TWOIeTeeuu. li ena t gmf r c.a- Mw j1BBews tffl. Bat, modsrats. L»rNock semI,%tB 01. bat oIWWpa 'âbiuT, M18 paToii. The ~plu'eloo pan of tK mWhtoeu e; E~, ALM~ ES ,i8É8âL vePesnee>us-An tý li , tbo o -.0,0t" t Ao mm, E. 8. ý4VNDIN. VIt opmer 11. , 187. 4 VsrIty,-p-stêlsseM esa .ae.eo.11r >11 orwdugsudUutinerafi sudse4aa ulmwior ruo48 .,N'ma .Tbylno xmmSnSS1404 4'VNDIN.TU baDi reb o0t ieds m 01311seIgndi £Nmth" Ahersa took, .0dDê vo flAt té, oursofCu aeulv uioa NOTICE TO CEEDLTOE8. eredlora-o JOHNm(X+ILrAY«,ou e ks AL PU#baýnii n oUtvray bstIS 1).kYWinadosn Assignuenton iittfo Sp aal sdpesnateA. uaniut fasr Ai aidi Dutiso!be- M»uuiuît vtî ixty and tise MM . 1 pzbrtdguM rotls,1889. i. adaa uscount twAseinthes.$ o AL~I soccist for py. Juy ut, 1888. 2S-U, AL:pou*bystlwdobirtobesiquiereb 0 .tt. Is m ai vlUs otéisysu raya e b ose o o csi tl frt doi MHN UISLOP DHN -GILCIigIST. J LL puVIta d bthu lataS Km of 11Wf à i MuI.,vIlpus, oeilMdsudsttie 'sue~ ~~OR séselrCtluu Csru av cee ealews MI NombÇ, i., m saaor 'Ã"#MyV" 81 moi obal aa iotnso 4-t N'OTIÇN.- t' r - '4 r' ey, tha mt re- llty lu onts- rioau ta lrnvî a*";. i ardtise Inteact o!tIse 'o f !WbtCLmya-t Mnet ou th perfect .e-bas -"uat 0vimnutoet etisisÉd Vat. v vIiiums.local quetionss atudlaimu, Ceeo,,.za lal suoli digemiaoas rom theoasuspicMon et ai Iun h eSetm rn WofeOssU!Y Township qesio iie Glbu alvay@ loya te onrva t cus cf ise tsr esau o! CbusasWorts andtss.ltaet abiolute rijseetoidsgmolroél te practlsitbim * The aoblevui-o o!h. iCi, mtivoeyn. tBaCtie ýUr log forvard Chie inrta t erprW - otbo b Ce viiitet Fe elg5 o!; kt h » bae l oi a OO%ÃŽ,Ã"flOOYfr#anti davelopeamneot Onatsubjcta et loca lImp etalnlI bu Chatid puil e iootluhiaotai!, visi.ol- i iovlux bflndJfsCtle oujernal; e1 no pà rt ; -wie'elwewhi upprt f *eup, iyxercisu tisefrenn w iglit oftfre. ihotoandutfMeapec. - tc pupul o lie>', lîkethe mardi e! tbougbit, viii beýonvrd--Onvard teiettent et ptelm arelsoianal souticd. mdoe ei domny oà a pogrssIve poIo>', of a polieoo vie.Uý, anti ntnlonal Refrmt-thue adopit sud neoru -p ythu Wokly mloC,!P l hh*h oIlaeaa Oe ite -Wçell. un iho* rlou ' unsbfore th), 'oîutry thoe pi- nie.ns of teSeuil Waoky aslait ,ouontsaeai, viCt ite usmio unrouerveduesoandsut vm té "aue point et vlev, as Cia Wcekiy Chroalal ies hitiortdwutalon. 'las tho ioidnct o! isc e thsl-Woekly, thaoou- pertoalce efAhpatviillbe taen advamittgoof tuavold Chu errera vih e onia>' have fallon Int lu tic publicltliof. Che uoski'. It viii ho ûa atminte tab i.apItion eatoide of ail per- aonalities. W. ,aial ulledvor tto ilcues ait questimonua boit «caerons oluvated ons sud cpuJ It Wlth a -BrltiUh love of fair-play,', te vhich vu are boit e moakea minproenslbue va shaii <lIstag uestions o! h. counCjy anti of thseProvlnc4-eOurargumcente neyer ailklug Inlto -dl.coatlcyOnruar mstesioa nov-er slnk ltb violonaee.W. baie rasson Ca b arod athauI alfor h support ex tesndadto-las lns tieptét; anud vsaorecMnient sud hopeful, ChatOunr effrt, ltCha future vîli nurit a coutlnuusucand 0%tomlon tioCht sup- port. luth Useaobauleldéps*tuaut o! Ch. eId- Wuckly the _'iemam vii buobrel W"hlb lie utaeg ri'~oekly <lfroeWeeaon of h. lisudumut &M sot pilmtodpsporà lu Chue ro- 1~ w 'w *~ WatobmaSkoeand 4 eelr. ~Lfl BOBTU"IF* ~1 F~a~I25>Iubsbleet. a!Wliltby sud ~ saarountitg eoufry halit la oumaetW $te asbinfl eIaCe «"W bà 4ouby Er; rholà mi* tw A Bog4W111h volimusube i. viii iml . verýWjçëfl etratCcL<se, AuVOanAl ii nert4da oek 01 lowllyWa~b, loêsn oi »È .p e ÇoASH JulyleleOly' ~~~pumuy, Ltverpeol' 1< 1' r; r r a :I ~ Mouasid tot on Muchante Street, linOeils- Dow mplo Ifyftzdercnaute Ggo H, fi Per 0, Nouuwe Obueorne.M, Wbitby, OOUNTY OPFOSTARI ~ Yvru fw To, : t - R Wrlt#>of Mari Comninen'14s ,'a$Toronto, and tu mo directeci, mu tbV lauda andi teonuott f Thomas tuluetrtrl, *0~ c Clrkithrsrn.Chnrhill, dcohndôplaTua"Chroil, aiaile Lat<a~ <hpebilde ftajpIulýff&s, 1 hve elqd. an& tsken lln Ozur1ner té iiiiil Thoina aUe, Thons. SJordss > and, 1iobueI McçDoua glethon certain tradtaorparelso!d anti elatea, un ooncmulou.B.of the.Townsbip cf MTA, uth Couty 0Ontario. jail. vhloh landï e su ten orncet.-or -thesdefuu'u octet ute stt itrouI ol ofoer for ullp ai pn 'uotiop at m Cfe..ln te, ourt g il te C Town o! Wltby, luth, oût Itro; on 8&tnrday, the Twuytsr a NLO,.REYNOLD~S, fer oure J . Çlark'a lut tPrim ' FAcÇte Gallery Y oidasi'aco an sd. l!-lika Ambre Tranferor a 1LI alua M ketBroach or Bing, fer 3. AL .,JciSU doif- lu Che hW Atyle, and etahort notiýe. ý 1 W1ti;80W8 loBLOCK FOR 25 CENTS. 4e'cil o t e fa,' oueor t. <ie *#rt .Prim eo iure. IY YOIJ Mon TO 017F A':GMD PIC- turaen bave te go taCe 1 A. A. Gveenni GallerT, Alioru yen got s pletura Chat la BR iGH¶4À21D (YEÀ lu every part tom do uot euïly et i naturel ex. ossti ot teet l.lyea but tCiao viSole Pictuto iW asnal la spictu ea are varrataal they vi i h tokren ever troc o! charge If a.uythamg la vrohtg vths Chopa. Dr... dork andi corneaoriy thCe oIieop Gallery, cvcr Dossetdoals e a Otere, Brook stret, Wliltby. tis Whiby Oe. 0, 85 'A. A.,(GREEN, m loa- - q" Imotr ita Glas*i ruqH W.ry J n« tb Ow W Ntï- 1ýI'STINegB OFI P I>TMA NS, MAKUAL o!PHIONOgBAP1iY La vorli e! about 10S pages, user>' ether iaatýofvhtoit isprlutefreut sConeue "In, ~l~viltu 'exerleslu -tic a rici Cie k doeueigualte Ceach. By tis se o! Cil ezdipadamylearîi, in a ourprisluglyaert. space ianie to e routand write Phonograiby o b*" PIoleho6itrt-banl ul, ntia e menthe e &Url> va aCIml Chat la requireal toe amsileê ehilt e o raliury intelligencu te vrîte 100 or suoe vord. pur miutento ITità Y&ra ta peIol siDoent te tée.dowu <ordinaM r>'scons, spehusaitcouvoraation o an a spoken. "Ts Miul>liecgrhphy, 75 ÃŽcot, anal tise 'Peiounîite op ooli,'25 cent.are e.t t n' aidosby suait, pot-paidi ou us- ,lpt dfCie piou, oaa D&LLMa.' WILLIAM B. CRU, Yom wîaonait1 Englisls'erï.&uericas Phono foptlc Workit may bu procured'-4 B GbCaI'attentién btteir lars Stoc»k otréNe sttiUoaary, whleh ïisà cIauail itis -ofplein audFaucýy Writiag Pajpers, Jferchaiit's Wrapping Peau, Ink, P.aper, à & ., Aloso,LawlSt. tionary of eyery' description aaLcëlÃŽiusùag Biank Dea kas lrggs s uigaaedü9e, "end@, flaleas es, Distrest Warranta, &o. LÂWYER'S BLANKS. -QnoeDch, CormnesPieas, Chan. cary as'ont CutFora*' Division court Blaknils auiy Ceit. Kfagleritee'. Diânknà ferlai le ail for laite ait Toronto Pneu.. PRINTfNG,1 0<eery dsrpin ety betloundlyat[ he apYyexaeri u t A doi.W isbj Noà sd ] o*u A 'r 'j WTHODOWreojo l'o ouylvpn lu potA. W. zw __1 Zi7U. 1,18. WiLY Priee £M Àa=traual.o ric hotaigWu by r h Ç rod«»., do.