Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1858, p. 3

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istîi se-h lui-t suumea 12g lit' e- tli' a limiL gan onu'two en- Ml thret a a'rere. Iuuil- h ltae euti t tu lcliug o;tl(e d -r àlad i Mair- (1 2 fo)r i>< in i aind,. l tho Ln a lin aten. T" c -Mu-. tii-tii- ~ack, de- tha~nare aue t~O L.B,, &ho7 A 1isfathor'a, CImu nTe. PCA O IE ~ N A VE field, I or., ft iee9of MontreÈal ----------n~,Mr lW Ba, T FTEtAT~Oiau-'bl1fohW 1LC SIOL New Yarkncwspapes. brothr of &tr Thomas eau of ttia împrtarnt it la for your ehikiren tluatyou aliouldAt a pnds oli kaiI ep oo lealth. I188 C. q10ntVy d, bu.mae ngîsa c. î.oin Town. ofth, reaie le painta dreutaed ini mourniqge0n1acoont £M Ge,,.'s 1101, I1ItOIY 0C0« il' MiS Arrivn 0f tk~ J'cria. - _____________________________ f the eath of their beloved ehi iý' What~. arrl I diiOi1 ,ts plyItiwhen, by proper cars andi reunedieeleaca ?~iIaoah ni,)ai~m - NewV'York, Ot.20. SPECIAL NOTIOE î. su thee trialis And trouhuamS on b. 5voded.- broiâery,! ri d raney Needewowk, - ýThe Royal' Mail Steamship "Persia,-- - icn hoaltb can ho itstore te tathe]>ret and t0-re&o m lateraIef 41 raLlvernc>olat 4 , e1h a f thelGthDr. Wisuar'm Em t fWI.I4 Cbrry. 111hAnd happiness ta thie ahlld. r=sthe ti O , - healfh of the mother andi yon obviate the, nor- And tO "Ve601 thesalinepq'rt on the' The oditar of the I 1U9o( og4 Tnim,," - rity of Paragaric, Uadfre)-'o Cordial andi other S luth, arrived Ibis tnornlng. o D. ita< lit cmiaiied Inlthe, hoarts, of truat yon, ais re desirai to impaethe condàition TheIl "Vanderb!iV' a rvedaout of the lx thoutada iro havxaeperienctd catire cure at ourrace , t1>proctire Dr. M10,11'sAlmanne andiB oi. un. fthe121, trm CugL, CiideOmmsa.poa ad ~ renidlitoirdisèaises arc caret in aeordaince with m. f te 2th etu ouh#,Odby tns. of bisandpam- f lws wi ith innocent Rootsa and Plant. l Propetu P IPiee*teierally ytetlofhq asm-nift4l Prsetshad, been issued for the el cv,5ned flot féa Mgveli.prpr-~ - Diirisig-tIîilli nal priod formation of a Coxnpany for th Glaydon ai carefti triai, asit wcapcak troin lxene Morse'., inditin Root ruîls *J1: be rcquired, ha- (.awyMore thon ton ycor.4 ince the aditar of this Pa- cause theîcy demie the bhotu'f1l"m those muonid A lino wih acapial f 50,00, j1 £0 pr teateil ia excIlleuice hy individueal trial anaumea. andthouirùnglly drive avirmait pain ifs, shares. baptl f8((,0-00 n 1 is fail, with the muntet aislîg reaulteas andi gi ve anati coînfoýrita tii. euoheu..jramý ascraorefrs.