Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Feb 1859, p. 1

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WQaM*0FIQE AT.TUIE S-- COURT I EOUN NAM PERY ST i *% A WTIfflE ON H 02S, *1. J. fiAODORELL, Q E AO.03, OFIC-AT ÇL • JOEN T. HEAN,00 dus O F T011ONTYQTT AND AtDAEN, RUIDN0E, ATUELEY W, PAXTOF, Jr,5 flENT~KhUR~,~e AgUR. 01FI0E AT THE COUET roim0Hi. . a et Fsrnitare abedulloi - 1,. . MACD>ONamLFu u5 CLERI0 O QIE COUNTY RAIgåROAD MOTEL, - JOHN SIBR, ' 1 Elmi """• EîET NG~*IN8 OF7f0E AT THE eKaaHoe 'mZio attntv 0. - 1. PAIRDANKO, , o• flKIlmTDlVIsîo0N 0URT, OFFICE J. W. CALDWULL ROWF, ~/stuCourt lionn - i1 O0 EYANER 0O0M$ION0 FO a on CourtAad Gmneta Agoni, VUbidle 0f-. jKing Siroot, osîy> oppcota h dol N,. I.-Ail business sairusted te his cae wîllI W. H. TBRAYNEbe proaoptly attnadd to, a, T>AibRIS8T ER AN» 0011NTY 0ROWN G W J)to±' Olo----In Arnan'. Now Brick m. 7EACiE I XSIO, TH1E az.S.cj,-uonid-Foor. 1o hrong'%assadiual indsmf 'MBEsIS, WILSOYi s, DILLINUS, ~ UrtngIntrnuents aepunrto go RIoRs n o his r< ealceive a few more iasitier <les-over Iiinltoni & ffbe bobrt . W lon, Whitby ; W. H. Bing. hw. s , CAMEIRONÇ &MA1ON lL, ARR TE ATTORNERYS A A, - "Uftio st tho (ourt lionso-4outh ing,. GEORGB H. DAILTN EL, J. V. HAM, B AIIIIIT-E^*'LAW ""'I0-D"*W0 Street, Whitby,. W. i - . D. PAIR Es, 8"J bOAi EL^" ".* ho. r e A e 00~ONVYANING SToRN AT LAW tltiITOR IN kOhanoory, 00nîvoyanceur, &o,, Main Street amraî. ÂNl)HOEKÂKA BROIIc good syie, and in a workmanlIko manner. 8 RUTRERIFORD & SAUYNDERS, (lAT5 1. stonuai,) bono. so.n, W es: EAgT WINDSOR HIOUSE, WHITET, vu, eàAjsa, rao'mwn. . ucooda ons Tora 'rlos ta iqd slabiing and atentive otiers, as PAIRMERS' MOTEL, aixian oouoxeex,, sure, JCIHN NELL, ropito. N. G4.IZANs J/A0IIONABLE IIAIEOUTTING AND WhiIby, s ? '08 EIile I opposite the Rgistry (ollio, Brok i o ta the tiuie, will uways b. DAIL1Y STAGE. " EPUT t leT R STE EXTRd r i lis OosntyoYfntrio lock,t, Jîltby, 7 t 015551t A eoerto bo Morun g ad Even4tg Trains e (ln J0O1N MoNiA, CENTRE HOTEL, JAMES HUTIBARD oni ARISTER A TToltNEY, &c. ()flc.... SillnoN s ' rn a a w a rî ay, NovemberSard1,îgo m ona of dhro nd0ourtStreet., (oppo TISSE VAN SYLKE, PROPRIETOR. Tiie lPion lths b t nd,) T.ora to, EF suabsoribr bas :csyc m ed usession ofrLM O A E wii Oc WILLIAM POWSON, lnform i atronsand pnbi'o. thsat noilin a. CI...AIZ OHE ' JN the su COEhYANUIER, &~c.,.fs., MAN(JHESTERI, ben setadn, lai ncibu ie bs b. enui e aaai 0 spip Da uin FrING i.g i b WILLIA M T EMPsT, M. D. iiit p rious charaieteor befbre the publie s por arso4 Ohnyas d A RYT 0 S UGEONU W A000UCH aenR oî pb TR i oRRA. O DAR POt.toTi.S n E! i e, noV.usin' 17k Pickte' bile PR0PIn9 1 <PgOii? TRI d S aLL . Pos at ~ Ch scbe SLTYH C E , .D, JCn t oE, penjheOd - . N0 A N M. U Daes Port Perry Dee.185____ ,AR ST RONG' n D,&.ARN ON, OUana Wa, re Tied E RAJ hviiib k1 . OE,1'gk INTPlERAIONA Til pio all ptiisipun ofs, i Orial. . "" CO O ERlswfb't ra in Ai IE J ARETWNG . . FRUS, sD.4bl 'Xo ! n or4hibi1h .:a Y J.AN S.UROESN, A00U0ER, RupoATO