Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Apr 1859, p. 4

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coibwue, ata t. oenr.aseur.rou,»Yt> drg#rmf umi-aft)Icpruopr tm.Tb* oaîdhlomeof'et 1 Amse.ltima Policima t s»mtw#usboimu lb.foi. ÀYO op GOJÇ ÀND, KO.PÀT. ~*tho ppmium 1>4 u#M& rTh#. *ÀeAUooMpt ilP, luitbl.cae, b. liible (foi *@'O. hr uur.d, uder ded"~Ion of flic AaRw thpAyM#cý t Pire Years' <s pi1- Wln <bfo ifleNo ourarms 1y now, PWOP o0s#y ttoie apv.mium ai tu pro1 par aube, but lb. Volley simalW for 0 oyr , f(#on la t4 «O .rn$ t 4.th), sub. >.êté, Wyment of théd Prnwumsud ofàs amànI one.pw t nt ;and ZldmSîeï e 7MI,.du» id Nu lonrsrmau luy aab <.s*iindr myaw ' frUnaea.Prvlcu Maabd" atb mi ro ii urd prt' old- lug a ooaaulnotltha. o #Md, #batvef alto gré yarda, ptrld. .4tt palb. p ise b.en Pu'ov.d CUPATION-Ther. la No Posrun aub>' gb. mouur$tranwmwulg #»o laif eotr. 535e VompmwotfWfi ' t e ll4y' b. SOM , brýs tbfrd party Ignorant th.root, W , 1151 I>'(O11f15T ITAPl miUa» wbooth*. cfreufftsuîes coei.to bis Under Poeilcl.sof Lar. y.ara ndusa, tho Diffltmi ,lun thei* mjeit>'eof asis, wlll, w sappllcston, snd t.t wa$av ota ut'tlsi )1 Wl4Uf 54 ~aipatkIn. $mui"enreso.. aluM oentirely the ilàl ot techture uuier Polilols, antd M t. h.m muech moto,,valusblo Inusmi ,et pro. visions or a.curîty thaïs tIl> Sae«v« provlouuly lu.ou. -W# blloe . that eqs"l aduatqsconnot b. oefnud trou ay Thé Liver Piller 4 -, us.-b'bla sou.leI, fi isown prac. U c. s.aou. o is etise>'la al Camne ol Lier'Oomsplalnt, tsat th.y bMcame Ia. meus, sud attractjng'tise attention 'et thée m.dcul, amit', aa.dInto ganoral use. TIi.>' ait wlfbgrot cerflus> sud rega- lolythe patienst almoa lniîdîtoly <cls Msdsôuof .tbis dires..,asd ligrad u. sIp' restored teéhàlth. lVtlî orn e e 1« onda eM .owt te drugsanaud suedi. .111w o! siotbierdecrlptl n uivain. Di- -sis .ofthé. lite are tory enînon fîtIbi »àcîtr>', and «ae, elfe»frighttui in lui cirao. W. ;h Iso Iîql'cxperieutoe n>'0t Pet. e monltïlq, inWtow -M ,thîa;dangerus and oooillsted dlseaa, shoulîtint once pro- rire s b«of etDr. M'Lsn.'s Pilla, PrOPare 1>'Jif* res. Pltt.burgh eud perbapo 6erelp, I» s raed as wýO I2 <NtrY. 1'urclsearg w111 b, carefulte osik er >,' W LAN9 E ILIBRATED VER IVIJGV,>isnofswtîared b>' FLEMHIN« B t I iflaW »Pt, Alil otisci'Vr =mtp'a o Mp are worthlcaa. Dr pl e.,gnolis Yemiunlu Ie s4. ébaw UatLlvr Pillls, cass norb bad nf ai * woatablsdia; stores, Kone qenuint BLMI O 3108 TIPI poLeiCIE MORE VALU AILE » uNSOM~uATI.~ON OPSCOTLAND, 9, OsawSi. Jàeas hisüd MoisuutuAL litimIo m Of he, ootetmyoot R.Asaramnea Itiélautwm, aud bu .thie Yesr 21>/T0 21Y Àam» aw r wm O nu. rWfr fRdye I 2î~ 14 :'. 'i ITONZ I0I lai §tii.o",wub' Whtfu. IMOUS UTO gtuhé ut ' r èpe r el a. tiu oai tn*ows ofithé; sTor.t et WOverr il "«iOoRIY W Otut>'. m W. ri the$iIArssettna lutra.e'f uwui fW Jad i bc ida d.