Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Feb 1859, p. 2

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WY! £~iIws MisIaJt Moat4y .racngs. oopV , rprmiiîv K , frf 88 i ang Iiosu.the. crowd cf politîCloa iwyiîs; Of *hbni .COb.m.,wi, à l lon', P *T Al« vite inud41&E. of ifio tf.a illhôugh pelhape>iune à<l - 1 OilrBE, Kealo' most. rospotiblo, lntho wordty Aco;p ewu#i of býyvnIJ.cq apd' atBms, il oolwo i~<on of thetotu, i l Mi u bf.1i*i 4ý "qend ocl"k, , tr. B . LQWEY, ' reosel titeame, and will belplàayqdi C15frogidionlaareh,oao fIy~ 0 for Bo6lh Ontario, but for htà own soec àmed 4 p. ni. b*nti.Ouri*lond the n'm.. fi top 'Io 11kV. J. W. IYIiu In htslaudtiton of X'MoKwat, as à poil 'dock, clan. 'W. wlt l ot deny Our voprooen *t9. MIL WILLQUGliby, butleorhi. po1lIllos lhey Oro "10-1wy op 'Viltoà Peby.IaiOarb ~caIs a-Nor oould wdil sinobserve amy uvldotce K~~r1r~ ~fbOuI, ..... 4o. :09.!nanby painby Iodure en "pelilical ecci B. M iib;*f t4, WllltbyAnd ln thé Houa. of Aimembly who 4, o a4g.o Ig,#.1860t, bat h.omAide  point thaî exalta blm ahI c 1qtit ::,Mapr. 1p1-6,th<ie to hà,d cf polilicAl hiai1tt. 1 11, : 4... pr. 1 9 1869t' oelunly knoWs i U11eab lttho noqut And whmt ,thon. Ilin la 1M to jIVo hlm of @vin vory' M'odMiat& atlltty,.we hai Teners~ Ounî Prcîî~,.-.H ~ nevoi"eotable todlscovýQr. Mr. MOW1 Kiodm M ll, ma7 biàmiii lawy, 14 lik e i au, b'k Groi l olanlng Sale.-Lowes & Powell, h a e lhrv~'i~d'vr~d 8taple e Face>'Oodi. -Lowe. & Powell i as astattsman," Ob basW' sjet Rgvii n Boock m' and lr ' ',O.I ehrs prooftic0onîlaSo us. Likèý ailiitt Te Dsp.picuSeîî Fewe& o.. awyem~e owtll ocîbrace his.opportüluntt Ozygmnatod Bittrs,« te holp htapoulfl, ad we m a'y ris -eturé 4hJellces ~-la.-I. j Ma~xic,î, hat iétalunlfi, îvlatoyo' lhey.way b J'rShroanus~THI. MoMillan. 'viii b. direcltod to'fturther hi own'purpc -Wlnos, Liqucna, &o .-T. . MMilian. 8Sdi inlcad cf ur atdvancoment*kI Froali Saimon, Cod 11mb, &.-.H, Itle Iisnlty itmolf on *1h.e part 0cft (oKilan.eleclors et South Octaria to continue 1h.'6 Creoëkor'. -T. H. ?dcMflllan. suppor 't ta a Terente Iawyeri" nstcaid c Osrd.-ColvlIl & Uiilot.chcsing a rspnesentatlîo amangt lion Oad,-LeîiFirak, r selves. -Lot us oxhIbit a confidonce In con Oatrd.-Joepti Nourso, anoîher, and a reliande lupon oursel.vea Oroa Weter Inuvace cd rus Cl~ Ial whlle thore la a màn amengal us capg -.8, Searbis bof etrpreucanling un iieIll acdfalltilly (lar-J.C, ancok.we wiii net sclect a sîranger te rule oe o Pho nixnua-ance Co.-O. Lynde. 8pocial' Ntice.-Dalîey's Pain Ezinacior Pli ' Dy mad Wtg.-W. A. Balobelar, 'Th. Clurcnlclo for one dollar a yeair l'h. hast pîpen tc dvalisio lIn.