Piaae..Fortella made Toued and te. pasred. T IIE UNDERSIGNED BEG TII UJF0M. hue inliahitas o! WIiby sud itie vieîiiy musltha psîhiegenerally that tbey haveopène:à uhnaw braucluo! business in te Toswnof Wiby, wluiiet ubraces thbe înliunuwturixsg, tusnig and vela5rlngoff unîsîcual iuaîrnncnis. Pin-ort.s nuufaeiured lu oraler, Aso Accordeuns) !loldeous, aind a1l kinda of sti'in iiustruutuiis. The atteniuo! parties in the Town in parti- cularily req iucuted tu theleuuvcuiieni!secility nov wuitlsu ;thl- r mach, o!flisting their Piaânos Me- lodeonls Acco-deoîua, kapi properly tnned sudd repairel it t huir own rcesu.lcassad witlioii tn.-iuhle or aulnorlut g tlienslmR-a-u. Thue objeet ofthe ud,-raýigued .ui ta.give fulipublic ssii- faction whiclu i 1> expeeît t do lu ail iseirdeal- 115f. ffé fi ~~ucr jWritten Lu- tise Wbiîby r islcl.]: AÀ pnu rse wepnul, wnp 5101, $ais adesal, Wtuo8e Younug ify a vassorrow, Lay downluy aluwn, lise wemy phaae Futor ier tia snumurrow, Neyer shlugzho waks uqà un, To thua io*lung uusgcasulespslný Deatli bas luniuedthue hîtiuig alain, W4 5ythssu hould v.e eurruw. I ~IIQf*NS &XA E H I R - 11110'1< 8TRF£T, N WIIIBY, tr Nexi Dour to tIe Regintry Office. T11 F T F 1 .IS01Pf'SU1$C IPI'ION TO TuIE W Wi ronicZe, wl bc $2 pur aannu, lsyatble strictly iV salviiiie. 'en ite aiem ] n er,...............$0 75 Abeve tet »î huas ut ins -rtîon ..........O 0 -8 'Euery suaeueî nsrtiots, (parlia.Q A lierl dlseiu)nt alluwedtou Iuiaîuî ntal VOL, 2. t)therà advertikiaug by the yaar. __________and____________ 6i'lhis ipar Ilutkt îalrcdY ait ituninsecireultitiou _ntt iiunt y, h1.4esb eling read b1 e'-crv bu- AMBIERT SPRING, niiiS4 at iu lu Wlutby endliïs vicoinîy, a 6eiter UCTIONEER, &c., &c., EPSOM, TOWN- p.d-uitisuîgInaliuociîll l ha 13ecuad lu ( ibiis r m llîl of Iteacli. tculit. wA i îîavu-utluia or tîliik îvell ordo- -- ---- --________ 11t o . ;,willlumelease luie tinsmu iuu-wrding A. 1'RINGLBt oi, toicea%. 1FJCIIAN'.T TAIL-OR, BRVCK STREET, teag cnc]iv usIingasii r3itra, il o TIILO;MAS DEVERELL, . riet ou'tu, 1ull i ruw i icrewoat 1,I) li ,&c.,) GEN STREET, lUIIS& IMYERIItulFFEIt _____- ________ Wilîiîb, C. W M.,1NILLA IIOTENL, - izi LAT fi' COU ÉTARrD'S COR- B O OK A ND JO B urm tu irlilrp-au. 2 FRINTING ENTAU1LISIIMENT. i OAi<WOOI> IlOTEL, i1 e d 1(t ii ivcîroeuîref 1 aioI wo!, t lei, uniHI' NUI 1 Ifl SIFt- Wihcalm pritited '7rds great thoibts MtBRxIuth&g 1t<Iitstry w vçt _________________ "tePoacS é tffe,. Proe ~mUe RAILROAD IIOUSEt C ORNERZOF O>'110K ANI) I>LNDÂSS sý Wlhltby, (Laie Wileecksioiî'.) The Suh! scribu±r hega tu sunogntisa uthe inhatuitalis 4o! Wliby, sud the travelling comntninly, Usai ho 11las tikan tihe abova firat chas bluse, whlch lia has litaed up in a iiow anal cusvaniosl nstituer. A irot-rate Table L;servedathlis ilotel, Dm- tiers, Lutieheons, &c., catisb ha hd ai a nmomîents notice. JAI] Liquors kept cuistue promes are - iaru-auutealtha qpu-uini e rfcu. Cluoio Cware. THOMAS DOWNING Whlîîs, Mardi l'th, 1857.8 OVSTER 'CRYSTAL u SALOON, biol,lc-ui lu dIip u - 0~îut i iîl . - It. 133q, Walla5ce Diludlngi, Veuge -FEITZ & RAINER, Fittiug tinte jlr lier lu dia, lui Puiali 4îluc îciiii t Rît T WIl l i y t i W- braI:, Torontîo. Cluolca Lii.jiora,Cignu-u, 'Piano matikens ancu ti sie Test-lera, hIuward idad.