Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1859, p. 2

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icu in i iL 'Tri "'gm'i oie iLl U5L 0 ýo tee prodiuetcô o f i w6oenlt And no vi tal ln ià ýf h. mqenom for good or foir ba He~, cor &clous «f the geodeess of hi& undertakini frothoc*' <ehour Ami day te 4ayt, amiai hQSmr 6ngmiiimn f a fepublie r.attireav pllditfrommifi and hi, pon ln thécompli te *%lmeàzmetf the good oftbtajofhi 1nluùrtuýarâd ibilt; but ohlldrea >Y;#un borna elwltnoàa more thaan>' cf thi prééettgneationi. For the complotes Ù eatisîaotory sys tom of cor Jury Laws, we are l idebt, md tte this ominount man. Othersma have beon coniultd-othorte msy have centrlljutod thoir. mite at logilation- but, ho It wui wliosyiitomatized' théo taws; and roduood thom ta ashape aliko cansistent With harmonir ani reai usefuineise. NMare tiien this: ho hîmneoi framed înAny pravi. siôai afin ontlroly now and expérimental character; nooessauy ta the workluàg'of the law, miomt If lot &Il of which havo beer fouud ta give uhiverdai satisfaction. Great As was the labar lie bôoetaWod an the Muniai. pal-Laws, searco tons groat was the labor hoe bes.towed an this brandi of the laws, And second only. ta théo Municipal LawN standsi the rosuit, as a laut monument of li ndustry And, wisdom, lied ?Mr.- 3ald- wifi nover ,douie mon, tlîan eneet aur Muni- olpal and Juryý Lawe, lie wauld have doue oneugh to îàand downhlmi memary ta the~ lastliig respect of théii.lhabitants of tiîis; Prdv4nco. Noighiborlng pravinces are'q adoptlng thoue anîd theoater alniost In- tact, as an cmbodiment af wisdom uniteci wlth practical usefulnoe, é qually uoied1 for gtmplity and, coniploenose af detail,' nuot ta bc. bond elgewherc. 1 But his eolliin dld not rost with the * praductipni of thoé unialpai and Jury - Lawg. The saineifar.sucîug immd, the saine utirlig industry, may bo traccd ini - tho niotmsuet wilch coîîeîitutod tia Court ai Commn Pluias for lJppor tiîada-ro. tnodclied the, costitution of tho Cjouit ci' Ohanoory, and made, perfect tho constitu. hiouts h'ie Court of E'rror and Appeal, For ail thooo, andnorâ foo, whicli space will lliot permit ta menltion, wo are taoi groat Pxtent inubtod ta the docoabled. Iii tu prtioîî ut thoieHe mureg lie ivat assiiltud by Mr. Bllake, the prosont Chan. PUSUI U 'io pr t)arlauIn.>mutVi U r S'il pîrofoision, more thari thé publie et largo, ahilicita îîppléelato the Worth oa itsiele- giielatilu amoî,ding the canetitutlau 0i QIW Vourtn. lils am, hawovor, lu thome, as lu al' other af lhlsmcmasurce, was the ptiblic od--an aitu so stendily kopt in yiewt th4t lio himouîf becamo ln truth a jubile lienefactor, Durlug te isat poriod that ho wua At. tbrmry (l nemI, nottho Icast valuabto er- vice whieii ho rondored ta the country aroso outoa$the. rigid supervision whlch ho excolîod ovor bisi brouglit boforo parlia. ment.. By ti0 dolng hoe not oui>' socurod harmon>' lu tho, logielation af the province, but proeoud the passage aof monsures ao iloubttul charsotor. fie nadlttod that the govorninout wastrespansible for the gêne iu ,;rà1lélgislationiaf dite country, and toIt ilfi hie duty as ehief law ciMooer ta watol i t i with Careo. u Naw tîtat the man no longorlilvos, isIl deedi live for hfur,-naw that ho lies gon'l c fram among us, ta that haino into wlîich AIl c of unsosoner orla tir muet go, wo bogin ta n regaoct on lits carmr; and teé mare wo re- r flthe mare wo admire,-tho mare wu a, luveetIgate, tho more we refleot. 