îh tiîr di're"ne to three of those VFuis, taken two or three î îg !aietenantIlïgunonaa aareoldr I ý fCo piltic » r donel ftitres5 ai week dtriiig 1rttgflIIfcy, wli estiethe1 tRe tant i egaph, laushaplder ~I .rsorC UPIO A'D OIG motier a Btanîîd easydelivery. andwill be U LiIE S RCEi th, Atantc Tlegaph ha aplid i th cocilculEDI--ure in uive ostout uilheadlhy constitution ta Guldal Pîi ig from a hiýhly' Cecal gn hicchld. Gutthal uhceCourt for a soimmons 'ifoowl O r.oretindian liant 'illat ara salti by ail agninst the Catunpny for ils faidîre ta reg- REY U . j'., ln 21, 188. deoars lit Mcdieiiii.AT-fW ATOAYA»-MJI lister its.list af shareholdars but it wüs flot S,.IV. POWLH & Ca.-(entemen,-Tliis__________ __________AND_"MUSI tifflituai ais fur raî ir Nlcedwt EW' .D VETIS N'TS. Y N E OIO TRSTORE near the Pest Office. i.1 grute.dltese tof thie 1hitîgs . utiil bectine su weak that T n, EUbIE F.YULE, Jr., heZt i tf lt The race for ltae Czarewitch Ihandicap1 hjif smithu diflietry 1 cotiltiwalk. ,M11Xcau4rh G Critompur- i utdeChicifîtîi t iftt ha baisi-e- wat won by Racket, by -a bead. The Am.n1 ditritig thil tfne wa» vcr),u'cuarc, dasnig ue MNY, ajcitseiect Stock of cu*aân marc Priorttsi and the Brenmer, run- îcaued wîîu 'prL.uuae iglu cicaus NI >Y TO INVFSTO OIGC BOKSRT ning a dend, hoat for second plac e. fersiiîug vanous renic;ietitanaorrpose'11scuîy Imasjnvified ta iry Dr. Ji'ut4tr&î B.ldarnfA pply ta -.oaJ.W'ooscp tact tlit tPrioress had fur a second tim ,lIiV hotierm 1did soind hef.ire luugil;z heChuNi'th , , ',1,541] ç; X ux% X rua a dend lient for tItis race, ltougli Ibis st otl *waq itiîeîh reetoredte t perfect and Note Papers, tiine <or second place, iras the. moat te- 1 moua1dho me~ntio'n thait thix islasoa ciurcdi W A. N T E D .-Eielp, inarkable Incident connectedth thei a lit tile girl af uuuiîîvf lîricure ouiack itfllitîtîî jiîîg (%,i -i, %aimitierlr abe ve r )ii1 If NhE.i I t'e î75 Cords of Stone, 100,000 White Brick MF'Y encfls, CA t t h e e l h.p-m e e tin grî o fu d ith eth r r ruîc ii-. fiî lc2 0 0 ,0 0 0 I e d B r ic k . LA i b p c r go n n d eb ld tte e ni t. r h e r P e n a § At It rguaraacirguilu Tonasers ~ iiîl)JOI(Al HOFF. jAc,îithermi îîcitîi, uîîtt. ,r tntt mg at Urunnglam, a rttly imprave t lne jmiiii iîtl,cs igued ' I BUTIS" o0 TE isit t 'ota' rtI.Idciii ci-y mit a i le tti eîi otî'ti Ctrit anti~~~~~~~~~~~ prcsm i>f-ul'mi andEulT'c'ir'l i L'il' ilu" W L ~& o., 1la <tîltt'tf (1, If hîig S.. 1inithe banals of i-Solicitoîr fr Col u'iîn. Se gô zokgs, tn rcswr lnoymitiew itn i. r ai t 4l'y %Vu. Il. DtcI, JIlithy',anI NELSONCi. 1i.EYN(>LTJS. 1HPRY the principaltnianufiuoîurers wiri-reluclant *1il:îrc t>liaia.Iiîtr(t'tri'.lwi 1 Win t a. -ta enter mb contracts for dclivcry At dis- " fLI.-.. -___ daa.TuttGE EG UT.& S11t r-i R<uFu,y.-Çir Juin.,, 01rSES .% TO 1,Fs tantL t Varte<ilhttc cîik 'U Ptuttd IMPORTIANT NOTICE. . oy3os The offcerà and ci-cm of thie ijllfated )nr attr 'ttt 'tîidro ijrsrplt EEtBCC at 2d each;1 h*i', <r J. < IL Il, 1.J., 1'le,iin 'FErtr.u.r- HEAf ~ 1 J'~-t " ~~",~<--'~ Blgnk Deeds Il Austria" hati published a latter clairning f CHEb APt.< L' r IGHi - fi ir<,ttl'" 1.it M-tr< ]itt.tIIe that thcy diii AilU lit a possible for th rn "ii-.'nviditlýi.