At IOAE MO C R O N , hoe p is1 m iiW h s In s J Agi, .y.NAIEER A RILANDepoR O.veLAR , a Idork wvjqu uqr on h~-es Sae OtVRY EANGN R AÇ)01SpigumtrliLt Jn1895 Aoe lcrn i N r ajn'lr uieq a m dtiaNvi 4 o iOiJkc a he * F R L A N I E R . C L R K , ~ D58 sud how ~ , ' i ' K is i5. isn ~ orie Ea toRAtieAzpsna, ----- îns5,~ i wmbe ncas by na G H~ O ST x3 ; O O NT ~ o TÂ Tis rees ved u a e . ao f dond (Au ersn ,r thef of b m ov o wi it y i _A R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _O 5.UG Ho e À o . î - o fb malnd g55115s i attend-. TuE ROSBIF JLQUggE Couuua or rons ADn sueoa eras, unoxuv, CJOILIN, P8U0IETO TRIS ~~~ ~asslno aanom " eta ?iorel manyL'otse estbisa *ment un tie Âerloaai Continent, as wo QUINNPS' MOTEL, LOWBi! TQN QIIBEC.0, "'iIAV"TÇDVISITORIS to he An-. om toddion aoat rste harnd au l.aboi he~ hoe ve on ietiy sitnatoad busisna ofihe y, evd rs IObery abst1aspon to thaeir comafot ana suuhe sam-a ey toiboraa directon roosi annery >'Odlîspnui o reoitsueel>' HA N Ai NN. e GO1.0BE MOTEL, BRO0KLIN. 50 auanisx SAos Tu ina OLS no0vas AOAmN I b. coisdted a tanr>vltie sh bo a îroto m priet>ao igr oi lis omîfort anda eonveun. or asures is pnan h.ile eve mt~îa!iCâ roadi a. prnrtn i tanu teum them Gloe eol, andathblih bi ii sas ebypoen ote giv om suech a re- u n p u ii u a v . y e t o uro u tsi > ' - r e , w~ant. villes left îatlaesidelnusb unlla Wh cy ile; wihnouu atq , tou A. Wha oa mor Os nI ais I ea 'tni 't *4 Anget iI, 1888, - -RNES .TOIINSONe, P'tohmakoer nd- 50.W.l BES O' RMO THE TIHABITA f iIty pdmiiuaîa ountr by M Uilis ud iopis p 0ro Wate08, OIo0kS & 3eW ecoivo a chin, if publia pAtronage,. valI auectted Stock of Jewoiîry on issu HEA.P FOR CASH 'rUPAîltS ATTENDED TO,. itby, Nov. 8,1858. TLIE LUCELNOW MOUTIE i LTIEerou bog cP is LO0THZNMG 8 T 01 E se stand latel accu le by' Wm. A. Xci buo h sd tie ais d hs Iorm pnu.t all atandoda te, an hois Montiî Puisilon. regnab>y re'ce M. O'DRISCOL iawu, April, 1858. scoTT'S SALO0N. lE SUBJSORIER PtAS FITTED UP T1 et liaolycoon led by' Mu. Biurl t td up are nov å l s oo ' nrap cfo a kisd l uo 'ml"'a d 's o promanred attissusîlîry eons L.A GE R 81IE R, "it cf' ii'"îcisp'roae lu' -easonr nleou al aI lou Disupers andluap sio ,ara P aos,'i al n mo, i Propriet >wîo Withy the a n boali nede Werlm oncom ro willat rae i ost aarctnal anda prop altonisan. ParI hut lb. uisnt -laving Esai Ematt nnait ther ownî iîieet.S> lase baorîtaor lsisekiuieand knowiedg, UTCTION SALES WEEKLy, su beupiletotl.,a ote ,a 1,Allasotîore, iagbone ns bLi. pusncîna> yitiendedl le,. by, Nov.8,ic 186 sWhtb' C, V SM, TAGE EN'WHTY 'AND LTNDBAI D 3aaas, AVETON, ENiGUB ian travel thrnosòagim n hcr plae ols samsilay mIrth rOandaî ana Eanetn an tee. RATY UEORGE MEoU1LL SUBSOLIE T 0TH L15 . ' Jeave h fl ow 10 aYult d pas t 10t be com m mn ed, th o h Ir He len in~ e red m it e sso f A ntony g IJ 4i throug lbth g .!