X'au-. --e~a ri.. - us' "- t c ."-- c' - i ui-5 - t' 'r, i-rt~aut~ s" -i n - - - - rti.t~. -i.-' t St 7at'.'~ -L ~'ii r - - SUERIFF'S SALE 0P LÂN1I CýQv.NT? or0W ,týto, t'NSKtBDÂYTIIE To it: -10 TwcItl, lday of Feb- rtarýy.iutt )car o11, J.od Oue thonsanud uiglit hnpd.red tn 1h-<i v t twolvu o'clock liouu, will bv ,Id-ut Pu ilht AtitiQionut ty (Yttk' la the court Ilouse, ln tite Toivn bi ptsitthe tu,<d i i ieîud Laudlà and teut- nuuîte tbcrctui, setizu. b e Yv w tieof certain Write of Ficrî Fachw a4 ta edireetcd: In the Cuuity Court, Thoune tpry,, Plîiutiffvs. Frncis H etu In tht Court Pl Q110otn'a Bencll. Theodcrv u atruve, Pluilf, E. John NVlck huiutJ untand ÉFr.niisIl. lketon, Defendants. Iii the Court of Coînmon Fbug. S(idney Smtlt, Plahîtif, vo. FrauuchIlH. Burton, lènunt. ln the ('onitty Oourt. 'f- ~M Frepeli, PlaintilI', vs. John W. Lor 9 ln-iri C n. %Whïtby. 3,S Io inj,3 r 'l"I ô ln 4t IL 44 7 Sth-. Il 4i ~ELSON (G. RUYNOLS SItrlfu Oilc, Wîiîy, Sheri ïr, C. 0. PI110 NOG il APil Y. on WiiITING DV BywOUNDQ. i P!TIMN S MANI' t t utPli 1Nt)RAPiIYJ tic- ite letuocu,,tter iiititit'tte, a but utI& iSi lu tf mub,,iL it t j-'ei. ci ors iii tienr ftriiiti'i tît, ttecu c ti i t e hlalthtîe tut,,tur ttttt t eidOt - trL nifrot iteitigrtîtitii, Tiint.'ùIott'.uttd 1'uun(t-ii.a dtu caiiut teamttie ullît îrnîiuucuuî it mît t rt uIw.tiel, the ta ha 'piti tiitt te istieds oa>thes Trciaurer outhet L_'icti0iei u ,cilt' itwili. B> thtiîeut- tttis Ctiutity tuf Ontarioi. Midi:tI. ttiiy -chotu1 il h tor gtut u of hi oi 6 'r C yeu1nt d. Be iLt fîmt!,e oiactel, ant it is ettted utî-L pu -tl, iim t lea<i. iiuettr iui uiin t1 t(hea titmrty 2tfotenai,, tiat tise Wittdei ot Iliiaeot t he. tu naa itidim ucrte Pitttj-iîi Itt' uuuad Catituttu sla hmrc'i'y itltu'IizgeiI attît m- In P'ltî,ttic Shuort-iuttl, atitI t i î'îi îî I;tCIl i , tii t i.aeniiisutibor cf' Leottunoa lir dttLh r înitiee i isal thi , 1- itineult-el10ilmct utorsii'fincyttex-diý n CI14otm-itar itelielue t ivrit loII or th soithe isutus of Thoyutcsccdin Te' mwil. tmUc-t.5ita itt ' 3tctn ttd %40 aCtimttttttiSuai of the aid Mutnieipal conneiL te 'tttat he Caprti ok,' 2à eeîts. ire lih Sigtié.d b>' tisoW'rde ndttiCuunty Treai- Ccint tî i, tl rti-.,hi îîîihb !«ma i , oitreu-itrer, amtît!nict in uli t a imîattutr uud tur,î stipt of tue I'ti'c, '"NE DtI"t'f. amîmipayabeiitilmtsut-h..1tetLisotstît x't-Itu WIL .LI.t>îiIl. 431111, -titietu>ytr î it' sud VI'trtlt-t îiiiit ii-tu Csiutt. W'. etujit-iett , pra'.mtlduaamys,tit' iu'-.,hui Enti, he uîLiuil u tinastlmo ito tali h)ettt<rs, ahmîlhi t itc-t.lw .s it, rapliit N'tirnlimc tutmy bu unpi.ii ilý. 40 aur sîtîme'thî1tî, lit is u uit-ul- .nta, ut I' nionc> ferthym tctlt andui that i-aid - £35000 lTO INVEST. t)ettttti tuaiiv he payable inî the Carrnt Nliey oet tI6 ProviLces, oun iSterlintg M"u't ut N O TI C TO FA R E R . tueut lîitaLi, andti t tit tinîîeuiantti placc - 11E ~ LOAt'TIORLZF <îîeti'v uttes4, paybehîcttl' yuaertut tigt natte T 1117 UNI)EttUSIIN Et> 'if 'dx Zpar cti er aumnu, ittînomie umoe, atnd I o te i-del F.tmtî it0 t(I:t. utthe aubiîe ItisaInuo Debemtîtnî, aistlie icatîcti mnder titis mmit îunt tlcli Il ) i-u- 'prt'- itîhimi l.-itmur aton t à Iesmîsti tian 1Twetitty-fir-e ound-s the Cautît t iinlr, i< ;à .ti, it i ý l'iuTheohi ituL ieont> fOitdut. ratt et itri-t niiiretl s.i> -vntvand iit ntiy mill k. luit! for il, rue %'er,. A prtri- cite gi'eilt o rr l ape.ti<tc l'.rere l-tI 12tILI raijlti ntîvtiît ot!iit'rc.t atndtpritncipal as tise> ruijîtutivelv îîiptedite:' Coiboruit St, (rear ifn'Lîea' ud 'Buil-tiizct Toéronto, Oc.t. 20, tS.40> Ctash ! CaNtti11 T lF bighîotpriecu al! bu pid iti Cash by J the nttîtursi,,îie'i. UCittni trct, (nour tas reaideitut o lJ <miet Wuallac,t, sq.) - Butte,,&xc&. &c. M10C1AEL MORTARTY. 4th. Andt teLu t titîitren aated,atîi t i ltcrt'lty etucted- hyIlet httii nt aittncaid, tisut mt ennui,!-ipeci'al ate et i d n thebLutidt tiontl< iîie itv ntetihîe ptcaîtrty Oft tht CeunI>- ut Oitttriv, ictunc--ii te tiuutstteiut returut foi. tit e etmr îtOur Loirdî1857, tii,]!bholevied titc- niL-set i ninitaît> fîtr t!me ieriod outvtrenty ycars, for tue pmrpuiuuc ut paviîtg tise itreat uipoitesatiti Ie4,tustres, ,i4crcuug a sink- îîîg fttift t ýxitg eendreteinuuîg lt Debout- titres to te i-tied ùimîdc tthi hy-Iaw, attt tîromt> yeurs fron thte timth iis by--Law saial cotteie Lîto toree, as hereialuîr tntitioutd wlitieli speci;il rte sîmal heo ter utndi miwiyt, anti mrpetive ut al ottier ratas raitet on leiLed, on telue caised or t-e be levicul, for tise ltrpos o'etto sai iituuieLiimdConperatiotu. anti in- rcopecti-ue oftany tutturo itiereate cf tu)e rattabie propenty ofet sait Countu, aud irnespective ut ans ittuotot lu be duris'ed fîonthîe ltiipnnry tus'teîiut of antI, sîtskiug tend, or ay part tisereot' WlltîytOegîoher 1,<i, 85. 