su et'tamm alpl Ir tqlSct.'4 à Siltovmy m'tn W the Y ' iasd--à min whise ld ' u abm il-aà nà d ha vu uried or tbiry OSPS *has wu -ltos and happy bu.- ýb -ub VaSait n4SUd alo hlm ; vheré. ýà Oat 6W <tmruy otadlag, and"ohme ;u~ inperwo ..-of b.uMos ud b0>wis onU. 1f. vie ulngalny f*es ztLéd 'wuvi nof thae mrr" 'nu et, isf ve lrad. Db. mada bar tlfbWoub~mhippy, lHevasoavaUrd 0(v4rtinglof ber e.uellnce. 0, o<shyasgirl, vise kn*v moUlng ef ~bmaaiI*t..uunfortte, bis senn *~~~~b 'id~aé'squoteid si a modaelunin. Wordaworth madg1ou- anc~,d pmot er d4t51 vas to ibqge~s p1*r*li h. outar 1mev çWquuMll('Wwpb« aa l b. mrrag 1 r. balIule.e 1 ed w¶ dbI11k1 4 sd i ier aisty.tiorSh year," Sth. hu»asudbaiurqWbut forét. 'f,;bmdwu~ * ali'b s attlitera, ~ I~uBIO<be dy, flar Sbakuperansd Dipo sd -la mfldie 11<.ha marrada _jq4 b. mulp wu podUv ofmub belifltay*roflpraeumpt.roftisai. kîdW 4 mnt ti ~#hW t, tigh le wnyld van à aboy à aomanelghtyomr his aaulevb*e uwsei'uubapymeà , bus îià ý; ýiwmn tober upeur 1 70O," on'é ucrapaunio ,1 oejetoodtlatba1keepaare'marriag jr> 104W. n ýtyr6 itUve prOînsU. blâ1o LIt i te tri.. aky, "free- Whitby ahoiil4 int.nPnle. wu bfr tmm IbiS i to theio be. ho I (lrm tbSt/. w Ds".) hasve r.oofrd theOr# nizumbr of tho 8.ual.weehly OkronW4 , ubIlebed4 At Whitby, O., W. It ts adoubl..MI éeot, nst>' got up, and rufkot oadt on lt..pilted proprieto.. 'The -We«WgOr o apub1Itea no Oued W. Jtedyand wlsh botb evoey Wthe o".oredoby that all teiwal prpietorseth*ne awm tiiy On- -n& tslt istln ta . &Wb~h.byJatis oit, 1Ion, r bushal. r busel. moanti urnov es11 ett ak t, (Frein tie shawha VlmdieMto.) Tzs $m-Wmw iCBEONICL.- This Iotb.ýtîtloo< a noV papn no 104180dfrom ti i of !tii.Wmftb (7lrnw. Its typogallnloen timon "0le ooI.t aid tii. -papole a «$&t te the _rovn o Whitby Ton " Wmnw Ouonra"-Tbu paper Io noir publishod- aemi-veMky, thepat dlthe pnopnItwraMd of efdtspport on' b.partetho bwIo. ls 7plnte.d, su mon pew.."dhringi The WVftby ChmwaW lice ju# 'Ar uivod# wfth Ile titi. e oviiet alteeéd nov Sthe &mi-reezj, 7h Ç Md.Until the. proum lIss.ibu beau publlaed ouy l.bdà oW&DaIy, but tbi ralameuutsptoa. both, la it dvntsu u uap. tien, d.itnabus ne doubt vii- Ineponone, sud dem.. hà i'Wgood tii. lléalpnty O wkbocaseflbu «muo dvthmSo wuuoh It audo nulatauoy. s i lage a d i oded hilit on Thu- sdsoomiteu, : "Psu' itb o mobSi-FaMd <lkmk,Ms nst' pe ï ma fW b6fflavoltimteouM- wavqmodo bstbtprlob# on s Eluins k mayes af.vib dt Tlu. WJaItby Ioki Ina ons.otl tainoea Swouial.»wolIsu, Mdii. mFr=dve swldotlc.î 0v7 Thefni opby e!ArmI.WeeukIy WILe, dh.neLds eboie, ne TTNTIJ sud lovas Dewnl r ~ 'PS. D4%!~ fisc mlrdd~of 7115 lii ahiA 'I fta * 4d D Oaper b. ls,le UA» te ton. Bosa lu0opcdoua, 10 bb or58 o 7Rali08 OMMe$ a t Ob,.ReaS Ilwà MTMo, Aprl. 8 k.ý savlsd but dvW ou leln @1 64 W u .ti Insu, 50 STsacis NEW ADVEITISEXETS d PML OMY , T hép »Wer ofblls du "eoin CUB pM lu j ordas desdt aP ubWjmme, i b.à pctull ttedd e zamoieu.acsaajlublauf i, ,allie < 1L71i lDta'e.lzb :a100- "i fouis" Letlliaton""...0 1aul0 inUsha nlovs Faiai . 1urté, andsuul. 