111e eaun M duet as8a péliticlan au a lawyor, as a logis il iatari elaW Tfrmerwas tliroughout tii.e samm-untlrlng,:and unlmpehable-moal Adeansd Incomparable. - 0f hie carmer asi0o politicisa vo do not préenod taespehk. Tha t we Ibave te others better Qttod than aur-pi sirs. ltociejustloo to-hie mmrey; but wueJi canuet lbrbear mentioning that whotho'r lu te e!, fflsa tllI orvivin, and, yl concuheera the heerte et thelr relstîveia ami blonds by't tholrsats retora i Heury, Thora., mate: John Mlcuy, boatswala ; J. 0.Poreeli, oc steward ;'Michael (Qoodyin, carpentor; r Michael, W0arthrt 000k;l James Galrlu, P seoond mate; Thon, Cannona, John Suli. ol van, Janmn uneton, John. Oavanagli, ' John Nlii, -John Anderson, Ilred#rloic Mil. ler, 1Heudriok Wirdrotsi James, Coughuin, ~ Simoni Mangin, soamnon, The 'Joues Bliulk w4a.Ja ver>' fne veusot, ot ner p0 osr gisha>, and will b. a serloua s ec ate ewnerii netlargely' ipnureci, Il asanhlerVI heîneward voyage ohe feutidored, a ft feo çkarmd for the dyspeptieil, whiohiine t o b. wondored aI, vhea vo ki take lnto :account the anaunt oet bodiîyci su1lying whlçh ho Ouçiýir U>' Ibthe IL oft thsOxyemnatod Bitter, thoe ltu.f roerodo4îîbthse brll is4 epc~~ q ~e2;w4 [i i»&ýt. cO *0 !$vseren.9y@ Pt, Maye. 1%he demisoaf the abovewéiadid [y lènevu rêvrend' gsîflèman' tbok pli t li edae 'h o f c Whltbj r. iatndity th -i11htuI i-fisremain rot- tnterred lt sqnecroneaOS 40lsi 'icepi'hurfli' ground an Tuedday hM lSth nlt. Thé ftmeraI vu auon'of belargest séemulu Whlîby, 'ed vat. ýendod by a «oumetQue body cf Orangemo1n, rha talloweèd tho Meaonosi n ,pracessio. he dooeid' vasln hie 751h ymr,,and Vai as veIll rospected as ho v as videly' nova. ;Nextl owee o shahtaketo l.' aotunity ta givo a short narrtive cýf hisi ro .ntful lfo;- 'and alsa an'ace ôunt 9f thel ap àng Ïlourai prôoeselaai 'jit ai vmRIWY LJflortïkftK1 C onsiuièrei In Our leut week's issue, ve uub mitoc for tho, cousiderîlanoa IlhpatIesil t 1 esled in tho construction o be r IWhitby' îand Laka Huren R&ilway,?ý sceetewiici bau boeon dîscussed and ver>' favoma bl>' entertainmd) for Ile prose. cutlan cfa section ai' sud Read, fom Pari Wbhitby thrtoîgh Broukliluta soîne paIni au or ica thle Brook Road la Roadli, ýron vieli me>' bo found the best routé îc Pot-t Port-y on lieeaset, sud, Uxbrldge or lte wost. WVe aia furnisbed aunetimae ai' lbh.prçobabie leugth end>ooràl aipropasec section, and lie proportionsl inhiiih stock nequirodfor the put-poe s ouid hi coutribuWdq. We *liao promieed ta dis. cues Iu future articles, the prapriet>' and axpodiene>' ai constructing Ibis portion oa te poposad Railwa>, Anîthlie probability that thhis section wili prove et Ibail, self- sustainfug. In o ut former Article vo stehot, liai eivetu in lhe Town of Whitby, vitoro pub- lic feeling lias. altvays beau so slrong in tuau- ai' Raiiway cnterprise, lbe opinion lé alinost universali>' beid, (sud vo bellevc It to b. a sourit ou), liaI befomo an>' Ral- nIcipal Stock le requît-et tram the Town, smrnefait' lent neliabie prepectus af pro- bable eernings sud expencos muet ho sub millet, exhibitiug e rasonable proot thai sncb soheme viii bo able ta liquldate b>' ifs cîmninge lte oxpousesof aiItsaperetian, andthfli intuet an the Rallwy>'Bande whih ts>' be issued b> lte .Company i1 ai4 ai' ls construction; Te Ibis opinIon wvo cOrdiahi>' subecribe, and vo consider 1 importanit that titis question ho tain>' t ternninod, icîforoenetting on su>' aller ai fe the propniat>' or expediencofutimmoti- ate action. Iu eatoriug tipon Ibis subjeot, vo wault pt-omise Ibal, vît-net' b>'them bises' aeut lisuceS vwhidh"bave talion upon similsu- ndert-lkinge lu Canada. and U. B., ve hare ait-ed>' lsishet s as a 51114qua »oi, baât beforo a slinie ocantrit ho entamcd upon for the eonstrucýIon ofi litàe sction, It iii bo tucumbent alike upon te Muai- ipalilles amditho Board of Dit-octane lg as- ettain vltb ettint>', that tle reWsl, noans avallable viii pt-vo. equaho ta neel lhe enlire caul ef constructioan d qulpuetu-oaù the vhoie pueýoat.W mocld evea go fatleu-, ud lneiet that i à lîgll>'expedient, peht-bsbolutl>'es.. intis! 