Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1859, p. 2

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a wolof The M lof jlooer, M tegnab. tiheTrialby la am oleot <U01 ,lltigaa ops 4svjdg*0l .poq Oum whtutassybu - llsia utde ome »asnWagmst pr c Similistuais soyaStii th" wbvid ue uvileby.a c o*.Il am s pr C& a 1 mepfeatlatltîI ,sda M tieo sthémB", dm to Jguormt à( lian4 ota *0 owd16 ub$st W 4. 8v. Jour, N% Thoe usrew stans"p 0 W# liot P ortody Zha royal mail alun I4vuipeaIon lise ins Tho. a.«Watassilp VW reo A2usarum A fon h 11 iT> 4p!ts$e pg te Ti ose e pontiomestir, '0niffl sfor a Co.sreas1!v VotWWtm pulyreliai thaalmotitisoutus la aVsoss e otii te tâp ikpepsatWssOtlervl& ae o Tis, nvsevvlYan bd# o"* W' çm lin 1MB T0O~TQX UW# .to t*be 0.0"EaaOf 1 i#aUvq ii b M M O# 'MM tor guaua$0dhbelaOb sw I ~~ - me t. te .Tom, Tîesara, bow 11 th a. ff4 q#14,samve4 vb~int ln Jo e odty armadofor lign .simpe l lowV( bdk. b dd to POuea& Foi Instaso., a£ t#eMnre wy otimnal vitb barnowwbinn<f t and< toamanu tue mgb$ cosete opo4 wouM rua ve0t $17 civil TLLL o*fi o or apor thm VtUM hod brito nna a boib pea su hi#qJJg~~~ij U , d ys -liii. witsb hm, bd<oe law t in, _________________w Som. tnaanrh msyb*teoez-ý ,wà ,mo,,j OULTOM Me£&" à TM Rpeutive m4 qui. uunlt4a to tb.eou. ioer a... Md , ~mm" iOs et herp'ouos. ~ .s~ loep tt'Oe*0 Clm, -'i't infidudàl's W tUst ùw OM TO SU13O0CRIÉFt@ oqRS. isgnity and bigh "vy trial li fuit -pMetensloo (altbôqgh thoy may' b. Th#. terme S frthe .u5em"ayw rowz Min andV07y valcable ln id. oMs opiniO4,)@T Io am wholly oùn SýÀpàyAt ia a yér r0L b a k "m et theuI$IOuW mi th 0 of ýf954$t o finadvaiiv; Ri e dCIISpd yrpsyersOtthe TovMs. lha nOth t. t.frjd5. heiijayale eommy tisnqualitie iaà a ien- Itam iIl1 bu. 1rer may bave *eTR AT. ' bu er' VOL. T1 Î;ICALUTRIAALd wbirè mmof ot i Mntnoui r eby laolutdlIit mnfgt b. oonsldre COOKx E I 'MT GUILTOUà aletltSo .ztrv.gat n W tu, bè - paiige mmsu. 4. yens lryr fo Of' ap&%Idâa6. & e îroessIn, %~omWips ,4"rh 0 , Net long .&Pl it wig W retomber. gflm Tb#. <.ling Io #grapWile dsoe*, tii. .Itlpottn.eof our-Tv..- ofeh.dotelOmoeenetho Iaa trwai: mrul wh.nh ieis eunn ý! 1 «M b Illu vai y sud*h.r4py 00«a 0 beti>fw.as 00 U& âlip MU W.1 00,l &egavdmed .Opinions -a of i.ti o taketii.fonýtothjn*ybl TbW.