- pao u 1 , ha , bsaw 1n 11hgt Lit i ta ,e mple, noblr w tha ie lati to th I, 90pu e1 0l maos$ ; but w lhon lb the l a , kIg a imailar pause as, the t e four h I m b up b ai r, foighe ik- SU i i u a î sa von vil d oa aaor vit, lat m om et isame, so did sh . sud so sul. No sooner was ler backi turn cd, thans th1 ho nsis cap h er i g a4 ero-1 Tiletn tinetwnshe byt fi urn, dnl, that no· on. kuow how s got courtiern began to tear her person and .no ans.anL objt'euher b." Lor negl sai thri. Shei was habitedo a a Greegue,-- ppey> to piecs-the Queen clljn oi beaiil But though hte' her, bh ornamented withi pearla and a sup 111k onas posessued, for papor to bui uîelcsaopRejàn rb aigrette, Tiie fgurei passed slw der lher nos, bt drive away tle vapor. 0a ciai; ~ r,-cep RowaIsam od on vard-etopped for an instant directy asind b>7.thh gum e. with wih lbh ig bru 8rne d y my; ai ~NTS + oposite, the Qucon, as if to gratify' er mummy> was~ fîied- d4lared her~ i j> o rightbo ; lir -ydnjey' host ai eurosit, ook tip o. f ler with a malii- aportab l q n y-esa dirb n to l ; h r r sys h a hd Tihe 'n ha sta a d Q ee naus asmilo, andl vanihod. She had saar s- '!on the if of Herod or th. daughter of pil atul ofa thf -puslphur,a --eth'u~IJ 1y disappesred when lie PAjeity claim- Ledaa..uhooked ai bet Dlana drapr,1 t oohie loat s. o uceed e i y Psox a u D ooro s' t up u ah o M ax o ras, d : " W h at I th at th es fair H1 ld n i I d on ' l exh ib it th ei il ala n leg l in i th e rl orc in g at n b.w a o rdere pique myslf on biauty, but may I die if I an Proteased that a thiker uld hau wrnind t aon theasid dtbi Cl[rom Black voes's M gaine..I would change fisc. ith he l i" m u och b ttar become her.' în*war n n ît l isofh n 4,'e' SEliabetha was a ondoruhl prncus for remarked-the enchantr ; " and yet there .have thought, they' wereforcd o join in Good Farming at thi omleaing manilooceandgra- he , s shi vwas in br best days." heue iarissiW,rwhich the kasll Eytain -Wlc * vlder o sol.ng mAllone, shd wria. "She lis, hioveyer, ver' fao 11y0,n exoited in peinu»aseerty,; When Western Nov Yos as entou asAl as ca ebuty-Joas observed Essex, "Such a ooiked nosi 1" said the Queen. vereldatîsttledl, the plounsor S it nin roi adîaypold ball.t Iloweer "Yes," said Sydney>, "lithey are large, "Such lnmpertinent cyel"seîd Euse, several toiiomeyears ils felli hanbedhrefe.aaltshat they oday hoer faedradbilliat; but, after all, what do Sydntey, in addition to boreo defecti, anud i nubbing OUI thie st ' ha pircedeve to he epth ofGermny hey sayIdded he, oofting himsef, fouind oui that she had too muise i sto a ithycol really iommennoefl ladne preuEchn tor Faustps sef Gorn', "Nothing"rpidth aoie anal too little back. .fnot sofnow, insmanyof theSî er court. Thsat gret nagician wishd to The. Quen, whoa was this day extraa. " Say of her as you please," returned West; i te broad pralls dot uÛ ascertain by Is own wits, whether Eliza- ganly> rouged, asked if they did not thik Faustu, "gne he is, however, who ld thrlia hgoeeema sto. bh agftdwhgodqatiesa elen's tnt toi OMna-,oUé. the Master of the World in chains. But hanrsaedte express!y' dcil- she wa witt bad. Ngond qouldtcudge " hina 1" orled the Earl i "Doen rathser." umadama," addcd he,.turr.iag to tho Queen, eineof the farmer; they' lved this for him so wll as himsîl, who rad " Porhap," continued tse Queen, it was as theso farfamead foreign beauties are notlt invite bthe plow sd the. . stars lke iis AD , and vwhom Satan thc fasion of hor time ; ut you must your tate, viay go beyond your own king- reapng aichins te come . 