10 ultimale suceue, liaI tle avail ibc fundo eboult show sucb 'a surplui )ver est imeted coet, as vili prove adoquate 0 tho paymeul of any extraat-dInary ex outies or autie>' vhidlipouily eau au-ie. fi ou- tomît-b.relative ot Is acieme, v ake lil fou- grnetd, thal Ibis pmail bathf blopnecaution will ho adopted.. In dlecuseing the qéostion of the sel usalnig capaolty ai' ptopos4 aIwy wouîd boe eay te indulgé invague sud e enguino prodfcllonc Ai ç>te .future cape- i dlit>' ýofthe Rsiiwsay, vhen oompioled ta ake Huron, fou- competlng villi an>' olliort 0oW eAlbilsied route, for tbm Immense b -aiMe of the veet,wvo nigit even inseelon sa b.lg able, oving JOsorou of e rouI ad oheepuems of conttr-uction, te euthld al t thons: fou- Ibis t-ado. But, ucuter the «osent schome As proposet, we cau cul>' t ce Out- va>'Info lie midle of Roai, vo I îlnk' -too hîghi>' ai'tie slrowduessaîîud la- üllgeuco of our tesdrters t leapt subeîl- utiuig for tiihe aitîes oftbe case such oai' ,Id aut deluive opromises, <lh.e setion i t Railly>' tiovunten consîterallon mue' li epen.for lîs arulugRansd suceos, aunl1 ti ui"eptebility ta feciliite sud sourstheelocal c -ave'ad tafil of thiI Caunty, vith uahIlf lier aj u nets as may accrue té il fromai onnecionast Part Pst-r>' vth Laki Bou-ge Ad theo ivreand Lakis te vhlcit Pot- 'et-ty tuuios lie natura! sud oheapeos enqIJiys te 81 May. i5 .... ....... speaues folmre 4 The saine sutberlty; wbioh fa, oestatement informa -us tet lWhltlý r tolae D ows do_*:l 'cuto on T LeI>b .i504 O,500 edotoG,. 69'. , 10000 biosh0ou WhisortePr > U. ..............~ 15000 d d oG.T.R.. 70 Po0r0 bri hrtb Pot Whtb D 10,000 do. dc 0te G. T;,x12C.. 5C100(0 3,0b eat o an d lr rnte Whitby, $8 00,...........,000O Staves,-, hinglos, &o., say 1 500 tans, $1 88X,...m.2,0000i Porlc lu barrels, HIn acaresse, Aubes, Butter, Woalst Seodst &..................6000 ltttî, Houses, Sheep, m.0( 1,00hsrrieosSait and Pîsster,25c. 15o0(O 150 tans Coati $1 80, ........ 875 0( MU tans Mrchsadise, $2 00.. 1,000 0( brouogh, Paesengors, average 2*> ach 8 o;e!. da~ (vith 9,90 ff'ay floiglit and pasougor,... .10,000 o( [as suadExpress......1,500 Oc élisellaneous,..... .6....... 7100(i $50,000 Oc Inteneet on Railwa>' Conu- panies Bonde se>'lusueofr 375,,000, ............... 22,500 C Workiugexpeuem, suppoela; mixot frelgit aneutpassougon itra,'in te start ovot-y mou-niag tu-cm Uxbî-ltge ta Port Peu-ty hlence back te, main lino and1 tîrougli le Witby, roîcrulif me mla5 ai vol tr4vellot peu- aunu. 20,8mx penses ta lnlude2e I7bbu-se. mnente b>' Railva>' Ca.ctr thon lutorest ou boute o r divi- tende mightbt hofait-Iy selt owu lit 87je peu-mlle rav lied- amoont In? 10 $18,076?, sud elîhougit liais a fait-antdvolascot-tluo ilowane fou- expousos on sînîl- lau- noade for a iikm business, vo t-e villia; ta fix expeusesaet,. -.,22,500 0C - 45,000 00 Noett Ranuingo--------5,000 O0 W. dlaim fou-titis Railly> an annuel Ila cteue ci treilleofo 25 per cent. Estimat. fou- firtel et, $50,000 00 il I. oo>nd car, 62,500 OC " tit-t>ear-, 78,128 OCý fouftît yeam, I7,"56O At vîlel pet-lad ltaetiilva>' ve0uit ablle ,ps dielide mi rStock surorelove Municipalirlies frani lix. Iu estinîat-iag the grass anuîal recoîple ai Ibis LRlvay at $50,000, vo have pur- posol>' atoptet imot appemire toius as lt -eu-y lovesI amautît, wimii c.î crefui aud attentive consiterelion cf lie reecu-m0a tic country w ouit -Warrant. W. t-eaU>' belleve tuaI e nuel biglerait. couit av beon olaimot, sud liaI evea Ie l. hig omcuimîlon vouldbave roceivet ver>' gene- t-l coucuroence, but vo ltiuk It dodu-eh toi assume tle lover ene, tor lie pc cf evoiding discussion, sud cutling dow lhe grounds ai objoclien ho wvhh I sclome me>' o ebjmctet. 'Th. prîneipai doubla vblch vs Ibinli likmiy te lbe aiiedg- ,d asle hbis estimate art: 1. Tiot Raiiva>'s cal>' ,au-ing clou $50,000 peu- annu canuol meet lb. Inter. et an blaIr Bouts, asuthîe expease opeuatlagand keoplugt; îe'votka lun 2. That bth .1811 t-aiMe ou vhleb tis Railly> muet maint>' dopent, cannéo be profitable aillee 1ev rîtesu name. 8, Thal theý amount alowet for 'mepn es sud u-.pair. cill prtae' lnuuffilentout, the put-posce Theuoi has avthIeat a lefurniahedtoh heeo doubhA muet be elalisties, nobeon- ectut-es. Owing lc Iho,cmpllcat4t poiion af ou Danedian Railways, andte t actaIh ammas ail cf tIbm are labot-fgu; cdert-hîe ombartastnontsa