89 itit. Andti lit iturthcnrenut-'t, atdti tisert henut.lby tise eethon-ity afüeea-id. tlint thsu frutti, atîtil st lic lt tvtvemth dut'ci0f - :-~~ -' ç)iuNesthr, in tktcygttn etutiLard, iý58. et!,. Atndi hoiteteactet, andti ilieb laf et! bu ttieattîonlt-Y atormtaid thtetti 44di sent - ut - - et 'h'laLt> Thonsatî Ptitiitls ltaiomto1uttise - - t.t t.~~~Ittotnitîg teaits, utttin ficthtftîtoa'ngtcut, - ti-ivz:-(lu tihi Brouk nrd-ad foutu theisebuti cin- Receîven Gencral<a Office.; cemtiotu ot Wity, ucuir Plieii's titt-poacdto Toronto, Sept., 21, 1658. LUxhitie Vilit', as îtoisnutd peimnîs, te h iriduti aitfoLlows -On hteboti-untipounela(ei '\OTICE ais breby gicir!)tuo eluldurs frîtthe tout! tromt,,te Villtage outUxbrhdge, tote JIehnittret s rt nilue ou 0yt 1 iii j\illtaie tfEputîtn, ttret tousiid Itousitifrein tise motitt-at Citat t u " mit '12X'ie. fîle \'hllt-e'utEp o fltaier o iclt 'oe, eîsuit. 1112," iltitht 'areune mqtircdtt t re..eîut t>ii i f thitb>', andttht rimaiuixg stt,tf ta-o theie l it lit l ice oaa onristh e teFi L 'ftionautlnîîuu,îîni;t_ racthtle rcur off tu l oi.uaip DAY 43F JA NUAIIY ttuxt ctiiir ui e u tg)t u'sjl utrh ttccitii t dtui7tnti ittutIata tma trtîi tIlerr 'tjat j"ierciLi mlil paid. The i<tim ul"îae ttittttatid diîete it e LîcrcaîtpaîîIl ýc îuandtîlevory tue cf i pîîti tit oi ficeraîci ewlimg Iront ftie ViLIatutcof eint eliÃeti t-tn-c-<tI hCSiii ta acorttîîîîuc tt'iti,-i <niuethcotîgh VictoriaCorniersitttu 't'ilen- lite conditionsa exluress-cL iile tht b o>fa' 'iuit jtiti, te thet tîntlti cotîcot.oti ofut-k, tise Debettreà .T . IA tNT-' Utk' ti e e thous-îîîd pcutis out fic h trtet T. P. iIARINCTON, rtiuct froin alittellteen b. îlmciy, toe ediviuteti -Depuîy Ilueci er Gencrul. as Ioihawe:-'i'iucttitau' hrv ltîttttinîudîls Toronto, Sept. 121, u-".37 oenil Ie eutmylnichig at Maioctitter, betwcci, Lotit-twevv,'and tltjtte', tisce Nort!h on tht 'l'hiE STE-AlER knut tîtrttvellt-1 uadt otiaccmrt iiii poittheutee joý,tltwel'.c ut ti ttnuon tIie'loa-nline of jBniuk, andJflic Asasi olur *th'ituSed- punt 18 ~~ ~ --on tute rvae!beluveen-Lot-ut tuwelv u adttitirteen J858 tiotg t-fi irsttraidsecond vucsîuof lioccthnc ttro t titautiofatB5!oik, un tise ruait ettab!iht- M A. P 1, E L E A FI) y -Law o f tte s i d'J' iv i tti, tece cas t wirit mloîg thet ruai! alloeutîhLt isthfrontt et W 1 L L t "TII. FUMtTIER NOTICE te ixtît concesaiatilto ahe Lto rouit etween 1V litat W lutn csumSutînduîu- norniugat Lotstîcutîen twetsc anutitbeul, anti thvncej 7 o'eteek forn Iluîleaer, limciviaig tltet-.t1tinte aloiig th umiaid de rontd to the i'>tetlinueotThoe- for iSittTraList u ttstand nuil,, muid tht'e-tnut'ofthrec tîieusaaud îiada WlauiiJ<Ly21,185.27 alauîg tht muaid Towtmhtîe of Tisorabfte the ruadj itatà itaut etween'buta neinher ton antI cle,, JOSEPH 1IHIISELF AGAIN 1 uoftflicsait Tewnsbipi,titmcnc uiotmg ùlita mid rondi ATTt llowtte ttes Taihiat Rivùr, amîd tht retainiuig TUE stieio!- tvotioetsund pototis deaotg tfi Cettre Qld Nowool bid, rcenwod seL, frein the Talhot ttiver tu tise Village et JC. ST UE' LI NG bezs~ te itîfonmn bit numer. ôwci, iritt-11, i11111 tfic public, thaut lie lisaI -..reamal (te b, ric t Iia.old I lote1? Grossi mW1ibu-.m' te titi-I goad trettaett ut him i anth. Th~e hqiusu Lh'tcii ewîy 'tnoî'uted sud ru- rt-,pand-qiçit!ittg Iiat unttentltd te aupply \ goiilaceotnriiiich tion an fin dtp,. v1 TO LET. ' T [11ZEStore andl dweii,ig licias nwccpe Aby Jamilet Prîtigtc, uuîdL tiottn et the lnteTra of Wkittb,ý Possession giron ou Applt3 JAMES R(LE. Isils. -28 AT tL A S I iRONWO gg Front Street, Toronto. . HARLES VA LE &Coe,. T)EG(oiu'rt t-ho'tpimblta tthat they have r. B*Iý eonsructed those extensive 1prmL%çà -,q Ptat*t Street, (fo)rnt> ay cettpLdd as the Ouiare Brewcry, lae the tiost comuplote style for cakrry- luggont he bttsitaes f jqi~»Ig&niLIs work. Tthe a-vite !especti9no f their numerous Put- tseOfOrauxutal lrou Fen,Baiconias cI Iü' 1 sül, Waldw ,dîîa uJ' for0vary cdasoipten; Coultiiag, Parîor nd Box St'ovca; Grates, Cre oitSotit,,Cude,5nr Xettîea plaintcating, mgetuçlFot-gluga, dl of wilich'th4y' der foithtc 1r nd aJothers ouna- lvata~gomms tenna. g Un(nr!ondens pan.. t» nallttuaded ta. .'