Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Mar 1859, p. 2

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09,NERAL NOTICES.Û" Mimrui ins, àmue.I mèIi POt10128, aU0 P,8 L!tpor rsd Truk à.....70. on, rat l. do.., ..:: , ::::-, , lp.ns., do. Jo.do, ...... 6T0, .U 'r"ulJin Irico A*dN.rt l'or'u- :- 9001 kMI v Licilr,..£1.,00m,.......800,c w Ërwwoo, lru.<,n,, ....... 900 .m Yft Mr rand Trois k. 20, a.m. ljat > . do..o...... .000, -p.m. wveeê do, do,#...... 730,p. m, lvtdo), do........... 00,p.m. * Z 74>114 O WdLera 000A~I , Pa. * ilin 2r, Boo ..." 8,13 10 o'o009k P..in. *0tIiET. 1 __ Dirit >11 cortý UxI, r dls Jii»PBro 10 o1étock, A, ioi *voîy Mo, 'is&yavei'g Snté ro all PptqSIe M *t isl, Vic. tdl or t lVlIsILby.ral avliote[JiVvdnunyovilvp nra<woo ,Nu1M, 130 woliail Tou 4040%ln 'EpopàI Cbuh,% St. o Br, I; Sktot, I oteifA lo .wl, s»d olo ot , n At ,bte as. qi) EJtV J. P NoM<D cqrAool Wiues st, M301111111t, Kingo'0oot, 1 p, t'4>itqOk, '. us 11EV' T. LC1WBY, .1 EV, J, T. »Yflt.t wo.o*ySiII Ifolodb't lgnro, comotrC suf o ,n kv Itoip10 30 O*o'014, A,, M., fau J Uad:i 1'oi,1îtOrti Inrch, >toolial' lit. 30&~4t , 2 ,01001t, P. in,. 119V, H, il. TROUSTON. W1'...Apr. l1 1869. 374c1* .o to Wcommn"ncoAt 7l0, p. Me New Mertlsmento titiswoek. Lif. /U 0Ql;tIkôf Sootad,-J. Crunt, £'s.asr,. u $03-Jhnto &Al Yor iiilio,-,WliUam» Tyd à William llnitlton, Pjnu.Wh and 4 mplauuat>suato'-on Otis& Alitin. )ItT4nu"' 4ul,rtcd vorMI(<o goand tl. (>,flaio Criek.:t <lîîb-Juimn 1Cllil>. TouigVnr'Ciokot C Vu,Y 1n,7r boou.i.b Provindial Aouraios Cmpny,-Juo 1 *ilyCuwîoty Go ammar Si.bool.-W.MoC*be OutrloTasfCIsb.W. I.Riggino, S..y. Nuw Xdafafrligtsk @yrhoff.r selocol Bjok.- do do L.W optonary. du do D*A m é> touf 44,-1 do fr*- k d. don ~tt1~5 40 1do VIee sd imePeo-d . go M.M40 'WIIt tb! 4fyêî40 r OILY O0" DOLLAR A TI"R îflves9< sny of Ch. prolo O.fth(b à we baie novranW £propoet'fon ,Wlb the. counellt Pm"oposê'bmlt to thevoté or agtiep.oulntho 1i aod fi tApril in*xt. As It seins. mpmmebeta$"cn .tuclo ,f eu 1,l ,l ,Uad.Jtt portion o h iâ4 h'itWbo two Por pary lioandîlorewftby. Va £85,6W0 stock ln th#, road iotwoon the a- bo~rl~aoi -ii.oo stp la u; t ln tii. event detepi -4 èf Ibisnéà lsw, dhoy Wi n o.wI4beh. t Osoo.ai. ..rd4 b.crlhed por, awhe M corele to ropoal iithé 75 O0) By l*s'. 