Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1859, p. 2

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te et a vm Zlb. T owu n41, st Tooda fwnflhM, ITl ,os l, Victoria Bulldinfs Brook OMJ TOdN 0, od Tne.asy lu Kae o. No, second Pri!4Y lu aver 8mh s pr6wlb. Botel, Port Witb., OogU¶Tmrua.Wty Dv1son, No.;31 Good TOmplrn, Sons fi, Moudy .v.uhîgs. 1, Ohurch, et. JO', Klng treet 1 ï,a.., a8i3 eleekp. nu, (Auler- PV. . PIiLAD Te. ceebObru, ea . e Ititt, lor.IoEjrn sd Mrbo'StBree lonloma l c loelck, MP., pm 1V. j IfOWEYN Wsiaang»hdlst C laroi-, omso1utre anJtetaIo00d'dock, a.m.,aud ruketd Prs*ytemon charah, maule.'lu 1E-SV. B. B. TMOUITON. owuwonor4dy Fairm PlrtJsdnea4ay lun arh "" 'id ssasdyiirnn uareTurf Club-W. IH Hlggin KsLq~..A aiofir 41~i~: TiisdyArilsud6, 1859. TO SUBSOftBE, Tii. tem f 4h. n ofWcêJyiIl e'r~tkllytin b. utsbdau future and the eanof2 wIb carged» ~wbua pyaboe obérwlse in'&ymg le6ft ola r xeàWes frth !if wfllIwo , , awthd ler an"nopre- «fiaboW, da~i«nmgdbt anecon*,if- caners t .,byneneusbanemp- ,-~~~~~b teybnslmâ .ouel-, vory aro~'1 geniemaslu bcowa, Kvoae l tr th P~aOU e>f l Nov if il. 'sere au. ordinar,, plain, siple gentlemn ztbal weftTresair, ire would bave paid lbhentider lu lth usual wyva,'sd- there voiri e 'ne <rtiier ,trouble. ,But -'then tlure vwoigl b. 'neotiula,' for _tbe. Ir1-e blotdi l nurTfflrTresurèrhle coulE 504< b. expeotedt tesat lu se plebisu a mnanner, Mud tir6 ta uli h MUit b. a1boya Oo le tutneof $50. Pernsbly tboy ire worth that sumi to t, tI~T 1altb e Tres- suror. A mjority of the GeunoggIi appears, cSoidp li,-are sud bave ordered him payment ofthtie mono,'. WbaIdo tireratipayerisas,?'? ifty dollars, leue limes, veulE mako quit. a respectable pieue of idewalk. ü;à gaal amsjoriyofheOouu- surer iru zieeihred one'iruudr ed -maiE 14,jI.ra fror M.uto es,' vircli acoruug Ip l.torm»s.o$ Eire reoulnappointicng bisgsalry,Èb. lons' ,toi, du--Tovsi. Tic .Ceo"; sdpI'%.'r.pertlâ es««tjoL1Thb treaoure dees net budge *omebis dig- of ris âlr round the ta'b1. tr &iý.- ~utterawor4A 1ro toryois bulleit for tire- nMa rigit or wrong 1 1 b e ý,baI ins"sa"taIho liagel tire lai.st bisasic, sud tirât evili oply maske re-psym evientire law 'c~ziéâbUr tdo e fTveor Wtirue 4~ruugwouuey irtosew Msurer tmpnt 40 îdo moý but 8a majovily dignlty-'-would sditto; O tch tem, ~xtisn~cure;tic, de ltre decmt tblg, ud sy ve~tire:50 vitiront ma sner, penbape tlie Tremrer'. ebâtm. plku coeu u t<teslc;it-As fer tire rateper tejutige vielier inde- feningiin sefa't tc,are'm*!de. frtdig tie o e.' I 4 4 Turnu gend#eShepiard, cf lie (IloS, , ordAMtomd osly y, TFo' inreu Mnstorlt robe, lMay nMy aut dtplay., -NvJ oe rrlor a sd lit i trcsdo Wild lPao'atlif«aibsoine .wpread, .Emdutbu m 1 o l Tlotomït lïh.dsngsou iloem,- Typolitisa rewroug - u tastl bure bbs 41", 1 11*0 ta Part simtJoysbaMd lyblnss Anud M» i.vl priltio ime Pau5llm"Pge E 4- 4 * The. e.tlqist.d vale tis t esL$l Leéture lipil, snd furniture bolongg L l là el 9074o., 'Ifmbe< fmembers on Boeks of InstU. 