-Tiîa Biail t ela onuîlarlo bav edon t 'Tho Ontari edla tnot aalà' cd te Ope.k cut adv.relyte theo daims of àile *d4msas th. mcml fittlns Reproentaîlivo for tits Rbilng. Ths 15 hot oery surpris- inThe rim.. han soldnovleneed mueh' PatliétoIasypaîhy with th. Iomilitty whioh sUPPOrts Il; idas 0yet we look, without< hOpethéough île col'unafor amy'promiote 91 dlsoenmnt or pfrarneu. of Jwlgment, à mllt continue# te obscur. tho vision of lte 2Vn#.whtoh th. dim-Ilghl cf Il& paini. otiAns witI nov4? bu abl e rdispbL W. repsat what w. fornaerly îsserted, that Il Io an insuit ti the in telilpnaOO Of South Ontario o gay Yeu mIuibaie a non.nosi. dont for yeuv reronsmnîaîîvo ln Parliamont. ýDc« l not argue Ibid w. have-not a rmac et homo capable ci- reproaontni iho Rtd. InAny onoacquaintad ih Boith On. ino, yl boar eviiceto set aorof capa.. le amn-no, tlhrd.nalers,-but mon cf tirati eiaa*îIIIY, wbtclithe. Rtdingporsmes, ard wbç woild deo rodikto letIi repriesa. go* ln tb. hll. cof paltamont. Arc th. dw(ua.f montrel111. longrosidence lnthie COeuity, WIcn efrt hbave onlibuled le ei.vat it t le eprs pose uporUucean«dex-< ai1.4 posticnt la b. dofevroii le thone cf a, otraliger ? Itlai.ne ardumolat. te ay that bicaùe w. have hboroefere been vepr.ont-1 * si : inonreldnt-.uch7 shoutd »tlti ,ânin~ue tlqbc tiI.cam. What have cour oqidant ropr osentatvos oui rdon. le #dg»», the ln terosts cf tht. constiueny ? e«V Ipenâe--Srtainly tle b. neucof ~or local uftiL 0-,^rOÙCounty! poeeu Q urou yet uknown .and ,w'devuioped,i and whch If klçl4y cultivatd,acd liberl. )y enoerag.d, lhrough lia. proini of a I~aloprsmiati., culsdvnceOntario t b lhe.fmust place tawnot 1h, woalthy ooanlimofestern OanZ:da aaad brin1 alr.igtb, 1I1nflusaice anid binefit te U Is Poo. pl .4 îoletnwould consolIdaI.and: ileit, 604 altay the jealooces and contenr, Uoeof rival logtotl., biLlo l la the poli- ~yotnon.tdecto fstor1eur diésaoans u uu the guise of suppbrting "P arîy" MÀ Mpr..talplIithrough car' paa4lonuý1- Tise Ceuoty Counsli' 40 aru altar' . t on, ~the i"r mot 'lil il. bei tale 4b. 'ftho rondr and report lhor#an. ,wé , Th.ecnuldevàliorés dtWhé repor't ln'coin ht& dlteecldcaIomI iscusuion.' -, C~ apt.gipoe.,, And sA*erAl aller, monà ~ berÎ, ccwplined of- theiinbusanosa.lîkl qr n ruc'a laodi epeddancer ln Wblch the $1 000 cOn thé Nen iTU 'tbbe ounel. No wbndO, î hey said, lb.l re- 1h. ratupayers cf the Cont>' wero avers I . oi a "l, txodforth-Ii.lipneci rd e thl.,vs. the mener ln whil 'a Mfr. Dta or , brught Up 1h. neorentpi ý4l Çmmtto*,addln ontalon' heCouli. î1cil ver't I(necamrntttec' cf lhe Whô!u optheree,, uï. 1rnba.in tthe chair, ' no -Thoropavî wus nepentesd rein tbe orsaw orè mitIe. c, an doptcd as tolows ,, 1 hâ av e y haýàvesiti. tho qoi, and ha saI h' pleâstireat l6n bet tt o, -thotooe a ppeating ean il 'ondin y o. acd tole pnis es xpvessing tb4msolvecs Waol satisllod. with thc trcahmecîtuai>- réveir nsm* the gaoler. teYour Cotnmitte, anticipallcg Ihat tho, iin Gcvercmonî Intend gtîicg Ill. subjeel cf ot phlsan diciplino Ihoîr,,essny'atlection wlth n. thf [w ta the botter lusslfleaitlcna fpri. acora whicla 'viiliun'alm l rebabijliîy change the fir constWrollen cf gpela thèo'ouu, 00 thieProvince doc ctAltahpresent dcem Iî >- prudent Id vecommocd -any altstontnla ri, lis itonual-rranigpmonî cf ltse pou, mcd ai*ores ured ta unOèt the' liunmiiale wmnts tlet tpidona, 'and fer thé praser.