said the Captain. osWhy byCat'. Ono 1.tiket b our v0din', Ct'. vehat yousked for 'tint IL 1" usld h. somewhat surprisoil Jasi Il1Iwaw 1haw1via hw bwr' ,oo dbu discordant sound that a*rose frecs th. ouat of h. sioeplyooklng mnu À blond imlle pasuilover the lceof the aptain, As h. explslnod 'hit nusilng t. our verdantt rlnd-li. bed ne ticket, but willllngly pai4 lits lfrri5&W $bue-train spud on tovardaIha detination. But won- ders 414 nol cam. here-preseuely sapeM neveboy entered Lb. car sad stupping up te Jeems he siai Hie iVun, air r "Wallel 1 bavse wvay mbout I14 Ch. fust ons@'4H b.sasun, sun',nid Je.... 1i1» bluused. #Don'C ceunt youf chilf t'oveth'î hateis.d r' ssid 3111>', As b.uhbud t. tbenext. In duetisn. tise train stoppad At1hhi; depot lu this clLy. Amdet confusion 01 sLrngnses, sud. ma baisai of discodint1 V.01ces, aur frlfdsmlsudeou abs plabfom. é,Bus. sah1 Buseali-fiee« for unua ta Ltes r' «a L Lb.u"Il.porte et Our up toma bous. lo Wwe Bu saab?' IlWal, 1I ithss' 'spose bsW*ont <rom an>' eou but ms-s'e*on Fr»S abl.to do sil iu tisat lin#siah. vaut., sud marto, 40Go t. lise-lysron Home, ab 1. vibt1 'croissdo s tmMeet-hsbous. luinthe oit>'1 This «asis-ay bosopet, aeIb l #Mtlo your rom n fkWminute&" Inu4s shorl;t UnSoJe.«. andbis brIde- foridihuslv.sla en of thess«MfoiLa bis rcomu o<b@ Second dem' o'4ave .îdored stblisbnsenLthoise ysRIom TUhou"sgsgevasMeulup vïittbeà4usi prosnpuwàesand ioui Monei- vers mona uaking î or 04fol rfidimimir. Jienij W'eil, Jbolor , 1lbCgt l k 7 sm.l ttslvYs*lithe tin»e., 1e>ests voderlsswud &Hin mon iethat 1vuyf a the r ejeuDe0cfLIse assbo lorwe oeg fo à Bop, , Ths re.ilu ourelerk' fies revsillag iyvsddsmrt asirec i lbslh m d»ib. burninggetsu d a relbbtlvnkle lnrkd lu~~~ ~~ Lb euvo heseae tuvuud orf th. tu saianliwa drl ani oarfrà"sd uppr.eeum lvthwuvashrdiln lbe reudin room, àào r sfe;lu4ss5 sl. vasUadL BaiÂi WÀ9-&Mffisâ-Ths New Fort HêýW4 e>5,2 ,>'lisonuarticle upen liealne botrreeu Rusas sudFrance, wMais L cus e &?ther i .purpoas0(fet "noi ;sdivioion o4 Europe betweu Chos poveos In t Cu rof tb. artilci UN tollowint rmarko -Mra nde. -"J ln lsà cieatstt !sof to.dmY £nislm bmn part. Ob# beresssarcblug by adlffsret ptblot&tbaamu#Pd of Ibis soI l sisi. ion of ins. lYor y.ars ab@ bas oeudsmnei lb.' pv.snCéondlion of tblngs la li', Mud eudeo brin; *bout a change by vise conus te the bllud Wsd folls dyuastleuý, b. e iànds ouemtiat otbs sboMldpracl-Ic vbtsisebasbuseclont pruahed lIr pth s aither vltlslrance nov tusa uî l ivtb is uao fMeloe; itI le. *Iïbt bevut ep'pîre oSfrses. VhbÎeh la itu;la (sr Austaila.To' gaLber vs bave 10 woik onttheLb. rm..d tuaI ieslpesstoi mua sud Chubrothe. hMotodM M sos Lot ber mon«blnd upou iss'ssf n i ne in 'slu ed.îoorlug to pirmsth. iorm of aegradluç sud voeu oe o tg b. vlekd dyuaaeanlt@b À nai cmovldloo.la aluPar.MIt;>' vidi es Lb. doy Ie Mtar W tnvlam.n Enlia st Lb. satipes ln u ntvolsll, sah h. <b noral oudlle M isenation&!. vasW Rua vek .hsvivîihavi»; vIe lutyasmuti sPbîlaielpbimo. tq. Peaur ditat tise dudmo b.d gens'k. th. cespIalma. Ilu talaIr' lbour fonrueat u te tels direct rspiy, UNb Pretoutlg s I&rsd, 'Oornsev, s*1 didyon ut musto M d .ty fyomN1« yoek eWVéDmuuda1w Y il 344àd, se~ prompti>' AcSVrfsi lbouAm" i wei slv,$. 