*qIp4 Lîsi ou O tîa 0 l vi ff lf iacua. lal- euehf dless.a trif t. .iaplcl omtt0 #hoallu t l§0 Ifse4r,8fE;otfy£ud te car owcbocsof ceil mda'o is. &utr ta preef lao" It.! yTiWýbft4 lorfWultbyRalar.DW>otr ainorsa< utrpvseofua J <awill asbub eOÀO' <otlatr wclar sud d044 slosanj flue ~ ~ ~ ro au <h/ndW IZ nnl*te swakea fi fit Wîê ln..t bleriuh*bit l iIliwlil a.rv. e sa, as titer aoéps, or férwarél lus PoiIl"cs t@i e-Wielly Uks tia Waes Olronroli'iairl"Q lewng <lu le nc lalsigub tise s upp t cd gousai orf eu 0 ha t inuuhs lli * t thmuglt ud trie jueor Ifa papu polio>', liki .thie morhreo f th9b u praccal patroti l ssai oil éouîssi L. bd aduoct mwvdlo. Iy, ot ai iulicy o wlu £ii cr11 iaiu-tîiéit ad î suâd-fbllow.tf iap by Ou <'W.elly 7r,74ùtk, Isell bu, flue iolltil a reed or! filt lnl.%eoklaI.4)u1 Dl 0s o vute seuu*al Çore y ktîl'ipt>tseu vUIth*, tismsaauuurorvwbuseési titoun thsé anus,, juo1lif ivl.w, lsetieWethly laronklm u hithettaifaiko. Ilui thse C01nt theSesnt-Wtu'ckly, the aes- pnéerceufthiY-Put 'i lia fustjkuaié lvttaito of tuavldth eriré wbw e su1* as> en MélCIS Inlu th icil 4blamttois oflisu wécltly. Itwll bc ouir sii tale. ua riloi'l asl& o ut l par- eoialtoét.' W*.4m1 ndtvov to dlieuaaa tid q1sétleotic s it à bolti gourtiarO w l tomb eaii 160tal h Jti Illa& M~ ftr-pis>, to wîîîcls vo ara bod Wtu .aumwole prutetioltoh, we lialI 4là.cnsaIl quatlouia ofthse <lty suld of thea i'rovlio,-onr srgam'usta taovr *Iualinlto itedls.tuirtlsca, ont- carouefui b 1~upesi sui fé,uflt'rtjiscmupporf ex lunad tus l fli pua; u idw are ouldda'uut isuai 'hopfut, tbut <mv oirtla, tho. fucir, wlll iunert a confuâaeixt.anloIothait tup- port. >' ;Waokly the >suam iar llI h o userved whluli boa uiarirlt:f11ekly £Snaice aune b« the lîasudgluuast isud boô i Ïli nfc speré li tiihepro- ILI( lSkMÂEiIOFFMtR iiOTZL7U th *c.olala Vt o. tla, fti iri tA r maaa M r 12,118?. - plébo.rsi, hat o bav p ud n011.lre aneaot lowoiDu;r tî'# st o ,Xt1nLNT>FA»1 TO 111. ME À LIMITZD 191)t!!vQI1 TEAE W-hiîtby"rDe , 16 lm by4 i iieiCK COTTÀ0E VON »ALOI .~~~~~jagt bo liiy.i.db'A.W rns x. tac ~~~~~~o posslpsr lc ia EeraictT.ilorrek-f railby raI Ijit s. ire clu ni%& a & It .ta, o.k hI H JM*I. 1, tl t iiddoiiocfuth Iro1llNv t.i0th, lDiw à48 'MQTKOàt heuut, , f',T1, oradttors f 11 MIn LIYfor o th an daalf (~mt lu lb. o.n3 f nt -LfL(Y, nîada aA4gotaim ' f i àt, 13,I sudl prsn,t tIei. amnts .4for tii. <rAta» iit.Ate pTh.ad o4 »idlté uow ayn setdthe aneWtou .o n Usbbrg, Marailot, 85. 284 vlaolautor o! Cartnorohfpo 7[r o-atarlsi i,,t r c.uig b.- uaiiswm,Uwbudalfsi.d -t tii. Vlllaies of 09llahiât as «cI ra islînta, 'm's tiàlday duaaolv.d la' insuit ounr.t.,-11 Ail d.bto due b>'thtIifrmae o b. llquldat.d b>' *10 tkn>lllof wboü *Il dcbtà duo tii. drin D"t@BfQib&Wgo ttlsa îth dauy oNoveunbort . .FÀIItDANI%5 Watohmc.kér ad.wU Zn G~TU: îNIORi if TH P~5*.laliibitents cf- Whitiuy dauJ 0 runulleastry thaifo t carain b>' 1r. Thea0s ' 'du~rat coia.a liuhs vorlsie bl 01fcl iafail voileoutrsstod te bis mre w fltmetleui A nov sd waliaIertedtoo& Aýi'p4rw. bt lus. lot sfti IiP- pte ormt, sudil 0144"balare4sul. OwsaPh Nevmb.t, 350. Wîiltur ,Yo6.9 ja " Town, are fLIqrC l'o fue.suer alPatiUlli.JAOOB3AI;E ushtur,16 1881 . '#I. bé:t NOTItIE r Lpe. fafl sq atfmé giss ?@@tii sus"tU.te wmuualn14 oss.TJii.1, l-,om "sà apoi- iu ~a omsd tho %#Olt Wall ut war W. lwÀ,ti, w*iau, 't.. ito afn umoi re02cmla e theli.granlrY"daboat 0 uuilso 14hoproitdr nt1wu fp.