'ne pogreseofttbenttute duuingth ,Iilt4qs, oeer Àsl,, lot April, a1>Ovcr rllenltlo t AprlJ, M'*ued for BoolaWloi Lbra- $8627. >ThecInsWte .altose reeed $0 vorti of bocs dom theBosrd of Arts sud Mana., baures for aqjzbàcýjptonnma&,the pue. vien .. sÀri,15,50 - Âctiai ïIncremso fr the ycav, 205ý veluàme,Iiinthe Lbrry Iitlmate for ôr-' mer~~~~~ - 1 ..Ti.Reie ,udMgazines verecounte& This, earonly-,boun volumpesare taken lnte accut Number MLetuf st l»t Arl NamberoetLectures, te laI tApril, 185............ 15, ,.,umberotMemboeuoBooks, 185, 64, .Thi o lug gentlemen vere el.cted' Offlcebcarers lb. ensming year. W. UOheurPuleL B.J ilson, Esq, lIt îce-Presîdçnt. "JanBain, Esq., Tressuror. A . 1. dcPeon, Esq., Eeoedlng Seo- BE4T. Byrese, Crrespending Secre. Co*iir OF NANAOEKET. Msr.LBengo«ngi,. J. IL Pery, Wcre posscd te the President Of lust yesr for bis sevices: l.the mbttes for thiri efficent mnagemnt; ii.Lbrarisn, for bislers lb Ecding Sccretary ter hie ïràâ>e ii.heCorresponding secrcary lfr devotiuglIta valuable ime tteb. vrtng o no lie tban 1 5, ettera ; and lastly te ùïbeÀïuitm afor ÃŽertrffi t herardoýàa duiessalaeoly ment of $10' t> Constitutea membev for A reselutien aIsepsased dclsing that, alI innesb $tiktssail expireeon th. S0tli Setm e ucadyeav, aller tlie present Yesr , ý The meeting then adjourned. Vernal Depltion ef a poltisai Tb@. double psimvblcb hMr Brownvua beau trylog le play vîtir Leer Canad bas produc*dIl stural resuit. Ou Bate urday, ibe LeverCadasection ef the Oîpoo f le or"nly tnnated tp ,hlm therir*tidràval fre tl'polliesiconuec- lion vlth -hini. dTtisstp asmaielb Uppe Csudasptlene! l. Oppoition foloving a leadvire,' jfor ie ut".lestBy yarbasu d pe mlsedtien office;-'and selvus taulier ttbaIl11 ««e. They haýv. n4 "auuslp but tiey are ezceedugl uneaey uuder a- leader' Who Io viliout Lever Cui& 0,aill91, anm vho cendu* 'fbsm te perpetual de!est n- der promises odsuceess wbic i basose tended, o rue, In In he .publie tfot of excltiWg Ihe iOd1ignation of mon- sieur Làý«ege the Sôllcitor GenoalY.1 et lielWown Dodion Administration, aâd o! biinëln up lon. 1Mepum, Tiii6adesu sud Drummond, snd even the Ben,, #r. Don hnslt où s thstatLtlait tb. long' loeked f or exZplsans ,About 4h. m>rtical 'lècal Çond"..In, Lower Canada fromu wbicha tte" casual riÉbts nrder the SfgnorisiTýensre w.ro te h. passed be "mny governmentr waa royealcd. Mon- miur Labegwbo savery fine little-fol- 1ev lu bis vWLy, 1llndlng )Mr. Brown renew- lng absurd attacka, on Lever' Canadzarai roiterating bis mislesdlng assertions about ,t inscrutabl. Illocal fund," coul4 stand it no longer snd in afev pretarateory sen-. tances possesed