Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Apr 1859, p. 3

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Ialjcf ffdsaiel ifas a Msaela arhs TW0Guislmrws tisaibt cutr sikespere 9 4S o-Agln th. etrmeua bIýàPMis an At te reduce tise lim- #4, of, thseTown' o!f YnIby- , Ààin ste iper, <ft ,4ep@#f44Mrhave et- tcbotheir anteeto a document r.- mMl>ttfrpifflntatioas nend ýiiid"ésin,'the c ni* u tis- «fli nti 4ousty,>aid ba ete tise *pabI4Chthioe tels! tale of bardons uDbaâvabl.,,andi grlseva u oidrcst- edbf tt(e veulUs tamoaionteoev et Wbl,, U " athe v9vd of tise pstoh.roader ývoali n auirall> couc ,o4th ip qrm"epai4 «U thse tesieied, anti. raisetfor Toun anti * . eot>' pnrpcM. I ucultbe asaifoar tbe U1ark, sgays>cat 1tise m.cAanfu lWdiltise tafflq lu truiti Compara- '01ye $n t"fssî,orteIuatnot lefo Ü ta', It tishevile o Mp nuet ofMre uil opude lu lS0thou 6 k tisat Keoos. Llg anti Star, signeris of tiieo pèéItîosn,w irimebrs of thse TovmCoancin e18655anti69Odtnet - uOC e wrd,,,ot.,ciuplaat l4ep..AU41 aoth is ssWg. Mark"t -ue .t. bs-haasilmariet grounti prastThoe mneehealant itarin Co~5 Widsor, tise artIsa" nt 44Wý0On t" is. bsene, anti $» Z.iiMod .çmr.pre.t.ib> il1Mmwee ail then requireti <raq.puuposea tballd aa sut Md% jeX dOg u ispreveai esad- Ma~onumnt o! <cil>..-TTa, sBr, tise EV dkftr thouboBt4noW uhat is cOM4 îd te object eb. Isg Ipestoî !tise dtit, aMdtianuel èlaedure mcruateti thOery. True houssa tisaS veo . le .beau ereeet ana "e'éônea Mb 0vasiteb.é neuiod t. fthe Town? W o.~-but It, ti.mnbJae&. Examin.e sapetitiOnors ~~ ~ lad cnt how inu>'o! tlsea the &1d bamre O..ise. 10I knot a <cf j44 b.fre alue o!hopet- 91, Janffa>', le0,9At tise mwick palalom ou vIéhcis ocson he wu a castildite, c al aewySd in on tise mare ujeot?1ýla etiser word, in or- der teba eue et thoTewn, fatis, ho vw WU48 t., go <rwgd witi tise naak.t -p4touatsugis ho lied -vadbt a <mouths b.ere eanst taxesbava ,nov 'become burdesOMOI ~m4 choIr o foToufa debt# $na - ieIltaoeata ti >hoir ow n Wu. ena, àtlsutev os, are te be trauataud t li eeadiïs cf-thcst mbogt tsedarners coeo hmds dltjÜIa. 1$dees et b.opg th* e, 1ru,cdo<o;wst lu ader ztal pat e! tS Th. vril, uts 1itai. aomewbat altured, boita5 soyi tIz's ni.4Veey C(ro-à nýk. until i i. presot in ue it bu4 bienu >bllhed oeil>' hbbdceadaf C but tisegreat inrme ia4tàpatrouage, bot la 41h. edvertIsIu and sbstrlp- tien ýdcprtmeaýts, uenedoubt vae' rmnto sproprltor lu is the p teis> *~taeu.Tbo Witby Chro- wblch lthusie±jirièued, antideorves tise gocti ýwlll-of tise poidSIoni at> who. cause kt bu sautenctiwltb so ue blty sud couslsteno>' Minas & Mayorhoffr, pritcrsa;à yiubehr. ,oftise Whztby Clioni, a lresud wf cIfte hot n Tuesday' conmeooSd tiheu ff tise &mi- WJry, OkronWe, a ucat paper about th ise of e!tise ews. The. 