1. l g arrangenon t o lsort eu U ontred In. £514andthe Di)rocto rae tiipowçr, kle an« 0 r - w. ave re. w ly'fopnio tba Itlu (O? the Int@r. aeth yCêown topa lylwno su b- Wlth 235,00 frôm tho Town 115,000 of prIvit stock, and tbiao4nt whluh lt; la soppo..d the Towmab=dfWbitb, ach snd scngog viR sc ethaD.' rectors appear to 4pprebn&1itte dlfcul - ty lit socurlns te. omtruatleof t Cil portion on the road; It Appoars te ne heretors ht If thi e lcuWibos of Ch. IIaIlway Diroetors b. sl'e fouoded the Trown of Whitcb v oefd b. standin ' lu f Town will * be In a btter pstInregrd- >In&théBaltittthn, ItnoW lW.'Tire, th. construction ofto rosd îbn >' Zà proaeut, and anon f eh. 1rocto,410 not sume~d ln ralslnt &mufficîst stock,,to air- rent thons m conmemcicng Ciao M4roa, #halla et t iare'r.duoed our -stock, subociptlon Ios £750M to £1,11, lnb.living wtb or cont.mpe«rry ht> le 14 for tho lutèrest't ii. i'atîpryors f the Town 01 WiiLy Le PUs lb.Bils'ay lly4aàw now sauboltW for tb.fr tapproval, we witt A44 Que oe Cao fuacJeuqo1. b>' him, Tii. Town di Whitby lanot one slxp.ncq ln debteat , îmoment, biC hoa.- uets ln *xcest of liabilties as-p.v-madio Do., port, poublibod itllbar, <$000 W, know or- noe thîr Town ln C&anad&1 hat oompbn. seoset. and.esÇiwa poi-. tion. 11 Tit ln C Pound à 1 h pr. gent uumn requird Ce payehe Inter- cit on utbo .hbetvr.ste b. t led ythe. Towrn and créo a nking 1fo r«:tbfr redewption iu Cwooty yoirs ife oit, .4d, But after te, fut 7087, and once Cth. Rail. ira> lino s'as.cominc.ed, srory. one knowésiCt thé.encreas ln,1h vlue of prop.rty would b. sogSmt tbit "u rate s'euld! b. redoued one.iall The next year, on .w'sîi oChr ppg.ti4baJe Tes» nguro' a puce, thoaie t~i n he pound, for paylng Chtis'ally Pbo tura. souid ho fortiier decroued. Jo0 a#lireys i Ur- ttakng ho paistai bar ratio 0et progression- s', would bar$ advauco4 at smd a. rte thaï;th C.rallay 'ta% vwould.mcrecoly bo tit et ali and would bc, ne tmor han nplid, lnu oamement. No one ttinay it WiliCby If golneg to tand itili, -sud îwIll the a4Jufct -ot Jtsllsay Conmunilcation! to sid il& growtis and 144 40 les rade . and prenperity, wbat is itpiltry £8500 ortti 0<doetues xnet o ,t perldo twenty y.ssa 1t Prud.ne.sudtcaution ar# vory comum.d&b4o but à wrtched, clo. IIsCcd nlggardly' narrowne«- novr lm, provocd or adrànoeti hécondIt1on of je003- mui>.làu il»preswt Instta4on"oe Cli Ww*a .<,Blwy o m'in#ntim. sud "w&ys'ay .trabothéb.Towoý , a <w- Choason "041 ,moëê 4r I.us, shnld not kosp éî t î *£à1414 ICle end vsb ituw. coS, 1-nd aMM"& p ovs.vn bout £ conpsiî. muiretUe l&«ue et old u py fiof Towurn 'stsas spda .pie JIQJM 03bis 'S7 Uf4ly, m as 5130W08700 question thit .v«Y Illbihty 'ad épe eft he prorimu oeb t#'yâs' 1ôQ4v-*11;b. aimply Mdt b>' tbê&nmut be fidàata «or tb. par., -lua a, »M hepropom u ku rodue. Ãœwlb. nitr a te Wthlo*eit >pomod kil- gare, and40o meramu.4heixno (u'ltlleut " afficOet.nCauSemii 10'motaia do Mads ii.ifoïmition a4lled' by>' the, qwji.ctQqOr9Geuralw fiCh %gato Ch. pubgtodeb,,reuoeMal doubltaboacwat w. hiave heumdof lrte.swns