atlelu;tram the rail an Imprudent commenucemeutefî cf sucdet- akinge vîihmens luateqqate tle huIt-ae cemplimomi, Iadin; la imperet-anol uno flished cooaslroclen-,-audtb îlot-m oa ppawef annual oxpondture feu- nopairs, aut lmpt-cvements vhlol, bat futl teck subecrlptions bien, procu-edi, veuit have bemna etgot<o Il constr-uction se- oult;" vs regre4t, Iatovin; le lbh it-oumuacea, v. are attableo show lt-c' le sttielîce et' Caniedien Rallviys,. lbt le oreclnset cfun estimates.. Nor ceci ne suppi>' t-em lie relut-ns of lts Rail raye, an>' scla Iifot-mallon as te' îlhe prc )able - proportions of exponses for fùei eut rater, utiviepover,' trauspertaliu e ees., maîitenance.of t-clla; istock, t-m 'airs et noatsalaries'ant oonllag@nols., rîvlob ahoohd be Iiqu Met b>' a aIwiY e if bulevuh ci opst Wcs mt, censett a cept asan aett-hy a 'emlte orait aawutl 'te-, injn if Ïbesh ct4ys j-- . ea. V M uon 'VMlPw 0 IN i>p58Ani N85 lias&, >0The eqiipmea't ousste of qmo lv% , 8paaaper. om,,10 Platorm ai 000boxeaui, 8 band eau, witkg l t-a 00 eps '~Sp.1 5,t Ile' 67 e0_vn dahîueb.i De hI....t..........147e rd a.....0..#.......,8 5 umtotese ongoeu 'I%, 28 luaes O ilto ssni.10,091 rad e ut-ada 28d, oel taO on 'laX O Dautaos1orgoos but r . $17o jtecl,. . - .'. igt.*......611921 8 o Not oarauge or (lis onl 7,6 oe nad estimted ear8t6i0g8 'ra Ex ses ..... 2NA àinvù , L 48 xx emaxnq2 MLE1lat U dk on and is.......... 15 0 roe arngs od- l i Reneoafr0. -e$ h . 1,9185 secelps ptramMl.......... 857 8 Ntairngs....mle........9,560o6 CasI of ieuspriu ocmo tieuankin".......... 42,11 186 pairs r ies, rnadocmo tieorluxponse......1,6.78 2,80 otal penerofls.24,008. 48 58 lait eô asud Wo cred i one baud................ Gmrass, Eat-nngerpet- mi. l Exones plt-ml......884052 Te reulngost peu- m ie........é4coi4 tamby ery a trmîlt-untb>' Loco drs it oive "Fren l...........1mil8s roln "Clome"...........22he,897 nali ngumb cfmiles è r... 88,5ls Number etlpeesngeadrs -tld larg e e îhnhe et pages a endedt th ou mile..o..........884,05ee t The nroleui t ofu-thiecUs cilb.co rpeortadfor thIbmoarueeodl or toi ve>Aboeu-itm te lb.bsoo.tldrs Wlîh anou fai clvî . 0.sud haitmile In th ao doweuef1r@lb.ùboutm7urupik 14a15gales baiodniebi50tc cptib2' 8Il tosmai880 lureaig fnand freadyberge.e cUlet teau2 ndIcton roe vita tIbm>' y hro vin the Rtreaslîe exl4ned te lb.Oertin so f li haak f lDuoknrive , eîo te gre 'atr e!omydet-tent' udtofraï cvrii coua bfrol'agtotis lon.'a i0l ov omthe pRaiseuornkbs. nl th l a' i imu t28r Jly,-1857ai rberltaI1or1lieu en tecublee at 11 aonboselemet, nit s Iiv ai earie ..... .....8$9,10g nt e..rn................. 488'00 lu ig te va>'.. f. do........g.... Il4o1t-rf61 14,875 bes .....o.........tancoisâo,2,8 ons ie 0onn..p...l.. en.. sud.... lemb dooal .h...... t........... d tra Tie epon aeraîu ftii le>' n95,0159 Reairg ef f o d as..l*fa.,a.... , l u- 8 Fl ue eela... ........ ase...... b lb0 011i se....Ice..............10201 Dgle ea. ueo c eofv> ie c hi 'eop jisd er- ýid 4ebdudiàn rovidod>the mme Oui>' eaotu.ed te IW theomât ofthe Road hum filed <o pte, W. have dvoit'et longtJ upon thij 'omt béce vobeliovecht "fi. muatýbi estblihed hetore vo c epee Mmi W. ,believo thet suffeint ovidoace hs but for the entir, removal of thé Ibtree ci jeotipus whloh wva have uamod, aud whil ao thlnk tiglit have 'beon it6élligeati ad, candidi>' întor tained as te theo rowl ebilit>' 9orep o ofo mninge ani hoebeet 'CountryNewsipaàpei THE WKITBY. CHRONIOLE; ores lout,, for, thé. sofficloat ressa' tha rbe debotîtunes said te ho lait:weom mere- [y btnuke, W.hichworo noeor fliod -Up. Howv Wallace ta bave communicaed ttiltaIr mation tû the Tovn (onei lunAprfillui. Hie dolug se v6igd lavere voieTown the oxpéo f ,atvartlsing,'cauliona->' ne ticos ageinut puroiaslug-lie tebeutut-es; ud a greut deai a ofibie a îlte (ouncil, and pot-bmps, pain sud vexation ta lilmelf But lusîcît oftailgîbat elrighttarvard, openiacîtho< e vitoes Ii. fiulting opishîe protucot elsuu'iee eili iis Issute, vhio Io oricl