+g tcdn r BOOK AND JOB PRIN Lr1NG F1 1 si'iE ItIilR.&e fEVANS & DI.XoN, t~-~i- lie eru ctii3given in - uOw n li er ho:rt sall i, Toronto, Juls-h15, 1851 26 niiisie ils î-reuouiîre. eot gwnifti-uiaîîîe tlt-.t..--.- __ONTARIO - - iii- l'.r vil h runeinber. *111 ~ ~ ~ ~ e bPR)esA-i,, on ttrt iort .. , J)u~>roli , iWhuls, us ht'5' 1 Hiîîu wlio found lier yonng saldfal?, t~iîtiuîThe one1of es-., t OW II AN . J..i itRV(l.IR KN TOAl IIOnd.,- -Gla ngwo'd bar, won lier, lait lier tisera1 j I? U0 e 11,1 (U 1g1) ig, . T;S1,ule outeulft u utcoid destpair, allich Ille publie. îi thtuir u -titlUnrt un1t 1c lqPLÂNr' DE-LIN, l'uîintutr, Glazier, De- N wta:ao sPit use lifind îul irg- îîik -i i u IFa.- Uioîl I Tîiier, 'rqiiictoi E,t of iflte Murket '-wh - el iuulie à dtheple ~thtie lulis rein-jr aU froua the Dasth aluna cotdd sevor, stiutioliery, ut'îu, e ls-h h-iu ug u i lit suYtV 1oi- <llisitufilhe oil i ni liiids2.) Wl i li i n", e a nd ii,'iBru'an i xui-tuîîiA dle ye ivew hi ut htus i !tl-, luîîtîu' ui lie ilri uîiiî "titheiiil set S i nehos , lIIo- li nd u l &NiY lOIi.' - EElu X~.E 1)WA ; i A Y. le- iruirSuttt~eîîsite W. Il. Doel's Clone tluanu sout fîrever- UN il (>F P Y8l- N ,St -cal ulî2î m -.u i eat-uu- lreîIarc tu un- Beuiti!lllî unîlti-suahe, .. ; iv Vlit 1dt.., tfuthuuitb1f l e - -y For s, ! . ~.Th ee n: loger sugeai waut, -W. - - Il. a>E . ,rsn u -, is as nîd toe ,xeetlte the isanie s ilis;seî tîlupoli :autfirc-r &IILi:RIC-%NatlSltS ItEEN I uithratshtruu,. P ~t-lATEt- uNpIuiRt.. 1',1 iopnid bluytlheuusdr-igerlcc -lA iliiuftttrig, ~doue wilh aeuruicy A. . W ro'ti ga 1The Itou-uc is su-il fliruiisîteIt, oeil ke1't, iuit tfil ' N a-ijuutio ultuîiltltcusety O ---,.- 1 îîruiitss, c u- aepîg uîutuîiurooitsv sad iry. Tisera i -ukt- '--h-ii-a ui.'uituv îuunr 0F lii E i l NI' V R S ISALOON@TEthiuî ii rapi(l lii uuisî andt u rite u-Is:r-ui-ouîuu us J îîîr -u~W-- t ~-'ii tlZl.îi)l't L 'FA0 T E OU l arge lid nivnnad uuuu l sibl .~j.eu, wilu - 1) Eu~îiîLx I. ~- I u i: u N 1111 lu KjT., 'A t-itilru,.iuf t liaTsi- iitiup Buit-b Ai]- YELS- C'. iEYOv. u tr-t, s t ,uilttulesAaus-un ls-ai-inîiauu wuîui; L >uttute iWl rI RB II.ttY MÂ.1r1theW ib c liiBLe.] IN V.iAM I - ----- ituRai uuuuu1ulaui iiu- -1- 1ý-r uuuuuui il C. andt-r Lit-s. Tc Ihsîna b a e tofteAr yi Id LEU uu riE CiiN'lY ii ti-rAN s ; I N LN Bo s . - hra flit t-u 9Idy Ushier lsu y iisia I-Nt ùrueîluiie îî-a tr-uasîuisslfIulgIs c5ut-42 lsose f Às w reuîe iîNPTAL-em u- GE R E_______0__ ___ h lib)'ttlUbide ' îi . _, __T eIttà i fB iupre aI rb oF rli-' 11-A______ n-t-A -T&,N 0î7Tu.uR tcs -h s b eiireuera «iiis itile ii uu ici 1OU E uLO SilR S LE.15 ~~~~~~~ue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ elei lI-titrvithh--,leîuF tV 1',forI'ITit OMO-the iro nsi OdaISnotae. l- R A E aIL I, i n the ut- fîned prtntia on a-d f l(" . 