Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1859, p. 2

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suulrevece. thac va#to b.s'roe TM~oown? Wh.ai'r,...but Il 4dl«wIig to wdw&.00 "Igpart oi 4p$r, .04 and nt hoi'nsny ofUe a4:ctq thst the lIrt igneof tho 1peti. ,, fpnta ammssy 185,et the. Muhli P,4sicton wbkb c casion ht wisaà piu»Mbjotf1 oherw ordu, l or dwrt. b. eume lite Town &t, ho the py..w croating ti et u taxas bave now, bminome bardanaomo, 'and this, orsd -bofTheown U inu QbgtkwMil thelt Own vot.., airo t. be ~tmusfýsdte the, sbonlderaof thou îsu*sulc. 'and othon who 0pot q4héni ar. tbronghouat. evT#uatmay bdu~4etii. uier. ne t' O Our * '~wIlIikyen, 31r, Editor, whcéther - *~~Aiska, a cetainpart. et the #Àgroatcr 1ý,complsln of thelr tues b~j 4> loal pro.aent ? 1#11Y Smoclîsle, or any propcrty 1<ô1lla iW the South witrd eo'rut 'l).MhjIvO ei >In lthe èc4tiptaize4 part «,t 0Tdmvn ? I ho!d tbat tho -tr'ue A tu' roedy the. vil woiuld,ct., lo~ a ~rpraloi tge2' se apeçiaîws "t 1* to -tiraly l"calPUrp" , Tltcn lIf W-e ptId Our mucy v woul t'êëdvor vnauétherefor. Ait would b. '4fdrt only frtformrbu or cW&tierIs.5omj*"ulÏ8 t épopa. 1i9-ln-f t1hTowji.Ituitëd ottheiarth: ;i"îcemmunfty barvlng syauio.%ai to -iathesma4I1o mt r oprty-oldfr e*wpy' taxes for 'p$rinét or êt hn u1oemtos they have the ladto rsp thé bond#lalls lacressd x'sw ver> red of uldo.wahk laid, bwêt n 1 c lo building 10brr0 trademmou wUI thon bu qqilé tb m d#.,basines- atsde' 4mbi, d u meh wr"eoti '4~à grwJI~."th.y should p ft. wlê Ã"urouîofin lu I Md4 for h ifdw tm £11 st iail tfmetpsépfir.d to e Ohé f<cfs, 1 wil oXttact *u.viefko ýa', st"dard vorkwbluh osust bo. sc oùscod of part6tal t erdu Ronîe,- the. Im~pegl,, &mu#wrqb>, $' kio~h.i., Edlof-<the Royal segahctodty".-wbo doesnot fail to e.ibit a tondency te dlaeolopr tho tth hiei the cstaraothbiswork cînpufd hlm to ireord, "t, b.dolig,,,tboe .are uonuusn<ouI "Tes wortit ;spwà4 i u 19 -c",TiÏ "md ~ a lf'Arqtl aboyé rcuetboef iéià"1 ud uos A ,4d .1 Wh= phrog~, lo.Ildffern, Whi #peor thms, 'PeAti Ot. ~yhe 'City. Agod sud lunIIyupaV mfý'There la,' itd'â .1 aVà .tetat 0 ~~ih "Whoe ufU o e"eMna Nt ic'0bws Ifneacsms'4o b«ddoingti foje;. 4'jxak<fn ist log by h fm, Usute Sain7 1[ Çh. DaUy .r4,d) Ontécnraryi, . lacka i57ar hie Xmpo* fad'b4W'e"Tlie chie! "maniufhurep drivoýollcm n slk "geode, eap.