unwort-lljof hlm us a mua and a gentleman. No ono evot- suspeee Mr. tut-es. The mait tht ia n>' ao eli 'eila cmi'îleInformation et the Mayane sgivot lu th > le Cgtk-thaî lb, d4ebenlcri worem msiait or bib Ilireugli negilgonce. Foreur avu part-wbelevet- Mnr.llmôn* ma>' think la lthe oalar-tle-e luno oue wouit be isythet- tram epremdiug e report injurionse ta Mr. Waiiace's chat-ater ltar lbe edtlr cf ltae Ornioe. Tbo vords reportot as omet b>' lIa Mayor woeo mrte- at-bot vitb tle foul ouait conviction ltai ie>' veie lte expr-essions HsWusi mate use cfaI île ima. 71 novoywever, appeaus tram vIal Mn. Pour>' stâtes, sece va almcasnteee; and liatI Insload of 1ev- lug reported ;- ' "tThe Mayor du- etatention ai thm "<ocuoilte tact thaI lte faut- Marke "tebenuies viiihvet-o placet ln Mu-, "Wallae%'mhaut, e. aic altafrlhcomlug, "ou- led heen lasI or misiai. Il Ho locît have bien roportot. "The Mayor- "dtue eattention of the Counci ltiit "faikttaI lb. tour maket debpuluuswle mli va. iveformecl bylte qeClor' iat bon "placet lu Mu-. Waliace's hante," &o. Th eporl milieu ltaeMayor speali posîtivel>', vitereas le ouI>' spake tram the informa. lion neceivet tu-a. tthe (let-k, This la th oIe and oui>' difformcailuthmlauguage t-e cttd, sud lli ai iicitMu-. Peu-ty eeys ho oet. For thlle lias. ver>' correct eut unimp9acbabîe gontiemen of the select comn* mille. presumo ta exorcise a censouhip over the pt-es, Tie> appear ta, have long. edtol have fourit somolbiug or ollor ta gîvo en aem eing aI Ihm Chronlle. We on)>' laugl -il ll.it-impotence ont pro- sumptiou. Au fier ai Mu-. Wallace la coucounet vo ete glat te have au opponluait>' of smtIl him. ight betono lb. public, mut for lia purpose flg im Ilel-.ful henefit cf tit r. port ci tie select committee, vhi<ih les ter eut fu exeulpatlon tohIt. w.are ntôt-y-ehave 'bien, aven onooendîl',4t nînumntnal ta publishlng snyîbiug mnjc- rious t lies chat-salon, but, ai vo bave ai, - esdy stifet, Il would bava lien von> as>' te have ot el l.f igît, sud tô vitl ai Iranspiret 'i.hbacul>' hîmoel Weaire oblig c ot mîle n article -promise. lut vook.-Tio INNILitrcyrA.1giu- pti;ant muci tchIer origiainsîîer ,ilh t-e hat prepat-et for lbî pt-es, là cos.. quonce et the spece devotêt ô ho,&e sbe if the lit-es, W.@vii fld raom for cSIt texl veek. À fit-e broke oct on Tueste>' Mmna ,ho rultenci Mo X.ýs quit-behi 0cm-nage 1 ,eobh, vlicit'onftuustmy resullelu ln.h nhlredestruction of'I"cllg ooh ocis, mat eer proporty>'. Tite Wte a inqqî4Qo4ý!Ïbthelb.6eokôfci eut tteeîtlé->v ýmd te oceurrence eis-teme-ofigît Irm lte facltiu.ofUr qutrnel 5'1s cPI e itely utmottcd busInes vtee rl.ft- #e ntîmber oi'-.lnuedW*4methlroughou i >C .hàv@ tir-g ji). pqrc4oo asud ce eyai#bea cvoý-r.OrenJthe Mayor uggée th e preprlety cf the aoommiî1 Be:iiean sd repcntlug progreas, in ot-der a.ppoint s Buloteenltp coe 11h, tb. Bard of.8eoelTrusteeson.l,th abjeot oftlb, àrept. On motion Ibheomù lIte ihea -rose riopoôrt.dprogrees and oh. Ou mptlcu ef Mr. Tromsyne, seeoudoc yl"Aptali' Rowo, Hiel Worsblp IbeMayor, d'Meses'Watsn andMeedoneli er lcaIedé~lect aommLtt.e te conter viit ec Board otSohBéool Truiteos on tle' m4t t-s contsinod l ibm erepart, and a, oapy ôc * resclutlon vas crdoned te ho oCommun"- 't dg , he chat, 'Mr. dsnltecarman,hrouglt ul ho repent of lit. Select Cammito. stom The Spociar Commitmo sppcintod'b) lie one t eorepou-t on lte c -ommunîca. tin f James Wallace, Esquire, la rofer. 'once tu, certain debealores, bog iae, h reopou-t.. Tht ltipon t-etetrug te the neouion 0a Counoil paieed on te 2011 cf Apnil lest wherclu lte dot-k ladit-otedto asend i notice» tehe tev a ppos, cautioaiu'g'aI parties igaiýnat lie puclaing of certain tebtaîcres cf titis teva purportlng tu, bc numbéred 7, 8t 9, sud 10, oacI fou- lic gum cf £88 Os8Stde>'.,t laI lte iaid notice bc publishedtofurt- imes lu ach ai lie 'leva paperu, sud-once lu île Tot-onto Globe, and lIaIlte adriebomouî for te -iaite slAd.