-uisiliciîte I. iutfîiiing in the -are situti t ti, iýe n,-,! (tt. i-tcf thea d M m o il ctirti if alliel tat ttîsllîl tuti daturî ii,-a'-ett' %'itii AT <CFitG ' UL1ESSTO RE AND T1t'iW ui ta do unier lte circtîuistanccs, anltikotluc i i ilte feuimie itîtîtttt i tjîet. If i sec te e-il,1t'd. NlE1 "L ' "of al sorts Caplain diiilte mairie. I îîli atet iil j \r" t-e'tt remtîtvis ail îttlruie- Im-I i, ot, t ij. -, 1 ~'RNC îtta.rtda ~ît~icutre riiaiilie,t' î'cil on<- COAL OIL & LUNAR 011, LAMPS.T: ___ --Carde, '1' M:trle'l ' 1t,î-a lu ttt'tiarl t ciittti It ;1T ,fT A tneditation of friendi>' power has bean utilliii il i r i ? iti, riiig titi the ntorihy Eilit tifftî"iîtt îlî -v 'u lci g lu i lgti Ink Stands accepted by France adP rigt n t rEeIittî l t ,Ii reii)ttr' (fl0.1 ' r I-, xçrwtrTi ýilli'R '11W' ELI.is, by nd >oruga, u th ic i tll ý i.. r ic u itttD ii, a-'t,(n v I it'i oI etrttîtî aruiu dispute bctuetn Ihein. Ih mas suggested vrnmcii~tt>t 3mîrtuut a art îtý~Wîî~ t< - oes'Poe tRialthue 1ortugueue Gou-rnrxent siotîlîl ltiid 1c l'vîî ut îî Afritîi îî~ t-(itlt'i hîertqatiis, OCChe RE. pERRtY. from 25e. :eaeb onderthie Charles <Georges ho be givti uu i, l'Il, itt tthel«Bat ite i hand tîthîs, iltiz i i] Ilhit s , iil'tt-. t.ti n io ,It a i itîtte illt us blitai t rs Poki oun condlition thuat the Frenchi ships of ut-ar ix"truî',t tlttuiîtt lChnîi aert,.- <tiC ?, itl, ittsiitii i ttiti prIIi.iilO AL.and Pen Knives al l i tt,1iltu, iti-t- 'ili ciii et-at 1% Cti' wli,'n i ii~ ~itth î.(tn~ , shotuli prev-'ouusly -utithiria- frian theT la- til'tiitttr it'.îti' ILtua iiil, a-1 aitlttîtLI ii Ir uFid i d Oti il 11 tuiti ittiridt]t ittItue Coal ' R it.>Wo'îifli -ITîl Clessenn fromx guis andi ratura ta Fratnce, sa as flot ta iw'.r'tlr li-, luiiti a'ttttiiirttt, tlttitttu, i. A rîcu iC o t tLiri ias t 0<) u LîIlila tnt tthit i ut tu ti- ii a itittilti ~ii'tliiitz. luirtttil tothe ctjtittit- 1IOI INN AN» ACCORI)EONS It IAppliI lu oe0110-à et mokeil airpeai' thtat lte surrentler wtas niri. I 'IR. 1>ERtRY. tn1deuxaerdu ,reace ofihîicir guns.'lTe i i tu uAîei u ti" î tisi~tuiI'îitnda' heUtîel III-11% I'îi-uiiiid tl- t'ttiid tttisuphtvü!? 1.Iii.t decree perrnhittitgthue itîîpoi-taîioui of for- i I(l' iîi~-NTI~E- Microscopes, aig> ut- iutoFrtuiewasabut a e ie (Ltt luC.B<t~h'~'it<t ti Accordeons Tuneu asnd Reputireti. ac B *'ýnc'ued %with certain uudititions tt utN. stii"iÀt,îî ttit'imiti t'ttî' ciii" hoJXiîg î'înÎîof* Spectacl L E.(NS1N1 *B1'DTaic<il(I aie&Gaaio 'J'le uc ke de Maîtukohi mraq m-rrieil tela C e il, li'ýI 1îtaI ret%î-' iti:tti. Fr iit ii at a Jiit " a , y. iîtit tîr -liXettg t IiilcsIt. Choquera Matia me Parulega, i Ilue Imperial Chapel. t, i'-a.- W;iy1tc.': st. oit-ltItu' iii. titiheues 1 ,r «&in by W li ii iiG. A. iitini,.te,. ButJi-IIE] Fxctr ~ eurorc at St. Cloud,> on lte 2th. ,î tce1W1l.ht ii'e urî IOA S 31 YERis, ,iCtilIekrg.Ceurbadc The rnonthuîv siatemient of tie Batik aof - j r' uFA!u'ib' II Ttîh î&îrrnc 9L (:tilt 1 l<'A clre'icc lot of VIOI.JN.