9. byed like. his dog-yut wihal, who wa confes that suolh turnd-in tos ould dom ? Englana, viaoh hua always pro- temsolves.. It ls per1iaps sai not above a thousand pleaant ricks, bthat have ben endured in ne other wom.-- duced th. models of female perfotions seay that tho farmor on breakir IE mado peoplo laugh, anal hurt ne on. :such I don't disliko her style of dress hoever, vo no v ovn ai tIs moment p oucive- f la di h s rairie, fin ethfrinstano, a turning an old lord itoa ' and probably I may' bring itaroundl again, wfll furnish an ob>jot perhaps vrthy' of muser asal plasanter tissan i eoldI lad', to elope with hIe cookmaid-ox- in place of hoau troublesome hoops, whichi your attution ia tha air Rosamond." most-of the oldl farms ai the ch ianigng a handsome wifo for an ugî> on , hae their inconvenien cas. N ew Fau tus had heard- tat the Queen when to taie le added the inr Sy o' " O, as to the dross," himed in ~ thfanoidhersolfto resembie th. FaIr RoM ies fon getting all>indas of pro da i. h Quaetn, harmoad iths lbe prety' laoio--t it ps; it s1el venough, mond; and no soonr was tie name musn- kt, 1t 1s not to bu ondee , hings w '1loh he eard of Im, wished vlo is s m ore th an oan le said f r the on o ! t isan he as a it im patience to s e. m any young f am urs loa e " d m uchl to s ee him , an al from the m om ent w arer. " her, - cur >' year , 1 bt > lrIt e ir fort un -lt" ,h d' co°me qit'e'"td n o" '°""w nSidney hoartily' " oh°r°'a"°t'eot"", ratis ;m"a for°"""'~~' ol~~~o or s this ide, h u found her b tter t an h . had Joined, rhapsody ng .- tienceo b o' d th oo, prafi ;" f r ie tia ay ulure > of th ex o t d n t i stat le p rce vved h u " O Paris, fatal was lie h ~ur, ac ording le tradition, the air Rosam oand fd arîn; aS s ai tov n o 9 s i'V te thouglhta taat da! 1oo much of br vi, When, vltumon tiseblind god's power, d-oremba-otoyuMa.y 'fr""orow )•vto t hough shhe had s tolerable cshar e of It ; W tinya our native walk you bore though 6fcour c, in an infhrlor styl ue o r s ai uns a n ia proyo ' a d ti l m r o f h r b a y w hT h a îflrab ra n d fro m a fo r î ts s isu e î "L et U s Ju d ; e b t s î u l e, •c l l e r u t e s u , ao m anfn a fo suhd rahr moesofh, lnt' ofwicah sI Who-ah1, soilittle worths thse stifel-. Queena hastil' "bai uso Judga, repliel bh y famytugns t IoIned t Onla ratha bsa, . -Was fi tfon noting, but a Wiih." h ape 7s 8f S omeIuqieîo o .i the moetnyanymans.' Hòrmeuahcbit Ona.rday bsaendo° ,i gIreaa'uiaSd'u'e'n>' -1e 'ov,",raid bur 1d'sy, 'oeobce',o"hetomsutoy thait'm"i,"ave la, atona'sa ore isr- ug lsomde u apasdr, lhe reie ad intoaer tlsiss ialtier for anyhing heu