- Youn Cemaitlee wcuid theréoae bogIeo Scallise gtlnttom cQf lita (oujty Eragiceorl e, ho tfsc llcwucg linpnoiccts; wlich le 4the opinien of yqaur comuillue oanas muoli -requiro4 lui and about Ithe' goal.e' Firnal: tise buildintgoffa: she n etise gael yard for weod, Aîd orerUlis o ree pnîsecons le wenk uiter'* liÏtdsîoitiy ealtor, Second.:t' ice a oectolleaof a pest aven lihe out 'dear. onîraac. ltise ciain body o e iagt.- Tfhlrd: Tihe putingclown cf a ban et irans eruhoot Ihe a ili, -hero.,beingnow a MsetfneAni> an ,itîoh botWoon tlitoleof a iM and the bellom 'cf lita deor, ai Iiew. Ing froc Ingroie isnowmcd w'ter- t eurth **he sottiiîcfa kàekttîl n a brick or sten nc rh, te' b. orectedit'lisa hiegaoi yard for heatin 'vg aler, ka., 'for urne or galt. Fifths: thaemotion cf a pnvy inhise court- h!ausse yard, fouilise accesamedatian cf pari. -YôUcuCoulinittc a1ag xnur'a ho CourtIlieuse anad ailtliseoffices cenîtctei thoreWith, cansiot rofiaic <nom cxpressicg ir enoutine satlatact loi th lb.ceai ara2 1ordasly clate lut'is wicis lcyi.fcnd ai ite varIonsapanîcîautlàmid t-astthtmcl -crodit fleduoueta tho Slîaniff of tise Cunv (whd up le tise'prenantUio bas boom tueiý legal> eusîodlan ofelt 1,building> tun lb. ver'utlsfaLctryelate lhs wiciîthe bid- 'nc~ aîcw camos sesha Io usldy cf the, ?auri Obmaniltee Sutd thft t i lu the dut>' cf tho 'ounty to rolde <or-Piymnint et- vetdlàth~e Gecerai ýQuarter' stsal eto 'th Peci, mdhagte 'oel tho allectioti Youv'Ootmuiteohaving had citer thefr conuidevahion tise appoinluncoftauuihablo portin te tae charge et thé Ceunrtgeus.a wculd .hbeg le rocomtcend tt teverÏble ccutd.ratioc c'f the "Ceuicl, Mr. 7Jchn Welton, whc ha. hadýphmvg oef"thc bâild. Icg 'b>'apeictuent et the Sheniff,snce lsï ccanplehioutl mcid 1me fai as yeur Coi- 'natlee o asertetugiveai neral sâtis- payelenî ofIhofolloewlnguacoud4a 'il of *auhhorlty hbo gtven for tise paymect oet he "Mie.. Üib»on,&Yaiioldi.-$15 20 - Ç.WýVlsn . ... .. 40 .ý 'Johà i'i st ter'. ....8 7 il Oc ueiui nof 'Ur.' Bnown,secended4ly (Jlevk b. directed'ta ioifailpirisano- oeuttecaryc ndolulns, lumodiaîe. li afler theoseasien. Mvr. Wàité.brougbî'upîthi repert ci thio- cQmmitlle, mpd- on, mellen,: >boc01unaoli'1 ;ent laito'-eommîtWeofet lt he le thereoq..j 31v. Canitsael lai'the chair. ii'DbuomeoMed by Mr. Bon rondveIlat th oqunfre bi nInFOrbolied ln acradanuoorwit eh r.e' ne linfj. ci rhs oadai l fnJup aitad e , iiië athe Townshîip o Icf J.aob btctablisbodtlbt *rcad; and aoreport at tho Juaacicao.- cOarrted. y ÀilcNDX91TTg MeUNICIAvL $À=. et Mr. Tiiomption roported froaullhe special eccrnnullee an 4lt u4.jact",;The report )f pauued thzou cmnlîc, li'as adopt. b ed as lcllowN, ViTua-haig, arefutty looked cicr tho powora upon càuntý'1oûncls tlnd thal of the followitgare' hase whliýApoAr t seacpowars. theapjîblntaiinl ef, certain osfionrs,' aknong ihum are 'ovcerof e * lgh%#ayos Your conarnittcareefopiinlen ltam by*iaw suhall be pamicl, ýApponL1ng 1partie s upéruntend 1theo pcnlôiaWticc c iW li. tatuto laboar 'mil 'xpenditasre cf, com. ciutatIùmn ocoy Iheruforo uon, theCouic- 215 9niwîtew ,tcpa ng cf by.Iaws