- Tiooto, cibr21,15 1" 9COVTI4 SALOON.- Jitr0êt ýlt to ecI 'cttuptad by Mt. Befrloim on fendes street as a firs e-'lama Saloo. 1hm tLd pp atCw. elos u-a 0.ltevuà g-upLy thieil', oioauiisL bc porcJe t re a tti sit esi.i jAà te bou.abl . on tise Coenty lina, front Mnon's Tascr o t .ie ifth concessioni et Thoras, eîX>htr budreti puutids anti two !iundred pottdso6'n the twerott coliru iune of llrioek, fromeuxtsmid Couuty line tu tht Contre ruit. Oit Sinîco i streat, cotmaencing ut lte Cooutty hne, SoittiteardtatitheTowen ina ut -Wh1tby,ý titreethtiuesattetipenunda, ethicis tha sentot twe thbusaud atdti tis hu4dmird poueds ti o =xc ddNorth'etofuieb Albert, and tise ne- uttimttugtir Iuntied pbuà ds on thiaid-sitiS- où i-t-net-t, troux Prince Albent te thu ewn1ine1 ef WLithy. Oti Brocit nord balwaan Lots numbar-cigbteen- ant tiuecteei, coniueniug M th-, Kinsletiad0 Lu tise Towà i<hip ot Picker'ing, ltisoth, 1 ue, of" Uxbridge, (*tiéhotisei potitds, mcd .freux tnmncee leng te eadTowfl itt, ta tise allae-' ane tor coud between (lie t-ird aud fountis cnt,- cvsips outhtie Tmownshi!p et Uxbridge, mcd themmceaalonz tlta fîtitiroîttiallowmuuce o thett Tewanlice et Scott, th'.ae ttouaaand. petude, Ounltae remit-I alowauoa batwou thé be hird and fourtus onctusiaus oethlie Towuasip aOfScott, te tue Toaru lino ot Geor*inat, onethtisand antmd five 4mîndred -poenti,; listes iundred pouuids frm h radMwtucbetweau th1t third and> tareet> stenters Iiip andsix, tu t id iche u out-J hesareon thiflteamd ixtis oOittsAgjOfla1andthis neaxining tact huidred poundm on (hi roati es-,5 tailitL'd by Ry-la*,' atie TuwuaipConcil o? Scott, itwcan Lots tweut3 -(tea aultitwauity-' thrac, au tise third conession et tise sudl Town. sisip. Providad altesys, Ibat befvre (a final pessage et the By-laew, tL ti s ubjeot ta the appnovai oC theo BateiiversQtbte uti tea >ta4y Ritteýayons viserecord theit votes fto Riâ thaq an uiil h '0ùf olrthte Bly-lirw, suc'Ais %haieLpmdlt etenasitened lu fmvor ofach B>'- tW. Anti thet if anMaY fte atpayers vise record thiai tisaItht Reeva or -Deaty Reave sBu]icali a maqt>u9wç , io tng Ugïh voteAt -~othe TsWr.tV- oir dyû November, lu 'te yerof ourLord oueithone;tnd I ept iui.dÃed and lit'ýyîeîtýaï #uohaltoM4 oor Euty v.îay d uç N 0 T 1Q fSp'~u abovp la a t ie oopy of a prop9m d B- witdb B tatkeJela 4çlob Z i a tpltonuei tetoaonty oel ao,i fthe Court Bouse of thse Taown o!, Wbutly, la the Mid oni ,on thé, A B'Y-LAW. tp 2 hoîmiand Poitidas, aimd intes'ut, pay- aMîe eith io-t ntutV jccr8, for'-the ûso- W IIEREAS t la expettielnt b iaise by teay uf lban the snti *utThirtv 'Tiusatîd- Poluide,fg,'r te purpaesetflm'int* I g certatin ne idt tithititthe L'ouity utfUluno, auJ t teilI roqtitoiethe seut fthrc tîtotisuttilamuid lrec htind dpouincta tu beuisett unutalîy, accord- ittg to te elotitndred utii s uty,--evrentli .utiti o - t ' lUpiwOr cutitidt i Miicitîor'e- ponitii Att" ofutho tîtaîud oglitt limmureti atnd len(y-tiue, e«4 a speciai rate Iler the pîtent of sud, i at tîd(a iîreat thereut, teitiin tu'etîty yeiînt trotnttedaiy et, wLîirLttis laIw Sail cotue mb t iret lotrlte paytuîet(antdti e: detu}ýiLon ut tht e obtuturea,, t'î bc hiaucdti tder tht outî r tttis h y-law, alaI the intorvat ttîurvoî: and umercas the wholo rateable pro- pont> cf thte CoîiltîofetOutario, aee'rditg tii the atscstiînt retimruts fur the vaeut o on Lord 1857, atîoutîtcd te £2,463,.ý.Ui6li 8, and it nIl requitno au attîtîtirate of ~la tht Poundi or a tittîe ltire tian 2, cd uthe tîiîdred 1ttitds, ipon Snell -itable propierty mad a m.1eciaI rate tut the ofincn etterten t he l)ettî'res t tu ei.L nîtier tL<LA bu .aw, uand fon the ereatiat, of uasukitîg fîud to Itaau tne- tîi sutuli tttcitine< i ity tn nuîthe tinît' tlii ls by-Iiw tisaItcoamuitîto toncu, u lire- InaItem providcd. 2itd. Be t Ltciaettd, antît is h ereby eiacted !îy 'lte Mtiiuiipml Cîttittil tf tht Cotr ut tîntaii, tîttîtur t 1l ht ntîtity îf4ttlt uii1ulCi'rptîra- tiuu Acta that t aiiLau ntI to buho tetetil tontIse Wardnof the(lcMuid întilci pal Conucil te r-.iiae bu- timV utietît, tt a rate ut itîteeit t tt xeed- i;lg six Pet cettjpr annt f titi tti>' L1rmetior beatmlody utîrpontite on, piliîie, w<ntin bu, tiilliig tii diatîce trie maute n t Ill(bu retit 0f lien. W. IL. Pobimson, E.F . Whittetuort, Eeq. G eu D iga, Jtr., Eî. sjG e orngeCr a%-fSor d.Est J. S. ILowrtq JCauruEqMPI W. L.il "rinEuq. .M&r. atq., MM-. lion. J. il. mCuIneo, Dnnadotlt Cuptaiti 1'. Waîlac. Maaaqettet nd .lln.J. Le-atdet Starr. J.J% W'oodb.rý, Aq., AmiWatut Sn'Pr .ftsskars-Toono--CtyBatik of Moitrel.