hsVlng te lia booaiIto-M*o agond:#d e-olieeni fao-lnteaof* pronajing-opim u n'Uuat verso li Ch.eue cm,', gesns0 $, 009,000-twdwhr wiCht other sundu ber- rouait bY,' *0 Provinc-ai epeuded -in. internai sud, externat dcenguiti! b>' çanalgi ralwa>'s &W it er pub«ie Wevka romin st b#," (t Ce l h.PreinC#s-Are mrv uosnt& r ,The. part>' thun, Who enseo( teecounitry; hy-pr slanl. log, itsbaaikraopcy, sand rulnéd issdsl condition,;0r4Chu ountry, "14oald 'tad te le , fais., liatblr thi uctsansd dia- amiolted ,la C hoir .'mut untpstaet pr.dict W& sa.,A more oheerul niis' 0< h. promeut position of th. coun try bu vsraon freont )Er, Gultes cear, bonut sud sieexpli astlens, au inateaitof<the glony ntlipa- tions- Irblch Chue s'wbgoppose bIims Wéuld prctict forausinathe futur.,' lsproms u--- occe, and toilas how w. con gains le b>' elf-ro- ligne., an as'tkenod contldéo, n n e anothersfid an 1nt'ollgentuadortmsng of Ch. Crue llert 0 ot fl rP ý y ne-, lérilng, teor public s'orks>ânai E'hechau brouglit *pinot,,lb. pelle>' Mofaidlag lu tioir Ursrueon n Gosat tikuosoca- si oC r.fèr Ctise COutriemoet Ch. cesti- 'Utiet 0< urope s'horo cth.e nienti bave ulling>' guranteed 4 tockliolde et "slssy ciopiules, 60 .par cen't Incont ofn Ch. -cÃ"C o hir RalaSYs, Wheas, thmoetCanadalu oni> abiout one and s hal per cent Titis don net sbi iîmch e:-ý travagnce. uit M'Gait la sanýguin . ihat on écovoq ofetthe Ceaintrit &ou'o Uspr.eeil4uueofditpressien,- Chose public loCthe ctnr' a theC.' wll realizo an aastoCumelont Ce reliovê thb.ountry> frent toit support sîtogether. Ou oe uai,.ct, vo fiud ousru lb isap- poiuted lan1Mr. (hmlCispoi cyq;Ile bas fot ceuuldoed It fnlumbont upon hlmte téeS- liz. snything durlng t-ta, carront parý frein' thse Maimil1pel Jeban Fand. 'JinChermuipple- moetr> estlsaten Ce ho hrouÉht forvard, meoue st-opsos'uards cem.tllng thodot.nit- lug uunleîpalltlns, te proovie fdr psi, mont'e et', Ae 10#at & portioirotCir labfllrlem,' s'oàId meut wltla ner>' genoral »proyali in tis dountry. Enery of4rt holit b. pu«- lorwa,.d by th. Governat <o kWthé. rati- gitIon et' saeh asmat si6e colete!,ln, eirder ChatthCie publicest lârge@, mus>' metbc sui.dcCte oboar unuocessar>'bardosfor' tise acnsmodatloa 0< a kw cdrtmiai ortu note or fsnored localitienf, > The. colebration Of St. Pt1k~P>,a Wiiltb', this yearf was o ff4ga 0;te ý Ae 1aimde, uôp n spirit .andà ovsdlowbp, for wbat, o s'asdolnêt L, 4rgf sMabers, An tieeUwhorg Chiendm >'met, b>' ir 1a9" Br.An, Ata.igtCb"lokAI" ~LhfrC ,rere #euwte th#11(e«tire bes14 1 M,cwar VlceVei nt et ly ww= y ari sulCad t4ý,* ybnh WIlq ~q<4 Arn$,~des, boiing don. thli e oà tbin' prcwk., and'tise cuair=a - ngaIléupm,,tbe omps. nytolh1'p1 ie#, s'lchva 411>' reponidé te, t4wjo"imalty . C.M:en gls ln J houa ; h ouij P* m'dl perfore.Cpssottuae I. potroiso1se uukee0 Cool>.. -Tore sas ie i) mi taling to him,, 'ls.