'rowu of Wisitby 10 voli ale te sue- wun * seml-wekly u.wispapersudti v hîavé,no doubt.thoeonterpdu o f Meus, 14igglns à Mayerisofor wUIlb. duly appreclatetiandi regartiet. (Prom tise lIellevIle Inteponut.) The Wliiby Qkronck .hmecoo menooti a Semi-Weokly Issu.. Tih. <bronlée le a woll Conductoi paper, and, re tire nons.4 te notice 4h10 eV!- tian.c f its 1rspurty. Tho lire copy of a Semài-Weèll W97sitby Cronik -wae imsued on Tuesdolyut. Thosoeot 10 of gooti duoe contains an excellent selection ot readiag usatter, an&l both typographi. câlly -andi othoerwl-s'o reditable journaL.,Tise semi-wçekly ,furuibi muotber i cetaaocf th.'entupr .of w#qseit ItrefleoI sg 'rdtboUs us publbsisms ud as jouraallst (Wnom lthelPally Iro , 1'rsMoni.. Tise Wiltby OkroMde lisecoco. Mneed te llun. a shoot twice n woek. Thea Chronfefele e, desoring Ipepr, And haa car bout visses ln 15 new en- (yrusn tise rocllad Bap~no.) witlutitnding tIsélibard ticns," tise enterprliog publlisors of the. abovo paper hava thid a irc iud th ie. 4us$ namber of*o e&m<n- IVeIdy (YIronicZe in adiditien te thse oki>'. Tise >01r: ni& «"aati hamnong theourutilof th!$ coutry, souin l pollUies, lud.- pendent ln tonetntking acloarand u1- pr.judiced vlew of aJI questions wici affect tise geeti eoftise country, W. 'hope tise>'may b. ebly supertoinl tisait noir undertahlag. Tie&,ni- W~eW1# Chronfelecone *to homdvery nearty-printed. 14 con. *tains twenty.elgit columins cf matter, inultidlng advertlerento. Ant ina tisoro le pleut>' of roominutisb County *for twc Wlstby papers, we have ne isestatien lu isopiug that tho Somi- Wookl> May>'Proveîo'oosa!ul. W. ume glatite b.enablet i cord-tUse spirtiwsusterprlsefcth p ofe *tseWhltb>' Ohrc vis e enov liong, a oulkw editien of tlserexcolustjouuaal isavoo in ustise frit isuec 'Scml-Weckl>' wbioislé very ared te tise Couat>'o! On4rio. - <Prom ile Norfipt manger') TheoWitby -ChkkWilenom t sed Soia1.Weékly,,ýWo ht wieî tise euterprlaig preprieteiu (rom lb. purt Hope auide.) Whitby OronW il nowr pub soelweekl>. Thtis paper- 1bu eflcode thti bilit>'roua uS moemmt; andi ue areglod1 tisat thse Proproabave r.m sucis enmomagement astous.?. publication of aa mmweu&ly 0e bsave ru te re. àe pro- 'Oltke, rockly we &Yla de' kbat! cingets-course ant uf tise tee tannin; wetistrd lovait! ICone, viti thie. or (fur distinctteraptione coalti h maenon, thea Norbca t d. o! tise oun- V pub. tain, .adti(rom tisoo vrah atr@eme fou sentI>'te - tis ell> yig atents he s mueis harge muontalna'wiriîh omettute tise cen- traM01tiset IbLani 1eltiednt, heveva, bt tise immense de-Tse truction of Ais noticatilu Our lit pa- par as haing beau obsaivot of Mau, b>' Qepý IV oI ts, ef Us. chîpe ipgitai> 1*o DiMOM, isailttài'btae lebi noemp- * ei31. tien, tristeSb»on ont .al u nesuis- ÎO -»0mee M pd ortioof ie ethe e! Hf avait, cuves! by tbeapaumeneron 4h. Manuokevél/eon mt üiseTisra. tisa 2015Jrdnuas". alton. Tisa a«. Abbe Pousot vritus <om U4i antan dte 0M thielts Of aner*ï - elM"t Tielvhabgitfva luvad lb, <roa ua lb. pha iera