- New ïork-Bank ofthie Ieptibtie. So/ettss.McsrsD;igg & Burtns. Ilea ýmI Ofce, Toronto Street, Toronto. Flreattd Matine IlnsnnanucbuAlnuatrunauictcd by titis Cota hans' ut ibm vtrions Agencit, ia well as et tht lleuildthSc, ut as Iîiw ruies ua. Lt, uut resotetable 4311.e, tiail lotte-s pottptîy sot- Brokorteand otherut allowed a,, eOuon ofa e ton 1cr cnt. on al nDOW busieesa,' ,brongîtt ti tLue Ieck oficeo, wttnre the tiec.essry fortua ut uîpplii cation taay bc had. F. KELLER. Ir) Agent (iiîty (MOntrjo. DA.KERY AND CONFECTIONARY, WflITI3Y. WVHOLESA,.LE AN'D IETAIL. lI iniereiguicd i- t' tIlarel ta snp pîy To-wn T ICtittveu.îiîtî r, %% ithB,'evCitfc iauary 'it aIl LduI iftîe bur-t îîai GROCEIES AN!) PROVISIONS, a lnme taid fuîllst Ock. Loti at it and Campîaito the çu4tvmi. C 1CG AR S )f aIl lz'tnds, -otd wlolc.alc b> the botx or '5ýpeal Agent t'on the sale of OJ'atcts, wholcale by the au or 'eg. Sett.ntb.rl6îiu, 183 JAMES BATES, Port Wliitby 1'Zr 18 PORTRAITS. NOW .19 TUE-TIRE. L~ u It ENESS AT Y.A.<lark5s 1,# Pnze pictaeieGallery -T e eiea'correct laud lif-jke A.xnro- tpo'Cteotype .eitrrporbleatitor. T.rettatr i Lt'eeiaLoket, Brcaelaor itlg, for J. .C. cao do t iu ttue beet IatYl, - - WLKIN8ON'S BLOCK ' SIECQ-lD flIZE PIOTuRES FOQR 25_CENTS. .4ioZogdta ýe fgr_ siqserwqr ta the .fist Prise Pictures.- Te OU 18I T -GT A fflD PIC, A.*Greè' G] fry9 BRJ1aHT AND-~~4j Ia ave rt* Ym, do not.on1I,,dtfuîx 'ee- 1 1 asiitsphc-iores .4 ar man.cuthoy lai! . P Gllery, ove'. DOna1us ma lLdwro, 1tm rc $ýeeMW4b. Je# r!0 Brltioà ý,A à fa Ajsrae !om"pnyo i "CORPORATED utider nActt ofthe Titird Sl.,ýon ut tite- EltvouittPruvi'nciaI l'enta:. nient 6t'lIpper Cttidti. Instraete ~feuted on <,lî<fl nismd iltheir contetnts. Every iitkiriiîttttoîttUppî'iud on ap- plicttontg 3vtîlt Ùniîderîdgttcd. Maine R "lUthsfiletue Sc,ooO or for Plita. Travellineg A'gent, Byron Strocot. WLiitbr Protection against lois and Damage by Pire. WESTERN ASSURAkNcu COMP.ANY, CAPITAL £100,000. INSU RANCE effected on IlnSLli-gsuadtituir cnet.Ever) informtiton suppli4a un application leuua tderineit. JOUN AGINEW TravoUlig Aieut, Byrota ýilreut, Wiait<!,. Timesanaid litacon .4aurancc Cam vp 1. N NSUIIANCL effectel 01n BitiIings and thuit A cjeî,tttt. E'.ery iforati,,ont aa1îllîd ou .JIHN AGNEW- Travelling Aget i ud .nvyrviiikByrozi Street, WLiiby. LIFE AND IIEALTII A"'URANCL]Sr The Brltish Americau fuiendiy Society ISTA1BLIO I EIr fORIil ASSURIANCE OF E. Lite tîilitai: 1ýý. ti,..'..,tai bytir jeoià Att ot l'urlLauiit, t" Vi-.~ CAPITAL STOCK, £100,OOO. IIt'ad Offitet Mintreal. GEE &ICArs' ru.W., JA3. BURLU1H. Rt.W. CLark M. !)., Medical Refèee,' W1tt its. Q~'sice fffretil ,'tier nuon lîtultît or Lite, ti-r lot!,> tnt siven> iii"î,rtttiot, attkrded by tlLiîi'aI ,-LlAgit ut tilt lîthue. MatcLrh â5. lt.7. 10 Provi1iciaý Insurance Comp'n- 0F TORO NTO, C. WV. SUBSCRIBED )CAPITAIL, $1,98S7,780. PATD UP CAPITAL, $420,2561. Preictut-J. S.lHoward, Est1. ie-PresLdma Ilon J. Il. Caînonon.J NOTICES. NOTICE 0F PARTNERSIJP. T II Undrsiged lereby give notice that Omtteym jai t itred hiLtto Pateip &ututîder tteîc utylt of the Finit, of Aibro idin. JOVN F. AtBILO. E. S. VIKDIN IN REFERENý\CE TO TIIE .AJOVE, WC beg ta ifn unr ft'ie,îds fandi te publie go- nenîtlîy, thaît mwt hareoRupeoan Oftice hLire fot flite ti-uiectieux jf.uul bundine-s eutitnto iiut4as commuissioun, Sbi1îpilg, Fotw'ardingantî Genietal Aganti.. %IsoIL Lîtutber Yard fat tht reîept atd i-utc of I.n,,,bcr for Luirai or çther purpot'u< itc rut ily prOîttîtt attention te ai Itoattera phaeed in ourbandit, to tuent tuatI obtain thoit c-unfldenee andsuapere. ALBJIO & INDIN. Port NOpe Dec. 22, 135'.. 49 NOTICE., STo 3Mçrehants and I'araere. .~ $usibbgs (o'scqtuÂntiLJiaî.fr'anà -K -fVT , -,X i LL-, sud fatuncriy occupicd by Mn. F, Hoaro ,. Brooklin, and frein bis lan4r md 'will 'knwn expçrienein!e l ttbîtaiuas1ut Su yhL$by, hopes by strttattentionitaid punctiuality, 3t uenrit 91ar8 of MuuJatronffl.- Partluxtrattetttio;l pal4 ,5eý, Merchimuls,-Fermeraand ohhp wiaÃŽhing tget tlteir*Wlà eat Fîotred, wilbe deuLt 'with ,ýIîberalîy. AvalS wW oblie; IVLE Wtttby Nveuher1,10IN. N '," 48 JI 4'2ase4at ~e k of IZ Duubaiels d& Cot, wtb an aiditiduet, w flttler iterselucs tha enutanîeat r-zaou ai adl w alma' &V FUtAr'b 'a JOSEPH il1 k xsI Ca. 1 Imnportun and Goucral Deslera la Dry dods, rocoiés, lrockery, Wýhtby Jlylu, 88 Jmly lSt,1858."8L ALLprgans îndebted1. t s, cither by sLA.Note, or Boule Account5 'f'ïlI ple-ase cail and eee, tUe: samwtLut delay, an>d .OseQv-csUS * '.