îr.mý», foi imai m5KTUs- Towri WIIITDY. L woTS NOS. 2, dL IIE EsITu' lIRS. ÀNUELINE ET Ut 8a,Sah m ,#onolDrllg<oti *'Ohstlioerusg"u1.aO cp>' nîli tforbld. At.tIse VlIij.' oof]lvoipooleTuwtilp ofIP14- 0ottag Fuit Tulul N i Boomsff ô» 8tbuso.; u id I , CMW g< uî i.& fid Osy. fur4thr partflcsslîauiyto'to isub»Aob.rYokudite;or tuEr liauPar> * Pur1IcCIL 1 120 lu 40i t UQEIoltuniof brhl Wce. die0. big I. Prulsltatdtlhl fournII. ot l.avre ,o ltrjj air filro In MSo orti alt'of Lot 4,lu <oltlî0otc.se- wiiaueefo, mati à"otiefa otg w*Hoi#G 11 WlZÂl a aolu ,iaudtt.c4tb.ot& ilàIîurw, ýve7ý b mis wi VI , - .fOtw do' JAS B MhubC.&im lo5. thq Yqqwp, " 11w the, latoWuu. Forfilwçst.drapply to - . JUJIX ML 0. W# Wbltb4Wliltby, Offl 1W. Pti ,ft 71 auîd4uauhs 9't, a I mm Jq ac'u t e , ,11 rt ye< 9tag ott Ur ld. , to , prsinta VA lsg Clim' itcphr,odgati , 0#10l v..litugît0 La ot c'ObNid82 las te f pnes.longto th- uo hi fl!U ", ui Aohooyt. sio oâ > caiier 20,4058 IJUNTY O01 ONT-ot* Le.u.d ontof 11cr 4lurt of ggoawttI. Ltsountcoouot ut fýThomis 13leTbàwué. 8laortl kaud Il lhiel MODoaussglî d.1'auiutoi ttiéi ato ils (Jiiurollll, id. traWlx, ~c fClark Latlimu& Chuuill, d outodpîafifs lté,I o- e aeo tl takonlu i Ue utôu iltii,tîttatà or interobt 0< tho suld Thoumua1Jin. ThoMauS shortio aiïd Mloicae tend bé oiùpud"aL'ôt linr îsliftuiou sud alabcia in oonomiaon'B, o. tW .Towuailp of aiâMritai,atii. Coouty o(Un utar90o Ui> wiîcli llvnde sud toubaeuità«, or tiio'ud ,tndaitc outaioahd Iutàroa thtbuli, I aiil oMftur rsalo it P'ublieo tu t , i ay ullile, i l ii. ç'Çurt Uonos ,lt'ti Town o! Wîiltby, li tiiCousit>' of ontilo, oenSatardair, du i. 'weity-thlrd duy ýfAprl»oýtatlglu ion.. 0N14. 'ior SYAoUE lIICÉNRS AT Cookl auioot .fo. ror , o eafie turjo oiritlD'4lo bt*ye ÂUL JW, V00W t.?'l7!tPai 0-' CORNERI BiiOJK k 'COLI3ORUKÇË$TS. PH01, WJUTIO te, OI lY l a> o rk t tbiut ul,<n>t 140 p;u* osry ôtb.î eof wilai1le ..priud 4 rom, atos; l rqyfne,,ii1i gi>Ing wrttiig ciuré'lmit0lu ie t o w ltli tfIo Msuuul aiîtaclulboy oj- gir, tf àgr d Yom speulai, sad ôua'oult is iipi 'oPr u> aujiruéty Ini l itt"pauiô,,tei< iâçus l__Wnr#11. uYÀlue pr ourica ;hom Ù"EGtéosal atuisal h1large 'c '~stock :o1s New Sttaiiary, li. lacladesa il kiada ef plain e au aay igoum ,Wrifbug paporif, Merchant'm W rupplnaud W, rona, lula, Vapcr,&c. aaJ'w - tiemury ofcaycry tloacriufion uzuoludimg 0't slgtisuenta, DBond%é, Beleagmcjf lÎireu Wlt Wsurîss'ats, &.tsekl ýqMeu' Dencli, 'wauitn Fleuse ChaosAre th csry uand Cau..ty Court Foro-a. SlIramica.n Coute, - auka at *lfty (enie J'IP< hCl ail foir OlaIs at ýToarëuito lPrias P PR 1NTI NQ~ b.u0~ aitIh.Daýily Paspesss, and th.ei latent publications borne ud Foreigna. ']RC.p 6 J AEDr itF~5 - 4 [tnttzRQIARuuAGlt Ontari8 o.- 'VlOOMDANTUN P. O. I 01 ts w the( sit ommnout L mi. abo lii rrder st fit -I '112! 6nbserlbarb'P4 b .411Ilisattunof__ Atuhe 1'nbli e h » t a wsd secsic akIOI rrnag*,C'hml.sslsont bMcdicco, Comnbnd ,Plu Stailk.Burulag, niud, lo.I'nk 1W luit of Wiapor, Sooo'.lok» ésu, Poaraio, o*o1a "<f- RI.,agodcl«teof liffla prAW, £q Uztbildge, JuIy 7,18l8, 26 llxbrld 4 "11 f ________ I mLLDrERT - 'ASP r', - - DlkBSS.MkKING. - all

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