4xii: l it V - II, i -lli-c-iî t l wuiiifi ia ihri - le m euî a ah' r i tin pnl uto i ei T, rsatad I vionStet orj roînulul ofotre KifreindwiaCompanye VTAUIlr:N 1tEt lu\u1- tri Lît EV u uuibs -i -uitlu-M- I th.e îcus,î> lrîiuî ed:"uf - -îî imiigi-,i tnetj Th.% ao, Lit. ITle tuiuslis V JO HNsîV . -Il ' - -31 o bA iivd sle h a s i#t i i l fui I. fuicle. rlavt r a di ifi lilco - oe forbi stit e e iti ls Comaer R AIr aDII T E , e. 4"i situ, 't Ilue luiritatiusgtuarePcisiuandjuuuu i-au- heu-utc i, Irrlt l. PCX o rt. 1ic u L î N I ttuluY, . W.uu There t-titelr-,):;Iiumeîiitiht-. ejouiho tîu AL X. CA ERON T ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ji'ujc1kîM uEE B t'îîI L D I-'"l-ouruiGuiuuhiiuithretîftioi tit Aîc-rcaunt'ustiîa-t. u - r RsiN Y N l3~ cN S-111110FDtII T Ej L osc ,s- ît'au lre o -ucii l . "r euund rh r atei u m pp yt and ew-s luss ed at m ny o %V P XN 8E, ( kJr..1 ' Niutt i tue I uI e rAliug 1 lu-t-t oîuithccueunerudrdfte I. F lIII~N S, -- i ~~ S-u t o a . 1Eu-eu-y t)iitsuhi-£Costbl. hsiu g "nti ise ba thsisurus> wuîsuife W. SF. 11 AN, - -ltFnltsOFTIIS E -detioasofe-th owerut heîbneî ut suNY(-IE TTI.Ctk-lgAl.ait JIAevlSu) GVEIN ELINTO!TIT ., l.515A"IINLI t1Tu~ ~ ( sut u I O ~ u~'-e~ruailu'ruit-eude-nusy ulur.uuhn ouilu lus trm'liebu whih ai-ut a m ati ti , -- ig",teelcaI t e M(in i l s- Lt p n otl i ' i s. i--s-, v in-Ossand, t'eîuuitrs.his$suuuî-s ai atri' kuun I run-ui liut l, lui--atanoaue u -t t fue iubrIa utu;inutu--itir-litclu enae Mts u est ou n tie jG AUi t h~ e Ih A ul'\N uEu N rc utUt-a TI t[areiïtititttit enferl lIalui-sli-> u- l: 1iubie Alîsujeu t-r lesu-u-as ul t ue nîuila I N'fi.\ iS (;IVE N WIEùLIie<N 'nT - 1 Eû' 1téof Wiiunuu lurlu 'uv ~ îSîuis - si-i1;w:u I- - - il'ut 1.1t MAI)lroll t -b-- lid" ýn- bou arle ftusî e i dri t u ebutas-s fro terdamne stet J* V. tAM4 I NI litiuv. grusi î'r Ita l' of t'lie l sîrtWuiii, ',t%'nse N'ity r(ia l sthes e k 'd forth tivs' IV. hllT-l-IT-l. ANFIE-B O'Cýu'tîiivIi l iloti'zff~uuro ote], tu LIJ t he pu- osui ýi l iia c -uut iot lueTai. Thcaitnat go e ffrsa a ti o q atr o ______ND_111t,11-F IT , UitthiusuIsi îfs. eisa nued fr tsb em1epac ediiuiuîu u %%ilt ! &cre fi'u-u-ouui't ist t rae -pofte trode. i hevfr eu itobc. rai i~ ot - ~~. ~~j-v F U(IIIIÂNK \1T, --- TIT-- toilos. Te bd uivi e tge u il:* u bie ..Al!t ruîl udîe î>o ri a lets taaîil a eie rce ig dy en AN',Cl ~u EIYk îîiVE AuIU iuug.Van u -tuià , ta>. nlor tu Gu ianbunu liu ,and atteivt n me i'jlar-iod a Putuop and saLI îîE. n t e te -oS ue rke n - .MA115 m1.A, B c MP E L.