Hfi l ovwet <rom. 14 ,vos san ferAlise rat tiçpeon tise 2$r4 ,1lu'theý o vn&L uig. lait 1 t vas bstdaIztending -evértlsa Iél" -W. "I f Ha4 disabty, 1obould i 11k.to gi" adeecrpllen cUbe pseeet v.lessule erup-1fi tion -but 1amku<ndoof a àdur,,aSb.uld tlierosi thinsitaelf, tlsetfilno room f« l die 04aY of tb.Imegnation or per. yo .ey w eiastlafle e rliamot u. preisie atidescriptive terme anti yetsil Ïo reachtbte raity .1 ,Ii l atteapt no s mrthaByo 1T few âto, On Sab- batb, Jan. 28d,- voéai. mùhmwu seM gatherlns on Kauns loe In thse eveansg tbe' moutain pueaented "gr dnjet(a l pçt"W 2.wo streus of tire woie l.using (out i twodilenttiieetoi<. 'im tisiso. e asud aven tiso nterlor o<our boum sraceveti tie vnt olcenil lïb, iirect from lie source,.- Inthse morung cf thse second day,t w, coalti dbeca oree thý eruiptién Weré One appeard el, 10havery muertise top or tisa monten, but Des attesanmd smoke moom aflar dusappoared.Tise otiser wus on lb.Moiti side, finth ealow these top, antiw sea indin g o uî ltosi reewin Motis westarly direction, On the second anti third. nighs, tie ans moke and ciozd upreventoti us from havIs>; a &Ir view of PoIo't dologs ; ba't da tise four (oiowln S n i'tght'm alid a view --anti schatucne Itseodathosigi thse oye< could ney'er weiiy las gazin; atIL Trite burning crater meSned toho constant- ly onlarging auid throtrîng usp 5vol unie of iqusid fire abore thse mutis of tie cra tsr -I willI net vcenture 10 a"yhow higl- andi the fiery streaun rolleti onward andi onward, still atiding graiti tr anti tersor sai It proceadoti, titi, on tise 81.1 about sunrima, the etreasa wu cosnpolled, tiougis reluctatly, ilîstop, bym"ctng thse water of the mcen. Even thon Its re#lstlcssanti oppoelng energy carriot I t on soue dis tance Into tisedma Thoe poor inb&Wtants of Wainenali, the nane of thse village wre th#-. lire roacheti thse ocen, were trou" t the i.uidnlght isour by thse issnt anti roaring of thu ap. proaching ire, anti bad but just tisa. 10 oaya tistingelve&s. oueetfdb b o tise lnImd portion of thse village ire part. 1>' urroundeti befor e .lnmates wtri ara ot tirl dngWP.' Winanali leonoir the. Northorsi boanda>' etMtS" Soneo, andi about twelvo or f(urce.a mles <rom Kesea. 1 I , ofcoSsnse, ali estroyeti, anti Its plaisant 11441. Isarbor afl fillot i tt laia. Tii. votanlo strmantwuaione msile twiti or more ln uome places -and mach lmoi siotier. It ermaletithe IConeroai ant ilnterrupted tise mail commun4ctscn Tise wriole dustawie oft4he loir (rom the rere tthe us Ib sousso forty mille Lait nlght (4h. $rd Yeb.,)tise vétoano wau In full bIsetanti tiseburnînat srua sis to have lton enothor direction, Parties have genu ouitto.dy toue andies. plot.. Perisape on their réluira 1,saa bave sometisad ditionst tocommun"et. It msee e<om tise papm es, afre us, thsat this eruptlon was firet sien on Sanday, thse 28rd of Jaauar. ome-,thlrtjryaro ago, whess lse