$4 Ur(Mt "Iisfrànuf'ls adon e.pAn iti «8p cW i4ho w4PUIli ane nniIlyz ted i, ghî but bgKinteraly, rutfcwd t, «àIL iosLlc-gouis4 thistnotiug -Wwi cci ootatfroim ttO In- exporieceil 80l( .s'ilIod a deînestioaï*I thi IIdoetor Gontrill'1115 cniok1n<> s'ws OXW40 le lnd nodoaîbt, ". lItfi t ss not It 06#gtût i, Wi'go' held i > vary (frit, se hoe sould notttsca t Iîlmïnsorien h. allos' ay n#> eueai.te do It 'wbwn lbu Coul I niaemce. fiat-inà dccilned aëýru>'As- s-au,aç. fisCe(1b ailt ried hqit» mho vould iffilt h..» 'o" lie ttrnt o te.h odý«Iqanitt cotit- idiisiail rofnd &As 18'irt,lfismextra- va nimdà at #ierwluich late a public serrant, but s'Iio loft hligilace lmaus bis Mîistrm emi wutd te, mono te hué .4 h diohbut It d414 net aeciuste pieuse hlm for ho sheok hls bond emlinususly, BHa wau fend of maoe i»ihcan sd misois pro- foie.! CisCet Ch. proosCook, icre tY'" o e lit luthe suai and ma aFreasci cuÀed tio piartleai r--mds f dresîs aeoth. assnt -affecte&.. '11. s'adtod ro. Ço&ry ,ad ,Protectlqw,- Cookary, ,andl &Wbooie l 1ho vintoitte b. trou -fçotnavn a elabo'$ r tr '00. on l ar& dsiecalookor>' wapro - 1UbeUi 'spj-hr1aaa. ni>' mir coomniiiii" IW.labhg W ossd 1 Sm' we ÀaaUred lie Conncold të lieus. tlhst ho esoud -sofl thle rél>' b i arasI proparlag Chean lopttise talit..Tlm. iroat Ceeus hanter et tise Iabasis, imsl<mllied At one ti.e. mu th the'ro 4n'I«i~nags, aise fr10d ue iktti a IauLfh l p.le- lStcediio-îyigstenr oef*Cie Chicf'ÇMt utlie dlihkodtli iseuat; hl and; bisvanL '>*s bI aoteÇsaNa h4CaIst preasd ttW s flr 0<11.ru., hb1, 4@detcod imen J aaot AUl ceorers.Tr., . h at veu al tua Ith ltifnIýlsd'applauxo 'bâtbblill «!iows no*. (The. SIck-#-.'it rameur, aysa sni Ait lilg Cook blanelf, or Butter, or CoseMa.i or ii'ootan, or Boots, or soething at*o >ad that bis Àis like et-lte <iait wa». a moto preteaioe.) lbc- ites, Chosemyoi lîcrs faut tchie cooke- < ' *hile on hethr au a sau' Il>. .diit as tise net> perfection et' moulersi art. lii C iot Cokatter, ha ' ing -listened - for for Qns re rply aan lietd tise à a r oeut Yvarinco i tisc sI s't i Isn viws ort he sciencte of now'ishmontt an.! the quautit,'y of -foarlali- .mout 4boirovItice- required. AccorslingI te. blis remurne Ché iew~atrs ifthoIr varIou ré cip.s'i wëro scted ýupon, would vaste tise subitsuo' tise coan tier lu 'ootli hîuxpor- iehe. s'lthout, lu ais>' one IM s a giosu- -c.odlg;lu priducisng;a duèc e' ' .'lIO, lsmstprùpos.4 to uike une or tyroamUgtis ' &luia Iài4bwboh 'uticiprobabiyw<)». for the bitter but lies'ouild. mgkeï nu cheuge .fil bli eyitems Alitiamoreransd a 1141. mre 4' -'oudbc Alles'c *hie a partet'tiejiua weuld6e wilhdmrwn. lie tho as Chsevit appgrqOnd ;of i sitms, te su>' se and as>. mustalused, 04,40 s'1ç1 w: pocsei tsenumber ho hii câlcaitedupeuu. Lait ulnght' tihe, va- r"s, mmsturls i teriln Spotise Büt of Yore vers, .