% and ACCOR. Fronce stiuwa-rudecrease in btiionttf £1,- XC'tînr cs 'i'I lZhX's t in, i r d'-. ' PI.it i ' Iii hiker'- - uti rm f 000.To discoutnts had inecoed î41iMi.EYSW -.tui "it id' ii l ' F.JEMtI OK,~'OI 77 aO.tt'u'tuici.ititn trs l".I B -Iuk l i hSTRINGS, &c. £l,3~~QO0Oî 't-i tît.b 'î't'sîIiiî.trxs AVI Os'Sj' "' t'ît' tîtii.titi irittî theai A lotofpicked SterecoeS foeu'ûtC. Thlactt acflhs llars sv, that 1! i .iptidîiîWriuSdn iîi i..Tait 1'iii.ii.a tir- it fîiij\j r cir-poduntd a grüat varicty of View at 12 tion of' iîl lf]Cuulty î' 1th PortugaL. >1 '1" M il.E'h'X"s iedtaî'ei.%, atî'i;V, - t.h ", lieP itI.' litily luIt tha.- AI' hi hatM unt reat huurgiit. 0Vegetrittta ("'I.tri1 d tti liri-i' lpitutit-înî, . - oNt.- N & Co. rtr- Y roit i îit li otetil-lita.I A-o nqnanitvofChihlreus" Shoeawhieh TVIKE. Wth!t 0. 27,Ft'N1*i'41 Afurr. ' ii(iutatnfflî hiand utiworknianshipcSa-1 Ti~c Turks In Candia hut lagnin modie 1 ttuI tiitt i i-'aCiiEFe'cr'. NATHIAN MTLI,E, '.lotlie eceeled la Caida. 1 IltIL MILETY'S i teaov r fnt'fr wtycoaiedu sud> a diaty, luat il mas icearedthe 1niasL- V'a'iti ',n1itt ir-('hti 'aMtritaa I MPORTANT h/.ty 'AiCtaboercf-t t -~~~ A1igil it 1 1ttt w'! littoung it-ethea4yu 4 y' pny i rëd-oawa n tin 'sacre af the Cbi'>ins mas intandet. Great Fr ujîat ie ilce IIKtttîitcatFai, A T1 .x" I E '-- -_____ -- miitushdtvet forn ar b Toi'ruuîto. P-j'ti50cents tad $1 lter tbouilte. ~I 4 - t 5I Zttt- ~I tihtci2,i~,' ~ cxcitemerut prevaulati. Torontto, Eta CE 1_a.l .1L UJ.I JÀ ;;,1J = ~ ~ " i- ta~~~~~ haaetl leltau.u-a*llevs aical Pain Futractor. (>1 IN>'.Itn at i'ti-a-uinllIutiiitn mtore or leat Ispte- 'J??II1ilP 'PV T = c i _ 'lIe10lbyfli fte'1 is p.h d 'i-r t ac t aEt itfimiedît'îî"î urt, a t CLL IIi 1 l . ~1ie loubi> uailaiChai241ututu1t tt tii' îtiii*t.'tut î";hur1rztait i iltiti' 1ousehold Furniture, &c. luie wm III t liti iutttit'it i t tie tutdtri akc a Tla di.i;ait-nail rouips ah Moohtau ntil-itei- I aitt' Iuî ort-hraiiictruct"<t as5S î n .d aon the 21t A.ugtîst, ind tli.ii ilitu't is t tî îi tiot titi-i'titlttii ic' uti'li cfC total externinationt lias bt-en the const irt eta 'ii.alîii ueiipi.t-tt iliis, 1) i - il a , i irut tut, f hu es l, 11isîut, cliii-' T u giierbl meuîc. ai , p*,Iî.' ritti c" i-t_____________z_ %lefetad Nw'tt t -ogt'aq.uithjJ en thue 5 th i~.t.~t. ~~A'Iib ni iCt i emisai-u~sai NnaSut ave . te rn in~e ilin uu4pp-ar relul us it eo fronday, NoVember 9Ui, 1858, captured t a uttior, endvouring ta ca -livit 'tttt ii'tiit li t i-reitetiuu't .ita imiti . tuo;t~< ~ a aceiihRelby county,hIlinois. hItseauns tlt) liaîîîciiii ave bata teaide to the lIait- once un fouir auaiinatiahmnte withýiateno.t, IAt that a deadi> feundi 'or some lime existad Wefîu .1.tîti'oriolhtlî tarir De Sdu e a te th Mortiue l na u r$0 For Sale ah George Yules Book Stcjrô. 