thé House'of the. &et that ho was going te make the long desiderated revelation. As yôu miy veadily imagine t4. uiàal hum of underto ne conversation i >crally pmrades the- Bouse vas at once stllled and a silence sncb as lsouly obsered on extraordiuary occasiens vas at "once ecnred. Mr, Laberge -thon pro. ceedd te àayhoe ad fait bound- te 'ire blmself fromlthelmÈutàtion of smctioning the sttèets se oftienMId'ttbeHoua., relattng to'ther mede lu which the JBrown- Diýoron Minlstry, of whicb bo was a mem- ber, intended te deal wvitb lb.e Oiàl Uigbta, When ho vas ask.dto Jin tbat Administration bis first inqulrjy vas what tii.y intended te do respectlng the Seigrn- orlal Tenûre, and'he Wiý nformc<d'by Mr. Dorien tuit th Casuai Bigbta would be redeemed by the Province or at"the erpe nce of the. Province., Notblng vws thon oaidabuet a local fnind or &bout loap. lng the money tlotiera saire#, -but ik vaosiumply atated tlat the . 'usiirglib would -be ada andeti vas te Lwer CaPada , .,'of thb.-subject snd oeefor whlch bé bad been, contending for Ivelve y eago,bebad Do dÃ"izbI at ail. Ibat'me, Donmuant tie rnonay was to h.pald out or the provincial cet.Wbetber Il $abeuld caged upen thé. Lever Cana diuMncpalLoan Fund, ervbebernyý loca or Lover Canada lnd'i b 'cirvnt for -the oject wss etsst#ed, but lt-veuldi andle vu »t avare et any -local fund lu' vincWilFond, Tua-vwas the'substance o! ,Mr. Labegs Oqsad *ut Ia ',conclusion! hbe vas lImmenaely cbeeréd h b 4 Mnis- teial aide et the lieuse,, ut ille *à& upcsklng sud! alterrMBrovn looked -tii pieture et despsfr. lr.Dorien dÇd neot appeule omach greater advantsge fo bis shufflj' ind sud equivoc=ationu'on Ibi peithae ben Il1log em nently dis. gvuafl te ii.Monsieur Thlbsude*u thon leok thre florand lu a short spéeeiz corroboratcd li.trathroetMmn.laberge's explinatiozi. lieo bad been se fully per. maaded oM thé.Intentions oet' tii Brown.. Dorlou Government ef virloir 1w»ea member, se te psy the, ciausl rigiita out ef the Publie Revenues liaI lu hies"desa tn bis coituent. vuies b. v*ent back fol ve.lectln b. had atated ltctt ithout uny reservatlon, siid Mr, Dorien'hit leader ka Mm -S apprOr4 v4 o tk 4comen niirons vs vas ,wuo m ,i 111Ho1n. Mr. Drunmeud folieve d Aamno theî tbings snid ob hd, berner oluy agrSd te pay the. CaualRlgbti ont of the. Muni- cipal toAn #0 id' .t Lever Canada 1I ML-. bis tirs. colleagues had' ni&d. Hon. Mv. Gauc ho pli ded Mr. Brown wltb ques- tiens and trled te makeebhtm admitlb.e truthr tthoe .satsmeptse ofbis 0colleagues, butba u *Md sOM oses itamoutb. i vWrATesrog ivil tdo#n ia it by.la totb'purpoae. sud àýjp 4Mr, Draper Met the: 0 b -., 13r.iu 'u,1 bose ",a'1lp. preOWba1togéhar' iiufouindÂe& They Ocerln Y Ar,.7b-ahsysbise;"er u4Yà1ýnona-anfd but, thit 1te4 11 0, so, sbouibe du~Ip*ldb~ 1i act thattbie ~ t~1è -For ontb