fer purpoes e oennccted w fth public mnorale -Simone IàîIoli enforcing tho due obser. vanec fthe 8abbath, prevcnlung the sale rcf intoxcaîting drinks toe îilirci and alions -yoair Oomitciîîe Arc e! opinion deupand, action on tisàoth iis Counclu.' Tihe attoiltien of the Couincîll it dlreoted te sub.soetlon q cf lii section 270 wlchý autherizestisas liuroveîîing oelc*nsing-,atid siutioriing exhibitions for litru, &c., which appen 1 'lu clasah wilh a prier provision iin oection 2509 uubsection Il conteu,2 iga liko. p wcrupon Tcwnshipa,C(iticu, 'L'wns, aaîd Incocrpcralcd village.. 274 ont borzes Iho appolntmeiîl cf In. opectura of weigtîs acd imensurus and de. tlctng his duttes. 2717,empowerà théappontmont of 'an> vIlain cfficers, one or inoro suargeons of the çaol, aind aise 'for -i1piîsiaîg Auctioneeva, and IlAwldIs anhdiedaî*s o carry, cit Iliese irov'INfiiv aà>y.law or.byýiawo euil b. neccsmy. laboriandaýutienizes lieenforciag cf 'coasu. position lnn' allouîy tiieradar, anal cîlison maltons' connoctud with ' fondsaM-111011rn.- qtîiro. action te1 hoa Isîken by thia Cocacîll.' 88,Provides for mitttons connccîcd wlt thei capreoetIhe CourtIloùse aaîdý <ladl, &Q.,and aise furnialîing- food and faîi. 'Thim section would aldc roquiras the action cf the Couiteil. 800>. Provides, for thb. appoiaîlmont cf keeper cf dite (Jouît 'Icuso a by-law fer wliich will ho.11ecessan>'.. .ffaa 1figontamcn weuld ciii>' $%Jae nl4 a coudt the. offerta ioh e'màd 1 îrcnd Ibens la cul e otatWl? lbge ô c OtnIty 1, o~~uld nO lw maltr ln pg Moe sectol~IglL Thu> ailsecougb t'O de 'i theafa ln cf lieOeCunty tabo convtnced that the) should ucîte tegotheor anhegreat oe 1 et rolalning Ihei,,rAdo ofUse CeunI>' withi he Ceunty amoal' t tbOmsies.& Gonta ,monk came bho b caone'ndti lb îieck « tee. Qouncylntevaata ad thy'cgit take a Q= ~tg, a4 dln61 G"'oqih1p 10 of atcL'Wen, tlbey 'té4 acu w i a l a l l ie r M ne i L t t é s a î e e o tboWeiofpr0qnC AIa *14tebai iifcàd he cou d flot se. why.the WhitbyRalr had llol'c4uài lati tbu considuned. - [Hon.t aquestion ofldrdor vas nal T lhe previatia question, was, moveod, 1 h.eà unôlion put, mandthe, Coucat ot.- ol kl most côiàferlablo s'tâteoretConfusien, 'on questIons'," Ilmotionup.', 'Ildebteall questiens,"" Ointe cf ordor," &0.40 ycas and nuya baslufg -calicd fer, onA voe of 12 te 6. M. Carmlcbael socoýnded by Mr. Buxrt. lotIvaiutlawegI teo lter Allothor aniend, ment (itcghtcprevieusiloatio.sllead been moyen) Ihat il wîs Iilexpedient ho ad. cpt the unounonlal. Tihwau likewiso îotec dawn- 12 te 5, acd tho original motion, ado llptighe memonial4,- àaiiecd tl, page unanlaiîeully AUTJONaa'.lS LICEi5.ÇS Mn. Bnabazon gccondsd by MO. Ratoliffa itreîiuood a by.law oi Ihis subjout whtch ,wu@ road a, finant lime aaad, the Couaicil hav. ing ,gen ne imiteCmittec of lbe wiaole thiieùun, theo saune ,Wasropcrled and adopt. cd as. advicnîisod 'eiscwhcrc in tbis lin. pression. Mr. Ratelif 'preseusit hue nr-port mnd tho Coucil vomît Ie éConaîuitttpo? tise 'viole li'es ýrcun.leo na. 