-______ -------- eu32i'eia uiidt ligatilutu-ci privteil r e ru- of the mti ars fu st-erd ftice J.Au-v.u-11uîulUA X E,î .S>ibSIl - 1 0 l NS ~ ~ J ' 94 hp1 o e part o dfk s they tur caudled frth, the g) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "u AIIITI NIxrilNvA ,W ss- >tAuti tforiteuia iti ial tieur- t'wns BrfiA i4ssrieis Lla10uutae fuit isan 1bateie, anspisoh,sid iS.O I J)tfhii--suur ht tîuiu .b viuclituq IU l - fT. a \.RSA D îSTRI t isiA-orto- uupcaie hts ttîrsu-yiSili- BouI- S. uve IliteRFQRD & Sif0iiaL'rSieo. ~ !Qebcwl alsiobr se- j etirot.uttilTw. TheGGidS a rge ta Icape etyt- outr 'B W icru tu, M rd c. l & ut\Vet.I - LA- J n-O-l,) o us IIE A ONS aI M draýt o c ha rSSI tLia ab , ut d n atcid lle )iuuCbruu ale i tOffce. iVgl e o u this subjet ndquarter o f " NW T A I L O R S & C * -fleur tisa BputfkuiSt, and liteibau-uof franalfpriai i- of_________ ~î-Ii <'milîtti 4aitit îtg. f ilte utusi e ru . IRigStrON 5, Iu il- ~~tel, Fsdba i n Spiri -t b vel u -v a, QUE ;iie' cs OLThe liot, oiu a n unexI A - etyn IN HYti -auej 4f JOU N B MLLNAI aii,* q_- fur lO. BOUt~ewas iIITadBC-,misndiiinsue. lf io~4~c iti t(1 ielhti no!Uu1eplceatiilDeputmenttise s'nthepee; bartenit oriih.fîie IM XIS'rEu, AiT0UiliEY, uit-tflit C uisu- f i <lu ru-luti. u'i- t S ot' pîuusîs 1iWY!. usAiS-suit.PiJOCIRIO1. aite tise lCab sTiîiu,>'luuuilu. trSt ~~--Iltitul uutuatetu na1leuaiand ____________ - i rupeuh n-uul tb iu itl, ounthe fu-uizirmsa. IL'Lf' 'O0vwSO, jt i- îs'ua i-aiiu truu-ulueu-s. ood - ---- ---e-- - FARIERa1lITEL, C Uc-) o1îa -tt- ooi itî 'il i Js. nusîîg- j XftheIlue u- lsiui rieioBUrcstukliltu lu Green- MIL 1.W- CLAnK, -___ URUiiN Aô't 1711Lut,& coII0N'rm, PARTNERS1IIPb for Ihe ('eons>t- if (ituuuii. ItS UNDIISICYNED IIAN'E ENTERE]) - -- - - --- luo luariipaAUCITIO$EEP.5ucuidau- WILLIAM TE3IPES*Ç, M. D. tfhe ut%>e anduti Su-n of*l'attusuuanal 'priMp. ING't>.EE, OSIIAWil, CAýNADA JAS. 'A-rI'E1tSuuN 5A L1EItT PRNIG, K ~I~TET ~ . 17 Stefce -11ý - ---' -Alh ou-ters uctatteCluiiuuuiluPrhuitin g Office, J. N , . Wlitby, pu-uuuutly atteiduIo, Auction Bîls TiIlSICAN, I4l(jEtNu-ACCOIttIIER, l>ninted iugoudstile, anal ai relueed price.. I"&c Reidesee-)uItlI'uCueak,Il'icker-______- J. S~ JOES, 'JjiSHP)NAISI IAlIR CUTTINc4 A"] OAL DENTp .-QFFWBI IN Bp R 00K JUSiuaIt' oius Bruek StreeU, Whiby.- 14 tu-aleueu-J. Juws's itera, nta oposite A Su-t rat-a ugîisilBabrauud H-itDresser, ut liuellgtsts <Ilc. t4 sauaios aunised thgeutuili'indi inuens, aili always tbe a fîwnntair* trial. founitd su aiiess Iu attend on gentlanà uen.- - - Suiavbsgis aà pruvuaso viticligentuhheunfoi AMiOl4 -w. CRON, fuod reasoufs, au-e inittn arse, bat ander Roub- ARITTCIVIL ENGINEEII, à DÀo!,] iiiti5 aud tlise>will Sud lhe uperallun bu" PULADE X . CLARK, HEIEOTEL, - loiGCOSAB., COUNTY ONTARIO, as-ROt' 8BEUSsT Wflieî ý I'aisd Inspecter o!'Lîcaunscs luthue Manseipalt- -Ê1SSE VAN SYL4I RO;PoRîXToRýT-se iyof titaTown of Wilit bv. 1 j, subsriser hasa ras moa tise pomsssesslofu tisîe aisuve well'knowtihisolai a akes lest'.' t F. M CLA K,- inffirm bisplittonsad pflië, thats5uting Uls Ejil jÇCHIiýNT TAJII,.Nu. 74, RING SET. 