:~ f. i b3rEa%' EtM'aleEEEDY. J'ROTETED -LETTRS m'Iky LPATENT, thi hlnvtiluabis medlie I n 1 ig ln lthe, e eoftali thoepaiel %rde&nooitdisous.âe ieratesn l*tomîs Rilaû ?omt *)q Obistrtie- 'tiens, anà a.sp.occ1y enro. ueay bcs pll.d m- "rt:@Iaierd Ludio-it lu peeulstly sultukd. Ih 1*111, lu a short tUnis, bring en l. monthly, eriodwhh reguiarlty. - ahbottel, ic e eDollar, bhas t thGov Mrnuin st 6txup ô.<rNat Britaili, teprevent. In ail ciAosof Nurvotis and 8gftiaAtYeeLons, Po1û ln thie Buck andI Linîibo, Fatigue on ir ~it * urtatoô, Palpitatiou of the Heuart, }lysterles, aud inlton, ah,., 1lflà 'Mil efect a cure %whent .1: othier ineosiu have faleud, tnd .ltiloigh a 3Ipowrthr4t~jeie y, do not enutain Iroii, enIcpo, tatitnoiii, or &nýthing burtful te the opanttiw JOB. MoRES, *(Lat 1. . Badwin &* ô. wale Aient% for Cai1e4b' Weigt. L< E-$1,00alatOaud# ete e tampt eeniiiôae 'te any aitlorlud Agout { vil! qete a boeio. M4th Pill1i ky zoturu n mal. ur' sale)by -alt 'letolu Wfrtby by (;. A. ianinlte, Dun- soowiwotW . wL boill, Brook ,trcet. 1<3W ADVERTISZXElIWB. i,15' midoleo a n! Childreeo l'joli -and iI'.ocy Boots mund: 5h... of »ifoauoM.nurature. 0 UR8 bcU oiffrallo lcattention gnit il " outI foot shoeuinker, ok Q.&P4. havnglind la*geexporloroo lu tho %%bove business, feels niesored i t Il eau com- pete wýihitituy IrnpoM ý"dGaiq S t he Rld- Ing, for qnality and isapèa., Val! and ses TREME1NS lih i hecreatlanlcu tothe M"ii"en .flà iltby and vlclnlty,, fut the veryllatm ~urug xçnded te limn Ii l*rofiéslon.T 'ldbarnne ýtaor tho permanent prac les Lp Lolul aý'he Town of Writb.- %otle nGold, Platina, Choopl axtIe, n tplntM. Teetît 911d wltb nà d with Dmtor Jouec% uew iuyontlon tueon- imrmo espor! qnu-eMa e o D, n ot iso Ã04 00.e.tiot*tedb'y %to1w tdproets *Ithouit pain. .Dr.Jon@ ue. a i> M'opioýën, ithe noir Iugih^lliventon, for extravtltik Toeth .WUtu en Ionf paitnwhiatevr fitln theo mlt. 'ru r ~ 1~ h h 't ie 14 15 .. . .. . . . . . ~8 4 ea~' lis 'E :':~ gg *~8 * r r "4,,.. iIf, ted aIt Wit'1yý Ira dy of November, 18 58. rnm vrmnm -OÂN&I»A LANDED CREDLIr CO. * mve4PomaÂTLD BET ArorT O 1e SUARES $50 ach. DEPOIT$tptribMt . P. Rwlan! Bj .P IPUCIEq1nià p.p.John Sbaw M Wm. MOMater, I,ýW% IIo sa aq., ifmak ef lIritioli North Aunerla tu IÇMWamma, âtglifv tlir Intetinsié, *8s svI sposibls tt à nyntheoeuipanu>'s-Agents vue lo%$ecvlte tlôthpeny's(Office, 14 Ptaonlôle l, r Weeao,>e. lIL 888 I 45 'IFI>u WA1T AGOGDOZIcuIp whln5 a geod t! ithr on ho purohameset t$93 aud uprwttrd.. Llit a sud heat>' SielghsIob slelghEd, *0., lu