Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 May 1859, p. 1

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this 1i en eso iv OI 49 afAfEUvitio ead over) s»d Ch o W ferot4, he to that itil wouh Fes. bod ýe. lo bome vie. h.beogau Cerare about, ler bmsty, sud 4h. .lopc of .1ber muaeurs; aid bo.sareed vlCh hiesuiqer 4bat 'ite Word# CotialE erihe ht useqssalld par. ma.,aramhsdvworlstadoAt bis 0(_ aesi bat oih.o ld vorb ait«eOR eel 04su suineg vitl Ouha#vW««e f And 1w lest lt h.priatwae bonda aAt bal(- Puteive, a»d eorreet ehpresf. the cs0 uldwn, Meow ml d sand e ovn aeu 9wuC pollbqeh a mansm , wboh.ne duep oc h.laig s -ocJ a..nsCaatly-ý edBleg Crugt ICI dia, eyes ea0g09 ,s!Ot o4 sud rsted pm-en elau .jsgae le. pOrm aelsd a rd umsant ih dim,. IuUv.pre.lSs' otos.b.>' h.1losoted e - hes ov ferUnabal 5h. vouiI dobt; ledfaaverbw-rme, oere JogAnd roturai Ier #ite; uleme, heroe, veulE neego te ts.odke-« iaetnet autil hebad a heragilas. isdamsnuebesaes.ehldish, b"" Autels"Ue 'sa Dot sarprwsad st 1bis eesmsls.Oh. bereeli vue enamer of -Wbe Ch.ouaiteo ud"Deo lairat ltoit lmamedlsly te hir bh.ee l Thy Ch" pre0< da o mfotgteJorosu's loglnea fer tCh oupose 0ofallias <r de irseol sa d Ch. erd nu, ih e or. o W, net by técidentp but hi duslk, "Wbat thlaiblosa of ho Youh I" De Clélsant lInquir.d, as thoy tuîned linte St. jou" atroe. l. la oettreaiylntelleetsal, asud itit- ý*au> nydosat te athofetbCoseettemé 1 nover Mrv More, intellectul *s, maid $06 seuune om" umet hviobonce or *tolat pltyod about bis lips. BaCý tell m#, W ry«ouiulit tg e tCo but jsdp of Cia, tiailsyou bas betlivred 1*Dmsebh. lsov sàything 0<11e f judgai froidmeeof tbe phiseeslit bis Jettea, imd arloas i. lu Jsions IbathW m ls., soulE y Ctb héeuas myhlsgbut au Rmnho uit.Ba froin àïépersosial ppeasuc, hétvould 66 91 pniolàJatbat yoir =y vin hlmà - c tli t lntervfsvyou have lCh hlm I'J. vbehd 'bis .ye, sud acv the jousr besUty1bailupouu#tm." dé ev pàWul J eile 048,dW 1wbot bey te c» il, MwMrd jorom Bu It»t mde me s.qWaht@d VU4l «hw motêheu.i(clfwoms. lni 4h. qM 1 Madampe, UJi mm proplCloueday. 0soas3 e«« daive o-m, I1Ctraet 01 vill #@& We to rem#w thissfe4alu#eco 4.04 preF *SUt fr Ii> z mwy.erk D wli atrlve to be wMth "é0< Cha vorthi1bu# I haveady Ut. tipesyourbrov, MVerwiart, 4h, atasp gaMsuff"uor 71 iM . fSu" 1010 finWjs =b ' Àa b l A1egqh U, i n01 l* an op o*1.. w. lt et , (Or W# kuev ##Yod bigre anelop$t 4.1*O7 i.smai 1 v414 harrmade, d 1 d" etolitprse do"F«7eryhrons e h.park Iot4> déDo you adMit#e Zsglioh poeplel" a larI«"xie" (Ile .hrutggedhie At Cho, moment £agentlemaafrota cer. ruse 15' ilte bat ued b" : » O Cls .eai(s; eddy, vite UIt O*,<b0#1 lde l kleeed be b4advrael w ey. "Wb#mhoare rdud-glt Wnot an #"Tii. Umsula. oe WWviledo lie dsughter, TWIyo oîe n *7011te tu durls gOur eil The ocnse was dmeluhted bjr à PeOlMae un hbces& dWhoo . ht?'" iured .