tibooks of !' lulay ComPany.e Mr. Macdenell enqeiedwviin tlb, eialu"ý Man é ~tth. tmmite. On streets and lm..; vog entwulE ,%preard eà rep ort;' oth.pett ns -preoned for i1mpree. muents on Ontarid atreîtansu t Hamcrs lCaptabBv.9wreplleod liaI proh.bly af tie noet ueetlug, but advised It as,the. course ofprudence liaI uebhlgshou1d bel doue vitir semaeoft b. petilles until lie bill -e cirtail the limita o! b. Town, veulE bcefirst dispmsd o!. Bis Worghip agulu tr., lb. attentioeu returned for 1856, 1850 sud 1857, bis Wership- lnfoumed lb.heuneil -r rT.. turned is i,",rregalar aud ncorrecta man-t uer:, 'tthtiyco"d net h. opled into tire Oonnty -Treasurer'bSels. Ts rerva »nvasun ,otabout £500 due. te tb. Munlcmplity, ontut shciouly ,h,44dbad boeu pa& Iflihe relsvere corrected sud lu 'tb. Oouuly Treaiurses bsudby lb tiraIdutday of Msy, ten -er centwouldh.,iddedtethe anuu,this would be£400fthýe ifl this verenDot douese omuai>veuld I»h.lest te .Tovn, -Heesuggeste4 tie propriety of refe rring the ,voller 5l'te lie ipeclal cemnmilléee p- poige toi, qufm. u.ibt tiçsuabjeet4 te- îWWtbbr vt 1elis et '05 aud '0Wai. resdy refruti M.BIgeles vas tnlly impresset vllh teIpotceof the Subject f i. W#,r sblp'svmarks. Alarg.sin hesuid w*soult be tid4edie ilb.mount'nov due by thé acmlation e to zn per cent frein yesr 'l~ ~~~' yrhElevlaeuiproperly madie out,' ton ler eu nt. iens sould maie tWa thesessueerof hiios.yers beubrugbt 0beforeli.enmmute. tée aupply Inorma. A rmolotimo'nhle subject vasuanse. qaetlypaseti onmotonof Mr. Bigeles, secouded by MiLyquE. $50 mrisTîaàsvm roi nurSnie (hi motion o! Mv.-Macdoucil, seconded by Dr. Oudn, lb. Council vent lute o om mItteeoflie wlrele on a resolution propo. sing psycmt et $5, out of the . Te fanda, te Benjamin 'Vaueld, &Mount CM ces lucarrEdby himl hdetesding the prosecu tien eof(JbuasLynde Iustltute&. agaînat Mr, Varnelt,, fo biruaI,: as Tevu Tressurer, te psy un eider ef tb. Boeard eofSc991lTrustees for $0 h reselulion aise alased that Mr.Yaruold vas acting under lie adulce of Hiia Woruhlp 111W Mayor, aud o!lité eesu laIb.va upIbeId b,thre Cpl sio quitis hlm Pm,"d ea of discuission teck pises on the maltere, Kv Mamoeil, Dr. G"Ã"u or t1 .paym nt te thé Cirk- wii Meie. -LIy- ' and Elglow strenuously epoed $. vselutlon , Tire Treasurerf hîmueitt ob aàcbance'tb apesir durluglihe discusson, eelrtnW g ML ounclle Lynde,*vile ttst eamasvsatd lislol% v*t ponr ie sd't tos g.ntlOfmeu, hcnlse lthe lrut" t vua a idder â ,ain lgimnulu oe stns. ire vas kuovn te be amarrid man isau-A other sinsç; ul mgrrid eorsm.ing, b. hap- 4u tbd. bi wb py -Uion' eV the pairegave a a 1sft e >day Itternooji gossipa allie lime. But thlisg '#,quaretia4p4lI lu Ibis woildleome4weo,,.as ve aIl kuo '- froe-pàyrln4é, su' 1'think hatfr&à dw e Ieycdiuw*q follevin'. yen yl ho tnciined t. nay sear Moie tire