'citir. - Report reperPed anal adoploit, necounneaîd- tIng PAYassenl Of variossmmlt acceunts, - itmus a 'Y, A bylmîv iamsei, autsolzaag tIse pi>'. unes's cf $1 80 p en dlens to asmbers and ton cegits pierMile tornil ngieg Leçavo 'vas gractsa'fer pn.soninàg 'tima 0f J. i Watren cof Oshawa fer a mmnior $40 te be expocaleit cm a sida raitbetweuu couiîn orsouiilatter cameit; cor.pea-eteb hpoite a like Senui.Casiosl Mn. Hairrisoô, nit b>'Mn. li O f W. B. Ynrncld le mo appointeai Remit -toc. obtii t au 10tm trcdaace Abill ticSuiiatyon for Norts Ontario. IRoferred Wl appetit ertain oflixers ut the orporation Comàlîîlee on applicaieuîs teof11c.", ofthe Couit>'of' Onîtario.e. plIveut Oui motion of Mn. HevîwtI soceniteitb>' utIowus In' bimnk t'leCosamihlee attse whlaoe. hMn.White, tisa Tare vas auhacizet Tht' bt-' "wti aopeieu, tise Cosnnltteo te eblain the opinioote asolicitors cf cueorîcoôktllsg';c-ofthlie clauses, *nndi' lie'tse Couricil, an 'te vheî iMAswarrant Cecaicti was obigeai to notUer il. Cii he silihodinectud. fotain lo et lanm, cving m9tieta fr r (oiaiM"'. Carmiçiasol n1ovet no-n liand mntaxi tpef ri bock- lie bll agmiritaC qmnmittee LCIG.11L à1 N EUYBBZ Mnr. Halioii accuacit 'lte;' Re'e cf Mn. Draper -secondeit b>'M. -Harrison, ,Oshawta witJibeing culoco, iait- qtitea 'breught the 'consideration ci thi subjocl lione cf tise moie erdeni>. 4i&qrdgr h te u ondil, aidmeovëoit uà-a peclal onineit. 'el , , ml 1teieîetniélsUg'lîue Il' eprl t as su 0 uti à adotai, 'se hto au'nd.tho Municipai4lia volsue and albili ftsndeait upen t mppeitlhinthé 'and, Dçputý y lo'us tue oictad direcil>'L b>' tfoliovlng Caunty o , fia' : ' , ' iîhoe, ,,ti1sapa pu siy1 àt Tvna IL ~~t J.Ot>T u. fZ. aISvaco n'fleî nu le im n'on- Job n W:IdaaUourî fil; çkeaIa. ,dMedliial o t 1, ihe eteva s:cucI'À M. Drk n~aiv s.dvtsou, Immin e PQU1jRTH ,DAY. " 'I~ Tie',Wmtrçin4-ook hi. d,, bo$ y'efao .' 'Salurdi,Jauuar>' 29.- 12 'çeo. Ielçale. iamilVig Mr, Thamnpson p i rpnea tsor ot f -totisa cuii' eihbermt. thec standing conimtteoon educatien Mnd' mrnisc ngave ntoli.tliaa bwoùlit 'viicis 'v aadoptoalü ffelevp, anal a by- ce to-marnow întraieabult te fixlis te lav' vswuIoddlisreeui appentb, slaicg &ne rel i se dUli c QinyëLélSpnnetn offiama wouid hAvint,'tider, thoîn cons dormitiu onho-monrc'v toktbaa te Irite abi':p.'Eq., claiïültng' îhat'i bsnboe5vid t ttillac ho tise Logisatuve ealing attention ament ht,0uiich lia w4#, legil>' eshitled te section& 204-.0o.ind-'07 uttlienew fcrsuclnle'ndin# g,leachelaI,,n thi Municipal amut'aüd pnýylng'îer Use.repeal Tovi opfet xbriitge aina loduring cf soCtlun f$04. th"e.yon 85 nl187 eeuin ia "ae wmny îu.îOÂ. ' the. Ratai'ettieee Tovcsmlps bc rcoal Làio oisy1ATIaD dteendemuon le ascortatr' h.' Jui cof Mn. Draper uccondeit b>'Mn. Iarulno tic clam soit up, anal funulisi'te tlta Gen- meesl'dtotéaitb't oo et "a bise'nlto cil atlta Jufule Statin lia veïult-O'f tioir- ttise tevormi .bsan cis of' s.I ith e'Iieshgto Uréti'î1'fus lM. prmying for a grant of lande te aid4Us. ccc' ;ýBagihmv bas neltrecciveit the ameunt le struçîtcen cf the-Port Whitby Ra>II'vmyWbisehisby-Iaw bû *.s entitlod,tbe dcfici- Mr' Foéih6m"'ohéded by M. 1a'hlefficy con bha maÏe'ed '0 1 hq ovehp ýmovei ameidmomîtlhi$-a beWssi'dulbenamel, le aditiona ta o ho ÏtfAtrequinei Insîrucehe-,to;memôimiithe %oveviment for tho iuperUtàdonoe ' the>ý'ài>holafIn for~gvpt f lpai l mi in~t'ae,.naithoe Townshipsl'for the ciiiàî~ limproedol et ri-osI>rid e, mnd umli-, As It beci omet Ates t1 ls àsesion Ceu g wnî y.