xe. lMr. Stoeart, eheplain of tise nsvy, vuaset thea IlanLIs, tise erup. tien broue ont Mdnt ' isisteti by duat eptlamait, nti a UuSt làtiiitng accant t ofbis yisit vas commualoatti b>' isa t tiseNow York OmQowmrôLal Meriur. W.e opytisa Mievmf front 'tis o,ne-y B>DY tisaarrivai Mor upI. Bsrrl, or tise schoomer "liq>'," <rom aewsuhae, r ' alisat the e anpdm' Wu esfrinoticedest - Walsaes, on Bade>' ftarsýoni about four Sock D»ssIogtise, aigliýte-. re appear. r eti orutlnî toth.é Ne*.b but on the, fol. Bors «iL Busm(61~Jnpu âlb..1, liq4 lunOiea ier utberuaal O O a 70.lisibol trLxï i' wq$pot, us.' T seoer 00 8* otall4 Te dOua $5 90,i a 6Âpil4 K8 10.WUA0 T 48 d 8rsAN S. ]ita ue tf 0ý i6 o ï 100I R', l Hnfe &laéod4O a"âm $1 8 frpioss;1(ssl w url 80 00 100à R Tat -,-GRUMBAER i l u-lu89 .C 1 1 FM R Y.t$i2qit 0;0 70! r 1 - oomsuntoscud #traWa ienti 56on o<40 75cuuon odud ou oeIlo NEW ?OJAVEIISEXETS ATIW TUE EJYJT. 0 K. N.ILLIAM .Iofmb,outhe Mba Itte t mer t o ur s .fylsoation et . l issake the 1< F 1<0K TU$ IEMJSE8U IMWLLIAM Wa b il41 1t8». 21" is lrt osoimoss M>"'1,oi fcnt..nee4 l e eums a "0e noté i onealt uns. 1 Ifw. au ,ceee îînlnduclag 1 e te , f Wes and, rut hava*anly-rdevrod lise -visee Puart, wu shai erng t.o or-vlwet lse J,004eetbu strusmenatai lnpromolissg beir lisorate Oe eamon vis>'ourmere ire avr 0lolgromn, & 'Io tiso dlficul- t>' of maiîn; setls(etory; elcaibayeri mre Ai!qfy î Îdy' 10tisor>' tiearticle thon tsclip gfieteConM.tputisket,4 quit. as willing 10 isold ti 4or a tiâe aft.r, tisa ira u sd., Wedo -aot ,aclrpmp poset 10 cicr 'ay*suggetion '40 romoi> oiedf ârly o exproua tso opinleu ot.tbon'a armera irisobaye gooti steak, ti wool, osnqa t o e1~frd Là hold t ou a those wholotan borrowt4hé. une>' 10 par. Chaise iortisobjact. 'lt ur put, pose 40 tiéiçusethé, eliative value et ossé or toneiroolshecp, or tis sperlor quahit>' ofen>' breeti oflltishaisà. W.are ("e tu si>'hoorevér aMI&efront6secnsider. ation of!vol.growlng, m aios sroh jeet; Ï11it wo t<shsk Wm.binions ieho anti popuhoua villages _wlfl dutiIL profitable to rd"-c sbop andi launba 4or tise butéhhi. Véry fuir untintaentthopropermetotoiof raisin; mutton, aistise gsut maieof àhep kihiet sud moIt&i matSare unly ta 11 conditiona for wintérlngYeeing ibas es- mntial10 otise produ;ctÜion o("good tisa ton cisop," me te tisefuriilingo! super- shoapecan lb ateue4,efndirel fatlenodtLOO, st mach comparo vaetarhn ers. Vorlmtlang -purôse, tho arSe-boddo4l coarseoohsstieop, a tsBai ti $" Do, Ws, endIbslir, rdiilsesr~-Ile choracter, ore. peroaisieWu hop to in. due fumais to-awirluvesitlgln of tihe satsecttril.ish ,yh;y.at e t.t o . More correct notions of tise prupriet>' anti prosfit ofisâoap-ragng ba! wooWgowringi are liodeà-i-ot or spmWsltve purpoises, but tlu4at tboe viseould enter tfield51( may do so witis-&-btter undtienteiîg of thse sushieci Bu»o1 " ofatteIng sbecp. IL I lt 114.unteld,ïad piaciset hlm czc.spt