Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Apr 1859, p. 1

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No.lo,. hé.tm4'T i sy, ~441.t JMSGUP M cq 1MtTOWN-, ne ON BRUCE ST. IUt T ÏM ,A'D P!AOE.. e PIh'E# 4 10,EETI.kATTORNE T LIW, BolW2inClan.I Wbtby'i. W.- M O IyéiIaIlesf *br Wb"# nWtilbflW. 1U. >lnQuia.,2 UQnéot WOTAEY PUBLIC, &o.&.. AA O ET LhWQOYCI2N t -A.é(1 MAXE . ABBTOILr -ïxATwAW, SOLTO I od-osite tse IIgls5vOf,Bokt 1 D EPTY EGISZAEMASTER EXTRA- eylatsd s iiuetir ln Cbaccory for il.isnty or Uuaro, Brook-st., Whlstby. 47; fest's Ie »WiiIT, raJ auS, N.J>. nIol t i ONOFOUEE, m B..CRONER t t ri ;UzcÉÀNilTAILON, I9EOOK d8TBEE O AKCWOOD, -W. RAMES, PM(o1RLETOE Good soeouunon foi trsi'elers. 88 1J'LLIOTT SFEOWliE, I'ROl'IETOB.-. .121 Good Aoooimodtlon. i rff:à ty.l odgUnà.Mtit TIEMABt! ÀIN' Wsss)HTU.MM aboé otl frinMr ook, 1sblto âf- %àrdthe es mmIstiou'ocpuulo.-4f' FEO £r' I~TORONTO. OIDF.Oii opPOet.therpàlbr FAo f t:M< $11 1Irwot Aig aPr&TTEU8ON PROPRIE tors, .owner M ouug mini rront Strots. PER0hýta U hÂouri. iomprWang Un Township Brook. Ad- B#table ed"oimndsou 'for Triveforo.' Whltbl, Jin. 21, 1851. géee ol e'on'sudal khzda 0<job. ilte! rewe Travollen. SGOàdtaâbCI sn tudtvo Oit. loi,. 5 le w. IÇ*fflrxXZýkBIOWN, ÇONVEYAN EB, COMMIISSIONER FOI taki gAzldvisa, Aceuctant, Land, Dlvi ou tNotey Publie sud Gononal*Agent, Uzbridgo. Office-King Street, Moarly opposite thse Medim iHall. N. B.-4u bnîiuesntimudtio issoare yul bo propItlY tte»uld 20. 8ý ýý 2 rLC lE x music, THE! 0 rou ianso sFe imuasc usv-ItrmawJi ropon1to eB0T AND 8110E MIER.a8o oriIbywrW~'roc O UTA»STIOM WIESTBO'T j olrlgsRilcu Mte. esr Goad styloàsudt. orkulko sanuo t ,Vê.,:fu for âmek ÂND OSJ~IN TEHET W.RI 10 thve lio #EInzfgStvroct wctig Gee- wood'. God' mduwmod#1os e.JusIdIimsfTouge -ahtbyg, BEVANS IhDJXON TU WESTpx ýUNSE 'V BE 'trire o.lavé o lilurjetolct u h lop a.ft ony sud alry. Tb4r.la good Sabll MM dsi 21- but atto- tUies.ie 'MICHAEL MOOAITLEY,. "Jwy-botweeu WbitbyrsudU4bMgu Tp, tl bu orofitted sad iwls1a sixos-p 'celIont tvle-lbor 211e 'ntoommodstlon of trairai- lors. Every stt~xel" psldto travollers, sud the* boit soommo4dpt rovldod for miuaA horpe. g5r A iteadyOi4tler slways in attend- 'A JOR-L ogI, PRO01812, 180110 bifflwp hoel,ftor nyotb.rétbillsb. ,mntODt muca oneutn. 23 LO'WZE TOWN QWtTEE. RVLESANDVISI1TOUS te th. Au- ý cOmMaionAt àiit cWce t the above hieL.The otllavryoz1oio y ieae 1-mpathse enkdtomibpwharvop, sMd pria.L cigottljà busineslces of ,tis ,i7 'P abl sd bar -are suppllod wlth el W mosrblestabe94iffirlnible, Vstrwl 4 vottntlonpai4 ,o thoîr comnfort snd convcnleucesud e ennSvatIcn nd dirocltou am to elle surroundlng lomnlie, principa placSi icerNN, Q ION GLOBE UOTELP BEOOKLIN. 