#rutiiîlzetd .. iiinl ins- I dîbi>' short *00 of etligne <boY Voie Pro. 1,00itéIthbéA eabèuitpropioss, nes go ubitautisi it.; Bo Z T rffWsk and, vi th 1t aeid a d Me t .Çniwayi have ait boomkàocbdi; mTuoeid', 04d Mf«, 0WàSO, tu Of. t mu"eOt, %'tta 41 Ie pe M, r sro, , u . t of, ab' l- have éd &*&yd writensrddemileîiï 400tise ole oyn da>,btCt ~e alUn ue bsdl~ç,~.sdt lIn' i.e- »a Co le foriz b laU ails.?q 1engontmn*nor tChe /0Il/ and h.grtil>' 'f jAugei wam but te«he genthonoiton thils «lido of tii. balt estor wîtneiM*e, and glane. ,st bis t~,lWPFarbaïnks 'ci loa*, Ce itato wha«t* ho "à bpisiton c~~s ~ uliecevthoni.»forai Choir »fwaeBtaa.-ActIoiion . wom.,,i Tofthe â r Tèae-aroiowb.or f1iifk "lasy, note, -' . ewd. Verdict 4 for th of Zîwss tho1n, 'sud Ch. leusewoàId b. ai t 40 un- iliave tii. bonor t e l, plaiintld £144 10, 1W. H. Tremayn. Ù4orhe Court là f fli grud o h.oarswblci( h aitYonr Constant r.a4crý C.Tfi m044E f&OAW(ntf44ring 1.Camorm onrpIlid, tuat lh W le t. 1 , Un ni Verdcfo aitffécý. tie UinWalVoazldi be.uee o Mii arir j , -1 ' .,/*, , I# :ITr&"sne -'-'pWtiff t'1 s'hieh 1e6onosid.d njusate Upper Cano, 'bIPié*wrd wu Tino l ~ you lbhwCh *9 Tiais eoncltuiddlthbie L e ieDsts*id d u oté rd "terll>.sgsso.IothMnaI 1159'; The 5Ct03ida 50 ~~ YaJCa on o U bej ý 41 Tw 'ii t scs A..ui aar agbut i ifr ibi>l 14sho lu u ~osi i.Myrl h bf utlnraa C. onena$jl.èemnt Csr. ,,&1< 74çBi'ù 0101. MlhIat1 '5 Oorok.144Ch td ed'loi-,bUw1dezsctt ch cntï.>. ïbr Mlc npfoil'.Pt* Cu,-og u-,%T 4 4-Ac Xielýfon t -sa nttavIla in,,bïa joary.,esdaid mtke. àMarlin Worshp t.1 ho Mayoln hehir;"e uosto. vofOlO>4nta; , e> u îlet ur t altI.tSooi Bi Aler tnf<oae l nbeirout Crjsdmt190c à pensa ~ otIku i ut , plIni& Whu 9ed. b>andChoe ÃœcOU evarl therso 'an eg,- air, Macoho jori' "ILInou nc >'Ohéttu iëlbl, 'ot. Sisototoprmooy, o arsrg~ tics(ortt, Uoorimautvuriugfren 1' -"ÃŽt ws 0 ...patn hateh.obiga- J'4t4rû fiff .lanti 71 11,- 1ctiell on f et Cas u worc, os'Cha t s aif lsjrte mai' " ponwtii 8aid1 g.Cai1 m o l, rutCb l~jIitf.Wtiaî ontn MLW ptic o h Gonl C h jaci s v Oua pfreini -, a -s g ns o si u. pn tit thaeors 0f 1-1,11t f a 4 .»l e eY41- AC?. tien conr- frmn, tien, asl .0 Op f lsigC waso yo ad anadA >'Ms#gveýhrne t , ai aorgaeaofuadattienbd l Yourek tht thCh. sf [0 tutt ofel13 an i& 14CapV i m posez> fionsnit>r. Wiliam MoUlt. 