la a fcw in6t*noes. u1a sommn<er tie>' are aaeiy ketli.pearo;, groiwdlsg ant ihftteng, 10 a certain- #%tent, ver> che In'.ithse (al 4rig nter, tbey me>' bu kapt tlth4o4-isay, tarnips, bauiey coinaivilS tise addition of a litti lcake, ccaslonalliyiand ha rtsady for market et an>'Litîns tring the. latter part of ointer or asti>'sprIng. Tho>' shoulti hava gooti sieltar <rmom-tanti colt, saniacem- el eaniraerantiàcon- stant and regular <oelpg, bensare us Tise Taylar4,aei Tregedy. Dcpuy TJltedStesMarssalTylyr, vio hot Caplain Joues, on bositi a vos- sel, ln tise iarbor ai Port Barnia and Ilion Ol d t0h. United Stte, isasbaen tbled, ln tisa State of Miebigu ai foand Sgalt>of manslaszgbte. No min vua ever more cloar>' gusltyrof muirder tissa Tylar. Tise prenteoeset st thse tmetst tise pistol orent off eccidntl', vas tooinanllesta tab. "daton 40 impose «av e pn a -iii Juîy. 1 Eliso ltasunot sotiop la tieance wisen the trial came on, or 14 vas mot bu- ll.vedby tbaJary, wUswiseiq theda"ieon of thea mtsrote&, 1IfTyler vwu with, Lthis Province *wise -h. urter vas commîttet, nethfing s-a lechoirri tian that aptertise »bai q qth ug t, have bien baudet, over t104h. Canadien eatsortea for trial.;4wiet r fit' smaie b>, #sqUVitati tetsI i eirf i qw*4act tyvlts Zglanusd,IL14là ecleartst 4h.esm- aliallw o ie St44to< Micblisin tn- noteoe a eprve Ino paeiou of tse Troit>. Tyler feh t tit'be batsome- 1Witby, Oct., 29, 1858. 8-21fl a withln a U ad tts a.'titqsd otrest-stog tsarwihioth faareu lM ta .Tise boas. c'mtssait sart Uenti, lim m exellent 06114r at i làet Mo451b;lm*ud Ail neeuar onz-baistigo, oTnsia, £ of IIon Wron tisaspt. Fibelmo'ftlhnsuoldv"n ery ad fbiantie co6plcd b yKr 1 'i h ph# hall si ilO - ouut t tos ' 1bo1,8 1no Undmy.iil . ondesap .WILDPOULAX<p 40 l.........is Aresn$W. 50 ..................sL$hr on, "............nlvr TO OWNL-YL ol4m ca.....o....rook Str'em 0 JA94f« Ba«g, faiaCh«t s ouu Ce .r' ae -.4 UNI w me 4 H. me o' 4. mu oe o o. NA M n ASSIG'NBÊ$ ISALE. GBIST M&ULFaito, WlL1)LAND)S, TOWN LTn, iWUhiE, s&e. Tlllr,"Ignaessof lbhe ta c f U, ID A-NIELU T Iutç alixions tu ifU&8p tise halaI. a M«oise. p Imosiblef ut S. Ce turc, mil effet st If"ot anr diap of t*1plataOui Prriday, *h s wO t o! uy neit, Tho <uoisg ,vsssblo Lai LAtei li.t TiseS iup.ror Ylourili it kiomsthe CENTrRE MILLS, sttute lu thse wealtlvToirihi' of Wisitby, "ne mile Ke"t oftis $.illlegof Brooklin. Tise miii onteiss. thurusaicfSoa!sidner of 0 «04abit tàlieesswss tWhIpt ,y»h oliirl1 dold vits th# MM ooiraly, tosuitipur sad. South hou f It No. 4, iatbe ,tis con- I<oTTAWÀBÀA, 10 enoilfeiImproyed, santi utuise' $rdt. oN. 4,iain t h cneelkonlidonte, Cuml>' e f %wae, O Ocremr Mtis Lot numibr , Mtis 1mae.e ic ~ker- fou, M00 aea-DO oncia tunPovi4 Luiti une une fArm Dems ,*eaa ti min C*Wad beesei>' dl to u ; Tl lmr itis amatui etw tla, m oumt wepur SSii. Tiare.VllaeLOt U latise Village cf Brdokun, Ispon