~.1T; ~4c -AVdWbYtýJùIYJ15t, Y83Kf 28tf' -kft* 'Dv Te fjCDqoçtgtAItaL1,aaIT( c, LIVI' S-ê8 THE PRU8. *!10 SUBSCRBU ]8POR T N 1EW YORK WEEKLY PRESS, A EtUTI11TLÈ FAMILY NEWSPAjER. 11lE N WYORK. WEPKL'Y Pââs iten of o'thteaga aJbt le r p rs ft lie dity. A larg qar cun unuig ,TWFNTY PAÂGES, or sixty conmua of encrainLn.g mat- ter, and ELEOANTLY ILTSTRATED cevury, A GlFTIVOortiifrorn 50c. to $1000'00 will be sent tc, seah eubsrUir oa réceipt of tite imbacription zintd,. fille copv for oOltie eritm] I--ift ..... PIirit eaUîe' . oe ver, guitd a3 ltiftS... 5 i( IiacuL nt. o:it-tr, tid s lzili .... s oo 'Jeu eoîj>ei ue veur, alla 10 gifts.... . . 15 (0 'Twent'. -.0ie elil e e ar, und 21 giýs, 38o(4 cl ~el iii tnt send 26 t'ents envh Lut addition ta ttii ab-',ïc rates, to pay the,% nier- coau ~ î*tzwioli j t be r-.d TIl,e tirticIot t. hbe listributed arc eotnpriptcd 1 r.ijted states Tre.uurv Note *11(fl00< 2du et'I . (Io too 00 elleI (1do (le) do 20)0 0 ) <'au! 10 elo il0 (1 -, 10 00 eci, 1Io ettt luvr Lkt itiigca>ud Wae,'.................100 <ni) eUCh go Ul thi...............7. o i.ael 3,' do ......1 o0 0 cil 110< du................. (4<40t 1,c lOI1aisgold watuî,ua, .... 3.5 (X) nt, lt iIt'trInti~ceedwauclv, 50 40 uccit 54)o r'LLvtr Watchu,c.... J W0 3020 aaP-eactt tai-li ....... 10 i-bte) (1)30 0 ctI, 100, G Id and pentU 5 (ô4Oute 15(O0nc.iu liola I.e.ek(-ts. Ir,,',luts, llrooves, Eur lîrop, liteatit 'ins, Cuir l 'ins, iIecve Bittaîts, E(igus, s Iirt î'tilds1, Wau~(;1ld1ui.. iIver TIiiiliI't uand a variety ofuthet<,r artLclts wertlu frot ,5'. te. to $15 t0<4 ctI,. (.)ut1reuýcii t f tlieti' ut mt<tiîoney t te Uub iIerLLer's ,î,ni' 'till bc u ter,'d upoi miu book .îL.Lca ,,,î,,er, nu,.1 (lie. tiftiîrrtpttL, tvittî thunt ,,î,,,,tîcr witI bu ftrward,.d witliiin'u 'Jîtere Lt ,nithur hanibîuz or lottcrt' caot tlit autie,,tlisi cury :unb'.criber Lt aurcof sa tit "f v'. \<c prefvt te)iun kt. tIlt lihe4 Ltibtitti<on ainnntfl(heyn iliqteud (If gil9ug a large uonimî"ai,i, t,, agnt, lgiu',gteOh a seier the i' ,îut tthut wotid te tii thtagenlt aut'! iLt, ai'auua sea ltudrv,1 fold nmore. Ail comtn in 'cati oW i4 soutbe addrv-ed téo DANIEL ADEE, PuiusniSU, 13 211 (Centre Mreet,NAtc YackL. CARRIAGES, &c. à Plare chance for a (Lood îaa.d Pro. - Itabte Issv'eatment.4 TWILKLINSON note offeraflitat fitir Close Q. oume GLOBE IIOTEL., iu Brooklil, for tsala on .aealeant.Immedate pas- ssiotwil hogit-en. - Brookîin, &ttg. 24,1858.- 32 L&.NDS FOR. SALE 01n the - Cout « ofVictoria. T HEUNDERSIGNEDOFFERS FOIKGALE ou advttntaaeusternis, the.Ifoliowuvaln- ýabJe lantds situete iù the <1'cwà sliip of Efaet lu Ooun1ty of Victoria. TW lands otfercd é o f theftarst qnalrty and cottiià tvmdtablcgrowth "of the best pine and bardwvood. Tliiuy aitto- itcdl witLîiij iboottir BulseBavýrtto n Leake Simeecý-a uourLil g. village - bevlng alesa antd Eailway cottupntrdnieatLon, and Lu the course pt'evtats, are 1kag des(Lned (o bc the' capital of easgsnd!d nonthera tract of coutry. Acres. T-- toi-No.19........... LO IlWet - 2......00 - West 23.;i,î ....100 S No 2............200 Wei '< 29......... ..100- 44 l ..........20 Fast st119.,........100 Portne Rojd lie124. REAL ESTATE. BEAVERT-Oà N. ET-OR SALE CIIEAP, A MII.]. PRîVILEhE ANI) 'rOWN LOTS ctîîiîte l lthe lli%,ru't,uWhtarf.  larre ain1 profitable MiIliig btittte anbe tione hore. Favrorable tortu, ntav bic madt with the l'roprietur l'y a t'rat'ticat Miler. AppIY ttî MPL JAMES ARMSTRONG, N. B.-Tttere <t ta fir.t-r,,te apcniing ut Bea- vtrtau fo)r the EtlihImc1it ofu Fotîndry. J. A. Bc-arcrtonl, J ill 2.1, 137. 28 BlacksmiflLs & Waggonmakers Shops Fo'r Sale or (o Lct nt Liverpool, T WET MLES EA'r 41OF TOROtNT( A 11a t Et'tiSîoît ta a lttagc and a cqnartvr 'ieîe îrt.a.tusihav.e bueii ltcly .rocted ith- in a shtort (!tît-tuceofut ttlirKiiîgtotu 1(îad. and the Rîttltia % I t. A &,Qipt dlt'iuttî i- Lbot!, tradtra un b, eb v tîttc l' i<.tanxd ,tod work- mten. F'or fardier ptîrticiua.art 1 t s. PVRD)Y, Li'vrpool. July 2s, '7.28 FOR SALE, A t'oixtfa)rtzible t t,,,, tlv tt idce, .otuntedins t,.tIIî Ithe ar. .7.v r~ii I t, n-i , iiek-- ert,, ie,Ij thit e 1' itucîtittot, t Ilx a, ofthie Grand 'rrrm, rIîIu 1S ,,,Le.