0'AKENOIu TR botircan hro paries, nmeigsaveral t'a riDt . to h dý M'zniBle ro uites a Foreuh, oer pr aopeut 12 oui sa udr iQt -_________________ persns it tiit ccîttntie, aîd Ctie ill affetta ai noiet%, tarthont intere.t if pald wheu due, if aoC G At ý.ý1 .ý. . $ià,n m aleâol m atiiblog y«rtliutelid, the lIair iu'lgur-ated for 8 pet- ceai. ilhl in chiargeti. NE NOTION MPRE Liub;-.tItis Spienaid Duvi.Fer the Pianu$It anti 6 mantits wlCh approvetidESI' AJ]T I AHO o lng ta nc aside, ahèt anti badly wounded M a, ra Id ai-upploît (in 9I piivota ceaune) ai endorseti notes tjieAr inter-ast. one MrshalElam Mongng t the ppo-thh Iit Fatory, 233 Broadaway, Newr York.J.. 7ELN- SLI GZTEOFSH Nfo oite ai-sh ah unelgin etrieo o- 801(4 in ol citiuîtiandtoi us oftile United Sitates 'L' (JtSALIt sie ar>' Mtt mi astnedanicon Ratid ('nattai, b4Drnggisasanti Faey ootisA.utctioner. LOtA victcd anti imaedie tely Aler tRie triai, one Denoeti. Whutby, Octoher 26, 1,S58. 41 AKENOI~ TR of~ ~ ~ l tRi itaesnmtBctriaAlen, TIie Genut-lue tuttitherante anti attreas upan ~FROT ofte i essn e ejai I a eceLpatc'etigraving on four- side8 af eueh BmA-ar-M-tAZINE FO arud e aoanom t Lamn gaIin a figh ti, aTAAXESIELO, TAIX Ei.S aA ta Breidirti Newr Yark. TA ES during whic'hutRie tou'shot and beat*tRe WG-IS ISTae olcoÏVtoesm itet ANKEE NOTIO'X STOR1fl farmner, but not(atOll>. He1thorin ~Bkbor's Wigèlancd 2'oupm ssuitposa ail.- té Rabepayers. iIEA»SEANVLB I awa&Y, but mas followad by A. J. Hartfielti, The>t arae legant, light, easy anti durable,.i 'kt. olAN e, A NOVRieW in epu>' heifi wb fret a ba an kii- Fttting tu a charca-no ti"lra up bind-uo AY yanr tairasbeloraelite 121h of Novembe 8YNE OTO TR whoflrd asho an ' ili thriakluîg off te iti;indee.t ttis iâthé. oui>'1?Thae lu art-carfor Tatxe. attet- that date, ed Eanu n lia aat. l sains Iar tt-Estahtuiareut iherai te Ciese Clinga arm r- aud betar look ont for the, Auctioccar'.hani- fildý *perlv uudenstooanad nuode. 238 Broadway NY. mer. fll As oneofaithea Party t hetRiefeud a-' Â'jFor Sale byG.A. Bauiaier, tutidW.H. I mili bc fotuud an evry ismmni day .franui 110T gaiusitEllanut, antihas taon arresitid. Do-DalWhtyond Lyman Bt-o.. C, a. m. ta 2 p; nu.,!ut taoe rs erJi.alç' "e5A ' ~.L5A ring tie exciteniant ana or till aIRer mon TOb*î. 2-17 store, aftar titat, hour,*thffoaa m itautt te -A» II>A were har4 hough net erioust'oie mil i heatmo a nse, Haauirs maehut tog ntseius>.The, ax- Important ta Females. Cornem BBT5GFORGE IITBA ~D AI-TNSA cîtenan hiIRericnîlyla I lte igieat Da. Cauuua&ÈAN', P<L,-Propat-ad 1y Carne- ps l--01) - 4cR. "lins L Clueeaeinan, M.'A)., New' York ety ty <>ctu>erg,2 Ã"i APPLES & A argea uo1aj. Pf, RR ' ASSYpMaRez7 t u ay. ni -LOEEThieeouubinattraof ingreilenta in tiieruaPifla le h>', 41on andan fr 9littu1iar to &te a A1orxLtr-a."Och, PatitiylIif I sae tereanli of a loug and extensive praictae. 