àk OOcM1on Oïý , Adt à wro »«mm, »M MCutis ilesoo ia cuuo;at ,me Imm xMev room to S« lha »*g$thur <ou-Ur eoDWsvy te tui.'7Pl"2 wodag ef the I ~ baa Io Sentis. aissw k .r n ,, d kw, s$eod nponbldig*ly, sMd thaï téb1a«#vemou>1 à# _w «iii.omut i s &zgl thda e .Tewss vs.obligeS tl ý«v mstavnpvoe,"Ku. o"""te psyMt*6.plpeJIn *0 .lmit01t bi la iVd aou' o il asidn,-ti.npecadhlIoes tise muai.SdotheTomnsa tisve a noeasio . u.. t 'Dovs ii * oneotii. legs!que % tward yfl' voYage t" IlGetof< b bu " oitbicsoftiie ce, dfrstcd ofallits teèh. fii dOwVj"Um là icoIut Ov5 lolte i Iotin:A odre ~ ~'O5 O 1 mSt bu ii emsoimtessblAnte vesto utenin 1. lp#Wbl1 s te Moud Ofehool Tvutoes for" * 40 l The lndpdirsa. tise Clek,! tol, if Pr't1.to ihoeTr nu. opay- il~ ~ mo tetis at i "cb Jarysnmo. Tb qv.a .in-menit by MKrLynde. Tho. amena Je du to Mespat autiy subsides, anS u tii. oScau alied1 jnsly due, mand the.Trouwer Iwo Pl Sont the. nmbev. Wien tis telitbnamnevory well thit rmi lb. p4&S affaira u k uv UçiJ04 asud rpooMdet, japlus m4git (U buadm ine. bo-, poiS.)But a be idilon tii. anddenly'Whledevowd tise Doua ofBhol ITruateeshuwe,1ot£À Tbf ai are, du Otmii 5<4 < owk.-propedy rsece>it lnly nSt ae 0troopa baS . *nWM O *l uamSop ma WIet inch tiseste doseo ho tvonta thoir or- reportio sad i sJe " $hesaodup 1b-'4v vhotoMpt. >.r, Lyndo avails "o y 7900 $"Umim. a,# v yl isslfle rIs$ .$ 0 sres on yonv v'«" r 7'maet-" ,W. ciiled'O Y which tihe loaiPa Wd Suj Ad twPise prkosteti.bat ur «t . »,ot .or; tise freanreofsTrîer, to cou. pilty 1" .4vnoI-"N~iot Gui îty." e o s efahis diguy, Md 1« pi ~~~À# Mtiies*w budftm tr Ue ips of t h# i wse*lsTOwnksobod to re4s. on "Woeue 6e.v on. mwild, tbrulling, burs. loca, hi.epe)e nAons tO' te hurrah sMitsp fry ibe ePgd«*M rs.!C . $00 1 if Mr.lynS. aedwrogl Ofet00 but&W « d4 WOO&d in5 b# MOIOi ors eiTrMeamr h ahie redwy R«" aMn Uiti o p bli*Itwulid.on tbo-glsbsspunulbthnî on"chMdsuier mmdagi nhspd enfer *l0<a vu. W *04 Ui~iia ihm te dip haltis osTrauo 200 0(gw pfu# i» *0* "er4 .lNOW if tI.votsa m woT..r PadkNWlin tém W 'V'saw w oid Wo pold the Order ln the. ktt-9 'dp* ma si vawa ý«àthere: iol4i lieno et IAbVI $0 page frh« troublé, B" it h lré rai the. lblMum 04ub *Ijsiiuodéi 1» - anodi «' vtii. -l- 'i "I ." e- o1ms blAfd in our Town Ti'ur; h t W, OSteo. qp 1 itii U*1t# cocu s ot b. expetd 0st as lib t. o 9 tOtàlsae, u ~.m* bu-'bown of totho tune of r dires doj liSp Cravfr 4 wbosappad to b. tie us.P1lyti> O rrtisthat oui, puffl lnê~ a~ta ç rtff sugmm t lowsia.4».$0tse Tr«, Krv, Stantous vt oi t1 tiioil i r. mu, »4aj*y"f 4 *pCOWW14 , kha cordeS." amts b.da iiAnsdiaa T'iÉd" m4se~n, ,os!Wsrfe,r Mroisv.siprt Tn. o incEl.51 at haitpWisoolck p. S is WVOsiss tii aelubthe. IASI.AT 1 lA!ro Thi etk1sI4id bors theConacl vs. tue et iipolu, as.vlng tht votu on-the. EWIStia Y Mw~ d it srouIst -Dr, GSirsnvbid tu bave tii. 17,000 by-1aw r.peli bUfvW jsafu *Ü for' £05,00 . #,,"expvusd bfrepwft atii.e cOurse m l à&ub tseCondcl lus ot doing soi sd aid tisi tise ra-4p.ee sapp