% front To- roto, contiting ut a Cottage conttuinlng Nine Roomat, with at'ery eouivecltierejî,isLte ; aaIurircliru andI Stoblo uttactted ;tl,,ovr falilix wel! of w,,. ter ;- the Grounîla are t.tsteftilty laid onît, und plutttd wLi, h hade Tre ut; :il. m aLargetGa rdin wel!estockcd with Frutit 'Fr-tu; tht wliooe t4>veria bvo acre,, of Grouud, <il cantiut 4 t<e tpasiuut, in teTom nsltip tf l'icktrengt, foits 118 tivuî,t- enta anti read-V aCer,-o th dt II.L!way. Terta itoado ciaty. Yl i irfî tîLn!ars appy tothe!, subacriber, Y'trk'. (lIv; or tii Mr. %Wiliai l 'iirdvý opon thte rtu s.Iosse4sion givun fortl;- w th. GEORIGE BOSTWICK. Yorkville, May. Ila S i. 7 Farm for Sale-. 2 ACRES 0 8'ENID'AN.LOT 2010, Lu lotit Conices!Ilon 0f lau!,1 Acrescleured. ThtaFarm ittiui îùtitLw ittin S,,tr miletstof» Beavertot, oeuthe trive! rîtitîto Mata; (t the ldn Lt.ot' the beat qUaity, and! i4inL the centre tif a gîuod ssufflement, with, a 1Sctoü1, und a Shwnîil rourtuiclît. Altïo. North, hi,df u ofIt 4, Ln tbe oOtit4'aca aLa,, of Thtîruli, ,uîatiim! îtI' i9,7, t. 12 ut wc4arc eicarttd, 1111tl tututîn Dtile tcPortage aýrTLIOS 1.tli.L.tL App~Ly to D CAMERON. FOr. SALE ClIIAF. L O No 27 lt to Sr i 4'- onttf NWhitby- t t'e W ~ uut a-ilu thte Town of Curry iîl'iarr Utia.,. Vnaua-, q, Bèleville, Or. to Batrîtster, 'Whitby. Jttî]y 1 ri!11 7. 26 FO0R SA L E ATAVEllE STAND iitl>rivtnpr honte _ and two larige Ltf Thurt i alto ut- tâched an wre of Lttîdl, phitetd urith i,tiu Fruit Trces. -Thorai a gond Weil ot Water,' cd on Lo>t No. t, lati, AuMuripootu, on vite Iead- ln modt i rwn tîîhlntÃý, Litidtay und Bca'eto, wtLŽhpraperty1 ahvi] u esokt ou* libe- raI tertua. For ternît. and partieulîtra a piy to the uwacr ut Neil fuugtFBroec ? (Mîstrtct ULne), neur ICurtnicî,tL's ttvent. JOHN McDOUG,ýALL, Cerpen ter. Brook, December 16,1$ 157. 48 aointh lourLiabtteg Towen utf\Viitby, on Brook atreet, d=nc -yoFpuaite J utige Butte- haie'a resitente, eoting tee fiflima et an acre of Landt, witil atbatit 1(10 feot trontuiga, ou teiili ta treetteo COMFORTABLE BRibK C'OTTAGE, teitti sttle eut Buildings, titi etelîletnt W£41 et Wuter, aud a eCitcrt togettier a'itii a utîin- bercf tultiabie Friit Trciî tr futie'.parti- culant apply te -W. 'SHAW, on the premçses- -7r tby, . liq0 . 17 s- ofPoi4uc t4iicui8 xc~aae atý Lau T1à Ware Stoe f ht~îndragnd.JOHN BRYAN'. Whitby, May 1lO18& - 'b1 Iron Ware. ~ ~HE6nb 'l tfir1 tl i b% N -&w Dit. MOJiS , th tittne gtz at di IJlire t ;a L truu-alii, having eiitite-l Etraliî,C Asia and Atriea, as 'vel ta North i nicea-iu spent ibret yctirs aîiomg iMe itiu, ut atm os e-tern couitv-it Itas i thisi y tisaIthej Indu itoot Pulls acre fItitsct (red. tIr Smeracwm-th Ist itinsu toevsthli-h tise hit ttîet ail disèa.sea n-rtta rýi.iitîtye if the bloot ,-liat omn streuuglt, tuetith andelitfe tiepeutiet 'ttponth i i -tal tItuid! a]J >io à eut ni *penfcèet liirnonu' wiîttLhe dit-j fernt-ttauiit f he îoboute, tise bootilest,.utIL ýacltin, biseiud t4,k, curt pted at iiuti lime ca i uu t.l and dLa.trea'i utor aven>' -naie ot1. t ysrcgtil i ut xisuteit, arI wiatît te are dOrreel-ot, and if.tîittte"la >mot the b'bcod Albcei iioeimid ceusete vt~ an o i.:loteInmportaint tlteul)hit tee loulti kttp t te vanienus .atsaïes ut th bcdy' fret anti opent. Ant Po' US!iatute u$ titat wira buu-t in ont varrta ut a m"'icno in youtttelt,.nurnel>', aipêealutilan lUeut Pltnaifitte ln planta antiroots'liogor rttettteu- tainous eii tNutii<migardait, fortise healti froun 'ahitIese Pilla ana-tîtîde us; a Sttfle'uie wbiebsçw2Qn8,tise porQta l'th~e alb1atni sitj ,Natlne >thros9ng,0ýuttoe st er parteof ile pasagïe le the longs; - au ttets, in a sootieg utuner, pçraitis tiuty by dtlrowisig fl phldgiand otistuimenmfore rethe Ilongs bY. 4 eoh ip4ttii. Th,;> titirdtIlsA <tDinthit7uw IIc g ir sae ati doiii t rb e til to (lie iutpe,i tise tnoteege, tse'tlrjy large antca ai o iupuiltr li Ibo , w4il IS thon tlrown but bOýetifùiIy by tlhenurceutry or ivater passage-, and weichacouldt , hae liait eaudsisreii sky'otler 'srey., The-fonnaea oCtthutl, andI îaoounaois tse-otitar pre tihtuaof. the l'is sihile- an*sgcd in purifyieîgthltebleail; lise coar- m-er particiés oo! Lupnity wseucanuot aaetiby tbe oî.luulmtqatlat, ara thas Ikets up ndceun ce>- ia&ff jit grentttanatititu y lise bowerls. h - rom tise aboya,1 t la shown tisat Dr. moivrs t'ti Indian Rodt iRF118 ift ehflulatr lise' stolaële, 381 ouiuly 89 ils n -k. AettueBrovlttiu Nosou Alculiîtstiuo, c I)tir.itîcnejiv uetsl anrt.11i..the~ I iu<e'~ at ue unl'etel< 'le Proes tenta, i634 cc-at, aat ul cual. ~?'Tisre Le a cQouaifltru.hee.gaving by tking tilLoger si-ice. N. .