Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Mar 1859, p. 3

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JJefore Justico of t, J Stattt, 4 suad 5V Jane et Pro.ecutor. y'afier WakerMaicb.... 3les Pism.... BuIh Caricl. DIitt.... Chaeulrk . *t~A ~ I I Nma.o efndu GereBrown. [Tho"ntïw 1' 0 0. P. POW5T....... .. J, laîan.. 00,.,0... WIIIil 1 1.a1t..... Natue d obus&e a i1gwn ero rm Sttut. Jb ov.... Bd lngýlqar witbeut lieu»,,........ riwstelng t.oo. ..... ein liquviwthulos.... ntau snuting dIchoTaulier. IL K Jons..........hroo .jliuulntogieu*nome whenpad.. 118590 to mm 4b l8<5L3eh§ Nm b etleve,1 prle.e of cltive r «ly inteilitisi i od for., ouree., Tfii> anuiai ("i U fit- titis 'case, bees anîlzaîtin, whIst>for tisa 1 ouwation of tise mit Droteulls4miepoapn' ,j eriss>., a fertasighj, lm, edeiia>' xporierc.ddt type anallinsterlîl.- e sniîers of the Onla..' wli bu 1104a stDryan'1r00 orening thes18t11> maLO, elock, wt (çsl atteedlane.' iveren il u h. [laitlor te 'lc, ou Wriday e.iins ; r. h.ckIy, of0 bi1 y. Lt.Caeker lceLs.bei fatyoeiîor ln tbl Coissn- yWaletp el pro- -e-th-- (' t nion llook snd -La4., seTwiof Witly, Witt o'k tend. >cru lie r'eapeetfuliy eolil.- ei ipiortuaice vil! h ulr.g. «s £enî8 ithI~w e slls Hal,.Mcdnl. 1, Tarnolul AI~ 11, W. Woodward. a-LwskPowell. -fi Chicago, 00,1 CIte7tisý ebosîillsion of thllaCe- -o buucr> illiapispo la IY MiARIi(ETO 0 Ma 5s per bihl or501 a bo asalsel 3 Pr Jiabi. sper bush.l.' sa"Mn enoi1.... Oum Il Annal.... Jon iart4 e...... »*di le. Jon 4115e ditt. .WeiliKene..... Mn Al ohrgU Chrlstophcr Ililtc... Jehn Ilale........., ilJoschbI......... Plilly.nn.. ,. icardll lIai..... .... e Seche>. J.soitaws...t.......1 John Smitr...........1 g lehd. Fogarty. E.L lowell..... lu 0: eYole..... LewisSteele...... John oodnsun. George esld*dll. ditto J, o;* Dor .... joseph Abbott. T.Thaito..... IL IL. liobb...... il liureau..... L. Fairbanks,Jr $Pollard....... sGl.hrust........ wmi, lla.,..., John iek Vut»'.té James CIlodd,.,.. WilliamTi.... Alexander Tisorpson.. 14ffls ýplker,......... itobert Parieor..0, David lii.... W. LaWeli .......... Ji. U'Hora.......... J0'l!ora.......... P. Joa..... Jameslkdo,. . James CIeuilo. Samiuel 11.1...... J4. Law........ lird. Dean...... Uilbert Ses.... ýJo4n Pergwson. son.payneomt f . , .. ......0 Oiteofdog&âprop.ryMdoendat., Abdu anddams7 t orse..... IetuIng tePsay PUTl Dm s~to prden troc> animais. ditS. ditS. Jruisk sud dsril...... Violatimo f Iy.Law........ Ulsorderly lous...,...,... dits. adfuiol to Pol W55u dittu ditto ditt. fry>'t. prom.tyf mêman- mds.rvnt #&mcount Profantion of the Lord's day Solllneglqerltotlcue Nou-psymcnieofmvis ditto dl"*en ~eps:' 24, 1050. Sep& 27 1888. Nov. 10,' i~j555, Oe& 19, 1857. OcL 15, 1857. OcL 12, 1857. Oct. 2. 1857... Ian>'. 16, 1858. Ian>'. 9, 1858, Nov. 24, 1865. De.. 15, 1858. an.10,189 Dmby 17I,159 De.2,1068A. sa J>. .1059. 10. IO Jan>, 1, 155.1 pcb>'. 2, 150. Msrch 1. 159. gonl Pcb>'. 