èlaily vclveta batsv, mùklsl "strings, jewe1lery, nueae,1 "cutog, ýu4 'aleou, 0*0e aart sd- "articles eonectd with itL T "trale10 #%Mt'inthmli ar~es len ne untnlenetÏtemsusttoê wo-Od.a tu»., vt'odan hé O,o woodon nutmgs "-duld there be-6 dmtuad th.y m. bu procored'frSm o frëNe nd #fniUhtOVA d la,.<i "TNow é Omotlo t i md osP quot in xrMT<E q&1 dsgl.De, the-Md "Jj'iie~d~gstitIa,~p4î .di lu, tr.n tàwr...*l~"vsIi m~wid thé ', !m#, "»l'»i 'À. ~g.pn .~.,'W f,us ~4i' 4# do, u., jlOyêf,' 0"11BKM Abaý4 #1nru .1,OufO0, MIz Wwe di. do....", ~ .n du, do du, .,. Utk*0, p.ns. rt, l0, At tbe T.w >Jonq mnlu 10 o'ctsloa.On oitJ 4 ~~uqodbkiÀ; M11 an 6 MI edo&t1 0 0 ,p. m . .,an Apr, Ud Prct7~o1n' .~hro, o sne M.o OJILT OIE »OLLAI A TZAR WIdtl>y, hturday, Apri I 9, 1859. LugraUtsO S. WhItbr, f It bapluepl uluérita big nstsiraor Iela" wl,la$mud4hm ~ vl twt t*toi pm MVlt'~~~ ts ndenll, Yen'our epe a most Id niLlu tarrltu E1lf , luoli ms dlsoorr iirdohipa sn4 mfofortuSi sur ofn pertir onlts1bauola Il linwglue othanado' sset, lis 'dh~rr'Ùa lwn oooaelflshoaa actaupo end tde< 04aua~, 1«u«0 P0904'elaée ef- Iuat'e *mes 4 Lnde, Brown, Oprowl. on Prrý, ÀAbmt-Mý-r,,Oordon; ' Tb. CMsl 'supreusutattii. qustcrly mod of the e1OO4? MiCJiOO duso 'ul.on noglte il" ", 120 Nodlgpit of de .... 2$sboo ATheara .LL.nde........hRy AsMut c10 ué i éta Of 1 .......$141 ,ùd àeuw 9t ýMin C ýin Otl. o9 ou Ea~tsLa-.........12 w pald k)r tua Ila- e pi. ln tus quarter of' the Our observlng cotemporauyneed bc nildcr ine Alan», the peepleW 'et llc kno* juitam wel i asIhé doas; "Whis vit nim s t , beéeit then> Tii.Whilby ,'es rU.bUlisd lana i w' days tb, elet Wibywilu ow thir ,will g= e uldr their' prtion oS thei ralfor the 31or se. ~P,. S-WC wff ntal to ans ,ý tii. Obarm# te cive the. Prpe cr.dVt t.4ý jerÇ io -o rport 2u éo( 84,el Tru§t.esslou art sutiiorlzodto cotriét sud ps otejrtv raFr-rsiiaCa ps~yeutseboneny wtiicut M, àmri fren iw~sr. ,'r- ' ioetau tiyesrago09a' i. e ët .d"i M ut ls.eu,.elre '1,crgi4i og ize nt ii. .Sdol Ad et 180, Lbe. v ir'Town.,wl 'Yb$. 4 1w ii. cite. su vout for#"lf" esan uequiret by thebyb4ow one(' ;estnaL cf hé icar. 'o($70L>---msuyfeètothou is. a solr quetts, ii la oc rt la ytii. Stpe. pur fte, ieTow Mahevyexepe rntendent,,Tiis echoi sccusiastftaa cari fer tic hook a4 dlâMer omp o.nblss4snually, asud 'thé i pr l 57iVs procticd nt oauexpese e ýOt r.spioale Lthu couneil'fon tise mmu>neariiy $20,hook4ï,Xci abe à rUdtithe apmet o1tu~o&.. T.Su.rln.o&st thèr cestrivsuc.a uaed fr'.xtuuth- fi fs- b eerwoadered tiat