i te hism.thlg or syto Oui, mD otant all erau in Wltstis opiniom ns le iaS fovmd tise EoavL Tho. Mmyorvml*& Uisaithse speelalbusi um of the. meetng (tii. pausiug of ti in tise "vsinstuo; tisaitItse oisevbisi. os. cuti b. tam o pvwheutat vas itspoosdom The. by-larvu tison vuS a tiid lime as pasasi, tie Mayordivectsto ugo the. me amStise eopora ate.loiSiveS t.b. Dp, Guna eist u a u hpaang of onpnetton Of r, Dvupe, eoondby càWtalu ový it wvas vesolied tt itise Mayer de' Wmo sabsrib.'tii. ul =ndev U. £85000bya- s iltU . 10th 0 0ec slredy msbssrheiontii hocha o< failvay Company bu eanelisd 1v. Drape moved ti. tird veading of the byeIaw t. v.pal tise 175,000 by-liv. Mr. Mua SselobjecW teS as11.boisg In. afflUent," anS opueraentil the. Bail- ray Directors Wbruit Sown tiser by-laî Dr. Oimo eisaa>tiud tise pvoceeins Captuin Beisud mKr, Dmrsinhe ià bjéctiom of0<Dt CGann, vboue fava ap. sur t. b. altopitev unfimnded. Tii.y wwanly mre--"a b. saya imsel mvey i - nydterbW--anS but tisi tisey avese, 1 boidd be dlespatodby tise *tt thec M5,00 manwt Se asu oeiSalby tl ayor c rUil go £15#M00Qsw4i itp*t mcarw ( a tise boolss 0i .the ay oay U,. ,i Tiu by4î-waradS a tirdtdm ends su, mg'. acdnel oxo ggintt Kv. Maeionellesqnfral visstise Chair-. an ttie 4omu one o&"sre &W fS in. vrsente mouW b. pvepvd te -reporta a ti Pm"tiespreset.d fer impvoe ti mte on Ontale a&##" sad si amer's h Ca»tai Bewe repli probably 'et le uni »mmtUg bdt adrit f*6 1 Ase wu 01vunesa nedttudhold b.: m m e wu OIa fthi 'ie et 41* ?ovu sm ho *« dsPoudof, 11 i %oov*smwv .eesuffo o0 Bs 'Wosii &wua toe beo tii. £UU0 tisa 0«" to " 4s. ...I..4. u *à&,iia. Town Ceeiftu 2ýboec«ni sud Ai t tiseTowM lii! Au the. mom spvssL ris uas f 4f > W ithe - II )îr, EigelOw brougisi njs thse scond rd port of tiese ttiis commiute, on lMr and Wat.v. Tii. report r.omesn44$atise appossî muot 01 lNo Bay, 'hTi)" Deveril a Michel ODoavassuasCh~ie( sd li ans poveraS vuit h,#formation ofa nov ljrn Bigade. Thse pavcoisfu a site for 1 euitaltie Wildiug te contaliseUire ngine -"eoi 'dd an aS apparattna, 1Se..and dus the ti.building b. conutrsct.es "1< Admit of* a iremena luait The. puvoisoi of a naw on . engins e so om ai tise fuodd of'tise Tovn vould admit of tise 'exped tored d tets f«the ite 24 el wle aSv.tkid' jýby thse eCousiite The Cuullsubsequessty veut itc Cerailte on tii. root, and atler sm Slciaioh vsiisvoe eglaS icis vas' utileSon ii-a- indlyliber spirt, tse cîoitesa ureporteS Progres., aMS oblInd aav"t. dit apilm M. Digelov inoed tise vecptior 0fic reothe 6.Connnlltof tthse vislon li. eolttn ong te-pamtby t Tresavor of16 4.1.r@eeivd by isim for pev.cetasviscis iould