am ýeV e,- i vddila samongst thehabit Of accsi qaure ues, -sud sustla i On hely Thurâdqy lut above ail tie Stra bîcasid dasaav the year, afreulu frank li - aby r Iookinnlumnp er aYanrkee hallin trois nepua rtogýe er the Western Statesacalled upon A x er b lg t Ander lie constable ey tuis Town, ai] this lad, avarIe -wl vWas thessy-quili e! hiir confirifie,. O Yankee, "Wal yer lie cenalablees tefonE bis motI ths yerTown 1reckon,."adsoletoh lxn der. W- » li, I guicaI ana yer bcneaam aquairr4fa Yankee. Wal -cengtable my, bisusis named, Parlis kiç erpertukier, I niarried a wlife jeu*Sq e, ýd -kind&rthought ahe vass sseet as Pari. imiiýti pluir-boéneat yer,'kueev-slralght 'np bsck> t th sc "uà deovu' ail*1,thal-k'lnder tlieugl fu ,the n she vas a rue-besrted gal an' ail tbal- Yesterday ma ury fAyiàiiwlitedo, un' um"no erippIlc iisohý1Upanel mysel, yer se. Wal #ýednt four ,cr aitaa ago she kuderelesred- eont-riglarly pu'tofemre, yer zoé, aard, cleasd nme eot, ev$400, vife, bard recks et1h.éime. Bluces eerd a tes, daye'agcr 1hit ale -hsd quatten deoun t sobeo, r la tbeeearw, t9W' vas nsrrled lêa geoodgeonetti lookin telles--a mne1ehant, -yer se., o ýho seatl'ngkintier tiais weerllrscmehenn-, dred thoussrd, dollar, Wal cenusaLlpencu tb sud if y. kum n u th le fuir thirng-c.alcl- t1ruth; h- airesl late te gel 'a tieusan dollar tyer mses f o l l i ,the vounn, a&W viiigire yeou, halt efyer e «, výif set strlgiigti the iittéi bdhl, i Alexander, Wal guest fMenti1Ikent goî. oup vili yePat uyseIt;'but wvlI tae ,eou tik er owUM' lb., ShI bConstable ev 'ée kiouuly, s'au sik'o od stable telle hlm iis storY, an ti blipro. stacs ecnn caeb lu conipair,' o tii. reslince- :tieveni a bande), Mr. T-- litsç la Mr.-, thre hiasanEe!' yeuv vite, sndjr.'s-,comerom lie Westrn Staes te seS th. lady., Mr, T-, Ohi-Aheml -Yeal.'-sit devu gentlemen. Ilei b m. hlm. (Exil Mr. T.) ' Ti nhablti Mr, T-, relurnng. Well. aie,gasys W!re *fretsi6, eho vnt ece - imn. 8h.'. raid b.o > evnlug ofeof] have sem evl deuigus sgainst IreL pt s nurdere Yankee. Wal i gueis she.'ib«r tosue n tie peo me,weu'l hveutil ah. domsFrost. Constable Intirfaes an promises le pre- The aslani lechI the lady from aiH bodIl,' mm, vireo OflMMt0ýkl 'tien cemes forsard rom au louer roomu. Yeti a mugie Yankee. Wal Jase inrmtutloglt yed UnMuimSlaleg, à had a foiner insu. UfHeereyen i'4 tooel0r i rsicfer up vltir araylier good okla fev w « bo hor i sertir a buntier tioas dollar, but cal. la!arI4ewier .'it.b ~ . sr~ woorth a aa wefsa a haa tii gel eV1 pha s:" r or ifaneul A -j -'fi 4- ai '6 -d I -'g ta :1 '.4 n a a '-5 L i I a 'o "i 61 lu s a ~. 'I '4 s .5 ~.1 a I -I e A .-1.1 I.' -i .1 i * 4 -'4 Il -.1 I .~1 -i *1 - i p 4 I Qd -w'- ,'-~ A - I .4 i 'I -4 1" 6>~ w' ail Ici ni go loi I '-5 'g j4tj N M6.. ý

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