-taappoint 'aumnsmr "c01 Trustees, tei 'iscpi i1 'fliit1h.vacancies ocoeidb>' lthe-e appyintoovenmetla a ekng '-tUringt Triite.. yeiroasit~eeem tjI pubi.71 it t alI rale se-mon t ferdi>e'5uie OU cnt'rmps mrss u~Jvlof~j aesesc 0oci Dn'c r C t'£4Jmi h Cniw Ptl thesitàtec - A# bôth c ru. 4ldaM etl nova' brid ndivin thi's t ýjandldutieï W) ~W1iI tis 4 curies.- ý-ace satn>' i aunetheUol aurgeon aorStanatw - $100 mcd etlbs'Ceurt;Ilocae 9eqper $250. fiiei>' igat e À tail toe x4pund tlit ice foreu. qcralrag lime, and4f athe cqlleetcrs W1l, had >ooieec, , nduço l b o f the mot. a Mr. Wileon yesitenday,, and afloer baing Y-o'e Mm in bô.n-repertaid roaiicemi*tleoftbo' *bele aonoWvo' i hqgîird veâding vspomîponel 0h1til o.vhen theé'C day.On _ MunocfW 1.theird'riadink nocollection - Mr. White and Mn, Wixannsaèd, the' na.. ILancingvw 5 cessît>' fevextendit thie 'tme-psrlionlmr- tise 'csolut 1>' às regandod the L1ovnshIp .>o' repne- Clirk'a sais senlcd, w-hero thrcugh the t~m h.' Ue slry ,i largeoitont of 1h. Tcwnsbilî, th-e.lCollec- mcd. pot- cor itan vau unable la coolleel the vhoeofJ the Tho repoi -taxes. 'ýTbo.motion ton tise third reaidiuig lc sa ver>' wu vasnegtived b> the cuatlngvofhe thtamt wopur iWardon, 1he 'pasand' pays, boing S te S hdbt 'k ll,-bnugatinby 1h. Depufy Reeve supplytng of Wlltîby, le iropo a ,s o fm"pu ge rale ancc Podiars, va.lhewn cuit cm ný alionfor T 0 00^ M ils final neadîrt. mcd.ebtalc A motion (à iMr. Tibazan le'app!ri,- tiag. aIe~ ~ ~ ~ ~rs £20uô oCnr adfroin afs chaterteUseTaos inacfBreak,' 'va t'Ogatved an a v0o f 10 W.lo'B ý_. ' Ono Mn. Fereman mocondd hy Mn. Brabason tht theýnàa àoved'thit lb.o',Wgndon b.dî-eqcosted te lhe'aiioeting; gran t et lands ln ,tha conaircieon of a cer- tain lice oft nallwayftmrai MenveSta tien,- tePrince AIbcr;e nId, dthe3nue ta Wyhb;Ootte< cituneh'. Accîbe short,'rmIlrad' disc -Mcdiel, miccene& ý-Themoles-vas doolareit the moir w leenly f5v. mmehnvoting fer h. ' w exanl a i Tii. econdrepo t' hg sta,,tling ciM- v ie a Itta n caal ad ridges wu'spment. iii<iY 0f c d b y M n ra. à d cl c n e e o ' t o â i unon d the ottoue j .arvetl mcd et' D. Gllsple, te appropriaI. Mon.ey fer t1h. lruaprcvemniut ef certaint real. T ho reperk 'cndl wua adlophod, 'vIlhotst geîcg IeI commit- Mn. Bigcl'c the eft ihte ,Mr. White.caill 'tain ,Ot Meirsm 1 tb. yas aad maya tu go III commîîîe donciîl asazti butIÏ ais nendiihant Id ltaIe'et 0 ' w : o-vil l h h Jected to 15. ' ' c noarrcga Mn.î Clàmnmicheiolmgde ancîher, aiterne IuIàûtPài't. ta have lte £0pliydferhy M. J. h Warren aslio*ed,,'ut vas haland by, on. Il' lireeetisen membori cf th.eoune i 1 Dap OnNeOuauivaNOeaRHWANTBD. 