proportion. Eenîbec Brook Strqos% Whitby, Oppoute the Mrkt louse. Nov. 94,1838.4-w T>ZG6to Imtefihese vueare Iniebtet! te IR, = 0.Th 8.Ga1aher, thait hoelà s aullîoÃïw te reovthlseunt anud aioto d4Iiv« the Watoheu4dft b>' r. iG IlgIer, T hm est iltt kens wthluq*u aoath frein dats, viii bf.dlap4s sedoÇ, JAMES JOHINBTON. J ~ pC.ii)'4*.411 't'." "W ~UVER!R~IB~*~I1<TS. Te tJaeMuaeilial Electoré Oftho Tewn ,tWhitby. ENTLEtN,.-iihe Legisîstulre hnr'iug by iaÇ~n Act of te luest ession 9f 1allunneuî ëqpI Lu theIiiidï &tlic'Elà ctoe .bYf Cticm adi ivwyns, the Ti lit -ainuMay to aioetthir IJo 'q f io lu the bpua nid'ueecl,froin thets' 'ÃÙ.1 Ãilà ln t e sut Cnngili, tidt th» sýso1lito fuzr t~he i'«lgibd o ls ti dIAuét± o y .aequ ethidef uthe aud tij ttoviaesemtqieawm wle t thetu» dhold1 iav te uoer et ein ected,1 raid laasianieat. Il muld a £ 111 ullcoeisderatlO 01 0 iguottm By-lava nov lu 1ftirce.se tlii; te amy b mor lipliled nd telililin- te o Aet. «ypsed'every rwia~soaeoîbtI theh rediseSajialit a 4ut ttof thl iwt4,tnd eshai U tic edis CYe iM "f c0utmoey psynleîîtahy ooiilttees1 suýdlatiili dlà sro, itâ shah bc sJlow$1fanlby erdou fa Vonll. '* -, èefrad -hyehard te the neceetrk-,otie- lairi byth ( cuicil 1 iladvi" lf il Hprie- ticâble ocesat ato von b. dons by publie ourat>met t itieh oontracts bc e, u wdecl end mtbt-ohsigofltioe sait arise tlirnngoh n.1(aZ isd that osuffleet securlîlui4 'b. takoé for ltsé due perl'otauoe offhe.lac aie. lth. I shah ll xo esplcai îtest lut tîmre shah hgne defeet la thp cntrl f th diolal afftire I o!the To*n, sen bt the pence sud goodolr oftt e ttannl.':-nuy lu crer>' fcrEaà et he pre-ý gerved. 'sait.Iit'ng stuted Utatl#hal ls i ita1 strict MInan' ndvnec Me y 4nty te mîlsentr t teadçievten t I ett>' f the Town,, wtuu ear oeto ltcreataor blases eof an>' klnd.>< tip r 1Val aud lIndueu n yopte fttvoq .,ntu YOrgct Svor ~iyo a u l"Uir course, tu morit acon- as06 oyour apbtln, aII& hi Ili .the va! î4en.dt altertaltoe tthili officel MayorwleTi ow.soukIl*hallibeactnted b>' asIsout oce uni>,ad ulali 1mev, noAt btà il tudy ov.lite pble1858. pa> '1~ '~~41 ..~ Il 4411 I-sel.CII I ,~ e, t;' I 4, Ie 'r .4 '1871. RIZQUISITION lOHtIUPERRY, Esqire. lu ah. lsa t n«ve ost.oit! b lyon, a DlYga aeerua ntJie '#i f Wllbr su h.4 bel peryMubli g atu st rnutvti te en eMe 0sreIii s tss.vrto uty etv fteTwn, M ou baf mitet! n he eonftdom e auJsupport 0ïotcr 120,10W ettluena. t ouwill do beà r tte tho pioitit oileu t 2j SM4lttet, vsWC 'et u YQnrwiIl alô,& Ohruélf to be put lun tust1o f'or 'the MsLytmrýaitatth* t usdug etOsi ed énpliort t( peln u l, u>aîo of a otittest, tu15le Il,', jtooble exerttett Wse- eure ouir Iti!Cb, J&bUls Rowei. - T Parke, Je4Obl Me. T'SaIlsryt, D Kent, JBryau, T Y< Serlpjture1 J Zwlokey, 1 Wîltuey, E3 Mlnksri. 