-)ht-..iîunfor tlic gtidinc of patients'- l unu indenranartxati- (wo catish rxÇ, - - Ç3' AUTION i- iregeuuumte unle tt0, iVr<îî IIS ti t-,N LW I amis. & Leumeos,' ttnadiicenîaluo a a tsits.-,otin'mec:ery> tèaf of tht hbaok of titeL utti ae aeis püoar box;* the saetua- nuty-li." huisilat ateby 7 th t'e kl teO t/us liý 't . 'atso- ett iwl1 tbcgie-V t'> an'.y e-rcttu ag ni'. hfornaticz, as; mu-y iead te thue letcetion, oi'aiy partt- or par -Lies oùuntorfaitlng.tis iedii aon veuding the. tsante, zIt-iitt iteintte o apurious,- Jün ntir,,iS; .- - 1 BuFFA-Lo lIEDICAL DISPENgARY »< ESTA BLISHIED F'011'THE CItE Q5F speusmt, ieusi l .LUsity, FerzandeiAgue; -DRt. AMJOS & SoN-,t <teILNtIt 'tIl-titi ..3(0 O Tii'as.. W£W, if, r. Wliitbý, July g's, 1 IU~LESTTE. ~ WQ ~ MDICIES.MEDICAL. ~: OtJElià d LOT FOR, SALE. Thte Indiesh lterb Doctor. I1VftriJY TUE BLÃ"OIII. VOE SALE IN THE. VILLAG E 0F BIltïOK-- .12 lin, e flouait and 1.ot tetoniteo oid ith31e --TISTEN TO ). I E - Moitit's Lite Piltiad.PhoenixBillers (teunty. The aho'.'e place La beiîtîtfuty sitOt - -t rîiru (fr . rttt ne I'romail MineraI Poisonas ated, ktewn las the rasidotmce et the lante in,. ~anid niastiti antdl hPira' ___&q__._ Ilgautî, i eti., ilsr.tt azgeodwatt eft teo, - l- t . Th l tieTIIE GILEAT l'ftILAELTY'WIIIiicïMOV Stabl, Stcî 0 uJ loue, &c., thereQeoý hà coutittl,tl ll ialo LtsLfljiuutilimnbIMerhact- JOIIN llc'l>GSof j éttîî i-lItceedI1)iV.tlein <se, netilera Lt tnetevfor:- c. w ie» . ' tnî0fe iiiIritle (inpnietot it er biîtetupartienileranu -ais Whitby, C wpOiit, -1),I- e.i Iii-4 thi trli'uL Ltu npaetv.1e Wîei(hy, Apnil 7tb, 1837. 12-tf. , tithont delity t> seciugltitiettit'ut'u-n. ictepb thtil c1 llktii'tt ii adt èai i I vîitg th-tir( lîctf cestitoion out îtmoe 'On SALÉ ilq '111E TOWY ' 0F jitt> eZrtttod Iiti. lctrb tF- îtni1tatit ttrec uilliatît of pur-c-aïW(jit wîu ue h îLtty, alitu il1 ,tduilitii't ît te ai,ý ol> ttc tatdl ruiitoreit ,,totc ltî,nu etî u perfect littaîti hy stt t eete Lttitatn:tgt tt "Ili tI ut ttheu, Lt î is ttiev that tiri îtainest - ifor its auttîttîntire gnît AIlaist ilim'.'iicittin att,î'e.i tho vtîeiniie n tte i) efiare thea pubie i,4L,.Is.q ou, titi-t ue by Iti OTS NOS. 2, and 22. THEY AIRE SITUf Tire fotto-.itig di 1ssci i citllylr tattnitiii ttîîtîliite. Int, autiitt evry v> n L ated ou *Dtiudas Struet, hettecrnMi. b . Mtsetotr.iiiacstg tltîtir otit- t; g nhcUut' iue> uetaeia h Cocrua' aJ Lndt rck.entce 1 vs- lee Dhituaof dteLuniga, iLvart, Livercr -t Ivt o i'. <t' h1 l it tIlrcIit l-ai-rit rentes'iug. ~ 'TEllES LIBEIbAL .in u'idl'btoat. Alto, DYtipet)iSa lî L I-id - dt.-11 i-, i %i tii r te il l - eie Application to e honmde t ic.i ttisoboo' u"~~L îîn'tgr nt.olli -îtu, SIt Eltuc, I t'.t1nuui c i iý tiole MRS. .ANGELIENE WEST, i:i<ratit coî111lttlitt ti >,var ttitsttdth. l itt î -,i $rI uLteura1 SC'ttnuy unrEnop Lot 33, Stît concecssiont Dartietg%'iu. i'e riî , ncch iLiîgmt tidLt.iutc:u ti-tliutg te>. tuuin- i t - L~.te oct riit'thLie fo Me- Clirihitian OtT'tnig'< plca.tv coliy tntii forhid. Ault tte L>utur., ,- Imtio ta b> lt-tIo eniot h i' i--. cii>'t*tiiisi<t igit-xi oatîti i n ila el____ - ~ - ieloeiitgUricdoliimr il t!jyIîc> a tn.<tt'n ii tliît" fe hv tbs lnhillet FARM FOR SALE. -- Ail lettmtt t'l' tIti. ittIei i erutî tuciruLiicdtit-e---.Iity riiat g efi-ltît onitebiod atteuiti' ti, uand atih tiI. e ivwi m isibu ade- ,1, u ,, 'i tIdi-seiî i e ,l tel - i il-t t i ti. ;11-iu i3i-(l h i 1OR Smaethe Ettot 13o titreoetLçt No. S '. .Iit- Bouton î lut sogite rlitilanrt(- ,,111ratt uI'r'î-nlvtc âittilIuitthe ibît cI.tîned, ant i Ltamud ttt, t ' f untîs"tt u-Itn 13t;tîildren. N. B. îtuillt-iet pritî< t il i ti-it tut id oXîîent.o uta>'bc sutit. hli weoil watied. tîtud tti1tit lirtît,uitbu tueitrt'ucroui uittr 'reptîreilî by Wtt.t.,tuMaîs'.mn-r, S D., NoVr Thaeeare Two Ssîw 3ille iori-ttii'.îtv Ih% ru-prcoiý.tlr a triflit i I) ;il)tii York a nd ituu tirSale ,s - part of tie l 't rî, -titÛiii kiI t 1t1au1 tytitinsiamile aitutîlittl f u tti'eîîn('miss, antd uL i paint, thrtiiitt-i hiC <tac, tti,, is la -itt>11 c tî' t s gotiti Seloo titir îe cartne'n(.If tire li. 'fzisentiin <lliit- îri',r tîttîl lultIdiatitit Ittitsifltt-HEALTR IAND)~ O T R 17 t otrt ifSittîtîtur fetloItu. 