'ia i Onm tton~ - f . 'li amb ; , s econdeal 'Ctht C icou a b>- Mr. Feneman, tise, Wavdoc vas direcI- ,Mr. Mealoô ed the~ooaiz b Gôverninent'sa'genaot lng Ihatic vegistryofceo lalhdi Owolua lui North Octanteo à ' 1ux T'pa4vuy LuQUcanzLAW. A Mottafi lui'faïrr f titu. maSun pi- odwtth lhroo an fouirisniuta n. oa A mota'ion kovr snillng ' lie (louaitEnïîneus.d to0tke eimprovoi mout4rcemameddîs the. report 'eft tht landlhigce0maittaeocount>"-prepenti" Bofcnp 'the adjoencuent af the Coucdit, 'Yesîc Mn, "ls ', oàp refonrei telaa ternent ii aqutralât ycu-o reportcfotho, precooding si ione cf tise P a-.un.1 I o r s (Ot h e T i m e f h yidc s ag#e i c u i c f l s i a eth le port 1o thUe standing cqpmltce onHair Excellon*i resada;d aid ldge ý ho Ms madesy. iroapectet Go »Thal MndFaioeol had'aeIullly bribelo n dd h. c mienrCéilsSevtAndl was iui, A. J. Brcwc,"vltlfît m ofet$'.1,O,' ln or,.vwhich 'lieeg der lgt~rr.a qs~ te dirt. the cnàvd cf'élt lice of' remo " ' 'giot4!hair Hedial not etnomber maktcg use cfi' ner bàfeù Ibat language, If bédialdcriit the bout cf net gel in. -anguntect hi vas uery -mory for 1.-1.are ail:'lbaI didne ' îdt e amytipt Mr.' lanévoàli nearin'al lOm hd'bntd.c i auud an n t vaob>' th6 tcoi »Siho(Mn eimnlon),)hmd, ' utiito hel. Us. ncns" et . 'ens cutlie report' wus put' Ictd "bis 'hungeaus, hmcd.: Iâ'iopeii ' ikust ho wvong, fer e 1uag na lth v*uqulte sure tisat hoà"c'ier uaaènttled -câhairë li g i he Dama. e thle .Qpmisaionos,,.-at -aIL lumirnls, 'f le occlitnbt*àj iy'iétliér t sero coclit docbtible ý'ES h&viebeetsaOg' bh6tit -ln oae'vtëéff6i 'týIv~oie fuumohl6i ht.ci but li tisa rathern miegulawt tI l 'a'leck Nia I . dqbitôt 1'l , comuültie. 'tis"with 'an îi ocf'$ pan. as- acm b#lgi ah one i auld-le lieu oet ail ucit -avabkllAsia t he osxt )n cf, Mr.. Lynde ha wumî'nolvbd, ces cf tho' ssboenmat ni i t m cfCaursciibe iaîsonrtud on the' m cf.Dr. Gaanm uecended h y Mn. M Usn Rve Medocelf aimad MevA Appein ted à, 6oipmîîîeo Ate ao ssesumoaît mct,' -aid r'opôit 1a 'litsl viss yanrly tIcoano vwu a Col oxmteçi $omn ay.1 )n et Mn. Drapeér soconalpthy>'à a oeipacli ccsmmitto conutiing u Rowîe, Wtsona, B le Mile. îe'unover 'sappo mle t tcon- iRait'my Dlrecta-s, and' to ml lcmkts'er thebonsuîruciuofat f h. NOTICES. , - Ir-cfa molteiao n t l ffèaI ho :s yor louse-the ousair &nit )nald--f a"bfv'r the gecal ti Corporation. 4a wîraOU8Mne. TrnPeb. 'i 1a 9. Vda: ma- c , a ld an g t e lie P ro îl i o e t m cl e î o sIvI ho the gractia. Thon tise>' tik oethle cxi '>pnset f itting up tOmpanary public build- ings A t Q u b e , b u t l s oul v c b u ho le mik a lit stOtaiwa, rne hait toe Salle te lia grouci, ton tic tampenar>' bulkicg aI 01-. tavr 'vp ld cf cours, to. vestjned se sob à as- the permanent echicosv e urovady. Tho 'neut by la-une r % nnc oireing cmtil. Tse nost"-nct arriveal. Ko-evcnt Ibatw, vonaombor olebraled soe aI>nud se ea1 sali>' U t1so 10th, inifrra îtrIla or poor u'nn'i', 'Th o negi unasmet tambs litetiroca nc~ loua>'yt thero %vaas ne p mtnasicc lthecgh vo have aj of grotia's scnoasnd lving &di biu liard et Ayr amongel us.