eais et i sleb lasa Gommodion Dweng'Eouts,l »ti. Tite undivused ti t m uwiea lknowa pressai, ibknraaoy ocuiletgi sieto t* oiteoiMIil treet, direit'osy op iti.a nt boot utowusbual u usesaatlta r14L4.GE OFQ.Y B2OLIN. T1th. tiaAce, sud MouebelAg part of 4h. - frnt 'f Lot Rio t,-, '4th ýcon.r, Plolering.' ON PRIDAT,1 IEu- 'Tg "Cnalat c&ali meskto Eeg X&~ anti pissati holuilgeo Fpui6attentioni,t e oommonùda i tiélf ta pu lie favor t 11os, mer is.istfil# uluZiaI=7 t Wj.rcsitss bdMùia94M M ýîe Tede*utn hiâa',Va&W-$.r JuisLP*)' Tise- auster Jasa ii Uï60Dd&tW.r" is.uristoo Compoueuutlielr Il îAmuqd11&.l »ealsthrousgh; Dto tieind auece .ry, e- leét, pusUldowsso(r'bolldùp si'the *rentaniais- es ana requrmeustss&-ot duefr clama madiatesfe dSu tisesas. sk-t tîtnt ried on itsIa exuudtlon assd devudlxpemt of tià e -%s- literest. "U AAI <IELJTIIE *ù a cudas like Cànodswsrtaq.5u o!~ ~ ~ ~~~hdi tis p*Iainaeprpsyhle sè fire -coutry, tsa linportasooo i is' tr-Jli 'tise "'Mxesiin. 4"-duvt1 exlàà ie ï,?4 $hin tb unslorltssg t ita Lié.m 'the i«it o! &nadalalu s a"roasasuUrCOof irats ard;tiause, ui4lut lwa'ud-r itié CosssUsere4, sMay§ for a bseisylsP4.snthsthy at it 5 tuss, bt th orginal ùnsuolisid 'rtic, tise Tise )t.id4p-*llbu îtrictly -ueràl Li Pll-. 1106 sudoligiou, - No..asi. ,Pm oir1p» »-oni Theo Bg Jtvlb muityu 1rvus. Paper,l' tisvutetieeulatvly lu tse Iii'eaItsý4 lotertat ufCwued; ssi aa usIWtlh-emis- filvely circula"steiovery Llouinty oiurtu W..- tom P'rovince. ThIslcdug *<atis nt bj t'ctseRu Zwouf gew ara ,s lot. Ta bruim la direct cmoeuatcstn tiseemi- 1er,. titgd bayer tIeiirvrjtitl ur TuwnýL-o. f ud. To i)Wul»H ailoeo.M (overnssnt Latîlo, iselasi Crowni Clureboliuol, iuiluis utorOr- 4ssawe1ýqwry, StlV4st Ia, pisc us iiwturydowwuh ,5mthss e. broug lt lsul.K roui d pmsstoa- tud ai ller* on othurvle. - 4tis. Ta pute fululsfuly, sud,î.rsnu1pr logs iW hoatabi s i>' ua t o tb, r , utI.,T '- notie -Siuerufa el., t 'iýUada 4i Tam sud antiae tirsn: Ilslte s uniS deosnsug tse0111u100 ôtl. Oro uio1e1.blce.. atalst itaioaStt. ubl hvsa urrnt luotete lis spots 4a i eW dpaoshr $ts. To:note Kew l'atoe iteetus-I hpullstrllot M t te propwty owisr, ï Tu Tonote, ftsly, ilrly: sud tmpartily,,Uma grest ansa p1lygro)vlng Lande'!isîtrst Tise fr*t siasben ot the "Rflij wUilIb. lm.sed about tihe trot lia34,1&sf. . plu softt rot 'snsber wMI beprlutd o culssiotn, aud tIi lbu .ldeame,ý Oise o ?, .sh lnnl~Lsu o i'ekqd CoCuy or " ultssetr lu CI. W, " Nev.pjspr ltaaesle. Tlie'rS suno~inr ill te rcsd, isaSladi, vnlsnuîsa wiliswit wwkioâ ppffr luïth. lmryumo b i Tie uba$ta~M o~IeJlnI&a1 l. TzmlflhUK -ira Ustier,5h.e illbituti, dieli a stest4on ~~ALE- shotnioati> ev'r rrui PAENER~ IIITIIETO ENIOT- Lii; sve Ida - .i#Ostll ati Jhn levier, vaisatieierats Y"3 db> Muitash Don- *111 inot b. n-ae fonanyfusrthserdebt.. thM m aa onstmWedby or lis 4h. naineof

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