ô am Frry c. Art h~,y On FOR SALE;-' -tYue, saboeibar yul i is gHotellnook- gus eeuet4rmatlal patrupiodetr W, rTe latiol'o taogvrl doà s4 on mls lt rond efousy tà nd 'gI ebdsu 'ufienoteh othe oqut' , apéj. Toraleba!,u cr X. 1MULLEN,- 2Ts rpretor -on lie promises. 1OU SAIE T*ETOWNI 0F coTfraNO&s ma In . QrEk L oi ùlTU 8t 'LISUAL. Mr. 9 . ME1cS. N1LN ET LpU& ot 88,bcq th obosluDaiut A th fLg frtrpoe, Towusilp e!Pick- 0"! JU 6Flnehma' o y station of G4mod k &Ueytv, 18 ml. frbom To- route, oonstlag of&a CoCOg. omtalaing NSme 1Booms, wlhveyonvnuoe requlnltè; slargeBarn ter; the. Greun& ls ts'r: vylidot, a-d pisutei vîi h de Trees; aise, 1reutdo voelt stookoti ith Fraît Tree; the whoble covu twe « mofo!Grouud suddcanuot bu aurpassoti la the Township eof 1½krul¶for Ite co- oabserber, Yerkvfll.;,ortgMr. WIIll4iFurdy Ur the Prm"se. fPoseaslcu iven foreh GEORG BSTWICK. Yorkvillu, May, 1859,11 irm for a. 2 0 0 Thra;ii16 Acres eWteaet.Thisa Parm lx. ituatoti wilhln four utIle of Buerton, ou thu trnvol roil to ar;teland lasof Cthebasu qalty, and laîIn thu centh r ca good settemuent, WvWha Bohool, sud a iMavulcouvenileut. Aise North haif !lot4n the lOth couces-, sien olë Tiiora,, oueticg or tas dorea, 12 of vhlch are couie., sud'treutlug on thé kLortag Bnduar Cuiorou's Mll1, * ppyoD CAMERON. A Bar. Chamne fr, a <Jod am4 Prou T WILKINO owfferà Cha t atclou forsoi om rot"ble tirn» 1.. I#Wsdat pos- 'eesl"vIl bo gifiu. Brooklu, Aog. 24,1888. 8 THOMAS'MI LICeNSEDAIYtIcNIf* 90UNTYO02 Dese of'BorneS «sbonmusdSpavà k, ire treatedviCi pelthct.ecem.. :Auctien- Eoc88s,, Wiilyrobruary Itis, 1889.ý (OPPOSITE HAMILTON AND O ) uotoCrirsità atodjà théliT e iblÃŽo à u vWCltmlied t ootn&e~<~ Di lg'tooi niTrityYk tdReIsn tbe .ierais-la very reoëmurIev- nieut iriviug Alia sud the BtZabuig 'lir' a pabl of cotsg#pHo,1'1i ',s<oun te PWner, Chu COt> CA ýTia lougozperlmeeof Use amsgmadn lit tefeP-oicisi o anlomrndg biu eoltebicure a a rot-lue iai luWIdab endeavor toe ster to ýtheé Pisbn1otste "d{ bitslciout's'g'utu.' Noce burt tbe t 'Chaups tuiitiSSlYiPOdOs-to ut u imea . _ ,, ' 'ia gepsra~srhaanta1or rlrat -Û. ilas. ' the Oabe tieoii iciis as itb by, 14M jQeL a 'ê oIOiWto rJlçutnmE. ATuim ie bWwm iay. oeqnd itanteC Tj1eIWduAppOMMa fOf uErtbo frtrn t] Sb i 7ÊE <R orahe hr fbrçsilorslorlro. dlTw ubdrtdTliomnu oot-orte& sumson'Luuiber,»sd*pted for BnW4lJg Duw ouas ie hfls'rSisiyd Lnber iIsJrs4to oorat the sbortes'slac. A . 1BUTTON.à ;100 'xbrldga, Ifarus, Ion, s VALUABLE PEOPENTy for SALE# A Mr. J. A,»Meiat stica, lu tise Tovi--"-'w- 5hjp5Rcilagsber WU ha quairr cir! Q-a&LsIW à atltre0. T bimé.ateo-.10 é e&W thetrvo-on'Boo ?M pff tromagh h. ' Terni. lbeaudeCm sut puarsa p pîuteto bé, uat.ýoq HOVIfmlLOTTONSALE. QA11*2 LAEOJEOJ go*$ ' fim 'lie *.0eootcuta.tula vlont. ossaisr Z2-tf. a, SellaiY 9,lse y Wnou CA Ba -AiTei' wuJ DS For the Clounlyo Ontar-io. ' fS$U]?in 0F ABRPIAGP LWivBES flCON. Ivi4r.flNCEXi'antid MISlNE fron taklng AMI Vltta DQ. 3. sud C. P. I4IOOMNTONP. O. Tovnaltip o! Brock.' TISé Ilafn lrb Dà or wua. p'cos leta ho viA irujnaoftII1 r' *