'îte l.mttd lt, wx- t 'rîtoittc-e tu rt-i-*qt-t. at-.itc atl aic -tt u -'îîîra itell"it andîtt'or (nUi t.iii s'-il caw tit<e xetoet- tif treittiuîctî t t lit thUcu-' 1 11(i ttitroubiît-t'X cd teitiiit ite. ti lita sXandci, ut ivithtit,4 ttîîlî-, of iLIl, l. i i- .as~ ~rizu. îiEl Uxmigc Vilge L tiurIn - tctL, ilI.uto , lt i l 'lr--.-th F.L~u tippL ta EORUE MEUILIi2K iMt î,Tîî ,i u. 5 iu Oltishe peufigtIll Or lu SIEDICAL HALL, UX MiIDGB. 1 T UE b'tili - -li t'l'cal!l( i e Cîtt -t i-k'i o -- FOR S111LE1. tlinîa Oi".Ian(l. 'î-t .,t-e, a geati t Ur'tt i itutIit l '(& ai cn, c-c T OME LOTS it Wii)i, ieunIthe Bav Ir>tetc-eîitri :îittiiistti Alto; Vil lage Lat, mît t>îhii't I'ati 'r S, et, c1 - tn l,~-.l uttt tmat's hity,autiL l'on-t l'i'rry. î.t. î-i'i _ (IcT;N, OLLOWAY'S ILLS A t'! 3 Cl(II)ît t iti ut îrtu-t G. il. DAI'TNELL, - tatitge. Jitltu 7, lt)ýl. i June le, 117. JIr212 titiîtb nDu bA»ilE>Ulu. t ia iii-l'u. laild i ttioh Bbcc itr, Imn 100 Acres of Laud for Sale. i" 't i îîrîiall 'lwit a--- lt~L.X iciIL LeaetL T 5ltilt eo' LMt No 7, iu Ite 2t1Iî lo Ii. lie lia" î. irrL c icitt.lt ht'î tl tc(l t 1tit < 'Irt-iilue rt iieoantI thui w ohf Usttnidgt. utillt a gtotl taie îtî mil]-iti -i rt -l-ti<:~ \,t raic -iyu:ri;tu Ilte t î,hid,, lictic-n hetd in g>iwuruittg trlier. ;iîîî t-met oftîe 'ittî,î r tt it v-h t liiit h Stlirei' utl trt i i 'ttt ir tLehte cieuretL Thliore huaaîtît1 lionî,le a rribn. A! lted-'ti t Iltlt"largi'ut anlît o'ttt01tcltteuîî-.'I- I - t he<l braut, un eny utiles l'ark Lut Noc7 , tiittit, ireg:!t. iii theTolii STOCK OF Pi L EI>iGS, pt iaîî ai tttot-t et tilhtIhy, cnatitLuuc fis-e ure.s,.titîtl niod t4'e r le-r1itii.-jt-î.I raîei'< i itîttuuialttisettcsi rtittiits ittahttisei, am n Tu vu ;î.1'I 'sd Throughout thet WorId 1 eut offices. Appt> to ttî.t', t. lu M- uît. '.n'iîcn ' ît '. '< 'l.O tieoitts-tiraj e C. M. KELL ER, " Itt ic.lit- itiI'-S tt. 0t. , tuîttt 'thuu<tb tinnr tO watr, trt tl 'îî~ lI- ~ ~lit~îet ii'. tiin tu--- tlntt ouiatt t-i c-t-ý<tîî týt tezsrnd Ilttrla*ii.O. Horse and Jat le NCdieines Asrua )urea or F. KELI.El if, ulih i'i~'ît iiui.~ - -~~ , - Surgeons lut truuum't . i i"iu< ie ' l Liu;th. a iltl.iizi. attithe ratta 'I iiii.t'-rt-.e~i'-hu-. il tu t ic.t e<ratives, 100 Acres of Laudi for Sale. IÀîÀ"i'Iî,-iu..-tt.?ltattetugue 'UT1S'r liaift luI 17, PC fCtn. L'xbiidge, lI;01 ii-a--i t .t- i, i: te lid. .taîd irsugo- teithlItià et, baun îmitIt.eatiitîtt Tliatti la î,fI;- -- i e the -very liat tjtalty. 'lite-wvutje,tctlatna!ic' IARN SI i mîixet aitu tluC eray be-t o"t ue oularI utwooii.i 'eî'iIeaiuit-.Nervou* Coceplaints siu:23 omilefrtîîtut ltt SWîh A t i ,RE Stick it ' of itii'ttti I Wlii tIll-itîî.î,t fil. tise nou'tiugan etiitni, anti Cotteettiett iittla îutmi-tnei milrtut u~ --~, . l &I,- . -~ ititeiti .l.gLv anaua Fur tentiandttpairtictitatr,U I h<ti, biiit Appi tathtOW<it, G.A. B 'N'NISTEL'R Delicate Femmaleg'. JAMIES KELLERI, htuttt-- ,-iho .-I mi ba;l3,t it f il ;x iil t t'ld iiter etl te . - t~IvA ett-ltive tinit-of tjle tex. but Lu- F. lKPLLER4 .Aillad e iii, tinai s r :l au. s.li1"Iîuld fa7lite bave AN .EXCELLENT FARM TO LET. nottti,li.ttiit r1luiaLc buii.g < 1ti ciuifeEdo Let< tue in Ili h ntuLi i,o tiL.t it.. -a T' Ir, ejIîd tut L'noct," lite Londonut"Médical 1;.~A LIMITEL' NU.BI 3 ERte.lvnîuiî I i t-i tuth u-' cih- t-ta tuîtva cieiau F2 150 OACRES, tî~ittdînît't e ~ ~ i, tîtr . iiait,, I iiIi tî itiuiy h h,îtg tise Nantis tVe>t hltf et 1Lut Nîm24 lo ttotîn, uit.toI 1t' ii iie rcttirtii-.ttetic c. t-i<ulusa i'tirtsntr t'totc-'utti , atndltle Slatths tteat 5i) c-ns oh'Lot I .Yttilt Fti titi LIL riatt tti l-al h i t-Ivi niia_'c.";[,î t iî,tivia)". iuiîti are, thet huai nttnedy in tilt 'No 24, 4t.m umviiuî Douaîpo i 1itbhy-- tou, a-dtdinuctla ..ti'incîfor t tmtit-u it"L<î lcIXutcdiuiat- 1204 acces i elîctttel-t.i larý.i-go tpontîtinut tiseturtu lt m ii but-stt~iuneia~iifun tun yeun Tto('d un-'o iîît-tleiut fint(.-1011t.i c Aem<eî 'thd~Olc.ltlt~ yli pas tiictiigte t moot. ~ îj 0, oi et i'a it ut dtlicacy, relu-ouila oi t hL,-,îc-tu- îIi :iu i-., -A pytu oslîugblii, e . lctî ike c\ iiirge- .C ttt 'adâ, [i, Inutut,Auet uu JOl11 NiDO-W' lesiiîu tt in u ,'cî.iîtjala de ahll t l eit vae ulstn- -. Guvl is by good.'Lî tuat hWu.e0 , cli t i,-a 0lie cis tîlttu lite îitct-a., îex tods. 'W'bthy Jet î, 157. - -' * tattslC-lânate for thet-irecc iutam iati 1v'a es.-- Ioniwak Sj Wliltbv_ _u_-_le, 1857.aV"da Lis ArcetnIL -lisIîtj > FvrLona e teeog x1trfl1ta'.tmrLt-uLmi lot-m.r.acFei...-sAmu ai ail -- ' 2 Bouc ututtfl, l'. 0Q, Netl'ont., t<,ti le LoihiatLver'Cartn-'. -i-nd