lbave go»> liste ts oaTessy lKv. Iacdosssllbefer. e tmsotlos VAU o wevs rsad a later om Msf Geoa &Wl e atSooba iv 0&6April, sn te- pli, t. on . tous tii.Treqanre , r. l iv I ae lac, lisis 1.1ev, Jstatlai h. vas ou oftIfs. menbof 0<tiheFimnanceIonmte, for lise yoav 18m, t. vboss 1h. petlso of tis Treasuver f«e n loeuse of aIrywvu iefevre&'l Tiatbeto etise report via ae- cepteS, h. rensembcs'eS U. MoSg.n, tison a momber of the Finu cOSnmkteo, a»Y. Ing tiat 16. pev.centoges vere tise Trea, surer' Sue; tisaItisé malter vas disons.. ed, asnd 16*1 tise Traasvr'a solmy vws tbon vals"St. £7,9vit Paoli allevaume ms metns n un isliar situtIons.Mr, mac&menelaid tiaihlieuvofethtie aMo ipluionh. hbd isircr epriedStia tbe quastio ion.of lawt and tis tise emnisctlbaSnoigsl t. g4tai islai tb tzelrovis1 badSddo"upoi îtisaI «oer vay tii7 ees. vmitsoaltise Tv. surer bing a consonting Party, Tise l!veaurer vas borne ont by itis evldsnc. Ofr KWaIIaeeanMvUr, odgson, sud h. (Ur, Maedonll) aisould vote a&pinot auy elbis bi"g taken iy lie Cossui isoaut 9WTvr'a esss c mat, Tise Tvmeamvr, mat. ltkp'i.usns<e Md itlooW a if tbey v«e#,dtWijinad Wi*#mài smua,(W 1i but dtm iould Wi boa tiaI #ildit S :CAj"IgowBôvt scondeS by Mv, Mr, 'blsoro, seve la aindment, te ret W*rakhh eÉ«ot btb instructions te stif k Mt $10 4ktisePo centageforw1855 Mo' a" 87,si ism seand IC& 83 14 tb1h sr.eustge <r«15,'caotain Bei. Con~ eeand la '0 anna!m.etint of-lise mesmv e d1te notitute too.& pluac e lkli aon P rjduy eveffng e , lie vepori for 1 Put Ye9 IV"s submitted and adopteS, an& tise offieÏra for the ensulng Yur eélected. Tiarre u ltoptior001Y »OMO 8%teen or ssfleea mmrpemeutovln& e. lien., toe u isud.ratandlng sto 16e time for isodlng te meeti«ng, lits Ior. aip tse mayes, hulim ry, lsquive, Pýrcale.of tW Institutes aving taisc tise Chair, rcadatateosnts oeth1e reMepts andi expenditure of lis Pustycar sund eftihe Md ; nSliilitieds, ,as ýordered by é> av. Lavdr anS , moe" Aie the Tise eoepts frosn ailsources I<rom lot Apint la 168,t. ilsiApd lob18#",$U66, 6 Bzpedituve turin ai e» ,p., vioS.i.,..#._... ,.........# '4091. Tise totalAaie of0<tii. Ins tute, ÎAvI,89 . ...$M,1do, Balance ins ho Of enstitaite.. $0:801. Tise Llbravy nov eonoans 600Velum.., and Pisulosopisicl patus tu lie vain Tise etinsatedvalu os 0<11W Eel Etate, Lectureat,il fssvnimtmr.bolelio tie Insttute, lm10 4 5.,, -' *nsmb.rofimbeu os>Bocks of Inu. Thse progres of d» Isltte dnrlug tis lar snay b. ýnot e uftllo*w s- Ir, bliticws ove losstu1 14 prot, 188......... 