3noh ab!1WpulsdSIs vo. lima, Xk skd- it GlthecmetouWahv rt Uta 20d, Cet40 >044 tbeah. Gorg*te lltd paOuf . Lin raod iv ot 7 l dlaCo. le ont Ky iii tha Of ety Court. onheAIM v&J orua ntlf s K#sGs PLot i n IdCookW 0rot rmde iw w tsWaodetisaaleom# eradeve mIs Ceitfqiau *o n4h Wiilm nheu ilaltnai.schRb. L4t 12ilo t cu. lckru uaise 0.1 ty Court.m iavd clWk m ki"Jon Loy. sud Lot ilgCn loelg li iacout Of emmo B"ee. am Harde L. Im d Modente. rat is uiag il b. oloýéd Kvo m in- the lot t fAÉril Wui nait bo f e iseuid b.pu>i U" a ie, lefpoil-, W. >ki e' To or'smunaqa to h ot age rat 0 Ib. 9i bonet by pmtl ndar regelstl n t 1lo e ,t i îd'te0awisacaIp wm S&0 My bu cu dalvar &Cwspm app orG. ttw mmWasrthe niW-o Nloubdid Ouia~dby Ptao Wra] Pos~ ~ ff i ýtage Stmoesoab ucasda iaFo p. K.E=DoN, P. K 'The Caus om p "osiEstursi à m11 aRD t P. m. à Toma-lo«s for las wvzm a i Havoe o D~~e *Sd' nferm tho. pb. DOjOII ast toboy Uai ltai R1u» vuu AI#eJon war4 f meslgyorlaW".or oUi.. ,Dobaet*Ni o~r BénI*=ktAdv.relu , an fbMer w bc 'i OÀVMauW ux L ZATA h 7'o.rCrd in tha e.str'Iuos ITll~ wélstr iiibrlng the. bcyasuand aois direct omnninlm wlfh "acOgea.-wlJl nettesgailComevnnt land S.Je-w1iJ irsboft descrptions of<ii.w Oczeyad - hotlce0à masof Rui aUriny Ibowns rovlnee-wfll notice Tas sud 0Sba iSlu-wll note S$l",oft Lends in tbe.Wa.tonaStqpeeand #iraehor ou r.ioubloaerbuteotulsA ceeh", Auedcmees, ûAm.1d&urfor tvo fn per smoi, Motel Carda Ou eDollarpernm. ta R ou ____ t cseiau o TsLw-~w1uiaUworder yo. Whltby, hIeosy À lid cv.s pm p4vtScboo Ofr tiie YtntIou ,.,tkNor& (aada ofd obose ocuplsd by [r. 0tllie Bk#r,- 1 Tfm pe qi wUl t 7 d T lbg»e FOR SALE vya ENT CEALP. pST rrvusnad ccMÙM&eNIsle oomff or KMtofflu. For pawr . i 0' mXAERoi7VER, of ec 99X, Of" mWo lm lm N$bethrtl VI se PM tobt;u Oa D O I . P r c c. Balarn Auil IL on Gusé 12w-lin. M M ~SSIGNEES SALE- or 011ST MILL, Farms, WI)LD S1M TOWN LOiDTsBOUDU, c I m HR of g»olX"lelofUILDAJIIET bcugnzote uudp GRthetea secoa pssi lefrtebenait t'G rei tore, qui oic, st emayt the Ut' of mnly nZt, CENTRE MILLO,. =SIuael Gilb.vsisy Tevueipetulca y, MIct bres roi. oaujdr of vatr ele nov w ndanreuulélf 00 psLtit b4 40 Y: isuapeuslon Sn hbg1 flamûntrilm are, auI 'usiunlveras iranm latacbd oSeMii *Oldvlth b Mio separot, uit u Rh . o. 4 tte aht'0<LoG e 4 i tise cn nopr owcrRuoan's Mlii.. M baid. wlth ma ,liata magthoeloM.eot 1. Lo,»th numbr 1 4à bOcincehelon4Plof Z p Dt ccr uahssdcne l tu ebsIU Ã,rf libmi siaa s eupr[vl Conum0130 ua1«,, linwgpu$ofui, sud urneons therlovcst No 2 isu.*à ,bjr iL. Dis e e Tllepopety du~n ne ie addlssGeG~ uula l~oI coîuuiua, $luka Thse R -vii vuienl1a"1elsca lnfi esoa anadM4auch, viiibseuigu- elvooiyrecalatcd 1lu($Véry Ceuu4' 0< Gua Won- on> rovuo onsfet 0f locm Fi, d ted., ffd. TOnelai" sf GavrnLds belueCr=vn,Cl mcizo, =or or- dusanePp Mty, gviDgdat*o, pbces, sud termes 01su]e, $rd, Toé,ir. sâort but truthi eubtuet-- lÇav uiti d tevsbO ~ r or- 5b.h oteihoWsaes df'là izdi for Ms Th, uiM. -of tii. Waatem8ateogvsrc~eal 'ofAmorwcasz34W#at Éotijtii, 0<henbesdprospWolwounr Tisa tret uine of 12 l ,' 1jlmb DamperWM bell for " " BasaI, B~roi.n.Aeiy r"d " Pnpdosl TU " Hecd0<sMu"uf the al rW4jli- iWbl cO, 00 "À*55 'e. Il.