thé Tewwu vwel go. tô hé boro iu'n"ndý,t t b.Bcmrd o(ured aautarec urrence oft tii. dca- Sciicol Trutswm' D OL bSiLh4 O, li 1 tn uotivo é M ton 0vhha » chéqtuui. sponetiio Te-n Trnstirus for 1 'n .0eaty on.ra.s4 s4dai soolusonoys, nitiiost hairng provloualy red our ;Town,,.ss we uil S. t ro yod laid beoa<a<ouucllasad asts ate ub tepo.t.torct .Thii.x uîsoaaChtheCti.Ccnc i s ka ii euiuto he whe ,lor lire ur. auma or garaswblit*Ili wll hléte pOWrd. eannlh .filzi w at la té coreuetbarsar.25q.i..55um? lt wili U dmltted, whici bapsku: r t. thé1Town, the servics offi Mi. " " jýOr,-, 0 gb0 carry Ut"t #6" M les#sy.llim' ofg ie our Toroni o r4 4, MiWiI W îay. S a sd nrollod'tom4elve«, Vreqre't Mi0 iwdér, 2 rcioietorpmof t hir ow e MrM, ltlsnîgJohns & ila*4 nuther pMY iîuwratai4gy,suy do lli l d r,,.WW b o dit .' w #44 .demyoW tor gtnie *wod msa M iguf, <or sey !two Yom, is Oston , <Mrf m ens "i L vu lrdîwd'co 1660f U and, 8079 WOMlsd 0 tlînUurhmInb..qaelé W t<*I tuéisu té mnbr. t obo omde 41,.i e h Ead al1oe.vanaaqssFm'it0"mtla ress=r Wb, ho e-lrwu; ~rr~Shar, iTésrb!*tlii~ÇbutD 1 Mtntflaw IsWddf'buüt vwbMu tii. mia m ut 1a to b.1 Mt& minyesir, ïbi.n the. C<,oa,saiod brtv éifo,'.'t ithe .' ulativtrwitbout raqul ring th#. potfion orussr. O 44(f te an appei L e .rst.p*ymsinter- '> itt.d on apetitlon iuaboeanotéd, 1~.btS On theMv.ut cf Ch. ' éul.W4lYPb "ï4 Che f ~ollowing,4a thieproduction of a lit- terne, tust ln ie boy oqly elarou yMsrs cf sp; jon oM., MO49I1450,QI, logrobew -i~niWf Oir, msour, w mi fO1Z làMnp1 wr te*d ., diura, the lm TO irisa yo'r 001 joy. aud tiie rapidJ ce.dlou&¶ jfe#b<s The apeiessdof yoisr gcdr Iu tise "$ous-Wétkly" ptait,' Jar, *siewa paȎt, ss rp, r Andih <n 5st's is'Uion 01sPoun 14i.tWPperIW 44t4, rrU. NGrevayer'sTCort. r r flthu1dr400i',.1 1s~ lonvoJ, 4#.l,50 ci,e hb No",lv w4ulf-1 ffoo os 1 Ctnz scymb,9 lu u n tlsessmu'oroe In latboer4s "osbly, ud *, XIO bas bain set, &armt;(or ha cooilJraUnbut lct tu wi'd nhich:it uWas met by.AttornoyGen mal Yemterdssy die. Colioofl -Wms thé' pêulnt o« '*ticl, foi col, rnémvêtan nasJiogMôfitbilé 111toeon#1l4s1.ft6 a"id' *r ce bout whist e idaiIh tWin Ofsu u P"O.sfr msyusrd, baul 'sà hif <eonMi.effoi wtb itMiu, *s '.ur promincat bsrl4 inca'har-ird4y sàSssa effoat,' bisg~ te 0'bv th Cfu hhItt sIun ' te rfijg 'tc 'Thae ae'4 a4joursu4,sto o«,te s o1i>ii d At in 9004 eclMqé niqus.vnlsg26 for.,é"d '1 -1

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