8 Burk, i JiT 8Bl- D'bleKeraeer J W.lsh, N G IeIM M Ge Jminaïl, J Be.. Il Baille, j- raO, e T Podd, ÃŽS urri, néo~& tiq Brleigh, 4S~hl14bu, 4AClark, talsen, fawîey, Dniîkley, as, 5~aneren, SOuS1 n, - on, 1% r ' "' -r r * r r * * r mes., I - n;mourogbman, . 1WxatS Pulons ~toasKIqhqI, , George Ayrea,' Win Wnr ii, 'SoyinourWlitney, Gon KirbrldÉ) Clark IUutoqblu4, ëa Dà îifl PetAr Rutilé, - John' lâl, *Geoarp Joues, BPArIabwiq qlbson 2p, hosob*on D=InilovntM'? -x«î+ Taieliutarien, Wm 1s cthui 111 Tho& Mcridg, And r q.1ot Chas lLenry, . jôhnLl~eon Joi Abbet, -3 bt T4J.Rowe~ , L3Bufflin, 0. ýuà cý' auJA. Me ort e &ejlireu and other 1 elaydiss> 'mhoz o bMTh elpmeutury tetms lu, -*Illqh you ts roplisîtoexpress your approval of im' course asaMnic idepatl incilirÙ646 t meeiughlygrating.. Iu en> PÃŽloaiaoa-thAt 1 iîîey oecupy, vhpgther nule aiaae or FiilipTy o a arvate citi- sen, b. aasured atli1n1i>hubl eseffots aliail al- wa. bu dlreot4d te serve sud sûdvauce thé lu- toyb Wtf Mhiby, cunjolntly, wltli bouoef thé 'Iro llne to eom h'wlth the reuostof ise maluy otbiy fsflcllior s, wnld, ietesvo' ungeerers, a tliha eattrlbiitcd te a' Yority Ltthe îave boi! ttiCeP né Cqoilior, )liopporauniit 2UAI 1 Goveruneuot, iiig tus Tewîî ' Shonld I hoe lectet! te the 'biglai nt a Mnyor of Iaitly, Wfertt.yosar 181, l abfil ci-' ateVor te bestoe SuS ne lîiand attentIoi oau tIc porfruanef the autti ofthe -ofAce, lli bmrqroeas othe Towe dsauud. 1 may hors observe, that vhlls atlngnotthe Iêp !té'o ratlou, eloetsd>by'tiaso ople, utlteë#Ws th 'lliýtolo T* hh" i v toit l ni (Mt litt0 o helugdone te osa pnM~et ato Tevu, for tlm haaaett ofeter. 'hqv the knod'o bo r.J. HAAI ERR'Y. --r r~ r their SUENT ~4rî r ' r * 'r F OR ae ONE, II Corxnr or To il qua9rter - se@ viii be 'hol itt te court 4'fredosay, At tbhe ti "rour.Jus ano 11, tri Shsriflm OMM1e Whithy, 4ov.,18138. Soh~o1- Son. 1 z2i 1B58. V~DSON J~AY ROBES & lIOBEltIS, IX' ~ W * e, MRE STOOL 1858. qrjyEeq.,Ma~oref Wb,8IItlffU O.; ~. (lhseklqy eut! Dr. 4' i a - WWf~~ S -assowtd ff&ock'of 0rý6cker-v,.1embraé- ing somne Xfinecimdn8 ofOChina' "'~,,c(Binnr SerIec. la vng ijr»- 'POUB.I*i M Scotianci e are p.epa- ,~r o fe <' t g a4reclutc< plee f I 44 I~E8nueUaes ~gto linitaate tetheir cusioemrs and 4 t ,rie ibiets isI n. A LDWvzr ELLS N EW B LOOXCK,1 'r, 1 11, Mý -i b é bA b 1 Il 6 l'