7 5 Ansets ovev liabli iselot IsApMIl Expended for Books for Lba Tiso Intitute aise receo$20mo, oflbooks bir e iaBoard ofArts sud Mansa.1 taclsves for a subscvptlo im a&the pre. TeliminI L4brfvy, lit Apvsl# I58 50M. dd" dé 1859, 600, Actuaî ueue or lie 'yuv, 20M Melat n a b. Ltbvavy Estins o ber- « oser yezru. Tise E.vws, aS asines- ve counntd.Tisis yav csJuy IsotnS volumes ave taseslote oeeét Nunsbev of Loctures -t.elIt Àpril, KaiibuetLe "'Wtu elt API14pl Nsmer<MahesoBooks, 185, -b Tise folowlng smt" ins erf electedl W.r MCe , i~ur8, PreslSesl. Jaes Bais, k.w,..Trmosrtyp tl 1..to gei fa tousan dollar 7ev aeêfor tisemoman, uWs il' gpre yeoss bal(tof yyu Alexander,.-Wal gus. fricszd kent go vîts 7eoss myaelf, but vii l Me y... t. lbhe Elgis Cosstable er 'tii. iscmty, aen' iil Oç Yev tisrouÉ l] Il eUr,' Tise'Yankee la takeo'to thse igl Con- 'table tell» im bis Mtoy, anS bols pro- ceeSj lis eopany te tise rosidise or lie ssssnpe«ing vlddevaà ' SCootable, (introdueissg tise tue bus- bands), M. T- iblisM r., 3f1 th ibsband of yocv vile, enS lies eome rom 9 tise -Western States t. ste'e lady, Mv. T-, COh1 -Alein 1-Yes!--sit Soin gentlemen, Wil seil ifshe viiSm c hlm (Bxlt kv. T.) Kv -,r.tnvnng. Wel:ashe uya; ah. vent mee blm. Sises aimaSis e' MAY, bave soie ell ,deas gn*aiost1st,' ,, ,Yinlîw "WallI" 36esi 6" tev ou me, von'I lcaveisstil sbe dome ,Ceogtable ltivtaves an promUs..tepre. 4 (ecisilia ldy (vom ailbodiiy hurm, viWho 6 lie cernes feruard <om enu muer 10015e,'1 'Yankee. Wel Jane inter tiseugisiy.d p ismdaà oner ms ouraS pis bid teck OP vils a vartishe oS look1W r <.11evC mworuisa, boder thisum odolla, bot cNI. n claIe, Irons ppem rance sr w evtsslnort o, dm a a, tcisenn. xpectsd -yev Sée te ad get à tboaua sfor yer frmlis baesmuin o eevbul reckoa tisi yerkusice..ls liii, 0Ieepfiger an ahall-'taise taibnnder dla or'my trouble. Ter baS fu Woi plenty *vilssme an usonidered theinme y«v g tokn iti vas&sosie pu ipilnsj but » fr0. appearmc%a aMost ,eînuty go& g4 forukeneà nitier. ind i kintor mis-,w tison sbmess .matter and aiWlltaketaSi isnndev dollar t. pay my exponea Don't at vîlst tàtksyer neov and $halliUt b;m W, mai fur nuffin more," ln Mtera4god daiesrvpavieyln tse bus. le bond ln'. aiesbon palS Sown $50, a er vatisâ nS l*Çfor'ts" and a note for u 'tle, maiin thse -bundhered, withe iI Iranke Oàekfted vlih-the gpett san St fryU. theFvE"hay, nd tintocbislM depatssre lavis theiurgtniv lite vile op vwiS the iubmadlu posisnn, vise bas no be ea i d t sig ocesinly ketes Tt vwile lb.emmtable Layv, tisau Y anise. ,til -botieed iins allhsy back vid.singiu.1 pn "Olt widuernahisr4t»unosevenderyn rovu, 'Ta Te uas frn4, of TIMO'tIAT. us rois Cbvésl irasdi l ae 'ver, 51117 slhy, ont

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