10, 1859, Johni Duc. 31, 1859. A..pF Jsuy. i, 1859. Jas»'. 29, 1859. do. Jauy. 249 189. No%. la, 1858. calvir Duc, 16, 1850. Jamel Ilc. 23 , 1ob8. Jisny. 9, 1859... Jas»' 14, 15511. Dac, 7, l1b-58... a TbN ditto ditto J.ph Goub, W. OSa. w ditS. ditto di t.o itte dite dtte ditt. ditte ditt. ditS. ditto ditto dite. ai> ditto ditto dltto slltto ditt. p Cui, SWldeatu ilicrton, ditto 'litto dIitto ditto dii. dite. ditto liecl 1ue e o i îoj0 ge -0, 1 '0 0 0 010 0 00 05 0 10 O oi 0s 0 ô0 O 10 00 0 10 0 010 'O 0180' 05.0 0 50 W~u.*lieapsSdors. C.MâittUd t. le up Dseenber lis li Difflhfel. o a e'owo4 t. plslngeD' 15o day.Uolnto February 21st ditto ci"e ent t. Quarta'Sesso", pu$"muê.'e, $1 j. laintif. bdt mtue Pau e o 12 mu"ihs ontnltwdfor 14 days, Dlitr.ss 1tb Jlin, 69prosemtos$1 do Ceu Vmty i. Porthwlith 0 cents %l day ditto dltto Fortbwli ditto ditto Januar>' 24h Fobnry 29th dit to Pot*thh jormdeeWlth i 2daYs dite dit. Sent t. <Géi. totake ber trialst esiotu. D:ojd 'd<opy dawsgaand lma. Te Whon 4 or« Town Ufftuw# plinuZ duitt. dits. ditte ditto ditt. dite. 2Cnet>' Treassrer,$8 Proseutor. Cneat>'Tresurcr, il Theasas A. Bodel J. nos&h Eait P. Mini>, hait Ceuni> Tresurer. Prommetor. !Counî>' Treaaure. Ifuoplh KM ui, a go, dutàua. Net yeê - e. seocoot et ,erVty, Dakoeut le& tbe lu&is. Paid audi#0ents County' Trs.sare Not paid b>' defsedust., ReNud tu psyarum toGoa 15 deys, Wlthdrev hl§ <taluta Noi P"td.1 Part of ine oni>' pd. iPart oui>' PSI& Iccrtify tliat the above- is a truc co4py of the Returns of Convictions made to'the Court of General Quarter Sessions et the 1ecfrti ony held in Mareh, iS590 ne 49. MADNL Ckrk P.eace, C. 0. Office of. the (.lerk of the Peace, Whitby, Mlarch 12, 1859, -- ~~*IIT1i -. ------.-.----- Tlhe §harco f'uit lt«l to Pteiooihder s <'(<lic first erlemillisnwattr alAisto ',Pe eesil; (or 7, Pet 91Ai 51<) orthIslr Annissal J'Y. msaardasî<tiioste th'. lso i tia b utas:à Age 2-s. A! i.e8" 1huas4'¶. JApc 04. E Tiso Aninuel Incse o te iaAmein.ion 4~ orcioý ri1lfq . g IK oR TIih CsRO Pl 1ipa4 OBL4Kf/ .ILIi i u/sitsi l lStock ln nov comploe, wlsicliî be> are doteusnjdto sali at greael>' ;od Onv/ iliuat J411 te Z/ , A L~ JIALIVCKond I1015 1lV.A' 0F iJt A l'I'LICATJON8 Mintlmt.elodgc. lei ti' sres or /Astesl,s AnUr fro-la'bl jyàLARGEZ As1011155f9worCIT Aprli~ilif ne., ou o bu r.iise A vial 1t119 : Itmi ANDr Necate,1linie'Fq., BI4.uk ci P'ort llope.-JanaE. ZWulsh, Hechalntc. J{OTEL ad lio~l? Ktq.cwrâ vlthiathe CoTpo- lwttlled, thât If'tiuy are wDig > ilÏi tLi iquers191 temUtllql4r At tiies laut eêtlwflcd wil b. pTcMueuteil witlîibohe aft oerïoar et <h a.By ord*t Ott ho 1 .ard, WlbIkIMorh, 180,. D2 Soi a4V'rt1s'ent ou trot p8ge. t'he scota 1avinciai -Aoouitnce Cosmpay$ t .SU'u L-1. 12I= a hanewpaW aUZ4 .<sIs4&jqof 1'oriiin. - -. CAPITAL, -s1,000.00Ã" tus, wvban l ,111 b. <end tfisait ' yedvu Ose P nomasadeeisnfl lbWmapsulmei viti talaedsr.jssa<"o dpted b>'dais. Cinpsay, a Gassa, X. ».lfmlal i-AdvÏjss,. ~ I'>scuAuas.