deoscription, bshea is wouth lt,' i an d thea morlie lhurogl cabiet isaeors, chf thed oere on aIse Sydney I My' Lord Easez ho, tik order bien giron andl somo httte donj'his not e sp ten anl time *ut pla saet ar the dclos. fte aIsomn' gad u t" ion mad, a Rosmondl va ni> rs bot for iib shelead bfor b>it?' centfr elf all.mon,s n heo m, padl "s>ouKjs doue," neturnid be; distalco omei London, ahe"mosdou hor.t rihavl e nt y and byAtth o iselfe Usr ell leeae bith heu re- su îuou meanin n thatleyc. peanancein a second Even alti a ot augh lthsgroing Atd the 0f se na v r> dl y ,e a ed tl la tf ra "'An a a m sa te C nutise>' said tbo her bby m s mu o l ov e beat i aci ao g to b oh h uae r lu a ers oog s si o i r nuîe, ana h ou fr 1 i v b oing o o bai d tie Q ue su d e r~ to n o he co m pati ' y a a ali cte> adiraion et c ld ing cr - lel e l i e ~a atude b exoebrhms l a own the bautiful lut hoepeless Mariamnu, to1 sîgi ana ioo, usbldobu irstrlued other buw aa ildg fo nd shetri es iiaetd, li er greal chair. Il vas The enchanter d1d nol vaut to be twic gn ro a nt d ks ehbit ec theh'ig ap. - cartesa low s tand al kinds o e th us t ie E n oh a n te r F a u stu s fou n dl h o .- a sk ed î b u t 4 etc s e o te b u s lia p b a tio n l e x ouh e t ie o f H n rl y . 1 f hN t b lo al ia t i e1 l ;u î d o k H . va s t ie m os t a d ro It c o ur t o r th a t y 0 uouc i s v i de s a o vc h o o s e alt o î n v k e t h e dth -in c ld o xe e dla t h es i gnp lI l î f aisr ea t o g h >' s e n ta l ge o qd w hi j o u ld fi hn d , th o u g h y e n s e a rc h e d th e w o rld lia nlia s w h o h a dn o r s h sp e -hd na o na l r d re ss a n db b y ep o i r th 4 -t m p i l îe o r e n b l t e ' to i nl is e >'rg d y , o v e r. Po ur th o u g ha th e re a n c g o o d r es o n a s e f air - am g a n n Il v a none dw a @ oo t esplor , e n d s w s t 'o fo - a si e n;t th ie I h u i e . ' l 'vi a> s ounrticr nma>' not le i cornjuror, cerumony>, bhat, turnitn' four times. th l s potre tiW-acs lon er ila bfoe th emraln s ag inO? p ofbob aa S nmm er It oi a- knourllur th Qu', obl ia osas - an only once to tise north, hm. utterel, Queen hasd gtuon, she turnedl es solablle pris the ado Iamou fproduo~. sagia;îeu-t's feare no te ler sIpa wl groal susvbty, lia Hebuow-. towards Sydlnoy,îookîngd isba hiith as ex. rsoflnta o on r- o fne an opportunity of paylig hlg court. Thou i iso a is neopo ltsr.v pr s si smhî B ut v a e e,- ms g L at 'n oast 'W ài a D A I mo so osn £wmt s, 'Ie vas wonder atstis, thund~ue sru, at Rogel spiritîl leave t)s ' y n ho h asgn," yLrssibnsvrniTh.codnrlf such a blasc of perfetion, Elisabeh Loi lihe plendorcjs à c p1yte Queen, "'what # pretty creatuie 'i 'of Donnis, Capt, Nickraoi, vwas knsw ho, to apitreolate the tuomntn of likon roba anddamed 4stone, noer 'saw antisige se harsming l ny> tho 20th1 f Docember fEBohmu urpre. se drew s magsnifcent uby> Snoch as,~ on thy brdai day, , -life, What dignity' without~ aofathion î leavy' se, andl apt N, weshed c from hon lage, w iaich the Dootor wihout -Fiashedl fr-osn prend Judh's throe.n -F Iat billliancy W lthout artlfoeî'.