101d" tuK%5l 301 folaoi CLI> he80155 r._5 Prile»'nd ros rd fur lb. codusl'urtudonyfak- bMs ussy indus Ilsat t6litbom ntaItho Globe L4tel, sund 4bastho wIll' b@ ponully proaaot to gir. slsora uca Tse-< 0 ltln me vas bit wosit. T bouhase hmbu éeu tboroughly soed ,psftedsud ono ansd lxia td p cpom ever rospoot luIn b a su ar ete nlsure #Mid*&o tion. Tihe bar and table suppliod, ne formerly, witls Uicbeat atable.nddiiuksbles.Oahiffand- soc - . JOSEPII WILizwôOq. Bitolln,'My iS 88 PLITAEEICK.LÂTEB, kDUNLOi'-5t.e lbt eu' prfpaed to do alkius fPin trod Briok aycr'sworksloWastlug,*., lus g.tod worma-llko maneA.ili kif orusmmntusi work Ifts BrIkan PlsstarFlk.ls eeocted. Al os'dor,. loft 8etbMs rosidoncoDunflop streeo, Wlsltby, viii wtb tictnsl ottondisuo. Whttby, ><uy 27, 18bs. le »AILY OTAGE. Tj'ROM BROUGHAMI TO FRENCIIMANIB X. U $y tatiln, on tise Grand Trunk Bailrosd, cO= gllg wlth th. WNoruing and Eveng Trains. .0 JAMES IIUB3IABD. hlovomber 8rd, 185. 4 (1810 is invaut cfCoder Pcosto at sclap pri, slsold lrys e .ndoffrslgnd.- unyqaut, oi r Itpan bc nlou , sud e4 or uruslsb md0oà 2h. ground or UVioiie- port Parr, »e, 1868. 4 JOUX EKGILLO Merohisaand other offectr54eta. OiSoIiblO Ocnunh4lou.10 lu f cý IR~,' iroiory, s ~-.-- - *hlak~y, a a tIse Pre- oii~,vblcb rery 'loi t t OODY. .A' iiob, Vlooks CAiBE oETiNxe., 2kpa$ro e U f i Sd, aeosaf t'do,!cr. Wsoii UbkrJwlr e Wbitby, »s..2, 1858. r.t *Ity »ZVLn, ierHINg, P Glzln, & su h tw!pùî s~li btomrémovod rosa th. Coinue ols ildUp, 4Brook streot, Whltby, t'Othe ti issue stieàt-ç 21991 ni~ pape.r Ransý, 0aming, «ep aud tocxocnth ie ssus.witbdlspst.hMd Upon - nèdes'atoerm MlepliOf ailklndakuieuutly ou Whitby, Jidy 21, 188. - 26' heil now nisqfmlufom00 iW1 qnallty wlslch ho I Prôré Aomlllyifow IWOe%0 Marchats e 0 , aut yriducéd prioc. TheTrado bUsaly d t Iswth. AI' rendosby m»11 psuctusay iodt t. NATHANi MILLEl 1868. DAILY STAGE, IFTWlgpNq WHITiaY ÀND -LINDSAY AND WBITBY AND »BAYBRTON. Tbthraiigh from rivein tlieo for theis egolug sfaautioit. DENS- R! N2TT J.S.JoueoeM.D. surgeona»ulas RE.TJUN8 hi» islucer*sukoto:theotIzusý whitby ajdcuityo Irathe umononsýë friends and thsepblt easlyoul- of fl»isprofessIon, las the, Tovucof Whlty, Teethi iuted .on Gold, Platina, Ohoplastic W, GOLD AND STANIEL 7OIL, . corosiverouri cesooqui to goldut u2otiau ostly.coth extraotndh.uui dprèce»i Ap prob f twentyyopars lu bi@ srofsln enbl Vi oiéetll mste h bpatienim ail thst profemiouai MIl sud expoeu c au accompllahtowadssil.vlalsg ummnufforlu. lauth, treataneocf .11 sfoWbocf tise Tothi, vwitishiugreat suecee. Bltow'î Dry 00055 Store; Wblb '. 011.nold U q j., eri W. ilr a 4-eq, r tJzcLeysd DY, Tuaatiselit ci maro aM er, ova e - sioe, $c troot. TenWe par qurter- -0- A Osnbms i-ne Ho r, WOf.sv t* 0 adrs - Dl i p, a,M.A. N ego jaL . kewtovs.2 nwiq, I#j, U glite f the satInsI éra" a -ute b epnsbePo ý% O >w Zthé .w it gp.Wl- Mabtr, 14 PW e Céhse-WH*lt I..lcsg r efordÃŽlosrioida. IdD a'oplggm.y c h St »st tralnsunu T=o'Loedgue wutsu ttilumi t y vltboa 3ON ANW Ti ac vr desùcritnkclosala novi Eav-Troughing adlofngt, ierl tlos