%eomse, "Lord X vlle hm, I mWet ai 4h bous. of <e Ch. of 0<Zia@,& k1v weetw "Woi 0lathe. Bai oi i.f "An Engloh uoblonssin Visolàa eouaiekt .4 wlgh the govement of the .omunery IlDo th.y sympsthlaewleh h. eur- bons?"1 IlOb, lif hey dldaiot. 1 ould not ceneldivr eh. Monde of<mlie," Anot h ow, end asweet amui fro. c cored, caarlaèg.. "" Io tbl Ce Vioaut0tlodevu. Me afte ote b. ln love wiCh met, "Afibet.oaly t, Are y.. quit# sisre?' "To amelai matur 0ofladlrsais. 1" Tbe - onversatioa thon terned tapon bMop 0ee mot etrivialhiporMaaoe, md wus proloisse saol -it Wa8 415inge0 for De Clairat teInvite £erme sad bis gaito, q»s-p e th ..ulaig;wkt Chu et thôted#L andlook.d implorlugly set-bur brthe.- "Ysu,ats q6rerte.iht"4h Miad' te.>is woulieh.:lu Us. £particeata 4( e tàte t4 yîsfobl aan-* wak0 - ~aiWP Sftyu*.ame sverm t log vlth Che ostee sund M. de Cad"t ~!se. ~dwb#4v@ý gur fôtif saga msbuh-Let 14 aufie that Autoihettî wai cbsrad ýrw toutplikc& eu*Iom out hrsàt& 1 vlCh tbe dravlugslaiX deClamit!oporC. hare t. taSse î» VuSOs o Parisa oisdJim 1aatae il emptive lu 1h. obtis ni0<le.-sud deliver 5oI<*be dàtiltout55ag tehi- ~o Iuteud 0« efi. .mrparty on tCh. fonwu - "W~ar.osarooum~.lda vleb$go se .Cevoet Ou ThatChi altrason4, vhm en e aIs , vitamdu noEullb eOmédifr but wt vtibo-» Tishto. 4"mlles"erme" upoUati- *ore"" the boum" -One. méiailsg -laie. .1.4ed on-h. ,. e-Tuch.il; La"apeosoeth.qaté., &w4 rounsd ir alont. IM de USi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Crata be1m; . isig ieaie É5to pio M, ÉpuuonCl ~E loiys ourlv t.v.mluVI$6idul 'c 1ê55ti7..On 5Ci iw«k.tbdo eier iàmmor testyspanu be*r o ehttoflIN i(u ai raiv A p..wllte%- leptlyiseuoad, med ogs'-be imKliob"utetabe te. s 'buW'bi j~isiC~ -IUtedOlyow tpiipéslx TOU. îlW usd11 eaiiev theuuIe tb.> mavrer of&" * -- - tJeos Lmsh.h bu bbl t ##pars&ChIp a *r bpl4ia.. , Nai mL'4labhavasetcvosnw ~ Ii.ltei uihs iatla,. of Mdl hfmaelto th emrpafrr;sud sia.b ua a" si 1cM>te -V11941 Cher.qgld nem aoms. 'fosud*lionfor buvspert, 'Tb# pof.. of big ilî.n.e,îe fiaid, là iperagend idThtre m ea o. methhi 0tls4 report1 Thiols you Madame, a ucai vieoConsant-i le chevali.v.ry page bht hi. ehlfv.&. Ams la 4h. prl4s h. bass a iChau tqiný1ty 0<bWâ,rglsoudb bbd or Af..Igai tardE by bhiug ralse t t mueroo. aristeeraofyff ls~,? DO yOU r4amme tint I u .psarsph, vhlle a11in~g te th. vusitey 0of lui, ho o ski of grè ou and poetboy efugeoveredfatprias..d 4514 dolas 7 topere; »Or sdus>brotier. 0 ono kssow, hat 1 once cheriah.dà hopetisa Qi.. 1e40erawould eveituallyarouse îCh. *I'esalf ..p O vrthrov Ch. pr"ses 1 dyn"til, sid rostera eh. Bourbons t0teh tbrof' 11Weldovain ht hogoe1Thlnk 700' reul Chat Cl u int aeulbbler, vhio usy1 bS after aIl, soMsie a tta tibréliain l à rae 'a r"Ceh vo aes shi ingle m"j à4. vlth lulsy Ongrq-ceaald nmai Ch.