'tisair. 58tbti in 4nd cous ont. - lia truste thsî M NVw-at, Torolito. -10 à 1> iau5m e-ole r- haSt,.tfisa-puhhite, G <. j- - BANNSTE R. -- 't undonbput bleé f9vrEèy at"iô -s GIT . UGNAND CUiMICýALS rid eqper .ht Ol ~~ ~Stuffvuhurs te., ai- . V2' Lx p $ 4 I u. PAPEîR ou~ r- -q B&~JRA1BAZON, "are-4ly aisîalsed Wteio tu-usfys o -l AN~t.~Mf1 O<NER FOR setge, teu-ms, &., and oenter'irnta stfi Im4auvtà in-the 4Isen1a onohioL lrtsnà teâs tlttig to>tny i ~svv a- iqLl*flab- 1 $bs;e 'O, r 4* *4 t, i /-a b,, Fe as tu the suTrrounaUUi1lg tc, pritncÎpal places of maort, seanery, &o. 18 JOLIANNA QUINN. Prorietur. ion WILVXDmuos nQir TeRIs OLD 119085 AGÂIX! T aE undarsignea l h. agnin raauiiied puse- Tof the abute well knowu butai, which wll bc Condueteda ",fut'merTly with the stricetcst pr<,- priety and regart4 foarthe coomfurt and cuuivani- enrea uftlut Public. Théepiopric t-ur uslc Iia. luay friends that firrytfting4is. Pade rpdy as 19,rmarily te enter- tain thcâut thea Glob ilutoi, and Uitt he wi. ba pemuônufly prasent te* giva than u auh a rù- ceptiOll ass I - wolt. . T he bous., asbeau thuruuglîly papered, -paintead alrauvted, and Iî t ted up in avery -raupoot iiatuvh aa anner.gg tu manure satisfac- tion. ý he bau andl table supplied, as forinerl7 with tho estetba ndlikbe Cal] sud "0 . QSE H WILKiiSON. BroklinMy26, 1858.,,ii JAMES R. KILBSORN, rmhsfrieade andal.the, ublie, oruîteýwork lu Brick andl Paai.riikewise eAxeMKLBR W~Dunlop atIfiti ýWIîîtyP*Wxeet Oih .lgutul tIancTRe, I. of 11 th nvriyO r~18 ae wil cornu-nee un the Firat %edncstday of OV EMBER next, and tarininâtteend o al le ru]- lowing Aprii. Furo clr rogurdjng the course of study, Fa-s &o., raference la madle to the IlAnni Announearnemnt," a eopv utof whicli ny bulicad u pton to JOIHN STE~WART ee Secretary lu the Mediosl ilacity. INTERNtTIONVAL JOTjýL# EAS'r MAItXer 8gQUARE, TORONTO,- EThaenie haue ranged fur t! (e e'nnfort o! guesta. B âa at- tention tu binsincess and fuir deslng with the utilie, he xpetà telu et witlïa abara of pub- TUZ LUCKNOW ROUSE il frie. sa Oblep~ic 1 1 1 ;bi in thss tasd lstely ou'çu d bQ li. A. Keieyï te taýa ord.enr c lit 1 d;ap guuao- mars on the ahéete8f lé . All ordeum pj54e lms din- 'apiiie tRGo L*T4td 'beet purdeti asyen desiv.d-- thaî-Ise- igit voinutuer auto tiseî for<siît pej to-inotreow, tise muels needetietîii ,would hava kbeeu lest teerny iud bis lif e extended but ýby a4' iosasW-e are all uýgreeti tisat- leaders i tise Sý"ault wll D8v0Y1-l ;tise tep oftlubat firo"inng rock, .Ut yent msaidsnething ef abôetbr L' hTulad'e be'sng bm yonr b-i'a~ *h~o -la - wh-elià sbe'î<î- - Pise otlic<sr tus a'd4ee wpt ýt!n, near t4 efqoptÈu s a4~xs la be ,OssgQtoîeu -'*W~ plied 46 ur u èléney.ivrykind: te express yourse ftis>hit :ny adds anoîiser pang pjmýpy sinicer grie-f ,it tise Occurrencoe thisdzay Leeaau -net-I al atuit," and tWvards-ehý door t genci-al lsudprevi w-as stopped bi th had e2llcd Dehiunai IlCampbell,I bu t-anreport t e e division, -anti I wll -Lc aving tiseint nsinded old ge"hral rences of tise day w te tishe rmgeing re The Brillis Cet ith fB% ë Iffi b the clergymnan, wh0', ehIP6rc- tes li ein ëeral, bad not't1hpI 90tK i B I spend ot £80; (TObdI1 Î7A Voenteer BapilFIit ________________I remember one oig,:en a lad > reif9~l ~ ~ . NO.-42. htih 1cu nth a»,been moM e *th cight years of ageý, I1shall, irer oeLrget thtr ;drleff ee to Commaýnde-is-Chief 'with a 1briýlià ntspectacle. It bappenéd týis - Wlie-Cflâ ery one prusuntaxud escort rode into the. middle of the bol bytischool hous.-a vNej9 upneemdi* thui~ sord andlowsqure ermu byailth~edifice it was-7ran a deep and rapid river trOPS, Across it.had buen thMdWà -ta high, wôôff Iying oit' th'u ar h atiVe aud European ivhîch could be idie th anriln owictpd' spaýred from the&acual duties ol,'ibe tha -nd - uc t lu aaba had eatfrely Lbell said an old -siege. The prisonur W as thon broug4t destroyed. iËel laad .,on tbs ,oppois~it n the undre.ss of a out from a srnall ih tent and support~- -of th 1e stram waa ownad by differSt p? "that vwas behling cd ofu cithur s'ide by às 'vy e wau sons andMried ly4ie >ss~i4 geancu, did you suie draggud rather than ledl to, a I>osition Onue bright summer day-I reseraberitas Wec>e spea',king. J in front of the generai staff on .e'otitWÇçre&eterday,t,Èe hourof qWaar d s~ Tillchs for & lad whom riding a few puces in advace, nycdreiùdthe rlkone i-sekfl ~h ce ay, h appe rom b is çstache 'be .of schuol-boy ere Jet jougffufr ab, htW#U' thue wh ays eoftaking a heprcudig opareretif. a3 o w n thr u ned fgan reà ading. "h r ei faAUl at 'once the lô n n «tO8YI3*O Drura head Court Martial assurnbled t* uîs, that 1usd brcsken u~o hi 1 139 (icteicrlDclam- On the -= ay of Ducumbu.r,. 1826O, by closure on escli side of; the river attracted pbell, " an example order of lis Eixcellnncy Sir S. C., ur attention. The 'animais Wee t(oLyetd ird, but for even a 'ýOmndner-in-Uhief inlndia," and se sight of cach other, but we-re' appro"dhng ef to break the arti. tlîrough ail thse dutails of thse crime to alorig the highway at a rate of Speed whicb ýpnnishing anothur thse finding. %vould can8ae thanu lu meu't near tIs centft Lent, la a kiiîd of uz- 'The Court having huard the evi- of 0ahgsbig hihIhv eciel rio good dain bu ex- deride tJ«ered 14 lise juclgg ÀAdtdéteanbnatwlctsoetlitytC chîdcrffiîly give thu General lnuppor of thechrg, t1i ras the river, hetween atep bahL. bdf alk f geural tha prsone se harg, ~ mure daring of usgathered near thse Mbride decinig sy aytbng u înis it, to sec thse anticipated fight, Wd edu4 hastiiy."