( finkacctior poat hanrs aai tge' Ovro fauot Sun tlsotl Uýwre blute W jcaIe, Aiai dyne Ibis gva, 10 thoron banal fa, Whu nseteleuu;sîaai' Theu wev kiy 1it But wth a feston-tee' ia theve ai'% CU olilana to il lie litre pacse--ond, ïh 10la poantanhabia ' ' aic uib tg luansi i Aus11 keenlv fait tset K u cw , p r e n Thse Beçatty. Mai Insam Inter,1 i. I t" '""j usii an>' Otie wardlthc pr ver, ache uta) calSasincero' duoive fer imprewson 1 coleinporànj show cicanhi toIthe Perim cru Rich, a The -Pa pThé opuni~ Lo.wer Ieui mian Iliveat ccritastous., ou(4il'4bie thlo Utub9 o o Wc ri Tenatureofet tisebusinesm befane th CeunI>' Coucu the paitsession, wus tor tunatlc>ofet he mgàrouinemeaarht- Wqusmy tovlunmlcly, bocauso theo r eâa ion te appreheasid, tiaI' vro hhea'c quosutleni ln Ihomiaelies lutnicalo, or et auffictccllîn pertance toa>aelpuibliicsten t hi Coâult>'Colicou wmoulcl huve beous lik-ly-tc havû got tileantinUxnýcab1Q quacdmry. At il vas, more, contusion muind dîsarcler pro valicit tian w'be ioboin male eqbserve a> an>' 1inen uuelung cf the Juuty Coîtictl, Tbis, aras. nol frai' tise' tart tisaI about hal( thiannhenaofttheoCouncoti 're "aie iandu," fer sceu' ethmie "aiew bande" ve eut mucibenu of' fornicoiàccilm--neor dlii l Briso frein auîy l1ck, et 'Iteligraco ainomgs't' lseneîv uèishens, but siunpi3' tram a vull triogioct ors tho patrt oi mou- beu'a ta becosco aéaiitcci 'iha hbo uloi et lb. Cotincit. Wheonaeoncoine ,forwmvd and' souklte accilpy' a public posslôn, lime> sheult %t Icasl, liayoe sequulicaticai et filnesi a onoemdià 'tiom. ll sncs Sîny for -a ununîdipa Ou îcilrtî c' soematblng oft tie municipal lavs, aind t'he nules vwie gevevai municipal bodies, as it 4, Woràa 'ateh'makar' le un4oraiid'bts trades. In bicases an ccurate kniew- 'ld5. 't lie "orkà; n>md iereisanlsm, le iuacossar> ' roder te an ordeul>', harmàasl- oui, 'vrktcg'o(ltli. siel Iftuesiusaaivailroa&db y la , raan d gem- ývel"road aitiese, btiad co te up a m1i 'messien 'eft lb. euau'cit i:1 dgeéibie tg gea>' isa ci 'von tiq" ccrld be disposedOf, b>' lhe, mmbespre6on t, secepoIy vas 1h. bcd>' dtîcnginlod; îtarortgh tý a nemn cecquaimlancof e'àembem viîtis sr du. seniiors te go bsforo'ILhccm; ddumbr vie' 'vere pîqned at tishe vre, Ç.rrMessdis- pimyod b>' tiseiu'Juniors, in5 of ,ilslin ihow, <allovea cithen o 'OpUCzfrethelys&v liiere vrai 50 litleobualn.as bofa'v lie cnic il î'tisIne his ncoulai resultte tli publice the businos as lnusiseçi up ors $alca-dmy maiter fivo,&iys sessicn. W. brust Ibat nov uacîbersuvlll profit b>' lidtie" daéyu'schoicg, mcd sslIe"Icorne de'vn la ho neet esien, hiviai ludicit h.îtmnr prepaneal ta ,take' hm plaesa ib the Qecacil boaraL àlaygroa Ceourts, letuur fau e . haîl gve a report 'ci lie caneus tineal eforeHis Woa-sip tbé. Mayas, roguiarly, iai5açii Impreuteon. BAE âNv. Càozàva.,,-Dreck, #huai dnellar. BÂA irUaa. VWCÀU.WXmz,-AneaUll, 5ceal Awiv dollaru andl coua.' 101h .aadeitdlbqnWa out$ > 1a Dmacx- -claSb.lsei 1

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