-Nhn Anw, 1) I. Madi W~ CLOVER AND TTMOTIIY SEEJ). «W PoRaSALIE AT ie,Â1&ILeTON & ROBERTS, ]>«I& Sitrass, Yebrsss,, 1805, UftA19i; AAur «i01APLqu A 11>t Le*#. thons ToresstFr.eto fmWCsss' CAMTSPING .AND BLISTER STEEL 15115? yrmADE 7WAZ-TsýZZ,~ .~ A large stwek or la itefaiber,:aud <latta Percha trots)2 o104u mcli. TABER&POOKET LEY __~ - Flilt'li, Cat$ipbll's, Jouem,' in I olier iakers o1; xýrm , ud lOthroer acr<- E - w *- t i U j~. ~ CllsPiWIO hot, Powderg trut w ee4t&a Mtdre ana fef 4:>sis5staesPricae. O ispis Iasisa, a so§f Oj à . suo" t m ai am rte qtk0of Ur0Chei%, ernzra - onlDtu> n lgte' rm vM ettJae; lpitls,:: I o me ftne pectmesof Chna Slmon'e Dst,, eas Mîasrsprn 011EallLF AND MUEAVY hAIDWARE «a Iane rfe..lria < Nof th Adrie,,poý*>the Asame dlee4 floom tMe ~ N'scîiaaAaiirss,., - -8 in> &»*ol m ae ama prpa EDGE TO OLS, o 1-$* 'L ,s ced ta cqfr lit ai gsay-reducd 1% OuA l'A 55>11ViWtiy, Nor" 24, ¶%55 P. &.-À largquantlty M01 )21W APPLES on band, end for Sade. WA.tqTED-JOO bushele I'QTATOES;, Suol-Attis office, AND MIEIICINES, AND J.H. GERRIE'$, WH1T3Y. SIOP0FTE A PRIME ]LOT 0P HUDSON BAY IROBES. 'IIÂ3I"ILTON & ROBERIS,ý ÀN« 1 ,% iX0 PniMUi moobe MJ8. IPARSri og scxl3ATED Pure Oos,1 oiland LampB4 TUBSOJIBEIi 15MT=9ONLY AGENT IN WHITBY Fon TIE 8ALE 0F * àWe jast~ie cbated 0laMd Lampa. T»ms. moepgire ouc third More lIlt lcni lacI "y otbuCeod OnIsmpla ou., Md r.elied il» FIRST PRIZE A14D A DIPLOM, At" lb rjrst. P.sai biUo1e i n T (,4l, 0T s e *1tie àl-- epalSixs 0.ndl.., q sdbm.Ca woeth ci O00llhum 'tuteq stbrs ind g"r. * 115h1 ca *îlht du.cfo <ositUet GuusBmo. Tlh. eudll asa embu bnvaedfoom l a u p« bou r-. 8Te. clebr" uer w>T091 and Lsups 81w.>.on had0110 YLE J. GRRT OLER!G SALE AT aNd ~ kim . d a>' , io . eth lsa b", U"bm ffvl cmm nlg off STAPLE & EANOY DRY GOODSj FPuiis, uflo Robes, Crookory, Qhqaand Ohiasaree mIraG tb duit lb. lims.Savon. and a hait perar et &dtt ilt ha sIluuid on ail ous pufthasm " ton@ dol I., sale to cotiUloMdr«9* Uttsb ly# leuorder e. 'UeWAketa'e Nov Ioathe tlme ferBatgains of whU &Halpartles ln manlof GIIEÂP GOODS & VALUE FOR MHEIR NMEY should a,'sil tisealrea. Rues>esber Ciescalc ai 4 Brock Stresi, WAii5j. PAMIL? MANDUGÉNÉRAL ýGROCERIES< AINES &LIQUORS, OYSTERS &C., constanl> on hand. Brook Street, Wisltby,. 185f. LWSkPOWEL *mF tbe *asit l Mofr AiIletic à@,il vjr,~CltglizsT prie, pgo te h. ou J. ÃŽ,R &Co., PERRY'S BLOCK, 1IROCKS. Wfbs, th. Tbdo1JiL15ucbidaU wt.e slteb. elle& 1ferqudftl su d lho *ll1 dispos. of <hei 20 ýPIRCENT ILDftW THEUSA PI1E - ~~Rollans d 1OUTout(lsa -* Gîsuger Wia. Oaivet PoiWns 1rnual fflow mu %rlbaLes, c MdPog A"s4b p r o , " Omp, C mdoeti hsp l1ses.L m.ofssElsLli.,CsraTg« lsbe tl, ___Mo ud lobws CiEt u maÂLZ@ne d OOM4 f ZIIZ*Mt GS, bey Lise Sesp, Csudls19 -tsa(ca uosise tsn olgr, osesSas,à,TpB.Iu sw u aelotnÇaw n*e$j'ô M" thesu ae x'~ <r Le wT"0 Velaic £fto theUuoussd D~lttemoatfta yl.asedl = e .1<1 MesidcOiw Mf «4 du« c & w bé»M #w el i h fl cee! kwnlre 