1.t eppereit oe in, 1dCi do,*fodtehoeýofcoi CgteSoloN. ass rad madtes' éiYs a00 $,ad. plntc ort le gnienc Ch laon allChri. The bisd paractarexeptontq-Cliigonra p9- t W Crhitehe Jousonexactý. a n, r l na'yu «.d th tso sets ch otd ib.repsitre, Bt jicsc susun o h 21 o1 8 pyalelu12bu-4-r' tostudtuef 3Soius tCh 1 uet pmAD, ha. O» Ch. 211061et'a. ebr h 8 e', r and du you redos. sah ndnnoto orpro*g '-"sèôbeto-tfil iPh4 bfetiè o oi th e &OU3I8, ayale 1 2, prbe i1, butal'ery gisA thons~ ~ ~~~~~n tuhe'lcoA.io'actsetcj< 9 ir statusfSie. C . be-l ov4 L7sdcri athr e 2at uo lise gouda oj85, ranti aes th AuJ ~ ~ tu Jns t-san ri se 'r iass. - "- WitianJhs ionWliamptslntf ilIam, PAW.-ito0k fst. ouar 9,âais o min cepais, '#Tourudg.ac bn,)s isa f'ror o t hi q sour@intoîh sto on pri0,eÀt' erpamot heasi, '$1 A~~~~~~~~~~~~le loWt ibiaiopuaasan-."CDW, in-.. or iaîuount 'pbis anoeag te vr lnt'C#.i au ur de1avedï. auotn"Oig. OtSdÃ"o Tn t 1 nkIiing I ab i 'éaolutblosa rci3Cat t s'c' usdi Art185e rg'ss a ua th sa oleakoep ar ite iîsc1if tti B ad sih h-sgoi o c. eo'lot h iet n hth . miloils a it ndJoh W reto f atue;it pchonded' clranofg Eg'tn hq ei Two Ib, ors'înhthe -nota>gosdr tlon i% and fo tue purpoAetlan, W0, (0 st laSwaJcau.si aote etme nkvl ,WA - - -- de9,tht fraadl t, . cJI ioii net ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ol DtMieCucuee c.lansg ocir ... $10o>M.Bl,(r. oute>, Thestropodb>nM avdwn»$ ho taorsnff st n etnaure, sdit însuan sc at - 2 il ant - ,P d o4 la ctse as C se' ha h fesWin o 5aJl 82' V rant.-ithe Jury foin ti ffiCh lI- ir ia And4 0>gtuiseu et sts iusqdf>l dam sd $ OU ouit asertet'luy CeatietiIl b 541( ae- ; - 204010. ftonkon te ond ant. .. W'db)hdekac1 w* u c ta- 5BDLCT-. a <>0; 2n4Wu, taus nise, a. isqfkîe Sn " Ori W <> tTumcs nIi doi Fot sae da cotuaan(roembluaanos (ro~ ~<7m J>114 tu.te.-gtion ugforre&M. gréic show Chaftho'recivei lic1a outyctlogis.alnadortepl o 2nd. $1j"r oa Cnature imagoooe. n th i. i ko Erltipeniuic rpot o i;ihýo tf f aaast iD. dufndsiaCaie rfrs.$ OQ 2n stera .er..a.....anneld essai "0 lais dan ltter sileing.woms'n nsok am-us l bu ti.rotceio et sLclsltie ehsot~ .......200 << <, a 1$ ,,cri.of a " - »on "d rat$1 0 'or 5 misam oc hesi moadelda n or toaso lre, àCi"lg fro U kta nd ihi. ...... o 0< Aue pot sRbi ' ui o bI e sl, Th l m.bete1us aotr Pb san- t ew fio ureIf M,.ubi aCgo. .0-'slev. 5 B<#r HO tiens~ orftiiy.s Oaieppeau b. %ln#," Mr;it fso ed.tIet0lse ar9e'rnet M r, I-c2Vyelr.. Iramt eau».' Mus.l<rcesil< sitat, aps cu Dsrueb.bau raarnatur, nd Ii.ptt. tJuiMreEqi',51 ii i odn bt elghien ents$ 0 Id nt g )î>ucst o âthâ a t a.! a ron ot' on reo b aîndiI o is esrc-m4nu l.tNsn "sasaor.f " -!m sG clsaactr f/w0niit aM C, 'odrfa.llo iens wios*k<oaitopyo s5t' 00cli. i b as ot ai l ig ros'bs ba 'tai $2fO . lier, - o s t' t, wiîî luul Cru1e00ititae C.C'rprtim' n Dui t pince 110 bet ad a _Clerct. 