'TeSaesf-n iniaat o wore y.'re daddy, rdi klt>',eavit kiséea TrnveaWl un lieu-rapet-acans aaiaj erttiand1v West.' cretnair reguloritues, Painfai Mentrt- ou>frey; if I moi-pyer lui-aIer, and i 1k.- ons, reunoviog al obst-uctiiLn, whuatluartrai.m DSNLBET DER GuSt ; mia. yar moIRer, I'd sce tRal yen ment ta cold L W.am. iiWeV te te heodocho, pnumn lu the86 a185d Totateofye b-aiI udaPt!fetOfia the heart, ihiie#, ah er-voua tmonuweofttire wjTown. bedairly. l tateeief, fatigue,,pain inaifà,thansr ____________________inthe__________ri_ utarfo inata deatb, anti lao ff-un>' uoopa md olimh ettdseamai rs altegather; te jees.st -hae a tat.of ya>er au a Ce-r ttr o êntuesmul isae2 on ue aist rd l î t îtbe meaneait Of lnvalnatb ààasthey in brin; ou heunoulII 011 ~~priod wtRreglait>'. Ladies ti-luehava beau 'We#her. Dear Paddy, lue minéet w me e a 'ppointati in lte use of oChrPl aPaet efrn ro eýv àhwate valuntine-ye7lI tlnd me bthg he litumuestconfidence in Dr. Chetenm&%aPfll da'ug ailuh'teprestent to de. adcvul; our iieu .we spuea teo n:iutgant Warmtated para]-ely esl.at re. freini orwm.T) nA,0 1 V- apnd cato ina>'go dance mith theb.divil.1' DYinJuriOus. llihlit diretos ll -ahould te icatiî eecomptuyoeac tox. Pria0,$ 410T Um Sont b nilafl oneue osin -$ td . fâ*g. 'WaITB MARKETS. lx xL, 4AI8, Pont 015e., NewmYork Uty, «:oé>d aW atlmed" iAgnt. Wediuesday Oct. je 185S. ~~IccoesGurhAetfrtiCs ~ 4 G.#4.rbeltl. Taktam~omgenWtlss, i-orthunitthab ve a ià%& '0ri 4 qil. par @basbd. t ba 41r* e 'tdttsadC Novr .w.ua.....................0 - iesSt) e grbt Wui 4 6 C5&Odpa uho Yr,,towhm u ijlee rdrao<tuj 117b-' t HAVE GOODS F 1OR EYERYBOPY At Greatly Redluoed Prices! And of lthe ver>' Lahest Styles, purihase(t b>'t usa'eslli.otMnka- ThirStockof 1 Supe-b.- Caps, Mai-dues, Ftu's, Ritton. anid Famars, in gi-at variai>'; flankats, 'lannels, Beavar, Wihitneys. Docaàkins andi Twedts ai ail descriptions; Mata, Caps, Gauutiet, anti a supuriu- stock of BUTFýFA.MO ROBES FRODI M TO Q é7 EAÉH Their Stock cf (rocories Crockery' & Liquors *19 aise Large. :W-'OVITERS RECEIVED 1) Pt 0-MTUE 'fJl3A.BIIARPWEEMKLýY. - Iletailers and Famfiiýe Supplled at LoW Rates, <'ail nti examiineI. & VPs. stock balai-e pnrcitasing clseavitre. Tiucy bate Gooda ho' tuit anti for pi-ice nane can compte ii Chteun. lIt-adi Street, IV'al îlu le S .1 OFt FAINCY ANOD STAIPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WINES & SFIRITS, NOW OPEN. 