-.,m Cm. ind Leader hocvillidravu;,sud aise tfiat the Mayor be roquestedtol make enquît-oc laei whovie lesait tebeaburea weu-e on- trt-sed ;.ent alec upon roet-rrence le Mu-. Waliace'e bIter te titis Coucil cadet- dale fthlI 18t1 Dec. lait, wiorein tbealtenllou t lte Coucil le cellid e the advou-time. meut», iluthîe aboya resolulion setfart, nd aise te .report ocible pncdig f lie Council lu tle Wititby Qrnoe vieoin il lu thero itatet, lIat lte-sait daentures veyr plae lu Inte itands o James Wailacoand waove net forttoomianu" Youu- Caumito itaviag aslooýad beoe- lIeut ti. by-iaw pissat b>'titis Cauu nos Lhe 241h oi Aprili, 1856, sud nuuuheod 19n tiudou - 'vich tle sait 'debonltr ere mutolt-ied te le lesuet, sud upon futler meoe-nce ta Ihe documents, on file Iun te clark's office, aut aiso heariug the seve- statemouls of Mousan. James Wallsco, Joui Bigoioîv, Hia Warship tle Mayor-, ,sud aur Trusurer 'fiat: lut. Thal deben. lut-e Nos. 1, 2, 9, 4, 8, sud 6, vere given ta Asa'*Varten, Esq., tn psymenbtafr the Mst-ktbîock. 2ut. Thot debonures NOS, 11, ig, 18 eud 14 vote iaid te ýMre. Wrilght. Bt-t. Tour Committoe bovinag lsd bofore themalteereport af lie officilstatetneul cf Hlie Worship tle Mayor to Ibis Council, sà elfortit sud publiiîod lu the a eeiel,aud complainet of b>' MnWallace# atd avîn edilthle attention af Ils Wersbip te ltat statameut, fiat, lhab bis Wauship distinct 1>' eut unequirocaîl>' douieever havia mate tram lia chair tbm àtstement Imputet la lin b>'tle Chlrieie. Ycun Comn- mille. thorefore cinuot toc, etrougl> cou- doma, lie conduct ofai a>'editor ia -o- ports lauguage on etatemountsalatogOtitet aI vrt-ance wltb Ihose uset b>'lte speaker, eut yoiir Cornmittee trust tiat Ina'future na u-epotter yl place su>' mombot iis Etouacil ln tbo liko oupplouant position. Youir Committèe fadto-,lud 0 t; ie official statemeulcof Hie WcrsbiptîIe Jouncil, Iunrefet-eme to Ibm lait deberue a; dociared b>' bina le yaîr Commîle, vas .1ounded, upon tue tact ltaI Mn. Yeraold tld hlm lIaI hie (Mn. Yaruçoid's mpu-eusiou vu, Ihal the losIt eboààot- veze signet and sosiot. Thli' staiemoul lu-. Yaraoidposlllvehy doalostoyorOom miube, sud enys lIat le neveu- tald l gayor thatie lait tehenures vote signe utd 'sealot. Tour Commîl.the. elor, nuitîle"lIoe p octiagsitteetoae bm;'ceuimtion ofiyour Couacil. Sut n~at lu IbmopInýýion cet-,etC iit. itWt#-oecelled debenturos nuînb«We '8, 0, aud 10. sud'refit-ed 'lé 1lu Ihe ità tat-I of Ibis repor4 t, meaotleusuore titan >j&ak forme c i tbet debeaturs th, b t ut-rr snd fronualitb Iu 0&.alotu Comitto hýave been eotobl1nyo !ommtteecauol t-mesas a vhm l - niorpoea îl Ibm Uroeie ,ampagu 'theýPrpteeedinge cf the. Couoil of 'Ils 6 "Les, Dgmgwruaue,"..The -Mayor dreî thOeibtention o et i onei te lthe, fac. thitheb. fer'markt dbeurures' vbiol woné plin uMI-. Wsilsoe's 'hnds Nôs 8t Os8,9 ~ ad 10,iîîr4£2 >0-,mc ve * Çanllioo nng , su d h a dt bç on loe or. m i la d nà,d sgges t e , propeit>' fc i i no t ac utioiai g partis net te porches 4 bn. .resoutnt Ii effeot va ubpquoaîly'. àc. la i'i s h cv h al e e t1ile p e na g r ep li a ceétnt of wbicb-the Comm'Itte.tvo' e nbvepaper lu their report Xotim er oe net nsotted ln the Toi pape cauîioulng the publie againet pur chainglthe dobontures. At tbe meeting cfthb, ocuacilthi Mayo, Was requeat.d ta communleete vlth MnI Wallace; and scet-tin ira. lia> vbat ht kamv of the uisqiag doboutures. Tbe fiol lowiug is, ai copy of lb. repi>' givet b>'If r Walace: sd wiich M. Prty laid b tri lb. Couneil. Whltby, 29 Jue 1808. Johnlant Pet-ty, Egq., Dear Sir: Irecelvod youn note Ibis morniug. Tn u t-pI>' 1beg me. petiohly ' yte e>' lIlmuet b. Jaklagý you st-o: Dit atot your auditors lu thei annuai fiunuciai statemiat, tell ycu, toell mad ever> cite wbe peruod te " ro nic io" vw h ore th os o d e ob e t urss t lc, *'Âri ..r.tj miose you lu the have disposed of them-vhich ofcf e t yoo bad a perfect riglit te de-sud nog. ioctod tntktwnUnaly te hend"over the' roodes the>' muet be vhero the audilors eft thoma. pb During myterm of office [ fount