- f*Mana of0<tho graestatmlim.y g.niue al«cYa OouMAnd Cv. ltundred aud lie> *boueud 001004 MresY Co follov ha.1 vieh iu cr4 or and4à devotlon "Ion#linf ferler te Chat vhiob esw.lIed#Chbreaute o( tbe few hundrw hêseopoelidiiose. à <rom Medns In" Idspeala ot se oubm 4uayo ofletterc Th. sutbhre of ceequtleyM». 1 dvutu asr mmer.hOaid "th# i'ty. rante t ot e hylvweie aubje*L And Mcék MY ord; C. e m -d*luChieIter,1 1Diaquel,' vil lire 104 af$erthsa er oa-, psrt.fi lorgto. *Think yoas do? "Id. Ieol oeac un who pois. euese ChWillti te *lit#'s"ob Jt4meraa 1lChaachs us à ,p.rieh ÏWtCb bhlnla ,hnoustrv th hl ins h.ductreets, slnik tiil ate c Ms01 P verty, dms lieC vt e 0 th@ proudet princeChat .vers u pon -tébehoae" Il!cM soli> te dastr.> h. l usIon.n der îhics yoù Me Jborlnsî but Jt..a tel! YOW thst Choie aehundireds 0<men la Paiea esebd o< Ch. asth.rshlp if 'lie que'-men et ail ages,ïcl rcktaikal pro» <eeclti c.ThéreiTut mito oveth. dlistlon, lias botveea Cv. pwrom- Tb@on oi lac Jýs-borai, Jovbredbutwol edsacated îcbobmskor laste Ruse Se. Hoasore-w4w h.an of birth vIso touts h.»assmes)-a amcor hkfd. epro. Portions, forbiddlssg.aspei, onc mrae Lufthy hbibaý-om whb o ansE, sma,9 Cpuldàyos a ve, adsisî., r respec &àche béatilit : otee 1 Wli could-#fhe pousesed lan00mhiamau'degreetbe pecÂt gft of lictureo-b$esifte ofsublsffe geais.. B> ÏhO abliis lilght Of Chat écup Chê de t.rmity OÏ bis poisn sud tit&depicvity of bis bts ia ould alet.and flols util th.y vera ýuttozly beue Betsvu us,* tseoSua UCherenot pli..of dark clouds susd ecesua of Ch. deésseîC fo'hbut doas Dsotbe aoù:si's gt break bhrough Choass ail Ceshbin. uponus In * Tho oth.r smdda&to for C. ne ou hour ia- u tsilsi"ts s vIain, piosd,ai iosi4t, r.rhmrlg'mwmnoo.bo hedsigj <1"e0 bis, uesaal&WsdUmbsin perfuaies, sud f(@#à upoD hie ovn cOneit. Yoppery and $Wlu#, roinemer ge ot e sompable- 'But 1 veuld ùk yoa vior your en- thusiJo.. oulE an«t peedl, vicelehon fak"S the difeevery "hpur>00, idas "rn ?rune, dnrose, here la à priS sae beed, Thatimonsitero Touche, -1uM: Dbçtl l AMd hé bà#, erpeHmpfsoumfi" M t "CoulE va oîat 1lai ohnorlltyli-m» 'iclodoiPC4 iher. vo mfht lsid à ift' lanborthundon tseh. orld vlth. ont Cu hsiibtt.adrauE o<helag igdfsevor .41 ýJ«oonae,1bavec* daInt4,,niai Au- sere ver no on. vosald everdreas o! aasYou.coue# C ith «I n dia sain,."' - "4Tes, détroit, I1vIlI go vlCh Che," ",But bvathenotài wrd <aur attao-l mont te mi broer, noreodbhlm 4h. accrot Chat yoi ore 0lisqUèe1t veaehraber0<1s6."chrmr- hof.no hME ~ Ow« Of eour , d a esaiC 00,of uapOlon Noi coaaldb.@ suspec tishsus 1 Wèro Ch. net on rieudir> ternisvlCh h. éliut. of Ch Chr dprtssaievu e ;$ cd Ch. sMai aaprvtely virom e c follvi te ouat. "On siturdar nOzSC C h*h. hu0a nine etib 1 tI M arrIv#et ai rs, vlCh Ch. aothrof 0< Dliqu.. Beo'prd te ri- coivff etuut LLsa, and achetloandthu rest, beaabsnt from youîboume, on are My h>è uie, h.mcrquis of Beauville, sud vitu or consent' I eaa inotn i7my adorert toibo 1 amov botrothed 1Tuo dress suddCtu diopliueceassyforsscba rout, 1 laesv* ntirely to yoeelCi J;e«te.h.unteai lo04 Esigiand, and paiE Lord BrenCon suothor visitlet * Ch roquen of Lady Zino,,te îhbdm bar son 1.4 comditnfoabhies âyer, lu riting. Tise pbyicansinlaiattendance on Ch.