cfort 0f th nature. To quall ' tx byne, vi bru 1857;sls - - A. Ãœ JKLGAND TIEN ACR 0*'ILAND FOIR BiJ IN PICKEMING. T H- Saserberoffrsforsale lb. veil og. ns Bço 0s'. C Axoss aluPg ý lut .,situato cn Lot lNc. 18, Ila tà ise 7hs<e. of Pikonlng, vîtis 10 "srOf ofnund attaclsud suoneorlons n# may b.s rquinod b suit s punobaser. on tIe prculsos rPloloenng, Jau. 20,15lm. 2 , LIFE AN» ÈEALTB ASSUiANffCE, Thes BmLUsh Apemlcea FlouS4y sOeloyi AcoPslient, 18 Vie., cap. 64.. *CAPITAL STOCKý, C1OO,Oo. Head 01E. tî>Loutroal. LcLAausr, Jàxus UouocmV, Whitby. 1i.W. Clark M.9 >., M al emo FOlI SALE CEIBAP. j T Ie27, luth.bAoýrCucbn lo<Wbitby Whltb ' Apphylots o.R .W.us or te Vaou suuo o soc' Oo auwJ4ti2euid.uhakap.Ioahns2hron> Fondiloyer, béthinkyonu1 bu oommstbsto mukyoss To Hymen'bvdebt,6; -Ask boldlylid'geî ber, - ithin jour lsa ot bera, Pn?tect, love, sud pet her, Unles thayom eonuois *Tise lover Who- voeu Ide Pain loveWitlst isemufes, Goodcouaireoscii 'frri t i o w kt er,è or l011 5LAXOU Travelling lbron gb #rshcduder feiguot' nasines, Jerosue sud Antonete made tise best of tholr vay to Ctalaismad Ibouco camne ever te Englanlua abla5 boate- Proun Dorer they took tho coacis'for' Loudon,, sud'biîod apartueuts in Pisulico. The ex peno. ftheir jouruey consuzned the.,s- mounaIlà cash whlch Jerome,,moall o n aucis short notice; sud2 uagsuci as, ho vaquit. suretisai a811rosources frei Franco vould b.ceut off'front hum, It vu uocsary for lis» te cousider by visai, meaus tbey vomi> te support thousoîros. "Bo cf god'cheea, Antoiuette," iaid Jeromie, I"vo are nov lu, 2heland cf tise freo-tso land of liberty, or- aiVoltaire de- scibed 12,tLb. landîlere erey mans bas a rlhis te beg. sud tise liberty te starve- 2h. laid wihh baslghty.seoss religions,. sud ouiy- eue asuco--molted hbutter. -But s.mbiousy, doasest, eiO" >h1 libemty la nos onàaigored hlre, Bo long s vo oç 2h.- lava vwiecIsproteci us. ,Loti ~t be Albcs'prida tise bu no««r beO 'portidous te ber exileo,' "Tbasîk bbuà for inch a mercyYv il"W. shàI oîlut b.roduced to. ieW7l Autôlneito. Xit mliiinoyer b. s",A if n tisa vo are as tise rerulu tisI ding tgoop- uleuce. 'leau eàmu by uy poes a irelibodd. Gireater moen tiassinyseif have beetl doÃ"m- ed te esiw O. Q r rest plsil"sohrâ bave 2sd, 12.bitta*nss. Deseurtes vas fW ord 1o; (Jaendl persecuted to tbe full; Aznaud; Volaie; Bouaseu>; tise< it la too long te reeoubLi" "Witbyourtalouts, Jerome, Who wosàld &ai te place siIf lu tisa, foremest riait of -iteaaire, snd gain, ausover.4710 Dai]*-? kuow biut littIv of tbe voild, Yok p ýAtU- ray, regard ma ssaaprodIM ,le.dtýam- ingbhow manprodgiessaresto bc <pucdtIn ýevery itreotcof orery lsrp elty. FornSy, Wa4t Ii oekm* ~miby iltisai is notail disaàprof.slon i Isavoy; WP&I UPCAPIAL,$~0O~OQ.5S er,11.1ev.me," d1 on wiihourers th* Wislb~r Fe.2,iSav- SyourJ.rusd.Whon tb.yq" orn o OVOTatiù mruoraoj uuyi"l t Be*.longJco e*nsd ey eA upon one