- and it 'T he:m~ate M u, Cha u; and a sot -makingdifflulties about1it rew on is., Searoely' bad he concludd,-vhen the nssid that I ecoble her, My Lôurd of Olork vent te his asistando, lui "You An me then, pssable fo spose of Herod made 'lai appearnce, Essez vhat tahik youT' -I vuld' give ale to sarel Meantimo lie schoi Queeno s ad h , smlbing. On liis, e- and gravely' advranicu tnto the centre~ o ebe i steed i n s m stblo tisai rosa had md aw y> o thsat tho boat wus wshed himself atth lisl.1 (bie old 1et he gallery, where she halted, ai her pre- menan ugly bilû to heu., But ha said, overtake thetnl 'Ohasôind Ola r, ing-plac,) If, not aona hat he had over docessor had don, .8he vasmobied nesrly ", Yorms$ a u omk h ors ntoba lody ihu sen, bt If anybody etc. had' mver seen, ik e l.iigh prbiet - of- th Jes, exceti of th.O llery i e green obe anal pun. water, but :vre 'fnally' ueeiod olthr qeenor u ac toequl hr, hat instead ef liad Tlar, avallduscendtng os potfooost, anal if our magoîish iamself barque Halordo, for Havant a ei"th q usuo lon repled sh1', f'oua the oiowni ef the. head, and slightly vould nuot mstako y'ou form hem, eeount 'me Jand. Thore vire only' three be ."Olh eauts> fonf antill re , attachedw to hs inotunro fel! fer hInda tic graa--forthorndm. littl of. navigabon, lefI lon--' wecsould soon 'eus cfa at4> fatrer f'l, heu.' Those grcful'eand fowing draperles Durling all his Battery -wihiai whia heschoonrsi but shes wason tise-Ira 're si"ellae c ia .ilru >ou tharev ovor the, whol. figure of the lovesly Ivoite chasrmod thae.ars of the Qummn, the mereum visbutbut[ttlefhar are 1" ~Hcbrew aniair of indlescribsbie dignity*.. PioetSydney penebl bra haud, vas sketchbi; Tmhoe'a CMkI was from sPhil " I<ar u r oo" rournoa the Dootor. Aler having stopped fer several muinutos, thse lIsion of the Fair WNoiaond, n bond ta Bt. Kiltsîwith caoe.w theIfyo Mar es. sblf, >lpeak, and sooets cay~v ahorgha pon w e> 11c andsi hon shomludad it shosuldl Wæ 4he> airaclieue, -ltuaifyacrot hc ht viat n tsi ahg s that pot.l think ana vbu e usheiOuto a ol apgot-.ne apaeotetb Faustusbua toesn I reusedo herb perforto "s y oor qot sshad vIdappsu.,5is*poI whlwah atn for sh theub inîgz..., 1> r usa.oÏed u a-~' men whle oent piforteilok b hl si rin, rbenan neva atuher kopi grs istaIe.i" il read ngItey lie bbeae onuther wMIuhe; anud loiea re aknteasephd .4uo~ i aige',ilaa',eéaebyntt dri I so m lvonab tio litoeaa Aoe thgisîa loer nesaruly sonas sa. Ibruwn masa>. t....... .. la ll .S CeP> b t ohey nete.donhw:f.."> r t I rk su hr: fa as aut 'g de; va *uwwwi'g s 51et lounid!sone, and knev tise I Ti a 0 fr thse lieavenly me ssei br ouig ht b y' 0hild of the wsandering sea,t GOae<omMhr lepf$rte ' i Srqtm thsy dea4 lp.s ulearr nhtee bor~a c Th a n i r T riin b lwSQ m wrahe d h rnai Whlie ont naine car it riigs, T1 ' the deep enyes<e hhouhtrI hear a ooe thsat singes: B aU i swi on l1 IF, iO e'dtb

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