? defence, finds the pt-isoner, Gunnef were flot disappclintad. Nqearer and rîmei 1dtisrnouîted order- Frank Heurbert of thse Liorse -Artil- the>' approached tbe-prosd p&wing oorn door, holding a lm~- lut-y,.col the lb-st charg e, gnîkly-euti hatants. Bashaà nave- produced týwd' hjish bu respecuffill>' the seeonà dlîirgà e, gujty' and do brutes of fiercer aspect. They lasheà theii ilonei, who lstsily sentence him thse said Gunîser Frank sidce tvsth -thaiýr tails, they tore-'thse eodud coîntents, exelain-ilHerbert te bu shott o- death b>' isus- with their feat Occasiona1ly' thay lcned-- kétry nta suth tlnse mnd placee as the ed- down, tt'ying lt gure thse e#Ytb, with et-t hua desurt-ed tO confirmitîig autbority may direct. At tiscir huma:. And as yet they were bll cuualed, acu froin the other; by thse ascent 3 must instantly bu 1îlîese words thse reader foerni shook -te the bridge at aithar enit f'added he,as the audlbly, butWln li e fitly continu- Presqnl>', as tlsey zinuultanouas Scu4_ ingcrud i n the tent cd, Approved an(] coîsfirmed. ed tisa respective abutinants, they mot~s round witb tise USîî Sigîued ,S. C. Genierail, full in siglit of each other,ý Thot1bai *at SWilo ? Vat ? iCamanding lii CIuief" moittual aud actually treniendous. Eveq-7 i reportst te e-that eot ill thée force of uuilitary disci- us-cîin of ns sprsng ihalo the fiaid, and ran,. of bis troop, about pline could restijîsn a mîîrîsstr fro n Fi ndig howcver, that we were flîot purs as talking jusî ruow, the Etiropeii pt'rtiô o f thic ib'cs pre- sied, we basîji>'retracadoui'ste'1iý.Therd r tise lad Who was sent, beinr; auidible. ' Nd elle pld anytbey were, -thse ferociouï duelist, '4ite i# 1bas 5csrtd îrom attention to the cojicltsdiiig formula iun ihyenpoe asoSdforuea xnsiltorô . Front lu fron;'their lhora- ?ry. This imust bu whiich tise'executientwas erduriéd'for lcad~vr ucesriuati'-~N Jmusi tell the ge- thse saine evening à t sunset, fdr',every fighting as un'btulls catifligihtIt*seemz- ho inoved bastily 'one ksse% that the lads flate wuss then ed an ýevan match, Nuow une wuld prs tbrongh- which, the hanging intise7bssanee and.entirely at back his oppuinent a fana pa*tes, and R'tý (ieusdy, pmxed, but th.e sxercyof the dark sterninsa, then senit> yoü iwould beat quul*ý sbttp, ohm th;- efficer w-ohe sittirig before therna witb feutures-M if stopsýa1ddbis s'ary wonIdwawaeitpressetd 85, "sltingy- chîigselled frein the dark rock ofbckhrer.ThîsIigw bà ' eg your pardon,-you flhnrtpore as celd paasioùless an -d4irn. W55 lne theadva jas.Frahsl tlb obtaineal thang the.tage. le tus ommndin tIe invabe. ithertWtbey had been pusbing,<4 11 send my aide te As ýthe oeang<f' ise proeeedings o ia aghieo ts rde udi ended, thse Genera1 gallopped forward «y tbay ls