the Treasm-er a ver>' good cuelodier, cf ul documentsaend lhluk Il unlkel>' thal'li would have let socli valoablis, us' the de- boutures la quetîia go eut ai hie alice t an>' eue but yoursolfi Dear ir t, Yauu respectfull>', J41MES VWALLACE. The mliesing debentùree, blauk or ather w are not yet fotthcamifig, und ,netthe Mr. Walla",e, l.lte Mayor -,Mr-. Yaruald, tîr Town Clerk j or Mr-, Tremiaynîe, the Taown»olicitor;-, appear ta kuow wit ho- came of tbecm. ZXov debontres have belon pr >uarsâ,ieeued in ltait- stead. Mfr. Wallam uext wuitee te tbm Concil complalnlng ad lb. st4ma .caeIupan lii chat-ater lunlbthe ut-ci> forttIre is de. boutures, sud ai Ibm word, altribtd ta the Mayor- lu Ibm above quo c~pelragrapli fram tho report of the Ch ea(eZeoaiho 'nd of pril, On motiol oet Mn H. J. mlaod 4Moeurs, Hodguon, Mceso nd t.e rmer aro appoiuted a Pommlttee o in ure lmb and report. onl. CIsublec ofMvi.Wsllace',s comimuulcatloia1"Tihis Coin- ittes render te aboya' givea Prejtct-an te already stated tii.>' trvel a ebiiidor. ble distance oct of tbeïr t-cd, ta give the 4ltqr afi bm Clrnkmie ap trbmheeîouh.t £horeport vas adoèptedi sud or? metian g. Maedoneil a rosolution vspasedi- recliuîgthat a cap>' a tue sanieh trans Dict4 te Mr. Wallaee. koeBU toN TUE " OOOaSEquuseol, Mn. Meodonol l ntroduod s hy.lev; Iepoi by-iev wNo, 52, .(Ibm pouud, -by.liw) )ut theattôqmpt tlaerty l thraugb provei hori!Io. ThobIi vuàorqcted ou -'i xr.n MePhorsn again t-spot-ted t-cm 1h woumàltee sud porsistot lu ithe deleruîn, Iounâil, nal te report upcu ehaeoutý eEoTga n'sd MePitrsoru dickaued thoir jI kel ou l tI i i c c o u a I ha o u i ol ait i ae tegea teîe u-comm; ConoiLl C a l In R a v e D r. Ila ., ae ut M v. l YW ;ot altteut lb, esa tjuecfh t t- e t k n b >' île oom m llles , la re foi n tor ruand hargedthItmih*ctngoi ilo' 4nitOreport cillhe oumiltu ee Ou iteadin; "0piyme thlie olteér'p'lan îeounttseuadoptet. On. motion 0ai Cepteîn love, S.eoontu by *. Tuemiyné, the Town Troaoror ;vi Iieteedto <ope> Emb9us & >tyqrbo#era ena t oftihe amoiunl dupem.out Thte Coil titen adjourne&i ýh6 ;a" 18ciafor OaN ,e ; T1kaYea andiuad oul iy '«ter thle lait >'ear te dlqprovo bis staleent, whentihe Maycri Roove and Deput>' vote elmcted t-cm thu 'ort-l sud Centre1T àr'bends dthe SeuIl iWerd fîurisitdod flan thelb iigher afficoeg eft he Tcwu, He -(Qaptein - cvfe)'cou. olve d ilte belle-dut>' cf tle Couacil te eleot litsmosl proper sud capable ,xtto vithoul an>' refereuce tao Wardla. 1Mu-. MePKroMn'ropîiod te Mi' Mme doumil , sund asked vhst t-lght Ihat gontie inlied te Impute motives.-Ho (Mmi.ï eéPherson) vouidgl' bs ,oeon alice- casÃŽiue ndependouly-sund ho lad acted ho m hésbd aighlit o- do, ln decliing thei nominationad prôoeainifitlng 'man le ait lb. office.- Mr-. %ateaa aise corrected Mr. Mie.ý lonei ln tbe mîsteine hée hed'falulon intoeu ,the befficet-, boing obosan raoa ech af île Wardi ;aud eadded tht lt. eMayor itavlog boen éehbuêmr tis year b>" the peopie ofilhe hoeTovu couid ual be saitt>' hoclite t-oi preseuteliveofetau>' yard. Tire va s sch an sgt-mement cet-t-ed oct for bbc fin-efeir yeam' but tlb, Centre, Word, ' Mn. as~ eanImndeý as ltbeflimt tbbreak lthough',_ Mr'. Mmcdanel mettedltaI lthe Noatl Wanditad îov tout- ouacill-ons, sud thalin properi>' t. it' hli, fDr Gunn a id lIt aI Jptain Rave.tted'c -dtruiy, ltaI Il vusthe, dut> 'aiflte'- Couil to im lb. thebeit menf1or Ro-F an Daput>', su tIhat'sltbough bis (île Dr.'s)' itame lad bison mentlouetlahtid nual veut ci ther of. th. offies: Hiq pu-feisional en.l gageutouts vere sufficloal to4cupy illi hi time.Yo Yl-mille. ratepeyerff-Weroetheproper7 tutgs wo vire île boat-'xn-ver. tbey' eI mon wvitsood bighest eltaI lbpeisY fle Cousidee at thIe Contre lYatd wvs§ onlihiedtolahave a repreoneastive afficeri and that Its emaluis ver. pausod ovet-7 Captain Ros*m, agein ulelet lIaI le ai-* vayes volet upon lbis ova uespoènslbllllyý au taIhobcg l l t esklrts et ne. aiu. If il vote te ho takon 'lIaIïlte'mon' J Wie pallod ltae tool votes <ln île Town vi-c>&-' to fill offlces, le'dt'not know blet Dr., iuun's cl. mweîid ho anytigl groab-- er. lIfthe Doctr lied the most voles, Iu fie Centre Ward Mr. Draper was eleclod ,y* sociaimatien lu the- NorthWirdï' Ho" Caplain flae) did-ual ,knowv vit hoy ould gmt lunte Centre Ward ta 6111 lbe.