- yourîg nobleansd atrongly protested *pinot thi.; but s pîtos beeaai. hie ontrestioest, hai@h.fond moeher vWu aov- ed'tu diprd Choir adîlce. lI Lady ZlaS.'dom an, Cb couti spr tho h i tlent!s coucb h o liemo- ment ho ssw ber, bis roibe, viticit no one badi ord -for the psutfor.toight , r.trao Mia voll.kaiowai i»Und droW from sLÀdy Z4àïea flood Of turan misieadru: ipi(t (romi tit , 'eYeof tChu couatoion Ctu shiankei plld ai lscsn1 rs. It wu à bard par tChattCh.@ountos bail then toply, fWr Ldy Zine, on her -kais, ngba Jmplorod bar to restes' Lord Bren. ààslang te hbiome ll wfTîo days prevlouiy, #Mssje uigbt ha44 sceddte tbtt îqqaet-bae noylt mvi impossiW ievoAsBJed soba prOassii, oroes f a "Tisel déws h. domr? hoeue oros av-#r déThbm why mot haire lov.&him r' ià,emuseh. e o dld not prompt ber té do 0e"'« Thi J~s on tediscours.ou lv,Snd 14e ystif u eate, dfit ioula, have hedlffitt'toedeeIdw"vf 0<bh tvo, leromeot Mule) vau moat eloqaaen on Chuo slmu " 'bav ube thfailng," sd lerome "Cha bad botter da*toythe mauupsp 014h. alugrous .pfstw . 'Rieort 1 1mvmo hy, hukf b&sve loupdte pro serve th.m." >"Oh,' dû uot destre h.,dsr prolou thn inu oltd«*Mfbeto you- Oh, Mit for Che î1 orlàd ioulE 1 have o0. uedetrolidg" - Th"n Y«oavil! kep 4..,desestf tesU, I M l!plotheuith u 6ts akt wlcitconteflai i Mrai>vlsablea." - "belr 1Ibrought tbeuwith M or b. m . o iais gtbiâ,las yoo Iwo- hare ols lk b. pscw . fro. bf5sbaud, 'Md klad e frWetIy. "tÀnd thsear .«g fn'rgli Jerome 11, "Mr, Ihlakteneo<theboit,» "Oh, bev elever It lilI t mage have maddeu o ch~ "Tes; 1knowv lCdfd1 b.suase1 bnid Chat h. idd 'euoh Cras' eer febbI "Mgoi dë OD yos, aidearese "Mi viJl eeal notblns from YOn. Tou «,CI not be obadd4when Ibtel 70 tho trath, 1Ibave beenuePlyMimt, porionsof My-ag. ani mpoiammnCand altlosagh1Inover Iv.d a vomin ubtil 1 heboW yo-bU ovrivart yfce sud deJIt. ormCht uEnoÏat chrmfor The oosnbe samilid osud asghed1"Go on,» "Ton are iot me iyf "No, 4dasret;butIon.misusCaor te tire me adl yo:r amiraton hlà t»ifu- "Wall, My sieter b.d once aVi"7 peCL malE whom #ho dlaise4 for sema ofesses "Wfsswtb 4h. ebaioel "Jasabbntfon to ber duties o' iv. laiafromms." - goiCIfa lu lmyOr sauie1m dsasu'Jide l Tiseeou tes is rou h.cuo u eliaend 4h. lravellpng preo vhiob. u al» blss bbiehrw ber "'Mip*W, arIm nadéd toge toot" ,moundth. i k i eo sud ImpKout e Ct uparie 0e«"slvirm ablssas on his e ilfgmia E 4"Barsm u S Lir.e #.e hroW - AsiE ch. vept bhtilrl.