uwhe4u n ,4o à d hearted if Ti!eak, and in a lond -Stern Velue' tôld ;the:nmant were iaccing; eac otiser crisssei>g al to carry out this troops tbat hu had deterssined t u hy wero at.rig-ht angles nits the leugt I'l expilai thte occur- thse execntioti proceed as it was abcii- of be otd b-idS,ýwhich ssoekan d cfeak- whicb haul given rise lntey necessary. th-ait'an"exa"ple adl ldrockedaà gaiu wlth tbeir trarnpiii*' emaks soud' e ise n 'rdortoïs opÀf-ad teileriid trfe 'It xs1te o4 tsuken - kiüne!sa hud uphpà ei blff ulitel' tith tiquorepluta '.b'y' as !1~ one 0f ute fact bu ýw-sa nOesta'nding onthlebriuk -tiseatret7jumé tie Sc of etritu:&tnku.sti- 'Geie,'aV tipg coebat. - Mothsu - -1 -hetises unfosuaeubul- 1 ceasd tse risnertroe henstise e it 1 akbe isi gugardd usising forWard, a& irthgë l stfrtp bÀalir;of-General utein 1e Suit-ha sig~4ha. e meast piteois, cries for-meré4j, bu~t, -in shahl never see ai, vainj,ý i - u ; a-dragged' Èeutl 'but, ed bacikwards over a-b fureibly- owaysto the 'Open éd'of thse 1eut Vtfiieýtyhet¾ er4 squireà othbBI -tthe drilsas rellud ss the-« ed &rnCe1 or- twieN ýO bugldq itÙ4 trulpets- -1sotiâed .t 0turà e4ti1fty qbînià , ýtl -iôwun is hibriekgiaoëteaMËu- to~s*h Il - .Ia" Tise'horible scene i-s teôpqlultto îlslweU ] bû tÉ é. -nhappy 1ad*aie e Javn a wblrll ,c6sted, tuutdbetedfhuniy uSaid-au& _hmiwad1kip,' -tý -tbeét wiuhu drtùs *ud Afeo aylnc, a andf wide ietthetiPo9 maeiryt qulku tetko trobp s Wre eus btilk. Sfew uorro*ing eetnrides ire emipley. eks 6t ed (n hw<n~le ~ 4iUfrt Bù '*ws fsughed rdds ~e «w"à pè>Po &,eat.), Tiltre S t-tissu-vIë dowu inthe4aym 1 W'. w-U gilui t à iSe pà 9t bi-stry et rjd iunacyis 6 hsit.w-hose ç-,ph~lt - ba ist aleIiff ,-tie 'vext, btî uteièa i~aged frameok of humniky h en a4t4eproeý .ý Nsarl>r--wenty refraz eforý 'thilnd t Pb*vad seig of Bhurtp&oe,a aycona. dWiliI41 1uIg n118 uguii anrnsug ruie auceusplsi- t6oR a soier ls s 111e aixil>m o h' artilIery, staggui aogin -a state <of stupid intoxicationl turning tô,one,à f the ordet-hies, Ise erdered InU io dis-7 mount and tike tise man as- a pt-houer te the ustal qttatëtr gisit-CI.Tiseet-i derly'-thiruw his reine te tise utlie trooper, uand. a i sue-à I teacquit biliis- self beforu thse generali seized tise man roighIy-byfh-côHlar, wbho-not reish- ing sncb lusudden- attaek, dasiscd is generaL wlsô waa bokinîg oSýi-o sess angir sIsd urilgt h-lie te, "oamble ,aI t on, aDrum head, - Court ïïeurda4", tlry tire ufln, bysbla tlme everpgwixred,.'and' cari-ed oI'h y ti» otherlgtdegi!4 ,on tise twospchii* ge-oft,-a Joelebe% -muid- sts4iag-a- î-uen-coutnmsiQuSd oficer. -r ufrtiu. natey suei s iUe positi-onof tise gui- n a o-elyu ;- Ilel, tot try Gus- ss au4 uutiy,1but ner Frank HerMbrt4- charge fd4aukepqý dou tiseiOPpe4ra Ùce tc det - - -fé-W rut ,lu ,a ,prOccedIu~ 5mfl~ s1 W nk -WHlITBY, Cà W., TlRDAYoj BE 581' 1. IN- -i 2'- if 1 1