-ai- ioes," Mr. Mactoneil ouid net gel sa se- Ponder fon' Dr. Cluansd the docter tid ot eaut lb, ho sid, Mr. Me Pherson t-e. rised te aceeptlte offlie, Mi'. Macloui. 'il waiamInligibl,sud wvit îe>' going tei Mr. Draper vasiýhota e.tqd vithoul su>' Mn-ý Mactaneil sicosido b>' Du-. (bu novedl thal S. 5Seat-le ho appoluted'co dtho auditoru- on hohaif-ci tihecoupore. .oaç M Mr.Madoin »stae lèt <befot-. ta- 'gý se le lad imoots Mr.: Wilbn, wbo bsd MiSBIgaiowvsp otd > < .Dra- o eo lu ameMmnrt l at Mr'. Robot-b lampbel, meroiteus, ho'appointet. FTe gimndmomllbeffg put'vms leel'àn t11 Aloiang division:-Tes,,less.Egl nd Draper ; Neiye Meuris oe, Watson, al;' Maedoail, Me Phensen, Lynde, s04 ua. 'Fhe oiinal motion vastIbn ea' ld npontheline divisin. iterIbe apm 1 Lavder, Esq. Rêva ma~înA*,S lnjury amaug hie realaus " 'tant" friende, whie Mr. MA, ýituated with rcferehte tohbis VCatholie supportera. .krtho te position le a ver>' uupiaî '~both partie, and Ihaveittl of-theIm heartiiy eut-se theafe M $ thofr alliance. - "-'The ictters ofi'Dr. lymeoSn '>7 eonsiderabl~efielet, sud 'tho>' erIe"lIy tô he priatecI fo-r., and sowu brijsd cat so Iliat the resclors ai' tue G&~ net have been fiera -md -witb t ay>haië-the opp tunSty et cha.Bt wo' r- dree da 11, Roman Cat ie Irish-ma to me the hope tht tho Dr. that course, sa, you see that L ot Tery ' wde awake, when ,et bis va>' tastir up tie aid p We have baid a report that 'the-Queei has.addressed w'de@ 8ir -Edmund Waiker Hmad.1 -' effectthat it le Her Royal wiii. thaf ber decîsianregarding lh location aithe Gavemumenht ai * b. voods, sliouid be, 11km 1hi Medes and Persiaus, unaîterab Un be but 11111e doubt that H leving and loyal subjeets iviii -a gond grace, unlesi indeed "Ome ta 'a cordial and unanit %uent upan7 Bomne:other- City 'whicli, I suppose, you wil sc «elikely tlobe ruîqised as I &aY Cana, the-lailway to thl _,p.berrequally fmaiiubo prajecle Theonotreai people haro tur f lor merrîmeut tiq tb. ProvinS, r' - ettirnnLto& ut US A nnnsiton de ln fayoÈ oai' their daims to r honors. But [-must corr-ect V Il a lihel an the peoplia cf lte Met-ciel cie>', la meke thoromre lte mvement. i bouieve îlepi - dq0Ã"M t eessrs. De Keanear, ti 'rùin and D. K." advocato, an %ov, the poor* romains oft'tb 4rgiui ho aut, of'a hundrot Do an eagé a couple open to f ruptious of tue "moet imu 0cr fcilaw, the>' vere 'vis wai-ed for tîtoin -trouble, w4y Persn tifany note, and lie m d'dd itli abilit>', John Ma e nikerot oceani' nfwhiskey, foot-rnovice lu politica, baving. vbifin g ,te risk'bis reputation iu ~Liho buîrlesque:,A. cliattor 'V cryi' fyankee-predilections iuta ification, and with anc or ti IRouge artaors, tlieniffair reqnlvi ta thin air, likea-all other baselg Xl swemin that tlie fow respecta>) lied sigucd the rirquisition, do der faIs. represmutalinns, 'saw Vouîd uap oniy' disgrace if the forther countenanco ta i4, sa on te monser'e inmauguratani, amoug the missing vcry much, guet-af Messrs. Kennear and Br: ï lied no alternative- but ta coi 'ecrliný-- Theaffa r le treated -suoloseridicule by tbm -Montný aud Ilius onde tbe great flzzle. a ,orne talk et Qoolc, Ottawra, iud -Toronto, ai I licarof chek.i 'Montrea) Rouges, but the vue 1W.oi thedemonstration wilipi «beme. unvortliy of rmnt ~C- Yaurs, &c., ,To tibmeditorrt- Ii.wii SmR :-I voud d illingI, suoiitiuig a place in 70cr I cldoubt, culd'bm emplayedi te lorp-ooç-vmu-wee not sli le me, set us>'co.Somtela 'nthe lest lIn" cille Yi# 'eylu imeeli 17.riui.. tut-n toatetribalute'liim an by àéirming lte mnoi .ýv *'i h1n origî te fi îserh;' tic timulmr. Tite bodtet cfhý r 'AliAuder et Bm" - u.vît j

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