'i I t- ', T àIli's Blch-, Jifsu' 7?eceiîe, a large ai welZ a-usorted Sltock oaf Crockers, embrae- ing srmefine specfnM-*7là tif Cunc a4nd -Dinnmr &rvýÇt. r'<~~J~-in i*n parted t/te rame direct (rom the Potter je-tuinu&atlatnd. toe are pc-epa-( s-ed to offer it at greadly re&dcie JIAMLTON&ROBEIRTk Noo. 1 & ,TIU's Buildings,ý chc t:' i -b Pl Q4 COLIJMNO fliWXRÂD1LÉ tkvZsTMBNT- $600, $500,$400, $m0,i20 TOWN 1q'SAN) pA limeT Lots for Business Pulpasau LOTS FOR PRITATU RBWWoICÉ 'lrewu 4f Whitby*i; ouànt' if Oaitaud EAST or BICOCI STimiET L OTS eo. 14 and 38. East af Broek Street anti Sdath af *1oIlarti's Hla a valttable pruper>' cxteîlduîlg frdrn BCs- ta Pert Lots No. 177 anti îlOt Eust side of-Bocle ing puapru> trt princ-ipa sireetin thé Tow Lots 20" anti 20<, a corner hiècir ou Maple unit Per>' Streeta. .Lotsi 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77 anti 78;IlTi..- El 1t lit, are in one Black, 1Iunde4 il>'Pt#., an i e C h it r t a nti A sb l tre t : . . . . Lot 37, 'WiiatoaiPar->'Street, anid àhcli>'op. paiLa theSteauit Fibur biii.' LaC 04 63 6 (f, S~ 8,$4, and 851, Eutî a Pci-'y tret, uJ djýo1iugetha Ilteanu Mîilpro P-t1 N.7 ,i uit ofPeM yStW iT Xe aLot 4"it «à w^efectia otn Imis rpraved; WrEST (OP BROC£ STREE-iT; tt'<i r¶ru e8't and 1 il P bonnde lq i'Cen trN anmi t Streets. ThealUtaare aleligltt'lly stunaicît, anti havina- sst-cet On- tre sndei, a- eallaida pted ta bilfding pur- Lcta 124 andi 125, dat-ne -K lunt a mdiu Lot No 15Ens iLtO et Street, snd bot à faietii 1-04i-i'h àof Du ud4l: Stmet Thte fai-egoiug cîteice Lots mare Felocteti front a tairgu rnnhe-, wltutné vieu'oaf iildiugtheut ae art ji.actuiat. Irai tire no-w offcet- ifo- baig W * tilwy mhtd ap a' large traD!%StiOn-ý lai 1 - Prit. .............27. 64 es .. . . .. . . RUCIttD ESIt-l ;? Lat 210,-....Price .............$6 232,... . le . . .. . . . l u 270, -... ........ 2 Lot 298-...l'rce--------.....1.200 -eat <.....a..' Lot FI0,........---' Pr:0 La rO ib............ ..200 ...... ..200 367,-...... ............. 260 3791. .. . . 64 . .. . . .. . . Lais 31),3MC, 1.51. .ti3.3M and S",ciûiii nearly Qna Acre utrd fi hâ' iilf esa ceap- in une block. TERMS: One-llftt payable atixu Pecember, sud Lthô balanca exteutieti ver a Cetrniaf front ive ta ton, yea-. 1k--sans mho iali et-cet h'iidings tha-eci year; thé finit payrîeni whi not b..auna duo tilt May, 159. J ter planaatnti paricual'IL ,Y ta tVluitby, March 9th, 18"8. - Prepetty on Break Street-Foer Sale et ta Leose. T 0WN LOT No. 0,asidaeaif gr"kSt6eïi~ e benguthé l-t vacant lut nart Of the legisit Ci>y <'tm»c, 49 feet frmaund uti193 «tdeep ta -,d Lai 'lo. 6 formerly occopieti b>' Afls's Uvr Sttables, i'liock atrea , bunie 1si20 as -N. 3. FaTf Buusinas, Stands'Ctosee Lots are equel ta sy lut' Tu>wn, and ilticaadlan mou- t emioiabd latîrm o pua-lied wsu-la inci-ct good, Stane ut Bt-iek ]inilaa ou itheri. - :To Lea*e& Oxx lHeseta= aFRETrFrantauge an B*aak St-att du-eCI' ppoait uBrynaum lail" i' lime die,Iroriipresf ifefeoq Wbitl<"Yl SM'iti ui,418. . TËO SETTLEnS-TO LEÂSNs ýRtinof Satan or Nhie YmI Sn x2 Lots ai Landi af ONE HUNDREX) ACRES ZAOH - JAMES t r- 'a' e a 1h t' t~t~ J- "a 4 l',

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