4 le *Çlr mso i svmt Ne,, viii Ion tell me ln au brie(à svs'as peuk keoeaied#W nplIidtise defouiat-Jr<4 l'ro, 'taàl~oi -tem .e, 4h u of the yoar, Thse Woehly cAronW 11 pu ebdluftrd au BÂIAT ml a a mir ti ci in aàame> 2'*11 e,,sge wheu payable otiervis"ý LÂATBST NEWSO 1OArsNDts W"eer0dNas JE FIE-1 - j ;i'EUà sudis vaut of llcS ewlurissami Chatr ad~tedeo..tfllths verb of ut, &à~umsnlei iatiquiL>',th* difusIo t1MWdvumdestisieoln ull l otas ~*Mswvrntud 0 p-»u lion fW lupviwsmntoa. Ïneudicon t>' 1k. dis c4obuw xdgx4nli, vato t61o~i Memavlsyvnl b.Morea' l Ofc g» "M ds ele-Ais, heveyor, vish to subuert t# lb.ekaing. utholùma, suos&mnier e»s g«evmnt Austois,am Imi. Iaplruin.of th bssisilrs nia8 sjlati- uiiers taspecliyma foralgu Povurb !, hn b.. lunabJ.ceu 10 buer wghluud lutereL HRupas. sion a o »mdwdy~le situa i ber b>' Lb. tra mm~ wpt, Ihe allie.autlth# suret ~ Ob siipes O.Iterfsrea n oubiaif of lb. mmmi eveumnt vheeertboti subjectb isecme roablesoni,- s1:14ia lu ~ ~ b scic ,ihbrdireclwns About tyramkbsjsses Mre bUt. UIÎy, litfeÀSotss, rsgslui Iber hMl i!P uov46 siùm, b.. btise rns.u IWIsof twseraly, Mauulsatiso res*Wof lis. AnsristbrighBriiulmo tuowy viii b. cbh" - Tb#. Oorumuts of lnugl ansd Prwsstau lsqbhplinsb* synsles upoa àwarfoetnud lu muchîng ider, buL ttbo, psrt Lb.>' asto plisnlutis blooid,àà1.-IvIUhb.ïýi Jal ýpeé>l dInh sudd Lb.e e" of1hé,rnh .! lb. ommand of Iblr reetes ai l parturs <rom P"rls 4.Joln lb. ara'of ,0alv th@beou 6Wueori a.>~uN sul- versmry of bis uciss dspsrtaîsfom pai pri"lote Wbattie of luron gel Wsm aiwmas w Wemuaseproviues u ln 11ut Lb. ste iinlsfr !upemscy ln thé Italiao Fol'IfM ho, slvys bées betan. âàsthtulsud 2114M e. A't!ti Ci. o! h visîn Lb. Fr.uik roops p!nltbrats lut. ho ap oebrvalà 9 e the gvrn.comL. ~IWitals tue, pu ompelled tisos.ththcld lonraaius,limte. shue for pae. Il. 'ma4e: ar oBtýolrtehe, e w lmr. L ýWid best respec t t4is,misdi r Tbe., ôéfW ft asitbd,!Té#al-]u, i- L.. - l e -, Of John Doelbv.WPrying bt~,~ pali b>' bis» Jnra4q. lpu Sn" b.r. taim n s or er barred froM M The memben r'aisoeiety ab tlonsatb thsoc *arrto the DU the $oclety li Itb5*iuouut sui The TreaSo - front Collecotif to Make bis f.I Wu bave Wu to thel th air River fît more e .4 for mouebe,, 9w. Min"s (rom 1 taupecds troui mAanby vbicb brougtdcown ab The wesffser on I The Victoria gatemautare n - Tpper Frazer -Tetou'naO Fu ly desrtedL IL MSuasquit. <bt her. lxa ce a> the. Frazer Rhi - moutb, wINre mi te $70 a y ivlWU 2S, milesaboi elghL monthi 01 ai ,orbefor ilthm= Thm hbahom At Victowta incouu by th. Goireu, c38T1ng tbat tbe 1 EngWmd varo in i -land, vbicbrequil fnvp apersu lo.tflnu of -£U vwitbout sureti.a, Open cSivlctln fo vequwed vere to t] To THE Glu'. the wblclsi vort died Bm or f 70 wbatevusnmy be t viohy compuduî1 eûitof tint luterosi for *!fro, AÀbu vltb.s triDg offat -.*fbiis no lep fi 2bô;pàIîau oaa thefr plaemad#o An sfdl à& tissU bq* &mm uS4h.i sary to domastie lu mokab sitterel the bnu" &SMp and of coeugod 1 iuji,'for a vlfc-vbu -' ~~W~S..EE'RU W ~ ~ (

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