- IL de Clrutï dsülÈâ h. lu'terleb. Tb@e U. 5& atesmer jIL Lenepi Cwese Cha Cjounim d~e iWAad JrM*ts, bhunteligechtat nDth. Sasd v«as,'i b> "l Of .14.0itiÏ 1L4egig, reh,,cat<tpuct dola if h.m ùt po hosho bha alrosd4y maede w mr na rh qub Ssehshook 4th. tu favrorable mpÏelon, Ho'wai talblng'et ra'go 0f Ch, Chimboraso Wrthé il lo to ber-of love, tC. ichs#ho had hem f rmh utesdeoy#4sd l entami s~ ~~~~n pe#b arner d .vas listeais 411 of eQsuito,, lnai a4ort,ýa d kl). te hlm vlCh sageres. Do (rlalrsnt, st 1,000 te 0000, gus. i e chOb tt*mou.t <J M'uj.hm of iss Cmoit ble, eeuveas sa d tatee011 avontisom-as- s"y#, 'but'dfigmted wib lbamw eieo hm.ts.1The Cow bis provlua cameer, le the praseniOf Sas ÀagagCts1ithe. Zabermacle4 thatgirl be feleSa futeel C. liner, ever -pilJ l, ,seofegrparo, tus. a vit.. lasbigsalisaiese ef sul, as veilam 1raI, Ch3. Ci00 sOf Santa ola De Cliraut n longer l«Oed N srl t, Cyr. ced, eh. CIMPW 01 tbe Cithedra laM bhurt h.-had a coteipt toi bar, Caeps a * Ceospitai, ofOrnf X# ic à ouei, regard bof M5 Ch.é w h.is ter 01 the coontegauî&u strsament hi ble shgbqlodMsd ll uge, apart or, the Oont0oif fS eetolusl msnt--he luoter oU 6:101 boi blm aail psa'aly Orvtoll h. hovd-va te hiedelirered lite 4. A#-lso th.'COnfrto of OSaisD.o, bsasdaefleuoeW ho WuAs lr. mrula iar,Ssaba'Isshirbu, Tmise slda ïefEof fsllitAS to guillot I Y a Um in 4o iy h t , IteeJi, Sii.. ho b.d habo n lu IaýSn- ;"dam Thatpi p o frt <hps i"r As Che tImas.vas-De Ohirant b"d cspWedb> Ch. Ninfitar ofCh. lait ion, jataada-sasd à<ahi b.d h. on 14-.;groat put of Ch. collop of fiLei a ver largeOam.0ofmoswy. Croasig Ch. ChePJemd maicleai of Dr, buip obuitb"d chaaid hie "laýcI," and- alee taIon, Ail Ch. pricipal bull Mààin> m ceaerOf Whlîe'a club Wvrtbed h. misboujiag teins .ofSsuiÀ sander the payment of th.esumo vbihChia CotoMoJl, MaobaehsChhiJopJIo, lu plouSAnt Prenhmu derm hlam WPooliou daJe ai ae hon detroed, The, Oaie ofthm# , visthug poured Out Choir propwry ifa Otsua tediIm Mill llfo.drop., wva.l"Ch. Baissarummell," deiara; sud'trons 4h. Povety Of 1 iho, on hasdig De Clmfata IO»Il plaîit vIl h. lmpoalblo te ropsir vhslb 4 fi fi Sig Lord -," ird"bulidany vgit alamber ofCh. bsti v!iipffd, Il one# My file., 1, souid 01 edificesdeetisy* The shoôl r4twerlm oueeyou h" vin of Chm vl. aCi- natneal a Tcne Par ppl "Lord - hiig hiul< sud 1alusi -s*sund la ,Timspsllo Che-i onue of tise psrty on Chat nisit De Cii- enuid lu varIoui 'places, The ani raaC int'ilopg, lai tct, voe. oucient to *a&s aJo fait pt Qasysquil, t ieo biis àbasmosucose li EsgIsasE; lo damagi thora The Toms andlaioiesn igdlike~to the COaaIil sii Praisccodel Sagrro su t57 (ho,414 not speab the hanguac) vvbieb Chars ver. ofbesutfasi archlteota dsu insht. ha waaalA liais baravuA .àm dindi ml-a tani Oand V91 bic w. ja ic~ o., me erced and levai a j tvo aea Wâtosot sfsrompuyo. ae th. malt-JovyrYosaug la.ý lnqsafrd bet bor mia- 4l.tlvbo d ih.11v-,th.t ater- o à ;but Innm Cath& la mer- 4à Dom- WC Fer- lain it badfy Il"* oc, ais, said ding. of rtq bt

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