0-4A ILO. 1J%>' C atw tbeor. au4 là byti Los.air ii - tIrw tovowhlguqrâts of1&J.hW*YU-a stok IntienUO !or twnCrpletum ie satockeInothe &rpofthoewte c1 aule tdon lu tha stock beok of tse sdd oqspny, &Thit-Debotres ofthe .Corporationco --ibe lwa e<Whitby, sbha b idteStà. ametu OrS ef u aw aud d dforcy thcussa nsolhu r 8~aSd b. daWirsed te . b.idte r bs e _& 1 là lnstahsUe or,"mee Ai regalmedbyCh@ ew. tu r<ald fflwayCrmpy, uascaeWbs i. Tisa tse Peticularetue- . aoulqued, shah b. scsled virls. heCcporete ..l eth Corporation, sea il be aIuTdbyia.Ms nia Tolm otWfissy, sudn.bâ.J lnt uet Sitbch rate or<slx par oeutunucasuLUr al ohiealdudhrneut Ci. Tsi &ilDobenlure. sd ud.r <c« e aat4iossy of Ibis 1By-law, shaU b.uswsp.sIve 1>' for *1ssois»mainot, lametitan, 81O~zsa. id githr lu steslug moucy o<GrS.UttM or in aDy of thc srrinsucaor lis Prorla.saMd MMad>yabe, prinIpal sMd ""as~ .dh a thé rCua Lord 11 u e Tht for thtisa - r of Met eluhltibè Dahaistara.se ot, eCd=sud forth.ue- meut o!heclutereat-thtisetse. .hh-bc ralaed sud>lcvkd, snully, for 06 Pulied Of tWonlfyearx, frora the tc tln is By-lawba Oo, e uIterc is te Oaum o! Iltac eus tour isassded dfollarà, orrsud aberrè a oi er suiras reuired te bu rdoaedb-_od 2 Corai for aus ~ as as sn ains Ïlha bcrslu levsed a u cst- c adisel>', l ain Uiws l Il ouiscr ratesan equalapei sslrte 0o13aSd lauth. peuud ayo> lb. visle ratsable pr o f.<thse mIs t(o-rprosi mor tii.Towa «WJîlb Ts Thet1 tieayer, bdoe. absserblg for 9a9i dok, shahl tor suu i isder.lsq i litdh ilwa pas>yM0,ui, lse'cor- 1>ac l OW tlb . i- . li Leao!f1#hiby,tssttuea du "Vigil aece t seDebauîures Of hc Wd ni <y, issuesiun&lr th# suhbyor" 131i In payaienî t lois ad stock aa àud&ia tuo aunt of twise Dai= >eeso Aschh b laid octsad. exped b>' tse mU sCernaay on thst part iethtise id work. iyliigb(w Port Wisitb>' sud Lakc SaWsog, 8. Tisat; Ibis y-law cha <oui. fatoetoréé sud taseeflsc rosa mtheday ofilS.*juif p.- #log tsctf. fi Tisalfortisepu -of ras. f vlsler tle ictos Issslepsa- msenttthlé 1l4'-lavor not, lgondi Éd day, the iltiend s.l 4iay9fet=p4luýt y aO!ur Lordg5l>, out thh.sor 01f T ociok, Inuth. foresioou, te the hes>r of foie o'clck lu thse aftcmzoou, ounusai> day, at h, Pacs ereuaf <or umed, le lied fr Akl tis vtes Of tse 2Eflr o! eMsti thgreois, tluis Ii.,luth. rt 'ler the M"eliass ice tuaiit; la> ts e ntre Wsîr4 aI the "Towsi Mal; iiste Seti> Wird,ae Jas a owe'à StosicStore, WscImuaa Srass sud tislaIWilliam Meholibld b. e BetuID dme ttek. lthevotes laà,ai82North vwar sud tIsaI Siopsasu 0. Seàrean0 ta 01 cgr te tas*tiste voues l isenSsdVcskùtn % sud tIsaiT>ôssiaaHustaoonbNtsuoeq sr to <alLt-oli e ntas uhesailegiad puseesitise day of .D.2 0OT 1*0E. Tiseaboo l a -Mue grpiso!a B-lâu'w l" cf Muret, me. Red in» iae1< Mri, 69 leidasesi e for the~ It1»~ P1?ESSEI) NAILS 1I TRAOCBJ, IIALTER &TOI L CHJAIN, Aaoiu sa %zEa IlOtISE FIJINISIIINGs, 71 -1- -i jý m 1 1 'iý

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