of tse 1aigJwsvws don, sud bis original ftS.I'M thb'bts ;f Eui6 ym aisf4i ingilil, s04 m" ,0*efr ppowmowaI*ni ,tmntdl, 2te copotyf wb1efsIitfuWd odblumof grtfyiug -hW $pench~ali 't tclgei'ory ne -ho~i~~is~o the BourbOnS, lgbt.ned bis toiI»ýJuiÏsM wltb eoonony, hiw sud hisisti. Tfiey issdnôêhoqusltt"cliee lu Lýoieu-; ssethey ' did not desire to'makie aü'y TIhe osutmesdoCaluot (MaoSL yrl_ and X de ýClarat (Iv ,aèotupanled by Lq4Breton- the young EuiIpeer ibasu Louise Durai issd s ted h Ie gmrb of a uistor Lof cbirtyi< sud Whom Foucho biad llberstod, snd mus i*Sd of for th. purpoo. of securlung, ls siitasso. Ihthe scheme be 'su1 eu foot for the 11seov.; cry et the. wboroboute of-iJermne" L.g range-arrrdIn Enkland ;Thé Yo n lord, littlodreamiixg tisai bis coupaasloua weo spies, lntroduced tbos Liitothse- ty Iuwb .cb'bo'mov.d, Suddid allis bio povor te sBli tbemI'fiuding-oýut-i 'àr4 la 6.ofse4-St gessdémsstWho zâd b. cous insane, audd fed to Ilin l dlsgulao. To d"Yacctve Iisgeutfoussu,, tise7 gave ont, vn the-bj~et 6fflaWývisf te cur country, D, ay followod dayi but as yet no ci could bdefound'to theo'wboéreabots Of"ic moffie Legraue. >ThRe police of tbatpeifod vas netliko that, vIsicI nuglsud oa stbv bout Aa for "Detèct IV"s'ltiser. noue as - body oits f 'thé naus. -- Mésu whileý tbe countesand Dé OlSrsito-njiyed thmeuies eztremely, nbt*ith'ataudlinithe paiuful suspense lu ihich tisey represent- cd tbuuove o be b xistiugp Tiey vert' "2 he Chlef attr~action" cf thse London s'ses son, auidit wv an uùussialhy gay euie-4 Tbeyla vis latéd ai the houses of aSU tut Principal adrs ofbocity and Lord Ère ton bad simd, ln wting, a dectsrii", and an off.er of his baud, -which the cen. tssad ripliodto in 2h. varmest lsuguset ancluct affootionste, toue. But she wse compeiled-'2odoclie, on tise grôuiid, « rsîaetb. upretouce, ttsber sfocienisW becis -previocsly 6gagn ~Tiste *tfm bsd se a.emlousiy afcécted Lord' Brentân's ulnd, that bis fàusiiy déeed iprudent te 0h caue blcolval ltofer C-Oüntiy bhiALg lier waa tteciffeof, usarriago mýd by* LoQrd ircutony 1thse only offeï of tiea did tIsat thé counten eS cived--seW or tbas porsens of rsuk and tille bat' éuaaiôd t#' via borbut t'Oetchmeadïtodr'ouo for vlahlng to e mafinIi ir'reuMteîý'u Six weokibiAdpaa;od away, wvisoneit mornlug s poiso called uponi)L de Clair.; sut, sud ntinssted bis belW itisai thxegen' tieusu forvisons lie vassearesing h"d ai la.tbeau dlacored. NoltlsaDaOlaJant com tisecocutesiIsad .ver aoezm-Jo -logrange, sud tbareforo amertslsulegtht 1dd 1ssof thea porion sovsppoue.ê*o b. ii, 1 w.ueeu to, ma11,gufrlde Idontity. Fe7«lthé preseuf, 3IL de (IhaLrass uimply tskdtise pemiso t&wlousb1W vwaut Indbtot' for bis lufàrmst"oi-sud eo. llOut.6W lttbe COUMM s.~tb.s, re -impastiiOeand ut.enezi nIpen!xut s but ;C&Imetoi d ]k d(beu ua.fot toe eut wb#~sobssocards-of ber y M

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