1. Iûau le : e IWoIPw'e. phraà r g'wto u tie »tiatehirsof. leo'utae mih.--fehatC*ioCo wL uld4- itl oto oayt al hbe qleds'»Tesue e 0u0;to L8 4hm;Curoat0 Ca oneteî rs î a , tetpenell debWtMn o ' ieýT ho fToa(I10lflrox tThe osîtbaea nti enoeysar out byCi rpot t is SecatCon- thl hobuci. ltfcior5. ~cu-Co. Zd ptsvadb o»o AD>' wric.rhiii a mor. amînt sh eogott i. 's iith c. ondatsu.mrli ircui <oge. orb e isu' lfl.ratInsan as;tie ce, ons' *nC érz ande standhisr abo t utnli #g. M.o s' bth lnsais. B tOutr of th mli angae l a 4 ne lcaiour, o auni iemn etn oa utuarci$28193 w. <fam ar'4!Bwr. pSalerf . , htT.N ~ aIns trabo fis. tthe n refalon t e V donQof, aato.ate'reiul.rure (octioti ber film re you, ngworuly she - Yr ast l.»ar, ut vsaure,$b. o5tehwuoff718n albrorihLWevr ~Cti on r~o C issies >it41. sa.si o W 1f1 Ce $200 fI4ii assins ftja w bu sroe r, ibiie t- . Q CI wu o iem;is ban, gin. bsni woaerd f ie*#edt, 'It id imiaui soit0asibl 'hajetueginn: ereVl@ii& Cnl, Ililli alke d ccast tothst r>mont. ir e pcscaçtnsis ... . 500 00 C ndh 1 Croseis ofageb', nJte onPoet tily-T -r .oest aao t lri amilf UrcUool rtell bied nuitsirWet uIM Ch, otbài iëùiWelfor mbth eion or ahniter 0< Cli. rfII ceua <C illuévr u .1r.Eto cil or mi CoriblM s ud ebalZae th eMaynor Jnam htt or mtte d iLl té&euttdanabs ot, sfgte .on'yous $1 00.ir ten.rieae>; f cr dlst enat onsa f ut fa 4 Choalukt 11.11384 co0oté)the hjuta,. etbere. t i mt al si 0c or seonat eraotloaAs m C. h uai- accounitil M of th cor lo ns eh T-i.-feeLWsa uitivCamle s au.eebl4 sait hvbet ossu lit. bru ar4oandd plfla 1v triaiiystancs, £ >'he> t m 'i fi, pi1wou hai re. mît i " fo s '- pri s , ÎÏ7 * taIe h'13,1à .îm He u boons4, lie layaownwn tisvete, WIIîSIt snd n$16Ï, 54 abti;th euo(in-c neias âdI tu3P,1 le sl cuit g v r spae, -port1of the Simc4 tise Cl, n.oChr>'8eer. prooeedlngwlaleb gsry.bndJ5UituiDhhi y filn daisa on theb. asred et u en 1Lb aita îpwi prothepauo,'u f«d id.ACaThtïift< C.té fmeàIuri9"g ah. s'asMycqiiignedAoifer 2t phtelgua . wLins' ana idlore itotfighlllk béqlool te o wn w<f' 'w wit -h blint, djoi2Vmnet .0-a 4 ber a eOltf d*groldlw; a sowany iore ud bano1k.s.usptelel.oo tn over aboutn & adpifr I RuNi' slit estor bis owsl y4 ai;. lonis aclos'a; 8 eb90 t la 5'00 cýhi.ef1f haah.'ueaen surfclo13 paaiSubabe- set n Qýo rMcdnIl'en.mo o rcmwwooh'SiW, jf ra'l, a <rù "te Y MWOIL ind ~thûr îila aena inuton he 'b" YfflO0d l"o.*sln Iesor ee, fR~V4IEWi.. . na.Tr O,é & 10d; - forh> - t

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